-f,,f: W T". 'i.TI VH" ,', !" WT O' vjj. fv. nt ? V IC" r v fs ' i V li At f. Clfc y nera form' Oov Jled need rrow .t cj.V .' A-l'ltB '. urlal Satv, vp. .' HIM I n'iSm JttP imnPflfitfs!. ivallvjE m d iWfffN atM Jk i$ Mi xtlr'' a tF v failures in Seasons oiooJn andRemedied by Mrs. Wilson Faulty Jars, Haphazard Methods and Inaccurate Measure ments Bring the Disappointments This Article Tells of New and Timc ny MRS. M. A. WILSON O&nrloht, IStI, hu Ifrt it, A, trttjon. , All rlcMa rMfrvrd. .T IIAVE received ever no many letter Atelllnir inn ,,f tnnnv fnllnreM in rnnntnz Home of the eendoti's friiltt. unci reset Mm. Sonip lose nn,oitnt to over 100 Jaro Jim tlilplt of It. Nnv before on nre beginning to can, look rurrfully to tliojnrs and tlieir Hd. If you nro ii'liii! thr. Mnon trjio nml jou bnve lind fowls entitled in there jnr. and if you have opened them br prying the lld with n knife or oil er Instrument to loosen the lid, you cannot expect to ife tlioso lids ngnln You hnve bent the metal to allow the nresnure In the jar to escape, and If will not enl air tlclit when used irjnin. Old corn. peaN nnd beani will not Jr?p, nnd becnti'e of tlit-ir condition nre n noor huv Now unleM vmi have a enrden or are In poitlnti to ohtnln the Vegetable nnd fruit dlrectlv from the farm, take mj advice nnd do not at tempt to can pcn. bean nnd corn that fll purchased In the open ninrkefi These food contain n delicate pro "trln of n rgetnble milk clnrncter and n lactic acid or sour fermentation tnrtn cry quickly In the heart 'if the prod ucts If tlie nre: First. Permitted to Mind In the sun. Second, numped In piles and ntloned to stand, thus cau'it s the niitural heat ito develop. Third. Stand In poorly ventilated cars during the transportation nnd In close, OYPThated shops. Fourth. Stand in warm kitchen". Fifth. To be overlonc In tli process of prepirntlon before actual canning taVes place. One woman writes that last vear he wag canning lima bcinn nnd her nelch bor ran over for a few minutes to tell her Mitnp new; she left the b.enns pfter blanching nnd cold dipping In the jars they were ready to fill with the boiling alt water and partially coal. Tliev could not have stood over fifteen or Iveimtv minutes at the most, hut she lost the whole pick . thn r-he wiches to know If this wns pnsMblv he enn I of her fnllure. when In other venrs i the his nlwn.is hnd splendid success, I do not think, but I know that this1 dtlnv gnve the bacteriu present n won- I derful chance to deielon tbermophjlo or the culture tint rniiscs lint -mir Sometimes I think thnt I will nvnid glv ing canning instructions for the whole summer and urge the housewife to dr ' foods only, so thnt when another sen j eon rolls around vou will hnxe lost some of the ideas that you hive nbout canning nnd be ready to follow simple li and easy rules. Now just let us pnuse for a minute Suppose the big ennner had ns tnnnv1 failurei ns the housewife. How do you think he could continue to do biH- I ness? I hnve hnd so innm cnlls, nil tftllinir of fnilures nnd ever m nnxious to retrieve the fnilures Mnny times, mis cannot De none lien sugnr whs, twenty-five nnd thirty-five cents per, pound, more thnn fiftj women wrote to me as follows: I Ten burned jelly or jnm nnd wanted to know how to remoxe the burned, UBtc. You may spice this jnm or jelly. ' ,s i. i..i .. m ..in i, .i,. i - So the sugar, plus the time, fuel nnd fruit, was lost. Elghteen women wrote thnt their grape jelly would not jell, nnd the causes were hnphnrnrd methods, no nrcurate measurements. Some use j'ist the pure juice, without adding wnter, hence thp , tartar crystals in the grnpejuicc pre vented the juice from jelling. Six women tried to make strawberry Jelly and afterward were surprised that .fhey had a failure on their hands One l.man was bltterlj disappointed an I thenjter being repentedlj urged to send lnsier formuln. said that she used nbout ar n pint of wnter to two quarts of ber t rles. Now the strnwberrv is fl," per ; cent water nnd it does nut contain -t u vegetable-like stnrch or gelntin, which is so necessary for jcllv mnkiug. IIuh r ever, it makes a splendid presere if IV' cups of sugar are ndded to 1 nuart box of berries that have been washed and stemmed Shake down the berries well for measuring. Add no water and Just bent slowly nnd cook until thick. Twenty-one women fni'cd because Through a Woman's Eyes By JEAN NEWTON There Is Io Five nnd a half million men. women