:"f EVENING PUBLIC 'LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1921 ( A THE VAGRANT DUKE By GEORGE GIBBS laihor ot "The Splendid Outcast?' "The Yellow Dove," "The Secret v Witness," Etc. f, Cowrloht. ltil, bu D, AptUton 4 Co. tci nKfilNS THE STOKY ... vuininKoltch. Russian Grand 'ifwlu 'exiled by revolution, comet to MlM'LinM oh a British ship, and 'JPll i7 wau over, meets Jim yoasi, m, XLZLard who Invites him to tULieith him at soma shady scheme, UdfK w" ' . i..i Vrlrr 1I0M not "8 iSiS- drcHiiM and goes to maulrc. He has charae of a group ift mtnuhosc duty It is to keep all 'Lanaers from the house. The man t'tfaSire fears breaks tho guard, rroW" "' ,., ih .trnnacr. Theu W?f,J. -..- J I- .Irnnnrr. "Who ihO trip.1 w "VI. fr)f are V0l,r AND HERE IX CONTINUES mllE bcardcil visngo wan thrust closer 1 n Peter's ns though In uncertainty, tat accustomed as both men now were to thedarkncM, neither could make out th face of the other. "''I'm McGulrc's superintendent. He j- 4. i tn hrtner vnil Kat me ncrc xo mm. )-' ometninB- nnrnaq "An no ku""-" ."" (Jood. Where . All "in my pocket," said Peter coolly, .'bat he told me to tell you first not t forget tho blood on tho knlfo, Hawk Kennedy." The man recoiled n step. 'The blood on the knife," ho mut- tercd.' And then, "iUcuuire niscii you tosartiinw "lcs. "An) thine else?" 'No. That's nil." Another silence and then tho demand in a rough tone: "Well, give mo tho money 1" Impolite beggar! What was there .l... .Ma slintlnw thnt suggested to peter tlie thought thnt this whole In cident had happened before? That this maa belonged to another life that Peter lad lived? Peter shrugged off tho illusion, fumbled In his pocket and produced the envelope containing the Mils "i'mt'd better count It," snid Peter, u the envelope changed hands. "It's not 'phoney' ?" asked Hank's voice' suspiciously. "Phoney?" "Fake money ?" "No. I got it in New York myself yesterday." "Oh ." There was n silence in which the shade stood uncertainly fingering the package, peering into the bushes around him and listening In tently. And then, nbruptly: "I want to see the color of It. Switch en your light." Peter obeyed. "You'd better," he laid. la the glow of lamp Hnwk Kennedy bent forward, his face hidden by his cap brim, fingering tho bills, and Peter caw for the first time that his left hand behl nn automatic which covered Peter tow, as it had covered him from the first moment of the interview. "Five hundreds cb," growled Ken nedy. "Thcy'ro real enough, all right. One; two three- four " A roar fiom the dnrkncsK and a bul let cmslinl into the tree behind them. " Another shot ! Peter's fctnrtled finger rclnxed on the button of the torch and they were in darkness. A flash from the trees to the right, tho lullet mining Peter by inches. "A trick! By !" said Hnwks voice 111 a fury, "but I'll get you for inis. Peter vns too quick for him. In tie darkness he jumped aside, striking Kennedy with his torch, and then closed with the man, whose shot went wild. They struggled for n inontei't, each fighting for tho possession of the wenn- n, McGuirc's money ground under their fcit, hut Peter was tho younger and the stronger nnd when he twisted Hawk'i wrist the man suddenly rclnxed