-y'Xv3t '.ywwJTl5".' mi ,", "t t a i . , .," - ' - ' - .r, . -.,..,, j - w ,.".' II II III M i .41 .,-,-.- '. -).,. r(fci.l .j- ' .. ...'."- -' n-i , - ' ifc - j . "-w.-.y r i Sij ;, - H !?' letters to the'Editor Memorial Hall for War Relict 1l Sdltcror ." ",1v nub.h.d I ,n rtlcl recently published In 'U-"In, ',lr7.i,. evening papers '" tflted thai f thti lie Eyl TOltt NO. ... . i- ....,t th mine. .rBuUdlnV. occuplrd by its Parkway rV?u"bVnrnoypUcro'Ko-'"be.n of year, past, -ann was "bl. to wcuri suitable quarter!, except T&0!rl oWIPtlon of ..m. of the " " tie. owned 'by the post, unaer !'" C',t occurred to the writer " t,C S .u' able Place to deposit Civil '""l.Tildt. In Memorial Hall In w ?it r.rK nd It hould be the duty yrttk Commissioner, to provide a jU "' V fh'e'r Grand Army Posts "UlV retatln. to the Civil War. no l" tf1 , -Vo " In Memorial Hall the Ullr "",.'. 0.r.d for and would prove -,, wOM.b"V.S. from all over the Minnie . " ' Wui SJViln. used by the Infantry, sword. TMOM un u" ."'ii .. .eennlerments accouterment. ui .", ,. neisonally own. nro s. wen nro mi nip, ..-- . J.,,.,. thev WOUIG itr n.iii Arnii ! -- ;. Ulll -- ., .uAKlrl r. would be glad h ".'" "? " "Xetion: It wa. talked W "" . . . . mnU nif iMiit in mo .- .,. f mnV museum of war ' " , th. building nt FHth and C , ."out nothln. came of ... ,nd Cheet- ui tintv STrtrMli. but noimng " -;." "-.:,.j Sir,, of in. M-WAn VETEHAN. niua.ip"1- Aul""1 ,J1' Electricity In the Air ... riUor o (he ;;venlni7 fublio l.tdatr: " "n.i in our paper will venture '", 'm'i be .ubjcct o an electric .hock K".WW, un e.V there "er. llghtnlnu In the ''"' n'fh! kite We all know that "",". Lihare. In th. atmoiiphero nre tactile'. ''"A".,?-,.. ,h.rl cloud., one l" ,0.,,l..i the o her V-.ltlve. or be- "- - . ... SS Mriil r other bod.,. Into v.br. k ' U 'r,Uil?;.' In" i w'rV.e ,ifh a lven diameter of wire wo h. ,f?Kv! resistance Therefore. .menna of four or -U wlie. P.M.""K!I ,0. ItS: 'toTTu Pa alonB iua iw.v.... .. rooni If It "' W.. ThTt e ec.rlc l.y wa. permanent In T.n true th" '""'' ..,, , ct hoM Bin B1.M',".'"-L ... ..iih nnr bare hands or t"". t I.A VIA WUllltl IH'fc n.v iild W?.b and. furthermore It VjtA out the v.nmn7 n ho head telephone.. 11 m w -.-.... .i, a umo.pncir, ---- .- , u,vn ... IHIl IVHOlllCI .... - i.. or permanently j- "' ..- .- Mmportrny." r -.rrled on by ulr- !C0TU.r.ny al itud. that a kite will fly. "i L J, ha. r. "er been shocked. IX-sldes. f,x no en. m. be UBeili :"7J?'n .1' w.io ould not rl.e. and thin iirlcf thai length would have n very high S?,., .... Vnd It can't bo very strong. a.ioujn ill vrv loud. The louaness iuo . j. "..n.lthe apparatus used fcr receUIn nllo tlin.n. ' . . coulli feel h to w.y "'" Ijj pinltir eieciritnj'- EX-OPERATOK H S (lulfstrd.m. August 20, 1021. niua.iphia, Let the Girls' Styles Alone fe Ike Wllor o the Kvenlnfl ''J'M'c '1orr. tlr Th. letters appearing i'" " timt wrllt.n by .he old maids nro very cn SZnlng. Never mind them, girl, wear rear skirt a. "hort ss you cure ... ... Ell own your stockings, dl-o. U It Is any sure cornlortaDie. m " " "" uctptlon to your conduct must havo somo thloi to complain about, anyway, and If thir vert not finding fault with prevailing style, tney wguiu u tti...wi. -... tin. . . . . Tht writer Is creauy in mvnr u. v.u...- en'l rights. In .he right ot women 10 snare In It. vices of men, It tney care 10 u.iu i.,.tii.lv f-w of them do. The girls tir. mor. Judgment and common sense and Im. foolish sentiment than we men, any ir. md even If they want to be naughty wouih to .mok. a little cigarette onco In a nil.. 1 m not one to say nay. They wouldn't pay any attention to ma If I did. It th. gentry referred to above are eo Hthr .ensltlMd that they cannot enduro u gllmpia of a .llken-clad leg or a flash of a b.reknte, I would suggest for them a couisa f ttt.nd.nce upon .he musical comedy per forming, during the winter In our theatres. VIode.ty hi. been .brown to the winds, so why rn.k. so much fuss about a, llttlo ox toiure, which Is not repulsive, but Instead li lanltnr) at leu.t It hua that to com Siend It. a. W. U Philadelphia. August 21, 1021. Miles and Knots at Sea h tU Editor o lae A'l'enliio l'ublio l.vdutr: Sir On W.dnendav. August 10. you print ed an article by John T. Wllllts on thn above lulled, and In view of tho fact that such .rtlclii, being considered of un educational uture, should be as accurato ns possible, th. writer takes this opportunity ot com- umjif t. follows: Thtr. are threa different kinds of miles. Wot (ho, s. follow y. rtrit. The statute mllo. S280 feet. B.OOnd. The Hlnsrnnhlr.il mil HflDT n IW. Third. Th na.lflnn. n- mnn rntla ItOCA O iHt. - "" " """" Tht sioeranhtnl ml.A n ..& n.n.in,i Be, Poulbly on account of there being such .mill difference between them, are often gWcprly confu.ed or conelderod to be of O. lime length. Th. followlig explanation, parts of which Me. been ouoted rmm .tiihnri.u. tt... W. may be of interest. Tht Mflrmnhlnnl nll- I- k M .L ...t..!. r ' ",,a ln ""i upon me tfcf tht earth and Is taken as the length n one minute ot are of tho earth's equator, rone-slxtleth of a degree of latitude at .he suim ni conerallv regarded as a nxej lujotlty In all longl.udes. r "Vtlcal or "eri mUtl nn always been l..Vcr ''." a "bject for dlsousslon. and UlM sSs d""'b"1 by somo uu.horl.lM as UUti, '"lln. '"""" 0,ul by '"r n t IOI0 5?.:.0r 270-8 feel' wr e08 "ot. "r "w 2 feet, or 6030 3 feet. tiU ;r.v.""' '."" ' it It ih. . ' .1" '" ba"'1 not on"r " th. Ia.. . ' lu III' ". but on the shapo i... ..'." car,n t measured at the eoua. 111. ean,. .k .,hliP0 n W6"' nn ln i.,.,.c.e"1? ,hl" tho earth la flattened at ill. IIM.M i' .V" """"'I w.vb. ,n ni,,i.Hi . . """"".. ur mean sea mno averago value between one- :rr..'u. "" "ie average "iitui or rf.... .. SM. ... "'.". the equatorial great Inoal ,.., .7 , "'" OI oegre- of afnerid- ruftl great ClrclA.. thai .. . .1-.,.. .. Irrt. . ' "' v"-.un oi a ' ot aro of mri,.i .f .,.,....,. "hoi the mnn upa mil tartb o J ."3'"' J ""'Mth part of th. htr .h. -: ' grcai circle of a Oj. ....,. "' ,,M1 earin. Bv this niA.hn b- -..! inns J.ngth. Is found to be 0080,2 tee. . dlltsn-. .. . . . " lor III nrln ."..T....1" "7 ' w ..no UURn DQTflni. mm Ia . Wet. lose Ll cf a"tu of from 83 de- !. caicuH in V ?'""-but for ac litltid.. ."' ''ons 'l"r lover or higher '"'on. ,. ri '" oro ,n,url' ocoira.o calcu This m.y ,.u" 0'hfJ lenK"19 'nav bo used. U"t?Mth., .hd ,lIv,al" 'n view '"t a true clrele h,hmfrldlonal t circle ttBrit, caC.u ut U rn ellPe. from an r l.nh wJ,V. 'h.8 ".uaor Is 0040 feet lIOO ,,,,. " " '"tli at (he poles Is il" 3tat". .tanTV" l0"'"- han the nautle. Jr "'. X? "ccepl.d length of !' m" In turn h.7iittn1,,ht ,h' lower thin th. .. r.U.nrt "'"nb'r.) BOO "t Wuilc.I mli '""" mlle' or thlr. Wh "Ten VtttXL!' " -. P..L25R?B.-'T. 3lmple Hay Fever r,.j.. f " rtlt Ir-Po' '""I ::!"!"? r .U.r, . i ..: ........ - t"r from hiv ... .' n'v .n a suf. K'r'KC me . Ibly frocur,. B u , ., r " vuie, k tn.dlcln. iw ol cigarettes (any tWnn I'iiSJ' cami"""-' These . kind). con..' r all "' th.,Vndd.r0i;,",'r Wl,h ,h ' ""'I dry . ,8C,J cigarette Thl. ,i;,moh" ,anl Inhale, r. for '?.'" .""' '"IP has camphor and Lay aside no.,ri;x: ngel" wh ..:."'" ''.' rt re F .ntlrely cured ? ,: ms ,h,, '"rmula '" 'r two ,!mJ? ro.e fever by u,nB " y not help utowUr.U n.v rU smok.r, i 77" PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters to Iho Editor should bo as brief and to the point as possible, avoiding anything that would open a denominational or sectarian dls- CUSKlotl. No attention will be paid to anony mous letters. Names and nddresses m ,b? slRned an an evidence ot f01 faith, although names will not be printed If request Is made that they bo omitted. , T10, Publication of a letter Is not ;?!. '?,eil ns nn Indorsement of Its views by this paper. ...ommuTcntlons will not be re turned unUss accompanied by post' nge. nor will manuscript be saved. )i! J8 ftm ft nonmokor I am Brenty ben-!- ..'u Smok often n. desired. They won t huit. but will rather prove a help than SS "l6"'' THOMAd LATIMEIt. e.t Philadelphia. August 23. 1021. , To Conquer Cigarettes T0J,hr Ed,tor l " Kuenlno DiMlr Ltdaer: Sir One of my great battles for the last twenty year. ha. boen to save our boy. from he frightful habit of tobacco .moklng (most ly cigarettes). I would like to nsslst J. J. Btrang, but It la only up to him. On the Question of the resumption of specie pay ments, Horace Greeley simply eald. "The way to resume I. to resume." I eay to my boy. the only wuy to stop using tobacco Is to stop. We only live one day at a Mine yesterday Is gone and tomorrow never come., "o ray advlco Is fight the battle for one day. Of course, tho tobicco smoker's will-power Is a weak one and so must get It backed up by a stronger one. So every morning or jour life jou ask our dear Heavenly Father for tho sake of his dear. Hon, our older brother, to help you JUBt for ono day, nnd thon yin must fluht. It is a .truggle, but ns day by day passe, by you will find your will. power growlnir stronger and eentually you will be amazed, wondering why you eer permitted yourself to get into uch a senseless and deleterious habit. "Ho strong In tlip l.oril and in tho power nf His might," nnd In a short time you will be able to say, "I am a conqueror." DAVID I.. WITMER. Philadelphia August 21, 1021. No Complaint Here To tht KilUar vt the KrenliiD 1'uMlo l.etloer: Sir To hear nomo men cry about the treatment they receded In tho nrmy Is really slckonlng to mjeclf and hundreds of other soldiers who went to war to save our coun try. The boys, both on this elds and ncioss, Ihed their lives ns they made them. i moan lhat tho ones in tho fray who did their best without Rrowllng were the ones Nut sot through .!. The ones who umitml some ono else to do their bit were the ones who thought thoy were mistreated. Tho ones who went throuah cheerfully have no complaint. O. W. L, Philadelphia, August 21. 1021. Questions Answered Which Is Best Form7 To the Editor nt the I'.veiUna I'uMIr I.tdoer: Sir I would like to rend n discussion by your P-oplo's Torum writers ns to which they think Is the proper way to sign the end of a, letter: "Yours Truly." or "Yours Sincerely." O. A. L. l'hllad-lphla, August 23. 1021. First Horoes In United States To the Kdlror of the F.ventno Public I.tdoer: Flr--When Coluinhui Innded In America, did ho find horses here, or were thoy'brought hero Inter? O. D. II. Philadelphia. August 21, 1021. The first horss Imparted Into tho United Stn.es were brought to New England Id 1(120. Ono horse nd seven mares survived the voyage. Hurvos were not highly es teemed nor much needed In America at that time. nor. for a hundred yearn afterward. Oxen were found to Ua much better for all farm work. The Big Wind In Ireland To tho Editor o the r.ventva 7'iiM.o t.tdotr: Sir In a recent discussion regarding the big wind In Ireland (hero win a difference of opinion as to the tlmj of tho occurrence of the event. Can you give me tho da.oT F. I,. T. Philadelphia, August 21, 1021. The night of the "big wind" In Ireland, or rather, tho two nights, were January (1 nnd T, 1880 The storm, which u.talned tho violence of ft hurricane, raged over Ire land nnd the west roast of Hnglnnd, being felt In the latter country through Cheshire, Warwickshire nnd Staffordshire. In Liver pool twenty persons were killed In the crash ot buildings, nnd more than 100 were diewned In tho neighboring wntars. In the Irish Hoa, the coast and harbors wore covered wtth wrecks and tho list of marine disasters Included the Diligence, a naval cutter, with the loss of Captain Sir J Held Hart, and flfty-alx souls More than 200 houses In I.lmorick, Oalway, Ath lono and other places were blown down, nnd fully ns many more wero destroyed by flies fanned by tho groat wind. Dublin was particularly exposed to the force of the gale and suffered severely. Rapid Gain of Welfjht To thn lldltcr of the fnliu J'ublir Ledger: Sir Mny I kindly iisk jou for nn answer to tho following que.. Ion? is It posslblo for a man to gain five pounds In weight In ft day of twenty-four hours? I mean to hav. It only temporarily. W. I,. O. 1'hlladolnhla. August 21, 1021. Such a. gain Is hardly possible. Under special circumstances, how over, where the person was emaciated through Illness or sometimes on account of a change of air and Improvement of appetite and general health, person, have gained very rapidly In weight for a short time. A stay of two week, at a seaside resort ha. been knowi to re.ult In gains ranging from ten to twenty pound, for tho whole period. Of course, suoh a ratio of gain could not be ...,.. n,.rt up if continued would mean a vory unhealthy condition In the person gain ing flesh so rapidly. Uncle Sam's Likeness T (he Editor 0 the Evtntno l'ublio l.odotr: NIr when Uncle Sam's picture Is used he Is nho'vn as ft .all man with white hair nd white goatee. From whom was the portrait taken or who originated the Idea of the faco In his Ploture? O .1 W. rhlHdelphla. August 22. 1021 Although Undo Sim. n a perron, origi nated nt or about the tlmo of tho War of 1M3 Undo Sam, as the cartoonist portrass Mm today. Is not. eo far as evidence Is to be found, recognizable before 1880, On Page 117 of Iholr "History of the Nlno.een.h Century In Caileaturo" Arthur Har.lott Mau rice and Frederick Taber Cooper eayt "It Is Interesting to recall that before the Clvl Wur our national .I've frequently took tho form of ft Southerner regularly In the pagen of Punch It may be that In the gaunt, loose-knit frame, the strong and rugged features we recognize n kinship to that atorllng and essential!) Amorican typo of man which found Its best exponent In I.lnooln, and that this l the reason why Undo finra ba. become (be most universally accepted and (ho best beloved of all our con ventional types." Maurice and Coopor lay stress on the fact that Uncle Bam represents, as we see him the gradual definition of many mon. most of them now forgotten. Somo men of this process may be seen by reference to early caricatures reproduced In their book. On Page MO we have "Uncle Sam's Taylor ttlcs," a Mexican War cartoon In which tho principal figure la smooth shaven apparently a Southerner, and altogether unlovoly. At the same time (1847) Doyle wb drawing his satirical "Tho Land of Liberty." In which Uncle Sam Is a Southern planter, On Page 100 Is a, cartoon in wnicn Lincoln ap rears In a starred vest and striped trouiers such ns Uncle Sam goncrnily wears today. On Pago 172 ft striped coat