XrfxTlK.Kt r" t 'UJni s "w I V jk ;'". i "7S5VTT jf rnvt rt, r 4;,U' : Vtk ' EVENING PUBLIO LEDaER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGIJBT 25, 1921 xr - iv! Li N . ti. THE 14 G?iVT J5y GEORGE GIBBS Author of "The Splendid Outcast," "The Ycllouj Dove," "The Secret Witness," Etc. CopirlcM. ' a. ABBtttan A Co. rCSsDBOlNS THE 8T0UY ".J.L VW.ooei?cfc. ulo L WPn..!-. driven from home hu ?'i"ni K. McOuWe takes charge Jtiiathn.': July it is to see that oltXt At a dinner given in honor !' Ill MoGuire, daughter of 'J itA K., o stranger, 1010 has '"2J15 lo moto hi wa nupcofI !S' ouarf.. . covcr.. iArc-... iff. uergen, i " Vr-doLill father of Beth Mn i beautiful girl hi (he CXl" t iter SumlMM VfXnV fto 'o her. Then rv'u as he talks to ner. "? 2f.Vsa5 ir?K..on. 0 the ' .A. in. love With licin. Tfi HBBB IT CONTINUES UEY approached curiously. With r1 it Lmidcnce the mosngo WXS I crnvon upon the reverse Ku ' yftntlinn McumroH i.e.". ' nl ..ni and nnllcd to the iree B'.fcnlfo. SWe hv side, and r..nily Intorciteii, tncy "" uun to miko Mcoumn ylt epm bnefc. , T Ton HT " .Vo cot. Ait pronto. j-ll'como for tnj nrn . t , k lf nllWrnnsicr-you know nh.it thett'f nq answer j ,LWK. wkr; mattered Beth, "who on Crth " M retcr cryptl" tw.i. ...I" cr ed Uetn iriuimmiin' , U" It couldn't be .Tack Jrnyl " nrant. dowri - utMfi. only n joke. It must be," tril'J.I,cthA.,l fh knife, took the .Mri down nnd turned It over, cum- r,i2 hnt .'" meu on Rn should not ml l'l ,th? "o"'1 mnl ! that both h.nS:OU,tl.havo 8.tten nwy without "?" t. Ami where was the 1 win with the blnclc mustache? 1Vos he John Rrny? Impossible, It n all in held tho tnnelble evidence of Sic- nl IT8' .You know whn' r"e Rot nnd I know whnt you've cot." The (-entence seemoil tc have n rahnllstlc sic- nitlcnnee n pact a threat which each tinn hold over the other. I'crhnps It wasn t motley onlv that "lluwk" wnntcd. Whatever It nnB, he meant to nave t, and soon. The answer the man expected wa? apparently Bomctlilne well understood between himself and Mc- julre. better understood pcrhapi plnce imp .ihv .viouinrc hnrl seen him In N t ork and had fled 'In terror to Sheldt HW Rknlilnn s offlce. Anri if rr,ii- ,u.i. ''""'l the desired answer to the tree bv Sr, thoucht THE GUMPS Anotlter 50 Bucks Gone Hay Wire nifz ' P1?1, .. -.Illnnllt. WW n ",'" V. A,l then. fani "So7i don't believe It Is It h id Ved to IcGulre. I'm Rolnc to eMlro." corrected Beth And then, "l't " rcuu, w . u?.e.I ,. .. -...1 Peter: "it an- win lo mo as if this mcwwmo must C eono from the person McGulro M f ?, lL.,M..l SS!.C h.." Aunt Tllllo cot to liIlh-wltli Hawk? .She never knew Tbcdv of that name. "Probaniy noi. ji ih i. " ef course ". ,...,, lt ... , .. "Then Wliv Pllt'iim ii iimiinn ..... MeGulrc?" she asked logically. p.r shnnk liis hend. All the prop" bid fnllcn from under his theories. "Whether it's real to McOuIre or sot Is what I want to know. And I'm coins to find out," ho fiiiHiod. When they reached n path which cut throuch the trees toward the creek. Btth stoppea, nnu neici out nrr iinuu. "I'm not coin un to the house with yon nd I don't think I'll ee Aunt llllo just now," she snld. ''(iood-by, r. " "Peter ' tie put in. "flood-by, Mr. Peter." "Jnst Peter" he insisted. "Goodbj. Mr. Just Peter. Thanks for tit playln'. Will you let me come stsln?" "Its. And I'm Roing