WVT'T'TX' ' M ZIFW?7T"?A vBjiiv-v ?' JrfirrTFTJSffT --d.y.4 i.i T v:. ifVv v i , ' "i , ' ' ivfo -'. ' ' ' . ' V i, 'V I " l A ', ''4 ' t A EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST fi&, 1921 6 V ' W4TOWT p.M a, - r R, 'Vr v rt F K'-r COLO? OF 4770 IMPORTANT TO FEMININE PURCHASER 'And Then She Is Finicky Driver and Forgets What to Do at Times, Says Car Salesman ' "And can you believe It: a woman came in hero lnt week to buy a car and bad it pnlnfcd plum color, to mntrli a new suit slip hnd just purchased!" The Rftlcsmnn hnd been aHed how women ficured In the purchase of n car. Ho looked dlsRUHtrd. Tlio business man will enter a show room; ho immediately is taken under the wins of n Mttaman. The prospec tive buyer will walk six feet forward, two feet to the loft, turn his head a bit and reluctantly admit that "it's u fair lookin' bus." Which admission causes the wilesman'R heart to glow. Then tho man continues his tour of inspection. He stands on the runntiiR board, peers into tho tiny mirror fas tened to tho side, slldei into the driver's Mat, tips his hnt at an angle and makes tho salesman sure that the prospect I vu buyer is a man of affluence and import. Then, after having sufficiently im messed the salesman with tho fact that fie has a mind of his own, he carelessly remarks that he'd better bring "the wlfo" down, nnd strolls out. Enter the wife. "Oh, what a pretty car. And as sno runs slender lingers over the polished surface she almost i purrs as she debates as to what Mrs. NeTt Door will say. "And It's such a pretty shade, too." And so. if "the wife" finds the color pleating nnd the lines "pretty" ltV a safe bet that the salesman gets his commission ! Teaching n woman to drive a car, the salesman observed, is usually more dif ficult than teaching a man, because as n general rule, she's so excited. Rut when she once learns, she slides in and out of traffic, outraging her fellow drivers, smiling enticingly at all, traf fic policemen Included, and If she has a dimple and a merry little twinkle in her eve "well," declared a salesman, "there's no doubt about It, she can get awny with n lot." The average woman driver will tako more risks because she does not stop to reason things out. She rnthor figures that she'll come through all right, nnd Is quite surprised If some one runs Into her, or she hits another car. There is really no reason why women should not be the samo competent drivers as men, the sales expert said, but no man likes to drive back ot n a! Browning,King & Co. MEN'S SUITS $18 to $40 A repricing "sale that includes all the remaining Spring and Sum mer Woolen and Worsted Suits, Men's and Young Men's. The former prices were $35 to $65. Ml 8 I I They are all Browning, King Standard Clothes CZZIOEZD 1524-1526 CHESTNUT STREET woman driver, because he never knows what sne is going to do next. Her Intention may be to turn to the iigui. iiuu i'i Avnvii put' rrucm'H wiu crossing che suddenly remembers an er rand, ana with little warning, swings to the left and is nulte incensed If the man following rune up the back of her car. Excited In Crisis In n crisis, the salesman declared, the average woman will lose her head nnd either drop the wheel nnd pin her faith In Heaven and tho other fel low driving, or will clutch wildly at the brakes In an effort to nvert dis aster. The cool, self-possessed woman who drove an ambulance ou the other sido. with shell holes at almost every turn of the road, will keen a firm grasp on the wheel, and frequently make her escape, a narrow one, perhaps but then and she will shrug her shoulders. "It's the woman who dresses to match her car," said