15 Pi"1 'I ' . '.j-i . "mf ' Ty' t" jrvw -;.? vnnvTri &: s '-' ,v IV i a' s!1 s:v lll'l kc Snti. -, evert' irk ' one tjAl mnn '""l u Qiny i .'. Ci 'JKi1 . SH :'-"! .LdlRffl i(j'twMly 'V a THE Letters to the Editor Cause of Lack of Work ty the F.illtor ol thr Kvenlna Public t.edaer t Wr The People's Korum Is very In tereitllm nnd useful (or presenting: the Publta's opinion, Can the reoplo of this tlatlon be Chrlitlnnii nnd civilised when there Is uch great deprivation at present and for norne tlmo past with little hope of b l trment In the near future? WThero la no scarcl'y of work, livery one y,Bsds food, clothing, furniture, houses, lux ' urlss. pleasures, travel and Industries All tjieis make work The greater the wants nnd extra vag-ance no niuch more work, siork, there la no end to It to he done It matter not how much we nil spend rhen Vre hae It to spend It makes more business and labor, the more each person buy. To save too much alops business and Industry although a little Interest Is rotten. Kvery cut In wanes buvln power, by high prices, taxes lav-offs. Inferior com tnodltle reduces business and Industrv It I positively necessiry to Increase wines to boom up Industr and business cnlnrBlnu the. people' purchasing power All commodities are mnde to sell and to Ue. When nobodv buvs them not hav ing the means, although the nre ery muen in need of them, then business and Indus try low down and stop There are no or der given to the Industries, then there Is n cot and lay-off. less freight carried on railroads, a lay-off takes place or wages are reduced then business and Industry get worse, which will continue so .One million persons with needs of MO 000,000 a diy must have J10 000 nno In come or wages to buy their wants of 110 000,000 to make JU) 000 Ono business and Industry and itlve work to labor to toil steadily. rlT,KKV AND VETEUAN. . Philadelphia. August S3 1021 We "Stay-at-Homers" To the Editor of (he Evening PuUic l.edarr- Sir The wm the ex-service men keep trying to get a bonus Is disgusting Haven t wo taxpayers done enough alren.lv Uurine tho war we went without sugar In our enffeo (ometlme mostlj when we had cm jny). We were forced (about SO per r-nt of us), to buy Liberty Ponds nt 4'x per cent interest That . the llr.. "me m of u. ever saved anvthlna and think of the nervous strain we have been under since for fear the b,nk woull fl D dn t the monnion "i - '- - right or earning one Plank (the J. me Plank) all day ne.rl drive some of us taxpajers who were w-.rkln n,th',n't pju, jobs Into a nervous collapse? Dldn t tt,AUUho taxpajers were dlnn to go to r ordv ere not between twentv-one ?nd thirty-one We I"" lhl nrmy ng" HmU was fnrtj -five but our memories were ban, "hat line during the host! Ues "Tni hwUh"i. here bird, '- ?rer.dTtusf;rSr.hr Philadelphia. August 24. ln-l Canadians Our Friends To Hie Editor o the Evrr.1 a PuMlc Leter-Stri-An article arranged b Oeorge T Humphreys discriminating against fcn lh SrmUTrsl'aJnd!ngmor:cSlon, rive'd-inTu-ff r NJhvvr r.,rr ss Sir0r,-doj: S?.5." JK UTL "nVr-nrmmfa. Fmv;rrl:but letter m ine v.i-...,. ---. .-.. . ,.j nTyei" KXS "'.king from rclexTeVnce,, Io t ?--.'0 . i t a "couple of iriems nTh.lp vd-nclng the cmc us on ?our .. )ismn nUN PXilaW-1 ' " k . certain degree Your lener """ " ;--- ?ne to r-flect against a country ..nd Ha people who are near and dear neighbor, 'Vask Mr Humphrejs has he ever be-n -''"n Toronto or Montreal to learn about th- people he condemns? Th are Jus , -clear-thinking as any one o u ,.m. -.-great respect for everything Amerldn. Only a Canadian extrmeU Ignorant woull irake such broad statements, and these are very few. Canada and Its subjects are .ur most intimate friend. tola5. ind should w . ever be d. dared between Eng and and America (which I hop- never will) Canad.i trauld en'er t as our ally Tropagand-i due to the Irish Question Is misleading mmy Americans of England a .i..,i.hin !..t us odont Mr Harding s policy of lettlrg it be Engl md'n ,.r..lil'm . to settle and keep our American rent'nvrite y -mt home, so our Engllsr frlnds canrot CCUSI. UA Ol nn mcinB mmi.-, ' - take English blood Your r had n tendency to creite hard feelings even llnst Canada l-'t's 1 honest an 1 keep euch things to our-ehes HENIIY A TEAHCE Philadelphia. August 25. 1921 Casual Summer Acquaintances To the Kdltor of the firmnu I'ubUc l.nlo'r- Sir sioulJ girls who ri to the snshore resorts for vacations weeknd trips or even excursion trips kep up a friendship derived from an tnnoc-nt flirtation on th beach or at the hottl while there, and continue It Into the home life upon re turning? The question is v ry peculiar I admit .. vt la it not trii that girls who g .. .. ..... I ... In mrn to the shore, not exc udlng the fellows villi Indulge In fllrtlnit as part of the ncmd time- In. fact. I bell-vo som fellows ar. 1 cms Would not enjoj themselves unless they knew that the "plcktnit" was easy Now for instance we are supposlnir that we have returned from the resort, an I have settled down once mnr to our dally rou tine. Tho irtrl no doubt Kcts a call from ono of her friends whom she met at the shore