x wr f..iEfTw V' :T i'- ' if . EfrEKliff, PUBLIC L!BDGrERPHIAT3ELPJJlA TtJDAY glDPTEtoE 1, 192J1' . ' - ., ll,tJ 'I V T, , r ( . .. t X 1 ' r l t- . - v' b ' - ' w ) r ES Cortolyou Suspends Lieutenant Crofut on Charges of Negli gence and Inefficiency SCHEDULED FOR TRIAL Police DrlllmnRter Lleutennnt Henry Crofut, who linH boon siiiieniril nnd ordered for trldl before Hip Civil Hervlec Commltslnn, Is nccuxed -of neglert of duly. Ineflk'leney nnd fnllnre to unbuilt to thev-npcrlntendent of pollre reports of the drills of members of the police depnrtment. "I mispended I.ieittennnt Crofut," enJil Director Cortclyou, "after I liajl carefully lnvcutiRnted rlinrxen iignlnFt blin. On Tuefilny I questioned him In the presence of Asslstnnt Director Tem pest and Commissioner Wnrtiiirtnn. null n the rcu1t of this talk I decided to pufipcnd Crofut nnd order him for rlnl." Acting Ahslstnnt Drlllinncter Ilnrr.v Edwards nn n'innrcl to linndle tin Ttork that Im been done by Crofu while the latter is under suspension. N Imllentlnn wns clven of tlic next Men to be taken by the heads of the police bureau following Crofut'n mispcrflon Lleutennnt .John Clay. 'of the Eleventh nnd Winter htreets station, was transferred to the post lefj i cant by the resignation of Lieutenant Hnrrj J. Itcnner. of the Twentieth mid Berks streets station. Lieutenant .T'lhn J. Corlini who is at present nnnttncled, or he has been nerving on n strike de tail In Kensington, was ordered (o take command of the Eleventh nnd Winter trccts district. Lleutennnt Bcnner'H wlfo said this morning her husband was a lieutenant until midnight Inst night, when he hnnded In IiIh rcsignntlon nfter belnc ordered to the 'I Mini and Dickinson Htreets police stritlon nx n house ser geant. The former lleutennnt is visiting up-State his son, who is ill. Two pntiolmcn weie promoted to houe sergeants. They nre John S. Haldcman, of -1-10 Nippon street. .Mount Airy, attached to the (iermnntown sta tion, and Samuel II. Jones, of UOl'J Parrish street, of the Twelfth nnd Pine streets district. Jones has nn excellent army record nnd graduated from the Fort Niagara officers' training school and was n lieutenant of lieavj nrtillery in the war. He nho served in the Navy before his appointment to the police force and was a member of the crew of the battleship Idaho when that ves sel mileil around the world with the grcnt fleet in 1(100. TROLLEY MIX-UP IN CAMDEN Riders Confused by Rerouting of Gloucester and Woodbury Cars Many trolley fnsspnsci vlio diiij destination is the Heading ferry at Knighn's nvenue, Camden, weie con fused this morning when the Cnmden teiminus of the ftloucc-ter nnd Wood bury line was chanced fnmi theio to Federal street. Although announcement of thcchlmge. was made several dnyH-fijn o) the Pub lic Service Corporation, inuiij passen gers wcic not awate of tin alteicd schedule. Complaints have been lodged with the utility company that the new route doe hot seno the purpose of inoie elliclent .service, as said by traition oflicinK People who use the line must new change to another cnt, spend two cents for an exchnnse and lose time, they say. BAND CqNCERT TONIGHT TIip Municipal Unnd will play tonight In Harrow gate Square, Kensington and Tioga avenues. $13,750 to$15,500 New Single Homes With garages, being built now on Highland Ave., east of Bryn Mawr Ave., Cynwyd. Five bedrooms, 2 bnths, one block from train, schools, churches and stores. All-cop-per gutters nnd ram spouting. Mny we send you full particulars? John H. McClatchy Huilder of Homes 848 Land Title Bldi;. DIRECTOR ACCUS POLICE DRILL CHIEF H Beginning U SEPTEMBER 1ST Bjj Business Hours U 1 Including Saturdays U I 6:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday, September 5th g LABOR DAY I The Store Will Be J I Closed All Day IACOB 1 I reed's I I SONS j 1424-26 Chestnut St. I li 1 s r PHILA'S. YOUNGEST RIDAL PAIR t ft HElRlHBHSHImWyiMH Daniel (iarlland. ,lr., Nil!!) South Dnlley street, and Dorothy Mench, 1.VI0 South