the salesman, "who Is the most difficult to teach driving, and who will take the greatest risks and then lose her head when she most needs to keep It. D T """"""""'pi ess A whole empire of vacation opportun ities more to see and learn and enjoy than you ever dreamed where many a thrilling page of our history was written. The Chicago &Nort$iWestern Ui&ioriPaofk System take you through the real West the West of the Pioneers and the Overland and Oregon Trails along the Columbia River Highway that acknowledges no rival in Europe or America within sight of Mounts Hood, Adams, St. Helens and Rainier, great snow-capped peaks that form the background of those wonder ful cities .lacoma and Jeattle Two splendid trains from Chicago the Oregon Washington Limited and Continental Limited Low Summer Fares Let Ua Plan Your Trip Beautifully illustrated booklet "Pacific Northtvest and Alaska" free on request. For information, tik any Railroad Ticket Office, or D, M. Davit, Gen'l Aeent, F L. Fcakim. Ccn'l Agent, C. & N. W. Ry, V. P. System, 544 Wldener nidK., 1335 Chestnut St., J01-3 Com"! Tmit Bide Philadelphia 13th and Market St., Philadelphia 62EE Portland "Hut then, we nil get along pretty well with our wives, nnd It's the most natural thing In tho world to humor them a bit. Suppose my wife does the perverse thing of wanting the ton car when n brown one would be better. The. color doesn't make much differ ence. "Hut the female of the species 'Is more deadly tlinn the male when an nuto is concerned." THIEVES Glf$850THAUL Enter and Rob Home of Philip Sklar. Jewels and 9llver Taken Thieves entered tho home of Philip Sklar, 5837 I'ino street, while he was away Saturday night, nnd obtained jewelry and silverware valued at $850. Ttiev "broke n rear cellar window. Htl.ir discovered the robbery on his return home Inst night, nnd reported It to the polico of the Fifty-fifth and Pine streets station. Detectives Bummers and irbninnii. trim were nssiened to the case. said Sklar hod failed to toll tho police In mlvnncn ot Ills aosenco irom uie houe. oimtSS; DRESSMAKERS SeamstressesFinishers If you need reliable help you will get it through an ad in THE PUBLIC LEDGER MORNING EVENING SUNDAY Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS Preparatory Schools Day Courses Open Sept. 12 Evening Courses Open Sept. 26 "Opportunity Waits on Preparation" Thorough, painstaking Instruction Day and evening courses Men Teachers DlBtinct Groups Tuition Moderate Terms to Suit. !..-:. UlU C.k.1 For bovs of 11 to 18. Covers threo years work equal Junior High Scnool-ffrffrey syh 'g Flr8t Year HlBh Sch00i. Prnrnrtr vnnnlDay and Evening Courses prepare young- men and preparatory acnooi-y ay for An high gchooi oubjeefcraugnt. Elementary School Eesontlals of 6th, 6th. 7th and 8th Kradca of irrammnr Elementary ocuooi .hn, Day Night courses. Men and Women. English and Qtiienihip for Foreign-Born Stammering private and clast work Private Imtrnction in all tubjecU CnulJ Gnnnanlum and Nutatorlum FncUllle. Wrlto or Call for Catalog DAY AND EVENING COURSES FOR EVERY NEED 1421 Arch St. Mm lYL C 1013 Lehltrh Ave. Sansom & 52d Sts. (ifok I Stationery . - For Accountants BLANTC BOOKS Bound end Loom Vt LiTHOonAPnmo PRINTING CNOItAVlNO -FFICB 8TATIONERT AND SITPLIKS 1VTANN Stationery Service is ready to 1 supply accountants with quality products carried right in stock at all times. Phone or mail orders are de livered promptly. Stock looso leaves, Binders, Holders: Blank Books, Columnar Books (2 to 30 columns); pencils, pens, inks, erasers; card Index cabinets. WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Offices: 261 Broadway. Founded