,-it ' '" -, mmSfVAlti rm-wiiti-i mi r' LW nip'. w(,rk at your pin ana it ' 'i tw.1 1Rt4'snd Main S4M i'pen "" -- zL . !! H flARKCD CI CMNUT STWITI t.t-At, AhvKKTisicrttNfs' - . . .uva-inm AW MmT nfVlfl iC1 5vi of th Cmnilr of rUMMpfal. v 'ko I-h"br jvn that ppl con will J!'? nr til Corporation Act ot 18T4 of SilTimmonweHlth of rnnylvnl. ml th ' . .attA inrinninri priaii n 3PV2At "it 18T0 PT t. IT Tor 7hV N ;'rli annrATnl of cmrtaln mendmant .t!l , ehitwr'of Th rh 1 1 add phi. Chapter i it! Amr"aw In.tltut f Architects, . .i'".: .i. .. i.i 12 vl forth in th petition for in I ownnce of V,J "" aii..... itia'nntnra of which inuml. or ny''i follow.i -? "krfM. IV. hT.chj.n.lnr th. till m i iJof'TO hiwi t-;-r-- .-,- ' .i.' i.-i-i - s.kit of the annum hi"p .vm ,- lwihi '5S?ndT title of 'Ubf.rl.n-' tn -&LrXV' .nd mlao to chenre Artlrle III Whit th. nmi junendXJ halt read at t '' ffi?hii ehat1r "halt cortlit of Membera K.VWllow of the 'American In.tltut of . -?TOi,ltMtil anfl of Aidoclatea Honorary A Sylt. i "' 0l l'hllla",ll,hla Chapter of the ?!??h rropo" rrthdrnnt are now on file VL ,h Vrolhnnotary'a office. r ' ' LOUIS BANCROFT THINK. a m m Pter- "J,!." Solicitor. 70S Ttalley Bulldlnir. I.OST AND FOUND. ....a Atiir. au. com nor. Daair m ... iVimt Club: yellow and whilst an. !rats the name of Mayor. Phone Dryn V?!! no -X. nrward. f wrlln. N. J.I revrara. SiNO Lo". t narlln. N. mrrn ni. mgngfmant rlnr. In road at jrana.rarui, laua femiST WATCH TjO't. ladlta' . amall gold ' Srlit watch, with bracelet. Auir, SB. on DC( II njliq B.n iwiu Jaj,lllUM la. w.inut Une, bet. Trarne ava. and naynt It IteVard. H. IL.Btarr. 110 B. Walnut 1 "T7' PERSONAM " TwInpIWt.n haa 'aotd hla rlaar nrt Fr'tmtKU etoru to Iaadorf Abromovltz. lo ,.SJ at Itandolph and Venaneo U. All Jredltera call "nry Happ. 8003 N. Cth at.. f'tUlVltK. 81. 1021. BVEBTINGF PUBIilO, tCEDGEEr-PHI13AI)EIII?HIA TUBSDAT 'AVGV8T 3,0, 1921' Sf HELPJWANTED MALE flALE8MBN Fl men who can Qualify aa . --.."v... v. iii our avuinv meinoaa rree: live proportion for aood men and pro VAT., i; '. fl. "w.c . vyiiniLBBivil uaia. 1001 .colonial Trtiwt Iildr.. 13th n1 Matffcqt. BKCUni wont ITT. O A T .W trM t7 VT ale. ..11..1.1. 'TkJ w-ij---j iiii -uuaiiic.tjf lil IF VAil dmI allln 4.. 14 la not your faun. It la the eecurltlea you are aelllnai eema In in mam nat .a h.. h.. tum iiuuiio wanu. -;aii alter. 3", 014 wide. ner nidg.- ' .SHOKS Experienced patent leather.' ttd ' ro- . j ' iii. yuiy Ltfiiru. ocnuDfr A ... anq,aiarKi, oonq noor. BTOC1C PAKSMEN Not permitted to.aell per cent. mr atockiuntll convinced It willpay. 200 I'none. wooqianq nH3P w. hv Ana nf the larieet alUc-manufacturlna con oarni.,a inrowaier. tnorputnty trui- THnOWBTKJl Wanted. worthy and ccaoahla of auoarvlalna; maohlnery and manufacturlnv proo ae of their throwing mill. Only those having aucceaaful ex, perlence with larre throwln-;. unite and. thorout hly familiar with' crepe work need apply. ,Th TOilllon open offer 'opportu nity' for a lifetime 'poittlon; Apply pi ,827, Ledser ORtoe. TOPPBns Transfer topper on 80-iauge Pllk footers; good par. with rood worklnK condltlons. Apply Quaker Hosiery Co., 32d and Ionian ave. flenerav A IAnaB international corporation wishes to emragD the services of men of proved ability to represent It In each ot the follow-Ins- towns; Parkeaburc Pa. Coatesyllle. Pa. Downlnitown, Pa, West Chester, Pa. Norrlntown, Pa. Phoenlxvllle, Pa. rottetown. Pa. Heading, Pa, I.ansdale. Pa. Quakertown. Pa. Uoylestown, pa. I Tho applicant muat be above a vara re In Intellltencei he muat possess executive ability and be able to successfully train and dlreot others. Applicant will be ulven one week's free alnlna to At him for thla wall.na.vlna' nnal. Hon, which Is selling aecurltles ot an estab. .", HELP4 WANTED FEMALE ' "foOiaiEEPUIl, experienced, capable a-um-! tna- entire charge offlp" detail work: eplcn ' 44 opportunity I advancement right persons 1 A li MH. 1,-drtr Oftlce. ;T UUTEn IRIBBON DBPAnTMENTl EXPERIENCED l . oEonan ai.len. inc. . 1214 CJIE3T.VUT UT. HOSIERY Transfer toppers on SD-ituuge i ttlk footers: good pay. with good worklnir ,cndltlon. Apply Quaker Hosiery Co., 22d ttnd Mhlitn ave, thOSlEUY Korelady for mending department ' a hosiery mill: only those with expert tnee In both full-fashioned and seamless need apply. W 10. P. O. Box 3448. r ... . RBPRE8ENTATIVE FOR WOMEN jWe want women of good personality, over SO years of age. toj-epresent an International ertanliatlon: opportunity for advanaement mllmlted. Mr. Lilts. 