Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 02, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 11, Image 11

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Organ Plays at 9, 11 and 4:50
(Jlilmei at Noon
Two Sltpa of Paper
iM? itti? S;
WX'ioZWor "Utile bou, Jinet
VrXtia the head of htr doll. Jm-
h KhJ io a poor little gm w"
P"V Ort Ao "! t0.,the
Tun flnrmlM
TACK and Janet were safely within
J -ter-, o secret
SSurT-SlU-. the .UPP081 ti.cr
w.ftLTTnuhcd Bobby Bouncer.
a. rubber ball, grlnnlns tton i ear to
, "That wai a Joke on you to think
iourwn cat Tomklt was a tiger.
TyoU ran just as fast a. we did,"
"ft;ftaud you had cause to run."
v. . n the brave soldier, who had
"JJSnl la mouse. A tiger couldn't
"Shteh Jack and Janet agreed.
t.t.t drooped a curtsey to tne aomier:
f'.h.nk tou. kind sir. for coming
,ff!. SS' Then she turned to the
K.i nl lady who had held TomKit
fc'tte tall he crouched to spring
"Bd'we thank you, too. beautiful
WThe beautiful lady smiled, and a
(.inkle came In her eye.
'VP..e T.- ,1inr hnPO TOU for-
go me nuicklfrshe a.d. "I
K, Habelle-Marle.' Janet stared at
. leaWMIarlaT wny w r
own uouy wuudw .iv - -
to the poor little gin. . .
''Gracious I You are Isabelle," cried
?W -.i ti, henntlful lady touched.
p'iw i hvn't rown up. It Is
you who hare grown down," "he said.
'And remember to call me Isabelle -Marie,
for that Is my name now Isa
belle, lor my iicau uuu umu ! ,
KnHr "
Th Koldlor saluted Jack stiffly.
niiw rnii foreotten me. slr7 I am
Cantaln Brave," ho said. Jack stared
at hlra. Yes. It was the vcrv toy boI-
Jl.. t,. hnrl rrlron to rtin floor little boy.
ur.-u .!. mam..
"Have you run avuy irum mc iiuui
little girl and the poor little- boy?"
Janet asked anxiously. Isabcllc-Jlnric
laughed her tinkling laugh and Captain
M.avo mtlfl.
"No, we are just taking n night off
to go to the Tovville ball," nuHwered
Iiabelle-Mnrle. "ve win do dbck nome
vhen the little gin ana tne naie ooy
rnVo ii n in the morninc.
"Ilnrrv! Wo must hurry If we are
toll to get to the ball In tlmp for
the grand march," squeaked Bobby
Bouncer, hopping, bounding and rolling
along the winding pauis or tne garnon
Jrk. Jnnet. Isabelle-Marie and Cap
tain Bravo hurried after him. Boon
they came to the bakeshop of Mr. Pie
man. Thov found Mr. Pieman busily
matin? mud nlcs.
"Hello. Mr. Pieman, wo have earned
onr tickets to the Toyvillo boll," cried
Jack and Janet together.
"Humph! Let me see them," said
Mr. Pieman, wining his muddy hands
on hia apron. Jack and Janet handed
him the two slips of pnper. "Are you
trying to fool me.' growled Mr. I'le-
man, looltlnp at tne slips or paper,
"These aro blank."
"Look through them toward thp
moonlight!" cried Jack and Janet. Mr.
rieman held the papers up to the moon
light and printed on them he read.
Admit One Kind Child
Price A Good Deed
"Fine." rriod Mr. Pieman. "Thnr !
tne ticket, lou can go to the ball "
then he pnused and stared nt .Tack,
then at Janet, tlion nt Innbolln-Mnrlp.
then at Captain llrnvp, nnd finally at
uoooy uomicer. "Hut you can t go
,u tnoe cintnrs, roared .Mr. l'lcinnn.
I Jack and Janet looked down nt them-
Wvcs. lhey were dressed in their
tajaraas, for they hud forgotten to
Wt on their day clothes when they
hODned nut nf linri. An for Tcnl.nlln.
