t ,., '. w;w&T '? -y.,?' " ': t-JC" ',. ;v- vvv. '( - & 'if f X .- fy ? i , f. V , 22 EVENING PUBLIO iLEDGEBiPHILABELPfilA', WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1921 V ' ," W' Vl' raw IS w fr f A t .. . -USED AUTOMOBILES USED ATIT0M0DILE3 USED AUTOMOBILES MmffGMW ssyvf ISM gKl .. MMMllNMiim no MEW L7 PKD THE MOST WELCOME NEWS IN MONTHS NO NEED TO WAIT LONGER. OUR PRICES IN MOST CASES ARE Lower Than Pre-War Prices Wc have taken the lead in re-establishing rock-bottom prices. You may pay more elsewhere for your car, but you will not receive greater value. Our 1 8 Years of Practical Experience has taught us how to secure for you the greatest amount of value for every dollar spent. 1000 USED CARS EVERY KNOWN MAKE ONE WHOLE. YEAR TO PAY Gorson's Automobile Exchange 238-240 North Broad Street Agents Wanted Open Sundays and Evenings Free Bargain Bulletin 3MM SBBggggil IlIIPl 1 l nV,?.w!dcly H.nown Ms-demand automotive product, to Htirh n mnn n . ...Mi MA.-..- .. I "H A y TT 7 A "!1 X iKV HfSq? 1,7.. ur """"'ements wo offer salary of J.'-Ooo USED CARS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES r.i.iii v SALES EXECUTIVE fir.ni.iiS"1 f,"-"'?'ln Phllndolphla manu. If.'S .1" "rk. mi" f clean-cut per. . "' ra nrai cuueat on as nan (iioeu. Greatly Reduced in Price Conforming with reductions in new Packard cars and those of other manufacture. Packard cars are built to serve faithfully and lonp. After passing out of tho hands of the original owner, they perform with a trustworthiness dis tinctively Packard. SOME SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Packard Twin-Six 3-35 Touring Seven iWFenKcr : thor oughly overhauled and re painted. Looks and runs like a new car. Packard Twin-Six 3-25 Touring Excellent mechanical con dition. You cannot pur chaso a new car nt the samo prlcf that will offer anything like tho same per formance, appearanco or length of service. Packard Twin-Six 3-25 Imperial Limousine Hanrsomo rnr In first class mechanical condition. Packard Twin-Six Smart looking, and ha. Packard Twin-Six 3-25 Cabriolet Custom built. A thor oughbred In every respect. Finished In deep maroon i black fenders ; new up holstery. Packard Twin-Six 2-25 Roadster Four passenger. Good condition. A. compact and smooth-riding car. Packard Twin-Six 2-35 Imperial Limousine Good looking and In ex cellent mpchunlcal condi tion. Formerly user? by a 1 prominent owner. 1-25 Touring Car always been kept in tho best possible condition Cars of Other Makes 1920 Stutz 4 passenger 1918 Willys - Knight Coupe 191-1 Cadillac Touring Biddle Coupe USED CAR DEPARTMENT PACKARD MOTOR CAR OF PHILADELPHIA 319 N. 11ROAD ST. 1918 Chandler Coupe Locomobile Touring Mercer 4 passenger Columbia Six Touring CO. in una ownership In our com ,UV,;mcn.L ru;1' "'cured. Mill T E02 Ledger Office APTlVn T'ATtTVrT) t- 1V"T.tr.-i Munt have about MO.00O cash to Invest In W8ll.estublli.hed wholesale pIumblnB house, "Ill Blo Interest In builness. shouH net larcn returns In short time. Write M 00" IHcrr Office, JJ&iiii toil 0-storr brick More and dnellinir ft rooms bath and store. ultabl for mot any business now occupied as irroecrv store ran bo bouuht lth or without stock, etc Immediate possession. Charles J Hchaefer. ,',,r llurmantfii.Mi n .'t.-i. -... ' I .M"t . ii"iiti nvfw Invest JlO.Oiin m a urowlnc butnes an,. , act as Ktncral manager. M 700, Ledger I LNX'OHI'OHATi; tlmlt your liability: Dela- ware charters carest. taxes lss; dn bust. ness any Htats Colonial Transfer t Heels. trar Co 10fl rhtmit. Phlla. Wal. 0753 w A.NTKD .ome one to share ofllca on I cround floor store tront centrally located: junswir by mall onb, otatlns business. HenJ Clavner S17 H loth st. I TLAIliX)M and dwell ng conveniences; larva I lot mi old lorlc rd , eood opportunity tinoKSSLElt. Phone llatboro 10 i I I) !