710 Wldener nidg. 8ALESIADY. EXPERIENCED. LACI3 DE- 'I'PARTJIITNT. OKOROB ALLEN, INC.. 114CHE3TNUT HT. 81IOE8 Experienced p.tent-leather tip re pairers wanted. Apply" Laird, Sohober & Co, 28d and Market ets., second floor. 'iTKNOOnAPIIER wonted In taw nltlco: Prot. ;. nrtf.l state salary and rots, P 708, Led. O. r TO LADIES a fiiuit be women of neflnoment. education and 'Blasting p-rsonniiiy. wno are oayaDia di -r.nttna r-artonalbl-. TKialllona that demand ex- , .rutiva ability. See Mlsa Plxmpton. special xietievue-r-irai nanta atviaena-paying mortgage company which deals In first and second real estate mortgages: mortgages offer unusual safety and substantial returns. . We prefer a man who hahad experience In this business, but thl Is not essential. . This position Is worth from 8B00O to $10.000. per year to the right man: com mission basis. OJva age, past experience and references In first letter. ADDRESS A, W. CUPITT ' THE 8M0OT CORPORATION 423 Wldener Illdg., Philadelphia, Pa. mrxTAKD. Awn rooi. urturtuwi niTXiAnn and roor. i.tokwukw Department of Public Safety Billiard and Pool License Hearings Notlea I hereby given that the following application for billiard and pool license hav been filed In thl ofl.ee and will b heard In Room No, 3IS, City Hall, at 10 o'oloek III V nvinni. Adaiir.iv ..,. i v?i'ri':'- a..T,J."''n' ' i'" a St, . .... n, u B(, 181B B. 28d st, 3329 Ellsworth t 1884 N. Front t. 2841 Falrmount ave. 610 Carpenter st. 10 Muret place 880 D lAncey st. M17S. 3d si. 1107 Drandywln et. 1120 Fiankford ave. 8428 Eaatwlek ave. ' 728 W, Lycoming st. DO W, Haines st. 1307 Ellsworth st. 2020 aermantown ava. 2420 N, 27th st. 8845 Cambridge st. 2214 Rlttenhouse at, (1020 Woodland ave. 1800 N. 81st t. 1814 Dickinson st. 758 St. Marks St. 620 8.. Hancock at, Bll fl. 2d st. . 710 W: Olrard av. 1801 S. 28d st. 8008 Krdrlck St. 0211rarttefst.- 762 MeKean et, , 8870 Almond at. I&CATION OF POOLROOM .702 8, 3d sf. 1818 8. 28d St. 7208 woodland ave. 2I8.1B Walnut at, 2311 Falrmount av. 1008 E. Passyunk an. 800 N. 21st st. njn n. tun st. 417. 2dt, zftnn cantrell i 0)5 N, 2d st. Arrlan. riMn. s;,'jU,;. nthrus T ijeicher,- James B. Uurstrnakt riul C a5innruJ- aiePP nI,.lon, 8muel WiiasTeSssrWi Oeorge, Thomas Safe llyries, Joseph lecohuccl. Pasqua) Isaacson, Jack J-ockwood, Walter IjOtary.FjllJ"' Msgee, Paul ?JllTls,'wili,m Jontsnaro, John jaron, Kara. Vlachos.' Mike A atamat, William Anv fil..H .. ., . . .e- a i.. . l. rAmftn...n. ....... . A ah. for St.." fW)1'cllon must-fllo same In thl offlc on or before Wednesday, August 81, wMi 217 Oasktll st. 210 N. 11th st: 127 N, 10th t. 8423 Eaatwlek ave, ., ... aermantown ave, and Venango, IJ. w. eo Oermantown av. and Venango, N. W. cor, 1129 B. Droad et. A and Kensington av.. N. TV. cor, 2840 N. 27th St. 2641 W.Xehlgh avl 6087 Woodland ave. 1800 N. 81st U 18V5Taekcrst. 4200 Ludlow St. 110 8outh st. All 8. 2d St. 729 W. Olrard av. 1801 8, 28d St. 8047 Erdrlck st. 0288 Market st, 752 MeKean at. 4047-4V-81 Lancaster av. 1028 Market St. 088 Arch st. 018 Arcn st. otherwise be will not be heard. JAMES T. CORTELTOJT. Director of Publlo, Safety. BTJSINE3S PEBSONAM WHY NOT HAVR YOUn HOME WIRED n., ,..I"o?.t'?tc Liqirrsj Via. mJS'r," .".i.ujea . inctuaea W4a.iW 1420'8. 2d at, ER K. JxnrtMAu Electrical Contractor Bell phono DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bulte 21.22. secong floor? ov.r'rhrl'.n CASH FOR DIAMONDS ta ..... . .. .1.. " 5if. WB"-.ne iuu value for your Jewalrv and dlamnmla hrin. ,h r .. .c"uI. jewelry llshad. Thos. R. Le ft Co.." TlgiST."..' DIAMONDS BOUGHT gARRT W. BMITn. T17 8AN80M ST. OREHNWALD'B A BPECIALTZED EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 11ANK offlolal trust officers post SlJ?'J& -. Exp. Rank & Audits. S.SSSSTv't'11 "th banking exp. (shorthand) FOReion exchange clerk. Oerman speaking PRINTINO huuse executive. co-operatUo In terest given an attractive oftor. BALES UKN, printing exp. required. 18000 BAILSMEN, hotel, club, hospital trade exp. BAI.UHMAN expd. In apeolattlcs line APPLICATIONS aollctted from office nnd factory executives, aalos. technical, college men, with aotual business exp. and clean records; no other: Information blank and D.ooKiej. gratia; looat realdent only: est, slnca 187 g.V) 3, nth st. EENSATIONAL OPrORTUNITT On sale a day means 1200 per month: 8 sale, 11000 per month: marvelous new adding ma chine: retail 810: does work or (350 ma chine: adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, automatically; lightning speed; errors Im posalble; five-year guarantee; used by United States Government and largest railroads! tremendous demand overywhere; amazing profits i write quick tor trial offer and ex clusive' torrltory. Calculator Corporation, Dept. 301. Grand Rapid.. Mich. SALESMEN A rent opportunity; we. a large Cleveland manufacturer, want an able salesman to renreaent a hlah-claa. aitartAltv needed by all retail merchants: selling ex perience an aasst but not essential; wo will co'cparma wun you so you win oe aote to draw larrer commission checks than vou over thought possible; position permanent; state age and experience. Address II. R. OCIIfl. rtox 170. Btatlon C. Cleveland. O. RiHim 1129 and Wedne-Jday. 3 to 5 and S.P. M. .No Inforntuttun given over tele- tpaenf. ranraalntattva. 