Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 12, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 4, Image 4

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!' Ft'
jEvolyn S. Taken Over by U. S.
Officers on Smuggling
. erwni mspntch to Kvenlno mode l.tagtr
Atlantic City, Aur. 12. Tho Evelyn j
8., ft bateau, wns seized this mornliiRi
.by Chief Deputy United States Martini! '
Snowdcn's men, noting under instruc
tions from Deputy United Stntcs Dis
trlct Attorney Frederick I'enrxe Sin-1
Is held for Binupgllni rum nsliore.
Ownership of two of the three veMeln'
selzcd yeitcrdny by the Federnl otTiclalH
On charges of being connected with rum
Tunning Into the Atlantic City Inlet were
ascertained todny. Tittj to tne lurper
rnft, tho auxiliary hloop Edward II
Bcrke. In the Customs Ilouse record I
held by Captain Harry (loukler, who
la under .'000 bail on the Federal
charge of having wliNky aboard tho
craft. Tho vesiel was searched several
months ago, nftcr u return trip from
The cruller Uuelo Sum ts owned by
Iteubeit I-vitig, saroonncetiiT nt this
city. The identity of tho owner of the
cruiser fe.i (iiuitut 1ms not been fixed.
Deputy marshals are aboard the ves
sels todn . The olUcers anil crew arc
held on charges of joining In transpor
tation of whisky from the high seas
Into the harbor here, nnd smuggling.
Another vessel may be seized today.
Keeper of tho Coast (lUiml Station
Holdzknm said that such seizure was
expected, but he was not authorized to
disclop the name of the craft, which Is
leported to bo an open boat, driven by
tin engine.
As to further arrests on charges of
rum running, he said that there may bo
Bensntloual developments before the close
f the dm. tho nature of which h ic
fuscd to discuss. "The Federal ngents
have the information needed to net. lie
wild, "and just when they will loiiiid mi
the men who have been connected with
the conspiracy which involves several
higher tips in this citv. I'hllndelphla
and New York is not determined."
i -
Say Seized Ship
Head Tried Suicide
Contlnufil from race One
Bcizure of great stores of fancj liquois
in caches near the city.
It is said that Philadelphia was
merely the clearing house und sales
Tiiace'for tho liquor. It wns sold hero
in quantities by ajents, who occupied
suites in lendin; hotels, and were r"ndv
io sell a drink, a quart, n case or a
Jinndred cases, and to iill orders imme
diately. The liquor was used largely,
according to the customs men. for the
entertainment of men who came to this
citv for big conventions.
Seizure of the Thomaston will be
followed, the customs men sav. by seiz
ure of numerous smaller ciaft. at At
lantic City nnd other coast resorts,
which were used to smuggle the rum
Revelations of the brond seone of the
customs inquiry and campaign weie
made by Special Agent Ilrooks toilnv
after the six Federal warrants had been
in...iti. Vni,r.1 nn iliini M,lrvn t i i"r
V. UIUHIM .."IliU W.r, .,,...... ... .... .
ine linpenuing loss m uis iiiii. iu
Special Agent Ilrooks "It mil be
that he was n victim in rue ""'",.,, Mrs i,auuv m, 0iild per-uml
lie says. iiu nun inrcuienen in m
himself, nnd one of the euslouis m.-n on I
his ship enteied his cabin last night just
as he had prepared a noose to hang
(himself and prevented the aet."
-i....i tv... iivmi. i."".. H...... '
ciitialii ikuiu ttuim i iiiumr
The liquor seized In Hertz's pirn e
..,.: i. .. t 'pi...
ycsicioii "- ni'iiii u uiiiiiii'- I
msionis men nun oci-ii nuiniiiiu nn-
bottling woiks in C.imdui for almost '
i. .. r i .. !.-... i.. .i.
tnCUlJ ll'lll ll"lll- U' l"l I I III I I 1 O V ! !!
seizure. Hertz wns lured over to Phila- '
delphla on n pretext to tn'k mntteis
over with Special Agent Itrinks. and '
In his absence his place was entered I
by the rustonis inspectors with Fedeia' I
search warrunts. j
Specinl Agent Hrooks revealed that
the room in which the gp-it store if
rum was hidden wns camnutl.igul witii
tiers of cases of "soft stuff ' Wl '
the customs men entered thv wet-1
euunii iuioiii uiu mum -i.u.isv i .i.mii i
a1 ifci-ii fjv.l tl.nf nnli tin. ....(
B11U UOUI.U I MUt, HUH III'' ni'll -Mllll l .
