ikiW.HWI mmsiB E,"."I. 1 WljUk.!W, jr' 'rw-'.'Tv.- rt;v -V rtetoV ' V! rT' w"1 ?r?rKvfm.:ti , 'V,'. V " , J ' EVENING PUBLIC Ll2DaEK--PHlAJ)ELPHIA THUKSDkY, SEPTEMBER X 1021 tmis y ' set v" . gpwjK effeey2i2lN2 fHWrr ! ymiBU' "yr.r ?K; l ijBffi-, ? iK II .wwrauij W own and offer To net over & A First Mortgage 6 Utility Bond Earnings hnve AvcrrtKotl times Interest charges fight year period. Territory Incrosspd 891 population in last decade. This bond In splendidly se cured nnd will show a nice appreciation to maturity. BATTLES & CO. Katiibllahnl 1890 Independence Sannre (Kant) mmmammmmammmmmmmi 26 for In TRADING ASSUMED Dividends Over Five Times Earned PRE-HflLIDAY TYPE Counter Reactionary Movement in Many Industrials Offset Strength of Oils New York, Sept. 1. Tripling tn to day's Mori- tnnrkr-k was of n cotiHplcu oiw pro-liollilny tvpo. Continued' even -inc-np operation" of the prnfesxlonal nnd lenil-iirnfiwlnnnl traders produced further Irregularity In prloe movement, which nt timoH vvn quite rnnfllotlnR. It wns more a cae, however, of innrk iiiR time, nt neither of the rtiiitoetlnp; tlftni . n ....1 t...l .n liin!... .1 V f fl . u t 'A ill'llVI Mil1. lllllll,l l" llllint. f..l ,,- V- , ventures in view of the throe-tiny nut- pension of business follow Iiik the clos ing tomorrow night. With the exception of (he foreign oil group there wns noticeable absence of the support furnMied In the preceding sessions by the vulnerable bear account. News from Mexico wns decidedly favor nble, with every Indication of a sat isfactory M'ttlemcnt being soon reached concerning the oil land cases nnd the matter of oil taxation. Reports re ceded this morning, if they could be accepted ns tellable, suggested an early NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS I I compromiH. between the Mexican Ciov Through good times and bad ' '" '""1 the American oil interests. J . , . . .line decision of the Meicnn Supreme 1 the business of the electrical , Court against the. enforcement of the i nnwpr rnmnnntVc crnne Vn ' ""llll-M decree was regarded II- dis- r D ,lnr cni'suiiciive tieveiopn I lished dividends of well-known I companies are regularly paid , Power & Light Company 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock at a - price to yield 8.60 on the J investment. ' Circulars on amplication ! HARPER &TURNER Investment Bankers Members of PhiladclvMa Stock Kzchanaa Stock Exchange Building Bcrnnton Philadelphia Hiding fpijf .f iitiniptit and was ' in the present depression estab- j h"iled in Kome ipiiirters ns the removal il ,. . , ,. ., , . ,. , I of the fliiot obstnictli.il to recognition of the Obregon Administration. Hesides bit king the support of the short interest the market was ron- XT (T t-..-..i..: -!. i ironieti wni nrmer money rates. i lit We Offer Pennsylvania-Ohio i renewal cull loan rate was IWed nt "i'j per i cut. the highest inltlnl rate of the week nnd 1 per cent above the ruling rate on TiipvIhv . While the I tinner tone caused no general MirprKi. t't It Mreil to tlisclnse the titter nrtl rMnl character of the easement earlier In the week. On the other luiiiil. there was another batch of favornble July railroad earnings. Also the action of I Judge Miijer In granting the counsel! of the Interliorough Itnplil Transit mi other week to sop if ariangeiiients could not be made that would obviate the necessity of receivership. Itoth ill the public's interest ami that of the uocur Itj -holders. lie snid, there should be no neeivershlp if It could be prevented. As an offset was the news of further slashing of prices bv the independent steel companies. Tliis information was distressing when It was realized that most of thee concrns were losing money tm each ton of steel on n basis of present operations. een when steel was selling several dollars a ton higher. These days, however. It Is ever dif ficult to determine just what will be the interpretation of Wall Stieet to all slgnilicant ilevelopments. This frnility wus strikingly exemplified in the com placent reception of the announcement of the finding of the Federal Trade Commission against the Famous Play ers Corporation. A few days ago the suggestion that the (iovernment was after the concern wns used as an excuse for making the stock one of the more prominent bear targets. Today the in cident was viewed in nn entirely dif ferent light, it being pointed out if the company was found guilty, as charged, It must surelj hnve a clean cut monopoly of the moving picture business. From a market viewpoint that was far from being a bear argu ment. The openinp market was mixed, with interest running lnrgel to the special ties, of which the Mexican oils were the lending attractions. Additions to early