E'.i'jl' tfcpTi jpSSS?!?"' "Vt'S) s'l. '&. -i V v ' 'ih ' jw V .,.. . "V SB3J1 v. l& M & V 1 ' 20 5'a . THE Letters to the Editor v" To Give Unemployed Work Hf tVi fk Rrfiinr f fhn Rvrnina Public Ledger: V i Sir I believe that a great number of the A A,Bmiloytd ciin be i rti',S'tln the present i W' 'Jtitrtcn States If a p gien worn wiuiuui n- number of positions, in person Is round in inn s . f. eompsny of a msn who has commuieu i '"tnurder, they put both to death for th , crime. So all those who are connected with, r encourage, or causo greed aro all guilty the act. All emnlojers and managers who art keeping In their employment mar tied women who have husbands working arc accessories to tho crime of Breed, lcs. and! maybe greater crimes. And the mar fled women who are employed and have husbands working are guilty of tho crime. Now, the United States should pass a law forbidding married women with husbands vnrklnr n hold positions. Somo Will ' their husbands do not support them, The authorities should compel them to Jo It. All positions that could be tilled .h...H mn ha 1inlfll llV WOniCn by nun and no woman should hold a position of authority except It may bo over a rcw gins. A. married woman should not bo In any vktnd of business of her own other than 'that of her husband's, and It they have a business the husband should not hold another ' position. And. boys should not hold a position that pays a man's salary. Employers and married women holding 'oslUon that should be occupied by men. will you all stop long enough and consider what youar dolngi the misery and crime iron are causing, and what ou will have to answer for when you face the Almighty. It every married woman holding a position Would resign, I twllave that three-fourths t the unemplojed would get work. Women, can you see a picture of a man hlnr In his casket, a suicide, with a poor .Wife and children In destitute circumstances. 'weeping over his dead form? He could rot get work, and he committed lulclde rather than see hli dear ones suffer be cause women refused to give up the posi tion that belonged to him with which to support his family. Reader, If you have a position and nave is sufficient Income, take a vacation for a while and give the other fellow a chance. A. country Is founded on the name. The man is tho head of the home, whether he Is married and supporting a family or whether he Is slnglo and supporting bis rar cnts. What have employers and mirrled women to answer for who will deliberately break up a home through non-employment? A. T. II. Ftox Chase. Pa.. August 20. 1021. How Can Civilian Know? fo the i?dltor,o the Evening Public Ldger: Sir A soldier comrade answered fully a letter that appeared a few days ago In the Ft rum condemning the cx-srice man for "demanding" compensation, but 1 "'ould like to say still a little more for the benefit of that large class of people who through Ignorance of the true motl of the ex-serlco man are unsympathetic, and more especial y that class who thinks thu ex soldier so narrow-minded as to consider the "bonus his lust compensation! , What do they know of sleeping for weeks In the same mudhole. a few stolen boards to cover water pools' What do they know .of such an existence with groups of white, sallow-faced men, victims of shell shock. dysentery and Improper nutrition? Wiat do they know of American boys, of the best type, falling bleeding and dead at their rtT .. ,v. The bonus Is not our compensation. e ) demand nothing, not eien nk for anything. Rather, we simply stated our plight, and have been disappointed In tho response of a public that once was our "eternal" friend. Our true compensation we garner from moments uw the one that brought our first inspiration to do our bit In old '17 when we remember that our sufferings have won us a place among those men who stained the snow of Valley Forgo In '7(1. We know, too, better than your correspondent, how "AlnW a thing life lo here. AN EX-SOLDIER. Philadelphia. August 27. 1021. 1 The Hypocritical Men To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir I see quite often in your Peop'e's Forum, which I read religiously, that some roung men ask: "Where are the nice, modest girls?" He Implies he has looked everywhere. Well. It may be that he really wants to know, so I'll tell him. iTbey're at home almost all the time. ' Take, for Instance, there's Florls. Florls Is a nice girl. She Is the new kind of nice girl, who weam short skirts and knows how teVput on Just a touch of rouge so lou would never suspect It. Florls has a maiden aunt This aunt has an admirer. Aunt put "on a nlco modest dress and waited ot ,-(n evening for him to go past her porch He did. He went right past On the corner he walked oft with that girl that mother wouldn't let her (the modest one) go with. Later aunt undrtood him bet ter. But It was so much later that It was too late. Florls, too, has admirers And she under stands them now When Florls expects one 'of them she puts on that cobwebby thing that father made such a fuss about. She Improves on nature a little, and Is ready. . JSot that Florls wants to take an unjust advantage of him. but she knows. She knows that after a stimulating diet of tabasco movies, chill-sauce magazines and Mack Sennett sirens he has lost his taste tr.r I'read and butter. Mother knows, too that Is, the clever tncther does. Mother thinks she 1U say something to Florls. She rehearses It: "Really, Florls, I don't want to seem eld fashioned, but your new skirt " Just then the ihone rings. It's a mrst desirable young man, the one who has