( jr-vy'.iV"-? 7?W V f 7 " s' )'&?$.'$ ', '""'S'lfWcj'1J(--"1 ! ?? bfi m a?t 2 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1921 w m-u A H I IK I I IIU lLMUi UU IIUIll I 1 AUTO ACCIDENTS Howard Lcvi3, 15, Clifton , Heights, Killed on Baltimore I Pike Motorist Speeds Off 11-YEAR-OLD LAD A VICTIM Howard Levis, fifteen )enr "Id. "i Pnlivipw a oiiiii. ""liltmi llclfhlF. 1 1 I fit nildtiijht !ii tin- Meilri llnsnilul bringing I ! ' 11 of nutm .nhl.c " flditK in ami neir 'In- cit m'i- Mm weeK-end tn two dead nnil ilmr. in jured I.l t -. ii cin l Mr- T.illi") l.'vi. was- ii-t'iruuig 'o I'iifloii lleimil fri in n camp-meeting near Morton at f o'clock hist nilit, and m m I'ntnpiinicd liy Hussell Linus nnil Christum Slnnii. As they ii'iirlii'il a point in' ii West uve HUP, Sciuno. mi tin' ISnlniii ti'i- p. I.e. n inituniiiliili pmc "ding in I nil) I"" aard I'liilu li'lplilu nnpmai lied TllC three 1m )N st(,.pnl Ii' "IK' -."I' f tht' row!, 'jut ill- nutiiiiii iiilf plowed illtO tl'l'l'l Tl i'P Well ivvn 'in n tin I tWO girl- Ill till' i 111 v.'lill C'l'l "II to- ward tills i'lt.. llvatis ninl Shlmi. wild, were i.ninjri-'-i. nv..i.i"l il n :! ami bailed another iii.ioinohile. but I did not Mo i iintlicr Motorist Mop I.ntcr l'i tin n M -I"jit:ti mil Limes Kc lv if riiftiui Iti'ilit ni.,ipn i i'i in an nutmiiobii" 'I !. ' "U Lvi ! the lidsiutii1 Hi- ilifil f ii fiB.tii-i' skull ntitl "ilii i iiniir.i" wi(riiit n gaining c n-i ious-icss Edwin l'.isknki fnn v.i's ml m V'J' Iti'igiadi' -i i i . wn k'i.i.1 i'i rlnntlv w-miic'iv :il m." n li"i In iim striirk Bii.t i'i ' -Ik'u ' '.ii .ri'oi 1 lie at (irntil iiwi , -ii i' ,ul' in . i''i'ii Tones Jnle. RNltnki vvilkid iliif. ;l in mo path of n ear. driven hv I) iv in K !'! isln-i . twont) -fifth iinl Hi'i'il "tru-ti. I'lfi-i'ln i- i.rovi.' the tiiiv fii the Flunk ford llii-i'it.il 1"o'm'!i' wni arrested 1) I'lMrlei 1 ''t Ii. e Cri'litii. nf tin Tnconv station. Suffering fn.iu I'ltrrtul in uries re ceived wlnn 'In' ii" f mk In an auto mobile lit ii -'M;r. t.iM.ni at llrii.nl strc't ni'l 11 nitiiu 1'ai k :im' hh'. Mr. (!rnc" Knnvl -. tweutv-iv' )e.ir old, n wlilnv.- i.i" 'JliM 1'ust Arizona MPff, is in St I.i'.i - llnilil. I'ulii'M of the Cifrmiii'-'Wi nvi'iiur ami Lvcnming street ri'li' '"l"ii .ii' vruri'liin? for the owner o' 11" i.iailiim' Mr It"! !' I' -421 Columbia nvenue. was fiiuij injuii'.i iu -t tiisht whn n -t-'U-n .ar tl!l-il lth ii rnlcr" rrnh"il ii'to n mm l.int in whii'li he wax ri.'inu nt KiftfHiith aril (Kf.ird stronti?. In-ipl, I ."lis . ightnl' 'lll ".il ' r.O!) Mnrr'.s lr t. wo stunl "itil nu'li fori i- li. -i triii'"-! iai i: t n lir'it thai In- iij I'l'imii Hsain5! -i imliiv tf'l"','! in' hi li"l f"' I ll'MI' II." luail UriK'k i I'i- irmi '"iv and a. n n-ilr Ii" i in tin- Mount Sitiin I Ci,tui siifft-rin;.' fn"n u frui t.iii d k i! Thf n ' 1 lent iirri'd nt !' fi Ii iilnl Slii'iri' -trirt- U'liili1 i-i . i. Line fi r ii i kiMl"M.k .(.' (lriiiKl frmu an i "I'minilvV m (Vm (ion rfrt'Tilii afti'rnonii Mt. Ida I'dnh (inri'-iti. f"rt .n-:ir "Id. f .ri-fJ l.inl'nw -tri'i". thii i'it. fid' and u tniiifd it frni'iin "f tin' l'tr iii'tn and wi iniiin-l nlmui 'hi- hot l'vI ln'it.l 'I'I..- Uil.iri'd vnillllll Has tllki'tl to tile llnmi'"iiitln lio..iti i Ilis Caii'i-o Ati'iiirnt T i. j fi sn;... f ioi i fi .! rt n . prp pr i.i tln Aliitictoii .M"iuor.nl IIm p'tal ri".'Tda to ln (ruri'd for cuts nnd -loi k wln'n tl nir antoiiinlillp "iol liilpil" with a do.- on tin- (lid York rnnd m-nr t!m l i' A. Iiuildim:. Ah'tiston. The raafhliip. di.wn by D M. ln.M. if Twi'titi "i "lid strict ntnl Madison incniip. ("!n'ii i ovorturncd find Mr Christy and h wife wpip both huit Kfillowing an acciUotit "ii tin- Kastnn JliRhwuy iiPtir Wil'nw Srow, Charlos Apsir. of I'lirty-sixth and Satisotii MnPts. was lipid und.'i' bail by Maeis triite 'Williams, at AMiigt'in. on rhnrsps nf oii-ratinc an uutomobilp whiln nitnxi rnti'd, with ri'i'klnss driving and with nccrnvntpd nss-ault and batter. Api1 'rilitiu to Clm-f 1. 1 I'n.ii-p l.pvpr. Atiznr sfiifk "Md injured I.tr.vronpp DoiIp, of Abltijjton. Making a turn mi fhp Old York rnnd lipfir Wflfili innd. Willow (innn, n r.ia rhinp drhPti by M II. Cusiirmn. of Tino strfi't tiPnr Sixtv-lirst. nollldi'd with a York road trollfy oar. Cuss iran and thri'i' womi'ti who wire in thp innrhino wnre Hlmken up but nut m" rinuhly hurt. AH niPinbPrs of thp jinrty dpplini'd to hi- tnki'n to a hospital nnd returned to their I'hi'adelphin home. 