j:.ilns were made by Mexican nnd Pnn-Anierleun Petroleums, American Locomotive, Famous Players, tobaccos and e.pres company shares. Counter , movements continued, however, in equipments, shippings, sugars and chemicals, tliose issues mnking extreme I declines of 1 to ," points. Hails, cspe 1 clallv Northern Paeitic and (ireat ' Northern, added to jesteiduj's reverml. Oils icnt'clfd part of their advance be fore noon when motors, notah! Stude baker and Pierce Arrow preferred, be came heavy. Studebaker, Chandler, t'nited States I Hubber. common und first preferred, , and Ajiix Hubber figured In the fur I their declines at midday, when Pierce Arrow prefened fell nearly 4 points. Steels, equipments anil coppers also yielded. Irregular rallies. In which I Mexican Petroleum rose ,'t points, then occurred. Mexican Petroleum's further ndvnme ' with concurrent gains In related is.sties overshadowed all other features of the i trading of the last hour. Hails continued to bung back. S WE WILL BUY Atlantic City 11. It. SM,. 10t l'hlla. & ItnidlMit F.t. As, 1U33 WE WILL SELL International Omfiit Corp. Hs In jlrtil tt.;5 C. M. A- St. I'. (Chic. Mo. Kir ) Int 3. 10311. fl.SO Vtuli I.lclit Traction Si. 1031, 8.03 WlOINER Bt-Dfl, PKIIADEIPHIA fmierrPiJadtMaaiJ Mw YotJc Stock roW Mtw romt taiturm. kjl r pggppf ;. Inquiries Invited About Taxes on German Currency German Checks rman Bond Coupons ROTHE & CO. Member! PhiU. Stock Exchanf t 1111 Stock Exchange Bldg. Spruce 2M DANIUCUM Dealers in Investment Securities Mnnbrrt Vo York and l'MkntlpMa Stock Bcchane4 321 Cheitnut St., Philadelphia P. R. T. WAS STRONG SPOT OF LOCALS WE OFFER Bailey, Banko & Biddle Co. 7' Pfd. Stock Price on application Members Phtla Stork exchange Franklin Bank Building l'llonel sprliir 1.MJI1 &$'! s ' mm In -V First (Closed) Mortgage 8 Twenty Year Bond Cannot bo called for ten years Free of Federal Tnx of 2 Pcnna. State Tax Refunded Price: to yield 8.15 MACKIE,CROUSECO. Real Estate Trust Building Hope Found in Mr. Mittens Speech of Resumption of Dividends The local mnrket detebped the ex pected holiday dullness, nnd trading con tinued (lit nnd featurelesh. The onlv semblance of iitiv!t tinb to be found in Phiiadelpliir H.ipld Transit, which, responding to Mr. .Mittin's hpeecli Inst night of the necessity of giving some leturn to the shareholders, udvunced to 1i's. His intimations that it may be iiiicessary t'i make a further cut in w igt to accomplish this end whs ree garded favorably and niiturnllv slrengthciml the helief of an caily re umption of dividends. It was piunteil int. however, In some quarters tiiut the iijinpaiiy will tie compelled to make further large expendituies fur improve ments nnd betterments before this happy i action could be realized. Apnrt from Pennsjlvnniit Hnllroad, tile dealings weie of the same minor i proportions and of the same .prefunc- i tnry type Some realizing appeared in Pennsylvania, luusmg that stock to react to ,'tT'. About the only note- I worth.v price change oecurntl in ('ramps, which fell jiff ! points from ' the previous ipiotutlon to !!.i. ' f finrntv lwrniit.i nf flit. I niii ntoriMlarl niv. SdlM In $ High .. Adams Kxprea 2n .. A)nx Rubber 19 J'10 .. Alaska Oold Mines... Vt 21" Allied Cliom ft Dye... 37' 00 7 Allied Chcm & Dyo pf 8!4 3100 4 Allls-Chnlmers ZV6 WO .. Am Agrlo Chem 39 ton .. Am Agrlo Chem pf... "l'4 "00 .. Am Ilosch Magneto.. 3 " .. Am Can 3V, RO" 12 Am Car & Fdy 134 H OT .. Am Chicle 1! In" .. Am Cotton Oil 17 ! SOOO .. Am Internnt Corn.... SB'i 100 i Am-I.a France Eng. . 8H 700 o Am liocomotlve 80 200 .. Am Safety Razor.... 3H 401) .. Am Smelt ft Sec Mtt 300 7 Am Smelt ft lief Pf 100 7 Am Smelt Sec A M' 200 a Am Steel Foundries.. Mi 7300 .. Am Sugnr Hf flOyi 00 7 Am Sugnr Rcf pf.... HSi 0700 r Am Sumatra 4i4 1070 n Am Tel ft Tel 100 4000 lj Am Tobacco 173 1100 12 Am Tobacco 11 117 '00 7 Am Wholesale 0i 3300 7 Am Woolen 7t'4 "00 .. Am Zinc Lead ft Smlt Vi 700 ,, Anaconda Conner ... 34 H 100 .. Assets Realization ... U 700 o Atch Top ft Santa Ko. SIS& 100 3 Atch Top A S Fpf... 81 400 . . Atlanta Blr ft Atlantic 3Ji 100 7 Atlantic C'oaBt Line.. 84 0300 ., Atl Qu'.f tWISS., 34H 'J00 .. Atl Oulf ft W 1 S S pf 21 100 7 Atl Refining pf 107 flsno 7 Haiti win Locomotlva . 7r.ft 3300 .. Hnltlmore ft Ohio.... 3714 100 4 Hultlmaro ft Ohio pf. 0 100 .. nnrnsdalo Class B... 10 '4 2400 b Bethlehem Steel 11 .. 40'A 400 .. Rutte Copper & Zinc. 4 300 . . riutterlck 2 H 100 . . Caddo Central OAR. 9 200 Cnl Zinc ft Lead 3?', lino .. California Petroleum. 34 100 7 California Petrol pf . . 73 1700 io Canadian Pacific ....1UK 100 .. Case J I 1st pf 71 1000 .. Central Leather 37 2S00 o Chandler Motors .... 43'S 800 .. Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 34 100 .. Cerro-de-Pasco 2SH 100 .. Chicago ft Alton pf... 10 fiOO .. Chi Mil ft St P W.i 2000 .. Chl Mil ft St P pf.... 3S SOO a Chl A Northwestern.. 14 W 100 7 Chl ft Northwest pf . . 101 2400 .. CM R I ft Pac 33',4 300 7 Chl It I A Pac 7 pf. 70i fiOO .. Chile Copper ........ OH 200 .. Chlno Copper 23 100 .. Clev Cln Chl A St L.. 35 2510 .. Coca-Cola 31 ?i 200 .. Colorado ft Southern. 30 200 0 Colum Gas A Hleo. ... 34 S00 .. Col Grnphophonc 3J lno . . Col Clrnphophone pf . . 14 000 7 Consolidated Gas .... TA 400 7 Continental Can 30'2 400 .. Continental Candy .. H 1300 n Corn Products Rcf... OR SOO 2 bo Cosden A Co '-'4ra 3700 4 Crucible Steel SO 1300 .. Cuban Am SURar 13H 4200 .. Cuban Cane Sugar... 8 1000 .. Cuban Cane Sugar pf 18 500 i Davison Chemical ... 38 200 io Del Lack A Western.. 08' 300 1 Pome Mines 17 J4 1"00 5 Endlcott-Johnson .... 00 530 .. Krle 13 H 100 .. Krle 1st pf 184 5200 8 Famouo Players L. . . . 5fl',S 200 8 Famous Players L pf. 81 A 200 .. Plsk Rubber OVfr 100 .. Freeport Texas 10( 800 . . Gaston Wm A WlB. . H '3100 .. General Asnhalt .... 44 100 6 General Cigar 55 3800 g General Klectrlc 122 & 6200 1 General Motors 10 J. a 500 0 Gen Motors deb ".. 72 100 7 Goodrich B F pf 73 4100 7 Great Northern pf . . . . 72'i 200 . . Greene Can.mea Cop. 20 500 .. Houston Oil lO'i .100 l Hupp Motorcar 10Jj 500 7 Illinois Central 05 200 .. Inspiration Con Cop.. St 3000 .. Interb Con Corp 3 3100 .. Inter Cons pt 8i 100 .. Int AR-rlcul Corp pf... 34 1,100 7 Int Harvester new. .. . 1&Ya 1200 0 Int Mer Marine pf.... fi 900 .. Internat Motortruck.. SOU 100 7 Int Motortruck 1st pf. 7 003 .. International Nickel.. Viii 1300 .. International Paper .. 3J Toddy's Net Low Clone Chun, 40tf 4014 3K 18ft 18ft- 3ft ft ft 37 31 - '. K5l K5l- U4 30 334 1'4 28ft 20 ft 51 U 51 J4- 1ft aVA 33 i 20 304 .. 134 m- ft 11 11 17ft 17ft- ft 27 ft 28 H- It 8M 8H H 85 83H4- H 3H 3 .. 33 33ft .. 04?'. S V 03ft 03ft.. 23 33ft .. SSft 59ft - V 8SV4 88U 2 434 43ft 105 100 131 121 120ft lJOft . 01 oi - va 08 ft 7K- H4 0J. OH- ? 33$ 3S?t- 1 Ift 1ft 84 84M- 4 81 81 ft 1 3ft- ft 85 85 23 ft 2.1 M .. 21 31-1 107 107 - 4 74H 75ft- H 30 J, 30ft- H 50H 50H- V 10ft 10ft- ft 48 ft 49'4 ft 4 4 ft 20 20 - ii 0 .. 3; 3- ft 33 34 - ft 13 73 1 111 lllft .. 71 71 ?4 20ft 20H- H 42ft 43 - 53H S3K- 4 25H 35H- ft 10 10 23 25 - an ft 37 - ift 01 ct 101 101 - 1 31H 32 - ft 70 70 - ft OK 054- ft 23 21 - ft 35 33 - 3W 34 ft 34Xft ft 30 30 - ft 3ft 54 3ft 3ft .. 14 14 - n NO htft f- ft 3(1 30?, - ft H H r ft 07 08 - ft 24 ft 21ft- ft I 51 5H- 1ft 13? 12 K- ft 7 7-1 17 ft 18ft- 1 .10 3S - 3 08 983 17 17 - ft 59ft 0M 1ft 13 1.1 - ft 18 K I8I4- ft 55 55H H bOK hlftr ft ft 9 . . 10ft 10ft .. 4 fc - ft 43ft 44 ft 55 55 ft 121ft 122 - 1 0?i 9ft- ft 71ft J1H- H 73 733 71H 71 - 1 I 20 20 .. ' 41ft 4U9, 3M I 10U 10H- ft I 95 05 - ft 32 33ft ft 3H 2ft ft 7 7ft H 34 34 - m 74 75 ft 41ft 42 - ft 20ft 30ft- H 07 07 - 34 13 ft 12 H ft 42 42 ?4- 34 Dlv. fAles In t HUh Low 1009 .. Invincible Oil Corp... 8J4 8 700 .. island Oil 3H 3ft 100 .. Jones Bros Tea 17ft 17ft 500 .. Kansas City Southern 24 34H 1800 4 Kclly-SprlnRueld Tiro. 38ft 37ft 100 .. Kennecott Copper ... 17ft 17ft 300 .. Keystone T A It 114 " 200 2 Leo Rubber Tire 34ft 24ft 300 3 . 50 Lehlfjh Valley 50ft 30ft 400 12 Liggett A Myers 151 U 11 300 12 LlRKtt A Myers 13... ISO 148 700 . Loewo Co 13ft 13ft 100 12 Lorlllard Tobacco ...143ft 143ft 000 7 Manhattan Elov guar. 40 38 100 .. Market St Rwy pr pf. 39 29 300 2 Marlln-Parry 14 14 42500 12 Mexican Petroleum ..105 100 3700 1.00 Middle States Corp... lift lift 300 .. Mldvnte Steel 33 33 300 .. Minn A St Louis 10ft 10 300 .. Missouri Pacific 18ft 184 300 .. Missouri Pnclfta pf . . 38 36ft 300 .. National Con ft Cable. 1 1 100 1 Nat Knam A Stamp 33 33 200 4 National Lend 75 74 1400 , .. Nat It R of Mex 2d pf H 4ft 300 .. Nov Con Copper 9ft 9 1N00 6 New York Central.... 70 70ft 300 .. New York C & St L.. 30ft 4ft 800 .. New York N II ft H.. 15ft 14ft 100 7 Norfolk A Western... 04?4 94H 1000 0 North Amcrlcnn ctfs. 34ft 3.1H 1000 .. North Amer pf ctfs.. 33ft 33 15800 7 Northern Pacific 73H "0 000 .. Okla Prod A Ref 1ft Hi 800 2 Orpheum Circuit .... 20ft 19ft 100 .. Pacific Gas ft Elec... 64 54 1000 .. Pacific Oil 35ft 35 200 .. Pacific Tel A Tel 47 47 130 .. Pacific Devel Corp... 10ft 10ft 0100 0 Pan-Amer Petrol 47 45 2000 0 Pan-Amcr B 41ft 39ft 1400 2 Pennsylvania RR.... 38ft 37?4 .1100 .. Peoples Gas Chicago. 60 54 1100 .. Pero Marquotto 18 18H 100 S Philadelphia Co 37 37 000 .. Phillips Pet 2t 21 3000 ., Plerco-Arrow, Motor . 11?4 10ft 3.100 .. Pleicc-Arrow Mot pf. 27 24 301 .. Pierce Oil 7 Oft MOO .. Pitts West Va 20 20 300 . . Pressed Steel Car 33 51 700 8 Pullman 93ft 93 100 .. Tunta Alcgre Sugar.. 