'ftrd. Tuesday and Wednnday. 3 to B ,' o V iftlji-rnuJ. urcuAluu rirat-ctaaa. I ,uperlen',ed operator for private branch ificrnofs in downtown banker's oftlce; must ,i tie quick and accurate with good, speaking i voice: permanent poa.;" atate' exp. and ref.; vrpolntmnt by letter. P 708. Ledger Oltloe. ltlPrarto Transfer toppera on lllk footara: irnod nav. with mnd worklnar coneuiona. Apply Quaker Hoaiury Co, . tint rhlah ae. 30-gauge itlna-22d Heneral MAKE MONhiY AT HOME Teu dan earn from II to 12 an hour In your care time writing ahow earda: quickly and la illy lsarned by our new simple method; no canvassing or soliciting; we teach you bnw. mii your work and pay you cash eacli nk; full particulars and booklet free. write today to American Know Card School. tlO Byrle Illdg.. Toronto. Canada. CI.EIIKS, 18 upward, for postal mall ssrv ,i let; 1180 month; examinations Heptemuor; ;exp. unnecessary. For free particular of 'hutruetlon, write J. Leonard (frnior Civil Service Examiner), 003 Equitable Hldg., Washington, D. C. HELP WANTED MALE . ' .COMMERCIAL offset transferer wanted; . rr.mt bo non-mcmler; good pay: perma J nrnt position; southern city. Addrosa M Kli. Ledger Offtce. tiNQINEER to run steam shovel. Apply Brick, Plant. Whlto Horse pile. Egg liar. 'por- ..' J. ,WKE"SJAN to tire boilers at night. Anply Brick Plant, White Horse pike. Egg llar . Vr City. N. J. and Manufac county, ia. FOREMAN Wanted, paint shop foreman; . ?n.' w5. cn do a'0"1 lettering and mix .Saints. Call In nitrinn ni1 aalr In ... fr. '.Fulton. Taylor Entlneerlng tiring Co.. CornwtlTs. liurKu '"OSIKItY Transfer topper on 89-iraug "ik footers: good pay, with good working 'cenoltlont. Apply Quaker Hosiery Co., 22d nil Ihtth ave. JIAN wanted. Iwtween 25 and r.O years, to act i-Jv?!.,91"""1.1 ,0 sales-manager; "must be tmbltlous nnd vllllng to learn; Immediate .In" I0 lM right person who can qualify; vrt V refervnee; vvrlt for Interview. M rjZ7. Ledger Office. I';il Wanted, tv man between 25 and 60 I..! . '" tact R assistant to snlca man sf, must be ambitions and wllllnr to laarn: .immeaiat-, returns to the right person who . i7. . '"" nave reierence. write for liile'vlew. -i fir. Ledger Office. tn wlth automobile, to work couritry ".... avd y DPiwran in nna li a. si.. CLERKS, 18 upward, for postal mall serv ice; 8180 month: examination September: exp. unnecessary. For free particulars of in structions write J. .Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner), 002 Eaultable Bldg., Washington. D. C. MAN OF PARTS 80 to 50, college man prefsrred. as selling agent for nationally known correspondence school on unusually large margins must be financially able to await cash receipts coming In on monthly Installments: 1230 monthly unconditionally guaranteed for training pe riod: average earnings 50 men ovor $800 monthlv each; write. MR POWERS. Dept. R, Bulte 1108. AVrlgley. Illdg.. Chicago. MAKE 8100 weekly selling 8000-mile guar anteed new auto tires, direct to consum ers: also dealers at wholesale; side or main line: capital or experience unnecc.eary. HARRIHON TIRE CO.. Hammond Ind. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTIGATE patent auto necessity; any conaervtVv in. ;"?j;.r,'h JB00O to 10?000 f will 'Vet law rfr.nd"c,etrpug,rr"luon ,h", "" LIMOZAINE SUITE 814.815. 1011 CHESTNUT HT. n...wi.KH,ALCS EXECUTIVE , ma?uf!l!lS' '"''-"owing Phi adetphla !S?Jl?vtta corporation seeks men of clean-out n.,.nn. ... n... ..a ..-r..M aala. ..! J i ."i"i" ""u euucauon oi niimi !Z?22.UYP ot w'"lly known big de- Si n,.;." prouuci; to auon a man a Xr amtVlUrJaUPOy.0Ur, rmlroment w of. Awn...hi7 .of 8(Jo'- oommlsalon, and ownership In our company: 81O.O00 Invest- Pdg.T,o7rfo..wm be ",ul"d- u ,?25 OPPORTUNITY for an active, n n..I'.:..m?,n! 'ome capital required; buat ?f? r!r.cUlly u"ll 'or a younr lawyer, firii. niii? m.V l neeountant. Call or ad uf.. Vr?'?0.",, 2" Service Hureau. 