and children in this counrry affected bj Idren in this counrry affected bj in the Inst twentj yenrs iing. isn't ! that' there should divorce Shocking be so many unhnnpv families and so mnpy unsuccessful husband-, nnd wives' happiness hv order of the law Many good people are very much enn- Ilhon-e itself i. onlv an Indication reined ubout this state of nffnirs and l'ke the rali on a slck'chlld's back. The there is n great hue nnd cy for stricter reni trouble lies deeper and o must divorce laws. the cure "Make divorce difficult," thev sav It is on the ndjustini of tempctn "Make it almost Impo slide in the vast ments. on the mutunl efforts of Individ majority of cases and people will get unl husbands and wives that marital along better together " hnptnne s or utihapplncss, pcrmanenev I wonder if these people are not too or inipc rmanencv drpend eager for a short cut for their reined It I- upon how il.ej pull together tint Indeed, il seems to me that their plnn upon ho-v the law chains them to a bears a family reemblnnee to thnt of semblance of union that the home- of the smnll boy who suggested thnt n tin eounttj depend good way to get rid of n headache was to And if we nre going to he constructive chop it off nt the neck how nbout turning the spotlight cm snap No, you can't cure n seething ore bj u arriuges' The Woman's Exchange S -'' -,. U-ilr la (Tallinn Out ' limn -rv hplnfu. ho nm coinme to von m r.aor. ,.r. re.. Dear MHdnm-1 am n"' tuHen,Vr'l and I have preltj hlr. but It Is falllnK out and I don't know what to do AMU you please give me some adv ce i I V V Liquid asellnn purchnsed at anv eon- venlent drugstore Is a splendid thing io rub Into your hair .verv night Ixfoie retiring to keep It from falling out The vaseline loosens the scalp and prevents It from becoming hard and drj and also encourages the growth of new hair Removing Mold From Clothes Te h Kdilor o the H omnn i fane Denr Madam 1 have found jour ml- Things You II Love to Make Picot Ribbon Pa tie Is f,W. m For that new silk frock make tf.. mnrtr iiinnnv n.ixrr.s Cut three- ! anq ine original niea nt me ir puiv.rvn. ww --. .......... - ,,.., veeelor Drnvv lit-u nitit lm riiiiII.,h vw, uj oni tA ihVrtor thnit Voiir 8k rt Jo n the str'ps ""I l for Applj to the rommlssioner of ni'.nomr " Ma nV uverlnrplnB the Pldotsaml Patent Washington. UP A charge ot lilt Color " JSuSnnliiB beivi embroidery silk in nnd l ' Is ""I'?' , " ,'",;, nnlln',l "l ' Patent Li?ull, iCStS1 through tliem. Join ns manj strips and an additional $J0 on the Issuing of , Sartlff P.)-Jl?eceinry to make the panels the de- the patent If you want more details ImWW wldUl. Trtm the sleeves and bodice about tills before nppljlng, ".rite to the m !lrrZZtvift"0W'r ,'lJU0 nl- !" been I'atent Office Washfnjton U tor a ft' , l T- VBlsfi T- b tte.uno manner i the I'lCOT copy cf the Uules of Practlc. which HttJBrMiXLki 'R8, VL,0RA" 'S'ea careful Instructions. J- , . .... J. .nM.. ..,,,. v,,..n. I.l.r. .11 ly u IIIIP ...-. ......-n .. .. ...,.,.,.., ,, Canning - Saving Methods they did not use the correct nmoitnt of water to extract Juice In jcllymnklng fruits nnd had too much sugar and thus boiled the product too long. Do not go blindly Into the making of thcfo delectable sweets. Cook just a little of the fruit, say about half a cup of prepared fruit, four tablespoons of water In a saucepan un til very soft nnd then let us follows: Place one tablespoon of alcohol in n saucer and add three level tablespoons of the hot cookeil fruit Juice. Stir well. Let stand for n few minutes nnd If the mhture does not hnve n jelly like appenrnnce you may be nssured that the fruit tested will not make a successful jelly. In the enrly spring use an equal measure of young rhubarb to an equal mensute of the desired fruit. In mid nnd late summer w-c sour green ap ples v The number of housewives who have written me about the jelh molding nnd' the trouble with the imrnl'Mi vepnrnt ing frcm flu side of the glnss is legion If ttic jelly Is poured Into hot, steril ized glasses It cannot mold. I find flint so ninny women just dip the jelli glnes in boiling water or else uvp cold glnss. Both cause n moisture to nrrtiiiiiilnto In the bottom nnd F-Itles of (lie glnss of jelly, nnd this will surely ' mold. Plnce the glnsses In n baking pan nnd then plnce in a warm oven for twenty minutes: fill the cooked jelly Into the hot glasses nnd let cool, then cover with melted pnrnHin. I The