llullry street, each two years old, HonVrlzcs at tlio carnival held by St. Aloyslus Cliurrli, Twenty-sixth and Tasher streets, which ended Saturday nlnht. The children appeared ns bride nnd groom FALL FROM TRAIN FATAL i Philadelphia Veteran of World War Dies After Accident Near Pittsburgh As n icsult of injuries sustained in a fall from a train. Tiicron Stedeford, 018 North itandotph street, died es tcrduy In n Pittsburgh hospital. Stedeford was riding on the platform of the baggage car of a fast Cleveland -Pittsburgh train on the. Pennsylvania Hnllrnnd. As it passed (tlen-Osborne the tinln lounded a curve and he was jolted off, falling underneath the wheels. Hotli legs were amputnted. Stedeford was a veteinii of the World War and served in the engineer corps. He Is survived by his mother nnd u married sister. SAYSWIFE ELOPiD Colllngswood Man Asks Divorce From Absent Spouse William Turgett, Collingmvood. has brought divorce proceedings alleging his wife, Kthel, eloped to Norfolk, Vn., two months ago with (Jus Wunscli, of Camden. Mrs. Targett nnd Wunsfh were fined in Norfolk recently on Tnrgett's com plaint, and nre being detained there. Cigarette Cause of Store Blaze A lighted cigarette is said to be re sponsible for a blaze in u delicatessen store at 41218 (iermautown avenue early todaj. M. Warren, who occupies, the second floor, detected the smoke and summoned the fire companies. CAN ANYTHING coo Do you think Cranes Bond too good for your businccs stationery? Can any. paper be too good for so important a purpose ? Cranes Bond costs more than the average bond paper. But why? Because it is made of all new rags-the very best rags obtainable. Such rags cost more than any other material. The methods followed in the Crane Mills are more careful, more thorough, more painstaking. They must be, because Cranes Bond is used for the most valuable papers in the world, for govern ment bonds by eighteen great nations, of which our own is one. Such is Crane's Bond. Is it too good for you? Are not the very qualities which make it so dc' sirable as a government bond the very ones you would like to give to your letter paper? ioo selected new rag stoc 1 20 years' experience Banknotes ofiz countries Paper money 0438,000,000 people Government bonds 018 nations Cranes BUSINESS PAPERS Columnar Books 2 to 36 Columns Times of buRiness depression Rive you n chance to look over your nccountinj? system and see where, you can save time and money by hhort cuts. Posting is simplified by the use at Columnar books, as the various chat'KCH are posted nt the end of the month. Get n circular illustrating them. Also Loose-Leaf Columnar Books. Yeo & Lukens Co. Stationers Printers 12 N. 13th St. 719 Walnut St. VETERANS PLAN REUNION Fourth Division Men to Fix Details of Gathering Former members of the Fourth Di vision will meet at 8 o'clock this eve ning at the Hcllcvue-Stratford to form plans for n reunion to be held early this fall. All former membets of the division; nre requested to be present to innke known their preference ns to the dntc of the reunion and to assist in the or ganization of a State committee. The Fourth Division saw action on the Vcsle Ulvcr. nt St. Mlhlel and in ' tlie Argonne. nnd was later nart of the! army of occupation In (icrmnny. POSSE NABS SUSPECT Is Found In Tree at Media After Woman Gave Alarm A posse of Media residents enught n Negro Inst night who was discovered by Mrs. Frances Prltchnrd. .Till South avenue, on the roof of her home. I Mrs. Prichnrd telephoned police, who J summoned a number of men. Tlio Negro tied and Officer Sweeney fired nt him. The Negro wax caught biding in I a tree a short time nftcrward. j I FINE FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANED AND RESTORED TDE ROSENBACH GALLERIES 13.'0 Walnut Strert BE TOO GOOD? . HI n MANDAMUS EVIL EXITED But No Less Than at Present, Rosearch Bureau State mont Sets Forth WELFARE BODY ADVANTAGE The "mnndnnuiH evil" existed In 18."0 no less than at present, according