v.. '' ? L. ,l' . . ' W '.' t '- ,'' 'n ' w lvV . '-. V, y Vi'V y, DREAMLAND ADVENTURES Two Slips of Paper By DADDY J., and Janet, upon tte advice t iu Pieman, earn iicmjh " el '' hall Janet bg giving her c12 "oH Sd f ml. and flhu uiving his oion tog tolixtr J,?hiehoiteho haiilott a soldier '," ,u river. After making them '". '.tinTbu nibbling Mr. Pieman' t u!UsHjJor the Ml. CIIAVTBB IV The 1'roMllng TJiscr ., . oitUAT tlgor ! following us, " A 1. 1 T..t, in unrnlne to Jauet y .nd Brfiby Uounccr. tha rubber bnll. The three u-ie . , ,,, ..Prions sniilcn wiicre tlic Tevvlllo E' tM. ",, h,l,l. Jack und Janet 1 .Ibbllnt on Mr. Neman', cookies. AH looked around. ure m.us fcuse creature like a tiger Jack anil Jnntt had .ecn In a elicus was tiacklng tlicin. . ' ., How should they get nuny from the tiircr? The secret door to the my-rtcrl-ou garden was still some distance Clou at hand wa a large iron pipe wnltltt; to be placed in n water main in the "street. Tbo children when they Were bov and girl l could not enuceze into it: now they wcie doll sUe, it looked like a big tunnel. It seemed , food hldlng-plncc from the tiger. Thinking thia, Jack and Janet dashed Into the plpo with Bobby Ilouuccr hop ping, railing, and tumbling behind them. The pipe was very dark, but the three ran stumbling through the black ness to the center. There they crouched and waited. Perhaps the tiger would not flud them. All was very quiet. Not n found. But after what seemed n long time two lights suddenly appeared in the dark ness. They wero green and ehonc to cocerlr tho children were startled. "It'is an auto. It will run over us, tapped Janet. ... "An auto couldn t get into this iron pipe," replied Jack, remembering they were now tiny. "It is the tiger," whispered Bobby Itounrer. "Those lights nre its eyej. Run I" And run they did, along the black, dark tunnel, and out into tho moonlight at the other end. Near nt Innd wns tho stone wall of the lnyctcriouB garden. Befors thev could reach it the tiger came crawling out of the pipe after them. The tiger crouched to spring, Its long tail slowly switching back and forth. Jack and Janet looked wildlv about for help. And as they looked they saw two persons coming toward them. One was a beautiful woman. The other was a wldler. "Help 5" cried Jack and Janet to tho toWler. The soldier hcaid tbe cry and ran be tween them and tho tiger, waving his hword. Bobby Bouncer bounded ahead to the Mone wall. He banged his head against the wall once, then twice, then three times, and at tho third bang a door opened. The tiger had stopped when the sol dier faced him with drawn sword. Hut now he mv Jack and Janet getting away from him. 1 he tiger crouched and tprang rijht over the soldler'H nad and ttraight at Jack and Jaret to seire thi-ni bffore they could follow Bobby Bouncer through the door. But then the beautiful lndy did a queer thing ehe grabbed the tiger by the tail and held it back. The tiger swung arn'ml at her and the brave soldier, running up with hi sword, prirked the tigi-i In tho nose. The tiger gave a snarl and drew back, raising n raw os if to strike the soldier. But the beautiful lady pushed Jack and Janet through the door, nnd the soldier jurapel utter them, slamming the door fhut in the tiger's face. "You ought to lork up vour old Hit Tomklt .n night. Instead of letting him I'rowl .iround llko n tUer," said the oMIer to Jack nnd Jnnet. That astonished Jnek and Janet. Thnt tiger was .1 bundled tljnes lnrger than Tomklt. Then thev remembered. They wrie tln nnd were sceinc with tiny eyei, Of course, it was Tomklt, their own cat. (In the nfxt ehnpter Jack nnd Janet gain visit Mr. Pieman.) THE DAILY NOVELETTE The Awakcnina Hy MIIS. HAZEL H. CUMMINGS lin 1 . "','"' you re juRt a big. trust tn-i. . 'ting II ... . . '". """ '"" arniR ana leat our h!i old friend' llttro,! A nc ed :1c. te-, .- -. ...,,uh ,, ,um.,i ol your 01ir unit !.. .1 .L-i 10111 A Inint!.. .,. . 1 life . - ,- " mvi- uujn inni Haven't iimn .. .11 l.-'i. .. , Oil , . .