usunl cnui-e of trouble with the ' parnfllii cow ring shrinking nwny from the sides of the glnsses x too much bent. The pa ratlin must be melted at n verv low temperature, so that when poured i on jellies It will not shrink, hut cover the top of the jellies nnd nilliere closely to the bides of the glass. All jellies must be covered nirtight after the wax cohering. Wipe the glasses with n cloth wrung from hot water and eln. Plnce on the tin lid nnd If you do not hnve sufficient number of the lids cut pieces of enrdbonrd to fit the tops " the glasses. Fasten this lid lo the WH nml ""'' nl'p Inch-wide strip of I'ancr spread with paste. Now More ''"""' ".''"' '"'' r rats cannot get nt them The will cut the glasses with tin- enrdbonrd covers because of the pnste. These glasses enn be stored in tin boxes an old brendbox that is nice nnd clean will do. Lnj pieces of heavy enrdbonrd between the layers of glasses. Mrs. JFilsons Answers Denr Mrs. Wilson - Will yo,i kindly tell me wha is the matter witli on . '(cs? The break iftir the are linked. I am ccni lerccl n goon enkebnker; 1 thought Hint ni.iv- b(1 j ,,,, ,on ln)pIl ,,,. , hnr tried 'using les, but the snme tlilnc happened. The enke is 'ine but I do not think it looks so nice' ,,.... . , , ,',''' 1,1(,''t n knowledge of the reclpi ,''",d ,' n tell you very little; the iiirmuln used is of the c-Mtis: im. , 'v" !,r''p- r,nn n'""n ' "r too hot :m ,,u'n would cause this trouble. Dear Mrs. Wilson May I come to headqunrters for directions how to make peanut brittle, of which I nm verv fond? Is it possible to make it good without sugar thnt is. with molasses nlonc? MltS. L. I'. S. Peanut Itrittle ,. , ... ' .;.r. " la.rKc nhmi: pan ibern llv ""' ,"",n ' ,"1, . rv,,p ,lliC!:lv "'" f1,l'',c,, nml rnu P"anuts. Now pln-e nucepan Tii o cufii o sirup (hie nnd om -half cupi of siifinr, fijC ttihiripaan of nneanr " "' vnei)ai; fasten over the instep and the heel Is on of butter or ild , comfortable in that it is neither 1 "", , , . e nnd then bring to boil1'00 hlgU m'r "", ',"' V"'10 ,V i ii it iitmriji'tu oil Mir io dissolve nnd tnen linnc and cook to .100 degrees Fahrenheit on (.nmv thermometer, or until It will form lllr( bnl nhon trip(, j( , nM wnter Pour oxer the prepared pen- , m,tK Molasses alone does uot mnke good brittle. Short Cut trjing to ,'hoke it off. It is from the hisic hi'idc thst it has to' be cbnlnccl nnd henled Neither can vou corral strnyln- love or icspett bv writing new statutes cm the honks, nor establish neace unci ZtX XrXVZA ! ""'" '-"r"'"' !"nt " l"n them . . Th arp ,, ,in01 mWed Is there I anj thing thai will remove this" , , ..llvn It vv K J" '" " get the nrllc les clean J ""' J """ again In soaking In sour milk overnight or as long as poxslble Then 'I-;--; I ' t! he, sun without rlns-ng m,h 'h'e curta'n. t.ii rln-e the dress ,.K ?,"Aav ' 10 "nt'r and let it dr In ( ."drying the"uBrtn'nUa '9lnK Taking Out a Patent I ' "l" I'ditor ni the u'i,,,,,.,, , ran' I uear .Mauiin ou ar helping some one even nluht I have come foi l,Mn also How can you stiffen organdie to make II look like new instead of uslncr I pnrch' Also, the beKlnnlnu and end vhnt a person should do to Ket a pa'ent I on something she would like to Invent" i I will ray a safetv pin where do oi I ko to have that made vot,r own , patent, and how much does it r.,t be fore vmi can sell th pins'" Kt.. I'se two tablesnoonfiilH of non, nm. , . ble to a quart of watei ns the Ust rins j Ing water for organdie and then drv and Iron it as usual Vou will find It quite as firsh nnd as crisp as new in order to take out a patent It ,. nccessarj to give n full description of the article, with a careful explanation of the waj It Is made, the waj It Is used, and the manner of Its applicatlem. with special emphasis on the feature "hlch '"! J '1'"fre,1,t'rom ol'.''r ar- uirn nnu iiit- uuhiimi iwxr m iiim ir "EVENING PUBLIC WHAT PARIS WEARS rh'jto by Ktl It 'poms tin much like midsummer to be discussing full suits now, but it won't be long before we'll be wishing we had thought about them sooner. This loose box coat Is ery popular in French stjles, nnd the skirt shows n little moie width than usual. The trimming of black nnd white buttons is interesting Adventures With a Purse j JrpIS the secret desire of every woman j -L to be awfnlh well diessed! To snnip dnv mnie-tlenllv enter a modiste shop, poise lorgnette on bridge of nose. nnd send home the best that can be had so she