817 Guar ante Trust Uidg.. Atlantlo City. N. J. SoftiDrink Bottling Plant LARGEST AND DEBT EQUIPPED IN CITY! alSi.M?.IH-AK1VO WtOPOSITIONT ES. LIMOZAINE HUITE 814-815. mil CHESTNUT ST. MAN to work this city rcflnlsblng chande liers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method: $10 dallv without capital or ex porlenco. 'UTIte Ounmetal Co,, 233 Elm, Decatur. III. ii SIDEI.INU SALESMEN altlon for live men; 15 to $22 commission each order; full credit on repeats. uAN riEI.D MFG. CO.. 4008 Broadway. Chicago. -Attractive propo- NEW Idea In gummed labels; complete line: also gummed tnpo and sealing machines; exclusive: sure repeater; big commissions. HOKANSQN CO.. 022 AV. Lke. Chlongo. . SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced city or traveling; write for list ot lines and full particulars. Address National Sales men's Tr. Ass'n.. Dept. 277. Chlcn.ro, III. SITUATIONS -WANTED PEMALL' HOOKKEEPER-tvnlst, tomiid to detail, hand public aesires posuion exn., 11 ng H 085, female, acctis- oasn, meeting leaser uit. COMPANION, refined, educated lady. Phlla delphlan. apeaka JeVench, would se,rve 1 or more houra an evening: use of Ford aedan It desired. P 704. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTEDMAIiE ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeper; capable of nanaung a complete act ot cooks, nnan clal statement costs and payroll correspond ence, etc., desires full or part time posl- iion. liox i- ..u. lupotfgr utuicb. YOUNO MAN. 28. graduate high school and Drexel Institute, open for new connection; practical exp. In advertlalng. sales and credits) beat ref. I) 712. Ledger Offloe. EMPLOYMENT AOEN0IES MRS". ROGERS. 818 B. 30th. announee her removal after Sent. 0 to 317 3. 20th. cor- ner of De Lancey. REI.IAIILE help supplied and wanted. Mrs. uarvey, luiu jtutennouse uquare. AGENTS V1414 B. Penn wouare. Room 100 ' "klr.. IAIllCn--Thoroughly competent round Nmi. u" 'necbanlcs wanted: write, stating Jffl J,'Jer'I.nt' "nd where employed: open ,'t"P. Tho Hallway Bervlre Co Marlon. O, : T1IE WAY TO A SL'Ci'KBHFUL RUBINESH ipit.o9A.nnEn '3 OPEN TO TOU I IRRESPECTIVE OF YOUR FORMER Oil . wnAlJESKNT OCCUPATION KKSSSESEy11 OPPORTUNITY FOR NEn9.rIC- AGURKSHIVE tEN. Sri'I- Mil xt.nr. t Avr BESSEMER sioiTORTRtfCK CO. laon T.nnyBT ST. Ar. .... ., . w-" llgj w. rijr: ' " Y.a "" w"nt to be !!' ." watt several man mar o, .... k.... . ""...:" --.... ,. n iierannaiity. are thorouirhlv Old Who ha,. feod v.... . .'.v"tivjr, urB inorougniy n a te' m ,,,nbl,l0,"' "nd can qualify . HrlnV,. i. 1 " r r unu upwara; freil.,....1" '1?Sl!.sar'' Moon Haven IMPQiatlon. 1228 Widtner Rldg. 'f. over no ex sugar '4 years of abb .hn n. .n f0In: uth. stand prosperity and qualify ';..' ffl55' Positions. Apply Tlo'widK --. muj. OFFICE BOY 1 urrius BOY lbs PuhiiinT!,Ji,,er"l,init. uHrtmerrt of iVMrtuT. WVS "?,' "R. e.ll.nt -aria -,-:- " uTBiicciiiBil. IB Open lor wiik . "' "?y ovor 10; preferably -3.'Kf''"? 'Uiil'r .nP,y.S.A,r'. V"""". PllbllO rb.'p,i,rt.n,;i?,t.0heJl,t "" Adv" K".'t.i:n?0iiSG!?U "fl""5' with -xperlenr. !.4l.lteanobQnt?.u.inen.ti.? Hifbolltr rltnrO n.r.:",.' ..'i-l; . !" ex- nj. i,Baser urtice. clV,l,,.U?.1" commlsalon yjiile territory, nenly M "nil to .iT5i'.iPa .. on'.ning. for 3 sales- ictrla liil'L? linlny lvrtlsd produot. Ir t"ryClSfvn; ?;l",ri'n(1 i"Mt "elusive ' ostermU..nL,.p,rln,c ho' so enontlal t1ceVrnm ""a"0". ,0, """He good: two refer. ' .Jtr L?r.f,ftlenien of exocutlva auii. "'m-elves with". 7 "' . ,0 olat .Hen; u,!nl,i! h.' lRe .nat'onal corpora. SALES AGENTS Mako S8000 to $5000 a year: we want exclusive territory agents to soil uresco guaranteed raincoats, water proof aprons and utility bags; outfit free; we dolver and collect. Improved Mfg. Co., jjrpi i.'i, npiuBiiii. w. ,100.ORPOKATiO-v w""t cap..!,;., man; n.w rt.5i1iC.! m,lna9 al" fT high-class "; device: every home a prospect: big Sn.nE?!1""' 0i"ll 'or tfie right man: lanS &nZXtTy cl,y! co,t -' retails $3 I 1 ,.200?. necessary to finance exclusive agency. Mr. Hogar. 82 W. Waah'n. Chicago. IfROKER vvantH office manager. Gentile: lib r.'n,ry ,0 one wno -an Invest S300D: profitable and eetabllahed buslnrss. LIMOZAINE BUITB 8H.BI5 1011 CHESTNUT BT. