Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 27, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 4, Image 4

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Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store
A store of sound
merchandise at
lower prices.
A conveniently nr-
ranj;ed store all
on one floor:
'W!W' " y? "n,;"' ' "pf-
Alleged Anarchist's Confession
in Boston Givos Names of
Terrorists Here
Erlrtrnre that the bomb Mplo-rfon fit
Our l.nilv of Victory Churrli. l'ifn
fourth nnd Vine ifi-rotf, nuil a the
home of I.ouls JngiclUy.. 214 youth
V'lffv.sPipnlli Ktroi-t. .1uiip2. 1010. wore
part of n nntion-wlilc crusade of tor-J
lorifin nv nntivt-iiJsiH nns oo.-n miimvi'u
by Denartincnt of Justice nKents.
While outrnsoi nt home nf men
prominent In national affair niimil
taneoiH with exnlnslom in till city led
Government men to believe they were
part of a national plot of anarchist. ,
It wat not until the arreit In Hoitoti j
of Roberta Ella, nn alleged anarchlt. i
that, their assumption were proven.
Klla l alleged to have mntln a con
fession, which sIiowb the pplotiniK nt
the church and the private rcHldencn
litre were pnrt of a plot of men vhoc
hcadciuartCM were In Hotton.
While the ronHplrntors have not been
nrtestcd, tliey arc known to Gut eminent
Peslden the bombing In thin and other
cities the night of June 2. thee men
are wild to have been responsible for
the blast outside the New York Sub
Treasury, which caused such terrible
lo"s of life and property.
The Philadelphia bombing occurred
MmultnncoURly with similar outrage in
the homcH of Judge Charles C. Nott,
Jr.. New York City; A. Mitchell Pal
mer. Attorney General nf the I nitcd
States, nf Washington . Mayor II. I.
Davis, of Cleveland; Max Gold, silk
mill owner. Pnterwin. N. J.; I'nited
States Judge W. II Thompson nnd Im
migration Inspector W. W. Slbray. of
Pittsburgh : Judge Albert V. Hai'di,
of Roxbury, Mass.. and Iceland I'owcm.
Massachusetts State Representative, of
Keystone Club Request Turned Over
to Director for Action
The resolution of the Keystone Auto
mobile Club requesting that a camping
lto for touring automobiles be desig
nated in Phlladeluhin has been referred
by Mayor Moore to Director Caven for
Vnrlous Councilmcn have also re
tpnnded favorably to the suggestion.
Richard Weglcin, president of Coun
cil, said:
"I am in hearty sympathy with the
movement and believe that camplni; sites
hould be established, especially In view
of the fact that hundreds of thousands
of tourists will come to this city for
the Scsfui-Centennial Exposition."
Councilmnn Roper wrote as follows1
"I think the suggestion unbodied in the
resolution relative to the camping
ground is a good one. It will certainly
Be necessary for the 8canul-Centennial
The American Automobile Association
commended the Keystone Automobile
Club for the suggestion.
Q. H. Randall In Vermont Further
ing Bible Movement
George II. Randall. Drexcl Riddle
JIble class worker, is in Vermont fur
thering the Interests of the Drexcl Bld
il' Hlble movement. He will speak in
iK.ifpellcr tomorrow night.
Geotge M. II. Taylor, chief director
f Ohio, will speak nt the Eastern Pent
Witlary tomorrow morning.
John Currier, a director of the move
.icfit in Philadelphia, will speak at the
Galilee Mission tomorrow evening.
Alexander Elliott, of the .West Phila
delphia Rranrh. will speak at the Olivet
Methodist Episcopat Church, Sixty
third street and Grays avenue, tomor
row morning and evening.
IvicCIees Galleries
f.tim.t.. CuesrfdUr Gla)
Thla rmtaurant, now under new manac
ment after Auruot ST. 1021. will tsrvs Spe
cial Dinner for 35c Heat cooks are obtained,
courteous tervtc. but of food.