cin hist once look like nan. so sue cm just once iook ni.e the oft -quoted "Million tlollnrs." Win- finiv ilinniilm. rn.ull. in .lnv .lponnw when the pour little girl sees herself nrrnjed as she would be. Pet Imps you and I cannot niTord to shop In the mop cxcliisiw' places, but we can most certninly buj cerj sninrt-lonkiug clothes they are In tins piesent unj. it is . . . uM.i.nrnd ili-.t hrnw ii will find fiivnr ns whispered that tirow n win nmi ntvor as a color for full, nud one of th shops is disiilivini: ii pair of biown suede is ciispi.i.vini. a I nit" i ui wii sllppers to be uoin with the suit or eatlv fall street costume Two straps ii grjv pair, and hi, th but t thi- price tag of !l. ' This is a dnv when ve modern women, appear almost anv where in s-jToits clothes, be It the golf links or an n'ternoon bridge. And bj the waj. Iliinnj knows a nice jiuing Indj who nlavs bridge, and I snj that she must reallv be awfullv smart to muster anv. ftill iHM'.'.lffifflB 1 17 ff I if 'ilM 325'Jw hi ft iff - iaa fe fesss i.54 ti f III Siil613 i riff .'liiiaKM Mil iiiliml ' IfIll P1Sllw' ' tina. purchase-. A we.l-gr ned foot !, .HMd " ! , TsB ehS? or plavs a larse part, In the lliml elTe. t and out understood whv he did It With an rm,h( " ,)? i,1nrf,s' fr part.cularlj now .'when slices , match """"Sih ble. " , wn" discharged 'nnd-soon af'Tr'th",. ?J ,e dress are won, , the exteu, that "''l! ',"",'' in fancv I can see your retnmeTadTo ha!m,& .1?i ,1. thing quite so complcv I d be smred fault of mine because I always look In only advice that will remedv rnv un to death if I went to a bridge partv. the rluht places for them i pleasant and unhappy stato of affairs, but I assure vou thnt I d probablv wear T never go to anv public dance h-ill .TANK. nit because 1 nlvvavs feel 111,. II'IJIHSI I jW!.t Mil . .,,. J,,.',fnril.l.. ,, ilmt I m, I f lots more comrorlallc in thnt kind of clothes 1 saw tnd.iv a verj smart- sport -i nuking sports suit of a mixed grny, ! nimtbi r of an unusual shade of heat her. hnth with good lines, n nnrrow belt of 'he material nnd two large ioekets on the coat. And tin". vv,.re but !1 1.."1. U'liliu kienl.ln"s Willi blink clocks ere verj effective, and add an extta I touch to the miss who sallies forth In Imtnnculate white Hut my experience , lias be-on the few extra stitches up the sides of stockings make them most fear- fulh expensive, and so. I was inter- ested to see a sale toclnv,of white lisle stockings with black clocks for fifti-j hve cents i For nsines n( .hoiis nelelress Wnmsn's Vntrt Keillor or iihnne Unliiiil .1000. ur Main 1001. The Question Corner Todij's Inquiries 1. 'I'o what Interesting unci repnn sib'e work has Mrs J I! New man of Washington, I ('., been appointed1 2 llescilho a new tvpi. of llvpnper vvliicli can be opened out without dnnger of getting the bunds stlckv. .'t Instead of little tii, ks which aro sonic f nies iiuwitisfne'tnit , what mi be used to nttaeli n slinde which hns come off its rnller? 1 Whnt Is the signlllc mice of the expression "crocodile tears'"1 .". In what decorative wnv can n short jacket be attached to tho foundation of the two-piece dnss which It form'' 0 How is a stvlisli tnffetn street dress trimmed' Yesterdaj 's uswers 1. Nevnd'i has the fewest women. In proportion to the lotn' population of the Stnte. of nnv State In the l'nion 'J A warning bell which te of the approach to the bottom of the page is a new Invention forlhe H pew i Iter which insures y si-a ght margin at the bottom ot a pnge .'i Sive time nnd tumble In sprin kling nnd ironing clothes In null. Ing tin ni nut .iniight nnd folding larefu'lv when r moving them from the I ne on wnshelav 4. The term "Hilllngsgnte." to mean touch inngunge, came from the HHHni'sgatc fish ninrket In Lon don, the tisliwivc' being famous for their coarse tnlk .1 To pieienl tl)e pockets of n little girl's fiock f'om In-coming loose nnd hanging "ui after con. stunt f lifting run ni'nei c la tic I lira, ml, a ca dug lust lielow the hca line so thai the gather' will soring bnc k Into n'lii-o 11 Some of the I'nrl- frocks of h'ne'e nrn relieved bv a -triking wide cuff of colored chiffon. BDGERPfllLADELPHlA, THURSDAY, The Heart Pirate Ity HAZEL DEYO nATCIIELOU Cevuripht, It II, bv P'ibHe Lttoer Compnni Thooilom Cattttrptl hnt become en' pnged to Ummy llhnd, nnd, io htr surpriic, ti not happy about it, Wne tells her employer, lllchard Male lee, that hc h leaving her job in order