Marie, she had on a dress that was
Clean, but it IVIU trr rv nnn A ...1
Captain Urave's uniform had many bare
jwwufii wncre trie paint nan worn olt.
I You can never so in those clothes."
rtDeateri Mr T'loninn Tlmn nntlM..
low disappointed Jack nnd Janet
wooaea, no spoKc quickly. "But we will
"uirj io .incK frost nnd see if he can
fix you tin."
Tl. -t . ... - .
P "" o"ge way in wnicn JacK
erost fixed them up will be told tomorrow.!
By Lee Pape
Yeatldday mo and Mary Wntkins was
RU l each nrhAr V. l,t. ..,14..
ff( me thai! W&t I Wnn Af lint anri nfla
-,. . ' "v "! "' i.l-4
UrtiA wnwklng past her house
, - " -cnts mat I waa going to buy
Q'ffrent kinds nt .,!., i.u -.i t u.j
tL - " v...uj null, It Jill 1 iicru
w mother mil her, saying, Mary, I
-" jou io run crround to tho dnig
tow and gct thla pcrfcriptIon fillcd up.
tfcii!. JMt U"m l hna a rnte ileer.
?' ' l kDOw wat- m 1"lck r"n
-" IDi. IlflM (h J jl a ..
mi. , " """ """ s a soaa wits
ran io cents Insted of candy and wen
- Willi", in & in' o . JJ..1, tt
ln. . " "f iiiu uniiKing it
"ua Wont !von lnni .J. V A -.-II,
,.. - , - ut iici nun aiio ii
n And out she wont wunt to get mad
- v auyn npn nil !
And I nniitu . .. . .
dru, ..'"'. B .frro,,na t0 w
lMr ivi, , u Kl u'' " u stool nuil
Kit ! Wnt flftvor' and 1 Bad. Chock-
il ttdhifIrt?fd. l fn,d J Put a B'raw
'punt of w, . i r ".k U Hlow " ac
4llka ,; ?i"nUW to have it utill look
Ony BhV HiH,.nV ory ,vntKlns came in.
"Other Btriwl1 Cm .'"' 0nd r P,lt
i mH.l."..ut..?' one straw nnd then
klt .inrlu o: V10, othcr one to
.. 1 thinking: Yeek.11 8l'e dldCUt COmu
31!! ir I Kt " V l"' . A1
tbt d L"' ," J b.t she went to the
ffl'te, liny Mr WiV" 't Bf(1 t0 Mr
bon ii.fty...M5. te. I ony drank
her half? ' W1U bl,y bftck
lIr.ltonln,ill0T ma.ttcr wth It?'sed
a.'' myth lii. i ii" y"18 h0 d,dcnt
if nil .l'l"'"g On It envwnv nn non..nt
WnklnS if ,"w" x "scd. a"l I flnlrtiod
in . "uu 'hen I Btnrtrii tn i,ni, ...:.i
B'atkin.l1ylvt10 pnwed me but Mnrv
lot with V, CK rr.om tho other drug
nd rhV ...?. . "Vrlntlon rannrd im.
" fl ?i ""' ' 'i0 V as " i wasen
WJfeSfeM f herdShVdnoret
" Wn ;j i.
Autumn Frocks Are Prettier Than Ever and Prices
the Lowest in Years Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store
$22.50 $16.75 $23.50 $10.75
At $20, $22.50 and $23.50
Charming Frocks
Frocks of tricotine or Cheruit twill have medallions of
pleated black moire ribbon. Others have wide satin sashes
and many rows of braid.
A coat frock has a vestee of gold tricolette. Another
has a guimpe of henna crepe de chine.
Fashions are new, interesting and refreshing this season. Lines are dis
tinctive and quite unlike the modes of previous years. Noticeably charming are
the wide peasant sleeves, often faced with bright color or almost cov
ered with embroidery;
the use of shiny black braid, ribbon and ribbon quillings;
elaborately trimmed skirts, adorned with heavy beading, tinsel
embroidery or row upon row of silk braid;
handsome dresses of heavy silk crepes with very little trimming of
any kind; . i
new and wider uses of tricotine and Cheruit twill.