28 28 200 2 Pure Oil 23ft 23ft 100 .. Ray Con Copper 11 HH 000 8 Hallway Steel Spring. 78 77ft 1900 4 Reading 00ft r.r.ft 400 .. Remington Typewriter 23 21ft 000 .. Republic Iron A Steel 40 45ft 300 . . Republic Motors 0 8 800 6.20 Royal Dutch Amer... 40 48ft 1200 .. St Louis San Fran... 23 22ft 300 .. St Louis Southwest pf 33ft 32ft 100 . . Saxon Motor 3 3 2300 .. Sears-Roebuck C4ft 03ft 200(1 .. Seneca Cop Corp.... 16 14ft 0500 .. Sinclair Oil 18 18 2.100 0 Southern Pacific ....7ft 75ft 1100 .. Southern Rail 10ft 10ft 1100 . . Southern Railway pf. 47 40 200 4 Stnndard Oil of Cal.. 70ft 70 25000 7 Studebaker 72 71ft 200 1 Submarine Boat Corp. 4 4 100 .. Superior Oil Corp.... 4 4 100 .. Temtor Corn A F "A" 5 5 100 .. Tenn Cop ft Chem.... 7 7 3100 3 Texas Co 35ft 34 100 .. Texas A Pacific 22 22 045 1 Texas A Pac C A O.. 17ft 10ft 12000 0 Tobacco Products .... 03ft 00ft 510 .. Trans Con Oil lift (ift 200 .. Union Oil 17 17ft 900 10 Union Pacific H8 118ft 400 4 Union Pacific pf 04 fi.1 800 8 United Drug 4Sft 47ft 100 3.50 United Drug 1st pf... 3S 38 000 0 United Fruit ....(...103 10.1 3100 0 United Retail Stores.. 62ft 61 1100 ..US Food Products... 10ft 15ft 2700 4 U S Intl Alcohol 45 43ft 100 .. U S Realty A Imp.... 40 40 30JO ..US Rubber 44ft 43 700 8 U S Rubber 1st pf . . . . 83ft 81 8300 5U S Steel 74 73ft 200 7 U S Steel pf 109 ft 109 2700 a Utah Copper 45ft 44ft H00 .. Vanadium Corp 30 2Sft 300 .. Va-Car Chemical .... 25 25 000 .. Vlvadou lno (! 0ft 100 .. Wab.ish pf A 20ft 20ft 1110 2. 00 Wells Fargo Kxpress. 58 58 400 .. Western Pacific 3 J Mlft 230 7 Western Union Tel... M3ft hlft 100 7 Wostlnghouse A Urnko 8.1 83. 1400 4 Westlnghouso U A Al. 43ft 42ft 000 4 White Motor 32 ft 33 200 .. White Oil Corp 7 7ft 3011 .. Wlllys-Ovcrlond 5 5ft 400 .. Willys-Overland pf .. 20ft 25ft 100 0 Worthlngton Pump .. 35ft 35ft Ex -dividend. Today's Net Close Clme. 8ft- ft 3ft- ft 17ft ft 34- 87- ft 17ft .. 11- 34ft- 1ft 60ft- ft 151 4 150 - 1 13ft .. 143ft 403 39 ft 14 - ft 104ft 4ft lift- ft 23 10 - 18ft- ft 3ft- ft 1 ' .. 3.1 75 1 4 Ji Oft- ft 70ft- 1ft 64ft- 1ft 15 - ft , 04- 1 31ft 32ft 71- 1 1 30ft 61 35 - ft 47 ft 10ft ft 4flft 1ft 40ft 1ft 38 - ft 30 1 18- ft 27 - ft 21 - ft 10ft- ft 28 - 1 0ft ft 26 - 53 - ft 03 - 38 - ft 23ft .. 11- ft 78 ft 00ft- ft 33 ft 45ft- 1ft 9 48 ft 23ft- ft 33ft- ft 3 ft CI 15 ft 18ft ft 73 .. 19 ft 40-1 70 - ft 73ft .. 4 ft 4 ft 5 J 34 ft 22- ft 17ft ft C3 3 ft .. 17- ft 118ft- ft 63 ft 48 38 ft 103 ft- ft 63ft ft K ft - 45 40-1 44ft- ft S3 74ft .. 100 45 - 28- ft 25 - 0ft .. 20ft- ft 6S 3 21ft- 1 82ft- ft 83 - ft 43 - ft 33 - ft 7ft- ft 6 ft 25ft- 1ft 35ft- Commodity Markets being 2fi.rU2 bags, of which 5000 bags were trans-shipment. The local mnrket sngijed off 8 to 10 points after the tirst overnight buying 01 tiers had been filled, December soil ing down to 1.1'J on realizing. The Financial Briefs GRAIN MARKET Clilcaeo. Sept. 1. Shorn advances were scored in wheat today. The start mn fleet s still nnrrovv and prices easilj ., , , 1 . .1 . ..,,. 1 under the. influence of orders cither i,.u rtlit.r fnnniTll 'In l. lull tliC Illfll - I kct steadily gnincd in strengtli as ti'e pr. , , I ..! 1 ...... ...!,,, I ticuiuim uet.iim' ki-uvmii. mh ,,v.i SflK vV overcVfe, T?' nwi0 WE OFFER An 8 Cum. Pfd. Stocjc of a well-known Public Utility In a city of 734,000 population. Earning! 9)a interest charges At 400 JocepKW.Gross &Co. Lrv,'v1411 Ckestnut'St. stifrta jvmpunr litillg came mt on bulges, but offerings gen era'il.v were light. Hie mnrket was un der no pressure, llullish crop icports, fuilure of .Minneapolis htocks to show gi inter increase in face of huge receipts and unfavorable Argentine new.-, weie factors. There was good demand for guod giades of spot wheat. The torn market wus firm, being in fluenced considerably by wheat. Shorts took September freely, some selling ue ccinber in exchange. The fact that no corn was do'ivered tills morning stimu lated covering. Shipping sales were lib eral. Receipts were lurge. Cash corn wh film. Prites of oats followed other grains upward. Trade wns largely of a chang ing nature. Receipts were light. Cash oats were strong. COTTON MARKET New York, Sept. 1. Pending the bureau repoit. the cotton inarktt had n much quieter opening, with first prices 2 t l'J points higher, with the t-xception of a tun -point decline in October. The early buyers were New Orleans, lnenl spot Ihuim-s and .lap nnese inttresth. Old long's nnd South tin spot houses did most of the sell ing. At the end ot the first fifteen minutes the market was very steady and nboi't 7 points net higher. The very bullish supplemental state ment from the Ilurenu of Crop Ksti mntes, which said thut everything seemed tn hnve gone wrong with the cot ton crop tills Benson, led to fresh gen eral buying in the early afternoon nnd an ndviinci! to new high levels, repie senting net gnins of 1,10 to 100 points. Trade interests were big buyers, while offerings enme chietly from commlssio.i house longs. Southern hedge selling Was fomparativcly limit) tl, holders of spot totton linving withdrawn on tlio ml vance. Ci tton exports were 7,'t."