-;. IKK purchasa Intcrosi retail coal ard ! pret. West I'hlladilphU reply In confi dence. II fcOU. LedBur Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANDklV TcFoKEIf2 ..Si Bulli. 21-22 second floor ovor Child's 'nst. CASH FOR DIAMONDS It vou want the full valuo for v .ur lowelrv and dlami nds br nu- them to tho nld-estnb-' nhe.l llln H l..-n a Co 712 Walnut si DIAMONDS BOUGHT nAHHT W. SMITH. 717 SANSOM 3T. FOR SALE Big Sacrifice Locust 3900 !mnz Race C711 ivvAAy.v:cr7 yszJiy iJt-' tC LUINti CJIAIltH THKATHC CJlAIItJ SCilOOI. DESKS lodce pedestals, pulp't chairs, church pens, restaurant and Ice cream tables and chairs, lunchroom chairs and counter stools, offlra desks and chairs (larce assortment). bpeclal values In workroom chairs. Invalid chairs sold and rented. Chiiri and tables rented for all occasions CHAIR EXCHANGE Cor 6th and Vine Sts. MnKKT 2M0 MAIN fldSI HEAL ESTATE FOB BALE city 3Miii:iii!raMmimiii!i!Eii;iiiiiiiiEMT,iiimraraHiiMra!i'a Spruce St. Residence At Auction 2014-16 Spruce Street Lot 44x120 ft. to Cypress St. Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1921 at 12 M. At Our Real Estato Salesroom 1 1C19-21 Chestnut St. Full Particulars In Handbills. Samuel T. Freeman & Co., Auctioneers 1519-21 Chestnut St. iii:iiiiiiiiiii;iiii:!!i:i!miiiinxTOiiiTiiiipi!i!iii!ii!iiaaraiiiiiiiau!iiiiiiiii riTY 3D ST , N , 47 riv-story business prop erty: 221D3: possession. fiTH ST. N.. 39. N. V. cor. Cuthbert St. I'our-stnry lrtslness property; Rood I icntlon for any retail business: reasonable price. SPHUCH ST, 2102 Three-story modom residence: must b sold lo rbiee an rstnt9 SUMMGlt ST.. 1C27, extondlntf to Winter st. flood properly for a. contractor. HANK ST., S , 27-20 Four-story modern buslnesH property; irood property and loca tion for wholesale hosiery, wool; posses sion. OIliARD AVrj.. V,'.. 112."! Three-story mod em resldenco with doctors' ofntes; 23x110; I'oreosslon. I'HIIIIKY ST.. 307 Pour-stery brick busi ness property, l7xH2; very contral. elevntor, MASTn.uM imos. a FLnisnnn 1421 S. Tenn square IH20 Mt Vernon, 14 rooms, 2 baths. i:i05.4 Oreen, 14 apartments. 38x180. 1705 Mt. Vernon, 13 rooms, 4 baths. 143H N. 10th. n baths elec. light. 182." Oreen. 24 rooms, 7 baths. 1830 Mt. Vernon. 20 rooms. 4 baths, reno. 2123 Oreen. 0 npts. with prlvnto baths. 2303 Own. 15 rooms. 2 baths, porch. 1.M3.21.22.24 Summer. 0 rooms, central. 172S Mt. Vernon, 0 modern apartments, others; tell us what ynu want. niHiunD it. wonniJLL & co. .13 N. 17th. WM. L CRAVEN'S SONS 2010 Columbia Avenue 2031 W Oxford, 3-story, n rooms. 1S22 Woolstork, 3-story. 0 rooms. 2217 MnntBomery 3-story, 0 rooms. 17011 Miter 3-story 12 rooms. 2010 Columbia, store nnd dwelling, vacant. 201 !i Nicholas, 2-story, 7 rooms. 1703 N" 29th. fl-storv dwelling, good cona. TO Ol'EllATlON IIU1LDEHS or slnnle-homo builders, I c.vn finance build. InB cperatlcns of small or medium city homes, call with full particulars. Including plans and stecitlcatlons; ask for Mr. Mur ray or myself. JOHN' P. IlASFOnD 1420 Chestnut st; COI.PItun llt'YlUtS MO rnsh, balance same aB rent; 1841) N Mervlna St.: 3 Mery. 0 icoms, balh, Kocd condition; con venient locution, low nice. M. JACOI? MAItKMANN, INC. boil rin.ince HldB. 1855 N. 12TH ST. 3-story. 10 rooms nnd bath, cood condi tion. C4HAS. W. MILLUn. 1201-7 Common wealth nulldlnir 1220 LYCOMING ST. Opposite IIuntlnB I'ark, 3-story, 10 rooms nnd bath, modern convenances. CHAS. AV. MILLER 1201-7 Commonwealth 111J. 1540 N. FRANKLIN ST. 3-stori'. 13 rooms, 2 baths; steam hont, electricity larno lot CHAS W. MILLER. 