nnd makes a so-iallcd dt" with him. Thus the friendship of a mere fll ta tton develops Into more Intlmnte acquaint ance. Trettv soon the vounc ladv mij or may not Introduce him to her pirents most likely as an old friend That urines an Clher point to my mind Po the ynunit lidles renllr whit ihev Rr dolnic In developing friendships with fellows whom thv perhaps nevir h.ird of and whom lhy know nothing of what th- actually are I ndmlt that a rood rna" are fine fellows Jut out for a oo 1 lime but there are some m,n who ttn to the shore and mike a lus!nss of cr iok ine eBradatlon and with seimtnjr sincerm use suave flattery to indu n the vnunt? la.ll.H to think that thev real v ar- somjthinc This Is liable to lead to the rulnlnic of ihi whole llf for some unfortunnte muik ladles. And I mlKht sav , xj -ienc- is a great teacher' ns lien Tranklln i 1 but why not trv to avoid anj lc1i ir urn atat,co which vvnuld lead to an oci tirrei of fo'i"l liarnlnc Tersonallv I believe it would he fir the best If pirents wmill look into the f rd i d ahlps of their daiisMerj lertlfvlni: in ihe'r own minds thi chiracter of newlv m . le friends, Althoush th shore Is noted for many of this sort of meetings we are sure to find It virtual v ver where VIlItViiN AtU.I.VOTON Philadelphia I AUKUst .'(1 1DJ1 Merchant Marine and Seamen To the Editor ol th Eittiinu Pubhe J.rdyer' Blr It could not be m cte 1 th it vve more than anv other nation shou d lw able to make enslneers over nlu'it or oftl"ers In Ctnrral, They hid to be raised eorno vvav or another In order to huvo our ships running- V It was one of the most serious question, .k "How to man our shins " Kabrlcnieil nu " tl.ey are. many of thm have turnel out si failure, not at all up to ri'iulrementa, which we nothing tut expeitnl Several of theso ships are now tied un. not only on urcount of the frelt-ht marUet but because it doesn't pay to run them The absolute failures vvlll fen.ulr so ex tensive repairs that It vvl'l hardlv pay to have them put In communion, unless f.,r emergency use Bo it Is with our manufactured enk't- neers (deck officers as well) They oUBht to have thi Ir licenses susiiendcil until they halo obtained the necissary competent y w hold, one The eiiKlneurs should hi, inadu to serve a certain tlmu in u mlthlne shop , The enulneers must be mechanics They must lw cnuliieem The BreBter part of the repairs sent to the machine shop tun be done on Unrd It Is a custom to send every little thlntr ashore. A yard lunvr repair list Is uenerally made out Ionic U f are the veasel has ar rived at part If It had not Wn for the llrrmuda Islands nnd the An run vve would no doubt hold the record In lonit-dlstance tis&lnir, The People's I'liriiin villi iinpe ir dully In the Ktenlnx I'u'illu lAMler. uml iilso In ttiM KuniLiy Pnhlle Lnlrer letters LsilMlwstu timely tonlra will lie Printed, I mi as requemeii Heins, una qiirsuuos f sacral lattriiit wilt be unwrrtil. v r llOlift PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters to the Editor should bo is brief and to the point ns posalble, avoldlliB nnythlnit that would opj-n it denominational or necmrlan dl cuskIoii. No attention will be imlil to nnonv mou't letters. Names nnd nddres"se must bo signed ns nn evidence of pood fnlth, although names will not bo printed if request Is made that they bo omitted. Tho publication of a letter Is not to lie tnken n-t nn Indorsement of Its views by thH pnper t-ommun'OHtloni wilt not bo re turned utiles accompanied by post auc, nor will innnu-crli)t bo saved Have done prettj we I is It Is Thousands of ertra miles have ten sailed In return lug to ports or calling at different ports for the matter of u few boiler tubia, frei.li water or other smaller repairs, which easllj could be done or rnthtr aiiuuld be dune b the inglnvtr department It has happened that shins have run ashore In trjlng to find a port of refuge, is It may lie called i'htro are mnj capable men among the erglneers. It Is to tholr own Interest to help improve matters Tluy have been lighting for high wages, but ovllititlj have forgot m the nturn. A bettir understand Ing Is'tween the dick and englne-r depart ment Is recommended As It Is now thej tr to eat eaih other, and It certalnlv doesn't do th ship tiny good, und itestrojs the little dlilpllne vve have. So far I h-vvu blamed the engineers for li efficiency of our ships The iWk de lurtmeiit Is a great deal to blame, no doubt So mnn of our masters do not mt the wn a shipmaster should. I.jek of kpovvielge exn rlenee and sound Judg ment is the ctu-e They take things too (tis Some even'eiv., the navigation to joung. unskilled eo-cnliel navlgulng officers. Any old woman c in shape a cours Itut to go the right wa ibvut It Intelligence 1m niienr and a, the a ivantages offend that icu shall hive to study up. Our navi gation schools do not leirn us those things. In order tn piss the eximlnitlon as master the student should have a knowlnlge about marine liw. ship business elictrlltj m i- netlitn (enmpas' adjusting), meteorologj. thlp eonstrui lion and an Idea about ship macl.lnerj I think tin seimen's scnool should be un ler 'Government nmtrol at least six months should be spent at school In order to qunllfj for n masters exunlnitlon This 3",() buslnies with no cure no pi. should 1h stoiptMl The vvho.e eximlnatlon Is noth Ing but a Joke ,ts It is now Msn:n. Philadelphia. August :C 10-1 Fair Treatment by Congress To the Frlttor of th, l.nntnu Public l.nloer: Sir Of lite t-verv time jou pick up n newsmper all jou see on the front pige aid In fiet m.ntlonil ill over th- paper s ' prohibition ' or ' rum seizure ' or the like till It make- a nun I mean a "he man" fed sick h cannot the men we the poor people elect nnd send to Con- .. .t- .u. .. ... .. kl. ..h nal Sirn nit -illlirillltlK urill lli,- .,.