Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 13, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 4, Image 4

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VTrVATKnBVmpn1 WU IWIHW ftr Vlf-
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By Lee Pape
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The Pork Ave. Nowa.
Weather. Unknown.
Bpoarta. Bhl Hunt wacnt allowed
cut last Wenwloy after supper ca ae
count of prnctlcinj the law of gravity
by dropping a apple on hi little brother
Herts hod, tho 4th time he dropped It
Bert starting to yell like enythlcg.
SUsicty. , Mr. Benny Potto, Mr. Low
Davis and Mr. Skinny Martin all ro
leered postal cards from Mr. Sara Cross
In the country last week, each postal
card saying something different on it.
Mr. Pottses saying The wntter lfl ftno,
I wish you was lieer, Mr. Davises say
ing I wish you was near, tho wattcr 1
fine, and Mr. Martins saying Tho Nat
ter is fino.
Pomo by Skinny Martin
Hunting Song
O a harpoons tho thing for a wale or a
And a trap for a bear or a otter,
A gun for a berd and n hook for a fish,
But the thing for a fly Is a swatter.
Ifltristing Tacks About Intristlns
Peeplo. Puds Sltukins is thinking of
being a life sacr wen he grows up but
his mother and fntlier nro thinking of
having him go in tho shoe blznUs with
LIm fathor.
Things You Awt to Know. Sharks
wont reely bite people In the watter,
peeplo jest thinking they will on ac
count of superstltitlnn, but it would
bo foolish to stick jour leg in a sharks
mouth jest to prove it
Fred Thlema, of Chester, Pa., Listed
by Error
Fred Thicma, of Chester, Pa., was
cleared of the charge of being a draft
dodger and deserter today by the War
Itpartmcnt. which blamed tho local
Draft Board for an rrror which caused
Ms name to bo published in tho "slacker
Thlema registered with the local
board for Division No. 2, at Chester
He was ordered to report for physical
examination July 2, IMS, but did not
report until September 6. 1018. Ho
was found fit for service, but never in
ducted. Through a clerical error a delinquent
order was sent him ordering him to re
port to the Adjutant General of Penn
sylvania October 23, 1018. although
he already had reported, and following
the expiration of that dato ho was certi
fied as a deserter.
Sickness at home?
Check its spread
By using a disinfectant
that acta surely and quick
ly. Sylpbo Ntthol dutroyi
term ilia absolutely. Altir
rearing ilek-room, truh your
bands la It. Wub tblnn Pa
tient uM with It.
For pmonal hygtmnm
cuti, woundi, douebu
Bylpbo-Nathol la Invaluable.
Drag and department atom
Four aitta lfio to 11.28.
AcIm Inttantly
Formerly calltdSatpho-Napthot
r- w. 'r "
-fe I
Pat. Jane 18, IOU
"No Splash in Sink"
"Positive Shut Off"
Namo "SAVILL" On F.uct
"Atk temr !umbfr
Thomas Savill's Sons, Mfr,
UI0-12-t4 WaUnu SU. PhUa.
$1500 Cash
New McClatchy Homes
Many surprises to be
found in those new,
twin, stone - front
homes. All-copper
rain spouting. Open
daily, 9 to 6:30. Seo
the Furnished Sample
John H. McClatchy
69th St., opposite
Market St. Elevated Terminal
several attractive
apartments will be
available in The
Hotel St. James
One room and bath two
rooms and two baths up
to five rooms and four
The Hotel St James
Walnut at 13th St.
A Great August Clear away of All Summer Dresses in Wanamaker's
Down Stairs Store, $1.50, $1.90, $2.50, $3.50 to W
Center Aisle
Half Price for Cotton Crash
Curtains, Pillow Tops, Table
Covers 60c to $4
Attractivo stenciled crash covers, all with prices
cut exactly In half to send them out in a hurry. If
there's a homo or summer cottap;o to brighten up
these savings aro certainly worthwhile.
Lineno couch covers nnd curtains aro in tho
samo half-priced lot Curtains are now $1.60 to
$2.25 pair; couch covers are $3.35.