12III-7 CommonweTlih UiilldlnR. T.vo-story stable possession at set- 418 N. AM15IUCAN ST proporty, lot 70xl3S: tliment. Q. C. SKIDEL A CO., INC 4th and Callowhlll sts. 1300 DOWN. 28 i-r month, will buy a 2-sty modern fl-room home, electricity; vacant rnmplo house oin.n dallv; act nulcltly. H. J. FASY, 18th & Thompson TfOGA Nice homo, 107 ft. front, porch. Or. nnd bath, 8th near Krlo. refined; many car lines, elec and renova.; $4300, others. Kift A llatcheler. 1111 Krlo uve. (York road). Tioa 4SH1' CENTRAL BUSINESS LOCATION JAMEP T WINCIini.L 17TH AND BAN'ffOM 8T3. CENTRAL SITES, smal1 and 1 into, suitable for predion of all classi-s of bulncss prnptrty .'ld b'llldlncs' Htiltnbln for altera ! I o ri ' ARTHI'R 11QSWELL 233 N 13lh "Oj;i N 12TH ST Thrc-slory Hid. v ard dwHllinir, lot 21x101), 12 rooms, convenl cnris, tine cellar; large rooms choice loca tion, must be seen to bo nnprcolated; vacant. WM L CRAVEN'S PONS 1310 N. 7th st. 4014 HL'RLEY ST Immediate posnoHulon, 0 rooms and bath, steam heat; fine con dition. $4'00. nisll amount rnsh A j. BOZARTH CORP.. 8011 Walnut st. Call Walnut 0x70 WALNl'T hT . NEAR 21ST L.irBO brown Htnno resident e with 11 Ix-drooms nnd 3 baths prko S 10.000 onlv i50tXt cash re-nulr.-d rhone Walnut 107S Truck Sale 7 new Stewarts Slightly Used as Demonstrators at Bargain Prices All Models With Guarantee 2 3i-Ton Stewarts 2 1-Ton Stewarts 1 1 Vfe-Ton Stewart 1 2-Ton Stewart TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIHLE-3 Mns Id ;,() AND VI' Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "See Out New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Co. 80 j CHESTNUT ST Walnut 21 Vi Main 121)3 l.V.'O W DAl'l'HIN' ST 11 rooms, modern; barBain. room for BaraBe possession; ex amine Sen SNYDER 1012 N 13th st "208 N. TRANKLIN ST. npposlto Tranklln Stiuaro lot 21xl6S pos fttsslou at once Q. C. SKIDEL ft CO . INC. Ithand Callowhlll I'lVE N. rhlia. pronertl-B S rms.. IISSO will flnanc to SHinn V 831 Ledner Off ItAL ESTATE FOB SALE JtEAL ESTATE FOR SALE C1TV CITY rinslnns rronertlra and Stores llnslness rroperllea nnd Btntew MiiamomiiiBLiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiinufjii SALE ' CENTRALLY LOCATED BUILDING v 30,000 SQUARE FEET SUITABLE FOR OFFICES, MANUFACTURING OR PRINTING IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BOX NO. P. 735, LEDGER OFFICE !lllCiBMl1IB WKST l'HlLAnKT.rHIA WEST PHILADELPHIA ?iiiIlllllII!ll!l!!ll!Bl!l.1l1lllllllini:illM "Mitcheirs" New Overbrook Homes AT OREATLT nEDL'CED rniCES WITHIN THREE BLOCKS OF THREE CAR LINES jfepj Jeff erson Street $li PtShri- 59thean0th 3: Ono of the Most Desirable and Convenient? Locations In Philadelphia LARCH ROOMS AND ALL-TILH HAITI WITH SHOWER I'HIVATK CAIUOn WITH 18'0" DIttVKWAY IN RBAIl KNOLOSKD AND HBATED l'ORCIIKS (11 "EDT DEUD $1000 Cash Required Easy Terms CARKYINO CHAROnS Dio PAX8 ALL EXRENBK3 ItinWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, ITDST DKHIONR IN FIXTURES AND l-AI-UHKNa. irNTUNDIrKRRAC'KD FRONTS. kV JAS. N. MITCHELL m. p'rW OR OFFICE. 40TH AND MARKET BTfl. BOTH PnONHfl Take "L" to C3d St. Fits north to Jefferson St. for one fare. Walk ' blocks. Or Orerbrook car on Arch 8L to COth and Lntidown Are. Walk north irtiillili BEAIi ESTATE FOB SALE west rnii.Annt.rinA BEAIi ESTATE TOR SATn Wr.ST 1'lllLAlll-MMIIA These Elizabethan Stone Airlight Homes 49th St. Below Spruce St. BUILT BY ROSE CONSTRUCTION CO. Offer you every known modern feature, Including roomy garage. Their compactness insures supremo comfort. Situ nted on high ground In desirable, high-class neighborhood. Only a few of each type unsold AGENT ON PREMISES WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO., INC. Selling Agents I 5822 Angora Terrace Six rooms and bath, steam heat, elec tric lU'hu 249 S. 46th St. Well.lofatrd 3-i'.ory soml-c'etnched heme; contains If. rooms and 2 baths, sunm heat, electricity, living hall; convenient car s'TVlco, 4316 Spruce St. Modern 3-stnrs- Hllzabethnn residence. In most ottr:ictlo neighborhood, hpt v.'ater heat, alec. Inclosed porch; A rooms nnd bath in f-ecend tloor, 20 N. 61st St. R;cently renovated; 0 rooms and bath, electric ll.'iit, living hall, iras Kltchon. 