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Man desiring to own permanent, money-making business. exclusive for Pernaylvanla: haa to do with building good roads: should write u. oulck; fun investigation Invited: $1250 Investment required few months. Storm Manufuotur Ing Company. Crawfnrdsvllle. Ind. USED AUTOMOBILES 1920 STUTZ TOURING CAR New cord tlrew. excellent pondltlnnt only driven 0400 miles) offered for quick sale: no reasonable offer re fined. Phone Mr. Mowbray, Bprtio 770. USED CAR SALE Royal Motorcar Co., Inc. 500 AUTOS Delow coat. From 51B0 Up ONE YEAH TO PAT. Royal Moto'rcar Co., Inc. 620 N. Broad St. Poplar C036 OPEN BUNDATB AND HVBNING8. CAN YOU RAISE $250? You can be the owner of a new, reputable. noderate-prlc cr: vary convenient mnnhtly payment arranged. For further particulars can uermaniown ipoa, AUTHORIZED DEALER 0481 Germantown ave. Open evening until U'30. D0ABDINO EDOEMERE. 0103 YORK ROAD Rooms with board! largo lawn, shade, vegetable garden, rhone oak x.ane ipso, IlOARDING DIRECTORY Flrst-elas roomi and board In W. Phlla. 4514 Osage av riWNHYI.VANIA BUIIPItnAN EI.KINB PARK- rait ana wmten excel. forts; near train and trolleys. Dealrabl room (or rent. ntert excel, board, home com- Meiroaa loo.i COUNTRY DOABDINO , FARM BOARDINO ,. Boarding on farm equipped for ame; elty convenience In country; Ideal (or rut and rorauon. MAPr.K WOOD FARM EPHRATA.. PA, IDIJEWILD FARM Juat luutstde of lea all, m to train or trolley, Mra. Thoraa B. Manor. f!haatari vaeanc th year: modern conveniences heat, electric light. for Beotemberi open all nnvamanrAfti noa.waaar rlvate bath; convenient West Chester, Pa. Phqn 177. BOARD WANTED WANTED To bonrd and ear for old per. .eon or seml-lnVAlld; ref. given nd req. 810 8 Churoh St.. West Chester. Pa. APARTMENTS Modern Apartments VICINITY BROAD AND MONTGOMERY Just finished; everything of the best and brand newt no up-to-dAt convenience omitted; wide, quiet street: no heavy truck or trolley passing; Imposing en tranc: each sulto consisting of large liv ing room, bedroom, combination hreok fasf room and kltehenetto and bath: all light, airy, outside room (half ot the suite having spacious brick columned porches); hardwood floors, shower bath, vapor .heating, oonilnuous hot-water service: full electrlq equipment, with con sole and celling lighting flxturos. numer ous base plugs In every room: telephone connections: private servlco stair to each kitchen: private lockers, ample closets; refrigerator drained to cellar: janitor service, etc Flret application will have choice of the suite: lease to date from Sept. 1. TELEPHONE COL. 1301 LOCATION 1828 & 1830 N. PARK AVE. PALATIAL- APARTMENT Broad, 2000 North Exceptional, unfur nished, 6 rooms and 2 baths, with showers; every convenience: southern exposure; must be seen to be appreolated. Phone Din. 1C48. OPPOSITE Park at Diamond at., 2 4-room unturnlabed apartment In beautiful large homo; reisonablo to lesponslble party. Sher wood 105(1. ATTRACTIVE room ind suites In Hotel Camden, 2d and Ponn sts Camden, N, J.; excellent re.tnursnt. Tel. Csmdan 1 Mo. DREXEL APARTMENT, Ovorbrook, 1 suite. 7 room and bath. Call main office. Delmont 0851. GREEN ST., 2020 (Tho Croyden) 3 rooms and bath.' furnished: raat tcltrh.n alec.. hot water; door bells, etc.: $40 to $4n. SPRUCE ST.. 1431 Two largo room nnd bath: unfurnished: second floor front: ref- erences required, !lsr, 8., 11)7 Two room and bath; well fnrnlshedl mnld service; reasonable. . MERCEDES raclnf " " niuiLUUi aluminum body: i 810 N. nnOAD. POPLAR 7820. AUTO COMPANY. dlso wheels: very eneedv STANLEY STUDEBAKER & pam.t lit model; A1 niM-irtltinn . . W bought right. STANLEY AUTO COMPANY. R0AMER Sport cars la,e mMi mechnn. "yrtlY'p Ically guaranteed: $300 cash, mss a'x c: Broaa- r" "2: rORD and Chevrolet roof covers. $7.83: back ?5f "uitt ,7,88! n" Drtc" reduced 10 per cont. inj Qarmantown ave. Diamond 8871. lA.. ie " f0""- complete, with etarter; .w, . v..,ao, iirai-uaBB COuaillOn. J, E. Hammer. 1101 Race t. ''""""' ' STORAGE BATTERIFS il. $7 .. . " " ! ia1 -.. Jilv ViVrat" ?.ro..po"1U.,ly guaranteed." lb erty Ptnrace Battery. 834 t?. lath ,t. CHANDLER iuu'!J;N"' "", Poplar 7820. BTANLETAlTTn Zn. "roa OAKLAND ,?eUan' UDh'l'rlng llkejtevv. 610 N. Hrosd. lgS-,.nyg.'...'L f'a DODGE "CUA". od n. new. 0l0 N. Co Hroad. Pop. 7820. Stanley Auto WILLYS-KNIGHT B-paaaanxer iM.i aa'T nr.tl.s. condltlonf 3427 'iTavfn', , "-f' 3427 Haverford ave.' WB WANT at onco, WANTED hoililirinlj ..... - tor fixtures, office furniture! ni a. MEAT MARKET Good Iopj Hon; rhenn ront: long lease, . LIMOZAINE SUITE 814. RIB lOtt CHESTNUT ST. REPRESENTATIVE wanted by established manufacturing corporation: meritorious proposition sold to all merchant", whole "?ler? ?n,ft,.rull?.r.i Poeslbllltlee unlimited: about $1000 cvpltal required. Bale Man arr. 822 Reaper Block. C'hlcairo FIOIJIDA company, making high-grade trop ical fruit Jelllaa and mnrmalaa.. .ar... r.Tcluilva sales territory to representative wtui tonj u a.uu ana unquestioned In tegrity and selling ability; stats quellflca llona fully Addraan Box (184, Miami. Fla. WANTED Some one to share office on ground floor: store front: centrally located; answer by malt only, stating business. Ben). Clavner. 