R-ns tnere. incy insiieu. nnwever.
puniUB nown u is oi uif uers ui inn...
cj-iii buw iiiui iiiumi it iniii- '""'"'..
lilClll. 1-.I1LIIII (HIS II. .11 IIH'l I.Mlll I
lnilte quantities of choiee vvln-Uv an I
Tlie men arrested nie rliiirji'd vvitu
violations of .Seetlon Ml 'J'sTl. 'Kl'l.
287.1. 2.S71 and .'Ovj. f w I n-i
States Criminal Code, ihaiKms "ii
splraey to defraud the I'mted State
Government. Conviction i-tnhr tins.
sections makes Captain Nenpel IimMi
to the loss of his ship by loiilisi .itmn
IJribo Attempt Charged
"Customs Tnsnei tor Airuev ' -
Gpeclal Agent Ilrnok-, ' tolil up i m
when nerU returned and found ile
agents hud made the i im ot m
cood he nslied h" nun h Asnev vvuuiil
want to walk nw.i.v and fnisft vvh.n
lad seen.
"Inspector Annej npe'd he n .
customs Inspector und not a I'edinii in
foreeinent nKcnt As wt licit. I.i, . n.i
been chareed with nticn.it to bribe i
Inderal official
"Therfl would have bren v 1 n'e.i'
Brrrpts before now if tb. I'i !. , n .
thoritles in New .Teiev la, t ,,
proper eo-operution I hmu men i
Tronton and Newark with iut'in nni i nn
for warrants, and tliev nlw.ivs tomnl
eomebody was uwnv on bis wnimm
The result was that we bnve be. n h. d
back ronsldernblv We lime s i,i,( .,
In spite of tins hiiiidn up nml In-' r
l'elton is now- in Tun-on pi inn; .i
number of wturuni- nnn'i uiM l
served bv the lotted S-1 ,i i . - M u ;l ,
office in '1 renton
"A IVdernl warrant vm i 1 . i
flfor Anilievv tlroh, who vmi . i i. !
t i'tlernl official M ViTsV H H K
1 in spite 01 tins liaiiiln up ami liK'inior 6? ------- - . ,
I cervod h tlu I nitril St.n. u M -
;' ollico in 1 ronton n mmymmK'w v y y.p f'TflXJITTl
m i Sm-rsj- BEffit
m& HIIXKRN I l I I 1 A A I - iJO V TtWAV 13. I
f U rjtrriniir nrnnuiti sJX!V&Jrtt'CVkr. A SlS9uKC L .
Mm: . - 'ft,- l Mht Menu rbnwl IJjIlr BiwWwy!iiHK 'i$ '"' ','Vv,N
mME;, X JCHilW "" "" ts ruutii w,tr kt. VQSQieaCaHfMf
KM- 'KllHK"KdHifiS!
j, ",i'" ' ' , . s&'mrJimjiMmiEPrsmF .
J7V."VJI i. laW. KtsiV ..Fv's . JMtHHK SV . .iXZl 4iasisisism
f . wJZffmtiK ft Jw5www" ??'- jjmiiWF jnnBflr9i
l.eOgsr 1'hoto orvirn
Four persons were Injured today when two motorcars, ono spredhtg,
(olllded lit Srvcntfi anil IMne streets. The pirtnro shows the larger of
tile autos. smaller one was belli; ilihcn li Dr. F, M. Dj.soii, 222
.St. Mark's mui.iic
of vlo'atlng the New Jci'sex li(iior en
foreeinent law. 1 liave sent orders t
t'nder-Sheriff Itrown, of Ocean Count,
not to permit the destruction of lnpior
found near Rirnegat and claimed liy
iroh It wl'l be u ed at evidence in
the Fedeial suit against him,
'We are preiiuilnz tn sei.e a mini-
her of boats in Atlantic Cuiiiitv. and
nmku numerous artests there. No one I
will escape. We know ever man and
bont. i
'We have learned nil the details aNo i
of the i.iitioi- uade In Philadelphia, as
it affects the sale of sniugg'cd liquor,
and In due time theie will be mhiip
Mauling arrests m this eit . I.iiiuor
l.as been put out hem and In other
large i ities to enteit iln guest nt ui-
entlon-. We l;inn wheie die nng
iwiiiiu is enniiiiiiin? i ins irnne mis us
headiiuarters, and we know the name
of the piominent man who has been i.i
iharge of the ling's operations "
The customs olhi'liN who have been j
In charge of work from the .Mar.vluulj
j border to .Mtinasiiuan are specinl Agent
Hnoks. Special Agent Hrviiolds an. I
I Inspectors Agio. Pen-. Morgan and
I l'elton.
