Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 15, Image 15

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JDcer5 to tlic Editor
... n.rmonu Need Assistance?
.lei-In toJ.y's People's Forum Joseph
os". communication vole. question
"I!! v.. been In lb m nda of many recple,
S& ntlnu" f"dln German chlUren?"
' C Xiidren of tho victim of Germany,
21 MuntrLa" er. .lev. .tal.d. crop, and
rfs dMtror.d. no place to work and no h-
"?? worlc with, whll derman wit remain-
Chimed and Germany'. Indu.lrlal llf.
,.;?.nCWnh."Ge"m"y.",r.c.rar8 l.v.n. In
2.h luxury (a ha. been affirmed by trav
iS) n" carln whether the children of
IvVi welch a pound, more or lens, why
lM the American mends' Hervlco Com
,l,i. feel It It. duty to "specialize." on
fjlraanr'. children rather than on their
'rimerkawant to build up a .iron
..Villon In Germany to nsht our comln
JJJJuoS in aom. future war? Or what I.
"oirmany H better able to look aftor her
J??an any of the fighting- nation, but It
ffnork. systematic work, and If Amer
lilwanti to relievo Germany of this b r
.ATt.Un It sives Germany more time to
2in Jlth business and manufacture and
StWtU American product.. Charity should
SffiiS. Awrtw. 1021. '
Canoeing on tho Delawaro
ta the Editor 0! the Evenbig Publle Ledger:
ir-ln regard to "S. B.V question1 con
JSw a cam,, trip up tho Delaware. I
2I-M like to .ay that, while I cannot sive
JEVxact Information he a.k., I would au
.tilt If he Is going to mak a one-
trip .nVli hi. time I. limited h. nlll
J?J ij,, trip much more enJoyble If ho
.Jd hi. canoe to Coolbaugh. Va.. nnd
'"Srnwn the river, because If thVwater
r.yt.y hUn he win find that the rourt
Uel. or the rift.. n they are caU.'J. will
SJ. .11 tie Joy out of th trip, because t
"1 lo get out and pu.h whenever you hit
and they average about Ihreo to a
JJraboro Ea.ton. They tnko m much
lm d hard work that the trip loses
n It. fun. While I don't remember Jut
there Coolbaugh Is. whether above iho Gap
m i kelow. ho will And the trip a wonderful
ZmI on. providing he float, down Instead
.ttuihlnr up. I Know! I tried "
Vbtladelpbtn. August 14. 1021.
' Where Is Compensation?
.. ,. .. .ti. tftM(ttv 7uM(o Ledoer:
lrWe are two Philadelphia girl, who
wah to comment in your i-.uvi. "
JSThe nerv. of some men. We saw tonight
asliotctraph of a youth who wanted a wife,
but we do not bite, a. we have not the ten
ttooiaDd. We suppose the aforementioned
lBv. -- - - " blnrt nt now rode of
room wii-ncn iv . ...- -- "".---.;:
JomeiUclty, tho same being tho wife
"itum'to toll, no brldo of today who ha.
. .. .L l..iu... ...A.lrt and lln rtnV rnVllODA
eemu Into more than light housekeeping
sttlte of two rooms irunuum ...-. -.. -
Bwr below and pay-for-your-own-gn. laun
dry In the basement, and tako down tho
clothes lino after lou. please).
In sedition to this the bride of today hi.
te tad herself a new Job to mnko ends miet.
Jjt even all this Is alleviated somewhat by
the fact that sho acquired the one man of
Now. Isn't thit worth drudgery, monot
tnjj L-vter, maybe, tho Junior will keep
hir at home, but he Is his fathor's on and
releome. Conversely or taking the other
stto with the youth who wants sx much foi
19 little let u. say hero are ome Questions
be tliould answer:
TCaers Is the compensation for the girl
vfco gives up freedom. Independence and a
mull fortune In exchange for a home to
werk In, the responsibilities of wifehood
end the worry of a new business to be
Ismehed. aided by her own dowry?
Whit can this youth offer for the self
ssnetatlon of any woman who marrloii n
Bin knowing he want, her money or not
her? We thank you.
PhlUdelphla. August 10. 1021.
Bonus Opponents Unfair
fs (At Viitor of the Evening Public Ltdaer:
Sir Being an admirer of our dally paper.