'With Ciisman w re Mr M nnie ,1 t Plim nnd her daughters, Miss Annn jet man iind AHss l-'ther .letmnn. ain of "Wist riiilnde'plii'i When nn nuti'inobi'p skidded dnwi nn embankment nu the W ite Horse riike near a bndite In Wnterford. ('am ien Countv, jesterdav. el;;ht rhilndel idiiati' were injured. The Injured are Mr. nnd Mrs M VesH. of 1".n! Xorrli Vnink'in street, body laPPrTions; Mr nnd Mr ''ml Sehlndler. of 2IU North Vront Htreet. briilsih of the arms und legs; (Jeney AVeHs, the ears on, leg liurt ; Leonard VIih, six weeks old. i-light biulsei': Hurry Hiibm. of IfiO" North Franklin street, and Joseph behind pr. three ears old, laeerateil j"-nlps The wero taken to Cooper Hospital, Camden The automobile, a touring ear, i owned nnd was opurated by Weis-i. While (hntuitu a tire on his auto mobile In a dark cpot in Full mount 1'nrk near the Fifty - sei nnd street m trntiPe Inst night. Hurry Sweeuej, of .".it'jll Walhue street, was struek and t.lightlv Injured by another nintori-nr. He wan takpn the West I'hllnde'plmi Ilninpopiithic iiosp'ta1 siitTering from cuts, on the head pud loilv. The automobile 'hit stru'I; Sweenev was driven by tl i Hev Vietor It Stiimin. rutnr of 0 r l.ndy of Ange's f'hun'h. Fiftieth and Master streets. The Itev. Mr. Stiimin fulled to spi. Mr. Sweene or his eai , as Sweeney was standing in frmit n' tin- iear .iglit rhnngiut; the tiro Fathei Stumia took the injured man to the hospita' in his ttiotnrcai. No arrpsts were made. Three pernons were bn I'v Injun d and threo more out and liriiise when m rar crashed Into a bent st'iiidai.) "ii Ilroad htreet in ir i,iipii I. me last fveninj. The nn. dn m In Mbdiuei lifHtuci'lu. forty e.irs i,,d Fd.lv tone I'n., Bwerved to nvmd another fur when the cran!i ennie. Hcdtucoio was tnriwn out and frue turwl ieveial ribs. His wife, ("oruilla, thlrty-Hix ypars eld. wat- cut b tlying (clnRS. and iheir diu-fhter Min twehe icciveti bud body puts'. Thcue thrpe lire now In the ,I"'li Hospita'. Tmn J'evtiiiio. twent) -five ymrs old; Vlgln rino IVvupio, twpnt-f)vp yearn old. end Antonli. (itilimi forty-tho years Md. all of 1318 I'nitv Htteet Frnukford. Vrre trcateil lit the .Ipwh.1i Hohnital for ruts ami bruisw and nlkiwed to go iiome. The car was a total wreck Two boys and it man were Nlightiy Injured last night nt (1 o'oloek when a unnll motortruck overturned at Ilroad And Hamilton streets Frank (irogati, driver of the truck, wuo is thirty-nine years old, nnd livei nt 407 (Ircen street, was injured, as was iouis itirrcn, roui' teen venrn old. 1 11! 1 KerbmiKh street. nnd William Linker, thirteen jenrs old, 1 '.WHO Klser street. All were taken to the Hnhlicinatiii Hospital. Later, Levi Hurley, thiity-otip year old, fllS South Twent) -lirst strpet. owner of the truck, who pscnppd with n few sprtit'lies, und (Irogan, were nr rcNted and tnken to the Tenth and Hut- touwood si nets station, chnrirul with tcckless diiving. Chnrle.s Decker, ten .ears old, -ICO Fast Albert street, dipd today in St. Mnry's Hospital as tin- risiilt of in jlirles reoplvni Auiruht Is. when lie was I run down b tin utitomoblle. i Raided Gamblers All Held for Court I (intlniiiil fiiim 1'itfi One l.irge gro ip mst mitiide of do Mag isirale s iith.-e mid smi rniindeil 1) i . tnwil estiiiuileil at nbo 't ."HO S.lden 1 Mr I', an put in tin ,ip; uiriiin armed with a handful of nnil bunds. '! illinbed up to the toi ti ii "f the olln and faieil the crowd. Now us 1 end join miiiie. In said, "Answer '(). K ' and follov un As the iiiiines wot p inlltd und tin "O. K " Hoilinii'il theie Ui'vr two b'nM of luuglitei. Oae ian,e from the uov'l of Hpntatois tit tilt heepih attitude "I deloii.iir moil, the nlli,r culm' ttotu their leliows - the Intti'i saiili.un a1. Thete sc. Hied t" he a I'lllosily on their pun as to who would auwor to eacli mime. (Jnee inside me Mngistrati ' nlln c main of i he men insisted on a In'iirui..-. Ma'i"trali' I.i'uhiirdf soon put a .slop . to l " mi . ionic lieu. ou tin 11 lie sanl.l I i'i know that .vim all enoi 'ed to . mm ; i p ln"-i ntnl pn II llOtlllll'll line II 'id il.at ii would nil lie over, but I'm muni, I to do il.li- , i us m.ii I'm gum., to !,,, i Mm al' fm . nut I want to i-lmw m i ; on a I, ml v on i an I i nine i:, fm' i P'nl nil' pi. 1.1 .11 ii Xiolllte Mir lav. ii, .". RnJii-ri lo'intv ami ge' nw,i m, it "I ,nisf on i 1 em i nu -,H'I "He mil' ' I'm w illing to pa m i'i. .i stum i,, i ,,,, , ,1 . thing me. w iti I'll g '.i mi i n In mini u' mi i '! - isi ,- w n't take tue two i.ii-.i ii. -i in, I I I h Id i i foi ,oii' it,' u.w mi' i e same lno,d I'll onh haie i" hui' oin it it -- and then hold mm. T ,"r.- ,11 he no lines paid here Fm'ij.IimIi I i u .tig t i get the Milne dose ' 'l'l it i-lt'i-,1 thliigt ami tin- nn n con ,1.111.11 to die thrm.gh sti-adi in sniiill groups mt 1 the last mat' was !. Id i Km a of t'leni signed h s linil Imi d .ind i r was i iii-efiillv laid aside with the. un he su'in ii In-t I rntiiv or .,il lldav. J i ml Int'i .lea pill- will be ."lef'ihv -'Mii'ili'il bv a handwriting 'Xper! j Tin- i.miiM for the heil v as .i-t up I III the form "f a cittrie.l en k ntnl 'sicir.t. coinpatn IkukIs A i '. L fm I s Hi, mill in lie- led in the Mont;, in- ' Ci.iiiuv Tr it Ciiuipmr i.inl tl.e j otl !: i"d,at.'i"il uppnsiti-d w-.tli , I'.i'toii. 