the big car. He wants Florlato go some where with htm. Florls has to ut hlrr off for week after next Mother decides to ay nothing. Tou can't blame mother, and you can't blame Florls, Bu: why are the men such hypocrites? II. W. L. Philadelphia, August 20, 1021. Personal Liberty Is Myth To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Some people are greatly excited over some laws that, it is alleged, were enacted and enforced In the New Kngland colonies two or three hundred yean ago. Whenever an attempt Is made to enforce some modern law Intended to make our so-called civiliza tion a little cleaner and a little better, these people throw themselves Into a fit and trot out these skeletons of bygone days. Judging from the amount of noise they make this class of Individuals are the only citizens who are Interested In preserv ing the liberties of the people of this gen eration. Instead of that being the caso they re the tyrants, and their kind has ever and always stained the pages of history with oppression and the trail of blood. The personal liberty advocate Is extremely elfish. He wants license to do as be pleases regardless of the rights of others. He forgets or Ignores the tact that personal liberty ends where civil liberty begins. Civil liberty 1 the guardian of personal liberty. The Republic stands for civil liberty and In that Is Its glory. Civil liberty holds every - citizen equal before the law and grants to . each one personal liberty to the point Where It doe not Interfere with the common i good. Let u have more concern for perpetuating i the civil liberty which has been established la our land and less prating about the SeraoMl liberty which Is guaranteed to very cltfzen to the full measure to which tie la entitled. Under our form of govern ment the majority decides what la for the common good. Let the majority rule, keep ing In mind that personal liberty ends whsre civil liberty begin. We stand for civil liberty and abide the results. E. L. AHHURST. miadelpbla, August 29. 1921. Wants National Day of Prayer 5,V tfo tA Editor o the Evening .Public Ledger: & . a. T 1...... l..4 -...I ...a . OH iibto n, wuu irau ui many Mesa, aohemes and plans expounded for the purpose or getting a tottering civilization back to normalcy. Civilization Is passing through tho seething waters of economic. political ana social upheavals, ureat stales rr.en convene, expound theories with pro found deliberation, and still there Is no sign of peace for a weary world racked with ' cataclysmic disturbances. Economists write lengthy theses still no results, I have been wondering, wondering whether there Is no ' exuDe great force, greater than the minds of mere man, to grasp. We advano economlo and political the rUa, but eeem to forget altogether that nan lives not according to his own rules and earthly laws, but according to the dlotatee of a great Master, the Ruler of the Universe Ood, TM have been thinking too much late tm ttrmi of materialism reparations, 'twatlea. Jtrlkt. lockouts, bolshevism, so JaHsra and other "Israi," and put away (sTent M the mean of real, eternal peace :!. X V not wish, to preach a Ungthy 'mi T aaa'Mt a preacher lost an risMPHea roath and my sum. sjisy fclsfrlyht fcjr nmt materialists pool wuisay. erltual . PEOPLE'S FORUM Lotters to tho Editor should uo as brief, and to the point its possible, uvold.iiK nnythlng that would open a denominational or sectarian ills elusion. No attention will be paid to nncyu" moua letters. Names nnd addresses must be signed as an evidence or good faith, although names will not bo pdntcd If request Is made that they bo omitted. Tho publication of a letter Is not to be taken as nn Indorsement of Its views by this paper Communications will not bo re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript bo saved tlonal day for prayej and communion with K od, and let avery man. woman and cniid this country, of all denomination, de vote tho day to prayer, that God In ms Infinite wisdom and Justice and loo may alleviate the sufferirg that now afillcts our sorely tried world. I earnestly and sin cerely believe that this would ba moro con duclio to real progress and peace than a dozen International treaties. HKNJAMIN II. OMINSKY. Philadelphia. August 20. 1021. Information Regarding England To the Editor a! the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Tho letter of "U J. O." In this eve ning's Issue concerning Information desired on Kngland. if "L. J. CI." will write to mo I shall bo delighted to give him any Information as to customs, literature, In fact, anything that will tend to mako him feol less strange In that country. Also information concerning any town or city. Uoth my wlfo and I will consider It n pleasure If he will get Into communication at this address. OF.OHUE IIER11EKT. 7 South Fifty-third street. West Philadelphia, August 20, 1921. Questions Anstvercd Maine's Four Governors To the Editor of the Evening Public I.edoer: Sir What year was it that Maine had four governors? E- L. S. Philadelphia. August 20. 1021. Tho year 1843. Coiernor Falrchlld was elected to serve that year, but resigned. He was succeeded by Oolernor Kaienagh. President of thi- Senate, but he also re signed. Then Governor Dunn, Speaker of the Assembly, took the chair, nnd he was succeeded by Governor Dana, President of the Senate Governor Anderson was elected for the year 1814. 'The Unspeakable Turk" To the Editor ot the Evening Public Ledger: Sir What Is the origin ot the phrase 'Tho UnspeikaDlo Turk"? Q. W. I.ARIMEE. Philadelphia. August 20. 