- in mi oacK anil look "-.iu .inn jts June, boy: there H un 1... . nf Bun. 0UIS1I'C. ana y( "P liere tolling the dajs nnd n awav. Inst tn f..ir.ii .1 j.i V you re ilphts of a girl!" ' l"U5C,,lsn am vn'?ow-' p". leave Ritn out of jOU Vfi nnmn ,.n I i- i.. mbltion it, if ;- ; ". "i iinf 10 lecture. tint taT,pirnt,on' rjfry bit of Sh le O success thick finiV 5cre" iridleatlr S .1.:. . el.T prnn((' manucript. ' " :'" PMI. ?o nVap atlng g n will apprc- ompirrtm;,tLi.' r"Bnamg-her ac- u.l smiled. "Ilor nccompllMui iin' ,,?. "c,0Dirlished nil right, n manv. mnnn ,.,..,. iment? Bob to a win n,.Cd t.h'foot chap over aM ' ,'""' was n tennis court imd WanUfu BT,t"" ..'.w, ""n. n liilll.l brunetti really i'Lfe ?,"? tying tho e lacing ice ZV JSft, 'In'Mln. 'at your serv- tiaiiiir. 1 1 ","' " rp "P lore. K ir0,lle,w,,,,''hre with pre jour enru .1., ..in , "minim more ment he ton h. ,s Mil nn lUttl Hak i...r, ls. st'll 11 dicam." fuct, mi,B :rr',';o"!V'f"tiy. "Vo re all trust h.;.V ' i 7. '""' .' Ivc I Rita I K!r' In str i, "' CIJl "n" ,n5' on: dp- make Bob ail,,,.i.kh.!?e!1 J'!N frhoiilder 'ilffi; was a deverlj &?n;: h le was promls- dn. ft"' " win bald, and m Hitn 'or ho elt 'ZV,U ",1,,rr-v "' s one a man, ould be Twr r , '"""nccmpiit. onioM. a,L",t,10.''' t the d oor nnd a i 1.1 i"aeis entci W Bold 1 "JirP"hS,n uit(" ft w ahi vV'p" ,vaB a cbi dish f 10(1 .She ivcnlth li of HI P blue fr Tfthnni4 eted the yi th p,r,ei',0.ncMWl the d. ... n dppn s desk. did not ' "ot bfl' imlleSliP- '' P.ev h up but v which icntly she nfe;i:..'V'dJolnth e gnmc! linvpn't joined u 1.7 ..' . u,,t "A'l Jou Joncd us i : 1 01,t nmI i 1C1.fi long. Uobhfft. do 'come r Lace and Fringe Trim Dainty Frock By CORINNE LOWE The difference between tbo mid- Victorians and us seems to bo chiolly thnt wbilo they trimmed both themselves and their parlors with fringe, we cut out tho narlor. Frlnso hns been used to tho point of damaging incluslveness tnis summer, but even so one en counters addicts of tho mode nnd these may be satisfied nt some of the smartest houses. This frock of beige georgette is trim med chiefly with self-color fringe, de pending iu pnucls from lace motifs on the skirt. Lace of the same kind forms tbe tiny sleeves nnd almost submerges the bodice. And, by tho way, the frock with the lace dyed to match is raging more furiously than ever. So, too, are beads particularly the steely kind which are being employed to give color con trast to all kinds of crepe frocks. you progressing? I know it will bo wonderful. You deserve success, Bob bie," and the wistful ejes looked up at lilin with frank admiration. "Thanks, little Betty, I hope for it. And now I'm just going down with you two for an hour. Hun along, Betty, and say the 'champ' is coming," and ho laughed lightly. Betty went and Bob took a tennis racket from the corner. Phil laid a detaining hand on his arm. "Bob, do you know what?" "No What?" "If Betty wasn't head ovor heels in love with you I'd marry her myself." Bob stared at his companion nnd laughed uproariously. "Say, Phil, I think it's the heat with you," and he tapped his own forehead significantly. "All right, I'm an outsider, but lis ten: I'll wager that If jou turned out a failure If this book of jours fell through It would bo nil over for you with Rita 1 She's all self. Bob. She'd see you work joursclf gray, just to reap the harvest of jour honors." "I nccept your wager, my good friend," returned Bob, bowing, and they passed out. One evening in late autumn found Rita devoting speclnl attention to ar ranging her dark, shining hair. Down stairs Betty and Phil were wnitlng for her. It was the night that Bob was to tell them of his Biiccehs, and he had promised that It should take place at Phil's home, upon the latter'" hnppv suggestion. When she was about to go downstairs, Kita paused nnd took up a miniature of .Turk Gluddin, whis pering. "If nnlj jou had his gift!" At sight of Bettv and Phil she was nil excitement. "Oh, tell me, has he been incepted; do jou know, Phil? But of coutko he has! We mtiht hne a coiiRi-ntulation pnrtv richt nwnv!" "I'm absolutely in the dark, Rita, Hit he can't fail. He's n wonder ami 'i 1 , . . s n . A ULji ! You'll like r fry, -.