J hare read with Interest the various commu
Blutlons forwarded by apparent enemies of
the Adjusted Compensation Dill (commonly
kilt erronoously called the Ilonus Bill), and
have yet to see one recorded wheteln the
vrltir takes an unbiased stand. Each and
ertry one of them look, at this problem
from a personal viewpoint. I. It not cus
tomary to consider all angle, of a question
vsler consldorotlon? TerhapH a thorough,
conscientious study of tho conditions leading
( to the ex-service man's request would
convert a f'w of them, or at least mitigate
their abhorrence of "paid patriotism."
Candidly speaking. It M ridiculous to be
lieve that any former servlco man desires
to ruin the country's financial stability. It
does not seem plausible that they would en
deavor to destroy that which they saved
from the fires of Hunnlsh kultur.
Teu who shout of "paid patriotism."
vould jou sincerely answer a few questions?
ftrhaps you can satisfactorily, but I do not
te!lee so.
Hew many shipyard emplojen would have
labored (?) for $80 per month and keep?
Were they Individually of greater value to
this country than the man on the firing line?
We see them riding around In their largo
Umouiln.es. smoking perwetos and worrying
at to how It will be possible to spend thli
year's premium on those Liberty bond.
Moh they purchased nt 4 per cent. We do
net hear you shout of this brand of "ovor
Wld patriotism." If the ex-soldter. are en
deavoring to loot the Treasury, what did
these people do and at a tlmo when the
feats of the Gorman wolf were at the very
woat of American Ilberty7 Had theso peo
ple and those others whose action, and
wages were slmilir during the black days
w 1017 and 1018 worked for a reasonable
Ue there would not have been any dis
content today In the ranks of those who
iroght a. well as worked for tho salvation
01 the greatest nation on Ood'a greon earth.
why Is It necessary to pay a bonus to
jnose clerks In the various branches of the
"0T"nment acrvlc7 They received It dur
ing the war. If their salary did not exceed a
certain sum per annum, thoy wero entitled
a bonus. A salary that to a majority of
-srv!ce men. forced to take the scrapings
ci Job. when they returned, sounds like a
money11 numbrt0 '"a"9 to mean roul
Gn'iL.i! bcome an essential duty of the
uovemment to meet Its moral obligations
Chocolate, Hot Water
5.n. Style or S'm
Kitchen Equipment
Fr of., and
jMjm, Rttsm Tallies.
"'210 S. 11th St.
The man of the house
will enjoy
At all our Stores
Coffee j (
Letters to the Editor should be us
brlof nnd to the point an possible?
avoiding anything that would open
a denominational or sectarian dis
cussion. No attention will bo paid to anony
mous letters. Names and addresses
must bo signed as an evidence of
pood faith, although names will not
po printed If request Is made that
thiy bo omitted.
The publication of a letter Is not
to be taken as an Indorsement of Its
views by this paper.
Communications will not bo re
turned Unless accompanied, by post
age, nor will manuscript bo Bnved.
yes, to any foreign nation that seems to
need help, and yet they havo not tho back
bone to pay the greatest "moral obligation"
that confront, them. Why Is It that huge
sums cm bo loaned to Liberia, resumption
of payment, to China and numerous other
matter, of this sort, consummated now at a
time when the United States In virtually
destitute? Bocretary Mellon evidently for.
get. that he 1 representing att the people
of this country nnd Is not tho head of somo
financial Institution that la out picking up
tho best money-making proposition. In sight,
Tsko some evening off and .It down and
calculate the unprofitable War Risk Insur
ance, that was not to bo a monoy-maklng
proposition, Tlguro tho millions who had
policies and tho total receipts of tho pre
miums. Subtract from this the death bene
fits on the few thousands killed, and the
compensation, vocational training and hos
pltalltatlon expenses of tho maimed. Add
to thl. um tho rocclpts of those who are
carrying their policies today and the Interest
on these monies, and you will havo an Idea
a. to how much tho men Individually cost
the country. Estimate tho number of Lib
erty bonds purchased by men In servlce'and
the Interest derived from tho use of this
money. Liberty bonds that were sold at a
discount when they wero discharged to tide
them over until they received employment.