'i .. i"'u'U tin- iin-ii i'.ii. i'n' rn d s'nried to sarin r m t'o- sipiai. Tl.ev .aim. in nutos. trams i.'r, "I i" aid ..a f. nt Tl. Miiglsir..!.'- '1 dire'th aeross the strpet ft i ... i i wi.ii, p sf "f the men ini ! ,.i I Igllt .I.iUllig I m.illll'llts M-,- . ,.y, Kl 111. 'I a'n nt tt.M ntnl n'l the II n i'i'ii" I i m II in pi. 'luted Tl.- i i ' .i i i 'mid I" be to HMllil J HI III I l I , g.ii'ni'eil in tun'l groiip ami i,. .. j lauithing i ot..ei-',itiotis Whih a 't willing to t-. v.ii t'. mimes, no- to s.ij w!i"tln not ti. ' ones ihe.i had :itm at tin- t.tm if I.i : nrrests wre ileir real one-, t;,. i ,i n (lid ll'il sn to !o be llM'-e I., lotlvi'-- sariot: i i.ei nor ..tuj ciiiitii'.i tr,,.; with the iippnpei men. but 'il-n wi'h tiie liitgi. i mwii of curiiiHit -si i.ke"- t' at gatlnreil around tlnai Tin- und w.i the i hief top.i' "f I'onversa.lon Worse Tlian Wild West "It was w. ti. than the old Wild West no .id f .rii.sh. -aid .lames Cioji- r tlurt.-fo r Fm n -event i st ei i IT.d S'Mt.th tivetllle. . t Yotk -lie of the .ici"si.,' ,:'i"i "'l'l.' si' t"o l"s hterted -ho tl' g f,:r 'til't'ifi- tin" i nm ir the door Id ii vp me. ther- w-i-i' dash to gel out "f theie Some went out the window's, sa . and t I nnd Md t''e dn-b nfo. . that field and over the barbed-wire fern 'i nothing I i ounln't get to a win i'hw si 1' was a eiiande'ier for :. tie The troopers didn't seem to 'are which way tliej were shooting There "n u need for al! that We were "-t n it there gambling a lltfl" like pmt ine dons more or 'ess. We wife iisf utl- luel-v to get caught that's all " TIip State ui'ice nre bus tmliiv investigating the rep"i f that t'n did not capture the real men back of the gambling games Although John Mo fio'driek owns the hotel, it Is not thought that hp operates the gambling alone. Tin- report that "Mop" Wein bei'k and "link" Kelker. the big Twen tieth Ward gamblers, were the owners of the place was vigoroush denied In every one. The men also denied the re tiorf that the two big gambl. rs wpip in the hotel at the time of the raid The State police arc inclined to be lieve this and are working on the thpnrt that others hist as big, hut perhnn not ns well known, aro the men who were operating the p'nee. Thev be'leie tl.ev will be ab'e to get them within n few dips Corporal Shaver, of the State po'lee. v ho led the raiders, in comnieiiting oil Director Cortehoii's -tatinnnt that he knew thi i opt inters of the gambling I house, said I "I am leaving for I'lii'mleiphia thi afternoon to rail on Director Cmtehou If he knows who tin- men are that wen operating or are n'leeed to bale be. ti operating the gambling jo, at. we w.ll immedinteK an est them I am sun 'hat he will give me the names A Hum was caused s!. .rth after fi o'c'ock when It was announced that ite l.enhar'! "".-.. p-obabh , IRI MO CDADCD o ASBURY PARK BABY PARADE QUEEN Mugistra mt fo.'ow tin- iisimi jiroceiiurc and 'tniih fine the prisoners It nn under sto i.' that he intended to hold them in l.iiil foi court What worn this brought about wns 'I'lh'kK ipiel'eil whoi it wa ntino'inced that the aitornevs whiv well sui'tilii'd with monev and were in a po si'ion cither to pay tines ,,r furnish bail As the time for the h'trings drew near the men started wal'iiug towm ; the Magistrate's otTn e This 'ed tin i diriei' under the windows of tht m I und the warden, who had been their host Friday, was looking out. tjood inornilU. warden. ' the g'.iun shunted, and on receiving an aiiswer .n kind went on. 'You're (pinners are a',' right, warden, but ur iiiQee s ri tten " "I'm sorn to hear you sa thai. My w if i- made Ir "It's not vour wife's fuult change 1 btiilid The gambling paraiihornalia. inMuding the ilit'i tables, roulette wheels llll'l nn ing (hints, was all in the Mugis ttiite's otrice ptirlj this tnornirig and is to be used as evidence i, there is a heating For the first time the names given by the prisoners were made public Not tniich attention has been paid to them, due to the com iet Ion on the parr of the authorities thnt the majority of them are fulse. Auto Burns on Market Street When I'eter McDonuhl, tll-J.1 Niisi-nu road, Oierbrook, was lrlvlng hl niito inobilp along Matket strent west of Seventh street at 1 1 o'clock this morn Ing, the car caught fire from n ehort circuit. McDonald and u friend, I'ranu Ktistacu, Miii Iielmont uveniiP, jumped out. Heserve I'd trol man Jackson ex tinguished the blaze before much dntn age had been done, A lurge crowd col lected, and traffic was blocked for about ten minutes. HOPEFUL OF PEACE Dail Eireann, in Secret Session, Begins Consideration of Reply to Britain BELFAST BOMB WOUNDS 6 ity the Associated lres Dublin. Aug 'jo.