3722 Walnut St. Three-story home In central location; ! rooms and 2 baths; urellnt for professional or business pui pesos or roomin? house. Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro. INC.. 8 SOUTH 4UTH ST. Member of I'hlla. Real Estato Hoard i WYNNEFIELD Tilth nnd Dalnor Road "THE LAST WORD" In Home Construction and Completeness 2-STORY SF.MI-DUTACIinD HOMES With 4 and S b.drooms and 2 baths maklnit 2 distinct suites- largo Karago; maid's room, with hath, dis tinctly apart from rest of house. New Ideas In Llghtlnx Fixtures urnUhv8nPj SN"UA?- DANIEL E. H0GAN BUILDER ON PREMISES. OR 007 N 40TH ST. Tass north to Hala car on S2d direct to filth and Clamor road. 1 fare; near Wynnefleld Station. Fa. It U. Ilnlldlnir Lots. Factory Slls. Kte. UFA i Knit SALE AT A SACRIFICE Will sell (4) 3Sx5 Non-skid Quality Cord Tlis at mui h 1. an than H of munufai-ture I I u imni(d.uto buvur. Theso tlrts wurn made I ut spt- Ul s.imiiiHH iind einnot bo exr-(llpd foi iu. 1 1 1 y in nnO-milu KUarantw. Fhono i Spr 1J41 for nppolntmnt t' spb th rn i UK'Vi'Li; coaSIER DRAKE uood as mw 812. It.idjra Ian Off 2200 South st I REAL ESTATE FOB SALE LIT INDUSTRIAL TRACT n P0 acres, with R II tracKauo, on xew lorK iiv , -. iv. . , - '.'.". from North rhlia. station. Will ilUldn in 10-acro lots. I'rlnclpala . i. v li ilMil l...deer oitlee. iiiiuiii.ruiii!ii!ii;i;iiiuu;iiii'inii RuwiiiiMiiraaai IfUl 2.17 N 3D ST Idoal shortly price 'It up. fj. C, SKIDEL & rn Ith a ml i'iliihlll IlKAI'Tlf'l I. In me. j t Si md b . h iU'T l ud1 H KM i 1 n l mlH thsopp illiu, pusstsston INC 2MIH block N 27lh., .' h -a h , iriis and pit . . ns and lurs of extrns. ThuiTi in 2.1ir I fvimh. SITES ral nnd, I'enna nn iicaauiB i.-uuu pr aern ana up un-ir.iu' mi ...nnm LOT nx217 ltlvor lontrul .' Hidings Wftn''v near Delawaie .'fit Liberty lllclu llnslnrss l'rniertl-H and Hlnrea 1 3V2-Ton Stewart Also wonderful values in rebuilt Stewarts trade All sizes -Taken in as low $300 as EASY PAYMENTS Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co. Salesrooms, 128-140 North Broad Street 4'W SANS'i.M curniir 3 fr.mt. lot lsx.1'1 ;.in iiiiii WM HWKRSTHK, 413 Wal nut st I'hllndi.nhin no.'-TJli 1220 N HI T''lfl.N.-aiN M'. 3- si ly tirlcH dw.rintfH, lo rooms fnar Cll I ard ao ) sell ft. paral rh.iip & eas terms M 1 i RAVLN -f SoNH 1.110 N 7th st 1304 to 14 Spring Garden St. 1 arKO alual)'o propers suitable for auiormblle business. I'm... und most rrn Konablo tirms of puulasv upon upplliu tlon lo Burton C. Simon iioth rii"M:i V W c r 2H'h ai 'I I' iimyiiiilt ave. J.T. NORTHEAST DOYLE Kensington nnd LehlKh nos. MERChDhb-!"mu OAKLAND aiP N. Hroad cut. dlsi. a h i'K 'a umlnum body. vr h etdv H N. JlItOAD I'CJl'UMt 7S20. STANLEY AUTO COMl'ANY Sedan. upholatirliiK like ne lato model; lot of extras. rop 7S2Q Stanley utn ( n R0AMER l.i li r St ,p. M r.rt li ally limn Hill N Auto Cnt at iMtu mnl 1 mechnn uuarantucd, (SOO rash. llruad i'upiar 7ftJU. rvl nciii-inii CIO 7 pass, fine condition: ULXAjIUwUIUL. low pries. Cil I l'oplar IHI6. Mr. McMICIIAEL, 184C I'uplar si rtXCDI ArinIo1'l ul) ToiirlnK. the pop UYDIMrtllU ul.r Thrift far" a.t car. in Boort condition arnn unusually l can ne pousnt tor iuu uosvn nnn balance In weekly pamenta. K)."J STUDEBAKER WILLYS-KNIGHT.':: r. pass . late model, A-l condition ran hi b unht rlKht hTANI EV AITO COMPANY ! I 20 Touring. II int condition iiis easy termx and pilot unusually ii 1020 Arch IlRLAND C"Ulh' M"1'"' N1" -'J ln.ii ." J.T21 ill wuuii' inecluiilfai rondlHon Ut t 1109. down and Imlanco In weekly i LOCi'MuUll t- lourln ttmit. 