1021. The phraro "Unspeakable Turk" cam" Ir.to prominence In England during the Bul garian insurrection of 1370. It originated with Thomas Carlylo and made Us ap rearanco in a published letter of his, in v rich occurred tho following sentence. "Tho Unspeakable Turk should be Immediately struck out of the question, and the .-uun-Iry left to honest European guidance." The Garrison Problem To the Editor of the Evening rublic Ledger: Sir llepljlng to Mr. Herman L. Ander son's problem In your yesterday's Issue concerning a besieged fortress. I find that the garrison consists of 1200 men and that a man's dally ration Is one kilogram of bread. This result la obtained by means of the following two equations' Sxy equals (x minus 120) times (y minus 4-0) times 16. Sxy equals (x minus 200) times (y minus 2-B) times Id. or, nfter contraction fix Blis 21tl0y minus Dxy equals 000. 4x plus 2000y minus Bxy equals S00, F. S. Philadelphia. August 27. 1SS1. Barbados To the Editor ot the Evening Tubllo Ledger: Sir How many islands are there In the Barbados? Philadelphia. August 25. 1021. Barbados sr Barbadoes Is a single Island, the most easterly of the West ladles. Its name Is Portuguese and means "the bearded." called on account of tb bearded fig tree which Is found there In abundance. Annoyed by Unruly Children To the Editor ot the Evening Public Ledger: tlr i have a married friend with seeral small children, and she never comes to se me unless she brines them with her. They are not only annoying, but destructive. The friend likes to visit me, and I don't know what to do In the matter, for the children always brine a dread when they put In an appearance. What would you advise? J. W. L. Philadelphia. August 25. 1021. Thero Is hardly any advice we could gto you The advice to cut the friend's ac- nu ilntance Is almost cruel. If you are (.ufflclently well acquainted with her and It Is to bo assumed that you are you might have a heart-to-heart talk with her that would bring results You might explain to her. In as delicate a way as possible, that jou are very glad to have her visit you, and that you an also glad to have the children come with her, but their unrullness Is annoying. You might point out to her the need of keeping her children well in command, and that when she speaks to them they should understand that they must obey. The friend Is probably not of r nervous temperament, and the children do not annoy her, as she Is used to having them around. Would It not be possible for ycu to find something to amuse them while their mother and you are engaged In con versation? Ages of Cabinet Members To the Editor of Evening Public Ledger, Sir How old are the various Cabinet members In Harding's Cabinet? c. n. f. Philadelphia. August 20. 1021. Secretary of State Hughes la fifty-nine S-ears of age, Secretary of the Treasury Mellon, stxty-slx. Secretary of War Weeks, sixty-one: Attorney General Daugherty, sixty-one Postmaster General Hays, forty two; Secretary of the Nav- Dnbs flfts--one; Secretary of the Interior Fall, sixty; Secretary of Agriculture Wallace, tlfty-flse; Secretary of Commerce Hoover, forty-seven, and Secretary of Labor Davis, forty-eight. Carnegie on Wealth To the Editor ot lh Evening Public Ledger; Sir Will you please print for me what Mr. Carnegie -wrote about poverty and wealth, giving his own experience' G. W. L. Philadelphia, August 20. 1021. This Is probably what you have In mind "I wae born In poserty ona would not ex-1 change Its sacred mmorles with the richest I millionaire's son who ever breathed. What does he know about mother or father? Those aro mere names to him Give me the life of tho boy whose mother Is nurse, i seamstress, washerwoman, cook, teacher I angel and saint til In one, and whose father I Is guide, exemplar ana irienu. .no sersants to come In between Those are the boys who aro born to the beet fortune. Some men think that poverty Is a dreadful burden and that wealth leads .o happiness. What do they know about ItT I have lived both, and I know that there Is very little In wealth that can add to human happiness beyond the small comfort of life. Mil. lionalrea who laugh are very rare. My ex perience Is that wealth Is apt to take the smiles away." Poems and Songs Desired Who Wrote Lines? To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Can any one tell me the name of the author of the following lines and where I can And the entire poem? I quote from memory: ' 'Tie the old, old story, one man will read His lesson of life in the sky; And the other, blind to the present need. Will see with the spirit's eye. "You may grind their souls In the self aamo mill. Tou may bind them heart and brow) Hut the poet will follow the rainbow stfll. And hi brother will follow the plow," 8. L. A. Philadelphia, August 29, 1021. The People' Forms will appear dally Stlie EveoiaeT Public I.e4jrr. and alM the Bandar, Pobllo Le&er. Letters kfliusfnr timely toolce will be DrlnijuT fjeri ajrm'Mated poeme.and questions . I,'1!.- V.wHl sslssssisii Lvsr' 2LT. w VT.. k-' -!! EVENING PUBLIC -L . . "A Simple Church" To the Editor of the Lvintng Public Ledger: Sir I am very desirous of "icurlng a poem, the title of which 1 cannot give, but vhlch represents nn old man sitting alone In his study reviewing his successes from i world y point of view, and haunted by tho memory of "A simple church In a meadow land. Where I sec a white-haired pastor standi Ho warns his Hock with uplifted hnnd, "Except e bo like the children, ye cannot enter In." O. L. W. Thilsdelphli. Aujnt't 20. 