1 Mi' i '-Tf ' "tTT. TOhW J'-; if n ') . ( ;p,"v y. ffl'jf - .. viw- . Tl I' -r- - "V Lit v. w w i ft Keystone State Simon ', WWON'S 73 IS ' LOW GOLF CARD Merion Star Leads Field In Qualifying Round of Stato Amateur Tourney DRIGGS SECOND WITH How to Get to Morion Golf Meet a la Motor Thp best route ns given by flic committee to rcnrli tlio met eourpp lit Morlcn. wlierp the plnj for tlie nmnteur ce'f c)inmplonnlili of Venn ivnnln Mtnrtx todny. ii nn follows: Mncoln Mglnvny route, out Lnn emter nvctme to Ardmore avenue. At Animorc nvenue turn t- left down .Ardmoro avenue directly to Met eo-irso. Tlili route is twelve miles from the center of the city. Hy SANDY McNIBLICK Mnx Mnrston, Merion, with n card of 73, was lending the enrly ntnrters in the tlitrtv-slx-holo uunllfying round of the rentiHylvnilln Stntc nmnteur golf championhl over the Merion C. C. east course todny. - Fddif Drli?s, n cluhinntc, won sec end with 70. This jrair, with .Tnmcs II Onv. Jr., Cricket Club. 78. mid .1. Wood I'lntt, Whltcmnrtth, 70. were the only contestnntH to brenk 80. Mnri-tim Intel it good olinncc for n oO tolne out, hut got mixed up on the Hliort holes nnd had n S'.t. On the twelfth he took llircc putts for n B, but got n bird 3 on the eleventh nnd it bird 'Z on the thirteenth. Oolng to the eighteenth, his ball wis buried on the edge of the green, which cost him a fi, losing n chance to break 70, an he required 34 for the re turn journey. Mnrstnn wh n fiiinll.st last year and lost to Dnvidsun Hcrron, of I'lttaburgli. Marilon'a card ..,.,.. 0l ... I " n? .. In . . 4 3 5 2 4 14 3 0 3 73 Eddie Origgs was out in 41 and back in 3o. His card: S. 4 r. n 4 b r a 4 441 ,,; 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3.' 70 His 3 on the cightventh was n long putt for a bird. Gay went out and bnek in the snme figures. 30. nud I'latt was out in 42 nnd back in 37. W. 0. IInmllton"-of the Cricket Club, a newcomer, wns a surprise with t 41, 40 81. Fita Satgi'itt. Merion, nnd .1. J. Btadle, Manendi, tied at 82. ClifTord Hawley, Cilckct Club, htaged tt come back when he went out in Til and re turned in 3S for an 80. The veteran Hill I-owucs, enptnin of ' this jenr'n American nmnteur team of Invasion, wns forced to withdraw. Fownes is one of the best golfcrtt lit the country. Eleven years ngo he wns national champion and has twice won the medal in tlint qualifying round. Fownes was here Tuesdny, but nn nb ecess in his ear begnn to bother him nnd he was obliged to cotmult n xpccinl 1st. The result Is that he will be unable to piny. HIb withdrawal wan a big disappointment. He will have to undergo un operation. Fownes had won the 1'cnnHylvnnift title four times. I'latt, however, is expected to go fnr in this chnmplonahip. He hits usually filased well nt Merlon, having won the nvttatlon mednl tourney there last fall. Max Mnrston is plnylng on his own course and he's been touching 70 nnd 71 there quite n good deal this neason. He played Mitchell and Duncan even in the big exhibition maten earlier in the year at Merlon. The prospect of these two outstnnd lnc fatontes meetlne in the final round is a coif dish tlinc local fans relish. If the luik of the draw does not rule otherwise the fltiishins matches of the championship should bo as good ns will be seen here nil year. Illch Scoring The open chnmpionship vnn settled ywtcrdny mldbt a flurry of bndly be having golf halls. "Sonii'thiitrf will bnve to be done about New Yoi Iters coming over nnd winning our golf titles." re mntked it n Interested fan jocosely jea terday. Now Cyril Wnlker has doue it. Ho cormed the Pennsylvania State open title at Merion with his 130 total, two strokes up on the pnek. Willie McFnrlane, also a New lorkcr, won the Philadelphia open a lew weeks ago. Walker got n I wo-stroke Ieud in the morning with a 73 and held it to the tv i ll iH Bnl(1 t0 be nl"' flrht l"Ie. though he Is n veteran and is generally close to the top. George Iloffner led the amateurs )lth great stand, which tied him for sec ond with his brother. Charlie, Philmont pro, and Kmll Loeffler. champion last year. Ihey i-nch hud 152. tieorgf iind three 2's. He came back in in th(, f(el,100I1 gri.at ,f under the conditions. K !n i .i "" l,rcvnllc(1 n tho morn ng and the greens were lightning fast, i'?,...,i"J, P:..-T,.i:'n-. however: t ' V , " "l"is which called for i cviiiiiiuk irons ami oniinv putts. Also " "i the tees were set way back. ie fouittenth nenrlv irr ,. 