ht,s been added to tho striped trousers and starred vest. On Pago 185 Uncle Sam has donned n beaver hot Thomas Nast, who, we are told, was respon.lblo for .he Kopubllcnn elephant unj Democratlo donkey nnd the Tammany tiger, did rot help In the definition of Uncle Sam, If we may Judge bf tho cartoon (year 1872), on Page 263, In which Sam appears as a landlord, a disagreeably sedentary person with Ions badi hulr. The real Undo Sam appears In 1880 In Jcseph Kepplor's cartoon trom Puck, "For bidding the llann." Here our hera has gray hair, or at lea.t tho suitably disheveled hair we aesocto.e with him now, roughly pointed ohln whiskers, n swallowtail coat and the beaver hat. The legs of bis striped (routers are finished with a pointed flap at the ai.kles. Poems and Songs Desired "La Gltana" To the Editor ot tht Eventnp Publlo Ltdoer: Sir Can you give me the remainder of the po.m and tell me who wrote "La, cil. Una." which begin wtth these line.; EVENING PUBLIC "None of the girls of Honda ha. feet a. fine a. mine, That Blltler and glance through the of the dance A. fireflies blaze nnd shine." , . MAllY T. WATR11S. Philadelphia, August 21, 1021. "Margery Gray" To the Vdltor ot the Evtnlno Public T.tdotr: Sir 1 will appredalo It vry much If you will print In your People's Forum the poem omiuen .viargery oray," which stirts: "On the cabin wails wasigleimlng Tho sunbeam", golden glow. On, a lovely April morning Nearly one hundred years ago, When upon that human threshold Stood thi young wife, Margery Oray, With her fearless bluo eyes uleamlng Down the lonely forest vvny." S, L. T. Philadelphia, August 22, 1921. "His Journey's End" 7"0 the Editor of the r.venltia Publlo J.tdotr: Sir Could you or ono of your reader, .up Ply the poem which contains the following ver.07 "Happy Is he who takes the nnen road. From ro.y sunburst till the stars ascend: Light Is his henrt, though heavy be his load. If love but waits him at his Journey's end." W. A. X. Philadelphia, August 23, 1021 Quotes Lines From Holmes To the Editor of the Evenlna Public t.tda-r: Sir I am anxious to secure ft poem which contnln. these two lines: "For dnys and weeks 7 waited on That wretched, wretched man." y. I.. E. Philadelphia. August 23. 1021. The lines you quote nro from O. W. Holmes' poem "The Holght of the Illdleu lous." Tho complete verse, of which you give two lines, Is: "For days nnd weeks I waited on. That wretched, wretched man. And since, I never dared to write As funny ns I can," "Now Winter Has Come" To the Editor of thn Fvenliia I'nbhr I.rdo-r: Sir I am anxious to secure the word, qf no ni. i song wnlrn contains in., r.iilnwlnir verse : "Now winter has come, with Its cold, chilly breath, And the streams ore beginning to freeze; All nature aeems touched with the finger of death, And the verdure ha. dropped from the trees." Mrs. MARY T CLOSE. Camden. N. J, August 23, 1021, "T. O, II." asks for the poem entitled "Ono of the Sweet Old Chapters," and a poem containing the following line.: "Hotter wnll-flred hell with theo, Than golden-gated Paradise without." "F. D. W." would appreciate It If n render would send In the entire poem from wrlch the following lines are taken: "There aro noontides In autumn when sum mer roturns. Though the lenvee are all garnered and sealed In their urns." "S. II. C." nsks for a poem containing the following lines' "If the day looks kinder gloomy. And your chances kinder slim. And tho situation's puzzlln'." "C B. D" Tho linos you quoto: "I.lko men condemned to thunderbolts. Who ero th blow bocome mro dolts," are from llutler's "Hudlbrns." "R n." asks If any one can give him the complete poem from which thee lines aro taken: "And so we all Plan out a future of hope and pain. And paps by fate Tying and knitting her tangled skein." Mary T. Gordon desires "What Then?" Also a Po poem entitled poem containing the lines: "I stand at (ho hlm nnd steer: If only ono strong wind would blow To pshow me vvhero to co." "D. L. K." asks for the song containing the lines: "In the cold nnd shady woodland, Where .he rippling streams do flow, There wo walked nnd talked togother," eto. The I'eoplo'a Forum will npprnr daily In the Kvrnlng Public Ledger, nnd uIo In tho .Sunday Publlo Ledger. Letters discussing timely topics will bo printed, ns well n. requeetrtl poems nnd questions of general Interest will be answered. JBeatlj. ALTIIAUS Aug. 20. MICHAEL, husband of Mary L. Althaus, aged 73. Relatives and friends, also members of Merchant Lodge, No. 283. I. O. O F.: Robert Bloom llenellclai Ass n, Oermnn-Amerloan Relief Ass'n and employe of Haldwln Locomotive Works are invited to attend funornl services, STun.. 2 V M., late residence. 815 W. Llndley ave.. Oiney. Int. Ml Vernon Com. AUDENRIUD On August 23. 1021 at Chnteaii Illoney. France. MARY GRAY AUDENRIED. widow of the late i George , A Audenrled and daughter of the late Francis A. and Helen W. Ora. Notice of funeral hereafter, HEIILHR. Aug. 23. SARAH C, widow nf Androw R. IMili-r, gcd 78 vnrs. Kuneral services Sat , 2 P. 11.. 70 IJ. Ilorttor ... JR. Airy. int. p-.vnte. nnI,?.,7;,l1,"1'' 25' 1021- MARY UAH DOUR CAHRICK widow of Charles L. Car rlck. Relatives and friends are Invltod to attend funeral sorvlcos, Mon., 3 P. M late residence. 5707 Hoffman st. Int. West Drexel Hill Cm. CONRAD. On Aug. 23. 1021. JOHN CON RAD, formerly of Spring MouM, Mont. Co., Ps.. aged 75 sears Sorvico on Monday aft ernoon nt 2 o'clock at tho Oliver II. Rnlr nidg., 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. Vlwlng Sunday ovenlnir. ir uWA?DS-r"AV,lr', 2.?' JC,HN. husband of ".h. Edwards. Rolatlves and friends In vited to funeral Mon.. 8:30 A. M.. lata resi dence, 1717 Jnrkeon et. Solemn requiem mass Sfal Cern Cnurcn 10 A' M' Int. OM Cath" KPLKll'. Killed In action at Argonne For est, France, on Ppt 24. 1018, WILLIAM RALSTON, son of William R. and nmollla IV Kl';"-. Relatives and friends, also Pott No. 315. Anurlcan Legion, nnd War Moth ere aro Invito.! to .ho setrvles on s,.n.i,. afternoon nt 2:30 o clock, at his parents' residence, 5307 Market Ferrwooil C'eineterv. at. Interment nt ERVIK. Formerly of Camden. N j Auc. 2, 1021. MICHAEL a. EllVIN in' htl 81th year Relatives ami friend, nr' In hed to attend funeral, on Mon., nt 2 P. M from tho rcsldonro of his brother, W. K Frvin Bomerton, Phlla. Int. William Peiin Cam' Friends may call Sun . after 8PM m' FOLEY Aug. 23. MARY AQNES, daugh. trr of IfTldgot and late Henry Folov Iteia. fives and friends Invited to funeral Hat 6,30 A. M. residence. 102 nimvvood" fvJ ' Narberth. Pa. Solemn requiem mass hi Margaret's Church 10 A, M int. Cem. Holy Cross rORD On Aug 23, 1021, THOMAS T husband of Catherine Ford and father if Rev. John J. Kord. Relatives nnd friends of the family the II. V M. Sodality nnd all dthor societies of which he was a member. nre Invltod to attenl funernl. Monday. 8-Sii A M , t reeldenee, 8014 Wallace at Solemn reijuleni mass at St Agatha' Church nt 10 A. M. Int. Holv Cross Corn FREAS. Aug 28. WILLIAM F PREAS ....... YV.' ::.i -.' ,;,wi."i. I". O n. u. s .,jji,i itu4i. v.ounc.1. ri 800.' UNDEUTAKKHS t 'wLjI broad aV . I V DIAMOND j THE CLANCY KIDS But The coufecTioneR, HAVING 0N WEXPtZTEOlY CAuto to Tie cirv,. LCrWCS MS SONjWIUlC, ro timo toe sroRC MUCH TO. THC APPROVAL OF rneM6 With whom He A FAVORITE. ms mm wmamtt.im.s&&2jwM i,j,riRr nvf ri i rnf WmWLWe - TfTiWHpifea-.V ; '"-- i-iHii2L LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DEATH B of I, A M... .