Hit-or-Miss Rag Rugs
35c to $1.50
Third shipment of theso fino rag rugs. All
at half of what the regular price would be. Made
of fresh, clean factory rags instead of the old
washed rags that do not look or wear so well.
18x34 inches, 35c
25x50 inches, 75c
27x54 inches, 90c
30x60 inches, $1.15
36x72 inches, $1.50
Business-Like Apron Dresses
85c, $1.50
Hundreds of them just unpacked.
85c ones are neat styles of light colored per
calos which women scorn to prefer for summer.
Mado with elastic at tho waists so they will fit
nicely and with rickrack braid trimming. $1.50
one3 aro in gay plaids and pink, blue, green, lav
ender and black and white checks. These, too,
aro trimmed with rickrack and nicely belted.
Pink Topless Corsets
$1.25, $1.50
They can't come in fast enough. Theso aro
all of pink coutil nnd two styles have elastic insets
all around instead of lacing tho sort that women
want for sports, bathing, riding, etc. All sizes
21 to 39.
Lace-Trimmed Brassieres, 50c
Good ones of sturdy white materials trimmed
with laces and embroideries.
Remarkable Dollar Nightgowns
Half dozen of the prettiest styles we've seen
at this price. They come from one of our best
manufacturers and aro made in his best stylo.
Fine mntcrials, pretty laces, embroideries and
ribbons aro used.
1000 Undergarments for
Women, 50c
Nightgowns, envelope chemises, step-in bloom
ers and plain bloomers, all mado of pink or whito
batiste and nicely trimmed.
$1 Flowered Cotton Petticoats
A well-known trade-mnrked cotton material
notablo for its good wearing qualities. Dark-colored
grounds with flowers and figures.
Pan talette Frocks, $1. 25
Rompers for Little Boys, 85c
The dresses aro pretty checked ginghams pink,
blue and green trimmed with plain colors and
rickrack braid. Sizes 2 to 6 years.
Straight leg rompers are nice play clothes for
little boys of 2 to 6. Sturdy tan or blue Hnene or
Women9 s New
MadrasPajamas, $2
and excellent quality, too! The college
girl who is beginning to think about her
school things will want several suits.
Six styles in striped and plain madras
in a variety of color combinations, some
braid trimmed, just like men's pajamas.
All are the much-liked two-piece style,
cut with a roominess that does not sacrifice
the fit.
A few in white with the slip-over blouse
are trimmed with brightly colored facings.
Women who know value will pronounce
these unusual for ?2.
Children's Coats Now
Lowered to $5 and $7.50
This means that mothers can get good littlo
school coats for their daughters at about half tho
usual prices. Not many coats of any one kind in
this collection, but there nro plenty of good coats
for girls of G to 10 years.
Of serge, silvertone, tweed and checked or plain
velour in the form of capes, dolmans and tailored
Children's Lr esses
$2 to $7.50
All our organdie dresses and many pretty little
voiles, dimities and Swisses aro in this group. Just
a few of a kind and most of them somewhat mussed.
That's why the prices are so low $2, $3 and $3.75
for sizes 6 to 14; $3.50 to $7.50 for Junior sizes.
Little Girls'
Combinations, $1.25
and $1.50
Practical littlo ono-pieco garments, lace and
embroidery trimmed.
One, of soft white cambric, trimmed at tho neck
and the knicker knees with lace, beading and rib
bon, is $1.25.
Of a trifle finer quality are four other styles,
sturdy enough, but made dainty with lace and rib
bon trimmings, $1.50.
Sizes 2 to 12 years.
limo, W ulnMim lXlMiy Lrii5iiV If Ha
USo 1) A1 v-'vi!vX. fit lltfi wk jPI fltiSrorolW'l WMl Wiffl5ll vnlvsSi I'll eiiT
Jim lifflliMSr ft
liml Rail K SBwa VJI-ifilflKl WiMkiSmW : s-J
P k vS n W 3KW ISSfiliSr
Trl - rvn mJ Lmm La. Tth II tt
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Plain Voiles
Figured Voiles
Dotted Voiles
$1.50 $5 $5 $2.50 $1.90 $5 $3.50 W $7.50
EVERY Summer dress in this wonderful Down Stairs Dress Store is included in this
great August Sale! Dresses of every fashionable Summer material, made in hun
dreds of different ways, are all marked at amazing prices for a clearaway. Earlier
in the season they have been twice and three times the prices that they will wear on Monday
morning. i
A number of these dresses need pressing, but it is the matter of only a few
minutes to freshen them and they are well worth it.