ami tell, I'eter on Ills client. The reason for thU collapse was ap parent when Peter's hnnd touched the moisture on Kennedy's shoulder. "Damn ynu !" Hawk was muttering, as lie Struc'-'lcd vninlr. EentH had followed so rapidly thnt reter hadn't had time to think of any thing hut hit; own danger. Ho had acted with the instinct of self-preservation, which whs almost quicker than hi thought, but ns lie knew now what hail happened he ivnlizcil that he. too. hail been tricked bv McOuire and that th murderous volley directed at Hnwk Kennedy had come perilously near doing for himself. With tho calm which fol IoW the issue of his strugglo with Kennsdy tamo a dull rage at McOuir? for placing him in such danger, which only showed his employer's desperate rn olve and his indifference to Peter's fate. For Hawk Kennedy hnd been within his rigltts in supposing Peter to be concerned in tho trick and only the alrncle of the expiring torch which lmd Minded tho intruder had saved Peter from th fate intended for Hawk. Peter understood now tho meaning of Me wilres explicit Instructions and the weaning of flic changing of tho gttnriR ino old man had Imped to kill bis enemj with one -.hot and save hlm-elf the ic catrenco of hl terror. Whnt bad be come of him now? 'Uipio was no houm1 anions the bushes or any sign of him. ne hail slipped away like the poltroon wat he was. leaving Peter to Ills fate. xvPanm '3,l!" Hnwk muttered again, ."hat did jou want to come meddling for!" Phft lllfin nnnl.li.'. 1... .1.. ............ r 1 .. .. . .. , " LWUIUI4 I. III.' UHIISI'J UI1IM.Y (nrt if ho possessed the power of in- 'wie, ami so, hnvlng possessed hint lt of Hawk's automatic, Peter got off "Is chcht nnd fumbled around for the electric torch. It won't do you nny good to lie tncro curbing mo. Oct up, if you're BDJO to." "Oot mo in thn shoulder," muttered we man. "And he might have gotten mo," said wr, "which would have been worse." "Ynu mean jou didn't know." ffonnod Hawk, getting up into u sit ing posture. "No. I didn't." replied Peter. He iin.l found the torch now nnd was Jaelilng it around on the ground while ..'.,, e'1 UI ""' kcutteied money I 11 fix him for this," grcnnei Manner. Peter glanced nt him. His men will bo down here in a moment. You'd better be getting up." "I'm not nfrnld. They can't do Willing to me. They'd better leave ir.e cue. McOuIro ilon't wtint me to tnlk. iij. I'll squeal if they bother me." 'r was nwuro that the man was patching hint as he picked up tho bills j""l hi-nnl him usk haltingly. "What we you going to do with that Money?" iti '?'y orders wcro to glvo it to you. Dn't you want it?" I'll to I. ....,n.1 .,.! ..u 1. !, t. 4I...A , JfMhed the lamp full In the injured man's ' jS' tvcn tht' lL'tL'r ,1Iim l ifcognlzc ", out saw iiuwli Kennedy's eyes ' ,?.v'llll ns Btarcif at Peter. ,. ... '" gasped tho man. And til ,Yo" ht'ro ! 