- tf.H....n T)Ah.P Urill. In. Ui 1, J.t VliliUlU. .,U. It'll,'. I . I vitea to tunerat. ion., vile. rl iiuii. m j . .. in w-c- ri - Ql Tmup. Ington A VUi t JMllnr unit. MIj i(vat,.is.(vs . r.ixiiniHl. Th IVa.ftn flifiP cem. Friend, call sun eve. OARNER. Aug. 25. EMMA C . widow of Jacob F. Garner, Relative, nnd friends In vited to services. Mon,, 1 P, M.. at late rest donee. 420 Ashbourne road, Ashbourne, p. Int. private, Hllltown Lower Baptl.t Church around. Remain, may be viewed Sun., after 7 P. M. OORDON. Aug. 21. ELLEN A. (neo Mllos). widow of John Gordon. Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Mon., 8.30 A. M.. 2041 Almond st. Solemn requiem mas. Nativity n. V. M, Church 10 A M Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. HANDSCHUMACHER. Aug. 24. 1021, OUSTAV, husband of Christina Handschu marher (nee Rothfusi), aged B2. Relative, nnd friends and nil aocletle. of which he was a member are Invited to attend funeral, Sat,, I P. M.j reeldenee, 1261 N. B7th st. Int. Chelten Hills Cem. Friend, may cnll Frl., 8 to 10 1'. M. 1IARTENSTEIN. Aug 23. ALFRED J. HARTENBTEIN. Residence. 2803 N. 0th st Relative, and friend, are Invited to attend funeral services, Sat., at Huber'n Church, Nlnantlc, Pa. Carriages will meet train leaving Rending Terminal, Phlla,, 8:38 A, M. at Pennshurs. Pa. HERITAGE. Aug. 25. Dr. JOSEPH IRV INO. son of Ida M nnd the late Joseph 11. Heritage, aged 22 years, Relatives and friend, are invited to attend funeral, Sun.. 2,30 P. M.i from the residence of his mother. Langhorno, Pa. Int. private Conveyances will meet train at Langhorne Station, leaving Reading Terminal at 12:17 P. M. (daylight saving time). HILL. At his residence. 3101 Raring at . on Aug. 2fl. 1021, OEORQE 11.. htisbtnd of tho late Marw W. Hill. Notice of funeral aHUNT. Aug. 2.1. 1021. ANNIE M . wife of Richard J. Hunt. In her Sum venr. Fu neral Mon.. 8 A. M , from her husband", residence, 245 Mansion ave., Audubon, N, J. High mass St. Rose of Lima Church, Ifnddon Heights. D A. M. Int private, Calvary Cem llYKKb. At Atlantic City. N. J., Aug. 21, MARY W,, widow of John A. Hyers. nged 81 runernl services Frl.. 8 I. M.. nt the parlors of Jeffries & Rentes. 1713 Atlantic ave,. At lantic City. N. J. Int American Mechanics' Com.. Philadelphia. Hat.. 11:46 A. M. ICIRCHNER, On Aug. 22, 1021, ALFRED II. KIRCHNER husband of Ilernardtnn Klrchner. Relatives nnd friends nre lnvttcd to attend tho funeral services, on Mon., nt 1 P. M,. from his lato residence. 5108 Whitby ave. Remains mny be viewed on Sun, eve. nt 7 o'clock. Int. private. MARKS, Oct. 4 101N. nt Mont Tllane Ridge, Franco, JEROME, son of Mlchnel and Cecelia Marks, nged 21 Relatives nnd friends, nlso members of 75th Company, (fth Regiment Marines, nro Invited to funeral services. Sun.. 10.30 A. M. precisely, ot tho parlors of Morris Rosenberg1. Son. 2009 N. lirmd st. Int. Mt Slnnl Com. MASTERSON. Aug. 24. RRIDOET. widow of James Masterson. Relatives nnd friends, also II. V. M. Sodality of Immncu Into Conception Church, nro Invited to at tend funeral. Mon.. 8.30 A. M. from her late residence 072 N Front st. Solemn re quiem mass Immaculate Conception Church 10 A. M. Int. New Cathedral. McailATH, Aug. 20, PETER A . son of John and Catharine Mcornth (nee Mageo), aged 2,1. Duo notlco of funenl will lj given from his late resldenco. 728 N. Shlrloy st. MclNTYRE. Aug. 24. JAMES, husband of Mary Mclntyre. Relatives and friends, also 11. V. M Sodality nnd Holy Name Society and Ronry Society of St. Agatha's Church. P. R. R. Veterans' Ass'n. officers and members of Prosperity Hldg. nnd Loan Ass'n, St, Patrick's I. C. II. U. Society. Invited to funeral. Mon.. 7:30 A. M., late residence. (174 N. 34th, St. Sol"mn requiem masi at St. Agatha's Church 0.A M, Int. Holv Cross Cem, MISSON. Aug. 23. 1021. GEORGE S., son of Geereo W. nnd Mary G. Mlsson (neo llranford). In his 10th year. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Mon. 2 P. M. , at parents' residence, 3316 N Howard st. Int. ftt Greenwood (IC. of P.) Com. Remains may be viewed Sun. eve. MUI.IilN Suddenly, nt her resld.inr. 5014 Pino st. on August 2(1. 1021, KATE MULLIN. Relatives and friends nro Invited to (ho sorvico on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, nt the Oliver It. Dilr Hull'llntr, 1120 Chestnut st. Interment nt Hertford. Ta. PATE, Aug. 25. 1021. LOUIS Ii.. 'on of Clifford C. and Sfablo E. Pate, nged 6 mos. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to nttend funeral. Mon., 12 nnon sham, from his par ents' residence. 2313 N. 30th St. Int. pri vate Frlnnds mny call Sun. eve. PENDEROAST. On August 27. 1021. MARY a., beloved dn'mhter of John L. and Margaret M. Pcndcrgnst (nee Koarnn). Duo notlco of funeral will b given frnm her parents' residence. 1301 W Cumberland si PrATlSCHER. Aug. 20, FRIEDA, widow of Mnthlas Pfatlscher. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues., 2 P. M. nt lato residence. 102 W. Coulter st . Oer manio.vn Int. prlvnto. PFEFFERLE. Aug. 26. 1021. ANTON rKEFPERLE ReHtlves nnd friends Invited to funornl. Mon., 8:30 A M.. from residence of his son-in-law Charles It. Schortt (1(0 N. Frailer s.. Solmn rqulm mass at St. Ignatius' Church 10 A. M. Int. private. TFEILSTICKER. Aug. 2(V CARL OOTT LIEII. husband of tho lato Ida Pfellstlclter (roe Gross) nged (U. Funernl ucrvlco, Mon.. 2.30 P. M.. lute residence. 4003 N. 7th st. Int. Ardslev Cem Remains mnv be viewed Sun eve. Court Tnmencnd. No. 120, T. of A.. Is Invited. POLLARD. On August 25. 1021. CARRIE RARHARA. wlfo of Charles W. Pollard Funeral services on Sundey, August 28 nt 2 P. M.. nt her late residence. 2410 N 33d st Interment private. Frlands may call Sunday evening RICH. At Scltunlo, Moss.. August 17 SARAH .1.. widow of Dr J. Hartleit Rich Interment at Hope Ccmetory, Worcester Maes, RUSSELL. Suddenly. Aug. 25. FRED- ERICK A., husband of Cntharlno Russell (nee Hurst). Relatives and friends also membors of T,nynl Ordr of Moose, No. 64: Court West Park. No. 81. F of A.: Dlv. No 4. A O II . and r. U. It. Heller Ass'n. are Invited to funeral. Mnn.. 0:80 A. M.. from late resldenre. 2845 N 13th st Solmn re quiem high mass at Lady of Mercy Church. 11 A. M, int. nt at. Denis- lem f-CHRADER. At Landale. on August 21 1021. WILLIAM Tl.. husband of Esther Schroder (neo Schwnd). Relative, and friends Invito.! to runerfti. on Aiiguac .'i. nt . mi P. M.. from Grace Evangelical Church, Mr. Vernon st , Lansaale iioay may oe viewtii on Sunrtav 7 to D l". M. interment Lons dale Cemetery. .NTII.Z On August 3.1. 1MB l. H HART LEY STILZ. nrod 01 years. Relative nnd friends are Invited to tho service on Mon dsy afternoon at 2 o'plk. at his late resi dence, 142 West Chelten ftve., Otn. Intermen. private. STR MT. I.lut. Commander PURTON A STRAIT. U S. N.. hushnnd Dorothv Djr Strait, died at his homo. 2310 S 21st St.. Phlla . Thurs , Aug. 25, Int. Arlington Nitlonsl Cemetery, Arlington, Vn,. Sat. nfternoon, Aug. 27. 1021. Papers Annnpolls, Md , Wlntr Park Fin., San Francisco and Puehlo Col., please eonv. TATE. Aug. 25. 1021. LOUIS E . son of Clifford C, nnd Mabel E. Tate, nsed 3 months. Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend funeral, Mon.. 12 noon sharp, from his parents' rosldence, 2313 N 80th st. Int private. Friends may, call Sun. eve THEEL. Aug. 22. i02l. a. F THEEL. M. D aged 85. Due notice of funeral will be given, from the residence of his nephew. Dr. William L. Th-el. 1030 Erie nve. TYLER. Aug 24. JOSEPH K husband of Reglnn Veronica Tyler, aged 44 Rela tives and friends, also Mt. Carmel I,odge, No. 230. A. A. 8 R., and all other organ izations of which he was ft member nro In vited to funernl services. Sun.. 8 P St.. at Steelman'a Chnpel. 3081 Kensington nve. Int. at Friends' Meeting Cem , Woodstown, N J. Remain, may be vlowed Sun . after YOST Suddenly, Aug, 25. ORETCHEN, wife of Walter I Yost (nee Lolmbach). In her 30lh year. Relatives and friends are In l.cd to attend funeral services. Sun . i P. M.. from her lato residence. 4S14 N 10th st Int. private. Mon . convenience of family LOST AND FOUND BOOK Lost, from window of car No S3 on Pulaski live., book on Osteopathy, by Dr Floldler; name In book, Dr Hltnor finder plenso call Dr Bervoss, Poplar (1.144 W DOC1 Lokt, August 20. collie dnu l.a.-lt ot Rndnor Huit Club; yellow and white, an swors to name of Major. Phono n-yn Mnwr 4404. Rward. DOO Found, a have same by Mrs. J. Steward, white pudle; owner can paying expent.es. Address P O Rox 27. Iona. N J. DOO Lost on Aug. 21, l.lnrk Newfound land puppy, fl months old. Reward Geo. B. Mum-on, N Latch', lane. Ovcrbrook. Pa. DOO Lost. Ronton terrier, female from .'!u"i'Ill'1''n. n ko to Collogovllle Reward 1P20 Diamond at. NECKPIECE I,ost. Friday P. M . animal neclrtileen In or betvveen Arcadia Theatre and Vannmnkers, Suitable reward. Phono Preston 3570 PIN Lost, gold bow knot pin. studded with pearl, and blue sapphires; very liberal re ward Otn. 10UH J. I'lN '.ot. diamond nnd sapphire-21 -stone platinum bar pin. stnmped J. E. C A i!v LW' i"'t,rill,n between Philadelphia and Hay Head. N. J. Reward If returned to J E Caldwell & Co. POLICY Lost. Perpetual fire insurance pol- ..I,?!. "V,5;1""11:" Insu.nnce, No 37 .liltl, for HiOUO Return to John J Croir, ll.'o chest. nut s' POLICY Lost. United Flr-m an' sins Trance policy No. 5U-.551 for J10.00O. Return to Jihn J Crout. 1420 Chestnut st. Father's Approval Was rwiuYAlwnue7S YcMAeAHcKl fPOAWANTMe '-v r , . g-ivl ii.iS5?H!SS5w 'umLi HctPVA,wiuie? ma-Lyi, r1 ChoeLne jooa W1 YATKtHONey SKxJnrr: I:rTJ U v - ,- ' ANrASiWio TriEcr-ffr-LiVSSSeSS jBMfetCMiWiffi 11 PERSONATE THE GROCERY BTORH Rt 800 N. 83th st. has been sold. All bill, should be.presented to Mrs. Gertrude Idoll nt 3208 Hnverford ave. perore Aug, 80. 1021. for settlement.. WILL NOT be responsible for any debt, unless contracted by myself. ANSON P DAINS, 2011 Granite t. HELP WANTED FEMATjE BOOKKEEPER, cxptrlonce.l. capable assum ing entire charge office detail world eplen did opportunity, advancement right person, state previous experience, salary expected. 11 (120. Ledger Office , XroOKKKEPLK, must be thoroughly rompo tent nnd experleuciJ, for central real es tate office, good ralary. I (J0!i, Ledger Of flee Irl'HLEHS wanted, rxp, or nxmlnster rugs. .Aprly Rush Ss Dlimond, Jnspcr nnd On tnrlo st DRAW1NO THAME OPERATORS Experienced on worsted inrns; good wsgos and best working conditions. O II. & II W. Flolsher, Inr , em ployment office, 20th nnd Reed st. HOSIERY F-ire'ndy for mending department In hosliry mill, only those with experience In both full-foshlene.l nnd "entries, need np- rly. W in 1' O. !m 3443. . HOSIERY Transfer topp-rs on 39-gnuge silk-footers: gond pay, with good working condition. Aoply Qunl-cr Hosltry Co.. J2d nnd Lohlgh nvi; . HOUSEWORK Woman for genornl work: gcod home nnd good wsgos. Roosevelt Boulevard hous 103 E. HOUSEWORK Must bo good conk nn.1 as sist generally In an easy homo: family of 2. Phono Onk I.nne 1168 OPERATORS '!. on sl'k walstM sixth floor 01 DROWN OREENFIEI.D N 11. ccT;12thandArch OTENOUHAPHEH vviinle.1 In law orrtce. l'rot nref : sta.enryiindrefs, P 703. Led. O. t'it.EPHONE OPERATOR First-class. extierlonred oprntnr for prlvatf branch exchange In downtown banker's office; must be quick and nccura.o with good speaking voice permanent toh . s." '' ';xi' nnd r;f , appointment, by letter. R :t). ledger. Office. TOnPPER.4 Trunsf r tcpiwrs on 3H-gnuge silk-footers; good Dy with cool working conditions. Apply Qua'ter Hoelery Co . 2.'d rnd IJJie- .. . WOMEN An unusual opportunity for en gaging In dlgnllled nnd Interesting work Is offered to women of fnlr education and good character Apply 1(101 Colonial Trust llldr.. l!th nnd Market sts. YARN EXAMINERS ipmrlenred on worsted yarns: gooa wages nnd t'st working cornlltlons. r..rP ii . it w r-ie sher. Inc . Ap- Em- n ovment Office, 20lh nnd Reed sts. rienerul MAKE MONEY AT HOME You oan earn from Jl to J2 nn hour In your eparo tlmo writing show cards: quickly and easily learned by our new simple method: no canvassing or soliciting we teach you how sill vour work and pay you cath each week- full particulars and booklet free Writ" today to Am-rlcan Show Card School. 230 Ryrle nldg . Toronto. Canada rt rrtKS 18 upvnrrt for postal mall service-$130 month; xnmlnatlon Sepjember. p,o unnecessnry. For freo particulars of rf.V.ietlon write J. Lonnrd (formor Civil tervlpe 'xaml"Jr). 0B2 Equitable Ifldg . Washington. DC. , Civil SERVICE examinations: September :I2'8tSb;r.V nanyvaealeiVsalary -.Moa 1?00: vvrlto for sample tost. P 332. Led, Off J14IIU- I HELP WANTED MALE rtOOKKKEPEH. must be rctent nnd exterlenced, thoroughly com for central real P 008. Ledger estato cfflce. gooa sniary office I-RUaS R. M . for etoady Camden. mut l-i bust cr. good salesnrin; fountain. employment In courteous nnd n 1 71b, Lc.ljir O.flce llfiSIERY Tinnsfer tnppora on 3U-gage sill; rooters, goou :., .. . ".'"'..o. . dltlons. Apply Quaker Ho.-lcry Co . 22.1 st and Lehigh nv MAN wnnted. Iietvvcen 25 nml .".) years, to act ns assistant to salcs-maiinger; must b ambitious and willing to lern. Immediate returns to tho 'right person who can uuallfy: must havo reference; wrlto for Interview. M 727. ledger Oftlco. SALESMAN WANTED A manufacturer nnd Jobber of dairy machlin rv und supplies has nn opening In Eastern I'-nnsylvnnla for nn experienced sal'smun: In replying stnto nge. experience nnd salary expected; per manent position for right man. M 810, Idaer Office. OFTICE ROT Position In advertising department ot tho Publlo ledger offorlng an excellent opportunity for advancement la open for a bright boy over 1(1. preferaoly with 1 or 2 years' high achool ex perience; must be neat, quick and Indus trious, Apply to Mr. Wescott. Public Ledger. (1th nnd Chestmu at... Adver tising Department. SALESMEN--There is a ItlflHT TIME and a WRONO TIME to make u connection with any entorprise; now Is the time to form a connection with a corporation. AND OROW WITH IT. Applv 710 Wldener llldg Ask for Mr Meredith fn tn . a. M. SALL.ME. Gnmblo a llttlo of your t m" ugiilntt ours and we cither can or cannot provo to jou that can earn $ino n week: If we ennrrat you have Inst vour time. If jou can you havo found the opportunity you nre looking for. 122S Wld-ner Dldg. SALESMEN A largo International corpora tlon wishes to secure the set vices of live men. capable of earning (SODi) n year. Ap ply 1001 Colonial Trust Uldg 13th und Market. SALESMKN We wnnt several clean-cut men or good personality to repr.