to he mairted, nnd he tefuscs to let her go. They hnve a bnttlc of teordi, nnd Theo apparently ei"i out, but then the unexpected happeni nnd lltakcitcc kidnaps her and carries her off on hts yacht, chaPter X Transformation A WILD little thrill of excitement brought the color to Theo's cheeks ns with Mrs Hreen's departure she be gan to slip out of her plnln-tnllnred suit and blouse. She found n filmy negligee In one of the drawers nnd slipped Into It. then she Investigated n door that opened off the gtntcromn nnd found a perfect bathroom of white tiles and shining nickel nccessorles, equipped with everything a guest might need, from perfumed bnth Mills to Turkish towels Inree enouch to wrnn herself up 1 In twice over. It was delicious to bathe In the hot snlt water and to emerge tingling nil oer It wis fascinntlng to slip into the loveh things which filled the draw ers and lo knot up her. hair carelessly nnd fnslen It with n black spnrkllng 'comb that she found In the dressing , tnble. Mie finnllv decided on n grnv dinner dress mnde quite simply, but withal with n certain touch of sophistication that was peculiarly French. It was cut finite high In the neck, but bad no sleeves, and her s'lin girlish nrms. benu tlfillh soft nml voiing, were quite hire from the shoulders. The dress llself hung "trnight and was without trimming, jet when Tlieo glimpsed herself In the long mirror she flushed scarlet at the vision she saw there AVns she this girl who stared out fiom the glass from under straight, level brows? This girl with faintly scarlet lips nnd mjsterinus ejes under a crown of tnffy-colored hnlr? With n little sigh of delight she ti.rned nwny, nnd it wns then that she brgnn to feel her first qunlm. She Please Tell Me What to Do Uy CYNTHIA Writes to "Foreigner" Perr Cjnthln Will ou please print this letter to foreigner" 'TorelKner. jou nre mistaken about the American Rlr's being llelde nnd frUolous I do not doubt jour word about this. Hie tnalorltv of the girls sic like thnt but tint does not mean nil of them There nre g'r's that nre nice nnd Kond In everj- respect These girls jou do not meet nt dinces You said thnt you nre much disappointed to flncl thnt Hie girls here nre not like tlinlr rvr'entnl sisters in their sincerity nnd earnestness Thev nre It sou would ,.,' 0t c' fnjThln else but shows ijnd dances, but when yon mfl ,ho rifiht nno nu wl" M.ml "V1 JhM p)lo8 ,, (ianes are not the onlv thing she wants She Is the clrl who I W 111 make a KOOll Irll nnd n slnCel C friend ' I hope I hne not ,aken up too much 0f jour space, fjnthi.i. i;u;a.uu. Writes to Little Friend Dear lnthln '"' write to Llttl WIT! . lllll H. C.iJ innu .i.ivt Uttlc . . . ,., -. ...,.1.1. . loveiv, incompnrnuie won ii -oirm- Illn"s '""p '"" '" "" mom to nv j understand" Vou love our friends If they nro worth loving. u"t 'Iglit now out book and little die - tlonarj are jour grc atcst friends Am I right' Your letter shows- a wonderful d'spo- )f ou wanted to 1 would like lo know ""' "L'ltl.. Clrl ' With a Reinilne prism innocuous Spectator also I think, would bp a h'"Krl,l,Pr A l''-CNI. "Somebody's Stenog" Writes vriica words to lenr I'vntbia .lust a few Pat mid Henrv If I mav Thank jou If there are anv iciiows wno clon l matches I now realise always end dance and who clon t shlnu their hair up disastrously I feel that mv future Is a I would like to meet Uietn Bollevo mi. I dark cloud with nothing to hope for. I thev would look mighty odd to me. I hear of m.v second acquaintance occa Mavbe I haven t been traveling with tho , slonnllj-, but that's all. I could not riuht kind of fellows but that Isn't a dream of a sonaintlon. niwl , n,..ni, " """'-' " " ",,,i,,'-, ,tnn- CT.,.neDnM , io vou see vou nre a poor fruesser t nm pal teti..ir ns to whom I go out , vh iimi ,on't K out vvlth a fellow- Just f0r the sake of hnv inir him pav mv wnv I'm not that hard up I have n ve nice position nnd am earning n very n . . I have n verv Ice School Days HICKORY GARTER School days arc haDPV days m and girls mother are HICKORY Garter MAOIINURA. Days. Mothers size A 12 to It, ' 0No4O fella I lull idjmlid ) Enn itrui; 4H!;h!it quality 5 Ouumtee .ilk Cblcago IkImASHI WVQwtlDB 7ii II seemed a different Theo here in her own Rtnteroom, but with lllchard Itlnkeslcc she might not fnre quite RJ well, She hcsltnted n moment, her hand on the door knob, and then with n little toss of her bend she opened the door nnd proceeded tnwnrd the