217 S. 10th st. TEA ROOM and dwelling, oonvanlenoes. large lot, on Old York road: good nppor tunlty, Oeoesaler. Thone Hatboro 10. I DEHIRE to purohase Interest In retail coal yard: prefer W. Phlla. Reply In con fldenco. B 809. Ledger Office. WILL SKILL controlling Interest profitable, growing bus.. 80000: leaving cltv. Ill health; Inv. Invited. B 810. Ledger Office. STORAGE AND MOVING AGENTS 00c an hour to advertise and dis tribute aamplea to consumer: write qulok for territory and particulars. Albert Mills. General Manager, 4077 American Illdg., Cin cinnati. O SALESMEN, calling on general atores; big commlsulona; slds llns; fast-selling special overall: 1 sample; repeat order. Cincinnati Overall Mfg. Co.. (8). Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Wonderful selling article, used by eveiy one; sells on eight: freo aamples and particulars. O. D. P. Co,, IB E. Saratoga at., Baltimore. Md. WONDERFUL seller, Ofle profit every dollar sales; deliver on spot: license unnecessary; sample free. Eaatern Dlvlilon. Minion Bead Co.. 22l Smith at.. Detroit, Mich. DOGS. BIRDS AND GOLD fish OOAT. good driver, with harness, cheap, 223 Kingston ave.. Harrington. N. J, $10. PAINTINGANPPAPERHANOINQ ROOMS pnperod or painted, IB, material In cluded. Potter, 1030 Francis t. Pop. 3010. ESTABLISHED 1873 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED SrounED STORED TELEPHONE LOCUST 11100 OLD suit, overcoats, hat, shoes bouahti wo call anywhere. Write, call, phono Sr.i gon 01G3. Friedman Eros.. 1444 Somh": POR SALE TYPEWRITERS of all makei, sold at a very Stork Pn'n'MnihfA.'.r,Jr V""L ""'" "" P stock: no obligation to buy. 10 days' free trial and -one year's guarante.; phone. BUINUY lYPEWRITER CO. Walnut f,74 10(Ki rhr.tnut at V.".P.A''B AT A SACRIFICE 017 8. 15TII ST. Large turn. apt. and bath; use ot nd), llvlnir room. Apply 2 to 8 2021 CHESTNUT Unfurnlahed second floor: 8 rma , with hath, ga A eleo.j reference, 44TH HT.. H.. 223 Modern 4 rooms and b.ith apartment: Immediate powsesslon. 2000 N. 17TH Three rooms, hath, modorn housekeeping apartment. $37.80 to $43 west ritiLADin.niiA FIREPROOF BUILDING 2 AND 3 ROOM APTS. P. J. LAWLER 69th & Market Lansdowne 830 4918 BALTIMORE AVE. Flve-room-and-bath apt.. 3d floor, h.-w. heat, electricity, especially con v.; Immediate poaaesslon EUGENE L TOWNSEND n . ., 4039 BALTIMORE AVENUE Handsomely furnished npirtmenta; 2 rooms snd bath; 8 rooms and bath. 8 AND 4 ROOM APTS.. with bath; wide porch and spacious lawn; garage on premise. 0008 Haverford ave., 6010 Haver fort! ave. 3014 WALNUT Furn. and unfurn.. large and small modern housekeeping apts. OKRMANTOVvTV MODERN efficiency housekeeping apartment; 1 acres of land: high elevation and ,d',.l,,u,rroun1dIn""LcP.unt.r club nnd 18-hole golf link; within 1 block; garage on prem lees: 2 blocks to station and 23 minutes to city center: only 112.', nr mnntn .. v.,r w 1.... ,.,,.,... ... .. . -.- V, v? .D", wftunift, i.iui.viAr, A V.U, " cor. Broad nnd Chestnut sts. rnNNwri.VAxiA simritnAN A MODERN brick apartment hotel Rooms . nVe ,or en aulte. with or without bMh, furnished or unfurnished: . cmcnlul com pany and n well-appointed table; situated no as to enable you to kep vour hands on the ever of business, vet offering nil the dp. Ilrht of u country home. 10 minutes from P. R. R. station: garage facilities. Full particular upon requost. Tho Hamilton. Norrlstown Pa. FKItN ROCK Will seii (4i r, H.ja"S". s? . SrS55L,.V;l,J.,'K. ,ha-n. " of manufncturS I. ....ail'a""" """ i" "re vvoro mi ade a special samples and cannot be excelled 'Hn,:2"a,1!.,ri 10.00p.mll. guarantee". "phonS --. .P .. mi u.'UHin.mtni io pep thPin. "-.. lAC3t ltTBf f"nlna walnut, hand nay.-oftVrVofu.Tj:"r23i"bo?1?m''hnii,n,Itt- sr lii.: plf." an1 outter: big bargains Phlln. Pilntera' Supply, 14 8. 5th st" MACHINERY AND TOOLS ELECTRICAL MOTORS, MACHINE TOor q POWER EQlJlPSlENTV iaoL,a- O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO.. Ill) N. 8D 8T ROOMS POR RENT BROAD ST.. N.. 2828 AVell-furnlshed. clean rooms; hardwood Boor, electricity; cun tlnuous hot water. Phone Tioga. 8739 M. CHESTNUT. 2000 Larg clnglo and double rooms ; running water. CHESTNUT HT.. 1924 Furnished rooms: ail conveniences: near hath; .i,mm. ...'