11129 Arch st. ' IKliI .7 passenuer. PftlAKir) Tourln. Model 4; excellent I c" 'fHilffind'Kir "" noition throuihouti can ' ,..., . r mmM r ma oc co vry tsy tsyuuut MARMON I'rL. owne In mol'i mi Hits WILLYS KNIOHT .l-passenirer Model 81-4, (Irst class rond'tlon. 0427 Haverfnrd ao laiditinn. i ii in r FORD T mrliitf In Wvindi-rful l- s ud tin s d iul 1 i J.T.". lH.'il Arch li)4i .S luTH Tie rooms und huth eler tr c ciaiu i. try uashlubs all ru wly jmi y. nd at ! imltii""! ihi'iushoui tl.lrd (I jot llt ii I i ut f"' 'in i'P iri'neiit r Urue Trd fTiT ' "II 17'ril'A.ND I'ljRTKIl" .' 4 rt'oiTi ails and ba'h 1 sion , curat,-? Anplj to Nl'LsuN ' RuWLEl. lUlh and Biidi.r uve. i ireon 1 " . I5U0 CASH IthUt-IIUJU rqrcutront. I corns, tils buth. open fireplace; electrlcltl end xas. hot-water heat. 5442 N. 1 1th st. For particulars call Woodland 1014 J. 103S N. ltiTH ST. A large 12-room house, electric llrlht. sinllnnary w.ishtubs 2 baths, nly papered throughout, third Hoor arranged hh an upartment. 1422 N. MYllTI.EWOuD ST.. noai 2'nh and Master Four roumi and bath, t2.100, WILLIAM UNDER IH.'h Chestnut st jIli, N WAUNUCIC mT Miitn ruutni, all impr irnnio goml ordei ooHsoslon rhiresV-hiivdr t .--oi!. 2Hn'i N llth ..t lf.2'i 21 W SfhCJI Kll N-.A Thrt-e htorles'. Pit 31v7 all fnn"ii mns l c SeidL-l n ,n ini Uh n,'id f wHiijfrhlll wih TiV T.II'lT Jtsiir 12-rnnln g hlt uni'fint. uiioii i-i'iiiiiii'iii, iii"uwii 'eas at .ttlement iinriom umi N lliih at , a V i NEY AL Vury ilvsliabli iir. h "trnnt 2 l ir dwelllnH intpsslull at beltir- ini m 170"" llirio'el 1'IIH N 111th hi nin N 12TI1 ST (corner) and hount In rear, rentinir 155. price flHOO. j It MASHKY & SON. 13th and Oreon .,, i v 3D ST Nlnn rooms, bith; lot ISx 10 j. will Haerlflco Q. C. SEIDEL &. CO., Inr , 4th snd Callnwhill. pi I neiorlei. Warehouse. Muiiufiuliirlnit nnnr BARGAINS Industrial plunts for sdle; floor space nt ESTER D R ITTNKU 1421 Chestnut. J L. I1DO is'DCbTItlAL I'UVNTS AND LAND KTEVENSON SON LAND T1TLI. 'i"'A(TORILS. ware.nnisi's iiuiroads, can hiiunw liUiTJ2RIiJi 737 Walnut st. flSTTItAL 4 MnillS. 31X1") IHFKU i luVUlOr, Arinur II . .II JM3 N 1311 Bt raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiii-atiiaiiiiiaeraiviMJiiiiiiiiiiBiiffliwiiiiSiiii'ffljiiiii MODERN HOMES 1200 RIU S Edcnwood. (Jr. it: b. ilino nik. Ellsworth. 7r & bath D.tJOl) Ip3'i S .1.1th st , 0 rms & bath D.ouu BC07 Willows avo.. Or. S. b. Inc. poich 0,500 0100 Illk. Washington ave.. 8r. ft bath 0,500 (1041 Ellsworth. 8r , bath, gar. 12,500 U200 lllk. Carpenter 10r.. 2 b. snrago 15,000 fiROO ink. Alter. 0 rms. it bath, n.000 1000 Illk S. HOth. 7 rs & bath. 10, BOO 11000 lllk. Washington avc., 8r. and Ixth . 0,500 1 MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY i 1021 S HOTH ST. iaaiainiiiiiiyaiiippiiffl TAYLOR & SON, $7000 Noir dlth nnd Walnut sts.i fl story, .) rooms, newly papered and painted, electric lights. $9000 Corner S. 4Cth St., near Chster nve.i 2 bntlis, electrlo lights; sarngo priv ilege; a baritaln. 4922 Chestnut St. tt Pries reduced to $12,000, electricity, hot-water hoat, 2 baths; unusulilly ut trnctl.'o llnlsh. Baltimore Ave. Near Clark Tark; modern, handsome, ly appointed, billiard room on fourth Hoor, H 1,000, o:fer. S. 49th St. Near Sprlnclleld ave ; hot-water heat, elictrio llgl'ts, 2 baths; prlco or Ices tlon cannot bo Ourllcatcd, must bo solil. I I 8 South 40th St. . I ; I BlilMlllEM I Wynnefield The Unequaled Suburb I I Colonial Homes Rich in Simplicity of Architectural Design niiiiiimmiiiiira jzgzjwisi $ss 5 1 iisfttSatiA i mm Assseass(i!3asmK7,ffaKfta 3 fy?.3yl fe'VoSf'- "'ffii76lgteiiJ.ui-i'S' i i -si , 5 EVERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT AND CONVENIENCE AND 2.CAR GARAGE 54TH STREET AND WYNNEFIELD AVE. I Daniel Crawford, Jr., Builder 1 y , ., S. 42d St. Ktaids alone; front nnd side porches: modern; price, locution and outlook cannot bo duplicated; 18,5i0. 