Ccnius r.t Tea Making
No debutant. was ever more eeited
over her coining out tea than Mrs l'en
ley lirmlley wn- the ntternoon shortl
nfter her marriage to l'enley Itradlev.
when she iiudeitonk to lntroilme Mr.
lirndlev's tvvent -vear-old daughter to
a little group of her own particular
frieniN To umleitaud the confusion
one must iiudeis'iind the I'enlev Itrnd
ley ir.cmige It was located in an
upiiitiiient hotel t.he apartment was the
snine that Mrs Mrail'c hail once oc
1 l...l.... I...- ....... ...l -..I...... I,
had been changed only bv the addition ' "'"he it. And no maid had come. Mrs. ' ;)" f'v "f the students, who com
of a hundred of the bocks that Penley I'.radlev did not send her complaint to l"1'1 ""' ""'l vci;.5-(' !,fllr. (,n"1"1'
Hiadlev could not be pnited (mm. a pipe' the pantry again, for the telephone was ' ,ooK l1a""" """'l mnn.v difficult stunts on
lor so. n new ch floii'er containing his ,
mil. on ocmsions. Penlm '
ll,..ll.,.. M,...lf It.. I,n,l lmnl Hint
1 o..,.l ,1... I.innt imi.1 ..Hi.
v IHII U" luniuru no ii . 1 1 in t i ui . ...
to give up hei work at Ituitons and,
the SI.", (Hill a year that went with it.
And now the new Mrs 1'enley Iliad-
, .... ,,,,.., ii,,i .,.,, , lutrodu
,r ,. .laughter Aliie to some "vvoit'i
uliili. nennle."
while people.'
- ,--,--- t ii.nft.
And now
.V 'H e, ,i i - in urn' ,'
iniieu it mi r
w In re she v. as
dies. in,: jiir-i- ".pieunm ihhik
. ... - 1.
, n,, ,,,,
'""," ."" V.
1 ,M,e,t you 10 fa
ml mpiiwite one of tl"
III I'M' "in
three men I hive pi. U. o t is e gi Dli ,
for von ih.v wi 1 lie l.-ie lliH l,r-
noon Itoger M.elc nil .1 siw you a
the monev yon could .'lr' "' ": "" i
ne i- i,i .. .. ,ii ,,,
fllfside loMlig iieature besides. limi
liriene hasti f a tent 111 the hank
never Iiu. but he nnke a lot ami lie s
li-illiiint Inii'v- leiil hi plavs Anil
tin re is Uirrv F.ainbiidse avvfullv
KukH-Ii. 'er b studying sill, worms
or tiibaii. r -ml boat- or something
. . . ,,. ,.,.,., ., , . rnn ,.ni,wv
i.' ' 'i . . . .. ..
and - .Mis l'mley limU'n
. .,- , .,, ,,. ,,,,,.. ,.,.,1 ,tprruiiteil
All,, wn )(1( frnlI!P, u protest
v,vi,t , Jo .von suppose lias lmppeiied !
I .
awvjMB ic icv in',1 Ti. wwr: a j a ill" ' ' n fiwa c
ft . ... p
i.M Tender and ta&tv s
1 Baby
h 5
is i'ki e r
s norwav ::
Inn -a v h
i. b v la a- ii n
1 lviacnrai :
j JO f s? is nf ii
H rk m x v U tl PS
y At all our Stores h
I ems 1
r-4 PB'nF.HVl nj D au --
HIT t I ll I I. I I II. Mil. II i
4AJuCmm'' l"'tsV!HrW,J T
V -
that maid? I told them to send her up
b lia'f-past three. The lemons aren't
nit, and 1 don't believe there Is nn
sugar. They were going to send the
things up from down stairs, but dear
kimws what's happened."
i wihii sou had let mo cet thines
ready this morning, mamma," scolded
Alice. "I knew It would be too much
fur jou."
"I couldn't let you be worried," Mrs.
Hradley was ti.xing to get n telephone
connection with the imntry in the hotel
ilnilng-ioom below stairs.
"It really is
rn awful job getting up a ten," nnd
tiien to ttie steward down below : "I
wish ou would send up boine other
snmiwfr he-. 1 ordered watercress and
thev sent lettuce, and there isn't any
hutfor nn them nnd and will jou burr
ui:u mum lining; uur guests will tie
eomnig soon."