- Sccrpt sos-smns of thp I'isb llcpubllcnn I'ar'iiv cut to ilr.ifl th" r"dy to (Jrc'it I'n' i"'s ppive prono'iils began here todiu Tl e pub lie nn i tings Inst week ntnl subsequent I'liiifei,. tires between I'ninoti de Ynlerii and his collpngiii's wpre believed to bine laid the trotitid for nn enrlv renlv The presniee of Hnrrv J I'.o and who U'prcsentPd Ie Vnlini in the Fnitdl States after the Sinn Fein chief tain had letitttipil to Ire'nnd is con "Idcieil Importnnt. ns it is beliepd he wid K'tioit on public opinion on the I'thei- -nil,, of Hi,. Atlantic. It Ids I ecu understood since the in lint meeting of the I'.tr'mmenf that ii di i-imi might be delaved until Un laud renrlicil this city : thercf'Tc his nri-lvi' jcstc.dny wns looked upon ns signillcimr. Tlej.. i ;ivp been indlcntloiw of ill senslnti between the rank und li'e of I'nrllaiiieot over the attitude to be tak en on the Hrltlsh offer of dominion fitiw for Ir.'Iniid. nnd it ntnicnre 1 nrob- ab'p todi that many membets wou' spi uk r.ii ih,. uuestinn before ll'ial de--i ' n was i-i'tiched l'l sN i iniliiiPtlts I" Dllb'ltl news-tmii'i- lel'iit a desire on the nart of ' . sit, i Fein not to iittcly p'oct the l-"tisl. .flit lutt rnther to obtain fur thii detiii f"om 1'ri'ne Minister I.Iom (iivii'M' (lbieitloiis have been Hindi' thnt Ireland, because of he gcnurnphicnl po. ti.ii'. would tint 1c ghen the s;mie sort "" (liiii.itnoll goei luueiit that i eliio'i'il ' ' .iniidn or Austia'la. nnd it lias been . "hi tliet the I'l-ime Minister should i'',in h.s exact p, 'tion in (Ids respect. Mgatts of the Fnioiilsts luuc been urging ai-cpptiitice nf the (loverniiiPiit's pniio n'.s. or -I least the subm'ssion ot them to a nlelii. ite m Southern De land The atlltiul" of I'lstcr has been iinielrnting in icuurd to tnnking com in n cause with tiie Sinn Fein in at t.'inptiiu; ti tench a ittlement with Cictit l'.rltain. Long b 'fore 11 o'c'o. k when the I'nt 'lament not. it'owd- gatheied out -nle the Mansion lions to die r the, Itep ibllcnn lcndeis. iurtn ulm ly I'nl.tnd 1 11 I 'diss Mnr l.-.sn nii'i bull of ."i'i arrived nun ilie I'nited States I s:, rday. Tli l.-sitlt "f . '",'s . ee Ing wa a w tdl wi'h p.up ib i .-in', i ; not un iiiiv.,1 w'lh i iiiisidi"-'ib . hope of favor :,'io developments Hiu-nn any iitieex- . -da decision (ml i bet -t was sm-. n ! ' tent son u di . '"ti "f tin Hail's nnil tnti'iti i i'irl'1 b 'i'i I'd from the It.st da,s sess,,n, lielf.'st. ,i't 'J- 'i'" A IM A I.i. -lib was tl : i.M' hi 'in -M-iet ln-t ev nag A wo'ii in i ii I'ioiis'.i In .iitreil Hid live otl-.i't pi" lis 'i'sk luid'v w.. irnl d u tin- , . nl' s i Main v in in v. s i n In i ki ii i he 1 1 'iciissir n 1, ,s in i kti"'. i, I . 1 1 i i' . t" i ib llep.'tts (1 nt .,m ti-. ,., I t i t itde in I'l-'i r. ither in ',. -sii.i, ii, r .'Il bei.'ill ..I ,t . . . . ' i lii i n il "I' ll nln'pil IihI I" Ci.liilii 1 s., u ' ". cu-i'tiiry of lie l'l-'-" Cnl in. t y-i' .1 1 In-'- Cfij. I he I'".'.' l t'l ' Ii'- turiH'd fh s t i ti rj i m n ti- ' !"oit-in- in Sei t ai T' e ' :' . n't , , iiiei t tomorrow THREE KMOWM DEAD ' IN MACON HOTEL FIRE Belief Exprersed Thnt List Will Be Increased When Ruins Are Searched Maum. (.a . ; '-"J 1! ' i ",'h'ee imm's ns i'.' known to . ,1M ii-i iheir 'iv s . , t'.p which ilt'oyp t'n. Ilrown II ' a fia"ie hotel lp-e ea-'i I' dnv ind tiici mil express, d the lie ief tiK de'ith 'isl w. it'll be ir if n.i'i in i reiisrd when the ruins of tin- stniitiire I ,,,i I,,.,.., ,.v ,,, , John K. ll.is n former Justim of the I'earp was among tin- dead The bode- o' me. i taken f-o"i tin- s, . n i llio i ' 'he bitildinu todn nave no' been ident'l'ed. A npri.i"t 'le'i tWPiil of the l.VI tuests of the hotel were in.iiiiei'. Tl e li'i st.irtnl at 1 A M. and followed i. n explosion if ehemi al in nn n. lulling drug stmv Due whole -nle of t! i lioti-' v. as b'own in. Man ju"sts were i ut off from the .-, ns-1- hi- tln lirst Vast of tl inn s. and the greater pint nf these had only ii.- luen.s of epress- that f ! lpttu frm i windows. H.ijs wns fata'li hurt n n a tun,: f-oin un upper -un low. The i'.rov n House was ill i.'ib -l ho mi in the city aiui was lointeii dose to the (enter of the business ili-tii, t The ''ii es fi nni till' Will 'e stl ' t p . spre.nl to adjoining build ngs. buin. 117 pi'iK'tn ;il half of ' i b i , I .. I o , -.It it IO I'i lllll sue, SEEK SHOOTING SUSPECTS Baseball Pool Collector May Die After Attack In Scranton ! ri'iil'iii, Aug -'- Two u. i n seen di.U'ig in n iniz" touring i.ir witn a W ,iK St'lle lll'l II (' Itl West ! .in - ton .