tf&PJSJt i.'il ;y -v rywj r-c TT'V'V1" ? w "Tr ' "Wl f w l m IK V w ft. Euenmg public ifteiitjer PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1921 ' I 2Li. rx 3Gff?utTMlL i. Sy&TTtWOThif' frme ... wr, " &33E?a?; 5 V. -AMsSu ?"i. ,i vt f vn.Mses S?' $; .. r&$vJ v 5 . .. rg nTxrr,Rw!'3'K fs. ::tet:t K?-fcvrvr'..'iYf-aiMwaPHii il"?h urt.i. i :sp. jm?mMr:mmri m '.' . 3jiJS'vcr?'!!s.'iiii,iJ.rf.'PBB ' '- -, i ra h . 8v.,'iSJKST5it iPst-SJ1ari.Y.?rSBiriai?FEi ' dMKi"lf V'.liHHiRfWrH' -"rl -....,...., :..-.v.-.., .,.-. .. - ; v. x rv:,MSK"4, .m.; -m --.... --.-i -pnnHBirii rm&Bst. mmmmtmi i",.:okrv- .r"y3f?,5fe , ', inHBt! ar KeiGBeMsirA - ' r:Hk'& i'?; sna v ,jh&l ' x -T$mmmmmmEm : ' s? zMzimjk a'm AtmmLymKamKs ,,- : tomxwm&xtttSki mmm . .'. ,-.. - .-': v ,H ,3jSirBJw ' WMrrzjwm- T'.mm v w x t 1. i s' 1 r . .t. - . . . :w?ti s ..1 rf: . .x y " i slu iv r-.-.. r. . - t .. ib o . . -. . rr vy en. . J..i .. . . k.- ttvwy .' . ,"v y-r js r u,vtf-' vjk i- r, ? r mf. .'. , s s.j r.fjt. 36 jk. '. . &. hbh a? '."v'f'., - r,isa--?p" r'jiw.'.5SwjBrAa3w - nFMWfc- - -Tr- .ivjwrWi:.t?wMMHi fsr.tvTA.i.v v .a1. iv ; . -x j. v j i. ...: . y. : j'.s ? - f i --j i i.r j . -i .r s v.- n j . j j' . i,, '. v .sii VuMV. - . - h sv.t- r.v r T i v.' - rr r -nv-.iK' ? vik'h n ? - im ,, , -v -11 ;,?&!ig:fi ' 'H;mjmmmmmmB- ra81SSSS? -H i ' ' ' JUST AFTER THEY STARTED. Four of the entries in the first heati of the 2:10 trot during the opening day of the Grand Circuit meeting nt Belmont yesterday nfternoon. Jane the Great, shown second in photograph, won the heat. It was for the A. B. Mathews Cup and purse i-jb r i-ioto scri.n THE WINNER. Walter Cox, who drove Jilne the Great to victory in tho 2:10 trot race nt Belmont, is receiving the cup from A. B. Mathews, a Philadclphian i-cUccr inoio serwee W ' ' im - rfc tI r HPif in., HIIfFnmTa ' mjiH i linn iJJf wJ IlLV JiL PE. As I HBiHFBEHNBCnfH MSB MADAM DILLON (in foreground) in tho second heat of The MISS CATHARINE UBIL celebrated her Directors, 2:17 trot, wns tho winner. This horse finally won the 100th birthday anniversary at tho Homo for Joshua Evans Cup for this event LrjBer r.ioto serUco Indigent Widows and Single Women l p g ORDERED TO LEAVE THEIR HOMES. Two hundred and seventy-eight families living in apartments at Harriman Townsite Village, near Bristol, have been ordered to leave by September 30 by tho United States Shipping Board. The mailman was snapped while delivering mail to the villagers. Mrs. L. M. Randolph (left) is showing her eviction notice to her neighbor i-u?t I'mtn serxu HOLDING THE CROWN. Ready to crown tho bard at National Eisteddfod in Wales i . p i tt& ' f - . - ' ; v I -- -tjpBnvMB t-v '.y '.;' . nr im ' .. m ''nB.".y " a. ' k ... t .. x -. y. j fjft I ' "1 i.,,,.,., A," ' ' BROTHERS. Former Judge Mayer Sulz- ANSWERING A CALL FOR HELP. Three members of the Atlantic bcrger (left) and Joseph Sulzberger snapped City beach patrol jump from their station as a cry from the surf ' on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City i.. i. s. is heard i-i . r iv,n, s-enu JOHN FREDERICK LEWIS dis cusses the "Thrcc-Milo Limit" in Editorial Page interview i r SURROUNDED BY THE ATLANTIC. Miss Mazzie Glea son, of 4501 North Carli-Ie street, sitting where the breakers don't hit hard at Atlantic City i.iErr iioto ,-- v WITH TWO BOTTLES. Kathenne and Mary Ryan, both Phila delphia citizens, keeping n close watch on tho bathers as they work hard on the milk supply of Atlantic City iMet imio sr , PLA ED ON LAND AND WATER. The girls at Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, have a "nut-and-takc" top that they use in the water. The game is played in the same manner as in parlor or office. Bathing suits must have pockets, so that the pennies can be carried into the water kjJ i Herbert I OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO MAIL! WAKD 8ABKISIAN, 6831 Pcmbcrton Htrcet, -evaporating radium bods in uie plant of tho w. JU uumnuncs uncmicoL uompuny, ijana- itfipgjsUnturrlDE by Uio workiuan is ncceasarjxag.r Kioto ts.rvict i. ' , s .; ROBERT II. TROY, a flagman, with hia flag, along the Renting Railway at McAuley Jui cuoi-4 JQHN LONG, 01 14 Bpruco street. He has teen in servjeo ten ycur,v Routot Chestnut tu Wulnut, lltW to 122th Att;etLler I'.iutu erylc J-W EDWARD TRIST, n PhiladeN phkn, returns from a cruise wiJL? tho nayal reserves u r, t(, TWO STARS. Little Jackie Coogon, of niovio fame, cnl cd on Ignaco Paderiw- ski nt I he luttni-'s f'n1lfn?.,,l - "i.VJW MR. AND MRS. GEORGE wvd. nt thn Tilnnlf.nnrl.WliltJ Conn. Many Philndclphiani wore there ... mmn nf Cyn SSS .1 I 'M. , . tf -. (a ; Ai i ' m . vi.