snlon, which wns empty. The luxurv of the plnce. which she hnd not noticed thnt nfternoon, quite overwhelmed her nnd she hnd time to tnko In the furnishings before IUehnrcl lllnkeslee appeared. Up enme into the room as Mic hnd so often seen him come Into his ofuce. A certnln touch of nrrognnce mnrked bis manner, but Theo hnd never seen bin it n dinner cont, which somehow altered his nppenrnnce, nnd made him look even tnller than he wns. Their ejes met ncrnss the length of the room, nnd Theo wns suddenly conscious of the fnct that her henrt wns beating very fast. She had an Impulse to rise to her feet, but controlled It nnd remnlned where she wns. leaning bnck In the big wicker chnlr, her slim nnkles crossed, her lingers locked together in her Inp. To night she wns ;iot IUehnrcl Hlnkcslce s secretory. Hy his own net she wns n guest on his private yacht, properly r bnperoned. of course. All of a sudden she had been Immersed In tho most fnlrylike of fairy talcs. He started visibly nnd stared nt her. a glenm of Interest in bis keen gray eyes. And then Theo laughed. Well. Mr. ninkeslec?" He smiled then. nnd Inwardly breathed n slgb of relief. She was going to be sensible about things nfter all. Of course he might hnve known that she would be, nfter the first shock wns over. And yet ns he looked nt her she did not seem nt nil like his prlvnte sec n tnry. this slender girl in grny with the most confoundedly queer slinde of hnlr be bad ever seen. Why hnd he never noticed her hnlr before? He tried to think what it reminded him of, for certainly the color was extraor dinary. It hnd too much yellow in il to be red, nnd jet It wnsn't blonde bnir nt nil. Under the light it lookec like tnffy just before It hns been pulled. Strnngc tnnt he hnd never noticed it before ! Tomorrow Then the Woman. snlnrj', Just as much ns nnv fellow Is ecttlnfr now. If not more. I nm eighteen jenrs of age nnd won't sav whether 1 am good looking I let people Judge thnt. I think mj letter struck honv In other words, vou nre n couple of those dance bnll Johnnies Mnvlie jou can tell me If there nro anv regular fellows In Philadelphia who ilon't think thnt thev nre a second Francis X Dushman or n Vernon Castle sojinnopvs sti:.voo. Thinks of Other Man Dear Cynthia PoWily the experience of your -eaders will enable me to solc my problem, which runs llko this; I met tm husband previous to our en trance Into the war At that time he was, of course, very nice lo me nnd nfter n while simply assumed we wero engaged. Ho went overseas nnd corre sponded contlnunll.v, and tho theme wns always love, m.irrlage, happiness, etc Hut. remember, we were not engaged I met another jounc; man who treated me with onh tho highest pn&sible respect. 1 could see ho ldoll7ed me. yet he knew I hnd a "fiance" abroad He never . . ..--- - r-, --........ .... ing point round me In n qunndarv And jet. ne wanted nlvvnvs to etav nwnv. realizing my dutj to the ovei seas man! I Insisted Twasnot engaged and even , ho, I was not dispossessed of mv own ' rights I saw him then on a few oc- icaslons In the meantime tho cr'erseas man tetiirned He hnd learned of mv marry me. like nil others returning An , undeistanding followed which waS not really an understanding The result was a few months later I married the overseas man That was one nnd a half vears nsro jj mnrre( jfe nns not )Ccn n j,nm,v one Parental Interference on both sides I seemed to utko tho match on and such ........... .,mS ,, , if, ,)0 s in li,n. tl.ltlbl.trr f ,.n,,unt ....,1 .1.,- ... i .-.'i' n nb ... ,uut.ii nil,, mis cimer stop thlnk'ng of yourself and this ot i man : vou hnve married nnother and y tlrst dutv Is to him Make the best our , this bargain jou hnve mnde Seek io ' please jour nusnnncl He Interested In his interest) and be a real helpmate '-1, Ufl V, II II, ' for boys as well as when they M everywhere i inrnni r i i mi t n n ..