All of these new points will be observed on the delightful new dresses in
the Down Stairs Store. In every instance materials are better and prices
considerably lower than they -have been in a long, long time.
$5 and $10 for Slip-on Dresses
$5 dresses are of navy blue serge with black silk braid binding the arm openings
and the V-shape neck.
$10 dresses are of navy blue tricotine, quite elaborately embroidered with silk
or beads. Others are braid trimmed.
Dozens of Different Styles at $10.75 and $16.75
Blue serge dresses, in many new models, trimmed with silk braid, buttons or
embroidery, are $10.75.
Crepe de chine dresses in navy and black are designed for young women and
trimmed with ribbon frills. $16.75.
In tricotine and serge there aro about 25 different styles, showing variation of braid,
bead and embroidery trimming.
Lovely Hand-Made Blouses
of French Voile $3.50
Charming blouses with tho daintiest hemstitching, drawn
work nnd real filet lnco trimming tho collars and little vestees.
All are of fine French voile in tho soft, creamy tint characteristic
of this delightful material. There are several different styles,
all with long sleeves.
Sizes 36 to 46 and sizes run plenty full, as each blouse
has a little group of tucks at each shoulder.
Hair Nets, 50c a Dozen
Cap and fringe nets of real
hair are now at this low price.
In light, medium and dark brown,
blond, auburn and black.
The Famous Link Belts of
Good Leather at 35c
Better quality than ever, they
are in black, brown, blue, tan,
red, black-and-tnn, brown-and-tan
and rcd-and-bluo.
Clearaway of Odd Lots of
Fine Leather Gloves
First strap-wrist gloves, with
long cuffs of lambskin and cape
skin with spear-point, cmbi-oid-ered
or plain backs, mostly in
white and brown shades;
Second 8-button length gloves
mostly of white lambskin nnd
somo few-of-a-kind in tan and
brown tones.
Not all sizes in any kind; many
aro half price.
Little Girls' Frocks
at $1.50
Rosebud dimities, pin-striped
voiles in blue, lavender or pink;
and pink, white or blue orgnndies
are in cunning styles for Miss
400 Schoolgirls' Gingham
Frocks, $1.50 and $2
An opportunity mothers can ill
afford to miss, for these are well
made dresses of durable ging
hams. Many different styles aro
here for girls of G to 14 years.
Plain-color frocks aro in rose or
blue. Various plaids are in red,
blue and green tones. An excel
lent cadet blue regulation at $2
is woll tailored. They show nice
touches about tho collars and
little points of finishing that
mothers will appreciate
Surplice Tie-on Blouses of
Tricolette at $2.50
Of fancy tricolette, thore aro
all sizes in navy and black nnd
some sizes in white. Women will
like them for dark Autumn suits.
Voile House Dresses
Pretty dotted and figured voiles
aro in rose, light blue, lavender,
greon and black on white grounds.
Tho dresses havo fresh whlto or
gandie Tuxedo collars trimmed
with black stitching and whito
cuffs and sashes.
Cotton Taffeta Petticoats
Plain or Flowered, $1
With 10-inch flounces finished
with two ruffles, the. petticoats
have elastic at tho top. Tho plain
aro in navy, black, emerald and
purple. Tho floworod aro black,
taupe, brown, , Copenhagen and
navy. )
Women's Long
Gloves in New
Autumn Shades
New prices prevail on long
chamois-lisle gloves and yet tho
fabric of the gloves seems more
leather-like and pleasing to the
touch than ever. While prices
come down the quality seem3 to
have gone up!
8-Button Length at $1
Grouse, tobacco brown, gray,
mode and white are the shades
and tho gloves all have Paris
point embroidery on tho backs.
12-Button Length
at $1.25
In black, gray, mode, white,
tobacco brown and grouse, with
Paris-point embroidery on the
backs; they are just the gloves
that many women are looking for.
16-button-length gloves in the
same shades arc $1.50 a pair.
2-clasp gloves of tho same kind
arc newly priced at 85c.
New Hats
at $5
Just in time for the holiday!