1021. "A JiandfuTof Earth" To the Editot of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Seeing a request by one of your enders for a song entitled "A Handful of Earth," I herewith Inclose same. ANNIE M. O'HRIEN. Wayne. Ta., August 20, 1021. A HANDFUL OF EARTH OchI It's sallln' I am nt tho dawn of tho diy To my brother that's over the sea: Hut It's little I'll caro for my life any where. For It's breaking my poor heart will be. Dolh "exes i ' SCHOOLS and COLLEGES "A Touch of the Country In the Heart of the City" A modern school, with over two centuries of worthy traditions, for boys and g rls from the primary grades up through the hlsli school. College rrcp.irntory anil (leneral Courses. Large plnygroiindx. Abundance of light nnd nlr, Knjpluists on lirnnd genrrul culture nnd simple Christian living, with regard to the needs and aptitudes of each pupil. Ileglns Ninth Month 1fth. Catalogue npon rrqnest, FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL THE PARKWAY CHERRY AND 16TH STS. WALTER W. HAVILAND, Principal THE STEVENS SCHOOL GERMANTOWN. FOUNlinn 1R08 An old school with a new spirit and new equipment. MODERN DAY SCHOOL TOR GIRLS; for boys through the first srade. Klnilerparten, elementary school. Junior and senior high schools. Collego preparatory and general courses. Corps of experienced teachers, college nnd professionally trained. Progressive methods- Socialized recitations; supervised study; atten tion to Individual differences ; wholehearted, purposeful activity. Educational motion pictures. Attention to character development. Athletics. Enrollment limited. For Information address tho principal, MISS KATHARINE M. DEXWOHTIl, 221 West Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia rtell riioiie: Grrmnntown 203. ZECKWER-HAHN Philadelphia Musical Academy 1617 Spruce Street Opens September 1st for Registration Classes in all departments resumed September 6th. IIKANC'IIES West rhlln , Tlogu, Germantown Send for Prospectus WANAMAKER INSTITUTE of INDUSTRIES N XV. Corner 23d and Walnut Streets Day Classes begin September S. Afternoon and eenlng. September IB All Courses Compare Prices With Other Schools Day Courses, From $32. nn to 12.' 00 D Months' Average. $3 SO to S12.2S Per Month Afternoon Courses. From tlS.OO to "-00 S Months' Average 3.1 to S10.75 Per Month P.venlng Courses, From $12 00 to $37.00 7 Months' Average. H1.10 to 5.28 Per Month Saturday Courses, From $18.00 to 32.00 0 Months' Average. S2.00 to $3.50 Per Month Save 12.00 to 110.00 paying In advance, or pay In four weeks. Tel., Loc, 8H0, for Catalog or Send Postal FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL system For Boyj and Girls Pkiladelphis., Pa. rOCR KLKMEXTAKY SCHOOLS lBth A Race Sts. Mth Si Lunriistrr Ave. 17th & dlrnrd Av. Greene ht. uh. Sihool Liim Central School, ISth and Race Sts. Junior and Binlor high school. Including col lege pr.'paratory department. Deve.ops tne ronstrucKo faculties through physical and moral rulture Students taught tho practical and skillful use of hands as well as brains. Small oiasses. Constant personal contact witn an exceptloml.y able faculty. Large p as ground, gsmnaslum, lunchroom, splendidly lighted and ventilated classrooms. A few students may be admitted now. Open to otier depnmlnmlnni!, Wrlia for year book rates. Charles Ilniion IVnlRh, Principal lBth and Rucr Ht..Phlliulelphli, FALL TERM HEGI.NS SKPTKMHKIt 0 Our regular day and night classes In shorthand and typewriting and In book keeping and accountancy begin September 0. Investlnate and enroll now. Personal and practlc.il Instruction. Positions for our graduates. Call or write for full Information. PHILA BUSINESS COLLEGE und College of Commerce 1017 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia JBJkNICS ?",1 orrcrATir.cc wx&ni JL JK9M.A IM-tKT 1 2O0WslnutSt. OCXXXS QXV "''" THE FARNUM SCHOOL . 1807 Tine St. HF.OPENS ON MONDAY, OCT. 8 Girls Little Hoys Kindergarten Miss Rush and Miss Wilson Principals lou tun Ipurn almost liny business from uccountlng to salesmanship UNIVERSliVof PA. EVENING SCHOOL 1 0H Ixixitn Hill I'll. I II. ir. KMIi Mil 2119 1111. iiui.Msn hi lltiui.. ZiUi n .limit nt. flu open for its lwuniy-second year, Hept. -"-. 1821 A day siiool for girls and small boys. I'llMIETIf H' lilt LEV Headmistress DEVEREUX TUTORING SCHOOLS Arorwnnr! Educates toys os-cr eight who are rtcerwoou normal In so. lal life but require sperlalattent on In studies Devon, Pu- $5 a Month Night firtiooi, "P a monulDay Tuition II!) a Month. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Secre tarial and Ilustness Administration by spe cially trained teachers. PALMER I3U3I NK3B SCHOOL. Id B Tenth street. Philadelphia Turogemeinde School reopene Sept. 7, Ormnaetlr, Swim, wing and German. Booklet 00 request. Enroll now. nroaa nt. and Columbia Ave, SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE1 Broad nnd Spring Garden Sts,, 'Phils. Day and NIM Class. Art, Electricity, fflsJa LED&ER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, " - - ' But a treasure I'll take for ould Ireland's sake That I'll prize all belonging above ' It's a handful of earth from the land of my birth, From the heart of the land that I love. And won't the poor lad In hie exile be glad When he sees the brave present I bring! And won't there be flowers from this treas ure of ours In the warmth of the boautlful spring? Ocht Erin Machreol tho" It's partln' we be It's a blessln' I'll lavo on your shore; And your mountains nnd streams I will see In my dreams Till I cross to my country once more. A Flag Poem To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir In a recent Issue of the People's Forum Mrs. W. L. Horton nsks for the poem entitled "The Unfurling." Tho lines quoted (aro from "Tho Unfurling of the Flag,"' by Clara Endlcott Sears. A. M. LENIIERR J.. Aug. 20, 1021, Rlvers'de, N. THE UNFURLING OF THE FLAC- There's a streak across tho skyline That Is gleaming in the sun, Watchers from tho lighthouse, towers Signaled It to foreign Powers Just as daylight had begun, Messago thrilling, Hopes fulfilling Rntli 5ese Temple University High School prepares young men and women for admission to college and for all State examinations. Fall particulars given in Catalog E-16 Phone: Diamond 0031 TEMPLEUNIVERSITV llroud St. below Ilerks Philadelphia Strayer's Business College 807 Chestnut Street The best training In h'lorlhand, typewrit ing bookkeeping penmanship, arithmetic, spelllrur. grammar, business correspondence accounting, salennanhlp and calculating machine operitlng Ntw- classes starting now Day and night. Positions guaranteed. What would vnl' "Uo lo Vnrn?Ph. Wal. 0384. GERMANTOWN FRIENDS QPHfini Opens Sept. 20, A few vacan i3SsJJtu clea for eirnest co'lege pre paratory boss Btanlv n, Yarnall Principal Phila. School of Office Training r.nter now and lo rood In 3n das ' hi positions forOrnortADUATES In Stenog ranhv or Honk'plne Ivler Hldg.. 30 S 1(1. HOSI.YN. PA. SCHOOL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CIIILDnKN Every facility In a beautiful suburban uouio iui viia ruuutuun 01 cnuuren unsDie to attend public or private schools. Domestic Science, 14 miles from Phila. Dooklet. MOLLIE A. WOODS, Principal llox 174,,tolnl, 1'tt. ANNYII.I.B. PA. U'.IIAMI.N VALLEY. LOLLKUB Uo-EO. College, Academic, Music, Oratory, Colin, rttes, $303 to 1412. Maslo rates, I37J t, I4R0. For catalog address: DR. U. D, f.QSSAnn Annvllle Pa. ASHIIt lt.MIAM. .MASB. Cushing Academy SRi1a" accepted by all colleges. The best at mod erate cost. Address II. S. CROWELL A M Ph.n Prlni-lpal, Ashhurnham Maia Young Men nnd Hove THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY City Line and Berwick Road Overbrook (FOUXDED tfBS) COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Preparation for College and Sclcntlflo School, under healthful and Inspiring con ditions In the suburbs. Accessible by the Pennsylvania Railroad to Osirbrook or to lla'a stations; by the elevated road and tho cars running north on Fifty-second street, the Narberth Dus leaving 03d and Market streets, passes fie Academy entrance. Mr Oresllle Haslam, Headmaeter will be at the Academy on and after September 1. Circular on application. Greville Haslam Headmaster The William Perm Charter School No. 8 South 12lli Street. Philadelphia Founded 1689 The academlo year 1021-22 begins Tuesday September 20, 1021, and tne Prospectus may be obtained on application. Uulldlnga will b open or inspection ana lor ciussincation or purl's September 1), iiirnarn .11 Gununere, Pli.d. Heudmnster N.V.AUBTU. PA. Nazareth Hall Military Academy llox 00, Niu.ireth, Pn, Founded 1713 College Preparatory and Iluslness Courses Senior, Intermediate and Junior Depart ments. Minimum age I) years. Vigorous athletic and military life, All outdoor, sports, Gtinnaelutn and swimming pool. Address The HF.V. A, II. THALLLU, V, D PrlnelnsJ MKItCKHnlllJtm. PA. The Mercersburg Academy FOR BOYS Mcrccrsburjr, P. Send for catalogue to VPM, 1IANN inVINE. Ph. D IX. O. Headmaster Hat ltd CHIWTNUT HILL. PA. Chestnut Hill Academy Bt. Martins, Chestnut Hill, Pa. An Ideally located country boarding and day school for boys. Especially low ratse for nve-day boarders, rteopene September 27, Catalogues on applications To those fighting o'er the seas. "It's tho flag we've named Old Olory That's unfurling to the breeze." Can you see tho flashing emblem Of our country's high Ideal? Keep your lifted eyes upon It And draw Joy and courage from It, I For It stands for what Is real, Freedom's calling To the falling From oppression's hard decrees. It's the flag We'vo named Old Glory Tou see floating In the breeze. Giortous flag we raise so proudly, Stars nnd stripes, red, white and blue. You have been the Inspiration Of nn ever-growing nation Such as this world never knew. Peace and Justice, Freedom, progress, 1"Are tho blessings wo can seize When the flag we call Old Olory Is unfurling to the breeze. When tho cry of battling nations Reaches us across the space Of the wild tumultuous ocean, Hearts nro stirred with deep emotion For the saving of tho racel Peace forgoing. Aid bestowing. First wo drop on bended knees, Then with shouts our grand Old Glorj We set flauntlmr to tho breeze I Yom'i- Mlind flnvs tVENONAH . N. J. v vo3itjy Where character, manliness, nnd honor are developed. Wenonah ii an independent unit in your boj'i education, and not merely a preparatory school. Healthfully situated in a golely residential town. A faculty second only to that of West Point in efficiency. Academic itudici for college preparation. ( Special and buiinest courses. Military system brings out all that St good and manly. Separate junior department for boys of ten or over. Academic course, seven hundred and fifty dollars for the school year. Junior department, hundred and fifty for the school year. Catalogue and View Book Upon Request DR. CHARLES H. LORENCE, MAJOR C. A. SNYDER. President Superintendent BOX 411, WENONAH. NEW JERSEY Tonne .Men nnd Hove MIAKON HILL. PA. Till; ACADK.MY OF Till: HOLY CHILD A boarding and day school for girls. 