to cct, you some music "Slngin' music?" sho gnped. lie nodded. "And you'll let me know If I can iclp Annt Tllllo or ,vou?" She bobbed her head and was cone. Peter stood for n while watchlnc the psth down which she had disappeared, wondering nt her abrupt departure, which for a moment drove from his Kind nil thought of McOulre's tumble. It will difficult to nssoclate Beth with tie idea of prudery or nffectntion. Her slslt proved that. She had pome to tho cabin because sho bad wanted to hear llm play, because she hud wanted to staff for him, because too his promises lad excited her curiosity nbout him, and Inspired a hope of his assistance. But the visit had flattered Peter. He wasn't Inured to this sort of frankness. It VH perhaps the Greatest single gift of tribute and confidence that had ever Men paid him nt least bv n woman. A visit of this sort from a person like Ansstasio Gnlltrln or Indeed from al most any nomnn in tho world of forms nd precedents In which ho had lived jould have been equivalent to uncon ditional surrender. Tho girl hnd not stopped to question the propriety of her actions. That tho cabin was Peter's bedroom, that she d only seen hiin twice, that ho might not have understood tho headlong im pulse that brought her, had never occurred to Until. The self-conscious-Mss of the first few moments had been wafted away on tlin melody of the music lo had plajcd, nnd nfter thnt ho knew jney were to bo friends. There seemed to be no doubt in Peter's mind that she uld have thought they would be nny uilng elw. And I'otcr was sure that ho had truly been able, even if ho hnd wished, to conceal his warm admiration for her Pfijslcal beauty. Sho had been vcrj nwr him. All he would havo had to rrk Ti t0 rench out nn(1 to10 ''or. jm ho hadn't done so soomod rnther curious now. And yet ho experienced J sort of mild satisfaction that he hnd resjsted bo trying n temptation. If she Man t been so suro of him idealism? Perhaps. The same sort of walism that had made Peter believe me people at Zukovo were fine enough y make It worth while risking his life !uthemTtbat h(l(1 mnil him think tlrat w people of Itusslu could emerge "ove Itussla herself, no had no lllu- In?' t0 Zultovo now, but Both was dlld on8 ls alwy8 sentlo with ?5 p.uie'd r another moment over ft decision not to bo seen coming with ilU from ! rtnKln TT-.l !.! 1.1 ll..i .nuiii, uuu una Bopiila- ncation come ns an afterthought, born J,'omWnK thnt has passed betvvoen rii . f"lne expression? Potcr didn't 1i1.j1? .new or Bawi because ho really km.. Beth. nnn'Iii8ly. She had a orreon ni it. ."...1.1 1 .- j- "lop it. He really would, ail tho while Peter was turning over - is nngers tho placard bearing the f,l!f messnR to "Mlko" McGulro "on, the mysterious "Hawk." Ho read T..-rierea? lt- cach tlmo finding n new HJI' ,uJts wording. Blackmail? tib&i Th0 "Pronto" was slgnift. I; .This message could hnrdly huvo nS i.'" !!eth'B "bandy-logged bua fa.' v. F knew 1,ttl8 ' movi enmera to il !maBined them rather given t ,deLDlctlon of villainies than tho "ccompllshment of thera. And a coward tarf. Sn!? pr?7 uPn nn !'l woman Q a child cou d hardly bo of tho mottle (ft. i.