'i course. LOCAL MEN IN BOUTS All-Philadelphia Card Lab or Day at Point Breeze Unv (. .. ..... "".l .'" v.e rai ftrtMr3C?"i;.L0'"!'v ilie i ffi.n.i,V .'.."" "'" I.miis in Dhlnn matches nre Philadel- HVn.ll.'" "" ""c match Pnt lowin iJ',K 2, I?". . .?.( the biggest foT: ' n 8UC" 1Bw."t ' ,r V"H will he put on ns fol- n;.' ":. ""racy vs. lounc Costor. Johnny Clnrl"" v,s,-, '.'"B "dle ny urJjVH1ninrley Walters ?""") iiocnn and VOSHELL PLAYS KINSEY But vs- West ABaln In Wetropoll- tan Tennis V'.. .. . "wired n Vi, v. V-K'.Klit Players !H1V r.y.l. I, . co"rt tennlM iZ 'ro xuitaii grass Athletic rinh r,nnm"t t the Orescent , The f,, i'u, f;,.l,luy Parted today. Sr VOBllplI v ' """"l r. HOW uii. of riiNT York: Willi k. J'a H chardM , rvls' .Wnt Ather ", OnSert, of Knrf iYrk'. nnd Joh cliwlulttf onnnl'n"" T of Knppcrs gram nil l P'ar nu the matinee I'to Si."r?W. W I'ote Morun ut' 1 1. 'wiuuil' 'il lit ll..n i -- :k, Labor s Idling teA "la1n1R to go after mee t ?vi nu,te"e " M. fall, will mond, In tho nV .8i i''1 .of 1 ort nM nn. M" " fl1 ll(l' "f n double wind- ciuiirii CADDIES HAVE THEIR DAY AT Some of the caddies of tho St. Davids Golf Club who tooli part In the annual event which Is gfvcnV tho club" membership. In tho foreground Is John Fitgerald, winner of Clnss A event E FOR FIGHT FIASCO r-ans Invade Office of Louis Malls, Promoter, and Have ' Their Coupons Recorded DUNDEE SEES CORTELYOU Boxing Fiasco Lost Louis Malis $12,950 An Itemized nccotint of the netunl money given out by T.ouls Mnlls, "ho p-nmoted InFt nieht's show nt Shibe Pnrk. and which resu'ted lr n finsco when the .Tnekson-Dundee t -u est wns not nut nn, shows an expenditure of .$12,030. Here Is a statement of cxpenpcs issued by Malls at his home today : Hilly De Foe (Jene Delmont ..., .Timmv Sullivan ', Toe .Tneksnn Charley White .'..'. Ilcnny Valger Itcnt for park '. Other expenses (estimated) Total .$12,030 By LOl'IS II. .lAKFK .I 5."m who wero HhnppoIntei . mil- .-mi up i-nr nneo last night n",cmh,''i in large numbers todnv nt the rfHee of the promoter. Louis Malis. i2 North Sixth street, to have their tlcketN redeemed. The scheduled wind-up' between Johnny Dundee nnd Willie Jackson wns called off by Molls when Jackson's mnnager refused to accept u check for half of the lightct-'H guarantee. Malis announced to the spectators that all tickets would be redeemed and tho money returned to the purchasers upon tho presentation of the coupons nt the Sixth street office. Anticipating n large crowd Mnlis oh talned the services of a linlf-dnzen po licemen to preserve order, hut there was no dlsturlmucc. A dozen clerks were ninged all morning recording the stub of the tickets. The numbers of these stubs were entered in a book with the names and addresses of the holders who were informed thnt checks for the amount of theln purchase would be mailed to them within n few days. From 0 o'clock until noon there wns a sternly strenm into Malls' office nnd It is .estimated that 2000 ticket holders had their coupons recorded. ICverv In dividual had more than one coupon nnd the amount represented was more than $.'1000. A number of persons presented cou pons from the boxing show given by MaliR some time ago and others nt tempted to cash the stubs of compli mentary tickets. These were quickly nustieti out oy tne police. The promoter estimntes his loss on the show at 512,030. It was said this morning that hnd he staged the final bout according' to schedule, his loss would have been almost double this amount. A legal battle is in prospect as an other result of the tight fliv. ISoth Dundee and .Tnekson plan to seek the advice of counsel regarding their con tracts with the promoter, the fighters having signed agreements nnd being present nnd rendy to go through with the bnttle. Dundee, nccompnnled by his mnnnger. visited Director Cortelyou nt the City Hall and explained the fighters' case. The Director informed them that was n legal anglo Involving Dundee's con tract with the promoter and did not come under the jurisdiction of the Dl tector of Public Safety. Mr. Cortelyou said he did not know whether there was anything connected with the fiasco that required his at tention, but he was nwaltlng a report from Assistant Superintendent of Po lice Kenny. "I will be unablo tn issue a state ment," said Director Corteljoti in his office today, "on lust night's show at Shlhe Park until nfter I am fur nished with a report from Assistant Su perintendent of Police Michnel .1. Keu ny. I expect this report some