'Urenom! It's Pete, v nuiifr.; ed the h?!1" "'nrted bnck in nstonlsbment ".Thn I'.m.., ft, i I , rj'ittk vc"ncdy cliuckled nnd scrnm finii t0 !,llJ tvci halfway between t ,Wu.f'' nnd a groan. ?wC o(1 bllls looso ln h's ''nnd. Jlra LonRt thrust out nn arm for them. mo.SC vVt?'" hc' den"ea. "The hlti t? -a' Woi'', .P.ctcr hnm,rtI ll tO th?hini Wti" "?ne ?f h1?' Mt C0UntcJ tuo bills, tho blood drlnnlne fmm hi. them nffl .M0l""fl .tllc.m' but ho wlPJ it tlwIL1."1 nIrtyLlmndkcrchlcf and money, Peter thoueht. ami riri,.i nameo. -.o- same "in vn'ifl0,'), Knrs- lt lt,s nU to stme nln"' V1 "k to tnk " to some plnco whero wo can tie un this holo ln my nhouldcr." P hndLroffW.nSJlk? Const's nPlence. Ho In relta !lfUtihh co,,up.omre nn,n and, ,i.n.J"pJ'?. of t '9 Pi'n ho was suffcrlne become Ills proper self, the as, re- nnd THE GUMPS TlieQld Lion in His Den Again By Sidney Smith' Ln had ti. i. . " ; I'ivjjur hcii .i ?1 wn? ,md bunked with Peter i..i " "lrnlu"'n, ru of smlrkinir as sertlvcncss nn( s'iggeftlol.. make any comment, for lt was dlfflcult to K'l11.0 V"ouhi of Jin, Coast wi.'h ;r, v.;""r;n.."n'.1 yr tnerq ii0 w; vealed CK ltocI llIoU(!0 Well. Polo " i, ...i.., ..... . bo stnrin' nt mo Al 5 X' Bom m i-.. , , . " hri..uu 0Cller b0 off." said Peter "Why?" "Thiw'll l, !.-. l . ..... . ffn roM- .-! . ,, """" iou ve Mn tK',etR c,omo' They'll hnve to take mo to McGuirc " "Or the lock-up at Hgg Harbor All right. I'll no. Itllt whnn T nnn my mouth to speak Mcfinlr,. xvilt Ji.i, that hell would open for him." And then. "Sea inr in.n ,i ."" ,.,. .... llw JUU lillUW S1'"""B-ot wimt's between mn MCUll ro7" -No except thnt ho fears you." very wpi . if vm.'., ....i.ii him you 11 steer these guys awny from me. I mean it. Now think oulck." Peter did. Antrrc nu t,n .... .. . r v . . 7- rt., " .v ,, un fit. .m- uuirc. lie knew thnt Jim Const meant what ho said and thnt he would make uuuuii!. Aino i-cters curiosity know no subsidence. lotl CO to mv rnhtn. Tt'o l,l,1.lnr. I.. the woods down tlila nn.h of .i right " Hint's whero you live, Is it?" ACS. You'll find wnter tliorr. nnd n towel on the wnshstnnd. I'll be there to help you when I sheer these men off." Const walked n few steps nnd then turned quickly. No runny business, Pete." "No. You can clear out If vnn lllfo. I don't care. I only tnought if you were badly hurt " "Oh. all right. Thanks." Peter watched tho dim silhouette merge into tho shndows nnd disappear. Then Unshed his light here and there thnt the men who must be approaching now might be guided to him. In n moment they were crashing through the undergrowth. Jcsso nnd Andy in tho lend. "What's the shootin'?" queried Jcsso Brown breathlessly. "A man in the woods. I'm looking for him." said Peter. "Hp got away." "Well, don't it bent hell " "But It may lie a plan to get you men nwny from the house." Mid Peter as the thought came to him. "Did you tee McGuirc?" "McGuirc? Xo. Whnt ?" "All right. You'd better hurry bnck. See if he's nil right. I'll get along " "Not if jou ko ilnshln' that thine. I could n got ye with my rlllo ns easy as " "Well, never mind. Get back to the house. I'll poke around here for a while. Hurry!" In some bewilderment they obo.ved him nnd Peter turned his footsteps to ward tho cabin. CIIAPTEB XI Ancient History Peter wasn't nt nil certain that hc had done the right thing. One event hnd followed nnotlicr with such stnrtling rapidity that there hndn't been time to deliberate. Jim Coast was wounded, how bndly Peter didn't know, but the obvious duty was to civo him first aid and sanctuary until Peter could get a little clearer