to this week's Issue of Citizens' Ilusluess, the weekly publication of the Itureau 6f Municipal Ilccnrch. In nn article entitled "Plotting the Curve of Government, the Jsureau de clares "the year 10'JI shows slight ad vance over 185(1 with respect to one. feature the mandamus evil. We II nil nn ordlnnnce npproved Mny 17, lS.'O, 'to forbid thnt any work shall be done without thfrnuthorlty of Councils. Two weeks later nppcars an Indignant reso lution complninlng thnt the ordlnnnce bad been 'disregarded by the heads of several of the departments, and espe cially by the Department of City Com missioners.' "Later in tlio year It was decreed that 'the said City Commissioners shnll not disburse any money, enter into nnv contracts, or purchase nny mnterlals, or order nnv work done, without spe clal authority from Councils.' The or dinances then become silent on the sub ject, whether because the commissioners listened to the voice of reason or the Councils gnve up In despair, we do not 1;now." i Citizens' Uuslness suggests that If nny one were clever enough to jdot n curve of government between 1850 and, the present time, such a diagram .jvould show many improvements In civic mnt- ters. It would show a great Increase in expenditures for city nnd school needs, $1,000,000 imd $7r.000.000. The interest payments on the city debt hnve Incrensed from 1.000,000 to ?S,000. 000. The per capita cost of govern ment has Increased from ?S to $40 in n period of sixty-five .tears. The bureau finds thnt tlnnncinl meth ods have vastly improved in the inter val, especially in regard to making appropriations for city purposes. There bns been progress In many other di rections likewise. "The yenr 1850 hntl its Hoard of Hnlth." "says Citizens' lttisiness: "op portunities for gratuitous vaccination were being offered: the poor, of course, Final and Most Sensational Week-end Offerings From Our AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Greatest values in years. Come and convince g uourself S $400 Genuine Walnut $ flTA.OO Bedroom duite at Most beauuiul Walnut, r ln4"T' TlWn am n -1 'TO A... ia -m II "'tr",'"v, """, Lhmorette, Dresser and Bow-end 5 $340 Dining-Room 5 diute at ' 5 w.w II M vStBWBPssjnr mum , , ,, n yomt shot I I a A m 5 H PlrlWBIfl ' n Ai lif iff m iw m mr I IMKwJJHIIBrMPr-r-. R I --rtlBSSWEssM--, 5 SM V lMJ ' .IV , fJ-i-1. tllfll TnkUiTSI m9BCB3E77 -i IjIWIKI m .K r !gl $" - iks ' 'N 5 ueautitul suite, with 60-inch Buffet, large oblong Table, enclosed Server and elegant China Closet. Kindly Nate Th!, Snl l.t. ,.; ? J... A tmall depotit will insure purchase for future delivery. Dlrrft ' I'nrtnrr Prom Our I'liitorlrn to e Direct We Srll the I'lirnlturr Milk llrprrnrnliithfo PHILADELPHIA FURNITURE EXHIBIT uprn i.nn.. 1 UO-I U-1 Z 108-10-12 Kiminj:. Adjoining N. W. Cor. LABOR At The SEASHORE Express Train Service Between Philadelphia and ATLANTIC CITY rUILADKI.rillA TO All VNTIC CITY Ja Koot of ChPHiniit Sired Saturday, II Sffpt .1 I' Mundny, 8it 4 Monilas , Sm'PI : I ." - I Man ililifijl't MtHirUIa t illan'ii Ih I t limn 1 Tlmn i imp i i nnt i , Hue i Tlin A.M i 4 10 V.M n id 7 00 II oo to no ll so I'M1 I no: I .to V.M' 4 lot II oo n aol 7IM)I 7 noi k no l) no joaoi I'M 1 1 oni 4 Dill 7 an 10 3(1 AM 101 7 noi 7 :in H 00, K 30 0 on in oo 11 20 I'M I J on a no s no 11 3D M I 4 101 tl (101 n :kii 5 IK) (1 nn 111 201 PM I I no 3 00 3 201 4 no ft no! II Mil' 5 4.M 10 30 AM r. to 7 no 7 .in n on 1" no 11 20 I'M 2 on I nn 4 20 n no n oo 7:1 II 4.1 11 3n tl 01) S III) 0 III) 1" lit) P.M K'.DI) ! an 1 'jj 2 01 IT i! 001 .1 001 .1 401 4 no i 4 Sin r. no' '.'ni n no1 7 R0I 3 41)1 no .1 joi 4 not I '.'0, f, no II snl 8 4fll 10 301 n iV 11 30 Sprlnl Trnln """""ni iiniiimy , - Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Stone !... .