-arh to.a are Icing mius'.i i fie "o'icp in the belief the) m.i be tilde to throw light on the shoot Ing nf IL.rry V'e dinan. thlrty-niiip Mar- old, of Oneoii' . N Y., II collectiu fur ,i base. ball poo!. W. nlmnn, after spend. ng the iwning miii. UK collections, dune h.s (,,t t,, u gnrage oil the west side earl) lodliv. As he stepped from the (midline two men lip-ilonched him. one firing iwo shots Ii lo his abdomen l-'uien is m n hospital and Is not evpectnl In ut. lie Ilreil several sum- in i is nss.irant.s In fotp becoming uncmisc ous Man, Found Poisoned. Dies I. lines D.I Ne'.il.lo. Iweiiti four M'nr old. whose address i i,ot known, was found unconscious from mo-phinc poisiining nl SWteinth street nnd Khlge .ueniie at 1 o'clock Saturday aftc-iiuoii. He was taken to Hnhiiemniiii Hospital, where he died three hours later. Alias Hazel Williams, of Now Yorlt, lias been chosen to head (ho baby parado, part of the. ntiluml car ni val at tho Ntnv Jersey resort dVhSk feSJ. V 1 ' ) )XMh -s ! gp:;y V r ' ' ' P k ,v s7s"' f - . . . nino Diinnu tuimici mio.Duiun i mi ni w HUSBAND INNOCENT, Britain Applauds j No Clue in Search Arms Conference of Missing Woman Cnntlmtdl fnitn I'ncr Our i he Hritish nation nre in whole-hcnrlcr synipathv. It is the Pitnipst ntu lldi nt hope of Ills Majesty's tlovcin ment that this conference, approached, as it will be. by nil concerned m n (ontlmiril fi-nni Pncp line the monev on her person for safekecp- I con- ing. Tho search started soon after supper when the Hev. ctjorge Trjon, of the I ifst Itaptlst Diureli, came to make it spirit of courage, friendliness und inn- i sick call upon Mis llolton. Learning tual uiideuitaiutlng. may nehieve far- i ,,f tl(, strange disappcarnnce of Miss reaching icsiilts tliat will be conducive Anderson he hurried back to town und to the pinspct-ity and peace of thcLrilVP t(Y ,.,. 'n1(, searchers found worid." ' nn Italian wotklng in u Held about a The liritish ncceptauce was the litst!ln(l )olow tMU fnnhouse. on the road of a toimnl natuiP to ne leto veti nmi , Fetmsgrove. This man -aid lie had . ik i.. -...i.. . i... e.. i tl.e great i owi-is in ni'ij m n" i""""" soojj u Invitation of the American Hovein- i u,,j,js- i icnt t hin.i severut days ago iiniiueii tins (ioverninent tliat she would be glad to participale in the Far Kastein cmi- I'lUtiic. nnd Fi-niuc, in vvlin't i re-i gai('.,'l in some milliters nf ii'iiouuting ti a foiiniil aiceptanie, nntil'u I the I tnted Stuns that I'lcinier lliiiu.'l, would piiitn ipate in the nininnicnt and Far llasiein discussions, Foruu I re- woman walking tlnotigh the Truths lir.sldp ltoad Scnrchlng about where the womnn hud been seen, the locality being a crossing of automobile roads to Cam den. Atlnntie Citv nnd other places, trucks wete found alongside the road. The footprints were n woman's, I'nder it dense tree, in sand, weie seen a Till in -her of trucks where she is believed to "Good, Kind-Hearted Soul," In capable of Murder, Say3 Wife, Seeking Divorce DELAY FOR MRS. OBENCHAIN Ily (ho Associated Press f'litriitm. Antr. 2'2. From Allie Qttnyle Uurcli, wife of Arthur Hurch, jointly accused In Los Angeles with .Mrs. Madnlynne ObencliHln of the mur der of J. Helton Kennedy, today tamo a message expressing her faith In Uurch's innocence. Mrs. Hurch, who Is suing her hus band for divorce, addressed her mes sage (o Mrs. 'William A. Hurch, of Kvnnston, III., mother of the defend ant, nnd the missive wns forwarded to Hurch, held in jail at Los Angeles. "My heart aches for Arthur, and I want to help him In this his hour of need." her message said. "lie is u good, klnd-beni'ted soul, and murder could never enter into bis henrt." William Hright. Deputy Sheriff and envoy of the Lost Angeles District At torney. U expected here today to start un inquiry Into local angles of the case. Los Angeles, Calif.. Aug. Jl. (Hy ,A. 1'.) Although Mrs. Miiihil.vnne Oheiichaln nnd Arthur C. Hurch. joint ly indicted for murder lu connection with the slaying heie August Ti of J. llplton Kennedy, broker and reputed linnet" of the young woman, arc sched uled to be taken Into nuirt here thW mornltui to cuter p'eas to the indict ments. It was believed llllll If their counsel cun prevent it neither will plead until Thin sdu.v. The two vv"rc arraigned la-t Monday and given until todnv lo enter pleas, but owing lo the inability of Haul V. ScliPtick. of Los Angeles, recently en gaged ns counsel, to conclude u trial In Arizona, n further delay was under stood to he desired. Knlph It. Olipnehuin. of Chicago, former husband of the Indicted womnn. will represent Mrs. Obetichain in court today, nnd Richard Kiltvelle, partner of Scheiuk. is scheduled to appear for Hurch. INDIANS OPPOSE DANCING Sioux Protest Against Old Cu3tom OUreeli. S. I).. Aug ".'2. Revival of , , . , ,,i. in-r in linen-, iwirii- sue i- ii.-ii'iiii i" plies r.. .vet tc be received fiotu Italy j ,mV(l tn),u kh(,(,r (lurin,. n s((in1 ,,.,, linn .la' .in. Atlantic City, N. .1.. Aug. 