-,, o , mending to the houlng situ itlon or dlv-J ing into tne nun cot or coai it is not ior a poem "Tho Witching Hour" and Impossible as anv nation that can col- ntotes u few lines. The lines quoted are liet an n-mv of 4 t'OO mm men ind thm from a poem bv Dret Harte and Is en transport them nrrits- the "pond" Infested tltitd Newiort 1U.AIJL.K. is It was with subminnes without the loss i Philadelphia, August 30. 11121 of a single transport, nothing would seem Impossible to them Then doin out the "I'rl Be a Ovnev" rerrllors of th S-nate an 1 the House of . uyH these 'she acrobats " I mean ihese re-, o (he h itltor of thi f. cnina Public Lcdotr- formers who want us all to go around with s'r Pleise tell me the name of the a lllv m our mlt Where were Ihev when cimpcer of the sonj, and give at, the the war wi going on" I know thev tuver lines which starts ns follows siw much at a recruiting a' or We can- ' '! be a gvrev hnppv an' free rot box anl plav bill as re were allowed . to do in the training cm p when we vvere r . prt-pirlng to lick the "lli-n." so he oulrkep I I something is don I mean something that will benefit u all and leave us alone to lurselves the better. T.hiia.ihi, i,s- n.i Philadelphia Augusts. 1021 Questions Anstvered "I Shall Pass But Once" To th' Editor of thr Evrtiina Public l.rdvr sir Who wrote th swlnir "I shill piss th-oiiish the vvorl 1 hut oner If thirt is nnv klndnsss or an iroort thlntr I cur do for my f,llov llncs let me 1 1 It now I vvlll nut piss this vv i mi'n D L nitMISTOV. Phlln.lelphli Auciiflt 1 1021 Tre nnthoi of this nuotntion as usimllr ' ciV"n is not known Tienhnm In Ounti tlnns " savs "Hl'rv effort to Ulentlfy th nvthor of this much quntiM sijinir has fallet It has hern nttrlhuteH to "Stphsn ClrHlot nn Amrlnn Quaker t1771-1i-'15) n i Kmerson Aild'son Mareus Aurelius and othrs and It Is ilso said that the corm of it is n b found In a vvrltlnc of "hlnese philosopher The pissiipe does not oeriir In ins of the prlntel works Orellet The nearest approach in Mareus Aureiius Is 'o man rememiier ran lso another like that which he now I.ises Ths present Is the sime for nil what we nnv lo-e or win Is Just tho ftvJnT momeit In iriesseii lie riru lierv ' hv Wlll'am Oannett the snvlna Is thus recorded Thi old Quiker was rluht I expect to pass through this life hut once If ther la any kindness or nnv Bond thine I can do mv fellow telnss let me do it now- I shall pass this way but once " More National Forests Tn the pttitor nt thr Pi re. My Pubt r f rrjrjrr' ir Is any more land te'nit set aside for nn'l"n' 1",1r"t' F W. Philadelphia, Auirust ".1 1'iJl The purchase of is I.'l acree of land to tv adde.I to the Kastern national forests was authnr!7ed Tune lfi hv the Natlonnl Torest Reservation rommlslon. Aliut ." nno acres of to.s Is n V rrinla the re.t Includes tracts In Alabama, Arkansas (leorirla New ITampshlre N'orth Carolina, Tennessee nnd West Virginia Parody on Weddings To thr Editor nt thr Eirnmo Public Lrdnrr Sir I want to make use of a parod on th- vveddlnus we niebrat I saw it a Ions t'mi mm somewhere In a hook or parer I recall gne vveddlnir In the list s'llver vved dlrc Marrvlnir an old maid of sixty I h pe ou run find It for me V S I. Phlladi Iph' i August 21. mil This Is probahh what ou are looklna for A wood-n wedllnB marulntr a block- W.W.WAV.V.VA t At first sign of Sneezing LUDEN'S menthol coutgi drops I quick I rrfief y USE Luden's. Often prevent serious "Colds" always Blve quick relief. The menthol blend cools and soothes ""' Irritated throats t noc air passages , i i 5 .0-J--" ...VsFJW.V DRUGGISTS Chemists Clerks For qualified and efficient help use THE PUBLIC LEDGER MORNING EVENING SUNDAY s6sssassslsaWls,MspBgsBBgTsMBMsyMss miw3 Vnxx Y &QHBC9nMiaBHBflMlBstf'n1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, HTJKSDAY, heacT, a crjslal wedding marrying a glass eo, a tin wedding mnmlng a milkmaid! n paper wedding marrlng an editor, a Plain wedding marrjlng a. carpenter, a sil ver wedding marrying nn old maid of slxtj , nn Iron wedding marrjlng a blacksmith, a coppt wedding marrying a snunvv; the worst sort wedding-miirjlmf a nobodyi a steel wedding marrjlns a shoplifter ft glass wedding mairjlng n toper ft leather wed ding marrjlng a son or diughter of St. Crispin. Where Aliens Can Vote To the KiMor ol the l.'tciifno 7'iiMlc I.rtlotr: Sir Please answer through tho l'eople'a I'orum why nn alien can vote In some States nnd not In others. Also