When lier stepmother was through
telephoning Alice summoned courage to
ii :
"You didn't send cards to Morton
i,ray, did you mother?
Of (iiursi, not." came back franklv
"Mot-ton isn't in a clas with the peo
i le I'm asking today. He's nice enough
In n way Alice, you don't mean to
tell me ou care about hlni?"
The frankness of this query rather
look Alice's brenth away She was
not as trunk is her rejoinder. "I only
thought he was an old friend It was
ihnmgh him that voti and pnna met.
We ought at least to feel grntefu'."
"Oh, If that's nil I won't urgtie
I with ou. Itut you see lie's just gen
jeuil business munager nt Morton's. In
i a business way he mnv be a genius,
but the people I'm asking this after
noon are different. '
A half an hour later the guests had
arrived. Some had even spoken of
leaving. Hut still no refreshments hnd
'appealed There was tea service in
one end of the loom but no boilinz
wnlt't lim l.n.,i Lanl 11.1 ,il,lt l.I.ili tn
loeateu In the genernl reception loom.
The hall door rnng ami Al.ce run
i ovv ll t he sliort in et neet In 'i M ri.
Irm 01 thfillirlit. tn n-lmit flin ileln v n.l
-.-- . ..-.., ... ........ . .. ,,-...,.,..,
11 mil and the needfuls foi the tea
-ci vice.
Hut It was not the maid A tal1,
broad-shouldered figure bent down to
kis Alice vety leverently . but she
pushid bilii oft. "Time for that later,"
she said. "Something has gone wrong
in the pantry. The refreshments havin't
come I here s not cnnniM, lmrnr nn .
.. . . : .; r"
ine snniiw iche. .Mother is in o stew
She sliTs you're a genius, so go to It
and prove vnu tan get the needfii N for
Uli .ns.de of t n i ..notes
The t'onr dosed sllenth. Alice np-
ppni(., ,am nI11 nifled in the ic-
ception toom and refused to answer
aDV ot "'' s.gnnled inquiries from her
Apartments at
the Rittenhouse
Rittenhouse Hotel, 22d and Chestnut
,-?JWWf.wwrTiMT1V'ViTTTilftli "'inill'
YES, 13 Cents for One Loaf of
the Best Bread in the City
rather different in price and sky high
in wholesomencss, purity and taste.
Meenehan's bread is electrically baked
every crumb of it is precious.
Electric Bakeries
IK South 52d Street 11 South (i()th St.
26(H Gcrmantown Ae. 4009 Market Street
: 1433 South g
$3.00 Baltimore
$3.50 Washington
and Return
(War T R'r dditmnal)
Special Train leim-s :hli
(hi'Mnut Stw. Station 8.00
Hfturnin'r loaves W u ihinrlnn
P M Ilaltimnre 7.00 P. M
Knstern Standard Time.
"''jSg.-. ,, , - -'s?h - tMmmL nn,, f ;
... '. . , f .-..-..f!-.'.-r .- ...-.,,, , . , . j- sdSl.
distraught stepmother. She slmnly
urged the guests who bnd suggested
leaving to wait n few minutes for tea.
ll had been n little dened, she said.
Then the bell rang ever so lightly and
Alice sped down the hall again, Imme
diately she returned with nn enormous
tray -n lacquered reed trny that had
t.ot come from the hotel kitchen. It
contained n spirit lamp with hot water
ready to he relighted, n silver dish of
chopped Ice and shaved butter, in limit
able light biscuits, dishes of am. nnd
tiently piled sandwiches of u dozen
different mixtures.
Five minutes litter, when tea drink
ing was In full swing nnd there were
expressions of praise iroin tne guests
nt the delicious refreshments, Morton
(ray strode quietly into the loom.
Mrs, l'enley Urndley tlrst eyed him
with disapproval. Hhe had not expected
him, but us her long-time business as
sociate she could not fall to greet him
cordially. lie took his chair, his tall,
broad form balancing rather grotesquely
on a small gilt chair of the apartment
lintel variety , In the grofip of guests
over which Mrs, Hrndley presided.