American and Chinese Restaurant
(Jermantown Avenue.
Don't let all the
family get sick
Often you have to tnut jour
own and your family's life to
a dlalnfeetant. Be aure you se
lect one that acta quickly enough
to protect you. Sylphe-Nithol
destroys germ life Instantly Usa
it In the sickroom for washing
things patient uses.
For persona hygien
eots, wounds, doucnes
Sylpho-Nathol is Inraluablt.
Drug and department scores
Four slscs lie to f 1.21.
Formerly calltd Satpho-Narthol
Wednesday, August 31
"' additional "
Gala Event
Golden Anniversary
Special Train Untn
Standard Dayllxht
Vim 'Ttria
ry Sxcaxmlona
Qrova Mid Upper Jereey Cr&at rrta
from .Maraai hi. wnarr, Tbuaoar,
usw dpu a inoiusir. ana uu
until uot. bo ineiuarr.-v3
Women's New Serge Slip-on
Frocks, $5 and $5.50
All indications show a de
cided vogue for slip-on
frocks this Fall. Women
have found them so conve
nient that they are asking
for them in wool materials
for the coming season.
$5 frocks arc of navy blue
nerge, bound with black silk
braid and finished with shiny
black belts.
55.60 frocks are of navy serffc
cmbroldcrod with henna or
French blue wool or with white
dots embroidered all over them.
Both styles are sketched.
Other New Fall
Frocks, $10.75,
$16.75 to $29
nre of navy blue serge or tricotine
in a most charming variety of
Etyles. Many are trimmed with
embossed or plain black silk
braid. Others have the long red
ingote lines which are so fashion
able. Materials arc better and
styles more interesting than they
have been in years.
All Summer Dresses Are Now
Marked Very Low
$1 for dresses of figured voile.
51.75 for scores of pretty frocks of white or col
ored organdie.
$2 for linene slip-on dresses with detachable
white guimpes, and for dresses of plaid or checked
ginghams, dotted or figured voiles.
French Hand-made Dresses, $7.50
Plain-color voiles in pastel tints make these beautiful
dresses. They are made entirely by hand and are trimmed
with rows and rows of hemstitching or drawnwork. All
are mussed, but will be restored by a pressing.
Women's Pure Silk Sweaters
$18.50 and $25
Lowest prices in a long, long time for sweaters of such
quality as these. They are of pure silk, the kind that "creeps"
in one's hand, and arc made with Tuxedo fronts and fringed
sashes. All sizes, though not every size in every color.
$18.50 sweaters are in black, navy, pink, white, pearl, brown
and turquoise.
$25 sweaters are in black, navy, white, pearl, pink, sand and
Special at $25
A little group of coats and capes remaining from the Summer
season. There aru quilted satin coats, capes of Canton crepe heavily
fringed and navy tncotinu coats lined with crepe de chine. All are
mucJi lowered in price.
Women's New Autumn
Pumps Step Smartly In
Really beautiful pumps they arel
Women who love dainty nnd graceful footwear will find that these
exactly suit them. Refinement of line, softness of material, excel
lence of workmanship all s,how in these exquisite pumps.
Made in Philadelphia, thoy aro of the true Wanamakcr quality,
which means that thoy will give sound service.
Women's One-Strap Pumps in Tan
are made of soft leather on linos of especial charm. Thoy nre light
and dainty, and have turned soles, nnd either baby or high French
heels. Similar black pumps have baby French heels. $9.00.
Plain Pumps
The kind that so many women like gain a certain elegance from
their lack of adornment. Thev are in tan or black, with baby French
heels. $9.90.
Black Satin Pumps
are always in good taste. A new one-strap model gives the foot an
exceptionally slender appearance. It has the comfortable baby French
heel. $9.90.