-,-TT.' L - ---. , ,J ill Cream Buttermilk Because Supplee-Wills-Jones Cream Buttermilk has such a rich, creamy, flavorful taste and just tart enough to make it enjoyable. A wonderful "bracer" for that tired, fagged-out feeling. "Keep a bottle on the ice." Order by phone or ask your driver. Supplee -Wills -Jones A REMARKABLE SALE Red Star Diaper Cloth Tho best brands, bo well know by women, on sale here at much under legulur prices. Sold only in original sanitary sealed packages. 10-Yard licccs 18 incho wide $1.35 piece 20 inches wide 1.50 piece 22 inche wide. 1.65 pioce 24 Inchoi wide 1.80 piece 27 inche wide 2.00 piece 30 inchet wide -5.5 piece rvuni. 11 Mull llrnri ArM ? 9 for $15 All-Wool Double I er Ihrml s'kiis I ni ,1.1.1 pinmrl, I nwiri'Mi .irliin W. H. Smith & Sons 914 Walnut St ti 1. of Mill Ends and RemnantAn All Ntw Wath Goodie. EVENING iUBMO iLEDGEJE PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY, he's worked heroically, Brown sent blm (he verdict this afternoon." On the way Hitn talked Incessantly. What Bob would do with the honors end revenue thnt ho would win were apparently more vital than Bob him tcVf, Betty, meanwhile, was not think ing of tho glorified person tbnt Rita was describing, but of n boy with a great heart who had dreamed big things, nnd whom she had loved since sho had laid aside her dolls und dono up her hnir. Soon nftcr they nrrlvcd nt Phil's borne there wns a ringing of' tho bcl). Rita flew to tho door and opened It wide. Who threw her nrms around Bob, but be did not spenk. The others gazed at him qucstlonlngly. He dropped into n chair, passed Hitn a letter nnd covered his face with his bands. Sho opened it and rend: "Dear Sir Your manuscript, we re gret to advise, Is not nt nil available. It docs not In any way measure up with writings on this subject today, and is therefore entirely valueless." Astonished silence reigned for n mo ment; then it dawned on Hitn that nil her cnstlts were tumbling into rulus. Disappointment, humiliation nnd the thpught of what her friends would say, to whom she had boasted, were all that was left! "Oh I" she walled, "It's a failure! Un, iJob, nnd you promised 1110 so much, nnd now now, whnt will every body sny? Oh!" Tcnrs of self pity sprnng to her ejes. "Oh, Rita, I put my very life Into it; I couldn't believe failure possible. It's broken my spirit, but," nnd ns he reached for her hand Phil gripped the nrm of his chnir aud Betty longed to speak n word of sympathy, only be lieve in me nnd I'll start again. I know you will, Rita I know jou tin-, derstand." "Believe In von !" She fairly bit the words off. "Aren t you content with hnvlnc ticrsiindcil me to mnke a fool of mjsclf once? Here I've been sitting meeklv nt homo half the time, wn tell ing other girls going off on good times They told me Id regret It. nnd now they'll hnvc some line gossip nbout 'Ritn and her pen-scrntcher.' No, thank jou. Robert I'm through." The room seemed to crow dim nnd cold. When nt last ho looked up Bob saw his college ring on the nrm of the chnlr where Rita had left It. She wns gone. Ills eyes were burning. Phil was stnndlng over him and some one wns knccllnir beside his chnlr some one with n wealth of red gold hnlr and her simple, loving soul in Her eyes. "Bobble." t-he whispered, "we're sorry Phil nnd I; but don't give up: jou've got all your life to try again, nnd we believe In you nnd just know you'll mnkp good some day." There were two rcasoni why Phil turned nwny then, hut only one why Bob took the red gold head in his hands nnd kissed It. nnd -aw nt Inst. Mr. Brown, of n certain lnrgc pub lishing house, hnd renson to dictate n letter nbout n week later, running like this: "Mr. Robert M : "Dear Kir Please accept our sincere npologtes for our letter to you. dated the 18th. Through some unaccountable error here this letter was addressed to you, although originally Intended for tho writer of nn ai tide on 'Henlthlcr, Happier Ilnbles.' "We wish to congratulate you on jour remarknble work, nnd would be nlensrd to have von call at our office immediately to discuss tho matter of publication." NOW A FOLLY TO HAVE CORNS Million of People Know An Easy