light on Const's possibili ties for evil. None of this was Peter's business. lip hnd done whnt McGuire hnd asked him to do nnd had nearly gotten killed for his pains. Two lights already nnd he had come to Hlnck Rock to liml prace ! In his anger nt McGuirc's trick he was now indifferent as to whnt would happen to the old man. There was no doubt that Jim Coast held all the cards and. unless he died, would con tinue to hold them. It was evident thnt McGuire, having failed in accom plishing the murder, had placed himself in a worso position than before, for Coast was not one to relax or to for give, nnd if ho hnd gotten his $5000 so easily ns this, he would bo disposed to make McGuire pay more heavily now. Peter knew nothing of tho mcr ItB of the controversy, but it seemed obvious that the two principals In the affair were both tarred with tho some stick Arcades umbo. He was begin ning to lielli'M! thut Const was the more ngieeablo villain of the two. At least ho had made no bones about tho fact ot his villainy. Peter found Coast stripped to the wuist bitting in a chair by the tublo, buthlng ills wounded shoulder. Hut tho hemorrhage had stopped and Peter taw that the bullet hail merely grazed tho deltoid, leaving u clean wound, which could bo successfully trented by lirst-uid devices. So lie found Iiis guest a drink of whisky, which put a new heart into him, then tore up a clean linen shut, strips from which ho sonked In lodlno and bniidagcd over the arm and shoulder. Meanwhile Coast wns talking. . "Well, inon vieux, lt' u Httlo world, nln't it? To think I'd find you, my old buuklo, Pete, the waiter, out hero in the wilds, pnssin' the buck for Mike McGuire ! Looks like the hnnd o' Puto. doesn't lt? Superintendent, eh? Somo job! Twenty thousand acres If he's got un Inch. An' me thlukin' all tho while jou'd bo sllngln' dishes ln u Now York chop house!" I studied forestry rn Germany onco." said Peter with a smile, ns ho wound the bandage. "night y'aro! Mcubp you told me. I don't know. Mebbo there's n lot o' things vou didn't tell me. Mebbo there's n lot of things I didn't tell ou. Hut I ought to V knqwn n globe trotter like you never would n sinjcil u waiter. A waiter I isom ilo men ! ltemembcr thnt (sanguine) stewnrd on tho Her inudlaii? Oily, fat little beef-eater with the gold teeth? Tried to make us 'dlvy' on the tips? Hut we beat him to it. Pete, when vp took French leave. H-m! I'm done with wnltln' now. Pete. So are jou, I reckon. Gentleman of leisure, i am!" "There you are," said Peter bh ho finished the bandage, "but you'll havo to get this wound dressed somewhero tomorrow." "R Bit you nro. A hospltnl ln Phllly will do tho trick. And McGuire pays the bill." Jim Const got up nnd moved his arm cautiously. ".Mighty nico or j'ou, retc, aunts fine. I'll make him pay through tho nose for this." And then turning his head und. eyeing Peter narrowly, "You soy McGuIro told jou ifothln'l" It's nonp oi my nirair," COrAB OH 0JC WtSE R0VAEO- M 0 MM COUlt tVt THE. WOUSt 0) UVE N- EVERY MONTH" I AN Tt KWSEtr NtXT MOMTY4 VLU tVE. OUT OF DEBT AND IH COMES A tUCK or BtUS UfcE NtLWWAPCRS COMiHG Otr "THE PREST&- HMF A tZEN MAU CARRiEKS AVCt TO fcE TCANSVyiE3 FKOf "TYH fcENn- OB CD rZ7 lai rrj 60T TOOP-'SHOUUERE.V CARRYING MY B1LU3 AU.OOrAt- t'rA GOING ro wt a 'Stop Xo -nus f WAVE XO GO VOVM AHt "SEE A OU06E AND "SHOW HlrA WHA-T itmjH MX .VX HrA TEtU XHVS V40rANrA VAOVJ MVJtH OP t t CAN HKNE- Hf tttnitig 25 OT- Xt Vhun- r. & r s -Z HELL OLD COMOLAT0A YOU HOPPED AUONG 0UT XE RGHT TMfc- XHG UOOVC ?ReTY "BAJ AOOH1 HEV.H- TttERE. 