New Autumn Suits of Jersey
and Mixtures
$10 to $25
Here's a rine collec
tion of every-day suits,
sport suits and suits for
general knock - about
for light-weight jersey
suits in two-tone color
ings with navy, tan,
green and brown pre
dominating. They have
Tuxedo jackets with
three pockett and
croised belts.
for heavier jersey suits
in tailored btyle with
slot pockets and notch
collars. In brown, green,
blue and tan.
Also at $10, mixed
suitings in gray, tan,
nn fift ..,. " uiuwn HUH tUITUl,
','au ,JO made in a similar style.
3-Piece Suits, $23.50
Really a slip-on dress with a jacket to match, like the one
sketched. These are of fine tweeds in soft shades of reseda green,
cinnamon and plum. The jackets aro lined throughout with peau de
A similar suit of velour in several soft shades of beaver brown,
A New Winter Coat With a Very Deep
Fur Collar $35
There's a world of comfort and satisfaction in a coat like the one
sketched. It is of soft wool velour in taupe, brown or navy b!up, cut
on long, straight lines and belted. Tabs of velour trim the back,
while tho deep, soft shawl collar is of beaveretto (clipped coney in
beavor color).
The coat is full length and is lined throughout with figured silk.
This is but one of the excellent values in wnmen's Winter coats
(which are arriving every day. Beautiful coats, heavily trimmed with
fur, aro here at $45 to 150.
New Tailored Skirts
in Navy and Black
Many women, of conservative
tastes, count a wardrobe incom
plete unless it includes a plain
tailored dark skirt. Such a skirt
is a standby for real service.
These new Autumn skirts arc
of navy blue or black wool serge
at $4.75, $5.75 and. $7.75. Of
wool poplin at $5.75.
Extra-size skirts of serge are
$7.76; of poplin, $7.50.
White Tub Silk
Petticoats With
Double Panels, $3
Each petticoat has a wide
flounce which shows three hem
stitched tucks. Double panel
back and front and clastic at the
Doris petticoats, of flesh or
white sateen, have 20-inch hems,
Women's Silk
Stockings, 85c
And they are real silk, too, of
smooth weave and good weight.
The fit is assured by the seamed
backs, and tho feet are rein
forced. All sizes in black, white
or cordovan.
Checked Gingham, 18c
Just when it is most wanted to
make dresses for schoolgirls or
rompers for very little folks.
Broken checks, solid checks, and
small plaids in many colors. 26
inches wide.
Upholstery Remnants
10c to $1 a Yard
Big enough for furniture
covers, curtains or pillow covers.
A lot of purposes may be served
in selections from this group
which includes cretonnes, silko
lines, sateens, burlap, khaki
awning material, scrim and mar
quisette. Pink Brocaded Topless
Corsets, $2
Very dainty they arc, too, with
elastic all around the upper edge.
Bandeaux, 50c
Well-cut from firm pink cotton
material, with lace trimmings.
Colonial Rag Rugs
35c to $1.50
Made of all new rags in the
popular hit-nnd-mii.s pattern,
these rugs are just the thing for
the bathroom, bedroom or hall.
And they are wonderfully inex
pensive. Sizes and prices" are:
18x31 inches 35c
24x30 inches r,5c
25x50 inches 75r
54x71 inches 90c
30xG0 inches $1.15
36x72 inches 1.50
Step-in or Knicker
Bloomers, 50c
The much-liked step-in pattern
may be had in either pink or
white, trimmed with lace. Sev
eral styles in pink knicker bloom
ers. Some are trimmed with
narrow hemstitched ruffles.
Sale of
Boys' Shirts
Plain blue ones, white ones and
a variety of striped shirts of
printed or woven madras and
printed pcrcalo. Every kind a
boy could want.
The shirts arc carefully pro
portioned nnd well made. They
nave plain neckbands or collars
attached sizes 12 to 14.
Boys' Neckties, 25c
Four-in-hand ties of striped
silks in the colorings that boys
like. They are of finer silks than
those usually found at this price.