45 16 Pine St. Restricted section; binutlful location; 3 story, rorch front; til, 000; must settle estate "27 & 29 S. 40th StJ (Trr OVERBROOK Substantially built corner property, on 3 hiths 2-car iruraGo. ctntrnl heat; lot 0xl50 ft Si.bstiillally built corner properly, on lot lot 7.1x11)0 ft 8 ctiurnbem and .1 hatha; central hent. Ideally located, OVERBROOK SECTION JelTtrson st. ; 2-ntorv twin , with 4 bedrooms, bath and hardwood and elec- 0100 blw.k brlek homo breakfast room, trlclty. Now 3-storv eeiik-detaehed homes, built of stone, with or without garage; jot 2.1x 140 ft ; nothiiiK bettor to be had any where. Thr"t -story hom, mltaMo for large fam ily, in 2O0O block N U2d st.. l.iriTi lot nnd teasonabiy priced. N. 03d st , 3-story seml-di'tached homo, with gnruiio, deiili'Abli! Ircation ard con enlent lo train and trolley, Sesernl hntnes to rent, 2 and 3 story. $83. $l'Q tnd $12.1 per month. i I McDEVITT & MULLIN 03D AND LANCASTER AVIJ. Oorjrook 4S3 0er brook & "The Price Is Right" New 3-Story Semi-Detached' Stone Houses Make Your Selection Now While They Arc Being Finished 61 st St. North of Columbia Ave. OVERBROOK Pronounced by bull'dlnsr experla tn be "Exceptional Value in Every Ilcspcct" Dullt under personal euiiervlslon nf Mr Thos. J. McGarvcy, who can refer you to oer 200 satisfied Home-pun hasurn. These hourcs aro built for durability nnd are on lots 25'xl40' with or without KnrniTi'S. Finished throughout In most approved mnnner and planned for placing any sliPd furniture Onl) the liest of materials and workmanship and fixtures, papering, cti.., the best obtainable regardless of prlco. 13" nnd 18" walls with Iron cious beams 3"xl0"x20' Joist: exceptlonsl plastoring, etc. Surroundlncs arc Ideal, In n lilgWy restrlcteil residential community with hlffher.prlcod homes on all sides. Take "L" lo U3d St., pnaa North to Columbia Ave. for ono fare. Walk East 1 block and nek for Thos, J. Mctlarvey'a Stono Houses. Open 0 to G:30 .'vcnliifls by Appointment Only THOS. J. McGARVEY llt'ILDER ft OWNER ON PREMISES 1 iiiiiuriiuiiuniM iffl!Mii:ipu!!!ii:in!i!i;i:i!iH iiiiniiiii'aaniii'BicEu nRr.nuiniii!i:inu:iUi;i.iUH:niiUtita:i Mi.iii!iiitiijri:inrtia:titiiJjiUJm'iiru;'Jrijiiimiia! DON'T BUY UNTIL YD I' HAM! SEEN f THESE UNEQUALED HOMES W, "(ITH to I arnngton B7th st. I SEI.LINO J1U0O UNDER THE MAR- I KET PRICE WITH Oil WITHOUT f OARAOE. OUR LOSS, YOUR C1AIN. 5 JAS. C. ENBURG, Builder OOlll SI. i ur 1' i""i. inn i i.,i,i..- ton. or No. 13 on Walnut to 50th nnd Choster (2 biocl.a north). ll'lllililllllll'lllllll.llllll'llilil'll"illHllilllllllllMIMIirillilllllllllillillllilll'iiS (. inigi'K ifiiii nALE rtM or txhaiittB, garage, e.nmllv l'47 l.oeue) si 23-car RUerfrmit I'mperty U3 ACRES OU IllOlt LAND Acir,icB.iait.HALB 1211 WAI NUT ST. WEST PIIII.IIH'I.I'HI.V 4711 U'M E1RTH ST. ! rooms, bath ImmeillHia "ra'ssifsslun, small amount uf rush loqulrud. HIWAIUI MOLL 133 B 12th st iii N 7T1I S'l Dtslral.le dwelling, Inune illnte iiineslun, price Jllliu, J, R MAH-KY A HON, 11th and flrein louring car for sale cheap slip caoru paint good ndltloi). Apply tn uryn aiawr. Pa, i UHEEN ST iilsne 13tn JnilUO, rented $(lu, 1 nrst incrtgasv J28'io may remain. AHTIII R IIC4M.I-L S3.L ""h s I0S S 18TH ST Rented "$42 prleij $1,100, ARTH1 It 1 OrtWKt.l. 233 N 13lh t .'U3J N. JUDSON Purch. (I r., bathi inoiL; onlv I48IH) Krlck. Judson & Indiana ave. so, or, cu wy easy payment MARMON Prl.osrnor wui sao. lulu churn- Mix iwu... ... wvy. vmtift Wit v 8051 N. IIONHALL Or. to; j.uuu, liiv. tubs, ru kltrh. i'rick. Judjoa It Indiana. Ayr wTsDSl'R AVI'. -inruo-tory sen.i hed leii.icnic nnipliiHly ronoMiled ut .in Hid -riiblo iilwnsi. r. , 1 '..,. iti hardwii'Tl ,,,,,,...