-.. . .. . Bays prefer HICKORY because these garters have banished the saggingVI aim turn biocmng nugauoo. i ncy are buying HICKORY because they knov these FIVE FAMOUS HICKORY FEATURES 1 The- oli diildrto'i tirter midc mih tht pittrttrd mbbct (inhion clisi hich firmly bold) nodlon bclwttn rubttr mi lubber. Sivii itodumi ud dmiD(i. tudli. (io anoot bead or brtik. rliitit ind .rbbini, IhtroorMf tuned, tinilMmlr eiullect, every put uiotei your complete uiiilitlmn or mootj bid. At your dealer In Fve Situ ASTEIN&COMPJNY" Af.fen FflRJS GflRTEftS New York YOUR GUARANTCC or QUAUTY y ChlldrenV ( hickory flft Garters J fcEPTMBER 1, 1921 WHATS WHAT Ilr HKI.r.N DECIE It was n profound scholar who said, "The. more 1 learn the less I think know." Ho It Is thnt of nil tho varieties of pride, prldo of Intellect seems the lonst comprehensible, slnco any one suttl clently clever to liavo pnssed the re quliements necessary for tho earning of n collcgo dcureo should bo Intelligent enough not to be aln of cducntlonnl at tainments. Stock Jokes to the contrary notwith standing, tho yqutifj college man rnrcly suffers from "swelled bend" ; nil tenden cies In thnt direction. If over he po-t-sosscd them, nre knocked out gleefully by his classmates before his senior year Students In women's colleges ennnot punish the cIbbs egotist, nnd so she goes out Into tho world Haunting hef degree, correcting nnd Instructing every ono phc moets, nnd proving to all her bored nc cpinlntnnces thnt It In possible to be a bachelor of arts without hnvlng lenrned the rudiments of the nrt of courtesy. Read Your Character Uy nigby Phillips No. -10 The. Imitative Head It is a common snying that the .Inp- nnesc hnve less creative ability than those of the Cnuensini' nice, thnuitli thev nre given erccilt for extremely well-tip-vploped powers of Imitation mid adapta tion. ' However great the measure of truth in this is. liae ou eer noticed that the mnjorlty of Japanese heads arc short from the ears back? They arc. Its what gives them that curiously round look in comparison with thenvcrnge Caucnsinii skull. Hns it necr struck you nlso thnt n certnm type of German head (the typical Prusslnn) is built in much the same fashion? And thp snme sweeping stntement is often mnde nbout the (Jermnns as about the Jnpanese. So far ns the Teutons nre concerned, however, accuracy compels the stntement thnt it Is only in certain sections of Germany thnt the short skull is n predominant type. Hut what are the other indications of the shoit bend? One is n restricted nbllity to iinderstnud the motives nnd emotions of other people. It results in n certnln sense to n lnck of sjmpnttiv. not oxnetly the snme ns thnt lnc of sjmpnthy which is due to overlooking the viewpoint of others, but duo to in ability rnther than lack of desire. Short-headed people rarely succeed in work wherein they hnve to meet nnd handle people. They hnve, for in stance, little natural aptitude for snles mnnsbip. As a trained nurse n short -bended woman should. succeed particu larly well so fnr ns the nctual material and scientific pnases of her work nre concerned, but she would not be pnr tirulnrly apt nt mnkirg the patient comfortnble in mind nnd spirit. Tomorrow In.ro Hand writ Ing. Of Interest to Women The County of London now has sixty women maglstrntcs. A new lnw In Norway gives women the right of ordination to the ministry The recent census shows thnt NV-i ada has tho fewest women In propor tlon to total population of any of the States. These Pajamas Will Stand Wear -la Fruit Pajamas Mid Nightihlrtt, 1 2 00 to J3 50 At BoorJ torei everywhere. The Bride Couldn't Enjoy the Moon Because She Worried About Wrinkles ' If She Goes on as She Is Starting She Will Be the Artificial Looking Wife of a Borcd-Loohing Husband THE bride who hnd been one for three jenra gazed Interestedly in the mirror. "My goodness!" she exclaimed, peering more Intrnllv, "I believe there nrp some wrinkles there. What shall I do? I can't hnve thnt. Now. what would lie the best thing to do for thnt?" It was during her husband's vaca tion nnd they were stopping over night nt a hotel, on n motor trip with some friends. The othpr wnmnn joined her. "Look, Isn't this awful?" cried the bride. "I've discovered some lines alongside my pyes. Why, I'm not old enough to hnve wrinkles. I enn t un derstand It." . , ,, - . , "Everybody Inns those." comforted the older womnn. "They come from screwing up your eyes when vou laugh. But where nro they? I can t soe that jou have anything thnt could bo cnllecl a wrinkle." , But the bride wns still worried. THEHE wns n glorious moon that night, nnd they snt out on the porch wrapped in sweaters to gare nt It. The other three enjoyed the evening thoroughly; but ns the bride enteted Ivor room inter the hurried over to the bit- lean. . ,,.., ., "I've dlrcfivercd some llttlp lines around mv pjps. dear." she told her husband. "I don't know what to mnke Wlint she will mnltp of it Is n ills giisfpd, if not discontented, husband. A