.' LONG DISTANCE MOVING THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST rhe BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. 87th and Market Phono Baring j;oo ONE MONTH FREE ESTABLimfBD 1888 THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO 1420 N, 8TH ST. PHONIVDIAMQND 2471 fKPARATr. ROOMS: PACKING A MOVrNfl CALL AND INftPBCT OUR WARBHolttiHl Hope & Curley Express ,'(al nn" tanco hauling bv export nnd careful Jj. lowest rates, 7532 Hulst ave. Wnortl'il i im.) VICTORY STORAGE 6200 FILBERT. Phone Belmont 4670 for estimate, i-iBrcq-Arr.iW -vans. " THE JOHN R7lOAD"sca Storage, packing, moving, enrpot claanlni 4187-51) LVNUABTEn AVE.. WEST I'll It ?' DIAMOND ST. suit- ia.1 i shower, phone. 1U07 Furnlati.'l ....n.. .1 $33 month; for gentlemen; bath. tXCEPriONALLY furn. rooms and 3 baths, phono, In vicinity 4flth and Sprue. In prlvato family of 2 adults; confined to gon tletiiun only; must l seen to be appreciated! referencos. Baring 03311 ' K1TTENHOUSU SQ.. W.. 210 Room In rra,nU"eSpV;'ut.'.,i?,hHi """ "'" " ""'" WALNUT ST.. 2U0H Two rooms nnd bath unfurnished; $100 per month, elevator (llnlng-reom service; credentials. 3004 YORK RD. Four rooms nnd bath. $00. 4ir.mfL.iu' nun: BB01 York rd. Wyoming 4537 MW JI.USF.V SKMIOttK ATIVNTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY Beau. furn. np. for Sept. Wm, Kennard. 401 Chestnut st.. Phlla. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 8 E. Cor. 89th and Chestnut Furnished housekeeping apartment, 5 rooms and bath, lady wishes to share with 1 or 2 ladles or married couple: unusual opportunity to eecuro a cheerful homo. M 1)01. Ledger Offlcei BEAUTIFUL bachelor's apartment: hand somely furnished: living room, bedroom and tile bath. .115 B 20lh st. 127 B. 1UTH ST. (Geneva Apts. On and 3 room sultei with private bath; In the uraifc j iiib BH'ipptnT UlSirtCt. FURNISHED apartment for 8. W. Phlla. or uburb, September 1. Address J. K. Hart. 880 B. Broad at., or call Walnut 0900 2107 WALNUT ST. (Usth-Allyn Arts.) Ar tlstlcally equipped, well-serviced apart. ments; fully furnished. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING apartmenls. furnished and unfurnished. I roomB and bath; all lm prnvunenta 1507 N. 15th st. -Exeehent corner house L. Ward Hit. 28B8. SPRUCE ST.. 211D Uneplng apts. A. APARTMENT HOTELS WALNUT ST.. bantitlful Inc.; 3905 Nlcelv furn. roams; electricity. Preston 4287 y. l6J?J: J1' 13"' HOTEL RURIC .Du. t ful turn, rooms, spotless clean, eleo.: dally and weekly rates, conv, t. stations: nm acco.Ti. rnr travelliin pennle Ho-uce 1I)'V4 23U. 8., 278 Finely furnished loom; slec. nnd slinwer; meals optional. Locust (Wt4 VIClNiTY tilth And Bpruce Exceptlnnalls Well-IUI nlQhad room,! fnnfinmA a a.nl..... only; 3 baths, 2 phoneaf In family of 2 adults, ...un, v arm, i.j uh npprrciutea. renned pr.vnto homo: reference. Hiring 038(1 PRIVATE family, vicinity 4'M anV Tin. will rent room, furnished or unfurnlahed. electrlrlty, continuous hot. water, breakfast optional. Phono Paring 0427 J. 318 S. 10TH ST. Two room and ahower; alactrlelty. Spruce 02'in WEST riULAIlKl.l'IIIA PRINTING TYP B cresses and outters; big b "hlla. Printers' Supply 14 B. 8th srgalne. (. PA( UNARCH BlOBAOM CO.. 3N70 LANCAH- J. H. MeOANN, moving, packing and ship ping to all parts; padded Packard motor trucks exclusive. 1740-48-50 N. 11th st. 4STII. C 42tl Desirable thlrd-floor ,im,iii iii fBiinnu nome; eiootrieuv CHESTNUT, 3900 Des. rma,. furn front ...w...w., vwv we., fin.,, aurn or un furn.t refined sur.i good dining room OVKRIIROOK HOUSEKEEPING AIT. turn., suit business couple; every conv,: Imm. pos. Bel, 1811 J. -THE GLADSTONE- 11T1 aNR PtNH q-ra ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS FURNISHkO AND UNFURNISHED LONO AND SHORT TERM LEASH) HOTEL BARTRAM 88d and Chestnut its ENTIRELY REMODELED; NEWLY FUR MHI1EU. FURNISHED AND UNFUH. NIBHED APARTMENTS: DINING ROOOM PHONE rilKSTON 2310 .0 B, PRETTY MAN OWNER; MISS FARLEY MOH. HAMILTON COURT BOTH AND CHESTNUT STS. Unfurnished apartments, 2 ond 3 rooms ani bath; jearlv lease; dlnjna; room '"u"'" "a R H. THAWiER. Man..,, HOTEL COLONIAL 8llT l2-3 rooms and bath: permanent or traa. lent; areclal turnmer rates P t'lTMAN BAKER. IR.. Manatrar. THE aitF-nvvnnn 8Sth st, above Chestnut. 1 2 and 3 room . i'. .,,..-. -" .,.,,, luiniiiLu ana un. nunna lis. furnlnh.il, eTi-liint talila HOTEL SUSSEX. 1312 Walnut at. A clean , modern, vvpll-ronducted small hotel, whor. chi-rrea are inn,1iratA. Phone Walnut 70(in THE CLANCY KIDS Grandma "Got It" IHU I.rrTLE HOTEL. 