Arguments aro ondloo that could b pie
sented to dispute tho claims of thoe oproi
Ing the bonus, hut It Is useless to present
themi thoy refuse to play squoro.
one of tub itonnnns,
V. I'. XV. Post 380.
Capo May. rN. J.. August 7. 1021.
Tho Dulldlng of Biases
To the Editor of the Evening rubllc I.ed'oer:
Sir A good part. If not all, of our trou
blo and controversies of the present day
are evldontly due to one little pscholog!cal
truth, tho capability of tho freo will to
build up a bios within tho mind.
To Illustrate, let u. consider a conver
sation between two person, which leads Into
a dlfferenco of opinion. As goon ns the
Argument starts, each party will do
ereo within hi. mind that what he
wants to do Is to compel tho other
to think a. ho does. And as It pro
gresses, each will becomo moro nnd more
biased and tho result of It Is probably that
each will depart In n bad temper, broodlna
ovor the affair nnl building up their biases
stronger than before If each had entered
the debate determined to find tho truth, no
doubt they might hao done so, provided
they were willing to spend a great amount
of time and energy In looking up the facts.
Two Ioer. whom Cupid has taken will
build up biases In faor of ono another;
theso biases will disappear after marriage
and tho mind will -tart working In tho way
mentioned nboo, thus wo have our marital
troubles and divorce courts.
The first Illustration shows tho cauee oi
a good many of our International and Inter
nal troubles. It appoars that In overj body's
mind are biases of some sort. Tho only
time wo don't build blase. U when wo don't
think about such things. So, therefore, If
wo want to be sane and happy, wo shoulo,
discipline our mind, to be blank of all
things except those that are productlo of
progress. Consider the facts and make your
decisions In a tranquil, and not Intense,
framo of mind. Don't build up a false
structure, a bias, and mako our decisions
upon that, for It la bound to fall and leave
jou open to reactions that lead to catastro
phes. JOHN T. UOYER.
Philadelphia, July 23, 1021.
Questions Answered
Not an Official Song
To the Fdttor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir I noticed In the Teople". Forum of
a recent Issuo of the Evening PvnLio
Ledger reference to tho Pennsylvania Stnto
sons;, one of sour reader, statins they had
a oopy of same. Can jou Inform me If this
r Haywood Manor i
AMni.r.n. itnna.
Delightfully 'ocntod, healthful. InvlBor
fitlnu climate, beautiful scenery, spacious
grounds, fine water. Terms, t'ii per
week up. Including board, room, doctor's
advice and tnatment
For reservations phono Walnut 0004.
Philadelphia DHlcc. 1113 Chestnut St.
Dn. H I) NOi:i.INU O V. TI'PI'KR
Directing Physician Itrsldent Physician
mi',.'V-l"iTa m j ,i ninn, ,,,,, ., . I, TO, Cnaelel flrrlarc H
ljmM& ub.u;;; a
Clam Chowder ' Cholem of Pork Chops
Fried Sweet Potatoes, Apple Sauce
or Halibut Steak (Platter)
Roll and Butter Coffee and Milk
Shore, drill and f AFF. OPEN F.VFRY SUNDAY Private Parties and
Chicken Dinners. t"rc urcn BVE1W 3U11UAI , .,. Specialty
IT.- -- - ..-'. i i. '-.. ,'L J-L'.T." .'I- '-- ? I
Lose wear and tear
! I ; I
If iMyiBEiS
Standard equipment on 27 lead'
ing cars 19 others leave fac
tory with frames drilled for
Gabriel Snubbers,
2S7-59 N. Broad St.
We co-operate with your dealer.
Buy through him.
I. the official song of tho Keystone State?
I would appreciate It If "J. H." would
kindly publish through the Forum the words
of thl. song. I attended tho dedication
exercise, of the Ilarnard statuary at the
State Capitol nnd heard It sung by a large
chorus of school children. It was indeed
Inspiring. Thero seemed to bo so much
enthusiasm at that time I havo often won
dered It It was made tho official song of the
Keystone State. a. I,. MliTZEH.
Philadelphia, August 8, 1021.
The Legislature of the Mato Is the only
body able to order an official fltato song,
State flower. State holiday, etc Such aotton
has not been taken by the Pennsylvania
Legislature regarding the song referred lo.