!l bnles, in- . .. .. . .. ..v.,, -,--.-. n. , .1 iuiii. spei uiiitiim in timt comiuiiiiity more iiuuuw -""' """ t" """ """ '""' than usual Interest entered in the (iuv-' bales to .Inpnn and China. Tot nl foi eminent condition figures of the cotton the sen -oil is HWi.HMl bales, lompnred flop. This showed n decline of 1.1. -I Witl Kis.riS'J bales for the corresponding points during the month of August to period last season, ill H. with an Indicated crop Md of Receipts nt the porta for the day 7.IWT.000 bales. Tins figure of the con- j ore estimated at 10,000 bales, against dition of the crop Is the lowest ofin.'MU bales lust week. liH0.r bales a record for any month. It proved a venr ago and 0700 bules two years loiuplete sin prise to tli)- trade, nltlioimh 1 '..n there bad been persistent reports of ihi-i teriiiiiitinii from private sourccx. Tlieln estimated 1 nip Is marly ."() per cent tin- "! . rnlur ' der final jleld of last jcar. Cutler nor- Junumy mal trade and business conditions such ju'v h ' n limited crop would leave open manv July '".. avenues or Interesting possibilities. At the moment it would be almost useless to Indulge in any preillctlns whnt or illnnrily might be regarded as a calamity may prove 11 blessing in disguise for the South. rternhpr t'( ember .MhIlII Mh 111 J Thn RVfriwrp prices of the twenty nctlve In UiiHtrlHl iwks d-cllnrd .mi for cem yeiter- ulned. 31 Der cent to 72.15. Thn Ilallroatl Administration nnnnunrra '" s-toements or till clslme urowlnr out v. Close Olen ?'llwm!r',rn!:',.0lvt2Uv,"Jn,;"'1' w"" the 0.8.1 O.Ol uhTliMifin'r,1",1;''' Chlciiiro and Ht 7 "n 7 ''7ftT 'i i"l;1',' -i ""0 000. Mnrr at que and Ijike an. 7 7)1 775fl:ii !: 1 ' Carolina and North Kastorn llnll- LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS I ( hlciiBii. hept. 1. CATTLE Iteoclpn, 11. Ooo he ul. t m,ke at, ere Kt.udi . others slow I to wink. I'rlinu yrnrllnxs. 110 h5, top im , ilium weltht Htoem )l :S; hulk. Sil.T.lif 11)75 sle etock. bulls, stackers and tTOderi I steadj . tut euu-H and hvlfers moetly Sl.r,n 11. no, eanners and cutters larKely 12.7.111 SM: bolovna bulls. t4.75UA..": veal lalvrs. ou miiiic jnner, uuik. 91,0UW1U, KK: l:Si!1' Hnd MerWun T"'nai bss: July oporntlni? rcBUltH for Hf) cIrhm i n..t m,.,rnHn 4-.".- i"" ". .- . .! kiuiia ilUvllIir hhow LUc'o,no'nd report "a'u "of TillUy HOOS Itucolpis. 10.000 hoad. Fairly ac- ,.A eo-partnerihlp under tho nam ot llr tlvo. ateady to 13c ntiher than clerday a 1 11.?1' ,"r",,,h"' Co. has he5n lormert by avuraif, commoner nrnde and ccoU l.euvlea ?aIVe" Iturdell, Jr.. and Theodnrif llordelf up moat, bulk of kI. 0.S5iffli.40. Top. ?'...? i,lf J" Clt',A J,v nea Hlllmann. furl JO 00 heavyw.mhtH. 17H. medium weshts. !""' i",1' "enry D, lWnnlnt & Co.. and J. .S3U.OO IlKhiwrlL-hts. Hi'hU.ilO. Jliclit in,:Iy '''-'"If.V-, formcrlv with .Merrill. Lynch I I'Bhts. h ,-,0(,.;i "5 henvv p.cklnif soa. huin.i. 1., l,J0,aK0' .for ,ne 'run.actlon of s.nooth il.7efo7 ". packlnit sown, rownhj coriS?S.M, ,S, b0tlUl' ftnd ",ocka of "ubllc utility 1 18 .10 6 lis;, una. 17. ?.-. s 7ii- i,mk ii, ,r. t-ortoratiom Yoat. Tolay'a rlni opp in nr, 10 00 , . . . io 3:1 in. .in in 2.', in 30 .... ID 45 ) 51! 10 50 lHlil! ... 111.45 10 5U 1 ! M n.io 17.4U ' S 7ft; Ml H 'U 1 IIM blllli:i' lUevlpts. i'.I.OOO head. Hteady Tup nntlvo Uml.a ..ailv. S bulk IT .',I)W 7 75: culla 14.50011 top Western lambs, ear., IS, aome held hlnhir, Bhep dniEVing, tea, tea almoii uuai-Hhii,. rittstmrcli. H.Tt. 1 HOQS Receipts 3tou he id Lower Heavies. ibbuitt, Iniivy orkera, lluOldlo, lluht orltir Ii .lotili ;;, p'ki, Jlilili !!. PHi:i:i' AND I.A.MUS Hecelpta. 500 heid .ntcailv Top aheep 15 top lamba. Is 50. lAI.VKS-IlreUuib, 123 head. Steady, 'lop. 113 Kast IlufTuIn, N, V Si pt. 1. OATTLK Ite.elpta. 5O0 h'ad sluw and steady I'rtlvia, receipts HVi h"a,I Choice sr.idu active Common i-low, 1,','ull. UoaS Uecelpta 32UU head. hluw, CO 3; 73c lower ll-.t j 1(1250 7.1. mlMu. in 75. sorkera ID 75y 10. lluht yorkr, U'i U.SH, plH. I'J, luusha. JI1.504J 11.7.1; stat,n, J4"?." rillKUI1 AN!) LAMI13 Uccclpta. 2000 he'id. Choke ..imba atll'.e. common gradea very sluw , others urn hat.ged. livst Ht. Louis III., Sept. 1 CATTLE llecaluta, 2500 head Native steers dull and weak, llKhl yenrlltiir cows, bulla and voalfra htemlj soutliHcatirn ateera steady to 15c linni. atuckers, 1.1c to 2.1c lower HtiiJH llecnliitt 6O0O head. Active, steody to 10c higher IJop J(i no, bulk, lltituwilfhte, 4o((ii.i)ii m-llums JlliiiU.35. htavlcs. 