-. Trrrr - xIjc iriny Aik Attnti for Spnolnl Lotflt howlntr compleu hollrty wrr. - m r 'rem all the tor Bjher Raiorti. Philadelphia & Reading System had, their 'guardians.' But would not the citizens of that day have opened their eyes nt talk of n Department of Welfare with its bureaus of legal nid, recreation nnd constructive social serv ice; nt zoning commissions nnd nrt Juries; nt social courts nnd mothers' nsslstnnco funds; nt a department of city transit; nt nny number of develop ments thnt we aro wont to accept ns commonplace?" CENT TAX ON "GAS" IS IN EFFECT TODAY Service Station Sales Jump as Mo torists Stock Up The new Stntc net providing for n tnx of one cent n gallon on gnsollnc goes Into effect todny. For the last few days forcslghted mo torists have been lajlng up largo sup plies of "gas" to secure the advantage of the low figure. All of the large gaso-. line service stations throughout the city yesterday reported that their sales of gns during tlio Inst few da.ts have shown decided increase over normal sales, j Officials of both the Atlantic Iteflning Company and the (Julf Refining Com pany anticipate no difficulty In collect ing the tnx. Gnsollne will be soid nt ' the same figure with Me addition of one i cent on every gallon to cover the tnx. In other words, gns selling for twenty- I four cents a gnllon jesterdny will be twenty-five todny, the ndllitionnl cent' to go Into the State Treasury. i Under the new law tlio retailer must collect the tax from the consumer and I mnke the report the following month to the Auditor General. I Auditor General Snmuel S. Lewis, in I Hnrrlsburg. jesterday Issued the fol lowing statement : "We expect tlie collection of the tnx I to begin tomorrow, ns provided by the act, and questions which may arise will i be dealt with as they are presented. I I wisli again to cnll attention to tlie fact that the law requires records to be i kept and prompt pnjment to he made." Man Killed by fall From Train Thcrion Stctlcford, of (118 Randolph street, died In n hospital in Pittsburgh yesterday on n result of a fall nt Glen Osborne, Pa., from a fast Cleveland Pittsburgh train on the Pennsylvnnin Itnllrond. Stedeford was riding on the plntform of the bnggnge car next to the engine when he fell under the wheels. Hoth legs were amputated. It You Have Sold PIPELESS FURNACES up Itntr nn pxrfllrnt opportunity to offer son Writ for riVtnll. n sin I viifirn iit-Kiri" 159 H m n n a m with iun Vanity Case, large ' u J T" 1 TJ i m i im iuii vrtJiiuy isu, targe Bed. Noteworthy for its $ N Acrfpl T'nrrti Lin. ARmtN' Ordrr, N. 8th St. IN. th St. Op,n Mob. 8th & Arch St. ,jr,;'i"V. DAY vn.ANTK' (.irv TO I'HII.ADKI.PJUA i.rn.r rtiiwiuii; -iiy uepot atimtaj. Miiiila, H.mt S 11' 4 liniB Tlmo inm- Hum i i imH i nm, AM n .101 ft .'ill! 1100 11 t.i 7 10' 7 30 N 001 111 III)! I'M I' 1 an; : on! t 00 ft no 7.110 R 001 in on AM II 301 II 10 7 111) 7 4". h III H 30 II.IIO 11 III)! 1 iwr 2 3D1 I OOl ft 00 II 00 N III) n nn U on. n on I'M , 1 m1 .1 no. I on . nn 11 11) 7 nn1 n no s IM 111 Oil AM I II) 001 I'M 2 .' 4 OO ft 00 0 OOl 7 noi ) no n no n 1 ft 11 on "?. . - - cnrilulp to ' Harbor, Wildwood and -IQl-ooifli) I AH"Wi . V-W.W a m v m m wmt vi ' i a "v n Mumln 1 Slil ft III A M A M IHI I 00. 7 0.) IW 4ft1 7 tft Im 7 .1111 N .111 Iff h no 11 nn i'JI in 00 11 on , III I'M , I'M I Iff 1 .11) ' 3D 1 Ml 3 on, 1 00 Im t iki on Ij 4 10 ft 80 IM ft no n on fill 1 'ft so ii 311 111 1 H on 7 no llll .1 '0 301 7 30 I J 7 00 H nn Hi I 7 301 .10 1 llll N.mi i) on 10 " '1 " 1ft id I on in on llll ' in no. 11 no Mm 4w5jBsj T WO NEW JOBS ' LISTED BY CITY Civil Service Schedule Names Positions Connected With Architect's Office TO SPEED IMPROVEMENTS' Two new nnd Interesting city job" nre on the special schedule issued b the Civil Service Commission tolnv They are both In the City Architect's office ami pny .W.00 and KW'JtT, One Js thnt of specification writer in the Cltv Architect's office, pajing .1000, with a W00 bonus, and the other Inspector, pnying S'JT.'O. witli a SU7." .