Wilson as Lawyer
To thti 1'ditor of thi Evening Public Ledoer:
Sir lo!f and when did forn-er Presldont
Wilson booomo a lawy.i? Did ho er prac
ttcc? . r. W. S.
Philadelphia, August 10, 1021.
Mr. Wilson was a graduate In law from
the University of Vlrulnla In 18S1. He
practiced In Atlanta, Oa., In 1882-1883.
The Fortv-socond Division
To t hi Editor 0 the Ewnlno Public J.cdocr:
Sir What Amorlcan troops made up the
Forty-second Division In Franco durlns; the
World War? Whero wero thov stationed
abroad? a. W. L.
Philadelphia, August 10. 1021.
The Forty-second Division was mndo up
of National Guardsmen of twcntv-lx
Rtatos and tho District of Columbia. They
went to rranco In November. 1017. nnd
their activities wero Dombaslc-Lunevllle-St.
Clement-Baccarat sector, February 21 to
March 23, 1018. under the French r.lghtb.
Army and Seventh Army Corps. Harcarat
toctor, March IB to June zis nouain anu s.
....... .u Tut n la 17i German of-
fenslvo east of Ilhalm.. July IB-lOi Trueny
and Deauvardes. July 23 to August 3t St.
Mlhlel salient. Eeptember 12-80! Argonne-
Mouse offensive, uciODer in 10 oi, mm vum
of Sedan, November 8 to 11.
How Iron Is Galvanized
To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledoer:
Hirrini utivto whit process Iron under
goes to becono galvanized.
V, Y. 1WL.UJ..111U.
rhllndolphla. August 10. 1021.
,i-,. -..,. i..n In r-iArpIv nrrilnarv Iron
which has been dipped In molten zlno and
retelns a eurfaco coatirg oi mo zino ncu
removed. It hos como to bo of groat Im
tortanco and usefulness, oa by It" simple
process any nrtlelo may bo made to com
bine the strength and cheapness of Iron ,
nnd yet bo entirely free from rust. a. the
rlno Is unaffected by air or waler, orldlilng
only at a high pressure.
Answers Interest Problem
To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledoer:
Sir In your Issuo of tho 12th Inst. "O.
K." presents tho following:
The Tropic's Tomm will appear dilly
In tho Kvenlng Puhllo Ledger, and nlso
In tho Hunday Public Ledger. letters
dlsciMng timely tople. will be printed,
us well as rcauested rems, nnd question,
of general Interest will bo answered.
Rellnble Information about trnsee.. ,,
turrland II. trearment Also pffiwmM,.
hrlililsl D ' "" awi
3. o
when an
foil. Tan
attach to
most aay r I,
lulges yield to pressure hut center nate
hlftn. Thumb screvr luUust. pressure. As
wmlnul belt und supporter, of super
Consnlfatlon Wllhont Charm
iirt ont enri Hen er Tt-r-renee
Salads, etc.,
OeliTsrsd anj
pitt of city.
to your
! ' L C Patented
.JXC cTN"A'tfUt 21
'frm&IHBmW IHsl 6
S555SS. or
Maids Laundresses
All hinds of domestic help can be had
through an ad in
"If X were, to put $5 In ths bank every
month il? P.r cent Interest, how raueh
would I have eleven years after I shall have
put my r.t IB in bank?"
I assume inai me imer y - , "
pounded annually, although It I. net so
stated n in. proDiem. ,'"'-;,-.;.-;
simple interest amoum w ' .-"J YL1
of each year. Consequently, we find mj
amount .ougni uuis iom.iu '-: - -
.i.u.n v.iti from the data on which me
first deposit wa made. D. M.
Philadelphia, .ugusi i.'. iw.
C C. T." Slavery wa abolished In the
Itrltlsh Colonies In 1838 by an act of Parlia
ment. "C. L. It." '.ddress the secretary of the
National Society of the Ben. of the Ameri
can Revolution, In care of the Smithsonian
Institution. Washington, D. C.
"C. M. V." The Hoard of Mediation and
Conciliation was created by the .Newlands
Act of 1013 and ceased to exist at the close
of the present fiscal year. June 80, 1021.
"C. Ij. B." wants to know with what
church emd religious denomination General
Anthony Wayno was affiliated.