1S..10'(1U, packera m,wi atronif up to J7.10, plK, Htiuily to '. litid'or. rilll.Lr- It-cilpiH 1 1100 head. Active, ateady to packera cjnn load iiond lambs JS, liaulcal lamb up, J7.10, bulk Lent lamb ((" So. evtt anl all lower Krdea un whuiiKi t DAR SILVER Duiiu.uv bar ailier was unihanxxl In New Yoik tuiiaj at lni'c per flno ounce, for eign. )',2 Hi 1 a gain of '-. e In London the prlte was 'd loner, at H7d. Partnership Changes The firms of ilniry 1) Ilnennlnp Co. and Hchlbener 4: Ci haie been dlaaolved by mu tual lonaent and Oliarlea I' Hchlbener, Henry BANK CLEARINGS NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York. Sept. 1. The local coffee futuies market opened at an advance of 2 to 0 points, tho relative firmness being shown In September, ilu to cov 1 ring of short accounts. Tho official ISriull cablet reported 10,000 bags deducti'd from tho HIo stock for the account of local con liitnk ciMirlni toiiav c'mpnri with cor pfindirii: tl iy lant to V'hth if-1 11.11 111111 .t 1 nvdti 11.1 m i'hlla. mi 00(1,000 $so,707,lifl.l 7il ksi 577 slilupllon 'inn .Mni tieiiucieii irnni Moaton 4n,KiT.3(i 52,712,035 6)),70',73i . Santos stock for the snmo purpose. ..il" 'ifR-iiSi'Sia Tii'no?'n?!l 2-.Ml There was delivered on contrnct today Vh".io, 8o;Soo:ooo I0o:o.i;002 ::::::;;:;; 7,500 bags. Export, from Nev York feu iui. w.aoo.ooo 29,800u ,,..;,, 'to Europe during Auijust were large,. II Itoennlntr Ijanlel M lllackiiiatf nnd Ar lelkht I Ileaa have formed a Keneral part nership under thn name of Hchlbener. lloeu nini: & Co Jtr ttchlbener and .Mr Jllark inan, vvero, before their conH-ctlon with Hchlbener Co . connoted with Drexet St Co , Ml Ileia was connected with Went A Co. and Mr Jioonnlnic waa with II. I). Jluen lung 4: Co. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at thu twelve Fed eral Unserve Jlank h nro as follows. Trnn. Lib. I'nm'l Ilkrs ctfs. bonds paper accept. lloaton . . . New York . . . I'hlladelphli .. Cleveland . . . Itlehmond .... Atlanta Chlcaffo ,,, rtt luls ,., tlnnepolU , , Kansaa city . . Dallas ..... , ban 1'ranclnco. 5U r.'i 5)4 r,' 51? n 5W 5 'J r,ii '5 Mi 5 (J II II I) II c 0 )) II I) 0 0 II 5H II II II II oH 0 6tt .11 A nil 8 II II SVa ', rii,'aK0. ani1 Northwestorn Railway's 43 64 13U.340 cars, a decrease of ,Jho American Petroleum Institute eatl. rel. . dl ' AUBU'-- 27 waa 1.303.O7O bar- brn?l ,lo ulork ? ' l"r "nt coupon gold uoniis, iiuo Stptembep 1, 021. Corporate financing In August renerted n July and lllo.J5S.Ssii , 1" AuVuVt. l"20 " aCrJ'"&.'6as,5?iift! Directors of the Southern Railway Com. pany have not declared a dividend on Te preferred stock There haa lien no m?et Inr of board In pnat two montha and thi nex? regular meetriM I. .cheduled for Septem. New York Curb i Statement of AtrhUm.'a A4vniK.. . ...... us issued by h. .omiuny, nlff7 Wal0ly Tr u,H;ect to net operailni: nenme from thi' trade up from the ayntetn comnanJ- "ree! i 1 tno i; yHtem company a reporis mmiin f'm ......... , I'llllllianiiiii 1 114a 1 1, rvit ,11 ts 1 .. Maiemnnt givea the July net a HI ii'rM 107 11.n1p.1rod with H MI5 052 the year i,?.l,r i.'id net for seven montha hJ llh MS mti . Wo":""1 """ 2,"'l".ia forVamMid of MONEY-LENDING RATES Ni:V VOKK -Monev on call, both clasies of (ollateral. opened todav at 5V per cJnt for lendlnc and renewing. ' The monev triirket nan quiet todav u-iii, .i pit oni 1.111 at the stock KxchanKe for 1 ll, fl.mla. The Spmi.aa. -e .1... ' 7- lur i'1' f1,1""' P "rmiiesi. of th,7 m.irlt ,t ii l..-e,l upon the fact that then, la , f'ur duv cnarv over the ho ldas, and f, ll.min, mere will be preparations for the " pij itttti on September 15 In the climax tho m nev mnri.T mnu Av. (irm Tlmo-inonov was .t.Vnilnal " a " H pi- cent. The (Inner call money rata ch- ke any pc.slble shadlnis In prime ban Hlrnti an'es under 5 per cent In thl n,..f . tbe.e I. Mill, ts,,er liu,lnBlnand t,Hre hai been no I icreasa n ih mnnL nr . i.l Lro. ..H" l-f " lllllll's IllllU riimi. mercantile paper a qolot and ,, cbBPire4 at 0 to Uii pur cent, vn llllLADLI.I'HIA Call, 0 per cant: time 0 per cent, commercial paper, time to ii. montha. H per tent lx ., Note These are merely nominal quota tlono thu lecal rate, of Intereat In the Mtai. of Pennsylvania belnK Hied at )l ti-r Vin. Plus premium and commlsalon. time mon,.i for thirty to ninety days la loaned at n H if per cent, while commercial paper, from thirty U nlnetv daya. la loaned at u to W per cent. . lu "n I.)fION Money Is quoted at 8U nee cent. Discount rates, short bills, 4H nr cent! thre taoaiia' bllU, 