57th sear. Conducted by tho Ulsters of the Society of tho Holy CUM Jous. General and co'lego preparatory course, music, art, domestic science. Rates. l.'iOO. Address the Mother Superior. Hox 2S I) Sharon Hill. Penna. KWAKTHMOItn. PA. Swarlhmore Preparatory School Prepares for college or life work. Send for booklet, "A Man Maklnc School," nnd learn the secret of our notable nnd continued suc cess In training bos. Separate Junior Department for bov 10 to 14 XV. V. TOMLINSON. SI. A. Hot. 211. Swurthmore. Pa. PKNNSlUlHr.. TA. Perkiomen School for Boys College Preparatory, Music, Oratory, Business. All athletics s 20-aere campus. Scholarships. Development of Character and Training for faervlce our aim. Junior School for younger boys In sopatnte cottage. Catalog. OSCAK S. KHIKHCL. U. L ifax 11U. PennsN Uanln. Tennsburg. LANCASTER. PA. 1UANK1.IN AMI MA1IM1ALL ACAUEJli L M. IIAHIMAN. Principal " Hov 112. Lnncimlcr. Pa. HTIIICItVlLI.i:. .MI). MAHVLAM) C01.LKjU5.rOK HOMIIX Luthcnlllr, Mil, An Ideal collego In size, equipment, location and courses of study Tho facu'ty Is largo and able. Two and four sear courses for high school graduates. Couri.cs In music, plpo organ, domestic Mlent o nnd arts, school of expression, art and elocution nenrees conferred. Catalog llox X. POUT Dlll'OSlT. Mil. TOME SCHOOL Natlunnl llonrdlng School for Iloya KATK 81000 Murray Peahoily llrusli. Ph. I)., Director Port IteiMiNlt. Md. HLACKSTOXi:, VA. ULACK&TON1J MII.ITAKY ACAUJUIY Hliickstone. irglnlu Dept ; Military. Academic, Commercial. For ratnlocuo and Information, address COL. 11. H. LIC.OX. President iir.ynr.nsoxviLLr.. n. c. lllue llldse School for Hoys Select, Accred-ii-d si Tini Tor boys Ii vrs, and upward. Ideally located In delightful, healthful cli mate, home-like, refining Influences. Summer camp ti regular session rrnvldo nll-yr. home & school. Sessional fee, J.1R0. For cote., ad dress' North Carolina. Henilersonsllle. Box L. WASHINGTON. 1. C. The Law Department Georgetown University Washington, D. C. Announces the establishment of morning courses in law, in addition to the afternoon courses, Beginning October 1, 1921 A Free Scholarship to tho morninp; course is open to College nnd Hiffh School gradu ates of the State of Pennsylvania. Applications for appointment should be made in writing to ' JOSEPH L. McALEER, Esq. Commercial Trust Co. Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. Tonng TVomrn und Puis The Stevens School GERMANTOWN l'lllNDKD 1808 AN OLD SCHOOL With Modern Ideas and New Equipment A Day School for Girls For I)oy through . the First Ornde Kindergarten, Klementary School, Junior and Senior High Schools, College Pro paratory and General Courses, Strong Corps of Experienced Teartiers Attention to Individual Differences, So cialized Recitations, Directed Study, Training for Cltltenshlp, Character Uul'dlng, Athletics, Educational Motion Pictures, For Information address the Principal . KATHAnrNE U DxTNWORTH Ml W, Chelten Ay- germantown liell riionei QernaesFtrnj OZ9f.. SEPTEMBER 2,' 1921 . i T Alleged Wlfo 8layer Captured Richmond, Vi., Sept. 2. Dr. Wit burg Anion Hartley, former nrmy stir peon stationed nt Camp IiCC, who wns indicted in tho Henrico County Circuit Court on the clinrgp of killlne his wife. Mrs. Sue TlnMcy Hndlcy. whoso body was found In the .Tnmcs River Decem ber 30. 1018, lins been arrested In New Mexico. Yntine Men nnd .Roy WKSnxtii, N. -i. - Wenonah MILITAR Y ACADEMY Young Women nnd Girls Miss Sayward's School for oiris- sub. . urb of Phila delphia. College preparatory nnd secretarial courses. Music. Domestic .science. Physical training, outdoor sporU, horseback riding, swimming IcpIops character, mind and body. Writ . Dept. L. MISS JANET SAYWAUD. Principal Overbrook. Pennsylvania DE.VON MANOR College preparatory nnd Junior college courses. Vocational worlc Art and Music, Secretaryship, Domestic Science nnd Social Serlce. lil-ncro campus: out-of-door sports. I)n Main LliU' of Penna. It. 11., 10 miles from Iilla.. In beautiful Va'lev Porgn region. JIUS. LA.NtiHON I'ASKIN. Principal. Hov. 111). Deinn. Pn. . Miss Illmnn'N School for Klndrrgnrtners. Jr., Sr. 4. Oraduate Courses. Primary meth ods. Practice Kindergartens. Home-like students' residence. For particulars, address A T. ILLMAN. Prlnrlp.il Hot L. 3(100 Wnlnnt St.. Philadelphia. Pn. PIMLADKLPHIA IsClinOt OP IiEXlClN TOR WOMEN llrond & Muster Sts. Peslr-i rinu Art New Classes In Garden Architectural Design. Mural Decoration. nnsr.MONT pa. HOLY CHILD COLLEGE For young women, under direction of the Sisters of tho Soclet of tho Hnlv Child Jesus, n.ichelor of arts course, music, art Ilcautlful buildings and forty-ncro campus on Main Line. Tor details, address tho Dean, l'.ov 2f D Hovemont, Penna. hi:thli:hi:.m. pa. BISH0PTH0RPE MANOR llox 272 UF.TIII.KIIEM, PA. Offers exceptional opportunities to a limited number of girls In their preparation for college or for soclnl or business life. Special two-ear finishing course for High School graduates, llxceptlonnl advantages In Music Art, Household Arts and Sciences, Arts ami Crafts, Expression and Secretarial work. Junior Department. High healthful location on the slope of tie Lehigh Mountains. Noar New York nnd Philadelphia. New gymnasium and tiled swimming pool tennis, basketball, skating, riding;, etc' Aesthetic and folk dancing. Address Claude N Wnnt. Principal. ' wxmungtox. p r GUNSTON HALL A Select Washington School for Girli HlEhest standards In general, collepo preparatory ana uraduate courses. AH forms of athletics under trained nuper- waiuu. rui i.iuwuK iinu views lUlUrCSS MRS. DEVERLEY R. MASON 1007 Florida Avenue, Washington, D. C, LITIIZ. PA. L1NDKN HALL SL.MINAKY A clrls" sc'iool since 1740. Academlo College Preparatory & Special Courses. Separate Jr Dept. Gymnasium Secretarial. Cataloc. Key, r, XV. Stengel, Prln.. llox 10.1. Lltlti.Po. 6TKA.MIIO.r.S KLSOrtTS Connection! lor all New England Lines Fall River Line Cool, Comorfab!e Sfaferooms Orchcsfro oit Bach Steamer Lv.nilton St. Pier IIN.U.SiSO P.M. Dallv Including Sundays New ltcdford Line Dally except Sunday. Lv. Pier 40 N. It. Houston Street, 0 P. u. New I.ondau Line PoVJ, ?rc?.. "IIY- . .Lave Pier tv. iinu, ii'juoiuii owed o all I ji Pier 70 E.Il. 22d Street 0 P. M ' Y... 11-1., t, I n.. ' " .'