Poems and Songs Desired
"Dear Little Heads In tho Pew"
m. i. - vAiinrnt the Evtntno Publlo Ltdaer!
Slr I am very anxious for the word, of
a poem entitled "Dear Little Head. In the
Pow." I think the author Is Margaret
Bangster. It begins!
"I like on the Sabbath morning
In tho congregation to see
Tho dear llttlo children clustered
And worshiping thore with me.
And I think that the gentle pastor.
Whoso word, are like falling dew.
Has a special benediction
For thoso dear little heads In the pew,"
Philadelphia, August 10. 1021.
Sends Complete Poem
To the Editor of the .Euenlno Public Ledoer:
Sir Seeing a reauest In this eenlng's
paper for a poem, one verse of whloh Is
published, I Inclose the eame complete.
Philadelphia. August 10. 1021.
In epoaklng of a person", faults.
Pray, don't forget your own.
Remember, those with homes of glass
Shculd never throw a stone.
If we have nothing else to do
Hut talk of thoM who .In.
Tls better we oommenoe at borne ""
And from that point begin.
We have no right to judge A man
Until he Is fairly tried.
Should we not like hi. company.
Ws know the world la wide.
Some may have faults! and who has not
The old a. well as young?
We may, perhaps, for all we know
Have fifty to their one.
Also .ent In by "II. L, W.." Glanboro,
N. i.
Locates Poems
To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir I herewith Inclose the poem desired
by "R. A. N." It will be found more thart
likely In Kipling's volume "Song. From
Hooks," though I found It used as a, head
ing for a short story, "In the Pride of HI.
Youth." In Kipling. "Plain Tale. From the
"Stopped In the straight when tho race wa.
hi. ownl
Look at him cutting It cur to the bone!"
Ask. ere the youngster be rated and chid
den, What did he carry and how was ha rid
den? Maybe they used him too much at the
start. ,
Maybe fate's weight-cloths are breaking his
A few day. ago some one asked tor Wet
ard Hovey'. "The Sea Gypsy." Till toda
t had beon unable to find It. though I knew
I had It. I herewith append It. hoping It
may be of some uso:
I am fevered with the .unset.
I am fretful with the bay.
For the wanderlust Is on me
And my rouI Is In Cathay.
There, a schooner In the offing.
And her .alls are shot with (Ire,
And my heart has gone aboard her
For the Island, of desire.
I must forth again tomorrow:
With the suntet I must be.
Hull down on the trail of rapture.
In the wonder of the sea.
Philadelphia, August 10, 1021.
"Dried Applo Pies"
To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir I should llko to see printed In your
People. Forum tho amusing two verses of
poetry entltlod "Dried Apple Pies."
Philadelphia. August 10. 1021.
I loathe, abhor, detest, despise,
Abomlnata dried apple pies.
I llko good bread, I like good meat,
Or anything that's fit to eat!
Hut of all poor grub beneath the skies
The poorest Is dried apple pies.
Give me a toothache or soro eye.
In preference to such kind of pleo.
The farmer lake hi. gnarllest fruit.
Model K-16 One ton chassis, with express body and 6 post top
Can be fitted with any type body
"" ' ' ' ' ' '
Model K-16 chassis, formerly $1995, now $1495
This cut of $500 more than 25 per cent establishes a new standard
of value in motor trucks.
This chassis at $1495, equipped with electric lights, starter and
cord tires, is a real truck, built of real truck units no passenger
car parts used.
It has the new GMG engine with its Removable Cylinder Walls, Re
movable Valve Lifter Assembly, and other exclusively GMG features.
For all kinds of hauling city delivery, school bus service, farm use,
police patrol in fact it is well adapted for every land of one-ton work.
JIje! 16 is a refuied and improved successor to the famous
Model 16 which was adopted as the government standard in its
class during the war, particularly in ambulance service.
See the nearest GMG dealer for complete description of this model
also the 2, 3 and 5 ton models, all of which have been reduced
in price.
General Motors Truck Company
-A Unit of the General Motors Corporation
Pontiac, Michigan
AUGUST 17, 1921
The wormy, bitter an1 hard to boot l
They leave the hulls to make you cough,
And don't take half the peeling off.