4 p,'r cJnt. INDUSTItLlUS Acme Tacklnx ,, , Columbia Kmerald com finance . . . , Com Klnance pret I) H O pret Durant Motors ,.. Kmplre Food Farrell Coal (lien Alden Coal .. (loldwyn Pictures . North Amer 1'aper Perfection Tire ... Phillip Morrla .... Radio Com pref . . II J Heymlds (new) "H noutnern u t i , , Standard Com Tab Hweeta Co To I) I'rod Kxp U a Dlstrlbutlni U B Ii & II U H Steam United l'ront Bharlnc ... Wayne . Coal NTAN'n.iitn Atlantic Loboa Oalena Oil Stand Oil ot Ind INIIKI'KNDENT Allen Oil Allied Oil new - lloone. Oil Iloston Wyoming- Carlb 8ynd Cities Service (old) 1 Cuthlrrf Pet Federal Oil Olenrnck Oil Imperial Oil Int Petrol . Lyons Pet Mex Katie Mexico Oil Mountain Products Omar Oil Ryan Cons Slt Creek Prod Sapulpa ltef . ..., Slmrmt Pet Skelly Oil i.... Texon ., IVIlcox Oil MININO Alaska Br Columbia 32 Iloston Ac Montana OD Iloston & Klv 40.. Creeaon Gold 1H Divide Ext 02 (loldlleld Klornnco .'Id Oold Zone 10 llarmlll Dlvldo IB 1'owo Sound 2U Irotr Jlloaaom Ill MacNamurn II National Tin r.5 Nevada Onhlr Oil Tonopah Extension ruioumne United Eastern 1IOND.H Allied Iarker 0a Allied Parker Oe clfs ... Am Tel (Is '22 Am Til 'Is '24 Anncnnla 7 '29 Armour 7s Ilarnsda'l 9s llh Steel 7s '2P. Ilelh Steel 7s '35 Chl Un Sta, 0V4 s Goodrich 7s Grand Trunk 0'4 Cult Oil 7' Hutnblo Oil 7 intirboro 7s Intcrboro os rets Kennecott 7s New Haven It 11 4 Philippine r.Hs Sears-Roebuck 7s '13... Southern Rv Os Southwest Hell 7s Stand Oil N Y 7 '25 Ptnn on N v is s Pwlft 7 '31 Texan Co 7s Vncuum 7s Herlln 4 Coblenz Is (lerman Govt 3s Swiss 3H s L S P,rnz:i 8 1:30 High Lot r. M. ::::::: l o o .; 04 04 64 82 82 82 ...... no 00 no 2H 28 i8 ;; 22 22 T ill! :;;:; h 33 S5 an 114 1 154 ..... 60V4 50., 604 2t4 27a -i"t 4? n X 22 22Vf 22 IS IK IK 82 :n 92 1 ift OII.H 10H 10U 10H 33 33 33 tisH 8Vi 08 !i OILS 24 24 24 32 III 32 10 10 10 71 , 71 71 4K 4!i 4K 17 117 117 13., 13 , 13., iw 1V4 i; 88 77 77 ftH 8H ST. 10 10 10 ".. 87., luU io 10U 67 03 0.1 7K 74 7K 0 5 5 OH ll'i VK 3 3 ri evi on on .3K .'IK 3H 57 50 50 i. i; i; 20 llrl 40 IK 82 311 II 18 iS'1 18 54 3,1 32 DO 40 IK 32 30 U 18 ,su 14 31 36 43A 4 4? a,V 2A iA 12 12 42 42 42 42 te.i'.i us'4 tin', !SK USK fiRS 04 -14 VI ?8V1 usK osu, 04' ill 01 08t 0SK HS'i ).1 11.1 11.1 101 105 IO". OOV; Oil lld'i HH .it lis 07 H7 07S 07K 07K li7V, 73'1 73 7.'l'i 72K 72K 72'a 112 112 112 52 32 32 Oil nn HO (17'i IT1 H7 08 IIS US H7K ))7K 074 I 102'4 102K Di'.'rt I 10"; 102 1II2. ' 07i 07t 07-, 100 10 10.1 10i' lot'i ini'4 , int4 ioA inK 12'4 12'i 12 i 11 'l, 111 ,)i sn; S!i, i , oo h no wa . Philadelphia Stocks Net Hlg-h IOW Cloao chgo, lOOtAtl r.uif & W T.. 23i'i 13' 23.. 10."truban Cn Sugar. . R 7Yh 7 Th 130 El Stor.lOtVj 103V.. IOIV2 I ioo i r x a 'jo 2sy. an 14 10 I.nke Sup rtVl O'l O'l.. TI.eh Xnv. (U 01 04 . . 1 i.eh vni. rVA riO'i noVt-f- V-. n Va Cent Tiicht nf ." 103 I'n It U. 38 10 rhiln Ins Vlre... HO OR Phil Elec 2 103 do pref. 20V, 730 PhllnltT IOVh 11 Ph Tract ,'3 notllenfllng. fii lOtStudebkr 71V. 2 Tn Trac 30 tQ 100 f f I... 30M: 31 V Cramp fc Sons 35 3.-. 22 York Ky pref.... 28 V, 2R-V, 2R . . tNet rhanne made hv comparlaon with last salo on Now York Stock Exchange. 44 Vj 37 .10 21 -Ti 20 H 15 r.3 oo v3 71H 30TS 30 V M',2 Vl 37 H no ys 21 tj,.. 20 14 H 10H1 r.3 . . oo-.'s 711, 30TC novi 14 35 5 200 1400 1000 1000 12100 2000 10000 13000 1000 .-.-.oh 1000 0000 fjOOO IMIll.AnEI.lMlIA IIONDS Liberty 3d 4V,a '2S , Liberty 3d 4Us '2S Liberty 3d 4ViR '2S Liberty 4th 4 Vis 38, Victory 4s '23 Victory 4s '23 Victory 4s '23 Electric & Peo 4s.., Keystone Telephone 1st fin I'ennsjlv.inin OVjs Phlln Electric lt ."i Pbiln Electric iKt fi..lot West X V & Pn gen 4s.. .lots ..lots 02.00 01. M0 01.82 87.02 08.88 08.74 OS. 00 nr. 1 80 Mil?. au, FOREIGN EXCHANGE Now York, Sept. 1, The foreign ex- change mntket opened strong tlilw morn- j ing, nil the Issues, with the exception of mnrks, having advanced over the , closing rates of last night. Quotations were I Sterling cables. 3.73, demand 3.73V4 ; franc cables 7.8."). checks 7.S4 ; Ilelgion cables 7.03. checks 7.02 ; Swiss, cables 17.10, checks 17.07; lire cables 4.48, checks 4,l7Vi t peseta cobles EUN, checks 13.00; guilder cobles 31.80, checks 31.7r; Stockholm cables 21.75, cheiks 21 70; Chrlstlnnin cables 13.(15, checks 13.(10; Copenhagen cables 17.85, checks 17.80; mnrks 1.17. The rate of premium in Montreal today on Xevv York funds was 10 13-10 per cent. The rate of discount in Xevv York on Canadian funds was 0 per cent. Ccntrnl European rxchnnges were steady, os follows; Greek, 5.20 j Hu manlan, 1.10; Hiilgarlnn, .85; Aus trinn. .12'i.; Polish, .03; fV.echo Slovukian. 