Way to End Them Quick and Sure Folks all about you now treat corns in this scientific way. That's why corns are becoming: so uncom mon. At the first corn pain they apply Blue-jay the liquid or the plaster for sale at all druggists. The pain stops instantly. Soon the whole corn gently loosens and comes out. This is not like old ways, harsh and crude. It is the modern method, put out by a laboratory of world wide repute. For millions of people it has solved the corn problem. It will bring you freedom and forever when you know it. For your own sake, find this out tonight. Liquid or Plaster Bl uejay Stops Pain Inttantly Ends Corns Quickly tivmmvu "( unt une Uozcn in a menage 18x3G $1.95 doz. 20x40 2.35 doz. 22x44 2.70 doz. 24x48 3.20 doz. 27x54 J.o doz. mi F-Tlrn fn. Prrl Pnl Bed Size Blanket! plaM fffeots In Iwautlful colorings, Value ; ''iH. 1 1 niwm-.i 'Wi ' '" " , 1 '. !1 I .1 . ASSESS.-- . ' . I"' .- J 'Sffi' (1 IL.'nilMtlng WANAMAKER'S Wanamaker's Cotton Comfortables, $? Another blf? shipment of these quilta which people liko so well. They nro covored with printod cotton materials and have plain backs In several colors. Soft whlto cotton fills them to tho right thickness. (Central) Dimity Blouses With Buster Brown Collars, $2.50 Fresh, neat and crisp, there's a youthful charm nbout striped dimity that appeals to moat women. There's the practical side, too, for how well they launder! They nro made with 'long sleeves nnd turn-back cuffs, suitable for business women and college girls. Peter Pan Guimpe Blouses to Wear With Jumper Frocks, $2.25 to $5.90 Organdie, dimity, batiste and crepe de chino have all turned out their best to make guimpe blouses to wear with slip-over dresses of so.rge, jersey nnd silk. A pretty, easily laundered organdie is $2.25; dimities are $2.90 and $3.25; batistes are $3.75, with a collarless, gathercd-yokc blouso to prove the rule of Peter Pan at $3.50. A delightful Peter Pan of pink or white crepe de chlno Is trimmed with double frilling down the front nnd the smaller frills on the collar and" cuffs. $5.90. (Mnrkct) Slippers of Black Satin $9.90 a Pair Cinderella, herself, would be tempted to ex change her glass slippers for some as graceful, glossily black and pretty ns these 1 Sho would put her pretty head on one side and bid tho pumpkin coach wait while sho debated tho charms of plain pumps nnd those with instep straps, for both kinds are here. They have lightly turned soles that seem to dance of themselves, and the fashionable junior Louis heels. The best of it is that black satin slippers can go anywhere. (Chestnut) .Fieess is the name of some new cor sets, of a very fine grade. They are made of the finest broches and coutils and each one has the superior black boning and elastic lacing below the front fastening. Each one has six hose sup porters, too. But it is in fit and com fort that the careful design ing and splendid workman ship are revealed. For in stance, the corsets that curve a little higher in the back are fitted in such a way that they will never stand out, but will cling closely to the line of the shoulder blade. Finesse corsets are for all types of figures, ranging from the topless model to the long, heavily boned corset for stout figures. Prices range from $3.50 to $12.50. (Centrnl) New Bloomers for Fall Gymnasium Classes $4.50 and $5.50 You'll notice several improve ments in theso bloomers, chief among them the pockets, which many girls have wanted. The bloomers aro of navy blue wool serge, pleated on to a waist band. The $5.50 bloomers aro re-enforced and have an inner band for buttoning on to a waist. Sizes 8 to IS yoars. (Market) Women's Flannellet Pajamas, $2 Not too early to buy them for the school girl's going - away trunk. The pajamas are in coat or slip-over style, mnde of soft, striped flannellet and trimmed with braid. (Central) Lower Prices on Women's Hand-Made Underwear From Porto Rico Dainty bits of sheer white nain sook lingeiie, nice enough for the troussenu of tho Autumn bride. Every piece Is made entirely by hand, with hemstitched edges, shoulder straps and bits of drawn-work or embroidery. As