-ent an in ?crn,'il,!oria organisation, to a. I' securities In Philadelphia and vicinity, congenial work ??o ,F,P"rtu,V1 tor ndvan. ement. Apply 710 Wldener Hldg Sep Mr LI ' SALESMEN Corporation, highert national reputntion. wants two m'.Min-n: highest type; our good men are earning $Min to $10uo per month. Apply H n;s. LiUer Office. T1IROW8TER Wanted bv one of the largest ellk manufacturing con cerns, a throwster, thorou-hl trust worthy and ccapable of supervising machinery and manufactuunj proo W",of their throwing rill Only those having successful ex perience with large thi owing units and thoroughly fnmlllar with crepe work need apply. The position open otters opportu nity for a lifetime position Apply M 827, Ledger Office. TOPPERS Transfer toppers on Sn-gane sill: dltlons Apply Quakor Hosiery Co.. 2Jd nt and LehlKh ave. TRANS KEItRR Wanted, commercial off. eet trnnsforrtr: must be non-meint er. k .o I pay, permanent position. Southern rlty A.l dress M H2. ledger Office YOl'NCl MAN tpe.vrlter i R E of tic,., alii., to operate into salary I' it.1.1. in Off Oennrni OREENEWALD'" Rank offlelnl, trust officer's post Sales executive, expd. In pnntlw line,, llkpr., take charge textile. e.; ireferr,,t Secretao with banking Ixp e '' Torelgn exchange man. bang ev Oreenewqld a Specialized service -.".n s 11th CLERKS, IS uinvnrd. r..r rnstai ni i 1 serJ" Ice- 11.10 month exanilnntlotiH ".,', ,'lrZ' exp. unnee. ln trta partlculain ,,f initru, .' linn wrlto J Leonard fniiner t M .. - ..l- r.vnm Q.l' ll.,.,,(lul,l.. Dl.l,. !.. ... . ' ' ' . ,..... -- ..... . ,, it u in ffon p civo, ru-.ni.-i. oamin,iti ,ns --i,t. nihr and Octobn , many vacancies mi irv Hum SleOO write for sampln te.it I'.mi I ,) o" SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAt!t-. COMPANION, reflnod. educate 1 lady Phfhv delphlnn sin-nks French ,! I , ,",. i or mo.r."Jhours nn evening' u.-- if Ford lf4?.8lred. p 704. Ledger office Yiy'?ieI.e0M-N """ "Mo fumTtureTal.. eXDerlenCfl n l-nnah .. ..,..,. .... .... . UmnU- ma -.V... "r"."'".uuu." " ' "" "" ..- . ,.w ".."ii.iii.ieni. a-:r"H Oftlc" nr,tcl""3 house. I' dO.1 connec- Lulger PRINTING TYPE Phlla. "PrintZr." "J., ,"W eg..rargal. nrMl.g nn.l ..!. ... '" ' - 14 S nth st. DOQS MALE Peklngf."", 108 J, or 311 N , registered Chester ui . Svvanhm r Swarthmore of a Different Kind AUGUST 27, 1921 TJSED ATJTOMOBIXE3 MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMOBILE PAINTING (Baking Process) Produces a most handsome lustrous fin ish which .tonds under all weather con ditions without cracking! the Martin Alexander Process, because of long satis f.etory wear. I. most economical; nl.o to be considered Is the pleasure ana atlsfac.lon of driving ft handsome ear. , Our facilities will enable us to com plete your car In the shortest time pos sible; we guarantee delivery when prom ised; If you want to see how your ear will look come and se cur work. MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMORILE PA1NTINO 120-128-13U Reed st. I Oregon 22H1 Main 7081) USED CAR SALE Royal Motorcar Co., Inc. 500 AUTOS From $150 Up ONE YEAR TO PAY Royal Motorcar Co., Inc. 620 N. Brontl St. Ponlnr (5036 OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS 1920 STUTZ TOURING CAR New rord tlr-s excellent condition: only driven 0100 miles, offered for nulck sale; ru reasonable offer re fused. Phone Mr. Mowbray, Spruce 770 CAN YOU RAISE $250? You can be the owner of a new reputable moderate price car, very convenient monthly payments arranged For further particular's call Oermiuitow n 1383. AUTHORIZED DEALER M31 Oermantown ave. Open iwnlngs until Ir3i). CADILLAC t1--"-- n' d'.uM. i-ttor. good v,nLiL,L,rn- UP nw Hlll(. ,,y ,.;, owner. U10 N Itroad st. Pop. 7820. STVSI.Kf AUTO CO. CHANDLER rj;"!' 1020 evcellen' nifl V llrn.H Poplar 7820 S'l VNLEY AUTO CO CHEVROLET "-a-;, tourm nrtiTo.. .. condition, cash or term.. Address P (IM LEDOER OITICE DODGE SLDAN, cuod ns new. 010 N. Ilroad Pop 7320. Stanley Auto Co I Oil MALI One Slene-Knlght limousine. In perfect condition, practically now run r.000 nil es, original cord tires with two epnru tires, foiling on urcount of .1. nth of owner. Phone Holly Oak SS. or call Mrs Addlcks Claymont Del MFRfFDFS ,aclni car- rt"i wheoTT; iiii'w,'.ial,nilnum bo v , 010 N IIROAH l'OPLAR 7820. STANI.IiY AUTO COMPANY. ..ii.i.x OAKLAND -r. AUtoCn. Into mod-l. (110 N. Poplar 7820. Stanley OAK'F AND Sedtn. upholntorlng I u-riaiu lat0 moMm !ot , like new extras. (110 N Uro.id Pop. 7t2n Stanley ut OVFRF AND I-("J"-''r- -n- i U V CILrtlL llroall , ,.0lar 7SSU lev Auto Co Still- OVERLAND - 10z- vTr ,up . , . ,, n.UHterUiK. qrlBniai paint, wire wheels, fully equipped 010 N IIRiiad Pup 7M2(l STANLEY AUTO i'ii OVERLAND CLCIl wheel ROADSTER, wire cash or frms Cl'J Stanley Auto Co. N. Uroad st. Pop 72.) R0AMER ftpa" car. lato mn.1'1, inechan- Kuiirnnieeu. ir,uO enh. y lenco time. 011) N. Rrod Poplar Si'O Sti.nlev Auto t'o. STUDEBAKER 5 pas.. late model, . A-l Ponilltlon bought right STANLEY AI'Tn i-imi.Tv 1920 OVERLAND ROADSTER A 1 conditio Ain.V Iioad st Poplar 7820 SCRIPPS-B00TH?o rer. ranno, cash or terms 010 N RROAD t'opi An 7S2II ST"J l.'Y Al TO comivany STORAGE BATTERIES ,?; nil bntters nro poiltivei) BunrinT'.vd " erty Unraw Rq.teo. 33 1 .". isln ,. $7 110 Llb- THUCK .Ijors -.1-ton Day 1. di r Al i-ond ,SI stake bud, . $iii.o. Ph TrZ.',,"r (. ADll.l.Ai'. Kood cond "',. "''f' Arrow. . H llro .1 ,i . IB.10 12(1' AUCTION SALES NOTIt E. PI HLIC hAU.'-We, Paul lfji pern nn.l Oe.ugo Thump-on. al ,.,,. n. i .' Ave Oarage will se.l ut publl. au, tl.n ,,, 1351-M Rldg ave.. PhiU on Vonda? A-iguht 2J 1021 for unpaul ,turai-e a,i.i .hargei ii.'ld.tit ther.to one nHH Uv.,.and engine No 43il3. nlal number rnod. i : 4T L. Penna liens., lUJu 3220m. t)0 !. trig to or In the tn.ni.. of ('lltford .Maxon I Mg.i Ave Auto Oarage. ls.ii-.Vl Ridge ?.' Rubin L.vl, attorn -v -1 1 n .m. on" nfu"' BUSINESS PERSONALS WHY " "AVwmE'fa"0M" I OH ELEi'TRl." LHIIITS' Get my low prlcei--i)xuira Includeri WA1.T1.II E JAUU.MAN d' Eluctrical ( ontractor Ji-LLt? H-.l Phon. DIAMONDS BOUGHT " AND PAWN TICKETS KELLY A CO. 032 Suite 21-22. second tl. or FOR DIAMONDS Cheslnjt 3t over Child's n... DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH 717 SANSOM ST. FOR SALE OFFIC1 ITRN'lTl RE i.srge 101 or ues ks sares. nt., Bv..... general office furnltur. ftoro llxturi. J Wo tiu sell and exchange ' PATTEN Fl'RNITritE ,v, I.OCI'ST 11)70. II 27 AH. -11 ,s Jt A on 4 , 1IHAI-ISLIST Lad siurlfl,-., $l:,i( YO.llvlla dlan onds 40 g-nuine saprhlres , ,,., ' .."nI'.e I1.9ll',l Jl llllllin ll.xel,t .1.1 1 .... -. ,D J S'JfiOO. no drillers II... , -' ,,'woni, Dorland Agency . Atlantic Cltv RESPoNSIIILE party sacrifk nlatluuni flux ti... l,rii,-iu, rn, . ..r ,v(J0 . iwrfett diamonds. ulnit i t'i." ,. "'e-whlte XI .0 recentlj Uf- paid l.n.i Iorlan.l Ac n' Atiiritfo on no s ,:r i .r ' ,.",m ,jmon,i ,. m"i',,o.r "K '"i vhl'' '"'out 21, k.r5? ,-ORt $12.1(1 sacrinee iiui.k .I7.-, ,",. ,l.Vl?I' Hox IUM Doilan.l At.-n Annnile C " ' ""abouT-'kr LUSE foi Wnler mid sile Ma. ke. Applv ut N COM ULNA MON e, srounl N'..v.-lty" ant rm .