Soveral hundred new velvet
hats in coppery browns and rus
sets, navy blue, purple, black and
mouse gray have just appeared.
Some have tho long pheasant
feathers that are so fashionable.
Others have gay metallic orna
ments and bead pendants in the
brightest colors.
For those who like more con
servative things there aro brood
brimmed hats of block velvet
faced with French blue.
There is a most interesting
variety and all of the hats are
just right for immediate wear.
And every woman knows that a
new hat, is the making of a holi
day. (Mnrkct)
Women's Tuxedo Sweaters,
Lower in Price Than Ever
Scarcely any one would knit one for $2.50, much'less buy the wool,
nlso! These are carefully made, beautifully soft and lovely in color:
buff, jade, Harding blue, brown, white, black and a few of otner colors.
Ench one is finished with a Tuxedo collar, cuffs and a belt. Thore
aro not all sizes in every color and the morning will bo tho best time
for widest selection.
Net Guimpes
to Wear With Sleeveless
$1.50 to $2.50
Net guimpes look quite as nice
with the new serge slip-ona as
they have with the cotton frocks.
These are trimmed with lace and
some havo Peter Pan collars.
Luxurious New Silk
Underwear, $3.85
A lovely pink step-in chemise
is topped with hand hemstitching
and finished, around the lower
edge, with a narrow rim of
creamy lace.
Wide step-in drawers, in pink
or white, look liko a short little
petticoat and aro edged with a
heavy picot scallop.
Doris Petticoats for Autumn
Are of Messaline $6
They have the same deep hemstitched hem 20 to 22 inches
and the straight, slim lines that women have found so graceful and
comfortable. In navy blue, black and a variety of pretty changeable
Doris petticoats of whito tub silk, $3; of white sateen, $2.60; of
white or flesh batiste, $1.
$5 $10 $5.50 $5
Children's Tan Leather
School Shoes
Sizes 6 to 8, $3
Sizes 8V2 to 2, $3.50
These are two good values in wear-long-and-wcll shoes that
aro mado on the proper lasts for growing feet. Tho soles will
carry tho children many miles to nnd from school, and the heels
are tho sensible low ones that mothers wnnt for their children.
Ton laco shoes of a better quality aro in sizes 8 to 11, nt
$4.75; and sizes 11 to 2, at $5.40.
Girls' Shoes at $5.90
Girls' high -shoe3 of black dull leather in lace style havo
wide toes and serviceable welted soles. Sizes 2 to C.
Oxfords for Women's Autumn
Wearing, $7.50
Black calfskin oxfords aro quite the vogue for Fall and
Wintor, especially if they have low, flat heels and rounded toes
with full wing tips! THo soles aro welted.
$6.25 a pair
is a small price for comfortablo oxfords of pliable block kidskin
with medium toes, welted soles and medium heels.
High shoes of tho same character aro $8.25 a pair.
Others with wide toes and low hoels, in sizes 2t to 9 nnd
widths A to EE, nro nlso $8.25 a pair.
Tan Leather Strap Pumps for Women
$5.40 a Pair
With initep straps, welted soles and Cuban heels, they will
mako friends quickly,
Low Prices on the Right
Clothes for School Girls
Practical, simplo clothes for girls of all agos have been gathered
in tho Down Stairs Junior Store Here are the real, every-day things
that every girl, storting to school, needs.
Navy serge, regulation dresses, sizes 6 to 14. $5 and $G.75.
Middy blouses, sizes 8 to 20. $1 to $3.25.
. , Wo2l &raey sllP-0I frocks in navy, Pekin and reindeer, sizes 8
to 14. $5.50.
Gingham dresses, plaids and plain colors, $1.50 to $5.
Taffeta Dresses, $10
One of these youthful little afternoon dresses is sketched. It
is in navy, brown or Pekin blue and the skirt is trimmed with many
llttlo rustling ruffles. Sizes 10 to 14 years.
Clearaway of Summer Dresses
Junior dresses of orandie nnd dotted Swiss, now $5.
Children's organdie dresses, now $1.