(ijiiKiii-nuvini; lime TIckrtN ut 1311A 1J30 Chestnut St. ill p LAIIDIt DAY KllBsTo"v" SrfgS&lL hllPTKIIllLH flTII ' L0REW00D GROVE On the CliesapeiiliB .V Delaware Cunul Steumer Pusses through two locks. Most heutitlful witter trip out of Philadelphia Steimen LORD BALTIMORE & ERICSSON will leae Pier 3. H. Dclnwnro Ate.. Smi 5th. nt K o'clock A. M. (dayllght-snOrnr ili.i for LOKF.WOOD UltOVK, returning tTili same evening. . '" FARE, ONE DOLLAR Day Iloat for llaltlmore every Tuesilnv Thursday and Saturday nnd Luf,or Day it R o'clock A. M (daylight-saving time) FARE TO BALTIMORE, $1.50 No Irip lifee ifiii by water from Philadelphia Baltimore & Philadelphia Stcmbot Co r .M-" T0 BALTIMORE 'l"'T" rr' ERICSSON LINE " ;jv " Biuiuwji ii n'rvlrtnl pnig( Vtia nni fe. uu rUUIlQ (tip, DAY STEAMER J3.00. From Philadelphia e try Tuesday. Tliur.. day, Baturday. ut 8 o'clock. Pure. It Rn one way, J2.B0 round trip. ' "00 Most beautiful water ride out of Phllad.i phlii. Send fpr pumplilet. No Sunday steamer Kteamer leaves on daylight-saving me Office Pier S Houth Delaware nv nue. riUJ" SPECIAL'SUNDAY 'brg:a-!!3'-. EXCURSION All dsy on tho water to Beautiful Lorewood Grove on the Chesupenke & Delaware canal Horns Houth Delswarn AiTo.! i ..1.i. .!.".'.. f,"r. 3. Boutlj Delaware Ave: 8 o'clock every H in,i.. morning, uayngni-saving time Kare It on MTJHIO ZECKWER-HAHN I-HIlAT MU5ICAL ACADEMY "" ijSVftau 0J.T Borne. Rrc ji Dentlmei. ' rfUZV qtnmr.it nr."nnT3 ATLANTIC CITY. W. . LABOR DAY SPECIAL , $12-50 5jx $12-50 J" Monday , yLBENARLE Virginia ui iilnr beacli. one block from Steel Pier. Private bnths. K,e,vn'Sr Ca pacity 800. Danc'ng. 4000 feet of porch space. Untiling from house. Running Water in Every Room American plan, 13.G0 up dally. Huropean plan ll.f.0 un dallv. Special weekly. OAni.E ft IIKVITT, New Ownership Mgt. LUAVLUJLWJiiCTMiig Hotel Brighton and Casino Atlantic City LABOR DAY SPECIAL tft 1.60 Saturday. Sunday nnil 1 3,B0 " Mnmliy (American Plan) "" MALAMUT3? Rhodo Island nte, near Bench. Hot and cold eoa baths. Orchestra. Dancing. Special Fall rates In effect Sept. 7. MMABE Wlints lllock tin Ocean Front Coolest location In Atlantic City. Ideal family hotel In Chelsea Section. s. (Japeelty nro liunatto , UWU.I.UIJ, Ulltllim, ,jR, Boeklst. W. F. SHAW Kentucky Ave., resrlleBCh, cor. home; ope n surroond fiics: center ef sttrsctloni and piers Hunnlng water IB rooms, prltste bsths. Usthlng privH'ges from hotel. Bhower batbi. Klevstor to street. Table oneieelled. U Wop rlellr: KIM op wkly, .Am. IMn. Musle. Dane Let Us Make You Feel nt nnme In the "City of Robust nenlth" HOTEL MORTON Drenn Pnd Vlrirlntn Ae. Cnnarlfv .ton Klevitor. Private llnths, etc. Alwnjs Open. F.KA C. IIKI.L & PAUL M. COl'ti. Props. So. Carolina nve near Iteach. Centrally lo cated, near piers and amusements. Rooms lth running water. Klcvntnr'to street level. Unexcelled cuisine. Capacity L'.'iO. Uathlng rrom hotel. J3.S0 up dly . 17.fin up wkly. OSCAR VAOO. Prop. Vlrglnln Avi. Close to Reach and Steel Pier Capacity 250. American plan. Private hafis. Running water. Elevator, rjleetrlclty. Bpec. Sept. A Fall Rates. ALOIS ORUI1KR TAROR INN Ocean end Connecticut me. lrtuu" 14,il Ideal location; large rooms. l.tCB'lent table IDth season. Special rates from I.ahnr Dav J I' & A M DUNN'. HOTEL RAVEN ROYD ch.i. Voir sea ne. & ch. Rnenlal Fall rates. Run. water. Private lslhs. llev Phone 3002-W. IS AC ROYVKR Virginia av.. 3d hotel from Deach. Prlvato baths; run. water: elev.; Reduced Fall rates. SAM r.T.I IS Owner. N.J COI.I.INS.Mgr. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open, always radv; terms moderate. Write or phone. M. WALSH DUNCAN. SlarlboroualiSlcnTieliii .. . ,ATNT(p.prT XJi- - .. eisTsie1 e esi - t w i eat ,ei"-ae nH AVALON. N. .1. HOTEL AVALON. Oeein front, will remain open during fall months for nervous con alcscont patients osppclally hay fever. OCKAN CITV. X. J. Capacity 000. Ocean Citi'a lending hotel In appointment, cuisine nnd Hervlcg. J. HOWARD SI.OCIM. Lcsset-JInnager Former manager Tho Greenbrier, Whlto Sulphur Springs V. Vn. IMPERIAL 10tn nna Central Ave, . ..... I'Vrr comfort and service. Notable tab'e. Uathlng from hotel. Hod, rates. New Manncemcnt r. 1". Ntwbf LA MONTE running ttiuer. , plans Fall rates eth & Ocean. Open ul Var. Heated rooms will Anurlcan and European M H. THOMAS. TIIK sni.JO (CottijEe) 1IJS CKNTKAL AVK l.icellent fhlc. Near bench. II. H. GILES. jyurnvnon. x. .1. SHELDON HrrsfaSar. rntna nv,. Tnh,, Day. D. J. WOODS Ownership Management CllXTKAL INN Holly Reach nnd Taylor Avenues Bpeclnl rates iner Labor Day HLACH IIAVI.N. N. .1. THE ENGLESIDE iiiiMii ii.vvr.N. xi;w ,ii:u.si:v The IsIiiiiiI Resort - the only resort In New Jersey that combines perfect bathing, good llthlnir with a modern hotel nnd gHes suro rillof from Hay teier. Resides live Tennis t nurts. September 20. JL1 KNfiLK. Manager. llslf lletil, !..... XT The Peer ot Seaside and l'l, slile Itrsorts MorNT poroNo. ia. The Ontwood 0pen a" 'ear- Accom. , . ,, . 