It's a fine time to stock up for
(dnlltry, Mnrkrt)
Dainty Trifles
Boudoir Caps and
Bandeaux, $1 to $2.50
Surely no woman could be blue"
nnd out of sorts and wear these
enchanting bits of fluffiness.
There is charm in every bit of
frilly lace, in every loop of soft
toned ribbon, in every deftly
fashioned satin flower that orna
ments these fresh new breakfast
Exquisitely dainty are the
bandeaux which many women
find so becoming. Their soft lace
quillings arc set off with satin
flowers and ribbons in pink, rose,
light blue and lavender.
A Pretty Dutch Cap
Is 65c
Made of white swiss in the
popular Dutch shield pattern, it
is ornamented with lace and a
ribbon bow in the back.
Shirred Ribbon Garters
$1 and $1.50
are quite the prettiest we have
had in a long time. In a be
wildering number of shades, some
of them aro faced with contrast
ing colors, and all are gay with
novel bead, embroidery or ribbon
trimmings. Nothing nicer could
be chosen for inexpensive gifts.
Outing Flannel, 10c
Striped outing flannel of u soft,
fleecy quality for making warm
nightgowns, pajamas and under
wear. 26 inches wide.
26-inch white domet flannel,
15c yard.
Longcloth, 15c
Soft white longcloth, 36
inches wide, suitable for all
sorts of lingerie.
H fiitriil)
Women's Extra-Size
House Dresses, $2.50
Who would trouble to make
them when they may be bought,
ready to put on, at so low a
Checked gingham house dresses
with collars of white rep edged
with hemstitched bands come in
pink, light blue, lavender or navy.
Another style in blue chambray
only, is trimmed with blue and
white bias bands.
Sizes are 46 to 52.
Showing of New Autumn
Suits for Girls, $15
These comfortable and well-cut suits are of jersey cloth in mix
tures of blue and brown and are just right in color and weight for
Autumn wear.
Coats nre tailored, and belted, but instead of skirts there are slip
on dresses with pockets and belts, which may be worn separately.
Sizes are 15 and 17.
Nothing nicer for school wear could be imagined.
Girls New Top-Coats Have Arrived,
$20 and $29
No Wintry blast need disturb the school-girl who is buttoned
snugly into one of these warm, cozy coats.
A smart polo coat, in blue or brown, has raglan sleeves and may
be buttoned closely under the chin. It is lined throughout. 20.
A similar polo coat has a deep pleat down the back, nnd a soft,
rich collar of benverette (kit coney). Lined throughout, of course. $20.
Sizes in both these coats are 15 and 17.
ust Tliree Da
of AtusCust Sal
in ttie Down Stairs
FriMtare Store
three days more to buy sound, substantial Wanamaker furniture nt considerably
less than its regular prices.
Along the East Aisle of tho Down Stairs Store is a most interesting collection
of worthy furniture at moderate prices:
complete dining-room suites;
complete bedroom suites;
complete living-room suites;
and many odd pieces of great usefulness.
It is well designed, strongly constructed furniture of the kinds that real
homes delight in. And what vistas it bpens to the seeing eye! One can walk among
it and plan and plan and plan.
Then, just a step further, one can see plans
realized in the Little House of Home Ideas!
What a place for young people just start
ing their own homes ! Here every dollar will
do its utmost, stretch to its furthest. It's
surprising how little money is necessary to
furnish a small apartment when one plans
carefully and buys wisely. For instance:
A Colonial Four-Post
Mahogany Bed
Is Only $27.50
The posts are of solid turned mahogany;
the head and foot panels are veneered. It is
rubbed dull and of deep, rich color; full size.
The sketch shows the style.
aWwl 1 1 1 aHSsasafcsSii . Taiaffi''' II 11
jlBfBBssJ" ' m Tl TJJr
Velour Pillows
Square, oblong and round
pillows aro made entirely of
velour or of velour combined
with tapestry and trimmed
with dull gold galloon. Soft,
fluffy pillows of generous size.