time this afternoon or tomorrow morning." Superintendent Kenny had the fol 'owing to say : "So far ns I can see no police regulations were broken Inst night. The crowd was smaller than the promoter expected. Mr. Malls wanted to call the main bout off nnd give the fnns their money hack. Ho nlso of fered to place a substitute bout on the program, but becaiie names of Mich boxers had not been submitted to the Police Department ho was unablo to do so. "I must say that Mr. Mails is n game man and ncted entirely in good faith, He showed he wns wiling to assume the loss of considerable money not to dis appoint the funs. He expected to take in enough money nt the gate, to pay both Jackson nud Dundee, but there wus not sufficient funds, nud ho offered per sonal checks of $2300 each In nddltlon to .$2300 cash to each of tho boxers. "I am at a loss to understand why the checks, which were indorsed by re putable business men, wore not ac cepted. "I will probably stibmblt my report to tliu Director thl! afternoon or to morrow." At his home today Mails said that ho hnd n forco of clerks going over the records of tickets sold and checking up throughout the early hours of the morn tag. Just' ns soon as tho stubs are RD til TICKETS $i.nnn 730 000 430 2.300 1.030 1.000 3.000 4 ) 'TSimmtfQr PUBLIC Pures Tee , What May Happen In Baseball Today NATIONAL I.12AGUIS Won Lost V.V. Win .on I .(I1U """I'l'ixli 7S 47 .Ml .;rni ior .... 7H ItoHtnn . 07 Jt. Ionla ... 07 Urooklyn fls BO r.7 BH (B 70 7rt HI .000 .MO .n3n .440 .303 .333 ..144 .1540 .MO .53M rm " miiiiiii . ... ft 7 I'miiiueipiuit , , 42 .330 .331 AMKIlir.VN' LKVfll'R Won Ut V.V. 77 47 .Oil 73 40 .020 Win !023 IvOK ,'oin Cleveliuiil New York M. I.otiln .... Wnslilnclon . . . . Ilosliin ... Detroit C'lilriiRo Athletic m at .nin 0.1 0! .312 3H 02 ,4H3 on ns .4no 83 72' .121 43 7H .335 .MO .4H8 ,308 .470 .301 .332 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS NATIONAL I.KAMUJ; fft. LouIk. 12i rMlmlrlnlllil. 8. Ilodton, 3 Cincinnati, j. Only Knmot. Miu-ilulrd. AJIKllICAN I-KAOUK Chlrnxo, 7 ht. Louis. 3 (llrnt irnmr). M. 1miIa, 3i ChlniKo. 2 ( in omul gumc). f'ftc'mul. I0 Detroit. 1 (llrnt suinc). Detra't, 7: Clocluml. 3 (nrcontl crime). Now iork. 17 Mu.lilnton. 0. TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL L.UAOUJ; Itonton nt I'lillnilrlphln. ht. Louis at rltldburcli (two muiir). Only ciimcs scheduled, A-MKItlCAN LKAOUE Athletics at Ilbkton. Wnnhlnston nt New York, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE KKNL'LTH OP YKSTKKDAY Kjmeuse. Oi Jerwy City, 4. ltufTlilo. fli IteuillliK, 0. Ilnlllmorr-Turonto. nu imnic Kochester-Newark, jiu Runic. scmati'Li: rou toiay Uultlniore ut Toronto. Keiullnx nt HufTulo. Neivurk nt Ilochester. Jerey City ut Syracuiio. STANDINGS OF TIII2 CLl'IIM W. L. I'.C. W. I.. P.C. nnltlmore 103 33 .710 Nmnirk. . 30 SO .412 ItulTiilo ., 80 35 .010 Srueiwe.. 30 H2 .100 Toronto . 79 00 .BUS Jer. Cltj.. SO 80 .3flst locueKter 70 Hi .331 Renillnic. . 40 Oi .333 properly recorded the fnns who left their names and addresses together with Identification of their tickets will have. check 4 mailed to them, he said. This will take a matter of a day or two, ac cording to Malls. "I don't want to alibi about tho un fortunate occurrence of last night." said Malis. "1 tried ever thing I could to be fair with the public, primarily, and nlso with the boxers. When I was satisfied thut the gate, because of the small advance sale, would be insufficient to pay the boxeis, I had a .$10,000 sur plus nt the ball park with which I ex pected to pay all the boxers. "IJut there was nothing left for mo to do other than c.ill off th mnin nnitili when both Jackson and his manager in sisted that they would not accept any checks or notes or enter the ring with out getting their money first. As to the resiM-ctivn contrnptu of Dundee and Jackson each of tho articles rend thut .