can he vote for State nnd national officers or Just local. O W I. An alien Is allowed to ote, through a provision In the State constitution, In the following States If he has declared his In tention of becoming a cltUen Mnbama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Mis a utl .Nebraska Oregon, S uth Daumu and Texis Thej can vote for all officers, both StMe and natl inal balloted for In the State A Quotation From Wordsworth To the KiUtnr of the n't initio I'ublie I.nlocr jr 11, nt" Inform me bj whom Ihe fol lowing quotation was written and from whit It Is taken ' The hol time still ns n nun, silent with adoration " Your People's Korum is so remirkablv Interesting and far-reaching I am sure the Information will bo forthcoming S I.. A. Phi adeii h a August 24, IU21 The .luotollon rorrictly reads s follows "The hoi j litre Is uulet as a nun. breath less with adoration" It Is from Words worth a iKHin ' It Is a Ileauteous Evening " Pronunciation of "Hiawatha" To the Vititor of thr i'lenlno 'iiltlic l.etlorr Sir l'l"iis tell mo huw to pronounce the word ' lllHWiihu " III.NHY T. HOSS. Philadelphia August 2V 1021. Authorities do not ngree on the proper pronunditlon some favoring the first syl lable to be pronounced with nn "e" as In ' even. ' others ' i ' as In ' Island ' Long fellow pronounced It "Hee-Je vva thi.' The "a" In the list two syllables Is given the sound of ah " Poems and Songs Desired "For If He Come' To the Editor of the i:cninu 'iiltl.c Lcdocr; Sir 1 im anxious to seiure i copy of a point which contains the ft Mow Ing Tor if he come not bv the roid And come not bj- the bll.. And come not b the high -ea way, Yil mmi he surelj will Closi nil the rouls of all tho world, Love s road is op,n still " MUS. W I, HEIST Philadelphia,' August 27. 1021. "Newport" by Bret Harte T rfif f fit i I the Kivnliio Piih'f' I.nlarr '""" "y "i narm , Yt 1 1. .. t.t... ... 1......... ....li. ... M - ' , ,, , it i in, -.!"( MIHtf 1 II O I' l.ruyrr Sir I notice one of jour renders nsks Cj-if) en RKJOniPndi rti-t O M ftli,0(J II YQn llUflL ol.Ol) , ,.. n"""'""" Y , ,.,, I '""" Move-size Ilrlqueta undo from I , I 1 vl,rn .,nM f.,. I ' A Cheaper and Hotter Fire : tlmn Domestic Anthracite enil for FREE SAMPLE IN WEST PHILADELPHIA ATLANTIC FUEL CO. FRANK F. MATHERS 52d and Whitby Ave. Wet Philadelphia Hell Wnoilliml 018 Krv. West ""St IF YOU INTEND STUDYING ; PHARMACY, YOU SHOULD ENROLL NOW Our one hundredth yeur begins, In Septemtii r with a fjcultj of 30 ntnl rtudent facilities for moro than 60u Six laboratories ami four post Brarluate courses leading to rec-oKP-izid dpRreeB Pharmacy offers today wonderful opportunities for ambitious) men nnd women Call or write for) full Information und catalog: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy , and Science 145 N. 10th St., Phila. : SAVE MONEY f t , 5 On Electric Fixtures , ' lluy Uirri't Prom Manufitctuicr and have the Dtfjetince ' A FEW SPECIALS , For One Week Only 2-LiEht Bed- Room Fixture I Her. Price1 7 Chain Drops J Regularly J $4.50 J $9.50 Cut to SQ.95 Sole I'rlre t Csi nn 5-Lii;ht Living-Room ' Fixture I'rlie S31 Our "vile Price t iffin f In un 11 ii- i-h. MODERN ELECTRIC FIXTURE CO. We Ship ... v ,1,1, Wiilimt ' Vn. where N- V St' 1 -."" . ... n 1. 1 (IIMII I lllll II ' 1 1 h 1-03 -J I I J fa vi Cornpjt&A Complete J Side Bracket J Y I Ileie. S3 ill) fi I Nule 1'rlie J I ' SI .49 : J Kelt ' Our .50 i ; f . Complete 'm nil i I Ji J t i 5 Induillnu' Sutiinliy $ f f-Ammsfctkm's,..'".' mfm W9W Roaming the world a a bird or a bee." D. U EDCtAIt. Philadelphia, August 20, 1021. Wants "My Wild White Rose" To the lidltor of the Eventuo TuMIc Ltdoert Sir I am anxious to secure a poem which contains nm the end of one of the verse the following lines "And maybe In tho morning; when his blessed face I see, Ho will tell me whjv my white rose grew Just too high for me." " A. I.. O. Philadelphia, August SO, 1021. "Traces of Cray" To the rdltor ol the l.vcnlnu Public Ledaer! Sir I am desirous of finding a five-verse pcem which nppenred same ear ago In several newspapers, Ihe'llrst two line of which I remember ns follows: "There are silvering threads In jour hair, old friend, Thero are traces of gray In mine " SAMTKI. T. rAUNCB. Philadelphia, August 21, 1021. "Her Old Man" To the Vdltnr of the Kvrntno Public I.rdvr Sir I am anxious to secure n c.pv of n recent poem bv Trank L. Stanton entitled 'Her Old Mm." O W. W PhllalolphU, August 10, 1U21. Mv ol' mtn he savs aaja he: "I'd shore bo thankful If the vvnr'd take m3l I'm rips in' ready for to rlo &n go I'it j u ain't no older than ou feci, jmu linjwl An' It ain't no sign when jer hair l gray An' folks air siyln' that yuu've 'had jer day'. An' ths rifle thar. on the old-time rack, Makes a war hoss hone for ol' war track" Mv ol' men he says sijs he: "Don't nod that lose. In vour hilr at me. With aw est yhjectln' ta what I aay When Hie lotmtiv's callln' fer h Ip tndnv ' If j-uti're hale an' hearty at three score ten He 1 llk- a Mm In the midst u' Men They nun be w irk fir vr hands to 1j Her to heb to o the country through'" Hut I toll him. "Yjr war time' past