Organdies Imported Organdies
Dotted Swisses -inenJ , ,,. ,
Imported Ginghams
Dimities Checked Ginohamn
Sizes and styles for women of all types, though, of course, not all sizes in any one style.
Of many of these dresses we have but one, two or three of a kind, so it is well to come early to
make sure of getting just what you want.
.Plenty ol extra salespeople to help you.
for dark printed voile dresses in a dozen different styles.
for gingham dresses in multi-colored plaids.
fr a vonderful collection of imported organdie dresses in
white, Copenhagen, peach, tangerine, gray, rose and green.
And for plaid gingham dresses and printed voile frocks.
for white organdie dresses with overslips of colored organdie
or dotted voile. And for figured and flowered voile dresses
in a variety of styles, or checked ginghams combined with
for navy blue flowered voile dresses over white organdie
foundations For colored organdie trimmed with white
rickrack or for white organdie with colored panels
$7.50 and $10
for all of our finest Summer dresses of dotted Swiss, dimity,
linen, woven figured voile, embroidered organdie and of
white organdie made over rose or turquoise taffeta founda
tions. In the $10 group are some remarkable hand-made
French dresses in exquisite colorings coral, Copenhagen,
flesh and orchid.
Women's Extra-Size Dresses
$3, $4.25 and $5
$3 and $4.25 dresses are of navy blue and Copenhagen
voiles, dotted or figured, and made in several becoming
$5 dresses are of lighter voiles in pink, blue or lavender
hairline stripes.
New Autumn Fashions
in interesting suits and dresses are arriving every day.
Charming new dresses of crepe de chine, tricotine, crepe
satin and Poiret twill, $16.50 to $57.50.
Autumn suits, $23.50 to $57.50.
Silk Mull Step-in
Bloomers, $2
This popular bloomer model
is developed in soft figured
silk mull edged with lace, and
gathered on elastic at the top.
In rose or orchid, S2.
Dark Satin
Camisoles, $1.50
Just the kind to wear under
dark-colored blouses and
frocks. Several styles, finished
at top with hemstitching, and
developed in excellent quality
satin in brown, gray, navy and
Dainty White
Guimpes, $1
Designed to wear with
sleeveless dresses nnd with
Bweatcrs, these aro of sheer
white organdie trimmed with
dainty lace edgings and inser
tions. Elastic at the waist of
each. (Sketched.)
Net Guimpes
$1.50 to $2.50
Of fino creamy net, some
with Peter Pan collars and
trimmings of lace. A dozen
pretty styles.
Real Old- Time Values In
Good Turkish Towels
25c 38c 50c
Soft, spongy towels, of generous size, at old-time prices.
Summer is always hard on buth towels, so this is an excellent
opportunity to restock.
25c for 17x36-inch plaid jacquard towels, pink or blue.
25c for 19x39-inch plain whito towels.
38c for 22x45-inch plain white towels.
50c for 19x39-inch jacquard figured towels, pink or bluo.
50c for 23x46-inch heavy white bath towels.
Cotton Huck Towels, 12Y,c
Lowest prico in many a day for a firm, heavy cotton huck
towel measuring 18x36 inches. Plain white or with red borders.
Kitchen Towels
25c for union linen dish towels, 17x36 inchos.
38c for all linen dish towels, 17x3-1 inches.
Linen Crash, 25c
All linen crash, cream bleach, 16 inches wide.
New Autumn Patterns
Appear in These Rugs
Autumn rugs are beginning to appear in goodly
numbers and how fresh and interesting they look.
Just the things to go with the new furniture that so
many homes are enjoying these August days. Prices
are lower, too, than they have been in many seasons.