1 20; .Iiigo-Slnvln, .50. I In mid-afternoon there wns n slight reaction in the mnrket, and mnnv of the Issues hnd fractional declines, riter ling cnliles were 3.74. demnnd 3.737s ; franc cables 7.80. cheeks 7.85; Itelglan cnliles 7.00, checks 7.05; Urn cables 4.50. 1 hecks 4.41)1$: guilder cables 31.03, checks 31.8; marks 1.10. The rain of nre.ninm In MnnteeMl .n,!... New York fundi, was 10 18-10 per cent. The I rate of discount In New York on Canadian fund was li per rent 1 Centrnl European xchanees were nteadv, ' aH follows: tlr-ok. 5 20 Rumanlsn. 1 HiV, ' Mu'uarlan. ss Austrian. .I2V4 Pollh' ot.! C2echo..Slovaklan. 1.20, Juno.HlavIa .30. 1 YnSTUnjiAY'H FINAL QUOTATIONS ' Sterllnft rranrs Lire Outtdors 11, rriiind .. 3 72, 7 S5 4 41'4 8172 Cables .. . 3 73'i 7 80 4 42 31 7? TODAY'S OI'P.NINO QUOTATIONS ' Steillnir Franca I.'re CJulldera 3 73 7 8.1 4 48 31.80 BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New York. Sept 1 lll'TTEU- Haav Re. rclpta. 13 s.18 tuu Creamery. hluh.V than Sf.VV'.V41 UHo creamery extrus (W2 score) J ?..' Cr"",-m,'r I"'" (88 til III I.COII ' iv-i. notM-mu iu n jiriu sin v Hi, frt'iih IW El &'if.3.t3V!rj! '?;. ',.'i inin I tir.ia to l aV,v3345cVefrWratn? .C,"l niarka. 8ll87c. doT flrat. 33K l?8"'i"',Clal CllUllrii: liull, lUcelpia? 1217 b'oxe. iS ui wh?'" mllk' "M"' ,r"ll' iriclals. 2i C21Wc, do averaito run. 202ov4o. HtatV whole milk, twins specials, 21ollV,c. do' averuR-e run, 204t0Ke " uo' French Bank Statement .v.I,nn"',8'pi ,1 The weekly statement of the Jlank of 1'rars.e ahow. the foluwina changes In francs "iiuvvin Oold In hnnd, Increased, 231,000- allier in hahd Increased. 70,1100, poles in MfH, '" increased. 241,783,1100; treasury deoo.l -"j"' aiaounUd to 400,000,000, ,Al" IK Extravagant Thrift FAILURE to properly employ funds !s an extravagance exceeded only by failure to save at all. Practical thrift demands more than mere accumulation of money. It demands the intel ligent employment of funds so that they may be productive of their greatest earning power. High-grade bonds offer a most practical method through which you may receive a good return from the money invested. They are well se cured and return an income of from five and one-half to seven or eight per cent, if bought at today's prices. Our September Offerings of carefully selected bonds recommended by us for Investment will be senttjupon request for PL-JUG The National City Company .National City Dank Building, New York Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chalfontc Block, 122S Boardwalk Bonds Short Term Notes Acceptances Tho firm of Henry D. Boenning & Co., Philadelphia, heretofore trading under that name, has this d&y been dissolved by mutual consent. IUSNKY D. IlOKNJfINO .1. K11KI1 1III.L.MANN ARTHUIl C. RIC1IAIIDS August 31st, 1021 The firm of Schibcner & Co., Philadelphia, heretofore dealing in high-grade invustment securities, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. CHAlir.ICS F. HCIIIllKNr.il 11ANIKI. S. UI.ACKMAN AHLK1GII P. 1IEH3 August 31st, 1921 The undersigned have this day formed n general partnership, under the name of Schibener, Boenning & Co. 512-514 Walnut Street Opposite Independence Square Philadelphia, Pa. for the purpose of continuing more efficiently a. general high grade bond distribution business, specializing in recommendations and investors' service. CHAItl.KK r. .SCHIIIHNKU 1IKMIV I. llOKNNINd DANIEL H. IU.ACK.MAN Altl.IMfJII ! HKHS Members of Philadelphia Stock Exchange Direct private wire to Vilas & Hickey, members of New York Stock Exchange, New York City Septomber 1st, 1021 Hell Lombard 3012 ' Kejatone Slnln 404S rpHE undersigned beg to announce they have formed a co A partnership under the name of with offices in the Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia, to transact a trading business in the Bonds and Stocks of Public Utility Corporations. Telephones: Locust 0220-1-2-3-1. Direct private telephone to Messrs. Berdell Bros., New York. CHAS. P. BERDELL, Jr. THEODORE BERDELL J. FRED HILLMANN J. GENTRY DAGGY September 1, ;!)?;. ARTHUR C. RICHARDS FABIAN F. LEVY ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF AN OFFICE FOR THE TRANSACTION OF A GENERAL TRADING DU8INE8S IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF ARTHUR C. RICHARDS & CO. 70 DREXEL BUILDING I'llILADULl'lUA DELL PHONE, Lombard 7056 KEYSTONE PHONE, Mnln 6711 SEPTEMDER 1, 1921 No Frills Nor Fancies KKiautfKiva. Saras tss c& nHvinn? v,iniwci0nsen8,s of n multitude of expert opinions nnd advices, this little market review, "Ups and Downs." is doing TA?Jn ,cli!:,nts and frien'ls- You may rSe it for limited time without cost or obligation by merely asking for it. Alan A. Alexander & Co. STOCKS and BONDS K., , na!:0au?f.LnL,TIlUST BLDG" PHILADELPHIA .'2 b i I "; " vi .; I . Ift I arfBBBBBBBBBl I k. j. m