(Art Neeillenurk, Central)
New Prices on
Madras and Cross
Stripe Curtains
Madras curtains are suit
able for living rooms and din
ing rooms and to use in door
ways. They are in soft colors
with a silky finish. 27 to 48
finches wide and 2Vfe to 2
yards long. Now $5 to $9 a
Cross-stripe curtains in a
wide assoitment of colors are
now $1.50 to $5.50 pair.
New Sash Curtains
Scrim nnd Jace curtains with
loops at the tops, all ready to
hang. They are 40 inches
White ones at 45c, 65c, $1
and $1.25 each.
Ecru curtains, $1 and $1.25
Scrim Curtains
85c Pair
Hemstitched white scrim
curtains, 33 inches wide and
2J-4 yards long.
Rag Rugs
Low prices on these artistic
rugs in soft colorings.
18 x 36 inches $2.25
24 x 36 inches $2.75
27 x 54 inches $4.75
30 x60 inches $5.75
36 x 72 inches $8.50
4x7 feet $13.50
Warm Quilts and Blankets
At Lower Prices'
Households which have been "making things do"
because prices were so high, can safely stock up now,
for prices are down most decidedly. Comfortables and
blankets are easily down a third, some even to a half of
last year's prices.
Cotton Comfortables, $2
Cotton-filled comfortables, covered with figured cot
ton materials, have plain backs. Of a good thickness, too.
Wool-and-Cotton Comfortables, $6
These are covered with sateen, showing plain backs
and borders and figured tops. 75 wool in the filling.
Wool Comfortables, $10 and $12.50
Soft, thick and warm, these are filled with pure
lamb's-wool and covered with fine, lustrous sateen with
plain backs and borders and figured tops. They are
scroll stitched.
$12.50 quilts can also be had with plain rose or
French blue sateen on both sides.
Cotton Blankets, $2.50
Gray or white blarfkets, with pink or blue border,
measure 60x76 inches.
Wool-Mixed Blankets
Gray blankets, size 60x80 inches, $5.
White blankets, size 60x80 inches, $5, $6, $8 and $9.
White blankets, size 70x80 inches, soft and of good
weight, are $6.50, $8.50 and 10.
All have pink or blue borders.
All-Wool Blankets, $10
Pink plaid blankets, size 70x80 inches, are soft and
very warm.
Block plaid blankets, in pink or blue, are 72x84
inches, at $15.
Scotch plaid blankets, all-wool, 68x80 inches, $15.
Satin-Finish Bedspreads, $3.50
It's been a long time since such a fine heavy spread
could be had for $3.50. Full double-bed size 78x88
Sheets, 75c and $1
Full-bleached muslin sheets, seamed and neatly
72x90 inches, 75c 81x90 inches, $1
Pillow Cases
42x36 inches, 20c 45::36 inches, 25c
Linen Crash, 25c
Cream bleached kitchen crash is 17 inches wide.
Tricolette Blouses
Tho always popular tie-on
model is used in these tricolette
blouses, and that, of course,
means case of fit and harmony
of line.
The tricolette is in several
different fancy stitch patterns,
in white, navy and black. Sizes
SG to 46.
9x12 Axminster Rugs
Special at $37.50
14 Different Patterns
First quality rugs, perfect in every way, and in
patterns and colorings suitable for any room in the
house, as well as for offices. They are both seamed and
seamless, and are fine, durable rugs for the money.
Axminster Rugs in Large and
Unusual Sizes
9x9 feet $40 I 11.3x12 feet. .. .$62.50
9 x 10.6 feet $42.50 10.6 x 13.6 feet. . .$72.50
9x15 i'eet $62.50 I 11.3x15 feet ....$78.50
9 x 18 feet $78.50 12 x 15 feet $97.50
Seamless Velvet Rugs
6x9 feet, $17.50
8.3 x 10.6 feet, $30 rt
9 x 12 feet, $32.50
WH m
$K .,-.
?V. t.,