an' iron-. An' the Irc.imv sunset's comln' on You can 'oss jer hat an' clap er hands When the Imvs march by to the nixie bnnds. An I with a teir that Ji-' will fnll -Will wava "em a kiss at' bless 'em all ' Then m ol' mar sajs, from his heart o trii-: giiinnnj-imiijoiiniii'i uisniliiiiiiiiiiniiiiiEuiiiaa iiiwii'iiiitin'iiiTB'iin u.i jmiraiiiiiM SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES .iin'inri'un'raiiraiiii'iiiriHniiih MBIIIIunM Until Tfs World's Championship Won With Gregg Shorthand In the Twenty-second Arjnual Speed Contest of the National Shorthand Reporters' Association, Niagara Falls, August 25, Albert Schneider, a recent graduate of the High School of Commerce, New York City, won the world's championship for speed and accuracy defeating three former world's champions and the largest number of writers eery competing in the cham pionship contest. His remarkable accuracy on the three five minute tests at 200. 240 and 280 words a minute, was made possible by the simplicity, speed and accuracy of Gregg Shorthand. Breaks World's Record In the 2 I 5-words-n-minute straight literary matter dictation, Mr. Schneider wrote 2 1 I net words a minute, establishing a new world's record at this speed of 98.32 per cent accuracy and beating the previous record by 2.2 words a minute. In the 175-words-a-minutc straight literary matter dictation he made but three errors a world's record 99.65 per cent perfect. Insist on getting Gregg Shorthand this fall. Taught by More Than Ninety Schools in the Metropolitan District THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY New York Chicago Boston San Francisco London i iiikIiI In tho Lending 1'rUntr Srhniils l.verv where ml In hiV, ul the IllrJi ruimuN ir ine ilium -nitrs tillering iiiirilinnii WIGHT SCHOOL WILL BE A MIGHTY HELP TO YOU sour desire I suiteas In buslni as life "lvvo ivenlnwa n vvueji enables von i mabtor anv them vltV courses tleiurni iluslness. MuiioKraphi. UnBllsh -., iesmnnslup llulier i:nlsli IlfrecMvo fneiKlnt. Civil f-crvlce C l" A Aiountit4r Hen nstato nnd Convevniielnir .... an "Arcitr.nirKi" (OMMimciAr, riinoL 1200 WALNUT STREET FAIX TKKM Ili:CilNS SBITEMIIKR 0 Our reeuUr ilnv and nlffht classes In ehortlnnil anil tievvritlnie und In book I keei'lnk' anil accountancy beKln September i) Investigate anil enroll now. Personal and practical Inirtrurtlon Positions for our i crid'iites Call or vvrlte for full information ! h "r eS?rss . V)t1gy 1017 Clinlnut Ht.. I'lilluil KOE rro i elplila ' OAK I.ANK CUl.NTIU DAY bCHUUL . A distinctively practical school. Kinder- I Rarten to rol ee oien air rooms, 30 acres tf poviirounds nnd vvood nnd. Individual at t tentlon. Hus service Phone' Melrose 607. r. M I'ltori ICIM'll llemlmistrr Yoiinir Men anil llnvs j UA'illlM.TON I). C, The Law Depigment Georgetown University Washington, D. C. Announces the establishment of morning courses in law, in addition to the afternoon courses, Beginning October 1, 1921 A Free Scholarship tn tho morninir course is open to College antl Hip;h School Kradu itcs of the Stntc of Pennsylvania. Applications for appointment should be made in writing to JOSEPH L. McALEER, Esq. Commercial Trust Co. Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. Aoiini: omen anil tikis The Gordon-Roncy School l'ur dlrlh 1112 Hpruie Street Oeneral and ( olleire prepaiatory Pourses Poot warden and Q in .MI"S KIINKV. Prln, Hi: (OUl.lTs s(H(i)i.Uoarillnc and Day lio i iur iiii from lilnu- n.arten through I h rieho I n ro s Hrrtpted in Primary D partment PMMA MILTON ( (HMJIS, A. II lie id of Siliiinl. 1 ik Line. Phllii.. pa. Ml MKIV HILL. PA. thi: ii.uiinn or thi: inn. (iiu.n A lioardlnrf und day schou. (or ulria .17(11 sear Condu el l.v the hlsters of the Souetv n( (he Holy s.n i Jesus General and to lee prepnritorv courses music art domestic sclnce Hates IS00 Address the Mother jiiperlnr. II' "S 1) Hharon HI I Penna l((ISHMi:ONT. P . IIIIIA CHILD COI.I.I.di; For oun women, under direction o( the -.inters t the Society of t Holy Child Jesus. Ilachelor of srls course, music, art, Ueautiful buildings and forty-acre campus on Main Line. For details, address the Cetn, lioi 25 D. Itosemont, l'enna. "Well, It's good to be Home with Love an' Toul" "The City of the Living" To the Editor of the Kvcntnp rubllo I.tdoer: Sir I will appreciate It If some reader will help me to find a poem published many jenr ago entitled, a 1 femember, "The City of the Living." a city wherein the dtad could not enter. The concluding line ntv a follow: , "And so year came nnd went and left them living, While graves grew green outside j Oh few, methlnka, would caro to find the city Whero no one ever died," IIOIlACE T. MANN. Philadelphia. August 28. 