-"?1 8U,ch bl KQmo n" McGulro. toylttry, dePcnd. Tho buziard woo real .hawk- ''Hawk," whatovor his ns . ast PJgbt trough the window. Wno in n. '"V".80. w" had frlghtcnod sd".?",86"7 A?d o. how nn3 where inr .,- . innim without Hoth'8 be ff tahWt?.i. A?,J why "hould Beth Pl. ed ,n. tho danger? it ihWnv,S'5,Sw,y comln t0 th8 belief l.if!a.bad been two meu outside tho "i Aad yc(; it aseined tcafcely jioa. 1 'If .v nlel't, there would be tho very devil to rmy If not "Hawk." I cter was to be the bearer of 111 fld-t Ings, nnd with thcrh, he knew, nil pros pect of ij business discussion would van- ISIl. Tlie Sltlintlon ntMmtnA Um n. nil things mysterious must, nnd ho could not forget that he was. for ths present, nnrt pollremnn. part dctce tlve: but forestry was his mal job here and cycry day that pnssed means so ninny fewer dnys In whleh to build the Ire tow era. And these he considered ti be n prime necessity to tho srcuiity of thp estate. Ho rolled tho plnrard up nnd went toward the house. On tho lawn he passed tho voung pcorle, intent upon their own pursuit. Ho was clnd thnt fine of them nntired him. nnd mretlnu Mrvkcr, who was hovering nround the lower hall, ho sent his name up tu hi cinplover. "I don't think Mr. MrGuIre expects you just jet. sir," wild tho man. "Nevertheless, tell him I must sec him." wild Peter. "It's Important." Though It was nearly 2 o'clock. Mr Oulre was not yet dtessod and bin looks when Peter was admitted to him be-f-poke n long night of anxiety end vigil. v earing an incongruous flowered dress ing gov n tied at the waNt with n silken cord, he turned to the visitor. "Well." he said rather peevishly. "I'm Forrv to disturb von, Mr. Mc Gulro. but something Iiob hnppencd that I thought " "What's happened?" the other man snapped out. eyeing the roll of card board in Peter's hand. "What ?" he gnsped. Peter smiled nnd shrugged roolly. "It mny be only n ioke. sir am1 I hardlv know whether T'm even justified In railing it to vour attention, but T found this plarnrd nailed to a tree near the patch to the rnbln." "Phc.nd !" wild McGulro. hl hnrp glance noting the printing of the ties 'i,s n'5n. "Of course that's the usual warning " "It's the other side." said Peter, "thnt 1h iiniiunl." And unrolling it rnrefullv. he lnld It flat' on the table I e'de his emnlojer's breakfast trnv and thn stood back to noto the effect of I bo disclosure. McGulro stnred nt the headline, starting violently, nnd then, os though fiiscinnted. lend the fcinwl tlnough to the end. Peter could not see his fore. 1 ut the back of his nook, the ragged fiinge of moist hnir nround bin bald spot, were eloquent enough. And the Lands which held the extraordinary document vvre far from stemlv. The guv flowers of the dressing gown mocked the pitiable figure it concealed, which seemed suddenly to sag Into its rbnlr. Peter wnited. Tor a long while the dressing gown was dumb and then as though Its occupant were slowlv nwakcnlng to the thought that some thing was lequiied of him it stirred nnd turned slowly in the chair. "You vou've read this?" nsked Mc Gulro weakly. "Yes. sir. It was there to read. It was merely stuck on n tree with thi hnsp-knlfe," and I'cter produced the implement and handed it to McGuire. McGuIre took the knife twisting It f.lowl,v over In his fingers. "A hnsp knlfe," ho lepentcd dully. "I thought it best to biing them to you," Mild Peter, "especially on ac count of " "Yes, yes. Of course. He was staring at the red crayon scrawl nnd ns he ald nothing more Peter turned tovvnrd