Presently Alice stood beside her step
mother. "I am going to tell you something,
before all your guests." Alice began
nt first timidly and then with more
courage. "Morton ilray nnd I arc en
caged. We thought It would be n nice
little surprise to announce It now at
your party You nnd Morton nre such
old filemh I know you will he de
lighted "
And Mrs. Hrndley really was. She
forgot nil about Hogcr, Tom and
Ilarr). looking rnlher insignificant
and inefficient in the proximity of the
piesence of Morton. Then she rose from
her chair nnd before Morton could rle
fiom his chnlr she planted n kiss on
Ills check by way of motherly congrat
ulation. Thru Penley IJindley himself ap
peared and the guests delayed departure
still longer, for Mr Hradley had
brought still more delicacies that suf
ficed for an informal supper.
It was utter Morton had departed
and Alice had gone to bed flint Mrs.
Ilradlev thought to inquire as to the
miraculous appearance of Morton and
the tea equipment. "It was a simple
matter." said Mr. Hradley. laughing.
"The thing wns nil cooked up. W e
'knew what sort of service you'd get
nt this liotei i got in mucn wiin
Morton nnd we ordered the things from
the club diet this morning. Morton
went over In a taxi to get them, nnd I
telephoned the steward here to stop
opeiations on the tea order here. 1
wanted your little tea paity to be a
Mrs Iliadley's eyes filled with teat .
"Peu'.ev." she said huskily, "now that
it is n'll settled for Alice. I I think
I'll give up -this, sort of life nnd the
job at Uiirton's. I'd like to settle down
In the suhuibs somewhere with plenty
of mom for your books nnd pipes and
things. You see. I thought that Alice
would have n better chance in tho city
1 knew she 'oved Morton, but I never
thought he cared for her. Thnt's why
I got Itoger and Tom nnd that Haiti
bridge individual here tills afternoon "
University of Pennsylvania Summer
Classes Give Exhibition
Stu(lnts of the summer school course
in physical education at the University
of Pennsylvania save an exhibition of
their prowess in athletic wotk yester
day in the pymnasium of the Univer
sity. !"' """whihi uhib. iiuim.i umn unu
mirM"' "" V'" u-i " , . '""
I wonii'ii wuo iiurimt wic iiih siiminir
1 mom lis IIOV wen WOIKing linill in nn
piove their nbi'ltv to sue physical ni
si ruction in the schools.
An mtere-ting progrn n 'lint how 1
the scope ot the summer s work wns ar
ranged by 'William .1 Croiuic, phv.sic.il
instructor of the University, and it in
tluded folk dancins. s'ames, vvnnd drills
and g"n"ral g-iniistifs.
' Youth Hurt by Auto
i rrani., Thieir. eighteen ven.s old. of
-jj-i-. i,.i, r.,, ,i.i. ,.. ... t,,..i.
M niitomobile nt Mornt Hphraim
avenue and I.iheitv street. Camden, nt
(1:30 o'clock last night lis left leg
was frnttured He wns token to the
West .lersey Homeopathic Hospital.
Renovated, refurnished
made spick, span nnd inviting.
Outside rooms, cool, cheerful.
Pick front these:
Two Rooms nnd llath.
Three Rooms ur.d Hath.
I-'our Rooms nnd two Raths.
l "I'll I II
i ki
& 0hiofc IB
Noll, Liked by All Sides, .
Is "Amiable Go-Betueett"
Oscar E. Noll, In the course of a
conference In the Mayor's office, was
described as the "Amiable Go-lie-tween."
Noll Is considered (o have special
qualifications for his role.
He is Penrose leader of the
Thlrty-soventh Ward, n friend of
Hlg Tom Cunningham and of United
States Attorney Coles, of the Voters
League, nnd finds no difficulty In
holding friendly conferences with the
Major, City Solicitor Smyth nnd
Director of Public Works Cnven.
Smyth nnd Caven nre the Mayor's
fhlef political advisers.
Noll has done nothing to stir up
hostilities anywhere. In n quiet
way he Is 'hall fellow well met" In
all quarters where political leaders
foi( gather.
Campaign Issues
Outlined by Mayor
Contlntifd from I'ote One
taxes and the tipbulldlns of tho Phila
delphia Jos works with a view of re
(iticing the cost of pas to the consumer,
rpon each of which issues the contrac
tor combine fotccs, still seeking to re
tain the iwwcr of the old regime. Iinve
birn obstructionists-,
"For the information of the man on
the trnin ns well as for tb" average
citizen of Philadelphia the pre -'lit -Jay
issues may be thus briefly stated :
"Elimination of contratlor boss
ism. "No Inrrcisc In gas rates or t.ies.
"A progressive, constructive ad
ministration against the delay and
obstruction of selfish Interests.
"That Is the situation in a nutshell."