we have not all sizes in every style, prices have been consider ably lowered. Drawers, $2 and $3. Vesta, $1.75. Straight chemises, $1.50, $2.50 and $0. Envelope chemises, $3. Nightgowns, $3. (Centra)) x Women Are Enthusiastic About the New Autumn Dresses Fashions, this season, have taken on a different air. One can tell at a glance a dress bought lately from one bought last Spring. Sleeves are decidedly more interesting, often being very wide at the opening and elaborately oraided, beaded, embroidered or faced with bright color. Skirts are a trifle longer and more attention has been devoted to their trimming. Sometimes they are nearly covered with braid or embroidery. Bodices are generally quite plain, or trimmed with a few rows of shiny black silk braid. All of these style points will be observed on the new dresses of moderate price in che Down Stairs Store. Between $10.75 and $39 there is a most interesting showing of serge, tricotine, Canton crepe, crepe satin and crepe de chine dresses. Many of the silk dresses are in black a most fashionable type. Excellent choosing at $10.75, $10.75, $23.50, $25, $29 and $39. (.Murkrt) What a Fine $3.75 y v A Touch of Luxuriousness About Women's New Autumn Suits Even at An interesting trio of Autumn suits is sketched, showing the new long lines that suit jackets decidedly favor this season. They are new, entirely different and refreshing. After the long, loose lines of Summer frocks, with the advan tage of both comfort and grace, the new suit lines are a natural development and one that is very becoming to almost all women. Entirely Black and Very Smart at $23.50 The style is sketched, and one immediately notices the long, loose lines of the woll-tailoieil iacket. which is embroidered. The silk which lines the jacket throughout is also black. Tho material is a good velour that will wear well. An excellent suit for traveling! Soft Velour With Beaver-Dyed Coney at $25 How amazed we would have been Inst year to see a suit of this character, even without tho fur, at this low price! The velour is in shades of brown, reindeer and navy, and in black. Elaborately Embroidered at $37.50 Beautiful embroidery is used over the entire back of this nicely tailoied velour milt in nn,.,. or brown. A long collnr of deep soft fur adds $37.50 S23.50 $25 oven more to its character. r,,.,: I i Convenient Jersey Jumper Really Handsome Suits at $42.50 Suits $16 75 L "?&' &l ,'h sPI"did tailor- A slip-on jumper dress' nnd a iack.t SEPTEIMEB l,Jt921 DOWN STAIRS STORE Down A New Hat for the Holiday Trip Every young woman who is going away for the week-end holiday will want to wear a smart new Autumn hat. First, because she wants to wear the new things first. Second, because the Summer hat is looking decidedly passe and will not last much longer anyway. So for tomorrow we have gathered a most inter esting collection of new hats at $5, $6 and $8 There are sports hats of brightly colored duve tyne, smart toques and broad-brimmed hats of velvet and hats upon which a generous amount of ribbon is used. They are in russet browns, terra-cotta shades, purple, navy blue, black and fawn shades. Wonder fully becoming hats for everybody. (Mnrlirt) School Frock for Only $3.75! It may be had in all sizes from 8 to 14 years, inclusive, and the style is a good one for girls of those ages. The box-plpated blouse is of sturdy navy gingham, with a red tie emblem and red band; it is trimmed with white braid. Notice that it has long sleeves. The box pleated skut is of navy serge and buttons on to tho blouse. New Serge Skirts for School $4.50 Side-pleated skirts of nay serge are ready for gals of 12 to 1(5 years and how tailoied and turn they look! A Charming Frock for girls of 12 to 1 15 years is of soft fine navy serge with a jiuimpe of green or red pin-checked gingham. The skirt is in small box pleats and the straight over bcdicc is prettily hand-embroidered with colored wool. $lC.5n (AlnrLet) $23.50, $25 and (Market) ih t if1 Stairs Bungalow Frocks Special, 75c Cheery incentives to work they seem, ond young house wives especially will make friends with them quickly. Not