v Wi "v f .A t- ' V o- v- r'Jt 5 u- ;,' i.vi ' ! ft frV. K i P K u BI& ;& i? . . EX L'J" .i w u a k. F h LU 16. iv le. i" r ?; it xv . V m j Jw7 i T 'h 4' 'h f. ' i Euening public feiiger PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, IAWCTST 31, 1921;. , v mjmmjmmmHMMMMMMwWSthMIMM1BMMHmMMMMWMMMMMMI JUMPS LIKE NED GOURDIN. Fraulein Furchhelm is shown winning the broad-jump event during tho athletic meet held in the Berlin Stadium Vndcrwood & Underwood WORKS HIGH ABOVE ALL OP US. William Alexander caring for City Hall tower nrc lamps, a Job he has held for nine teen years Jser r-boto Bet-vie iii "" -i -..': IA.2 . ... v '. jnLiA MhZ3KWWoEal1 I BjBBk itmti wTvTiH tf B'7..y xti' jfr' v1 - BHRTSxdUdiB BHHSoLilHIWMiBHRHii&il 1. R. T. FOLK HAVE BIG DAY. The third annual picnic and The tug-o'-war tc.am from the Allegheny barn is doing its best athletic carnival of the Co-operativo Welfare Association of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company started yesterday at Willow Grove. It continues todav as tho enmcra man caught it. Harry Uhler and W. J. Mcrz, of tho accounting department, won the three-legged race. The ladles had to burst ten toy balloons in their contest i-dr rhoto strvici T ', T 1 i,i - " 'J? u IVVi?!. r if TV ';'! f - '. ?.:;. . tf'H'ikiLis'miiMayl'U'z wVVJfM m . : v.-" ;. . r .r-ei , f. a. t w.-v, a.' v r- -s-- v;v .-. rvv-Hvrn". y.v h i a 4 .v . '.t.t -xa . . .-' .A: . B(iVpi X JBT. HiflW X iMtt ; l ,?& i&& A-i? "RM5fnWI BkSHHlHBBiHBouSBiSHKHi -: - c;-sr.,xK:. Ys4'..Bac t; w&3rj$$&im& ,ft v v;w-r yrf - ? j8, x? vjCVcSJg'Vt" v ASix' A,.fLt..ifee sjf :mm$a&$ Tt t . . -". t i : . X.. VaV .f.J" "5F. .ii h .V? " Vi AMERICAN LEGION PILGRIMS. They are seen as they left the steamship George Wash ington in port at Cherbourg, France. French naval and army officials were at hand to wel come mem. xney visited many of the battle fronts where Americans fought International y&ZziM'ZTvtf ":iM B3sssassa v fs :s.v i ,v 1-,-rrf j-'' ' sj. 2 Ai 'wJ'W Jmwwmfw' '-i- :. . . .nii.. . I3MkM4f'LLLiruCK'1n &! tSiStSy!inyi iKHttBBBnHinHKffinHBlHMHBH - '.. -v"; ' '--'Mri flT?gfgKl3g8SgWW HUM n SgaatfliiaPrl tt. t v VJ?8i;ffig8 BB'' wBHflB BBk- ' SPIJJBBBBPWB' jtHB' IBBHBfl VHktlMEBBIIB'ITtl wHBmrai&iii"A UIB!BnMIHHHBil , '::'M ".IHBiSHBiB IhhBIHP f. t vHRIhIIB I KaiilBfflli&viHBPw ' !,!!s?'':'-i ? ' -vBhhkBBh BBBBlfwyEf' BBUiBIBi 1HBfv s.IBiB ffiHHBmBJmv IIH i lffl2Bn0KBHO-wflQ'i BB v WKraKW " ' ' s nS't B SEnaffglr ff f ut-'P IH AFTER HE REGISTERED. United Statcsenator Penrose, seated ip his auto mobile, as he left 246 South Twelfth .street " " Ledger Photo Serlo ACTIVE IN IRELAND. Mrs. Eamcrt ic Valcrn, wifo of leader of forces which favor an Irish Republic l iJ-'- FORTY-THREE MILES AN HOUR. Baby Gar (at left) went that fast to win tho Wood Fisher trophy at Detroit in the race against Aye Aye Sir (right) and two other ooats. The winning commander was Commodore G. A. Wood, of Detroit i-nderwooJA undero. i iB IbHV BBk jrSBRSHIBv IZ!w FjBBBBBBI iMwirHBHBHHl HlHIlr fllKm vJr-f BBBKwhsNhBJlfjK HHK7' v?HHK9ffy9ifl LlBll '; w IHhb- PlfSSBw'jSBkiarS s mtV'7 liTlRIHaflH jW' SflBQT 'o-; fcWfcnjMplMimMK'M ," JPJJBPJVBBBBV ,BBBoiBBBBU VBVB ,v iliRBwiaBDBBSL Lk2frBrBBt!ife'.aBi?iv FnMBtlklCABMHjgHfe'?' MBalBBBBMiSBH ttvr i lH K' A"'! i VSfr-t'sv )'i VA---VVss FRANKLIN SPENCER ED MONDS talks on the Voters League on the Editorial Page DIGGING IN THE SAND. Sidney Feinberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Feinberg, Philadelphians, keeping busy during his stay at Atlantic City WINNERS. Frankford children and parents have big time during doll show of tho R. II. CLIFFORD. Ought to, be Alexander Henry School, Frankford. Catherine Roden won first prizo for tho best- good. He's second cousin of Jock decorated coach and Lillian Smith for best-drcssed doll Ledger moto servue Ilutchison i.d-r r-n t srict OUk CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO If WSBBBSBtff TIR 1 PjWI I 1 MAIL! ' j;; ,;;v rrff: '- ' yf4 iKiM 4iiijFTllKBlDH9K - SBmmL 'rmmmi ' BbbbBHBwBBbbbBbbbBPBjIh JPPIBh BbbBMjI11Iv''C . 'fsalklSlBBBmllL mVABm iBilBBM MV'.lPib BmPBBBbBbhbbPPTTvIB.IwBI ,mm '(TltfTTT7Wfl AttJ VmIIi Wm. aa Atl.tMrw m.1 IMBnllll4nM ntnln tfilt H'OajiymJfoTTa, Womrath street and Torresdale avenue, Frankford. After i , . i WmmMVtW m BUS IV UBCftBU 1JB OUIlUIltllt t.cuef uuw orn. ; MASCQT AND FIELDER. Two well-known incmbt-r? of ihe Sliana han baseball njric, which has headqurtei at Forty-elglith and Brown btrceta. ThoJ-axe Edwnrd'MqLcar (left) and Prank Robinson WILLIAM KRANK, .2012 East Monmouth NOBLES I'LAY GOLF. Members of tho Baltimore Shrine met tho g4; ircrt. n f? rvice 'ttvo years. Serves Twelfth players of Lu Lu Tcmplo at I u Lu Tomnle CMb yeatwday. Potentate Elfe tBroad, Vino to Callowhlll utrcet iK ' BroVnly, BalUmolrCft) and PotentaCS Kenjil?! ! K feplnff wore Li'Kr J i 1.Fftf,? , '.; -) t,-i1i