Vnrr. Will Not Oiic In
Senator Vnie. who Is fighting to re
tain his sent in the combine saddle, was
seen in his Lincoln Hnlhllng office
shortly nfter the Mayor's stuteineut wns
madp public
The Seimtnr, in nn interview, de
clnied the organization will stand "hind
and fast" for two places on the He
publican ticket. The places desired are
lteceivcr of Totes, with W Frecland
Kendtlck n candidate for re-election,
nnd City Treasurer, with Thomas F.
Watson. hairmuii of the City Commit
tee, us the Vnre chohe.
Senator Vare was questioned regard
ing repot ts lie would withdraw Mr.
Kendrick as u candidate und that he
Rely on Ciiiicura
To Clear Away
Skin Troubles
nop lanrcnse. uinnnrni in tnolfrftum ojw. I
Art, tic SampleiotCHltmi, Dipt X.kltldis.Mui.l
i '
I A HOT day IsjmtoneoftheUidilenH B
of lifethatrccallsthelexend: "Drink
Coca-Cola, Delicious oad Refrethlng." n
Beyers vs. Dealers
Situation is Serious
The Autocar Company
"The Motor Truck Success"
Ardmore, Pa. Est. 1897
August 12, 1921
rATJG;UST 12, 1921
would be satisfied with one place on the
county ticket.
"The political sltuntlon Is absolutely
unchanged," le replied. "It wiih ex
plnlut'il last Wednesday that more tlmn
I wo-thirds of the representatives of the
Republican votern and members of the
Itcpublicau Campnigii Commltlec. ns
well as joth the men and women Jtc
titiblican voters, feel that tht.tr request
for two out of tho five Republican can
didates Is a modest one, and the regular
Republican pr.rty organization stands
hard nnd fast on that request.
Confident If light Is On
"If it goes to a contest every one
familiar with the sentiment of Iletmb
Hinn voters knows thnt the Republican
Party organization will easily elect
more than two out. of the five county
"Mayor Moore Is in full charge of
the 'ash -cart, which my friends nnd 1
helped him to get when we nil voted for
the city charter at Hnrrlshurg and
when Joseph P. Oaffnev nnd others of
my friends In Council furnished the
Denartmont of Public Works the money
with which tn cnuln the ash nnd street-
cleaning work.
"It is a Into day for tho Mayor to
talk nboitt gambling ami other vice con
ditions in this city, which he hns full
tontrol of and lias had for going on
twenty months. During this period the
Mayor has repeatedly made changes
and said he had gambling stamped out.
Hut recently. Judge Gordon, represent
ing the Mayor before the Civil Service
Commission, admitted that the Fourth
Ward and other wards In South Phila
delphia were crime-ridden, which 1
know to be true.
Hints nt "Real Rootleggcrs"
"How can the Mayor expect to have
niiy discipline In the Police Depart
ment when he is tnklug his political
advice from the chief bootleggers In ttie
city nnd then talk civic decency. No
real independent or nnv other voter Is
being fooled tinder these conditions.
This attempt on the patt of the Mayor
to stnmpcdc the political situation in the
Inst week hasn't cntiscd ns much ns a
"If you wont any more Interviews on
the political situation in the future," he
Women1. 5-rnrtPit Models 'of the Senon in WHITE DUCK,
60tb & Chcitnut Sti 5604 Cermititnwn Ave. 2736 Gcrmtntown Att.
Ilcud Lines in Aujt. 1st issue of the Philn. North American on
their Industrial nnd Architectural News Page stated:
Surprising. Indeed, for those who ileal
With us for their needs In structural Btcel:
Such ppeed do we Bhovv In shipping down
Our work to the Kood old Quaker town.
No job that we've had has been delayed,
a 1'A.ionl for tlm In each caso made.
In shop nnd In fleld we're mrlcily mere;
leu us wna; jou
Bethlehem Fabricators, Inc.
t'lill.i. nnire
U itlnut 3UII.1
IlrthlfhMti. I'ii
I'linnr 2300
Coal dealers do no.t own nor can
they afford to own enough motor
trucks or horse drawn vehicles to be
able to deliver a sufficient amount of
coalt to. keep us warm during the
coming winter, if the delivery of coal
is deferred until cold weather sets in.
It is very improbable that we
have another mild winter.
continued, "you had better get them
from that hot-air merchant on tlip sec
ond lloor of City Hall who reminds one
of that sulphur water spout nt Sand
ford, Fla where the water spouts out
of the ground In the center of'the innlij
street of tho town all day nnd nil night
about sixteen feci; liletb.