0 dOlNCl OUT TAH COWrCi iH XHAY CANY GO OH TOfctVEfc. OME MORN1HC XViAY ttV)YcWEt V 6oivk yo vnkvce up Am rwt HE GOY A BA WYESTTrAEHY' m he- c SrAlY, f - r.-.w w x a l SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Sea Is Rough Tonight, Mates Copyright, 1021. by Publlo Ixsdr Company By Hay ward "XNOtuing. IT Takes a bbttbr maaj imam Sam SMithers to foouwe: IP MV HUA1CH 5 RIGHT HE OUGHT TO GE.T tiears: V. L J f? Jf,fele SHORT. LAR6E AlOSE. LOOSE EYES PROUD LIKE HE THOUGHT HE WAS SIX F0QTE.F? , TALKS To HIMSEJ 77 Dick Dare .THE sleuth. IS SURE HE'LL LOCATE THE AllSS'AIS MISTER -MITHERSJF HE HAS TO SCOUR. THE WHOLE UNITED STATES, c . r-jrs . . rtu LlETft HIM. HER JEW SWEATER lDOK VITH WIDE DROP STITCH AM BuSftl & . EAAIVAIHILH- MYSTERIOUS LI6HTS ARE SEEAJ AT AiliSHT fAR OUT AT 5EA AAJb I IT IS AT ) I LAST : 31 THOUdH IT DoeSJU'T SEEM To HAVE. MUCH To fvo va;ith THE STof. WE MUST TELL YOU THAT JOHW JOA1ES RECEIVEO HIS ORDER OF PIPE OK. CoMTb. The Young Lady Across tho Way Tho young lndy across the way says tho Republicans of New York nro leaving no Htono unturned to defeat Slayor Hylan nnd sho sees they're not content with entering only one candidate agnlnft him. ON THE FAMILY COURT By FONTAINE FOX J T &. " Wit-ufc W'Hs "TH -Sfif pomr om a TcHfJicAuirv' fori AUTHOOCK DAO PWf THB PALL TMRoo GH AN OWNING HE TbUCHfiP THE HtTlH SUCH A MANNER THAT THR Was No use ogNYiNo it. j& liIWiiMiii irhZ "H0Vl WArcH,M I iit'jT ' 4uliDNTTouCrtSl -Si " .AT4 "if. I f AiTJ Lv ' ' V, mMv . ' " '.,. Hi. .. . N vfJtV "' 'V . fCs SCHOOL DAYS -:- -:- -:- Ilg DWIG ParHgjHeRe ei4 Ftil. MOVIE FAN A Little Powder Copj right. 1021 by TuUlo IJcr Company By Beeze : TtA-LA-LA- P -DA-DA -PA PA. -DE -Po - Ot- PUrt J & i a m WHY So HAPPY MISS FILLUM- PIO TH ALARM-CLOCK. GT BROKE, r wytf ;s3 for rprrrnnfrtnn'nrTrm nn ow-no- ou see i'. ncMOPD To 0ioMt A MOVlC ACTRaSS- Y5 I SHALL SPE.NP V VACATiOv AfAoG ru? STUDIOS AND UiftRM A'LOT" THAT'S NOT So BAP- iS ir? 1-J smtML H ' " - ' .V J. . -" j- ti tji t ' ' v v ":v A'V, It." 'I JL VVIi J)v.-,Vi vl I A I) r' in. .';-. lv'M . - xirPW m.'y'&:. v ,i mffl$$? -cy YZMarT-.'i.tf,:. -. Ijk ) wMMmmmwmh YES- 5 00 SHALL I CLirAP TH. LAPPED OP FAfE.- O-OH-$OON SHALL I P LIKE. &ETT COIAPSON- G.LSIE. f f.f?G US oN N fZ.fAOVA- PEARL WHITE- A ffiVii YOU LOOK 2, H &kt ' n Vi. 1 si-' ""-.. jbw j ij imji r v. - " l r-7u 1 if v v v t ri . w m.s,-r ,. ssa r tf V r K&zMVm.. , . W J !S ,fTSr,s crrm w 'I 7i k1 J HtJ'Sw- 7 MkMMMWMmMM wwwm -flmmPfoA """ ' ' "'" ' ' ' I ! I I .III . .1 ! I I I T foPOW- MISS FlLLUA SoO'LL SPILL THAT SHELLY sruFF ALL OVER? ? PETEYThe Camping Trip By C. A. Voight mmmm m JIJIJJ J.J W Jm vb..vh.-......- yj-?EE-El OM x$?& ill mjTOWfm HEARiT- oh, Xrm . - Vftii. dW;x A hot so loot) S-52 MM -1 heai? wp-r'P v rx lwte UA llSI v3?mcNo'ur gum WKirJy $ A1l!i!lfH A I X,r wa tlU Btarlns at hkn tho OONXINDED -vi JlORROW. 1 1 ft f t tr ".i "hvVjr