Then on a dirty cord they're strung
And from some chamber window hung!
And thero they serve a toost for files
Until they're ready to make pies,
Tread on my corn, or toll me lies.
But don't pass ma dried apple ple.
"Just as Young"
To the Editor of the Evering Publlo Ledger:
fair Please print In your People s Korum
the words of tho old song "Juat a. Young
as I Used to He." M. L. O.
Philadelphia August 8, 1021.
Young folks, listen to my song;
I'm old nnd I won't detain you long!
I'm eighty-four, I'd have you know.
And young folk, call me Uncle Joe,
My hair, once black, has all turned gray.
Hut what's tho odds, so ns I foel gay?
I lovo to sing a song of glee,
It makes me as young a. I used to bo.
When I was young I knew life's Joy.!
Now I'm old yet I'm ono nf tho boys.
f tell a story or crack a Joke,
And never refuse to chew or smoke.
Yes, I'll tell a story o- sing a song
With every good fellow that comes along.
I'm a gay old .port, as you'll all agree,
Uut I'm Just as young as I used to be.
When I was young pnd In my prime
I was chasing the girls most of the time.
I'd take them out each day to ride.
And always have one by my side.
I'd hug and kiss them Just tir fun.
And hnven't forgotten the way It's one.
So If any young girl's In lovo with me.
She'll find mo ns youn, ns I used to be.
"The Missionary's Farewell"
To the Editor of the Einilno Public Ledoer:
Sir I Inclose a hjmn thnt was requested
by I. N. Runyan, Chester, Pa
Upland. Pa., August 1. 1021.
Yes, my native land, I lovo thee:
All thy scenos I lovo them well.
Friends, connection., hupcy country.
Can I bid ou all farewell?
Can I leave you
Far In heathen lands to dwell?
Home, thy Joyn aro pas"ln,i lovely:
Jos. no Btranger heart ran tell.
Happy homi. Indeed I lovo the.
Can I, can I eay "Farewell"?
Can I leave theo
Far In heathen lands to dwell?
BceneB of sacred peace and pleasure.
Hoi dayn and Sabbath bell.
Richest, brightest, nwoetoit trsurp,
- tT '"' umimmW
B' rafitl tifrh w eJ A fi) raj ja, . ,A 9 .memS'sL
205 North 22d St.
Can t say a tast farewell?
Can I leave you
Far In heathen lands to dwelt?
Yes, I hasten from you gladly.
From tho scene. I loved so well)
Far away, ye billows, bear me;
Lovely, native land, farewell.
Pleased I leave thee,
Far In heathen lands to dwell.
In the deserts let me labor:
On the mountain, let me tell
How He died the blessed Saviour
To redeem a world from hell.
Let me hasten
Far In heathen land, to dwell.
Bear mo on. thou rostles. ocean!
Lot the wind, my canva. swell
Heave, my hoart with warm emotion
While I go far honco to dwell.
Glad I bid thee,
Native land, farewell, farewell I
8. F. Smith.
A. K Carroll. Pottstown. Pa., ask. for
the poem entitled "The Village Choir," two
of the Uns of which ore-
"It was a stylish congregation,
The best-dressed choir In town " ,
Legion Delegates Named
An important mcetlnjr of Houston
Tost No. 3, American Legion, was held
that rash Use
5oolhinq and He&linq
The first application
stops the itching torture
and helps to clarify
the angry skin
last erenlnjr at No. 1B7 West Chlt
Rvenuo. Gcrmnntown, when daUKStea
were elected to tie comlnjs Strtte Con
ventlon, to be licltl In I'lttHbtirjili Sep
tember 22, 23 and '.'1. Tlio Tost. Imvlug
71fi members, will wcnil t-Iclit tleleRittos
to tho convention nn the Imsls of ono
delesntefor enrh 100 membem, plus' one
delegfito-Rt-Inrcc. Houston Tost Is tlifl
third largest in tho Statu,
piAT Model 501 h n
marvelous mechanism
n definite triumph in mod
ern nutomobilo engineering.
Light-weight but powerful.
Flexible, fast, hut econom
ical. The best European
shop practice makes it an
"trnnrdlnary car even
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2207 Chestnut
(t '1 Phone: Spnier 21 II
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M,!??'..WnA . VVJ,
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