-.I bonus. The positions require n lngli grade of specialized skill, nnd It is ex peeled men will come from New York Wnshlngton. Itoston nnd other cities to take the examinations, which will be held September 1'J The two new positions were created by City Architect Sinkler. nfter he Imd been authorized by Council, in order to speed up the work on playgrounds, recreation centers, public1 buildings, etc. Many proposed and authorized public improvements have been held up due to the lack of men in the ire'il lect's office. This ha slowed up th" completion of plnns. It Ik cxpicted. soon after the two new positions arp filled, work will be started that will give thousands of Idle men much-needed employment. For position of specification writer, the applicant mnt hav" hntl nt lenst eight jears' practical architectural ex perience, two ears of which have been rrPYBANKSs UMLH.'cLru. SiLVnsnms,eTM r iyy Je r Wedding Stationery Correspondence Stationery Correct prevailing jtycj MacDonald & Campbell Dependable Reductions in Men's Fine Clothing Alterations at Cost Suits from $10.25 to $48.75 All our fine suits of Unfinished Worsteds, Cheviots, Tweeds, Tropical-weight Worsteds, Palm Beach, Silk, Linen. And Norfolk Sport Suits, in Cheviots and Tweeds. Also Outing Trousers. 1334-1336 Chestnut Street - aiiw Store Open Until Clean-up Tomorrow!! A Drastic Reduction to Move Ont All Remaining Lines of Women's Pumps and Oxfords B Iff S I II II H III 5 1 IS la I In I H Mi Originally Priced Up to $8.50 All at the One Price I 111 Brown Kid i a Patent Colt If uniua"v White Kid ) low a pnce Early Choosing Is Advised ! Sale an Third Floor Take Elevator Inside Door Extra Salespeople! N'o Mail or C. O. D. Orders Filled. THE BIG SHOE STORE 1204-06-08 Market Sired lljl I a'1 a supervising capacity. Credit will be given for n illplomn from n recognized school of architecture. The applicant enn be of nny age. over twenty-one yenrs. The inspector must hnve two years of nrchltrcturnl training' dnd five years' firacttcnl experience, two of which must invu been in supervising building con struction. He must nlso be nble to ex hibit n thorough knowledge of build ing construction nnd laws There Is no nge limit on this position either, ex cept that the Incumbent must be over twenty -one .tears of nge. I 50 good cigarettes for 10c from one sack or GENUINE "BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO v Skis Xurtwt iZ$nef-Z? uNeiui - i..i. z This Saturday 5 :30 P. M. Final e ranR, w hi ClinHra 8hmiffhnetr. eM pt the Civil Service Coramtwti )pcl nn uniiiuttl number of 11 ni me cxnininntinn, nn mftny ltien at inrjuiry iinve ijci'n received. ;i V PERRY'S Final Closing Sale at HALF PRICE An the original prices were very low, the Half Price makes these Suits, Overcoats, etc., the greatest bargains in ten gears! Started with the bal ance of our Spring and Summer stock woolen and worsted Suits, in cluding Sports Suits in four - piece combina tions, two - piece Golf Suits, and extra Golf Trousers! Palm Beach and Mohair Suits; Sep arate Trousers; a few Spring and Fall Over coats, a good lot of Winter Overcoats, a few Fur Collar Over coats, standard Rub berized Raincoats, a few Reversible Leather Coats, and Leather Coats with suede lining all to be sold in this Final Closing Sale at Exactly One-Half Their Regular Prices! The $30 Suits will be sold for $15; the $35 Suits for $17.50; the $40 Suits for $20 and so on up to $60 Suits for $30. The $50. $60 and $70 Winter Overcoats will be sold for $25. $30 and $35, respectively. And so on and so on! Goods on Sale Regular Suits Sports Suits Golf Suits Fall Overcoats Winter Overcoats Raincoats Palm Beach and Mohair Suits Leather Coats Fur-Collar Coats Separate Trousers for Golf or for Regular wear All at Exactly Half Price ! Terms of Sale Cash Only No Alterations No Itcfumta No Exchanges Perry & Co. MN. B. T." 16th & Chestnut StR. Do you know the In creased sales value in a properly designed label or container? v , n Tm Holmes Press, 'PrW. a '& mm flK4 m M i'i ;i NJ Y Yti .l ' j.U tiM In, PUUdtlpbta ') 'bB S f r : ..vC v. 1... V ' j " W ' ' r ,f- vT ..' !. lA -"-:i3 kfeftyHi i 1 uF "" ,