Penrose ns Peacemaker
Senator Penrose hns started . criss
cross scries of diplomatic negotiation!!
between tho rival camps, w th the o5
icct of trying to find out what kind of
a county ticket would be acceptable to
This news was brought bock to Phila
delphia today by Thoinaa W. Cunning
horn. who. with President Judge Brown,
was in conference with the Senior Sena
tor yesterday. .... , , , .
Cunningham evidently would like to
see n ticket of this kind: District At
torney Rotan for rcnomlnntlon j Wat
son for Receiver of Taxes : Mnf htratr
Campbell for Register of V .Ills, nnd
have the offices, of City Treasurer
nnd Controller flllM by the City Admin
Istrntlon. Penrose nnd the oters
League Jointly.
Representatives of the league are ad
vancing Vivian Frank Gable, one of
Sheriff Lamberton's chief deputies, for
City Treasurer or Register of Wills.
Mayor Moore would prefer to see Gable.
If he Is to nnvc n piace on tne iickci,
named ns Register of Wills. The Mnvor
is not keen abotft Gable, however. Hut
the Mayor, In the loug run. Would
rather have Gnble than Magistrate
Campbell ns Register of Wills. It is
neeu, results compare.
N. T. Oalfe
Vnndertillt OflBO
nld he regards "Illllv" f..- i . Tfl
"joke" in th. tn :i...iY".WW ..'gtl
Iteglnter of Will, lv i r,. J Vl
,1 I ," ""- "--e OI tJIfy q,V- "0l
so that In connection wit , a,.,ii ttsS"f.
crnl Lewis, a 1'enrn.n m...!1 ,(llt.or Qen.'
inn oi.l.i !. i.i, . """0 ICnilfr U.
MorcantiiSAK lmld " iV,
Jndepciidents nlo nre tirei- ,
innn prnnci, -. nurd, ehMrm.- .c"'
L'inance Committee, for Citl rSn,of n .
' - ', "- ' ntroliri
Coroner Exonerate, Motor
A Coroner's Inmi.o, .. ,. "'
yeaterdhy resulted In the cxon,ern.'J.0,lt0,,
Robert II. Nlmmo, 2137 TolT1 J
iceiuu Bireei, una cltr wW ..
kilied Joseph Gold, nfnV "fft
North Thlrtr-llrst street. .
dent occurred on the new Whtu't?1"
plko nt I.Hllan.on.the.Lnk. t i110"
The hoy rnn from an nu&iiV1' .
talnlng members of IiIh & Con
In front of Nlmmo'a niacUD"' dltcctl'
American Beaulv
Every article you pureh...
Ihli (tore muit be latlifatlory
to you or we are the !o.,ri
that', why we feature hljh.
grade merchandlte.
Come In and let ui demon.
alrato the many lavor-eavln
electrical device, for the home
which we carry In ttock.
Electrical MerchandUe
1715 Chestnut St.
utSt. f
Spruce AMI)
I'AM' FIHST moiitoaoi: o rn
Durdiont t r tnrma . rtrnmi ... .
ipmlior 1. 11112 121 nnn nf .oi.i i...j. "'
bored its below Jiava lien drawn for rJSSl
tlnn hv thu Nlnulnv VSitH at mi ..-j . MT
lnitreil. ns of tteptcmbir I. lt)2l, vTi
3 J Ml 111 IIT
1".M 131 H ;23
B5". S'JII 311 U12
334 343 381 3i
3R4 3H7 404 4U5
41( 435 47S
Above bondi. with nil unmatured mowii
tuchcil. should tn crescntrd for narmiri
... .....w ... . . .our .mi ui n.icr crpirmwr 1
llt. when nil tnterc.it thereon vlllrn.
um.vill) TiltST COJIl'ANY, TroitM
flEOnaE II. STUAUT 3d. Trtaiurer.
I'lillartclrhln, Ta . Aursust 11. 11)21,
Sealed proposals will L? received it ttl
cilice ot fidelity Trust Company Noi. J..