$230 would be paid the box ers, providing tho match wns not held. Dundee last night accepted his money, oui dacKson rettiseu. "As to the money paid Jimmy Sulli van, In realty 1 gnve him n hundred dollars more than he was supposed to get. When I nrranged for Jackson to box Dundee Frank Uagley, the former's manager, insisted that I also use Sulli van or else Jackson would not box. I was forced into using Sullivan nnd had to take out another contest that I orig inally had made. "Bagley demanded a guarantee of $730 for Sullivan to meet K. O. Loughlin, but said he would take ,$300 to box any one else. When I learned thnt Ijoughlin was sick I substituted Joe Jntkson, believing thnt Sullivan's end in this case Would be $300. Hut llngley insisted on the $730, nnd finally consented to a $130 cut." "The hardest fight I ever had was right in that dressing room last night," said Dundee. "With Malis first trying to cut my guarantee, then ofTering nu merous other suggestions, I perspired more than if 1 had fought twenty rounds. "I hnvo lost a lot of money by accept ing I. O. TVs, notes and checks for bouts of late. I wns willing to do tho same thing Inst night to go through with the bout." Dundee accepted $250 fr'nm Molls as payment for expenses in training. Doc Itaglcy, manager of Jackson, said : "I nin going to pluco my pnpers in tho hands of a lawyer. Malls wanted to give me $230 to l dense him from the contrnrt but I refused to do It." Jimmy Sullivan, of New York, who boxed Joe Jackson, was the only boxer who performed, to have his guar antee cut. getting $00(1 Instead of $7.0. The other boxers, It was said, each were paid according to their agreements. Iin l'ernu, WVt rhlladMphta sportpman. will lave next week tor Iteadlnir where ho will tnaka nin nuina tor some time. Dan la a grent llsht fan Quaker City Bloomer Girls vs. Marshall E. Smith & Bro. TW1L.11.HT UAMIS, 1'KIDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 2, 2D AND ERIE High School Gynj Suits Special Price to High School Students Central High , Jersey $ .75 West Phila. High Pants 1.00 South Phila. High Shoes 1.50 Northeast High Elastic Jocks. . .75 Germantown High Frankford High $4.00 Pure Worsted V-Neck Sweater, $6.50 Marshall E. Smith & Bro. (Income, Men' Furnishing 724 Chestnut Street ri5I)GERr'Pfili::4i)ELPHIA, THXniS3pf AY, Off for Pennsylvania Amateur Golf Title at Merion Tod T V ' t . ST. DAVIDS LOCAL HORSES SET Philadelphians Do Well in Open ing of West Chester Contests ALONZO GETS VICTORY West Chester, Pa., Sept. 1. Phila delphia horseH did well nt the opening races nt tho Chester County Fair yes terday afternoon, over the West Ches ter track. Okn Mnrch, ownetl by John Toy, won the 2:23 clnss pace while Onrcln the Great, the property of Alonzo Willlnms, won the colt race, nnd Har vest Leader, owned by Lewis Gaston, won second money In the colt race, tak ing the opening heat. Many of tho Quaker City entries took new records. Summary: Colt raco. three.yiir-old and undar, beat two In threo heata. nurao J2.10 Oarclu the Orent, Irv lllmrara, Alonzo Williams, 1'hlladelnhla, Wllllama. Jr 4 1 1 Hnrveat Leader br. h . by Tho HnreVer. Lnla Castor. I'hlla- te phli. Hnrtmar 1 4 2 Nancy Volo, blk f,. by Teter Volo, Dan Leary, West Chester. Lenry. Sr 2 2 ro Dr Itandall. ch c . by Dillon Ax worthy. F Ilehthamor, Nnrriv town. Lplehthamcr 3 3 ro Time 2:33. 2:3u. 2-20'i . Three.mlnute elaaa trot, best three In five neata. pursa J3.,0. Laura Axworthy, b. m.. by .Mori-an Axworthy. John Cum- aey. I'.irkeibur. MiOlnnla.. 15 11 Daily Practical, b. m.. bv Prac tical Hoy, Ilnrvey Whitby. l'hoenlxville, Whitby 2 1 B 2 Klnlu I.alrd, b m . John Dnvla, Davis. Drowns Mills, N. J.. 3 2 2 3 Capshon a. jr., Harold Groves. K nnett Square flrnves 4 3 3 4 Damn's Prince, r. b . 12 Myera, IlrldKevllIe. Il . Meer .. 0 4 4 ro Donald Klwr. b it., n. 1 Cus- tr. Spring City. CuMer. .. 5 dls Mav Klowcr. K. m . Thoman Dolan. Chestnut Hill. Dnlnn dls rime, S'lti'j Runnlnc raco 2:20 2 21V. 2:l(tt half-mile dash, purse Sinn. Iluster Qlrl. b m... Collar, won. Cht'tnn fhlef, c k . Wllkle, recondi Paul Connelly, b. if.. Malln, third. Time. :.'.7H Jumpor. b b.: Mulutlne. br. c : nnmarkablo. br k Lennlnu b. ir and Hensley b. jr., also ran 2.23 class pace, best three In nvo heats. nurso Sft.V). Oka March, b. jr.. bv Trlnco March. John Toy Phila delphia Peacock 5 3 1 1 1 Dick March, br. is., by Prince, March. CI T Sattertlold loor. Del.. SattirHcld. . 2 15 2 2 Dock Stone, b. b . by Mock son. H. P. Dougherty, Wafchtmitnn.D. C. nuttons 12 2 4 3 lulls' Cocnnto, b h, , John Din Is Drowns Mills. . J.. Davis, Jr 0 4 3 3 ro .icannr ttnton u, m , uan l.ary. West Cheater. Leary, Jr . . 3 Dan C . a. k.. niwnod Mil ler, l'hoenlxville. Miller . 4 Jack Park, b ar , Dr. M. Mercer. Dnwnlnatown. J. 0 ro 4 ro Hulduln dls Time. 2:17Vi 2:171 211p'4. 