'SI. Or gan, .i.i labor i i llk'l) to be repi ('suited ii the fnrtlu omiiig tnnfereneo on (11--iii'i. anient in Washington. I'resident t-a' uel (lumpers, of the American Fed eration if Labor, who Is heie presiding ut a iiie'iliig of the F.x 'cutive Commit mi iiiiiil" ill's dechtrntion today He -nil I Iml been in i otiferctli e wth I'l-esidi'iii Hardline teuTith at Wash ington und the l'i-i-id"iit was favorable to having labor lepresented. Mr Gom- thc trucks led back n short dlstunci toward the farm, turned off into the woods, und were lost, l he woods arc i dense nnd (hep, and extend fjr miles. A boat was obtained at Oldmnn's ' '"reek, hauled through the woods t" Heaver Cieck. near when- the footsteps i vanished, nnd the crick has been tborouglilv dragged, without result. Dcputv Shot iff Hi own, of Salem, gave it as his oplui' n today thai Miss Ander -mi either voiiintavllv (iilei ed an auto- , mobile near the idace wher, her foot stens enili'd or wns (IrilEfveil Into 11 I nl- Ftswl7..5.itf-'r,i!rsJBC ,s. lle-avs that abor 1 as alvva.vs neon ,It .i,,.. ... ,t,i-,, ii,, .....o in favor of disarmament and he feels i n,, '' m ,,1 m Un U'V" 2? !::,lmrXru,ed,Uhii: -" 'lark-lmir'iind dark e) T 'she s-a f .,-., Zl labor was pre- I ","'" "v''l J "'' Hul.nn'H or hye years PI III 1 I III' I It'll I (I ) II t'l ol'IIHU IH'I . KM 1 . . n.. y ... i!.... i I....:.... 1.. Iir.'il in iigni nil) i.nin 111 1 .-nni ... . .11 , , , .,.,.. ,,,,, ,-.lk0 , ,,, wnges imve 1 "',-'. '' '',-',.,',:. t i t nii fill llll II lll'l 111 I III I II V lll" tist Church, a teurher in tiie Suiuiay sdiool nnd wns wide'y hnnvvn uiu tespected through the connti.v-ide. oi(s over tne cmmriy. 'ever kept stride with the 'onring cost of living. Mr. (Sompers assprteil, and th," cost of living bus not rebounded to ,111 extent vvlier" the laboring man can stand anv iipprecinbl" derrease. Labor i- not going around with a chin on Its hmiider ami amicable settleuients will In- i-i ached where po-stlile. However, we wi'l stund ''or no Inni-tice and the Federatlmi is i-ead'- to tight whi 11 called upon in a righteous cnue.'' (Hv A. P.j - The convocation of Sioux Indians in session here for the last three dnv under the un-plces of the Fpiscopal Church today went on record us op posed to the revival of dancing among their peoples. "Iteali7.ing the necessity for progress and lndiistn und the moral interest of tiie Indian people." the report sn,.. "Wp would represent thnt the revival "' Ind an iistoms i- injurious and in many instances leads to immorality and the disobedience of tin Inws o, tl countrv. mid wo wnu'd furtlni " thnt the Commissioner of Indian Affairs extend to our people wi-e coiinsi I 1, , advice as will 'cad our people to tliinl. more of the future than the pa-t and that Indian dnneis upon the reserva tion, if pii'initled ut nil. lip onntiiieil to those who arc sixty jours old and up wnrd." Ends Life After Wife's Death Cliiiinheishutg. Pit., Aug. 'J.Wil- iain Willand. fmt.v-eiglit years old. shot und killed himself today at In iionie nil Ciarbei- street. He was despondent over the death of his wife. COL D'OLIER DECORATED AT VERDUN CELEBRATION American Legion Pays Tribute to Men Who Said 'They Shall Not Pass' Verdun, Trance. Auk. -'2. (Hy A. P.) Members of the Atncr'ean Legion this mornliiR dedicated n tnblet to the defenders nf Vet dun In the City Hull bote. The ceremony wits carried out In the presence of nil the city officials. The tltblet was erected to the men who, dur ing the terrific (Ttrmnn onslaught of Februnry and March. 11)10, stood before Verdun and held back the enemy. Tim tablet hears un Inscription stnt Ine It was dedicated to the men who "uttered the Immortal words, 'i'hey sunn inn nii"-. At tho end of the ceremony four of tho Amet leans wcro decorated by the municipality with the special medal of Verdun. , The recipients of the decoration were si- t..i. n l.'mnrv national com- major uirau ". .....-,,, ... - - mnnder of the American Leg t in ; ( ol otiel Franklin D'Ollcr, of I'hlludelphln. lirst national commnnuer w m- iiiun lean Legion; Henry 1). Lindley. of Dallas, past natlonul commander of the Lekion, nnd Colonel Milton J. Fore man, of Chicago. The party of Legion men spent the afternoon visiting the Argonne, where services for the dend were held In the Romnguo Cemetery by two former T'nlted States nrmy chnplnlns. the Hev. Jnmes .7. Hnlllgon nnd the Hev. Wil liam P. Little. DRAW W0MENF0R JURY Twenty-two Picked for Two Weeks Service In Federal Court Twenty-two women, drawn todnv for Federal Oram Jury duty, will sit for two weeks, beginning September 11). It Is the first jury drawn by W. Frank Mutinies, the new marshal here. The I'lilliiilp't'liinns an Miss Susan Stern. Ill.'i Ninth Slxt) -third stieet: Mrs. I'liy.nhpth WurU. Hl.ll Spruce street: Mis. Mary S. Page, 2,'U4 Lo cust street: Miss Curoline Lea. IMIIIl Walnut street, and Mrs. Sarah I). Lowric. 