the door, where Strjkcr stood on guard. "If there's nothing else just now, I'll " "Wuit!" uttered the old man. nnd Peter paused. And then, "Did any one olso sen this this paper?" "Yes Mrs. IJorgen's niece she saw it first." "My housekeeper's niece. Any one else?'' "I don't know. I hardlv think so. It seemed qulto freshly written." "Ah " muttered McGuire. Ho was now regarding Peter intently. "Where vvhoro Is tho tree on which you found it?" "A maple just In tho wood nt the foot of tho lawn " "Ah!" Ho stumbled to the window, tho plncord still clutched In his hnndH, and pecieu nc me woous us inougn ncrn ing to pick out tho single treo mnrked for hlB exacerbntion. Then jerked him self nround and faced tho beurer ol theso tidings, glaring at him ns though ho wcro the author of thorn. "G d jou all!" he swore In n stifled tone. "I beg paidon," said Potcr with sharp politeness. McGulro glanced nt Peter and fe.l henvlly into tho nearest armchair. "J I can't bo done." ho muttered, half to himself, and then another oath. II vvaa showing his early breeding uow. "I might 'a' known ," ho said aloud, staring at the paper. "Then it isn't n joke?" nsked Peter, risking tho question. .... "Jokot" roared McGulro. And then more quietly, "A Joko? I don't want It talked about," he muttered with a senllo nmllo. And then, "You sny a woman read It?" "Yes." "Sho must bo kept quiet. I can't havvj all tho neighborhood Into ray of- fal"." . J T, "I think that can be managed. I'll speak to her. In tho meanwhile 11 there's uny thing I enn do " McGulro looked up nt Peter and their glances mot. McOulre's glnnco wavered and then enmo back to Peter's face. What he found thore seemed to Batlsfj hlra, for ho turned to Stryker, who had been listening Intently. "You may go, Stryker," ho com manded. ''Shut the door, but stay within call." The valet's face showed surprise and some disappointment, but ha merely bowed hl head and obeyed. "I suppose you're you'ro curious about this message, Nlchols coming Jn ouch n way," said McOulre, after a "To tell the truth, I am, sir," replied Peter. "Wo'vo done all wo could to protect you. This 'Hawk' must bo th W1 repeated McOulre. "Hell", breed. The thing can't go on. I've got to nut a stop to it and to him." "Ho speaks of coming again Friday night " CONTINUED TOMORROW, 'CVtrtVf vW?s SVtt TOJCUO MS (lFOS SeVrEWAV 'rVNP UOVN Vi Mt "X- "SO VAOtKWLKVm.X-1 SHU. rAS-T TMHK THrVt TVixi MINT ViN"5 A. reVi SJtwmG vlovr x6r me- ANt Hto TME ELA-OW )NNMG "WE TREE'S DOING OVER.-TMfc- "THEN fcOrTT tMJC UOW VrtVfcT fNxLS AsT. TWEVNxI GOT -to HWt MEV!XtVM(3 F Nov ?EMC TO TViEM THEM M I CMAT VV? lAVStTVF- EVtI5N-brA0 IS 0 VVCV- KINOVM IV 'vV r.vMvi AMt TUEV BOX VxlKHiWW3 ( ' H ... npu oimtn j X J2 TVliN HA.VE TO HNVt: THE BEST OF HVEWT1HC TOu I k ,-r wn Nrrcnmrti UlUhV IV COSiTR NDJ t rify sVs ivw virrtscnss v-" , ., T - t tE ViOrAMH VvlVTH VJVTHNO BUT 1U W T01Klr4(aS HOVW tS AWP V0J TvllNk MES ON TMti V VIW TO TV.E ?0O V4D0E - JH OLDEN TNES TVAEVVEP w -us-, sv.tin rwJVJ sTvrinVihn- MtVlF. TVlPkA CAt-r rv ' t K UniNKl UlnoP k tXvtC CiX k0m'PV4 S?OiWttCaS NOW NOU'P UWE TO HWr ME. A. COUPLS OF WVRt xJUHtS JH r s-wkka vuna v ov.icp.ti-h ncs.oc.v-r- iff n- Al5j 9 .'