2 19U. WORLD'S DERBY TONIGHT ENDS LOCAL BIKE SEASON Four Riders In 62'.rvlllo Event at Point Breeze The 1021 bicycle senson in Philadel nhin will como to n close tnnleiir n th Point nrecxe Velodrome with n 100 kilometer motor-pneed rnce, it being the running of the annual World's Cycling Derby. Lots of interest nlways Is cen tered in this annual fl'J-mlte grind, which is to have four starters this evening. Vlncenzo Maddonn, who hns been de- irmi'ii in urn lust iwo starts in races with Clnrcnce Cnnnnn as one of the entries, has been training diligently for tonight's run. If nothing else, Mnd dona wants to defeat Carman. The other two entrants nro Paul Verkycn, of Belgium, nnd Frank Corry, tho Aus tralian. All four of these international stars are great pluggers. and the result mny he - n sprint from the beginning until the tinnl of the 02 Vj miles. Mnddona has cut down Cnrmnn's in dividual point score lend for the sen son somewhat by winning a race in Itoston this week. Clarence flnlshcil third. A victory for the Itnlian clinm pion tonight might put him on even terms with Carman. Severnl nmnteur nnd Clnss P. profes slonal events nlso nre fcchcdulcd on the program. Tho season of 1021 in bicycle com petition was n great success. Several amateur stars were dnveloped, n num ber of records wero established among these riders, while records nlso were bettered In professional events. Evening Ledger Nine Wins The KvKMMl Pcni.to Lkikjkr hiim-hall team iourneicd tn dimden and drfMlot the Tnlfth Ward Club bv a eore of t to 0 Werner fanned nine of the Camden hattere Students' Price $9.00 3 rated! Athl'tle Goods RECORDS AT FAIR CUP GOES WEST IF JOHNSTONWINS HERE Little Bill's Farewell to Competitive Tennis to Be Made in National Championships Has Tivo Legs on Trophy SIX 1,0! years ngo Maurice R. Mc- nutrhlln P.nnnnn Ttnll McLotlCllin thp crrentpst nlnver ever developed in California nnd one of the most prom inent figures on the history of Amer ican tennis, passed out of tho conrt gninc. In 1013, tho year of his retirement, McLougblin's place at the iiead of the first ten wns supplanted by William M. Johnston, another of California's sons. Now Johnston plnns to recede from the snotllghL And Philadelphia!! will be privileged to seo the Inst match In competition played by this wizard of the West. Immediately after Hie nntlnnnl cham pionships, which will be staged on the ccuits of the (jernutiitown t ricket Club, beginning September !) Johnston will leave for his home and pl.ins to devote his timo entirely to business, forgetting tennis except as n recreation. Two Legs on Cup The tournament here probably will menu mora to Johnston than nuy In ,his enreer. lie nlready has two legs on tbo United States Lawn Tennis As sociation 'rophy offered to the cham pion. A triumph here means perma nent possession and William is very anxious to take the cup on a IWOO mile jwinicy to rest nt last on that what-not in tho corner of his living room. Tim"rcti:,t00' Jol'nston lias opposed our Am J-ilHen '" 1 Important matches. J. lie spoils are evenly divided, each with three victories. Another personnl com bat would decide the Issue and award the edge. A national championship certainly would be n crowding achievt- !'"im f?r t,,c ,,lHt fcat of ! already brilliant record. Sfars of sportdom are prone to "re tire in theory more often than thev do in practice. The call of the gam'o is master oft mos over the intentions of iim ,n,lv'ln"I. '"it friends of Little Hill nre taking his announcement seri ously. It looks as If he means business in a literal cnsc. Draw Today All tennis folk nre hoping that the draw for the nationals, which took place at the heudquiirters of the nn tionul association In New York this morning, will cast Tilden nnd John ston In different brackets, so that tho two Hills will hnvo a fair opportunity of opposing ench other in the final rounds. Johnston nnd Tilden were the per sonnges who fought it out Inst enr In tho championships, and Tilden won. Ihis victory, however, had some of the glory cut from it when the Westerner beat out the local hero In tlte Itrltlsh title tourney. The feud ends here. It snouici De the match of the ages The Lawn Tennis Associat ition took i Today's Local Ball Games Itnnovnn-ArmstronK Che.lkter. nt Shnrpletis, West HerroHirate nt Minnahiin. 1'orty-elhth nnd Ilrow l streets Hrldcthtirir nt Illlld.ile, atreets Piirl.N. I'lfth nnd Main Norfnk Slurs nt (ii-riimntnttn, Chelten nirniip nnii .i.iicnniin street !nrimr c m-Itnierritril ut npii. tm.imi roiirtli nnd M'lncohoeklnc utreets. ' 'x"?." "i All-Mrlayi liiitue Iklnnil. .Nuthlti nt KortJ-elBhth IVunl, Twrntj- fifth treet nnd Snyder ntenne. Inilliinn I'rofrsnlonuls nt Medlti tleth nnd Ovford atreetH. Marshall IJ. Smith at S I". II A. A.. Six . A.. Ilro.id unu iiiKier Ktreets. llelkhrr nt Drtnneo llelnnrj. X. I i !. It jnekoon, uienur. i. -eKiie .1- tuinlierlniid nt Tnvntr-Utli utreet nnd r.imiink GrSSttllrVrfi """"1 A' A" Mn '1 I'hlluileltdila I-rorrfnilonaU nt U'llnilnitlon. lTCSTIIIlDAY'S SCOKF.S llrldeihliri:. Hi .1. J. Ilolnon. 