1021. "The Valley Lay Smiling" To the Editor of the Eicntna Public l.edoer! Sir Recently In tho People' Horum ft nader signing "V. W. L" nsks for "The Valley T.ay Smiting Ilefore Me." I Inclose the words herewith, Tho author Is Thomas Mooro, nnd be ha set them to tho ancient Irish air of "The Pretty Girl .Milking Her Cow- " J. C. Philadelphia, August Sit. 1021 Tho valley lay smiling before me Where lately I left her behind: YetM trombled nnd something hung o'er me That tadden'd die Joy of my mind. I looked for the lamp which sho told me . Should shine when the Pilgrim returned: Hut tho' darkness begnn to enfold me, No lamp from the bttllements burned. I flew to her chamber, 'twna lonelj-, A It the loved tenant lay dead. Aht would It vvere death, and death only. Hut no, the young false ono had fled. And thero hung the lute that could often My very worst noln Into bliss, Whllo the hind that had wnk'd It so often Now throblied to a proud rival' kin. There was n time, falsest of women. When Ilrrffnl' good sword would have sought That man, thro' a million of foemen, Who dared but to wrong thee In thoughtl Dut now, oh I degenorate daughter Of Erin, how fall'n Is thy famel And thro' ages of bondage and slaughter Our f ountry shall bleed for thy Bhamet Already the curse Is upon her And strangers her vallejs profane: They come to divide and dishonor, And tjranta they long will remiln, nut onwird the green banner reirln Oo, flesh cv'ry sword to the hilt, On our side Is Virtue and Lrln. On theirs Is Uie Saxon and uutit Until Ifxrn Inxtnii ticm DAY SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 6 NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 8 SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE liroad and Spring Garden Sts.. Phlla. DAY Classes In ELECTRICITY AND AUTOMOBILE TiiVnv9 1 T.0".'"' couri,e ln ni.ee iuii.ni boni theoretic and practical. mA.x w...month"' ro'"' In Al'TO JIU. iiMMljj, rejmlr shop ereriem.o. MKht Clussrs Machine Phop Klectrlclty, Applied Meclianlcal Archl. teetural and free hand Dravilnir Hook Illustration Arithmetic rrni tire Machine shop Mnthemiitlcs Pattern Shop I'rnttlio Automnlille Kler. uou .vrernanlcal Mni'itmntlrs on,,r,n,,Vr"'lf IO uk" nintaBe of the opnrtunliles open to technically traln-d iii'ii and women nxcepilonal Pjcllltles and Low" nates. All (lasses Open fecptcmlier 10 'ustri.rl look'et Unroll Now Friend's Select School "riios" in The Pnrkvviiv. clrrrj m., lo'th'si's!'1'' iVJ. "?-". ,r'urn KinderBarten and Col. r?, n'1''. for ,horouKl' wrk and a'Uround rhrlHtliin ihara.t.r lleRins .N'mth Mont li Iinii No,, nr-n for lnMper(on nn, ,'"', 'T-'n'J''ert HiMMimlPrlnelMnl? 0. 01',r,n,,": ( l-es In Cnmnirrce Lie O "ml Innnie nt fnlverslly of Pa. Iiesln, Heirlster noiv. 1118 Toitnn Hull Ph.: Ilur 10(l sin. 239 Aounir Mm nnd Itov H THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY (POVXUED 1783) City Line anil Berwick Road Overbrook Will Open September 22 ns a COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL The Course of Study affords careful prep, aratlmi in tho fundamentals for (,'uilcse or Teihnicnl -J. hool and for liusintss The ratultv lonslsts of men of seam of experience skilled In their departimnts and In vital vmpath with loul'i. Tho Iloullne of tho School Day Includes a short re lirlnus service recitations lunch eon a Btud hour for tho priparutlon of part of tho next dai's lessons, and lompulaury dally exercise in the open air Hchool opens Hepiemher 22 The Head master Mr (Irevtlle lianlnm will , t the School on and after Supttrnher 1 Circular on application. Greville Haslam , Headmaster CHKSTM T lllll.. I'M. Chestnut Hill Academy St. Miirllim. Clirslnut lllll, Pi. An Idea l mate! rountry hoirdlnir and day rhnnl for lis ICsneilnlly nw rates for (Ivn day hoarders Iteopeiia Keplember 27, Cntaliiaut s on npn'leatlnn J. L. l'TTFItt(IV llenilniisler PI'.NVIVtiTIIN N .1. ounc men prrpired for rnllece, trrhnlritl schools it huslness Junior school for boys, Wrlto for "The Pennlnirtnn Idea " Francis Hsrtey Oreen. A. M.. Lttt, I).. Headmaster, llox 70, Pennlcton School, Pennlaton, N. J, r. SEPTEMBER 1, 1921 IMMIGRANT SHIPS RACE INTO PORT Throe Vessels In Close Finish at M V Sontomber Quota Of IM. T. sepieiriDer wuuta ui Greeks Already Exceeded 7 CRAFT AT QUARANTINE By tho Associated Press New York,, Sept. 1. Steamships raced to nort todny from beyond tho three-mile limit In efforts to be tho llrst to arrive In September with Im migrants from countries whoso monthly quotas under the restrictive immigration law were in danger of being exceeded nt once. W. V. Husband, Cdmmls sinner Ocnernl of Immigration, wnshcrt from Washington to reforen the races. Having anchored outside the harbor for a few dnys pnst, three of the ships made a close finish at the quiu'antino stntlon. Unofficial watchers reported thnt tho stenmslilp King Alexander, from Piraeus, with 08." Greek Immi grants, Itnd tlefented the Acropolis, from I'ntrls. with 1.11 Greeks lv two min utes. Tiio Gdansk, from Danzig, with 17,'t Poles, wns one minute behind the Acropolis, but tlefented the Lltunnln, nlso bringing Poles, by 1 hour and 2S minutes. The King Alexander stopped nt quar antine for inspection this morning. The standard time. The esol has more Greeks aboard than the September quota permits. Tho September quota of ad missible Poles is large enough to cover the contingents of both the Gdansk and the Lltuanla. Seven vessels were waiting nt quar nntinef or inpection this morning. The Giuseppe Verdi, from Nnples, with 837 steerage passengers ; the Chicago, from French ports, with lfil, and the Roa- Until Setr-i REGISTER NOW For University Evening Courses in Commercial and Financial Subjects Co-educational evening classes, taught -by regular members of the University faculty, begin October 3. On account of the low tuition fee, the number of students is limited. Accounting Advertising Business Correspondence Commercial Law t'orpornte Taxes Corporation l'lnance Economics Kmployment Management Foreign Trade nnd Klilmilnir For Catalog Address: Evening University of Pa. Phone Baring 100, Station 239. Registration begins Aug. 29th. Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. and 7 Snturday. Saturdays (After Sept. UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA Evening School of Accounts and Finance Theodore J. Grayson, Director Chiropody Course planned to meet State requirements. Ask for Catalog E-19 Phone: Diamond 0G31 TEMPLE UNIVERSITV Ilroml St. below Ilerks Philadelphia WANAMAKER INSTITUTE of INDUSTRIES N. XV. Corner 2Sd ond Wnlinit Hlrerts Day Classes hi sin September R Afternoon and evenlnir, Septemlsr IS All Courses Compare Prices Mltli Other Hrhnols Div Courses Trom 182 on to I12R 00 0 Months' Averute, S3 SO to SI2.2.1 Per Month Afternoon Courses. I'roin fin. 00 to SIR. 00 7 .Months' AreniEe. $2. IB to 1110.75 Per Month Kvcnlnc Courses, I'rnm $12 On to $37.00 7 Months' Avrriice, J1.70 to M.2H Per Monlh Silt uriliiy Courses, From If I H. 00 to $32 00 0 Months' A cruse, $2.00 to $3, SO Per Month Have 12.00 to no 00 paying In -advance, or pay In four weeks. Tel.. Loc, 3140. for CatnloB or Send Postal FILING A Paging Vocation DAY AMI l: IININC1 CI.hSL8 Itr.AHtlNAIII.b Vl'l'I ION Call Telephone He I. Walnut 011(1. l.'ll . kev stone Main 7431 or wilt" Dire tor lies H Martlr Standard School of Filing and Indexing (HoboWcrnlcku Co ) 012.lil4 Chestnut Ht Phlla. p,, MOTION P1CTI Hi: ( Ol-KMJ r- inpletB course for oiitan his liie'udliu atyle and tpo of music used planning musical pros-ram to flt phtures viewed op. is.rtun ty to i.lay for picturea. Phone ca or vvrlte for Information can Ixicus?'-2sVV HC"""'- ""H,,,, GERMANTOWN FRIENDS itHUOLrK. :.A'r. paralory boys. Stanley ji. YsrnalQ'rinqipal. : ...- ; t .. Unci 'from Halifax, with in trans-shipped there, wero ninoiiB the lut (Mt roportrd. Officials, nt Ellin Inland nalil Mvwnl days ttouid be required, to let"1"",'0 which immigrants would be permitted to miter. tST& iSSM tho bet method of enforcing mo mw nvn,inc ,vi,nt wn undi'Hlrnblc In itj .ppjJcjj. ion.Ail.ini ght- ffi an absurd situation coalDpTen cents a ton Retail Price Restored to Schedule of April Last Hazlcton, Fa., Sept. 1. (Hy A. P.) An advance of ten cents n ton In tho retail price of nnthracltc coal became 'effective today nt the collieries of, the LpIiIrIi Vnllcy Coal Company. This brings the Hcliwltilo up to what It was last April, when a fifty-cent re diictioii was mnde to Dtlmulatc spring nnd summer bit) luff, A ten-cent inercnpc has been made every month since May. MINE FATALITIES DECREASE Flrst-Ald Convention Delegates to Give Imitation of Rescues St. Louis, Sept. 1. (By A. P.) Mlni fntnllties hno been reduced np prbximately 20 per cent in the lust five jenrs by new safety devices and rcgu lntions in mines. 1). .T. Fat Iter, chief of safety cars nnd stations of the rutted State's Bureau of Mines, said at the unni.nl International First Aid and HOUSES WIRED , VEItY ItEASONAniW. Visit Our Showrooms RELIANCE GAS & ELEC. FIXTURE CO., 1511 Arch St. B Until Sexes Insurance Money and Credit Markets nnd Prices (Jovcrnment Kesulntlon '''"I ' of Iluslness Itallrond TrnfTlo Investments nnd Itates Industrial Salesmanship Mnnug-ement South American Trade School, Room 108, Logan Hall, Apply Room 108, Logan Hall. P. M. to 9 P. M. daily except 6), 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. zr. ''", r y. '?Atx&rf:A ' v' i : ; f y : :i ' " A ' ' SARAH McKENNA Sarah McKenna, 5045 Klimeesslnn Avenue, li another of the many recent Brnduates nf t..nnr" ,,u"l,,",, Co lego who are earnlne $.0 no a viek In their llrst positions atrnvem Braduates receive more ts?cauo the are worth more It pav hetler to crnduato at Strnyer's than at any other business school or hleh pcnooi, Strayer's Business College 807 Cheitnut Street Phone, Walnut 0384 .UnilUrrVfVrVft "The way you spend your eve. nlni.-s hns much to do with vour future especially If you siu-nd them at Pclrco School " Courses ltiiin ,i, ntrn tlOn, ACCOUntinir. 1IiiIau.. d 3 ntarlil, H ileenmiiH.ilp h'- n i- -" ZJ uiuphlc. Teacher Tiofnlnir. 