-" d . on 1 rang.. Wai .Ifl.'H Wa.nut STORAGE AND MO VINO ONE MONTH FREE EST Ull.IS-HKOlsmi THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 N. ST1I ST PHONE DIAMOND ;j SEPARATE Rooms j.Ai KINO & MOVtvn CALL AND INSPFCr ol'R WARKII, ,'rs LONG DISTANCE MOVING i Tin; rest li Tlir r-IIEAPESf I he bib 4 lKAttK CO.. In IC. 37tb nnd Market l"l,-o II, il'rtiig 12ii0 VICTORY STORAGE &20U I ll.lJJ.lll I'lioio II 'inniit esilmaie I'ieite-Ariow aiiH '170 tit llll. JOHN RHOADS CO htmue, p.uklng moving cupet pi.mi. 117-M' LANCVSTKR -VVEV"t y1!""? MONMll'II Sl'ORAOE CO ,W7(T1 AVfi'5 TLR AVE AFT. hERV I.'F s roilPnn PACKINO. LONH DISTANVL MuI-;Ann By Percy L. Crosby 5sSgSa. ypp BUSINESS OPPOBTIWITIES CUSTOM SHIRT UrsiNEStf In Ualtlmore, well established, moderate sl.e, for alo; no competition, good opportunity fur young thlr. cutter with limited capital; owner re tiring Address Anton Ro.he, 213 Park ave nil.lmor., Md COAL, lumber, grain, etc . property and buslne.s, $12.1,000 yearly, thrifty town nnd farming eomrrrunlty, Maryland, 2-s.ory ware house, other buildings, shedding, office di rectly ftt Pa Sta ; tomplete 11.1.000; $8000 cash rei, Heald A Bon. West Chester, Pa INCORPORATE Limit your liability. Dela ware charters cheapest, taxes less: do busi ness any State colonial Transfer A Revie trar Co . 1001 Chestnut. Phils. Wal. H733 AUTO TIRE business for ale;fully eiufplwd vulcanlrlng plant, Ford truck nnd finely appointed .tore N Ilroad at , I6UO0 required, Including stock. II 711. LedgorOfflo JOU PRINTING plant, nowi" rlear." " presees. 4 motors, cutter, full equipment. Macl.arrn, Press-Union. Atlantic City, Wanled THE IMPERIAL Theatres. Inc., Is open for propositions to purchase or take over nn lensing basis movlng-nlcture theatres in Philadelphia, Trenton, Ualtlmore. Newark nnd Jersey City. 1000 seats or larger pre ferred Address H. Hentley Smith presi dent Imperial Theatres, Inc., Suite 408 l'.mplrs llldg . Phlla.. Pa. ' MACHINEKY AND TOOLS ELECTRICAL MOTORS. MACHINE TOOL POWER LQCIPMENT O'nitlEN MACHINERY CO. 110 N 3n ST, SALE Small midline shop and manufactur ing Plant. $1(1.000. R (HI). Ledger fifth i. OLD OOLD OLD gold silver, platinum, plated wnre. old- stile Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash Est. 1817 J J. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom.' ROOMS FOR RENT CHJlSTNt'T 20132 ro'im. nnd huth .,. nlshed sunt.' r.tfirn. ilectrlelty. reference CHESTNUT ST . 102 1 Furnished rooms all conveniences, ne.ar bath; summer rales. u. .'i.. i, "!.) i i ro .ins mil i,uth ftirnl-.be'l -liii.l" "1. incit , ref DIAMOND hi lllni--urii. rms . ulso suite f.T rentlemi.ii l,H'h h.... Ph pilvnt" UiTTUNIIOUSK S'J. W, 210 Room In suite .with bath, slnglo room for gen.lo n nn Spruce 1:118 WALNUT ST , .i Two rooms nnd both unfurnished J100 per month, eleva'i r (ilnli.J-room tervlm, rr. dentlals. WALNUT ST heailtlful li.r Slid." Mc-ely furri rooms. e-rtr'.lt Pieton 4237 W I0TH. N . 13U. HOTEL RURPJ H-au-tlful turn rjoms. spotless clean, olee.: dally and vvckly rates conv, to stations; best acco.Ti. foi traveling peoplo Spruce lfi,14 23D, S . 278 Plneiy furn room. electrlMty; shower, phoff me .N optlon.il 3VT1I S . 21(1 rooms furn , omnium" iting and single runn ni.- water e'er. Owner. ATTRACTIVE furn np's . tome hulls. Up. Sherwood Am Agei,t 1334 wninut st WEST PIIILlli:LI'III 4.'.TH ST.. front room 4.'i, De.ir.ihl third f fin .1 h .me, eifctrlo floor iyiNNKrn:i.n l'lVE ROOAIS. lmth hall.JMj large ..-rounds; uorches shad" garane. Overhrook 7340 w. TI.lir CIJY ATLANTIC CIT"YN J.Tifoi Paeific Large cool. Httrnctlve rooms. on !V ( I1Y COIJNIAI APT.. .th nn.1 A.li.nt.M rn- two Inrse. cheerful rooms and hnth n ben. h I.nbor I..v or nil rlass. reasonable O'Rrlen .abor. p.iv.or nil September, first. Walnut 4353 I ROOMS WANTED ROOM AND HOARD for gentleman, ltx-ntloli north of Tlogi ir mound Jenkint .vvn of closo to ( be.t.-n ave liermnntown. ouote with and without pi wite buth. Ii (130. L. o BOARDING un i nil i , ii 'i 'Ti riv .,.. .irt'..-j fc.,.,1.. ..k r .rst-cli.sa rtn. r West Philn 1514 usage av... COUNTRY BOARDING IDIJSWILD FARM Just uustde ofYlv,"t Chester: vntnn -les for September; open al the jrar; m .dcrn conveniences., hut-w-iter heat, electric liKht. Private bath, convenient to train or trolley. Mr. Thomas S. M-lVor West Chest, r. Pa Phone 177 Wl.Lr:V STILL FARM ( 'HESTER-pT-I'ew bonr.lers In large Colonial heme -'n minutes from Ch ster Station, electric rars 0 acres, open all year, delightful locat'on n.oilerate prices APARTMENTS fi'TJIi ARE YOi; LOOICINO FOR g 1 ROOM OR APARTMENTS Securing SJ&S g lenants frvJTv rltiJ - im I B', sir m&m ij- e wii locate for j ou without obarco or aiurtment anv- nnv K'nd uf r-ium or ...ni in i no ruy at inv price ou ...... i ji.., , wi ou. or mu you i rfU.1',, " niversal Service Associat n ilSt k1.7 DllEX..f, HI Ijij Lombard .10115 il!lilllll!llllIUllUII Ili'W The SWARTHM0RE 22ND AND WALNUT All outsld- rrr,m, -onthern ard western exposure, flrepro, f. elevator; convenient hirh-ilasi l.mtl. ti and Just far epo-jgh away to be y,ft suites 2 rooms and bath. 3 rooms u.ul 2 l.atlis or larger. Li the year, aeverul lino iipurtin.nt. m uo iet, rents art most red.onablo; apart imnta vory numaK. sen ihem ,10w 1822-24 CHESTNUT ST. n , vM.UVS,?K 'VA ' S' : ,.'ARTMENTS -iTE.'irv,' vh,.vkk,Tk, MEARS & BROWN 1 " U I -""TRJih, r PALATIAL II'APIMUT- Hi" . l -'.'. . I , J,! I li ro.itiu and 2 lnuh- -i iilun... O.XK.. .. . Uiifrtfut .,,. i nhtMVfpH Hti.iv . .,,..,....,.-, .-i..i,i",,, r., ur,. must h, K.JI l(.bo uppreclul. I I'll .ne 1... ".in MoST iiuFTcYh.. Fein f. I ipaMni..nt"!.Tr. iii it Hwri .f d.,uh , n , i, Jis.i u,, st . 5 rooms and loth e , n v .M r',, ".' A. im enlencc. Wanu M .,a.,. li.im J. 1W.5 27 I'OU'MHIA'.UI, Mod an, ", i..ins and bath " .-. I w n, ... ',,. " ervlct. M.I and J7.1 ;.. r n c.tuh 'h i" ,aJ r.: .".: lenh, lieaiitlful location .1 use !-n,ure. i"I I nth r omit I'm si S mu- I M (Invltv ii. i.HEM'.l. APAR I'M F.NT 7 ro ms and bath limnnti3.'ii . . UNER 1 iuo 't ', , n . ii, it. . hoi water hi at He T ng.l HI7' ..Hi I.N tT . 20211 (Th an I ba-h. furnlshel hot vtater door bells et APARTMENT Mnd Tn verl.ior,i su0 v 1 main .,rfr,. I".t I H , Hitch. t-rnumoiin ro oen ai It'l, ., flu tl, i'. im tl.i , i urn r 'L JO I hone. It. -piru and surfae. apt . puion. mn iK cr I'hoi.i' IJidinort V Al.Nl 1 2212 A," " r. tit e I s ci Ion . ,.-.' a. i '.ngie rtn y. a, r furn r i v.1 -e apt., nrlv 717.1 W SOME Its I. 'I M ,V lt,I I nth prlv of 'u-ht kpu 2 1ST. S. 170- TvvoTn"int" furnlehed, timid si rv lee . I in n I. n and htl as.inal Ie well -!! 11111 mi:i i-ii "4 roo.m apts wTth i, 11, .r.rr: ND port h n-ni.i,. i n .1 . v . and mmcI us lawn Onus Haverford aic Kiiuf.. 1 n '1(11(1 lUver- I li iol VPARTMI.NT Ol.pos 1,, no-is pon h 5'to and 170 I Hl'RNT. l.'K) Parlislde nve I'Nl'.tl'ALl.V attrucilve upui tun ih Park (1 RLAC'K . rooms Jan.!' r. ., r. "eiro.iiii ixtrin hett 111 II S r.Oth at UiilInr.i MODERN effT. Untv h .us. ketoOnTt-;:... ...AV ,...nc.ro? ."' ""'J "Igh' el. va To , ,." 1 I (leu I HUi round i untis oluh und l.t-i, , 1 I.I k gang., ,,i, l,,ri. Hiatloi, and 2.1 minu. - ,T'I 1 J nr rnmitl. ,. ten t Iii.kr w Hum it(t8 J hlorliB t t 1 cliy (.nt 1 KUlV i Hi. MM"! V I"'l.iA 4, 1 (." n 1: . r Ifr i 1 i ) d .'het'nut rnu, v S'S . oltNElt 312s N 21t st 1 r ... near TJqgiStatloni. ul) M winy bath VNK A,.TS,fc.nL UDarrt iS,r- "Uehen.,,". A s. Sl)eci;ilt .ox Im aidXx r ' 17 APARTMENTS .UVfittnitOOK HSKPO. npt every conv ( Turn , suit Imm. pa... business couplej Helmont 1AU J. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2002 N. DROAD (new): 0 rooms 128 2021 N. Ilroad at,. C room. $91 2120 Green st i 4 rooms $. 121H Master at, 4 room. $4.1 707 N. lflth st 4 rooms $33 .ii-wiuii I,, i-Aiiaun, i7ii3 Fnirmount ave. N. W CORNLR 1UTH AND UREKNi also corner lllth and Mt Vernon, Just com pleted JS.1 to tlr.il In suites, 2 and 3 room, nnd bath and kitchenette Apply Oeo. L. Parker, 173H Falrmount nve 127 S. KITH ST (Oenevn Arts. One and a- room aultei wph private bath; In the liesr. ;f the shopping ill'trlct. FrilNISHED apartment for 3. W 1'hlla. or auburb September 1 Address J, K. Hart. 380 8. Ilroad st . or call Walnut (1000. 2107 WALNLT ST "(Heth-AIlyn Apt.. Ar tistically equipped well-serviced apart ments, fully furnished, WEST PHILADELPHIA 4039 BALTIMORE AVE. Hnndom-lv and hn.h, 3 furnished apartment., rooms and bath. 2 room. PENNSYLVANIA Ht'IltflUIAK t'OMI . furn., 0 rms. and prlv. porch, strict ly mod apt , Sept nnd Oct ; ndult family. Phone Iana. 01b. 6G N. Lnn.dovvne ave. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 17(17 MAH1I.H ST - Housekeeping apart ment (I rooms nnd bath, nowly papered! open Sunday between 2 and 4 P, M. AN'I WERP deeornte.i inn N 3 tins . 1HTH Modern, lmth. kltrh 160 newly $mi VIT PIHLAIir.l.PHIA $8.1 3 rooini. Race el. , or TAYLOR buth and kitchenette. & SON. 27 S. 40th t. 2300 APARTMENTS WANTED Want handsomely furnished apartment from Oeiuber 1 to April 1, on Wal nut. T.oi ust or SprULo streets only to contain 2 bedrooms bath living loom, dining nn, m. pantry and kitchen. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE IILDO.. PHILA wir i-iiir.i.rniA 2 ili.NTLE.MEN desire 2 rooms and hath, no rhildn n. vicinity of lllth to 37th. Spru. e. Walnut or '.heimut furnlshod or untur nlshed I' 71U Ledger Uffl.-o APARTMENT HOTELS -THE GLADSTONE- UTH AND PINE STS. ARHUl. I '1KLY FIREPROOF APAR rifENTS FURNISHEI? AND UNKURNISHED LONil AND SHORT TERM LEASES HOTEL BARTRAM 33d and Chestnut rt. ENTIRELY REMODELED. NEWLT mm MSHEIi, FURNISHED AND t.'NFUn NISHED APARTMENTS: DININO ROOOM. PHONE PRESTON 2310 C R. PRETTY MAN OWNER MIS KARI.EY MOR PELHAM COURT CARPENTER STATION OERMANTOWN cholcu apartments, no housekeeping, dining room service PI r ne .le-mantn-n 18fln HAMILTON COURT BUTH AND CHESTNUT STS 1'nf.irinvh. .1 npirtments, 2 nnd 3 rooms and In-li -eirlv 1 a dining room R II TUVTCHER Mennrer. HOTEL CAMDEN 2d st at Penn. Camden. . j .1 minutes' walk from ferry, faring ,n '-' op. r .- lu.ie a truly first-. 'ass h'.te' vMth 11" r i.m. and ,0 baths dally weekly nwl mnntr: rnts. retnurant with real h.ure c'.oklng Telephone Camden l.l.in "HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE t 11TH ST. 1 J-1 rooms and bnth: permanent or iraa i . t -ier.nl summer rates. . pi 'I MAN RAKER JR. Manager. THE SHintWOOD 3'M t nboe . lies-t ui 1. 2 nnd 3 room in .r'-nen's nr.l I'.ii fjrnlshed and un f.'ir.lalieil eirelprr ta'l" Hartng 7148. HOTEL HAMILTON 1314 Walnut st (east of Hroad) A iuio conservative hotel; lenutlfully furnlshe.i and en c 'iiducte-l. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY DWELLINGS FOR APTS 1010 Olrnrd ave , side yard N W. cor 17th und Oxford sts Kin.) .Master at , lot to atrret 2.'11X Poplar st , beautiful condition IMf. N isth st.. 3 housekpg. apt. .$1S 500 . 10 nno . 10 ono . n (too o ono S. W. COR. 7TH & RACE STS. Opposite Tranklln Square Camden Ilrldge A. HEAT0N MINNICK ' (ll.srl ,t P1 n.. P"p..r .'ISO li.J.i ill ernon, 14 rooms 2 l.ailn l.'..i2-4 Oreon, 14 apartments. BSxlhH 170.', Mt. Vernon. IS rooms. 4 baths. 1 I 'o N 10th ', bathe !. p light. 182& Oreen. 24 rooms, 7 baths IMin Mt Vernon .'. moms 4 baths, reno, 2l23('.reon. 0 apis with private bath.. 2.1'il G-een in rxims 2 baths, porch. 1113-21-22-24 hummer. U rooms, central. 172S Mt Vernon, 0 modern apartment.. Others. te, us what you want. HIIJUARD H WoHRr.LL & CO. K-H KT 17th P ' l" THIS IS AfiliRESSED TO THE PERSON WHO NEEDS A HOME IMMEDIATELY bui who will not pav exorbitant prices; I will se.l my modern il-room home with hot water heat, b w floors, tilt. bath, on bo ft street f . r Jilion other houses same street sel'ing for 7r.OO r. ason must leave city r..on Woodland 3130 M. HA I.E UT. N p.ith st. h.14 N 22J st I 'J I N luth -t S.13 N 22d Kt. 221.1 C.reen st SALE 172.1 Kali mount ave 121 s Master .1. 2.112 Poplar st. 112H Oxfoid st. 'his North at 1710 I awn it Mi Id N Cb-r .t. lEOltor 1. PARKI'R 173.1 Fnlrmount ave. 1624 LOCUST STREET roll SHOPS, OFFICES APARTMENTS li..-. 3.)X',3i. to I. '.Inier st 4-story bu'.dlng. C. F SIMON. 1 12 S. 1 6TH JT. NORTHEAST J. T. DOYLE Kensington and Lehigh avee W t' M 1 "I SEAR 'Jl-'-T- Lai tie brown. st. 11. 4 reh d.-nc with 11 t't.liooma and ". h.itl.s piU'i 111. .Hid, only J.MJ00 cash re- ,,,11'j I l'l. 11 Walnut 107" UaT.j1 -31.11 N. 7th st . 7 rooms. . niv Slim' .,. .11.J W Hedirclj in. N rooms . ' iuiil-. h'- .r heat garagi invlU'Koi. 1 1. 11 Ma .l''er 3IDII N "th st I'KSriUI. -fn " small nnd large sultablo for eiectlDi. of all cassis of buslnes. iioitrt l'I IiuIiJ.iiks suttatib- for altera 1 tns artii"h 1'(uw':i.l "in n i3tn 12.1 W OI NK1" A I'. 'ei desirable p.iirh. f'.mt. 2-st ry dnoi.init. posstsilon nt set- . '..! em 1 7.1 Hi" HFRTllLKT, Kill) N. 1 1) ( h Jl.'l N ldlH -3-stnry 12-ruoin dvvg white j.'.jint li g g tl cinditlon, lnotiilily .rise. P .ss, al ' til' n et lleit'.let, 1H11) N l"lll et 1'iJ-l N 1'RV.NM.l.N M - Hi til a. ..I nr ,w i7 si n. f r oil i e', 1 . in renins an 1 2 bathe. 1 I ml 111 n .!' v Sundav 1. A. M 10 0 P M VVVe, ins Hllei II 1' M ISu.7 I Aalf Rlt-Ut'lRKU rcrcu trontTl rooms toe bath open niepUce, electrlctti end Kn ho: .vater ht-at. :,U. X. lltb sL For paitl.-il.a c.,1 Woodland 0ll J ni V ,t31 :i -itort btlck. coed condition. Harry G. C. Williams nn Al 11 baths. 122 WAl.M T HARRY G. C. WILLIAMS i.l'.l'I'N !' .0- v.- no. ilium iUa, j"fl(7 Iir.. ir.. r'g.l t-'M". Itinv r-mtln. nTIU R l'oKI.I 211 N13th st l(--l.1.- l' H N lPeks r, -h ISInT ew- 'yL",! iV J.'.'2 N V.MAi -Vr. ,.nt 11, Bo,j condlilon! HARRY G. C. WILLIAMS . . iulnut .'7 " A I .KUAIN ..i in,,, 0 room ii' -Jl'IlJL .'J. "! ! D-'"t,( " 1 r. ..-... -.. -11. .m .-v. ji rVin l'l' nil N nth ,- HIRE und !)-IO'.ln h ,vpi. U7I N liith 'Uett, 12 It N iotn .t. nt li'lif ll.lMHERflER ST ..I rmS. vacant. lid I. Tasker .!! 1 uv .erm. DF.lMll It ; 10- .- .tin ci - in. iiu.1 j,. pru-d lf,nn ..UTII1 It I..MVFI.L 283 N 13th " " It.isln lr Prnoerllew and Stores 1304 to 14 Spring Garden St. l.aige iilui.be pr..,,. in nultal.le for iuii. , in., I i e I ul)K'. Pu. and most ria. iiauii" it una or puu-laae up-n BDDll. a. I on tj Burton C. Simon porn Pit' INKS a. d Pussyunk ave ir i'U'h Oil All' 11 T -I our and 8 tl....r div .t. r i tattle foi ttor.es. clear light infu. in- e-ii.t urj srti. r. -irs. tarlv utisr"10 J " e'-,,. - .. i.annell A. AN l' & room a ml JtH-alllter. 4217 Ridge av... hi .... ivin n.nm.. ;.- ;' stoo n m : ,:-vw 28 SOUTH FRONTSTT -. ' '; 1 .', ' "nl '.vj ". . I' . ?3 1 1 1 cil !. st. Kki .1 it - ,f' -Silv. 'i4 ' ''"" "" - -- - V ,