- li lll'l n vo. miner 9 J n Mil line. bath i Mll EUGENE L. T0WNSEND ... ., isi'il ST. Thrcj-slory msldanci. slds ?,.rd ' niodmii baths, eke liiihU. hot- ,. ,.iee heat par'iuoiry lio'irs llrst and a c- ouA m-.rs V-it steth.n -f W. Phlla . b0 ft. '', . fiinvenient t cam. inn "' iVVirrT.r. jni.r. Paltlmoro ave fill 411 MONTHLY oipenxi's lluunctd free, prlco S3200. 6 rooms Hnd bath, with show er porch front, beautifully paper, d and imlnle! throuchout whlto and mahoitany (Irish, all flours rullnUhed linoleum on kitch en and liiitli-Hum floors, pew poreolaln sink and bathtub niw shuwir bith, nnv I1xtur s. Dutch hall, 'i ''""'k to imrk. Seo thlB home 1,. fi.ru vou pay ri lit fur Si pt. Samplo 0IJI i.lunmoro io Take cars i U and 87 In suli i ,iv. uU tiff 05th and iSoodlniid uvo ; 1 U, Miuar. e n'lith. or 3il car. Malnut, to (I5ih and Elmwood avt.. walk 1'i squalen nortli. i n 'laliv ri ruins t OVERRROOK SECTION A special opportunity presents Itself, Ihli 3-story seml-Metached stono residence: most attractive interior, parquetry uours mrougn- out splenclld hot-water neatinx system, an unusual coluniai illiuns room, spacious llvinv room 0 will-plnnnid bed chambers and 2 modern baths, price. $15,000 for quick sale, terms and possesulun urrinced to null pur- chaLAMBERT & McDERMOTT 403 N n.1D ST. HEI.MONT 3777 ,100 CASH, IncludlnK all extras; $34.00 monthly expense, 2-story homes; hard wood floors throughout In fact, tho best offerlnn r.t tho prlco anywhere In tho city of PhllnilMphla. Pomborton st. (50th nnd Cedar avn ). samplo house. 5010, upon every day and Stindnv PHILIP N ARNOLD. 1201 Chrstnut st "Marshall's Overbrook Homes" AT NEW FALL PRICES Marlyn Road (IN THE 1200 IILOCK) North of Lebanon Ae.) The most beautiful Parkway street in West Philadelphia. With or without Baraije. Vari ety of twin houses and corners. 65th Street (IN THE 1100 IILOCK) North of Lebanon Ave. Lnrirn nrlvnto craratro. Massive stone fionts, porches inclosed, 1 M deep terrnces, Frencn uoonvay, stono iireplace. JOHN J. MARSHALL. Builder & Owner PASS NORTH ON IS3D ,';T. TO LEIIANON AVE. FOR 1 PARE WALK WEST Hi 13LOCK3 TO THESE HOM'ES 170H N BUTH ST Sample house, $300 down balance mine as rent, beautiful Oierbrook section JOuOO hnm.is; 7 rooms, private Karaco; tmm.dlatn possession; elec tricity, hot-wntcr heat, Inclosed porches, tiled bathrooms with show crs. HARRY. J KOEI1 l.F.R & CO 1430 Chestnut, IfQcuwt II7P2. BOTH AND CATHARINE, 2 story, sldo yurd. 4 rooms and bath on second floor, clc.se to cars and shorplnc district: owner loavlni; city. JOS. ALLEN POTTS, 40l)i Haltlmorn avn, TO SETTLE ESTATE 23 housct. near 3.1th and Grays Terry rd., rented nt 812 per inn. (old rentals); prlco, $1250 imoIi, m divide. TAYLOR & SON. 27 H. .jOtli Btreet. Mill IILLOW Market. 2 story porch front; 0300 blmk Re.ent. J story, Inclosed porch fiont. electric, steam hent. Itfl.ETTER S. ROI.ETTEIt. ISlh t, Mnrrls. corner .dwi:llino. porch uront; 4S2a UREHNWAY AVE., near 4Uth anil Woodland, with many trolley linos; laruo llvlnit room. 3 Ifodchaml.ers, electrlo and :as Hani, wasn iruys, wriisiio paperini? and lalntlnir. evervtlunis uf tint boat PEM1IKU ION ESTATES, 4 H, lBlh t. REDl'CED for iiul'k salt- now link lit 51011 Willows ue., WItn iiuraue. Pent vuluu of fered unynhire, cuiiv brins, imv homo: evuiy iiijJ r.l polntruint heated porch In .Insure txan Hie this b.fori mil lurchasq. PAUL H HTJ.'.LL. M'.'l I'h.etnut st 24 N. HIRST ST. JOS. ALLEN POTTS 4H'7 CEDAR Threi stiry, side yard, open loll hardwood Ho.. is oleptrlo llnhls. 