. sZ 'I V554 Jl. 1 H W tKNCf Mrri SOMEBODY'S STENOGSo Far and Yet So Near This must be. THE. ' , HnT?.ST DAT I'slCE 1)1 t-n OR -$OMETHIM6'. I'm cjLAD The- boss is awav aaid X- CAAl lAKfc. II KlAiaT . j -m (a 'CD y ""SIT 1 BELIEVG MB IF HE WAS HERE OIIAHIM' XA1l AAin. MAMIAl' MB. HUSTLE. lb DM IT'S TOO HOT -ti uAOOk? TabAVVVAlVHOW ! V'BRAims Set auu sticks awd DOM.1 ruvw r- j-i smcooTm : iBi 1 nn' m m P VAELL, IM BOSS HERE AitOW By Hayward AJOBcODY TO IAJTERFERE WITH ME .' ITS LIKTELY To BE HOTTER Tomorrow -5uess ill Go HOME. AAID REST UP FOR IT' ) US EXECUTVE GoT To ..... 1 's-, KEEP A CLEAK ntrAu-. HO-HUM . r ""-JS t" Or - Wi t) MISS 9FLA6E-D0AlT FORGET TO SEMd 1 THOSE 1WEAITV FORM LETTERS OUT -TMAV rALL UP SHOOK& AA1D GO. ftrs fAI&Z THE FILES - MAKE TEAJ CARBOH& OF THE. SMITH LETTER IS IT HOT There -in Towm ? Fiaje aai' Coou here.: - I " P mr r v" n t s vtc 1 J I H I Jl f X, ' sO- mm PI 1 The Young Lady Across the Way ' if eMtvia" cA .jl ylnf Eppic Hogg, the Fattest Woman In Three Counties The young lady across the way snjs tho demand for alligator pears as human food is growing nt such a rate that she guesses the alllga tois will have to cultivate a taste for t-omethlng else. -: By tontaine Fox mSmmBMm 'JJ W, ,l?--:::i'illvsvvv SCHOOL DAYS By DWIO WMCM JHC ADDRESSED THE- l(Dl5 Of -CH. GOIUD LAST WEEK AOMT EPPIE. (WHO DOES NOT SEE VERY MUCK Cf WHAT IS piECTY BEPogE HER ) T00K oHC SUrVf DISASTROUS STEP FoRwaKD To tAi. fRoNT op TH sSTACE. vJ irl aort' voo 6ot'em ik SSa- al " c-J cnA ;Esieu LMeas - aw SSWM Wa-n " To,K ' I Ai conTcha wr jx&sLg- ,8Kffl ''" w"" t J e w uk w- 11 TlWri TlAe. WOT our coe ov.. ! . . Una a Hueeo'scoptt? fflrj-4U' MOVIE FAN Looks All Right to Nicodemus p r ni 1 toil b ruhllc I edprf r Comjvinv By Beeze ' .', :' !i !s, '1 ! '1 .i 1 t ' 1.1 ii' 'i " 1 ' ', ,'" ' i, 1 1 ' ' 1 -i I' i' h(L r 1 ,' S''. 7a. ' , . ' I ..! K. I' 1 , ! ' i ' '1 " 1 1! ' ' ! I .' ,'1 ' 1 i.f ' " ' ' , ,' m. . , 1 ; . . j . ' 1 . ; o o ,0 LOTTA R.A,CQOfir FREMCK TdrJrJiJ STAR t . i" 1 ' I , ' I ,' ,M" 1' .1 " '1 I'lf I '-, I. ' I . I 'I I 1. . ' . ' ' . I . I I'l I t i; I-'' h."'1 - " ' - t ! , ' s ' siZ "!' ,'! ' , ' i','. 1 ' ' 'yy 'iii 1 ii; V;' fi. '' ISL bk .Jg.T he show! V. fo L22iK ,','l4'l Am WW -3u WONPERPUL PoWl 11 VX jfiHKl Plfr' ' ,!3Sii sr -iL .s 1 ,r! ; ?IftS ' n' 55s. w- .. i.'iTVJi.airi.v.'.ii.m . '.- ."-rf" rtr w -m.. t &Zr 1 1 in' i, 1 - i x. - k m 1 1 -11 ' ?ai j .11 1 ui.ii PETEYOut of Luck By C. A. Voight I evER (.et "The; U 'v W0W1EV4 KID ME lUTb CoMIKlc; To Trie MouijTaUiS H'V-- J IIKE.THE sea-swore r r T .nnnum Ci. .,. wi " ,. mu 11 I The TM shin's 4 V40 J0OD HEPE AU' 1 1. Nnil AlliT Alinwie-r. Hmb huwtNeT 1 ADMIT Tv-IPPp'. t'2. 5inkic nci 1 smuifc JriL.l.s. SCEWERt ". 'i .f. g mMAUifMlH Ml T5uT.SohuJH2&8 LmM mxCMyWy?- jft(WmMfflmmm yfliV!Ari shore There s W Z 1 iuthu r -WJ? .'VWMftfi?EaSraaiK Jlh i I MnREThlnnid nTl ?. ) akv i- Oyr(yKr &r& &mMWmSBSmi k'LLUi V ttau must -jyiiwm T .r j t VTJt0y ..Sr kHT -?B ?,l?MWWlsiBi)4lSMr lJ3 ' v c-- " . v Vrafy TTi TiC vTttyU AiTO. &?vS2?2Av.. b WUAI i ' J "7- -.. .'r. 1U C HfW'PW MJiJSR acarlfc yiw im vj?$wr YtT'mmA i vyjs' wyjfriiMJ ss&exvk. ssztvoirt uwww'za :a wv , ikisKaviasi?x' ru c4t&5! rfiwiAiMim mn. i .m "am sm. &2s&amsauBti&Ekms&& ' , Tftv W4 ii At !! I ' fl I t j: ?1 il 1 1. t i i :; i .S s Ik r J ti'l 'Hi J If J A. ; """"' . i i ii iwn.iJ I -rsg- iph art ,i -c.,y.'0- BKaBIIFi ijlL . ' Ath Ns . .. ' J- . ... I. ... wi.;;. .',w vjl p t ''v-v T StVuf Nt tvjss. x.