223 S. Broad at. A good place to live while in Philadelphia. ose wlin Trust Illdg.. -Wvell an i. f.T. I1, rlrnr"' rnrreo as eamen trWril a iftJU.'da,,oK,: ffercrlont to 'need noffa, 'min ;.,; n..n" .,Z"L"?J . "oiiei & rBioo.t7iyHAHAi nr!r''r TeuyowisHYrHifVc I rffl Jft jtAY TO CffnMOlMf jrSi jj ; Iff g aciiuafei ZM12jplJZrl -"apj'-l1 'M-Vyf J" Bjj Percy L. Crosby USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES I . . UBJ9D AUTOMOBILE wmmmmmmmmmm . WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR The Greatest Value -Giving Event Ever Known in Automobile History ' BRAND NEW 92 1 COLUMBIA SIX ! TOURING CARS AND ROADSTERS SOME WITH DISC WHEELS Original Price $1895 Qui Pric SPECIPICATIONS flOrO?-J-6-cylinder. Removable head. AXLES Front, "I" beam. Rear, spiral bevel gears. ELECTRICAL EQ UIPMENT Two-unit starting and lighting system. COOLING Radiator shutters automat ically controlled by thermostat. Whcelbase, 115 inches. Weight, 2750 pounds. TIRES 32x4. EQUIPMENT Boyce Motometer of high est grade. Columbia one-man top. Platc-glas3 window in rear. Quickly adjusted curtains, opening with doors. Speedometer. Motor driven horn. Robe rail, pumpjack and tool kit. Tiro carrier at rear, demountable rims, with one extra rim. UPHOLSTERING French pleated, genu ine leather; long, curly hair and coil steel springs. : II25 Ready for Immediate Delivery Come to our salesrooms and see the biggest automobile bargain ever offered; only a limited number on hand. Remember, these cars arc positively brand-new 1D21 models at a mere fraction of their original price. ACT AT ONCE This price is made possible by our pur chasing a large number of cars from an out-of-town dealer who was pressed for money due to present market conditions. GEORGES AUTOMOBILE CO. 338-40 NORTH BROAD ST. BROAD AND CALLOWHILL OPEN SUNDAY EVENINGS inimingwM H 4 aiwiBiaiM LastWeekof Price-Slashing Sale of Used Cars The biggest sale of Used Cars ever held in this country comes to an end next week. Real, bona fide reductions have been given to our custom ers and we still have even bigger bargains for those who come this week. Every car in this big August-inventory sale is mechanically right and the reductions run from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent off of our regularly low prices. Choose From Late Models Among These We never had such a large variety of late model popular cars in all styles and types, as we now have to offer. They are in 1921-20-19 models. Some of the most popular makes included. Buicks, Hudsons, Fords, Cadillacs, Hupmobiles, Packards, Coles, Chandlers, Essex, Dodges, Wintons, Franklins, Marmons, Oldsmobiles, Paiges, Stutzes, Maxwells ; in fact, in this sale you will find practically any car you wish in any style or model. Drive the Car You Buy in This Sale for 5 Days. If It Doesn't Give You Abso lute Satisfaction Bring Back the Car and Your Purchase Price Applies to Any Car in Stock. In that way you do not rim the slightest risk. The Sale positively ends this week. Do not let slip by this big chance to buy a worthy, dependable used car at a fraction of its real value! Time Payment on Any Car You Buy If You Wish ROMAN AUTO CO., Inc. 227-229-231-233 N. BROAD ST. g Open loday, 9 to 4 Agents wanted. Established 1905 3?Bi.trmvti lUKidiiinnilsnaUIUiUallJliSsnrblvniiiiirriiiirRni irntiniiii.imimniirnnn'R: nirip m. mmn9m iiniBnanra-i-i.iia-BrvauiaiiB .r nnfrnnKTnn .nBn.Ban.aa..n- " """"' ' ' .a... .ii.M .mini wnwwnmmmmm . tt.rai UMI I ,ViW.N Ulffl'MIMUWMJMIM YeTH.SieTtfAlDvVHEM lmmKPlCXIIQfTAKC iwwimY-Tmmoo',i tift-fl I Uil. i 0 .';: . 1- . Kfar-j THANK OOJ rv i I 1? (GlOANO MA. ) DEPENDABLE USED CARS What Makes the Cadillac a Great Car? ,k rAmnTfwh 8ai in ?ADILLAC councils for 18 yeara what has made the L.AU1LLAC a good and great car, and they will answert "Eighteen years of working together and never being eatiefied that the point of perfection has been reached. That s why we know that a CADILLAC, even though it has seen several years of service, has dependability built into its construction. In addition to CADILLACS, we have the following used cars of other makes listed at attractive prices: 1 92 1 BRISCOE SEDAN 1921 AUBURN ROADSTER 1920 HOLMES A PASS. 19 19 OLDSMOBILE PHAETON 1919 LOCOMOBILE LIMOUSINE 1918 FRANKLIN SEDAN 1918 NATIONAL SEDAN 1918 NATIONAL TOURING 1917 PACKARD TOURING 1917 FRANKLIN COUPE T9I7 HUDSON TOURING 1913 STEARNS KNIGHT TOURING 1912 PEERLESS TOURING NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY USED-CAR DEPARTMENT 1 42 North Broad Street Phone: Spruce 0210 - ti li ' .8.ln. .U.-M.W orE;7 .". "J mlt 4 jM- .--... il At '-j. V ,. .-j1-.. h -rr " . - ...v i ,,.J. A. vv ni,tt..nli' 5t; ..