0. Nutllltj, 3 Italtlmorx Illurk Sot. 1. iiiiiunKnir, ui jrwnvnri-,iriiiAtrnnir, in..,.. t,..in, .i ,, it. rmiin, i). l'o JlotnrH, fli Ilohlfeld. 2. (fermnntoHn, 7t Stenton K. c.. 4 IMillii. Terminal. -t (leneral Office. 2 loMlfelloii. 0 Altllne Club, O. 1 iiT.in, 7i Nlretown, 1. North riillflea, 7; swine City. 4 CheMer, h h. 1. II. 3 Sliiirnlehu, 2 Hhitiiiihim. 0. Wlldnoud Oi Ocean C'lli . 0, I'lilehir .1 CrrMunn. TlirersJ 8, lhridnK lilner 1, Hutch Tivelfth Wnrrl n (oiHlfrllimH 0, Aldlnr O. ' " , . .,,l?,!,.Tkn,,.,i.a.r" ao-Dmlrojer J,i,.Ion Chlilans' I.ctlRue craft 1. Indimtiiai, 1; ,lr. Logan Trounces Nlcetown Vlth IMJIo IlareliH. thn i,n.. t...j. Trl-Stato tnlrler. on the mound Loian i A. eaaiij dereated the Nlcetown team last evening In a alx-lnn n twilight nam. at ElBhteenth and Rockland i,.?. i,Kn"a5 of 8 to 1. This mado tho third vlciorv the lint ek for Ilarelie and in in... n,Jk .. naino he fanned ten men. VI... .... .. - lBiin A A 1 0 1 l s ,s iiu.uT.1, ii ii ii i n T 1 Fox Motors Downs Hohlfeld iuik-b nurnni: proed too much f H hi etreet and Mleuhcny uenue. and Vo Si,tir dnwneii tr nil mnker hv n ; ir w ,,,, "i '" " i"iu-nni L.easue Rami at Ilro.iri M & H. SELL Tore!" Extraordinary Special GOLF EQUIPMENT cl h?l hli SHr p00(1 frUio to obtain the finest lot of Enelish and Scotch Golf Clubs, Ilnps nnd Balls poasiblo to find anywhere a Ifreat quality collection at prices that have been unheard of. If you arc a golf devotee, you will want to see these L'oods. There is no obligation to buy. Cochran, Forgan, Spalding, MacGreg-or, St. Andrews and Many Other Makes of Clubs These Clubs havo been ranging in price from $6.50 to $8 and are known tho world over as stand ard, non-rustablo metal. If you see them you'll buy a stock of them. Golf Bag, 4 Clubs Balls Complete Outfit Special at Plenty good enough for nny one and especiallv for tTin liofvinnni A Inrwlir ,.. .!. a i Ai ClubDrlver. Mashi, JKVSrand m"!-JleVcanvarehe!' bound Golf nag and threo Golf Bulls vl i ; " i 1'0at1'01 when you buy Golf Equipment it M. & H. d t0 P"y b'B money We furnish hverything in Unataal Bargains in ,ET-X STT Pf I. UUII. II Sail ILoi Bathing V t ImttfiWITftHFOOAC Saitt J I J3-iKri"i"f.,I".,"V C2JWZMAKKI OPEN THURSDAY AND u SEPTEMSEB 1, 1921 ptinrtleular care to impress tho fairness of their blind draw. Newspaper men nnd the public in general are invited to watch the proceedings and It is probable thnt nn outsider will do the actual drawing. Such was the case Inst year when the honor wns bestowed upon Mr. Morse, of the Associuted Press. Knlry Limit Reached Kntries closed for tho tourney on Tuesdny. Vh tunlly every foreign star In this country for the Davis Cup mntelies hns been entered, together with nineteen of the llrst twenty rnnkinc American pla -crs, ns well ns the lesser lights. The only absentee from the first twenty Is Clarence Griffin, who was unable to some Fast this jear. It is believed that most of the stars will arrive here on Tuesday immediately nfter the Davis Cup matches', provided, of course, thnt the international con tests will he plowed In the three dnjs planned for competition. The entry list follows: Pred Anderson Urooklyn. E. O. Anderson. Australia. J. II Adou. Jr.. Dallas, Tax.. Marshall Allen. Portland. Ore. Cnilir Ulddle Philadelphia. H. J.. P""' New York, P V Haijus Forest Hills Mor ton H-rnsieln. New York. A. LllruneaU' New York. iKtian dlla Ilorbolla. Now York William J. Clothier. Philadelphia . I- Crawford. Iialtlm .re ., Ioon He Turinne. t-anaoa; ;i , Dawes. Los Anitcle WUils V. Davis. Los AnKcee, O A. I. Dlonne New Tors. llnwlnnu livans. iiaerrorn, in.. v,. II Kmerson Oranse N. J , . Car! Klscher, l'ynwd. Pa.: Prank A Pall. Nw York .. , ,,.. Paul (IIMkhik. Phlladolphhi. Manuel Gar cia Detmlt. Philip I. UnhlsbnroUBh I'"-"-tnore. Robert W OHmore. Niw York. W J Csllnn. New York II V. tlllden Peck ki 1 N. Y . A li.rt J O .re Washlnict:n D c K T Herndiin. Pottsvllle. Pa . i: V I 1 Mr.hintvm.. V .1 A Tl. HalTim-lt .frt York John H Hawkes Australia Hath in ny, Olnucesfr City. N J ('. Hunter. New Hochelle. N i 1! It Pranrls Walter T Huyes. f'hlciKo H, 11. InRersoll. Chlraco. . , . , .,.. Will are P .Tohns.m Phlladelphlt W I Ham M. Johnston. Los Anueles. ..