mnn wants his wife to bo tho best looking womnn in the room, nnd he liken her to keep young-looking. Bui he bntes to hnve her always fuss ing nbout being thnt wny. This wife who nllows a few hnlr likc Hues to spoil her enjoyment of n full moon is a type thnt will grow worse with each jenr. The discovery of her first gray hair will be more important, more of a ca tastrophe thnn the losing of her hus bnnd's position would be. TJIS business worries will be over- J-i whelmed. n her mind nnd conver sation, hv her benutv enrcs. "Oh. I don't feel like going to thnt plnce tonight," lie will groan ns thev get rendy to go out for dinner, "I enn't bo the brlsht nnd cnro-ftco youth when I don't know whether I'm going to pull this denl iictos or not. If I could just be sure that Grimes won't mnke some kind if n bull " "I don't know whnt I'm going to do,' she will interrupt, ynnking the FLAVOUR I! SALASA TIE JSl is in its unique flavour of rich delicacy. And It never varies. All grocers sell "Salada" in sealed metal packets It needs very durable cloth to make satisfactory pajamas, yet it must be com fortably soft. For years, Fruit of the Loom has been found the ideal material by women who make pajamas and nightshirts for their men-folks. Now leading manufacturers of night wear are using Fruit of the Loom, and you can buy these articles ready-made at the stores. Look for the Fruit of the Loom label in pajamas and nightshirts. Garments so marked are full-sized, carefully made, and give exceptionally long wear. of the Muslin For seventy years women have been mak ing sheets and pillow cases of Fruit of the Loom. You can also buy ready-made sheets and pillow cases of this standard muslin at most good stores. Fruit of the Loom is all muslin no chalk hller. It launders perfectly and keeps its line hnish through long, hard service. Whether you are buying muslin by the van or ready-made articles, ask for Fruit ot the Loom and identify it by the label. CONSOLIDATED TEXTILE CORPORATION Aio XUk. of Wlml.or Cr.'po and Other Fin. Coo0 Fabric Com erie &. Company. Stllmg AstnU 8H Worth Street, New York girdle of her Harding blue crops de thine into plnce, "I'm gcttlns fatter every flay, nnd you know I don't eat foolishly," sho will field tcpronchfulW. ns if bo hnd accused her of it. "I itt-po the.vwon't havu anything awfully rich, I gain n pound every time I go there." (VI, THE number of husbnnds who hnvp to hear all the i'insliln stuff" of beauty secrets when they nre worried nbout Inside stuff of business! The number of men who nre brought to thp 'point of losing interest In their wives' good looks from nelnjr Intro duced to all the mechanics of them, frQm Betting a dptnlled description of tn"h new defect ! If the bride would only heed the warn ing that the more she worries about the.tlny lines, tho deeper they will be come. If she would only realize thnt Mia ennnot go through life bearing n face llko n baby's, nnd that tho sooner nh finds something more Important to give her n few lines, the hnpplcr she will be, BEAUTY 1r very Important, nnd the woman who has less thnn some of her sisters hns to think more about it thnn they do. But, with nil the wrinkle plasters, nstrlngcnt (renins, lotloils nnd things thnt nro mnde for the purpose of eradi cating blemishes without any trouble, t:n woman need spend nil htr life wor rjing nbout her fading looks. Her husband would rnther hnve her get a few linen nnd things nnd give at least half of her time to him Instead. The High Chair When our small son reached the aft when he wns lnrgo enough to cat at the tnble with us, we had to meet the prob lem of how to make his chair the proper height, for tho "baby high chair," which be hnd been using up to that time, did not look nt all well In our Sheraton dining-room suite, and we were much opposed to the usunl sofa cushion or big book placed dally on his chair. This is how we finally remedied the difficulty: Wc purchased four of the old-fashioned door bumpers, the sort with tho hnrd rubber pad in the pud, nnd screwed one in the end of each leg of Sonny's chair. This gave the required rise of quite three inches, and When they were stained mahogany color they were nlmost invisible. In this wnv we hnd a thoroughly satisfactory high chair, which stood with all the rest without spoiling the looks of our dining-room. Good Housekeeping. the charm of II only a4 Loom c i 1 I 1 1. ..-" A .U V i wv &tarl&'ti r-i" vi MystatMu. lu .