100 Sfod. nieij. locnt'n I'.xcel. table. Iloohlet. i: L. & n V. AHTMAN 1ML E.L.V1IN 0pen un"l N"V. New,y -remod.; prtv. bths. show ers. White for Licit A. J aLUTTDR rocono Mt. House Mnny improvo. . ments. Forty- rour years. Ownership management. IlooUtet. WKUXKUtVILI.B. PA. The Highland Ue"g""l!1'v, situated on , , , . . Houth Mountain, Overlooking the famous Ibanon Valley. Th Ideal pla-e to spend your vacation or week, end. Hates moderate Write for bonklst J, HOWAP.D Pltma. rreatUent Hillside '.."li".;1 snery. 1'rlv. Hm.. lTl.Iilltejmod1Kath. Osrhsrt DKVON. PA, DEVON INN nr.vox. pr.NNsyi.vANi Main Lino Pa It, 11. In tho heamlfui Ches. ter Valley, forty minutes from llro.ul Htrtet Station, forty-four trains dally each way three minutes from Devon station SPlli mi, HA1KS Iirill.NO Aldl'ST AND SIlC TKMIIP.K. Telephone Wayne 700. jioir i-nvurges llorsehack Rldlnc '1 ennls ll.irgnge Hen Ice WYNBURNE INN On Miin Line, l'ur.unlellii j.. siranie ror business men with families, looms with a bath at reasonable rates Dancing, Large grounds. Wido veramli Phone A ll.rm... nit. .F ' erwvn S3B W TOKIIKSHALK. PA. MoreltOTl Inn Dlrec"y on Delaware, Hoard. . ., , . IB by dr.y and week. Tennis, boating, bathing, excel "cuisine", reason ablo Id miles from llrund Ht Hta. Arrange ments solicited for prlv dances, dinners, car 1 pqrtloH M P Taron Ph Torrnsdale 7n3t KAST RTItOl'DSIUlltO. l',. TURN VILLA U. P. D. n. T' U mi.. I Dl..,.n M Home conking electrlo lights: bathing ?'y,piR.''".J.0rPanvarntlon jHjrn:iioN, n. ii. New Waumbek HOTELCOTTAGES and SUNSET INN Jefferson, N. H. INTIlK'jIRAnT OP THE WHITE MOUNTAINS Wc Jrat STtWft. MJr-iO- 1 -a W'tMMKTf UKSOnTS I'AjGIHT. N Announcing completion ana opemna of Stockton Tk ar&ea irt, N.J. On tho Ocean fronl Own Through September In the plr.e'hnd holly seotlon mile south of Soring Lako: n ' ehtrm ing hotel Accommodating' 200 with iu own boardwalk. Its own private bsseil nnd bathhouses, .eight acres S mounds, clubhouse and Brill: tennis, BAMI3 MANAOKMTCNT AS THE WAUHKX. HPR1NO XJiKm xv. ii. STUimq BTKAMSniPS nr-SORTn Ideal SUMMER VvAl IUIMS DajirtTtnmNnirVxr ft Dnvii RQ1 nn 'nclmlln Cool in Summer No Passport Hallingn Every Flvo Days via steamers "Fort Victoria," "Fort Hamilton" anil "Fort St. George" Sailing Alternately Send lor Special Summer Tours Polder FURNESS-BERMUDA, LINE FURNESS, WITHY CO., Ltd. 31 Whitehall St.. N. Y. i Ilotirse Hldg., Plilln. fiTBAMSIUP NOTICK3 s. wh'te Star New York Cherbourg Sotithnmntnn oi.i.iiiiii nepi. ii nrpt. Z4 ncL II . fiS.l! 1I1I1..V , ... .. ...V , ., ..!,., H. , iew xorK i.ireniooi rmuio CF.LTin IIALTIO v.... Hept. 3 Oct. 1 Oct.! Hept. 17 Oct. IB Noy.il , . . u. . . . . Bent. 34 Oct. 22 Nov I New York nnd Iloston Azores. Gibraltar Naples nntl Grnott CRF.TIO Sent. 7 Oct. 2R AKAIUO Sept. 20 Nov. 3 Dee. I CANOPIU M-r" "" . Phllnilelphla Liverpool IIAVKUrOHD Scut. 17 Oct. ii DN, Eieo Star Iinb New York, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Antwirn ZHKLAND Srpt. 10 Oct. 115 Nov.ll KKOOXLAXD Sept. 17 Oct. 22 Nor M I M'LXI Sent.2l Oct.2ftI)ec ! FINLAND Oct. 1 Nov. Vet.U Phlliiilclnhln Hamburg Llbnti Danilr SAMLAXI1 (3d class p.is'grra only), Oct. H rrelght for D.inzls only Sail from New York one day Inter, Philadelphia Antwerp MACKINAW Sept. 3 1 MAIIOPAO ..Sept.ll tosiWAH Line XF.W YOltU HAMI1UKO DAXZI0 MONGOLIA Sept. 8 Oct. 20 MIXM'.KAHDA Sept. 22 Not. I MANCHURIA Oct. 0 . Philadelphia llumburg MACKINAW Sept, J ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Phil idclpliln London MACKINAW Sept. 3 I MAIIOPAO ..8fpt.ll HOI. I M) AMFItirv LINK Philadelphia Rotterdam Schleilvk ....Sept. 3 Socstdyk ....Srpt. II YSLLDVK Oct. 3 International Mercantile Marino Co. ' 110 STKAMLUS, 1 2.10.000 TONS Pussenger Olilee. I.'IIU MiUnut St.. Phils., Trelght Office, 405-1 H Ilourse Illdg., Phlli. KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia BREMEN HAMBURG S. S. "Bannock" (USSB) Sailing September 17 ANTWERP HAMBURG SS "City of Flint" (USSB) Now Loading-Sailing Sept. 10 (Vl.i Antwerp.) Hudson Shipping Co., Inc. LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hell Telephone Kej Mono Telephone l.oinb.inl .V.'OI .Main 014!) PHILADELPHIA Direct to Glasgow & Avonmouth S. S. "Monmouth" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing' Sept. 6 Baltimore Stea'mship Co., Inc. For rates, apace, cto. apply HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc. Agents ' 615-616 Lafayette Buildings. PHILADELPHIA Dell Tolephono Keystone Telephone Lombard G2G4 Main C449 SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to Christiania, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Stockholm, Helsinglors and Reval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS lSll SS ".nHU.s" ..About Sept. 10 AT HHIPPI.NCI 1IOAUD UATKS Tliroiish llllls of I.nilintf Issiml to all NiiiwfBliin. Danish anil SnrdUlt Ports. Direct K'llllngH fur nil Sriiniliii.itlun una Itultlc l'irts im iiirgn iifTerM, SEAGEIt STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. W. J. Grandfield & Co. PHILA. AUP.NTS Lombard 51711-7 308 Chestnut St jsialn 0705 Oixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA to BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW USSB SS "OPELIKA" Expected to Sail Middle. September at co.Nrr.iiP.NCi: liATEa HarrissfMagill & Co., Inc. 425 Lufnyetto Uldc, Philndclphta Lombard SJ'.'O-l H''ln '3 DIRECT To Danzig Riga 41 S BERMUDA Libau Stettin From PHILADELPHIA-LATE AUG. , U, S. S. B. 4'OronoUo,, ; HARASS, MAGILL & 0., W y'viJ HfimtslM wk.Hi lZ ""t fiiuvrjtTmf'ir'tl''rot 'i. N-,TLriiiitf'TG5Ei ESiMZk-Of iM.. -,