-, W. T. KnlKht Philadelphia. H O. M Moines. Iu.. S. Ka-hlo' anil I Kumasa-- japan. Itoliert Lelloy. New York: Lnzland Dudley Murray Nlnpara John A Masee Ila tlmore. llarrlshiirtr, M. fj Miller Jr Dnn Mathey. Now York, Gordon Lowe nils N Y . Krltz Morrur At'.mtn i i. Wallls Men. umcianu. Philip Neer. Portland. Me.: A Jterwyn. Ill P y Osborne. Phlladolphla: IL c Nell ii ,Oelsncr New York Stanley W PeKr-on Philadelphia. N .rn an Pearh Australia s S Pennock Jr La is downe Pn . II S P.irkr. New York V H Itinera Phi adeiphla . I. H fti'-hsnls Philadelphia Vtnc.nt Hlchards New lork, L. 11. Itlco Newton Center Mass Dr U Kosenbaiim D P Holilnson !(' N Y J P Stockton New York It H st mli Short lleah Conn W. S. smlnt.m Haltl inore. Md n .1 Swcel. Dei .Mjines. Iu., Zvr7n Shtmldzti Japan . Ljmon Tr.mame. Phllndplphin Sdnev "thaiei t Mirilns Pn , C V Todd. Aus trall'i. William Tajlir Portland r. . llu h Tallant N Y.irk Wllllnm T Tilden. Phil ade phla Krtc T.'Kn"r, Denmtrk 1 Howard Vn-hell HrfOli'n Watson Washburn New Y rk It. Nnrrls Williams. 'Jil Nwton Onter Mass . Hrtwaid Wilson Chlc.iKn J L. Werner bt. LoUia, I C. Wrlicht. Hostcn ROSE SCOTT BEATEN Champion Loses to Favonlan In Grand Circuit Race IteatMllc, Mass., Sept. 1. Itoe Scott, the chamiiion two-jenr-old Fu turity winner of last jear. went down to defeat nt the (Irand Circuit races jesterdnyT when tlie Tennei-see colt I'n xouiiui. owned and driven by Fred Lr- tt.lltl t.lll ,lin ....... .. .. f f.n M.. ...... ., .....u tnu iin-tinuii; ui a trin .uur- phy's filly in the American Horsebreedcr Futurity for three-year-old trotters. IT FOR LESS: & 3 . Golf Except the Links ri Any of the Above h Parcel Poit 10c Extra I ES ERBACH ETSW SATURDAY EVENINGS-! I. J. VtKl smnuer it hnnnrl J lo find among the 10 Men-De-Lion shapes and I I sizes the one cigar he'll 1 I like best. I I "One Standard of Quality" I From 10c to 3 for J $1.00 I . 51. KUemun & Soni ' Mfgrs.. Plillu. J , gratifies y xancf satis fier HlMnWI o'f JP0 ir m -v r Woodward Twirls No-Hit, No-Run Game Now Haven, Conn., Sept. 1. Frnnl: Woodward, former Phillies' pitcher nnd lending moundsmnti of the Fastcm League, twirled a no hit, no-run game for Chief Ilendcr's New Haven elub esterday after noon, defeating Wntcrbury 10 to 0. It wns Woodward's twenty-third victory of the senson. Only thirty one batsmen fnced him, fivo of tliem reaching lirt base and none getting to second. Woodward struck out six men nnd wnlked four. UHL AMONG NET WINNERS Dcfsats Erwln In Lansdownc Recre ation Tennis Frncst L'til, Jon Colosbury, Jack Fvans nnd Dick Ingrtihum won their matches in the first round of the Inter mediate clnss in tho tennis toitrnnment for tlie Thomas S. Cooper gold cup, held at the Lunstlowuc Hccreatloii Center this morning, from Francis Frwin. Peto Itiehurds, Al Welsslcr nnd Joo Dun diifingei, resnuctively. The tournament Is open to all resi dents of Lansdownc or to nnv one at tending the Lansdowne schools divided Into threo classes. It btimmaries INTEIIMEDIATB PIHST nOUND . ?r"', W'l defiMttd Francis Irwin, 0-4. Toe Colesbury defeated Pcto Hlchards, 0-2 0-1. Jnik Kvans df,ated Al Wetssler. r. 7"'!, 'ngraham defeated Joo DundllfliietV! v-l, 0-2. B. 0 3. Cuban Stars Blank Smith I Cuban Stars proved too much fur the Marsha 1 I- .Smith nir- last niUit ut St eon 1 at 'I r ,r.,w in r BANG ! ! ! 7SINKH Our opening at 14-16 S. Broad Street has been a wonderful success. Our attractive offerings each week wUl bvliig us even more success. Thousands of old friends and new have participated in the mo3t wonderful cigar values this city has ever known. jur Duying Knowledge assures -hjio at me Luwtal mkicks, THESE SPECIALS NOW ON SALE: Small Lot 2 for 25c Cigars $3.00 Box of SO 200,000 Cigars at 6 for 25c $2.00 Bo HOLT CIGAR CO. ARTHUR Phone Spruce 1921 Formerly with Theodore Netter 14 & 16 So. Broad St. HI .Vr, side of ( Ity Hull Itetxrei, iimaiiiiiiiiiiParcel STI'MIIIp NOTIfES rl rfL -L. J -v m uriiin ti.4iJi Hi tt liDil 1W T ' 12 DAYS i VM .,.l;,iU.AN THANS.IA( IFIC IASK(.i:it (SKUICB i"'N. iNtivr. ..rf vmi , i. ii.,. sttintT nt)i ru New and ptd.ti.l U.S.S B. liners; 535 It. long; 21,000 torn Mhrr 'Stiite -ei 17 Kef atone otitic llct. IS Farts, .rervtlom, etc., HUGH GALLAGHER, ''" "-- l'ubsenger and IreiKlit Services, From New York. cimnniii'Ho and sot thamiton I I'MI'U1 )!' INDIA Sept. 7 ll IT.WIV Sent. 13 t)et. 4 Oit. 23 ll-.Kr.M.KIA ,Seit. 2i tlct. 20 CAICMAMV . Oit. n No. 5 Dec. 3 Mvt:ii!'ouL, sTIIIA inewi sept 3 (let. tl Nov. IS ( K.MM bent. 10 Dee 31 KOl sP1,t. 24 AI1IM lliMii sept iO Nin. 1 Dec. 0 I YM"l TK AND IIAMUCKi, sM)Nll Sent. 17 tlct. 20 Dee. 1.1 I iNlinNDUtKY AND GI.SUiiW t-or i hih i Mritni l (iKKIV -siti cit. 10 Ort. H Nov. inrwi rnt. 31 Oit. '1! Oil. 1 No. 12 (lit 'Ut Dec-. .1 .Inn. iiiii.Ai.i.riii. To UlSPuN 17 ( t VIII) Ml'.IMTKKIt N1L ( Kl IM MM I 11 (ill'liM'l Vlt l.l,li:its i N ii NAl'l 1 Al K WDKIA I'lUI!!