2 SitVrl.n1vttli.l,W" JOS. ALLEN POTTS vS, IP YOU WANT TO HUY A OUIHJ HOME RKASONAIILK See JOHN M. ENBURG 6207 BALTIMORE AVENUE r.iMi ut a HOVE ARCH Two-story, noroh fronti easy terms; price $4600. Arthur Itnswull. 23.4 N. 13th St. CI HI H COM. na m - r -- --.- w- - -' - . -- ,. SlOu? CatbarlM U 1'hoco looujiihu. Iinineill.it i posfcsliui, mar "I." 2-H porch fr.-nt. 0 roo ns iir.d bath. CHS Mil 1 Eli l-'OI 7 I'.imtiionweiiHli llulldlnc 7. $501) CASH. Including all extras 23 21 per month, beautiful 2-story hmo-i. on tlrely remodaled, wu Invite comparison with nny other huso offered for nla under J50OO; 2031 tf.Ocll t (llrst street east of 58lh Bt , between (Irounway und Klnnsesslmt lives,). PHILIP N ARNOLD. 1201 Ctmstnut t JU N KELTON station, on ncauDlos property LEiioY Worrell, ST Near (JJId st. olaialcil inu-iineu stieet, utvnor 0000 Markot st 1740 N REDPIELD ST Seven rooms and bath, elecirlo llithtH, hardwood floors etc JAMES N MITCHELL 4flth & Market liar Jas N Mitchell. I'llh A Market llarlna- 1 4 in 1031 B. VHAZlill ST Two rooms ami an ionv . win sty . porch. ininnce. H.J.FASY,18th& Thompson Sts. THREE-STORY 10-room ilwelllnes; $300 l.CT"fj L,...ierl)!TI0,e'U,"1S Ul '"" Valuo PENN M. MOONEY, Agent, 13 N. 50lh St. Uien EionlnitJ Until U o'clock iminivvmmaniimMiuiiitjnuiitiumiTimiimnjiKiictrmiiiiijnHiiitu'i'ritiTitiunjiir.u'ii 173N N I'KLTON leluccd. hot water elec irli. IlKht. posi.sslon. Inquire un unm. Ues. Onraire EVERYTHING NEW -lleautlful homes, 18 minutes lo City Hall 4 bedrooms electric, caa ranue, hardwood, lh-ft. front, $B150, pay $200, inmo In: easy terms, nlsu 1 at JIU'.il, rwner ut sample Iimiho 11.13,1 llesner, ilnlly, Sunday ami eveiilnus. luko subway cars No 11 or -No. 37. iret off ilBih st, and Woodland ave. walk ' siiunrw soulh 6023 OSAGE AVE. Thoroughly modern-IN room residence; electricity hardwood floors, llvlnif hall, hot.water heat, 4 rooms on second floor and bath with all new fix turesi extras Included, convenient. lEUGENEL TpWNfiEND0-ve laAltAOE. 12't-i ar Liipiiclly. 122x120 ft beltu; constructed on 37th nboie Walnut' ihuwrunm frmii , suaablo fur service station' ixculltnt Inuillon; CII'.KMANTOWN 33 W. ASHMEAD PLACE. N., airiltH nweiiinu: an modern new 2-etory, posnesslon can be arranged Cheiten Trust Cnmpitni Bill I liorniHiilown aye ATTRACfiVE H-ruoin porch home, uood lo. ration. 1 1 lo bath, newly papered; vacant' $4200 J'UU!iiJi15!lSU!U11niLnnave7' DETACHED Culonlal residem e. 12 rooms and 3 baths, lama lot, shade and shrub. LSI' J'-H jL'u.m'nayi BOW Cliejtenave. PLLHAM DeslrabiH resldeme ectlon with central hent. Upsal and Carpenter Stations. Arthur lloswell, 2113 N lllth st. 117 W. AHHMEAD ST 1 wo story. 4 bad. rooms, open hall fireplace; electricity; pom, A P. Denning. 1420 chestnut t. 82ti WALTON AVH. Im. puss QHIBUOM. 2100 Catharine it. Phone Locust 0929. lllllBisllKfiillllli ti fe f3 64 ImM N tJ Ol t3 'J S i N IJ S b lillllilllibllllMiBi Helniont 5304 IllllllllillllllllllJIIIffl ii Siegel's De Luxe Homes j Houses That Are Unusual Show Houses 4618 Osage Ave. Homes Built to Order 46th, 47th St., Pine St. LARCHWOOD, OSAGE AVENUES wu 1 1 Ktiti ;uu i mi1 mi at i r i : i:n i ! iMci ii ii n ur.mt 1 1 n :in ui : naniui l m i t urn : 1 1 1 mi iin nmti e 1 1 1 1 1 iii ri ii: r: j n :ji 1 1 n 1 1 1 n. 1 1 iii iiimiii ti 'n 1 1 titi iij hi i n mi ::uii it EXCEPTIONAL HOMES COLtoS CREEK PARKWAY AND 62D STREET BUILT BY OL1JR & fiUAPIUO The.3o homes excel In exterior design, construction, plan, material " finish, ab well us luipolntmcnt INCLUDING GARAGE Thrco Sizes to Select From Selling Representatives WM. H. W. QUICK 6k BRO.. INC. 8 .SOUTH 40TI1 ST. Bet Sample Houao, 0223 Ellsworth Street TIlTl'iniTlllliniilllllllMIWllllllllillllllllliMlll" h i It, B li ( a. i . f.r v ?h, -M tf JV ,-WJ. fjjk