just ordinary bunga low aprons, but different, they slip over the head and have an interesting lapel finish at the neck. Picture a checked one of buttercup-yellow bound with black-and-white and finished with a sash and a roomy pocket. Many other kinds of tripes and figures, plain blue or pink (the pink is particu larly pretty), red checks, yellow checks and various other checks, all of percale and all bound with contrast ing material. (( rutrul) $37.50 to t lfcv WANAMAKER'S Store Men's Smoked Elkskin Golf Shoes, $6.50 Every man who has seen these good shoes has pronounced them lino for the money. They are of durable and pliant elkskin with a saddle of black or wine-colored leather to support the arch of the foot. Toes are broad and very roomy. Soles and heels are of rubber composition with in dented rings which grip the ground and assure a firm stance. The same shoe, in tan leather, is also $6.50. Men's Oxfords, $4.75 Everyday shoes of the kind that men like to wear to business. They are of dark brown leather on English lasts, with welted soles and low broad heels. (Gnllery, Mnrkel) All Summer Skirts Are Now Marked Very Low Some are lowered a third, some aro half price, others less than half. A great variety of styles, too, though not all sizes In any one style. $3 for skirts of navy serge or wool plaids. $5 for gathered flannel skirts in plain colors or stripes. $5 for skirts of wool serge, baronet satin and novelty sports silks. $7.50 for all of our finest silk skirts in exquisite colorings melon, turquoise, Chinese blue, gray, pink, rose, etc. (Market) Center sfie o.o A Big Lot of Men's Neckties, 25c The men snapped them up last time by the half dozen and theso are just as good. Plain, figures, stripes and foulards among them in scores of patterns and color combinations; all good four-in-hands. Women's Wash Skirts, $1 About a Fourth Their Original Prices Few-of-a-kind wash skirts of fine white gabardine in many dif ferent styles. Plenty of white skirts will be worn on Labor Day outings and on through Septem ber, even leaving out of con sideration the service they'll give next vear. Satin Camisoles, $1 Of navy, brown, black, white, flesh, wild rose, American beauty and peach satin, they are finished with rows of hemstitching and have elastic nt the waist. Bandeaux at 50c Pink mesh and rep bandeaux with lace tops across the front fasten in back where there is elastic. Three styles to choose from' Specials in Luggage Ready for service over Labor Day wek-end are brown leather Boston bags at $2. Black enamel suitcases, IS and 20 inches, are S.'i.P.i; 24 and 2G inchob. So. Extra-deep suit cases, 26 to SO inches, are $8. Cowhide Suitcases at $9.50 Big, sturdy suitcases of tan cowhide have straps all around. They aro 20 inches long. 18-inch cowhide bags in tan or black are $8 50. Cretonne Hat Boxes $3.85 Gaily coered hat boxes are fitted with eoncnient handles and aie of generous size. Corset Covers, 50c Preuy corset covers trimmed with lace or rmbroidery aro mado of soft nainsook of better qua'ity Two New Models in Silk Blouses at $5.90 7 1 . i. . i-iiusuHi a ues are Douses of pink or white crei e de chine with Peter Pan collars, finished with Opport trills, and long sleeves. The ma terial is eppmnlly good quality thnt will launder well. The other model is a new Tuxedo of mignonette in blnck or navy. The long Tuxedo col lar nnd the nifTs on the long slievcs are mtirely of wool in a black-and-whi e block plaid. Kitchenette Frocks of Percales, 80c The noat squate-neck, short skee, elastic at thc-waist style is typical of the efllcient young housewives who work wonders in thoir modern kitchenettes Noth ing superfluous, nothing to get in the way, just a finishing of fresh white rickrack. (Central) Double-panel White Sateen Petticoats, Special, 75c Good quality white sateen ft made Into serviceable petticoatg with double panels front and back. The flounces are finished with1 little ruffles. Extra-aizo white sateen pettl coats with doublo panclB arc Bpecia! nt ?1. i (Central i ' ' i m fl in 1 A -'.W;ff;'B?'iFi P ' . H t LSi ...' v'V 1 J. i fc. t . 'xl Vi. -aS "MM