1VJ7 Pine street, The othpr vvonien nre Mrs. Josephine Helstle. Swnrthmort". Ms-s I'inmn Hamilton Ardtuore; Miss Anne Hrcnd lltigpr, Hoverstnwn ; Mls.s Mary A. WhitoM'll. Kni ton; M'lss Josephine Healy. Pottstnvvn ; Miss Mary Kvans. Atdtnore; Miss Mary K. Spenkiuuii, West Chester. Mrs. Annie Thomas, Shenandoah : Miss Hertha Heesp. St. Clair; Miss Margaret Muler. Ho' ersford ; Aliss Jlnrv Heoves, Phoenix vlllej M"i. Mary Snyder, Ardmore: Mrs. Vin'et AV. ()g' den. Ogden; MI KNh. Sppiicer, De'n wnre County: Miss Herthu A. P.tntic becker. Cohiinbiii -. Mis. Alice H. Kd iiiuiids, St. Mai tin-, mid Mrs. Kli.u both (tiulchroil. I'liltslown. ACCUSED OF STEALING RING Man Also Charged With Theft of Pair of Shoes Accused of stealing u S'.'OO diamond ring fiom it girl -icqunlntniiM" and walking out of a shne store with n pair of shoes, Thomas True), nlivtcii vpnr old, I Inward street, will have a hen" ing before Magistrate Carson todnv hi Central Police Station. Wo wns ar' lested n a vvnrrint sworn out bv Miss Mnrgaret MiOuilhin, the girl he 'is nc I'used of robbing. i"nrdln'; to .losctih Miller, who con ducts a shne store nt LSI.' Pnssyunk iivetiiie. Tui'V ciiiiii" into hs phic" 1-i-t Ttipsdav. tried nn a pair of shoes, like I tin-in nnd walked out with them. -hoi't time later he wns seen entering tiie home of Miss McQuillan, with whom he had been friendly, at lil'.'H Dut-for street. She later discover ed the loss of the diamond ring. She and the .shoe-sforc keeper swore out a warrant nnd Tracy was picked un M-erdii) Ii) District Detectives Harrily and Spnngler. of the Twenty -fourth nnd Wolf streets station 1LII1A ON DIM AS INE RS AR State Troops and Police Gather to prevent "Invasion" 0f mingo (Jountv i SHERIFF STANDS GROUND i ! Ily llm Associated irc j iMiuii-aiuil, . V,t ,tlg ' n lice nctivltv v:is stlmtilntct 1.,., . .'J l..v !. -nlllnts out of ,l. m1m I force of the Charleston force (w'Zs uiuiy. 'J Iicsp no! icemen .. .. . '. I. hard varc stores ,m , 'j'l where fitennns tire scld. "1 In addition, several renr.,. . . roopers. equipped for fi,.i,i !"'. " 1 . " PITT 1 1 t mad,. ,, sudden apt enrnhee 'A v-er." rpiiiitered nt hotels. Some 0 ' tlf- 'S were placed in nutomobUPs nnd l,?l tetip.l in the direction of uJ! ' ''"'J "'i niri, 1 Colonel Jackson Arnold. ..,. lemiPiil m Till Htilte police, inf fV, T" l "" H'luniion. nut at city tmiial ead.iuiirtPrs nnnounep.nent n', J nir nritautinmiry m'nsiires" ;;f helm t'ltpn. "Cttil Men from the Cabin Creek nml P,t. Creek coal fields, who gathered In M ?' met, near here. Sntitrdn.v. with tV. i t Inn of innrchiiiK to Mingo (Nuintr ,": demonstration npilnst martial iku- 1! force there were still in camp lust tUi according to Sheriff Walker. ,,f ,' County. lie nid .'1011 men lin'l nrrh-., nt the cuinp jestorduv, bringing tlietnt. to np.ro.ximute'y IIDO. mo-t of whom iS armed. ' ur' The pin,,. f th- miners w!m w scheduled to start for Mingo Sundii nioinltiK could not he learned dcnnlwV II t'lOllai the Sheriff snl.l il .. ..." "ll"t ., ,, , ,, ''' "eie "USC0I1- 'deinhlc tali uiunng tlioin nf stnrtln. neiore (inyilglil today. He ft;il not veilfv the reports through FchV styled lendprs however, nnd nddr-d thit .....,-..,.,. .,.,- u, uv ,i0 recognized lead. crs nmong them. Sheriff Don Chnfln. of tmn. n...-. ,, , . "- --"Sell ijunir thrniitrh whose teri-ltorv l.i ii. .'.' march to Mingo lies, said last nigl'itibit "no armed mob" will cross the Lonn ounry line, lie added thnt lie n. "little interested" in the gntlicrlne of the miners, hut thnt he was prcrmrej to meet nny emet-Eency. Most of the men. according to th- ni'criii, wuo visitcu tne cntnii this after, noon, nre armed with shofKn,i r)fM and sidp-arms. I'rohnhly half nf them he said, are white. They nre stibitin .iiiii.i.i iiion iii-iins, w-nicn nre cookfd over open fires In the hollow, where incy nave nsscmuicti ami Hacked their' arms. lilt 1 lis 'riKiMnsaiv A,,LT,,Lt m 1, ..... . . TMliMI'SiiN. heluv il husband of hPh"l A if-ndH. aN I'mni Hn ('null N'o i'4 A 0 ;f K. M (., Tompln Counr 1 N . Wit), 0 c' I A 111 il nmnlotna nf Hnn.... tl. - X' v : ' V"' ' ' "l ""vi'in niri VOin I riim. nre inltpl at iittcnd funrril ervlrr Tti 1 1 nil t, 1 1 t i, i i... .." .TV I u t V." i V ..'., ' . wnc n Y 1,11. -.v. iitfi uit'Hi '"'kiiiiiu t emetery. upmnlnH may by vtuod AVtdn"'(Jfty after . wn:i;,S-Af Trenton N J Aurnaf 4f MAHV MAT.VINA rAinrUiri r tifdni";; ifrnrv Aitirtln .Arlr r ? 11..1, ., f-i i- . i.. . . . .. . - i"Miiivrn inq i iri,us un inv i I'm in r.ltrifl riinrr frrm ii-im i"siiipnri" ,ii r. iiPTrnirwn pve Trn. V,n N T Yrt,,J"1", - '' M Interment i vi tui'iru . ,i r.nsr ami nn vn DO(J l.osl. Ilnullsh setter Udk h'n wlri Mnck iMtrh un head. hIfq a number t wiirts on he-id nnil 1. .rl ftrn d r-om hatte t ChoHtnut lllll. l'hllii , winrnu leather iin t.curlnir lliene 'o '.'I'll ' , t.,jir, Ill-strict. Liberal reward It returrfj to E !r,ol!'