in 1848 ijaiwi Bigger, better than ever There's a harmonious smooth ness in a Girard which brings you pleasure in every puiF. You will find an individuality, a distinctive quality appeal which puts Girard beyond all comparison. For a better, bigger smoke try the new Girard. Antonio Roi & Langsdorf Philadelphia Eilabliaucd SO ycuri Americas Foremost Cigar dm jH sgr (iouiu wag! VVwcf BROKER ijc straight (achul Hat) Never gets onyour nerves Thousands Are Reaping the Harvest of This Sale's Advantages q Because it is filled with the vigor of values such as rarely fall to public lot in America. q Small wonder that the buying continues to increase as this impressive Furniture-Selling Event faces the last week of its close. Eight more days to go days that will be among the best and busiest of this record-breaking Sale. Not alone because prices are lower than in years in the furniture trade, but because we have brought them still lower by the most drastic reductions that we have probably ever made in an August Sale lower here than any place reliable Furniture is sold. f Quantity purchases, enormous storage facilities', factory-to-you savings, years of specialization, and a location that alone saves customers $250,000.00 a year all combine to make this the greatest and most economical Furniture Sale ever con ducted under one roof. ' In the Living Room furnished such as this, one finds the comfort and cod tiicte thai ln"tes mental and physical relaxation. The great loose-cushion Davenport and the easy Chairs, the rich Mahogany Boole Cases and Imperial Tftw ;. together' with the beautiful Lamps create an atmosphere both refreshing and delightful with everything marked nt unequaled August Sale Savings. Reductions Ttiat Are a Revelation BEDROOM This list gives but a hint of the astonishing savings. DINING ROOM S34DJS0 Walnut Bedroom Suite. 3 pes., $163.00 Mahogany-finish Louis XV Bedroom Suite, 4 pieces, now $105.00 $225.00 Walnut Quren Anne Suite, 4 pieces, 9175.00 $230.50 Mahogany Bedroom Suite, 4 pieces, $107.00 $525.00 Walnut Louis XVI Suite. 7 pieces, $375.00 $675.00 Mahogany Louis XVI Suite, 7 pieces, $485.00 $715.00 Walnut Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces, $525.00 $823.00 American Walnut Bedroom Suite, 7 pieces, $550.00 $025.C0 Mahogany Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces, $610.00 $1150.00 Walnut or Mahogany Louis XV Suite, 7 pieces, $775.00 $2225.00 Walnut Louis XV Suite, 10 pieces, $1600.00 $375.00 Jacobean Oak Suite, 4 pieces, now $145.00 $250.00 American Wnlnut Queen Anne Dining- Room Suite, 4 pieces. $155.00 $435.00 Wnlnut Dining-Room Suite, 10 pieces, $245.00 $075.00 Queen Anne Walnut Suite, 10 pieces, now $475.00 . $605.00 Old Oak Polychrome Suite. 10 pieces, $370.00 $750.00 Walnut Queen Anne Suite, 10 pieces, $450.00 $850.00 Walnut Queen Anne Suite, 10 pieces, $405.00 $850.00 Adnm Brown Mahogany Suite, 10 pieces, $575.00 $1450.00 Mnhonany Queen Anne Suite. 10 pieces, $600.00 $975.00 Walnut Chippendale Suite, 10 pieces, $725.00 $1050.00 Mahogany Queen Anno Suite, 10 pieces. S850.00 LIVING ROOM Mahogany-and'Cane Suite. tapesty.covered seats, 3 pieces, now $00.00 $115.00 Mahogany-finish Suite, tapestry cov ered seats, 3 pieces, $75.00 $135.00 Mahogany Suite, tapestry covered seats, 3 pieces, $95.00 $165.00 Over-stuffed loose-cushion Suite, cov ered with tapestry, 3 pieces, $142.50 $175.00 Mahogany-and-Cane Suite, covered with tapestry, 3 pieces, $155.00 $205.00 Over-stuffed loose-cushion Suite, cov ered with tapestry, 3 pieces, $175.00 $405.00 Over-stuffed Suite, covered with tap estry In ftorrtl design, 3 pieces, $225.00 $400.00 Over-stuffod