-I'UIU'- TI'.Ii.TK d'.itswrs lie ord m, ' t il ( ,HHM V ( nn inl mil Ort 21 Drc. 1 No. II) J ii n. It) n.liur tp uiihlilp Linen ll ntrr OMIi I '.iki Uuhtiit --t . riiil.i. l'ri'lcht onir lliurr Hl.li: . I'lillu A3ER LINE PHILADELPHIA to Christiania, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Stockholm, Helsingfors and Reval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS USSB S S "MARGUS," Sailing About Sept. 10 At Shipping Board Rates Tliriuiiili III I- of I 1.II11K iiiirii to nil nrnrKliin, D.iiiUIi un.l M.!lh fort. Dlrrrt kiiIIiiiih fur .ill srnnilln.nlHii ami llnltic I'lirtw .ih r irico ofTrrN SEAGER STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC W. J. GRANDFIELD & CO. Phila. Agents 308 Chestnut Street k" mbard S17G-7 Main R7f:s AMERJCA LINE New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Baulogncsur-liltf ROTTERDAM .. Sept. 3 Oct, B Nov. 12 KYNDAM . . .Stpt. 10 Oct IS No. 19 IN. AMSTERDAM.. S.pt. 17 Oct. 22 Nor. 28 N00RDAM Stpt. 24 Oct. 29 D.e. 3 Pientr pffice, 1S31 Walnut St., Pki, ,JwBcTsi'SrTPMT8Sj UOLLANft I Iamerjca lineI UT FOOTBALL DRILLS I 3 ' START AT STATE lyioro Than Thirty Candidates Report to Bozdok Bill Martin Sick TWO PRACTICES DAlLY Stato College, Ph., Sept, l.-JTh 1021 football season Mas ushered In, nt Penn State this afternoon, when the ail viticp guard of gridiron warriors re ported to Hugo Hczdek, Dick Harlow nnd Di'tch Hermann. Trainer BlUAlaj tin wns not on Hie Job todny, the popu Itr truck concli hnvlng been confined to his bed for tho last ten dnys with A severe nttnek of bronchitis. Thirty-six men received Invitations from Iter.dek to bo on hand for tho pre liminary practice, nnd nearly all of Hieni were here enrly this morning. The Penn State coaches nre not try ing to conceal the fact thnt they are worried over the prospects for this year. With seven members of Inst year's eleven lost by graduation nnd with tha posiiibility of still another falling to re turn this fall, the outlook is fr from incourngir.g, particularly since the Nit tany Mountain Lions nre facing one of the toughest schedules In years. No practice w.is attempted today, but uniforms werp distributed. It ia ex pected that Itezdck will order a work out for tomorrow morning and that both morning and nfternoon practice eesslons will then bo in rrder until the opening i f collegp on the 1-Uh 1IHM.J" you of always getting GOOD All 15c Cigars 10c Popular Brandt of 50 L. HOLT P.rcel Post Prepaid Mi.rket nml South I'onn Sqnar Post Prepaidmmnmn STKAMxtui' VOTirES rrmr 1 9 Jl I L J ai ti - TO YOKOHAMA -SAIUNGS- Mlier State Nov 20 Heitmie stifr Dec. 21 i poy iny rnretd or tourist agent, cr G.n.tst.Ast ,17Stit St..N.wTcrl, eADM I RAL LINE PHILADELPHIA Direct to Glasgow & Avonmouth S. S. "Monmouth" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing Sept. 6 Baltimore Steamihip Co., Inc. For rates, apace, etc apply HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc. Audits 615-616 Lafayctto Building PHILADELPHIA Bell Tel-r'i. I .nrt ii t' it Ki ystom. Telephone Mnin GU'J PHILADELPHIA to BARCELONA, MARSEILLES, GENOA SS-IUCCHUS" .... Sept. 25 llirmisl, IIIIU ,,f l.,n fr votXn f -...In. Mnrocrj. Ale,rl.i Tnnl. ,,' ?rtt,. Mr. I.H.rMt.ir ,am g, i.,Vhorn TIUNSHIPMKNTS VTA Ol'R OWN STEAMERS Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St., Philn Pa I ..ii.b.inl V.'iK) ni.iij.ni,' Mnin a;at Agents for Three Star Line " Hrlilir t . Vw Vork, Dixie Steamship PHILADELPHIA to BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW USSB S S "OPELIKA" Expected to Soil Middle September AT CUMT.IIEMII! hitiu Harriss, Magill & Co., Io 425 Lafaytttu Ultlc., I'hiladeh e. liiladelphla Lumbal il Win 1 i'lillu 70 BALTIMORE TO HAWAII nnd rtlnr.i Calllnc lliirnni. Punninn )nn l)K l.l'XI! KTKAMICPH IIUCKEYK STATR HAWKEVE STATE Iavm llnltlmurr for Kuwait ..,- MATSON NAVIGATION ,- ,,..... H m niiiTi. U3IIIB Linedir IucaI a lea in naitmior 1 . i i V, i s '). "w.irrtl v's. V. Al J