.M';!'' s-'"'" 'rlticmlon I Ch'ilti'it Hill Phlli. si .VIVi:il KI'siiists wiiiti: sri.i'iiru m-iuncs. -. y.t. (iltl.i:Nllltli:il. While Huiphur Sprt-iti. .iinm i nni Ml, Itnorl WRITS AID CAMDEN BARMEN Justice Katzenbach Will Let Them Test Law Writs of ceitiniiu i luive been granted 'the fort) -eight Camden saloonkiepers HURT AT SUNDAY CARD GAME '',!lPn '","" wlw,':f1'- "- "- ol; . . four weeks ago. I he) were granted -r . . !.. Ait., li .i lo allow the men to tist the constitu ivyu ,,--., iiijuicu oou .-.ciiiiu tiotllllit) of the Villi Ness Act. Whilll Sermon on Life s Uncertainty Miili.uioy City. Ph.. Aug .' -He-turnliig from St. Mutv's liteek Catholic, Chiil'ih. wher. tin' listened to a ser- , Starting Tomorrow Road Confessions of a Movie Star us told to INK KM'MPII You may rciogribe the life storv of vour fnvorite actor or actress. They have left nothing unsaid und tho telling of their styries will be Inter est In',' to every one who wants to get into movie work. Start Heading It Tomorrow lu (he Daily Movie Magazine innn bv the pastor on the i.m ertnlntv of life, John Oiler, nnd John Slecho went to the hillside to phiv cii'd" .Vi'sterdav afternoon. Whi'e seated thev were 'truck bv nn o'd Inu-k whiel. which came thundering down the hill and both suffered fractal oil skulls Until nn' al tin I'oiminin Springs State Hospital. Steeho's death is mo meiitarilv expected H.. has n vvife and seven children. It is not known who spul tlm truck- wlie. 1 down the hill. . i TYPHOID AT BURLINGTON Authorities Searching for Supposed Carrier of Disease Trenton, Aug '"' The State De pnitment of Health has sent for In spectors to investigate, repoi's of an imthrpiik of tvnhoid in Hurlinston County. No information s uvaihibh vi t ns to the inns, ,,f the n'leged e'o (leinic, iiltlioiigh it wns said that a cistern in one of t'n towns nffifte.! was under snspo i,,n tun! there will In no Information mi the numbpr of cnse fur a few diijs. It vvus f,aid hejlth authorities me looking for n possible tvphnld carrln IIH the source of the din use. Home Robbed of $100 I Thlves removed a vviiulovv screen, en tered the home of l'reil Meilnn, at L"i0'' Kllsworth street, last night and escniiei! with SUHi which they found In a bureau on llio lirst II ' U. S. Denies Chinese Rumors PpIiIii, Aug. JL' - illv A. P.i The American Legation lias ishiieil a state- i ia( nt to the press In which, on instruc tions from Washington, it denies re polls that ilii Aniein'nn fioveriitnent fnvors interiiniinnnl control of China, i These rejKiits were ciinnecteil with the1 proposed disarmament ((inference. makes it a misdemeanor ),, i,,m, Him,,!- in one's possession in the Slate of New Jctse). The snloouniPii were brought tor tiiul ti week ago und made nnplii ation for the writs ut that linn. Supreme Couit Justice Kat.enhai'h, in grunting I lie writs todii), said that as long as the siinin tiling was being dmie In nt lit r narts of the-Stato h"' could see no reason wh) he -lioiild not do it ill Ciimdeii. Hail for the im u was lixpil nt SHIOO pilch. WjsCIGARETTEW I v. -"tl Iti" ?orini h i .r,.., ii nlllili ii inn i - '' rn"" i i, 1 SB The Peerless Tourinc Car 7SPSfiXMS!JISff!! It ,., ., x ta MmuaaAflffffmftirnwrfat fHH,ih. jryjMjsSslBr?i,rwlf qc with the New y . i.mi,,tMm,,-....rtmiqlQ3fMHMn jj Peerless Permanent Top i gEwWa Kl tl n DeIicioii8l Why? Because it's toasted to seal in the flavor. It'b toasted. w 7Ku Kiiuieii,s tAlntfj. Permanent Gifts of precious metoU for babies and small children. Bovl, plate, cup, knife, fork, spoon, rattle, bib-bolder, hair brush and comb, pins, studs, etc. J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut & Juniper Streets W With none of the haste which would be required did we aim at quantity production; but carefully, scientifically, efficiently, we have gone about our task of building a fine motor car. A Loafing Range of gentle smoothness, for economy and flexibility ; a Sporting Range of extravagant power and reserve strength, for speed and emergencies both arc Peerless. Built entire in the Peerless factory, this wonderful car presents a standard of Value unequalled among cars of far greater price. Compare Peerless perform ance, comfort, economy and endurance with any other fine car. TourinB Car $2,990 Roadster $2,990 Coupe $3,680 Sedan $3,950 Scdan-Limousine $4,210 PRICKS F. O. II. CLEVELAND: War tax not included THE PEERLESS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Cleveland. Ohio Sytj 'Xzrm LOAFING RANGE SaSsVaVAllll 1 27.Ai. 0 llllninJl!l7 SMiylJI s evi--5 a II llWTftftvx31' GIRARD AUTOMOBILE COMPAiN tti rt j . . rnone, spruce lM6 2314 Chestnut Xivooi Phil. ,w.vvv. .. .--- ...JV.i JMlMSLaiiJXIZl!'l!K i I ; I ; 1 ii mw& m Y JfJ .wf 'TmtBlIi'tWtTV SPORTING sssfxainraassasi IANGE h S.W sV .... '. . J.W- ."i.i , . t .