Axminster Rugs
8.3x10.6 ft $34.50 9x12 ft $37.50
Odd Sizes in Axminster Rugs
4.6 x 9 ft $.19 9 x 18 ft $78.50
9x9 ft $40 11.3x12 ft $62.50
9x10.6 ft $42.50 11.3x15 ft $78.50
9x15 ft $62.50 12x15 ft $97.50
Seamless Velvet Rugs
8.3x10.6 ft $30 9x12ft $32.50
Rag Rugs, Hit-or-Miss
4x7 ft $2.65 8x10 ft $7.50
6x9 ft $4.85 9x12 ft $8.50
Are Down
And there are the weeks of
rainy weather in September
just ahead of us.
Women's sun-and-rain um
brellas and all parasols in
plain colors, plaid and striped
silks aro now marked at prices
much lower than usual.
A wide range of choico at
$1 to $5.
Women's Extra
Size Nightgowns,
Women's extra-sizo night
gowns of excellent flesh
batiste are lace edged at neck
and sleeves. Tho price is un
usual when the quality of ma
terial and tho generous cut aro
Children's Gaily
Colored Sweaters
Ready to please young va-cation-goera
with their bright
hues and light warmth.
Wee maids of 2 to 6 may be
fitted In either slipover or
Tuxedo (sweaters in a variety
of weaves and colors at ?2.50
and $3.
Older girls are sure to like
the Tuxedo sweaters in red,
jade, electric or fawn with
facings and cuffs of whito or
contrasting color.
Or perhaps a clever slip
over model with edgings and
girdlo of brushed wool.
Sizes 8 to 14, and prices
from ?4.25 to ?7.50.
These Men's
Oxfords at $5. 75
Are Exceptionally Good
First, they are in the right shade the
nut-brown that men like.
Second, they are of fashionable cut with
wing or straight tips and low broad heels.
Third, they aro of unusually good qual.
ity for $5.75 soft, comfortable, yet durable
leather, with welted soles of the right thick
ness. Tennis Shoes for Men and Boys
Of canvas in all-white, all-brown or in
white trimmed with brown canvas or
All sizes from small 11 to a man's 11,
$2.75 to $3.75, according to size.
(Oallerrt Market)
Here's Real Economy
Women's Suits
$10 and $15
(A Third to a Half Less)
Many of these are of just tho typo for every,
day wear well into tho fall. Principally of wool
jersey in dark colorings, of mixed tweeds and
navy blue serges. Some of tho $15 suits have jersey
jackets and pleated skirts of plain velour. Broken
sizes, of course.
Flannel Skirts, $6.75
and $10
Skirts of this type are immensely fash
ionable with sweaters, as all vacationists
returning from the seashore will tell you.
Now these flannel skirts can be had for
considerably less than their early-season
Gathered skirts in cream or pastel color
ings and in blazer stripes are $6.75.
Pleated skirts, in gay stripes of many
colors, now $10.
Women's Riding Habits
$15 and $25
Lowered prices on women's cross-saddlo habits.
Khaki and linen habits are now $15.
Tweed and jersey habits, now $25.
New Autumn Hats Have
a Decided Charm
probably because most women are getting
tired of their Summer hats and the new
velvets and silks have a fresh, trim air that
is quite irresistible.
You'll notice a number of broad
brimmed hats of black velvet which are
very effective with sheer Summer frocks
for afternoon and evening.
Then there are bewitching little toques,
some with bobbing tassels or ribbon bows.
Crowns are usually soft and often the trim
ming is used in applique on the brims.
Plenty of charming black hats as well as
the russets and blues of Autumn.
$6, $8, $10 and upward.
Women's Tan Oxfords
and Pumps, $5.40
The Oxfords are especially good looking low
shoes with wing tips, welted soles and medium
Women's tan leather pump3 with one strap
and button, imitation wing tips, welted soles and
medium heels are also $5.40.
. New at $9.90
One-strap pumps or plain tan calfskin pumps,
Blender and very smart. They have high or baby
French heels and turned soles.
Mary Jane Pumps for
Tiny Girls, $1
Wee feet that can wear sizes 2 to 4 will find
comfort in these pretty Mary Jane pumps which
are fashioned of whito canvas and priced $1.
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