A Sale of Children's Sample Winter
Coats at $16.50, $22.50 and $25
A conservative estimate of tho savings of these coats would bo
a third. Materials are of excellent quelity, linings nro of silk or
good Venetian and many of the coats are interlined. There is not a
French blu collectlon' boin8T mostly brown, reindoor, navy and
As tho coats aro samples you'll find only one or two of a kind
$16.50 for Six-Year Size
Theso coats are of volour, chinchilla, llama and many good coat
ing mixtures. All aro thick and warm and somo havo fur collars of
nutria or Australian opossum. ' ot
$22.50 and $25 for 12, 14 and 16 Year Sizes
Handsoma coats of Bolivia, ailvertlp Bolivia, duvet do laine
, --,..... -r"u, ,IU laVy,. musiry in 12-year SUM.
j M j k MBmBI lllill :tl i IfPilP
$16.75 $20 $16.50
Between $25 and $45
you will find every new style point of the Autumn season.
Heavy silk crepe frocks in black. Tricotine dresses com
bined with gray velour and heavily beaded. Dresses of
Canton crepe with wide sleeves. Tasseled frocks of crepe
de chine.
All of them really beautiful dresses, suitable for every
A Man Can Square His Shoulders
Into a New Suit and Put Some
Money Back Into His Pockets
Men's All-Wool Suits
at $25
Real stuff, sturdily woven, that will bear inspec
tion such are the good all-wool cheviots of which the
suits are made. Almost all are the dark mixtures that
men prefer. The few light mixtures are not too light
to be worn well into the Fall.
Some brown and gray herringbones among the
suits at $25, too, which is good news.
The suits are semi-conservatives in all sizes from
34 to 42, and fit is tailored into them, not merely
pressed. You can feel confident that the way one of
these suits fits you the first time you put it on is the
way it will fit you the last time you take it oft" !
Odd Trousers at $5
All-wool materials of every conceivable pattern are
well made into trousers to "match up" with old coats
and vests and bring the suit into action again.
All- Wool Suits of Flannel,
Cheviot or Blue Serge, $35
Each With Two Pair of Trousers
That's old-time Wanamaker value and good old
time service out of a suit.
It applies to every one of them, for they have long
lives of satisfactory service before them, and the
materials will help restore your faith in good woolens.
They are all semi-conservative suits of exactly the type
that men like for business wear. Coats are single
breasted and half lined with mohair.
((iiiller.i, Market)
Men Can Still Get Good
Wanamaker Shirts at Si. 35
am tne sons mat nro woitn more monc
various i:inus tnere aro still nnout an sizes.
Among the
U-iw... . U .,1.:.. C ......! I- .!!!.
Wiiuusuik; UillujiK luu cm o Ul fllium null;!.!: is I'SpL'iUI I V
good, and there aro few -of-a-kind shuts of woven madras. All
are cut on Wanamnkor dimension and are thoroughly men's
Men's Raincoats Special at $5
A time when a live-dollar br&.will buy a sturdy rubberized
tan raincoat is a good time to make tint bill work. These are
splendid value for the money. There's a whole season of use
fulness ahead of every coat, and the usual showers of tho
equinox -ire just around the corner.
The young man going back to college will be wise to take
one with him. The lew price makes it wrll worth carrying.
((Sillier), Miirliell
Men's Wool Golf Stockings Without
Feet Special, $1.50
How ninny men have hunted all over town for stockings
such as these at anywhere near this price!
Here they are, good wool, made in England, with fnncy,
colorful turn-down tops, in plain brown or brown heather
With Feet dt $2
Carefully proportioned and knitted of soft yams, they are
plain gray, plain brown or brown heather mixture with
fancy tops.
((nllrr, Mnrkrt
10 New Patterns in
Boys' Ail-Wool Suits
With Two Pair of Trousers
Good at $13.75
wnWheihor .tnc,by ,'b going away to school or staying at homn
wuii wooi monair, uotn na rs of troufinm iin,i t..n...i. 17. . ""1'S
every scam s taped. ' " ""!' v"fc
i t
, i
t . i i
r ;u
M I4lt.. wl. "Y
ti :.?" u
.'l. i vV. 4Vt.