loose-cushion Suite, cov ered with tapestry, 3 pieces, $325.00 Over-stuffed loose-cushion Suite, covered with tapostry, 3 pieces, $335.00 Over-stuffed loose-cushion Suite, covered with blue mohair, 3 pieces, $428.00 $805.00 Over-stuffed loose-cushion Suite, cov ered with mole-color mohair, 3 pes., $605.00 $2100.00 Walnut Dmlng-Room Suite, 10 pieces, $1050.00 WICKER FURNITURE ALSO COSTS I FSS hfrf thaw fi qfwhfof August Sale Reductions that mean great savings with all that is new, quaint and luxurious in the Wicker World to choose from SINGLE PIECES Great quantities of Beds, Bureaus, Drej.ing Ttbles, Chiffonettes, Chiffonier., Chifforob ports, China Closets, Chairs, in hundreds of. styles, Dressing Table benches, Mirrors, etc. at unprecodentc jes, Unven- sntcd savings. Savings of 2D t 33Vs is Moot Coverings SOME AS MUCH AS 50 PER CENT Rugs and Carpets from the country's foremost manufacturers. Standard products in wanted weaves and handsome designs and colorings. Nearly all weaves makes and sizes. A hint of the sweeping reductions in this extraordinary August Sale: $39.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels, 3x12 ft 24.30 40.00 Seamless Velvet. 9x12 ft. 48.00 High Pile Axminster, 9x12 ft 68.00 Heavy Seamless Axminster, 9x12 ft.., 85.00 Best Seamless Velvet, 9x12 ft 36.00 Seamless Tapestry Brussels, 8.3x10.6 54.00 Seamless Velvet, U.3X1U.G 26.30 31.30 45.00 59.00 24.50 36.00 56.00 Seamless Axminster, 8.3x10.6 39.75 56.00 Seamless Velvet, 6.9x12 36.50 45.00 Seamless Velvet, 7.6x0 29.75 48.00 Seamless Axminster, 7.6x9 32.50 40.00 Seamless Axminster, 6x9 26.50 78.00 Heavy Axminster, 11.3x12 49.50 $2.G0 and $2.25 Inlaid Linoleum, 75c a yd. r.-mnnnts. sum lent of ,i imiiein for moit nnv bl3 r00m. Owtng to tho unuri-ieionted uVnmnd for tiilu linoleum o nre obllijud to limit to each customer cuflltU'iu for one room onls. ISrlnic room measurements. CARPET SPECIALS S2.50 Heavy Tapestry Brussels $1.45 3.00 Best 10-Wire Brussels 1.75 3.85 Highcst-ffrauV Velvet $1.95 ami $2.25 l'r.n ipalh ,,.,rt , mine nh bonlr to match rirlnu loom mr .inurements o.vv iv,j 4,.,,,iw, -. ,. -a.s..,u ......,.-, nj iimicn urinK loom riir.tnureniet ENTIRE STOCK OF ORIENTAL RUGS REDUCED 25 TO 50 PER CENT Save Money on Typewriter Hesks High quality, sinelc. double and bido pedestal Desks. Regular $61.00 Mahogany-finish 42-in. Desk, now $43.25. Regular $87.00 Mahogany-finish 50-ln. Desk, now $52.50. Regular $78.50 Mahogany-finish 38-in. Desk, now $58.50. Regular $59.00 Golden Oak-finish 42-in. Desk, now $41.50. Regular $85.00 Golden Oak-fini3h 50-in. Desk, now $51.50. Regular $103.00 Golden Onk-fin-ish 00-in. Desk, now $76.00. Mabcenny Finish. 'I $43.25 THOSE WHO WISH TO EXTEND PAYMENTS OVER SEVERAL MONTHS ARE OFFERED THE THE ADVISORY SERVICE OF OUR SKILLED DECORATORS Manufacturers, Importers and Retailers Pv Unpsry Bepartmtemt CRETONNES REDUCED MaKo our selections now for full ImnRlnRti Decorative patterns. Lowered prUce from 25c u yatd up. SAVE ON DRAPERY FAI1RICS -3 aiu. 50-ln plain-colored Madias, Jl.so yd $1.05 alue, r,0-ln. Sunfa3t cloth In rose or blue, M.I5 yd. LACE CURTAINS ledurcd in per cent to 33 1-3 per cent The prlec-H raitco from 00 a pair up. PILLOWS Cretonne 1'UIov.h, tjood colorn. Spe elal 00c, KU.2S, m.Oii. Well fllltd. Some In round tunburat effects). SHADES HeRular 2 00 liand-madc. oll-palnted, best quullty opaque tdiadinK, on Hartshorn rollerH. hU( not to itceed H8 in In width mid 6 feet in IcnsHi Auntie Salo 1'rlcc. Including haiiKlnp, now $i..iq. ADVANTAGES OF OUR EXTENDED-PAYMENT PLAN IS YOURS FOR THE ASKING MARKET STREET FERRY, CAMDEN, N. J. !! i I V .. t ( , l , rfiVW f . H . W-iJW.w