1 Inv Sihool Opens Sept. "(1 MKht Sihrtil Opens Sept. 10 ll'rtfc or ilth Year Boole PEIRCE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMnnSTOATIOV line Street Mest o( llroad Is rn-rn 'I'mr; If an owner know 5our m-ithlne, If a vwirker better vour iiosltl.ViT irfl In," ".itlsfactlo, ""a j1! iniiiiu it,, win f nm .I..I hL. ' nd urn flt in lirMM-n-" NI('"T ", "S'-S ,r K .IICTIUCAI, tH'VIji,,I-Air.IHT- h'tulpmrnt ExccUrnt Tuition Moder lit" IIHH TS Madernt irnie or am for catalog ill or cattt . C. A Y. 1 1 ji . ,. ... -.. in ii ni. i..i ,.,. A .....,.,T n(1 . ".,"ti Ji."Pi !.8TITUTK vf, -r'Mfj v.' i- -.i. . ' 'iAi . U ,r-f Sj Auto Schnoll "fe.w.S;S;;S:r Mine Ilcscueimccllng, which opened tir ' Diirliis the meeting, which will Mini (lime through Satui'dny, more tlihn fifty mino-rcicuc and first-nld tfinna roin n ecoro of inlninc; Stntcs and Cnn. iitln will conipcto for honors In tei. n repllcn of n coal mine which ling been J constructed nnd administering first nlrl J Jim cuiums win uu llci'I UUIier COtllll. lions pnrallclliiB ns cloBcly an domIM. thoso provnlllng in mine disasters, st'MMrtn KF.sortTs Wll DUOOI), N. .1. SHELDON ?Srf.a : . tales over r ikm riav. n ,T WOOQq Oivtier.ihln Mn nasemi!?? asement ci:ntual inn llnlly Peach and Tnjlor A'Venue. Special rates over I.nlior Day. SPIIINO LAKK IIKACH, N. j. THE On the Ocean WARREN Of'Pathlhfain; Tennis open riur. Sept Vf H. Htuhl." "?', ii;vn. I'A. DEVON INN ni'.VON. PKNNHYLVAMA Main I.lne Pa It. It.. In the hoRUtlful Chs. ter Valley, forty minutes from llrosd Htrret Station forty-four trains dally oach vvi? three minutes from Tlnvnn Mtnii,.H .?Z (ML ltTF.s mmi.Nfl AHOI'RT ANn SpiT THMnr.lt. Tolcphono Wajne 700 SKr" (Inlf Piit Ilexes llorsebaek nidls. (Iirgnire Hen I.. Tennis TOnltF.HPAt.K. I'A. Morelton Inn "'r'c"1; n D'wff. Hoard. Ins by day and week. Tennis Ixiatlmr. bathlnar: excel, "cuisine"! reason! ihle 111 miles from Hrond SI Sta. Arranns! menls solicited for prlv. dances, dinners car - riles M P -Pirnn Ph Tnrrenlale 7oaj l'AHT BTKni'nintiito. PA Rm-wirlr Inn ncvated. llnthlnjr, Farm nerwicit inn conn(.tnR, shady irouSd? Oaraire. Trollev to entrance. HooVtlet P. C. DICKBRSON K. Strnurtshurg. P. LAAVXA. 1'IKK CO.. PA. HKKCIINUT COTTAOK "spend jour f.Tt vacation In the Poconos. Special fall rates MR. O. It. PArtSONS ' TOnoMO. CAN. WAI.KKIt HOUSE AND CAItLH.IUTB TORONTO'S TWO FAMOUS HOTE1.S iif.i.p WAXTF.n fi:malk STENOOnAPHUn Ttw rubllo Iysdeer has nn cpenlnr (or a young woman as stcnornpher. Apply 0th nnd Chestnut sts. Ask for Mr. Wlest, STi;Mno Tf nFniiTrt FALLRIVERtlNE to boston Splnutid SUamerfSpUntid Stnrln lresfsirn on sac, oifamir Leave Fulten SI. Pier 14 N. R. B.JO P.M. Oslly Incl. Sunday New erfferel Line New Lonalen Use ' Dally escspt Son Dally si. Sun. Lv. dtr Usvs Plsr 1-r.lONJl llomton N R Houiton St. Ht. 6 10 P.U. Plir )0 , r, u. E.K.matii.ei-.u. i Ml Schedules iiaTiicht-hiiv. lime TleKers nt lllll A TV1U (.nejIMlir ,ii r. LAIIOIt IIAV LXfl ItMO.V. PfilW- SIPIIvMHI.ri 8TII ' L0REW00D GROVE U.I till' lllleapr.iki- Slenmer l'nsses liiruiiEll two lork. m ": Bll lvvo locks. Moil heiutlfiit vv liter trip out of Philadelphia Steamers LORD BALTIMORE & ERfCSSON will leave Pier 3. S. Ilrliivviire Ae., Sent nth, it N o'clock A. M. lilnjIlKht-sailne tlm. for 1.OUFU00U (illOVi;. rcturulm curly same evening. FARE, ONE DOLLAR nay lloat ror imiuniorc every Tiiesdss tliursilny nml Sntunlii) nnd Lnbor Ilur s! o'clerk A. M (iliivlleht.snilnr time) FARE TO BALTIMORE. $l. so Ho trip lifce this by water horn Philadtlphit piiiimoic i i uusucipnia oieampost Co. e..rJLj TO BALTIMORE ""r- ERICSSON LINE Every ovenlrir at li: Saturdays. 3 o'clock Fare, tne way. 2.()0 round trip. SJ.oo DAY STEAMER ' From Philadelphia every Tuesday. Thuri. day, HatL-day, at 8 o'clock. Fare. 11 sa one, wuy: 12 r0 roun I trip. ' ""'' aiosi oeauuiui waier ruie nut or Phllsdit phli. Send for pamphlet. Nn Sunday steamtr illnansAii Innlds nn ilnvllnhl... (.. .a. lt:aiiiv:i v'.i wss sn.JiBSHiiintiiK IIITlsV Office Pier .1 South Delaware avenue. .rVfe! SPECIAL SUNDAY EXCURSION AM day on tho water to Beautiful Lorewood Grove nn the riieiiipoike e. liew lt-0 ennal. Horn earlv same evening. HrlesHnn T.lne. Ple South Uelnvvare Ave : 8 o'clock every Bundir niuriiing uiiynciii-eavioif lime I are It 00. PARCEL POST Pr f Piano polish for furniture, o J t J lilnnnsa nml aiilnmnlJI.. tA per enni t enns for SI. pnstpnlil. HOVnn YINCF.VT S3 1.H10-K1S N. Bill Victrolas The New Model IDO Complete Lilt ol tbepttmbtr Records I ok Sole M Ltu: Aiiortment qf Record 0135 jNORIH FRQiSJT ST. U36 'mmnty THIS NEW 8B-Note PLA Lit PIANO zu nous Music nnd Ilencli $365 New Pianos, $235 to $585 New Player-Pianos, $3G5 to $875 Ilaby Grand Pianos, 325 to $1395 keproducinff Playurs,$765 to $1115 Open Mon Wed. and Fri. Evgs. HOWARD VINCENT 83G.838-8 10-8 12-8 14-8-lfl NORTH SIXTH ST., PHILA. G. S. Spark Cap Intensifier KAVI (iasoi.i.m: TOOL PltOOl' CNO ...n-i-TvirVTS nm,-, Each always ki:am ( mint (let Out of Order Will llio with u UeuJ ol'" Will fire wll'i an Oily or'" Will Are with ft Ilroken Hpark P mr ., in will stnrt vour i.iii" the Coldest Weather Will keep our Bparlt Plugs free irom Will ulve a Hot Hpark at all times. On sale hy (ho following- deu'ers. Mux Heller 172H lUduo Ave ., Ailiert Auto Supply Co H10 N. llroad m. loieph Ueher ii.tl1.' S Bill St. Win Murphy. 8d It YUM Ave. i: I' Hankln, tiulil N Btli St d Lincoln Auto Supply Co, (178 N ,nH, Welner Auto Stores HON N I1"" . North Phlla Auio Sunlon S5 N Hro II i: Holilen iVi Tahor Iload Send nu money p ly the postman. $1.00 for 4 H.oO tut t R. & E. SCHUTZ HflH 11 $ pasiMl i The R. J3T25 Blvl'.' K 823 FISHKIIH AVI3.. OI.NKY. PHIL DKPT, B AOKNT3 WANTBD I r :? UV'. . r j J ( VA rl -ri. A,. J.. enarOiefi