331 Chestnut Rtreet, rhllAifelnhla tor ttl
unlo to tho Truetee of a aufllclent amount
of tho Flr.t Slortgage 8 per cent Gold BonJi
of tie Kentucky I'uhllo Service Ccmpitr,
dated February 1. 101(1. to Inveit thi nn
of tiU00.no, and the said TrusLn beribr
Elves notice of Its Intention to no spplr lb.
tiald fund. Proposals must be h.aIa til
presented to the said Trustee befort 11
o'lloclt on Tuesdur, heptemher fl. 1MI. N
offer exccedlns lO'.'a per cent snd accruti
Interest will be hecepted. The right it
reservod to reject any und a'l MJa. Soc
bonds ns may bo accepted will be pall it,
the omc of the Trustee on Thursday, Dip.
ifmnrr n. iit-si.
TO. 1'. OEST. President,
rhlladetphln. AtiRUst 1. 11)21.
reived hv tliv underalirnid, the Controller
of Schuylkill County, nt his offKe In Potts
vllle I'll . until 10 rclnck A M.. Mond7,
Aiiriist 15. 1021. tor tho lonstructlen of t
trolley trnck complete above lUMrm.
comniencinn hi unrK vv.iier ana eitenami
northwardly nhniit 3.100 feet tn a connection
with the Schuylkill Klectrlc Hallwajr.
Hlds must no mi upon prorossi biisis
nttnehed to spicincntlons and accomranlel
hv rurtlfleit check In sum enuil to 5 rer cent
of the bid made pnyublo tn the underilinet
Plans nnd specifications may be seen at tni
office of tho County Commissioners and cm
be hnd by mnkinic deposit nr sn u. wnicn
dmnnuli will hn rntllrnril u hpn rltna anl
apeellkntlnns nrei returned In eood condltloa, I
The rleht Is resorved to reject any or alM
bins t . ,
liy airccvion or ine i ouniy i. mninniwHws
County Controller.
Potlsvllle. Vn . August 3 1021 ,
OUKh oi anuiuu, mum ui '""?"''
ef l-emisvlvniilw. will receive sealed Wdj at
?' " c ?C.R o'.i. ','-S . V"oi ,",rh"V.M
1U. ni I"" o.4i.'ut ..u,,.....n -':,rT;: i
and Marina ave., Yendon, Piinn for IS2 5M
in wuia-i i. '. v..".V; .....ZAA,a
will be mane mi.i'ic i . )mi."w""
AuRUSt IS. 1021 Said bonds will bl"Ufj
freo of ntnto tax. Hlds may I aubmtllri
for these bunds benrlnir Interest free ej
etnte tnx nt u porcentoge to b dlrminrt
by the bidder and set forth In (he hid. B
iers must auhnilt with bid a cerllfed ciect ,
for one per cent of the bid
The school district reserves the rijkt
re led any or all bids. fc .
liy direction of the board of icbool
directors of the Ilornimh of Yeadon
OirLiors oi 'aK(m(JB , AVDKRPO.V.
Secretary, School Sosra.
pot 113. Tendon. Penna,
Inrt ArthltecfB Office, Washington. DC
od1 tn'-thbTofllco ! 3 I- SI A. .,
ftSok ie. t';o.tnl.?;l S.at,. Poswtb.
KHi ani'cc mca.V... may 'beob .1" from
thR custodian at Ph Udelphw. I' or at
h"s office in thn discretion of the sjperrti
in" nrchllect .! A. Wetmors, AetW
Knnervlslnic Arrmmi
iipervision i .
PKtipo!,ALj win TiiK i ,v"jisy
nf iiavlnst euros imu , ",'",". niriMet
rew experimental shop build rs. OJ'g Jj
tho Constructlnc au''"',;,!!!
Arsenal Philadelphia Pa healed proposw
will bo received horo until. ' ' 'fj'g i
itanora timni. aikui - .,. .bora, ,
.nened for rnnstructtlon as J, ', ""
Plans snd sne. lficntmn on ' - - .
Plirelal Meetliu -
MANll'AtTl I'.I.UI M"'ij(
,,.vTk' III 11 M1M4 .MI W"
(frVf- .11,. lie ' !V.':I ,,
" I HAM'S' III 11 ""..
...... . ........I.. . It nil lli.lt
T.'i KiAN r i.nv.ftw
max iicnzuritn suiicuor
l-I.e l'hll..del.l.l11hli'h CjimW ji
111)0 lieMlliit M.. Phil."... I J M if
llir ll.i.ir.1 of '""Vi'm,,! of I 5 Hi
laie.1 ii uunilcrlv dlvlden f "h, pre-.
i iino
hne.1 i. uunilcrlv dividend " ',, prj.,
lent. (Im-Iuii Sl ffiiU.'l " ." -, nV. P' ,'
-unl tan'lnl mh "'..' "..-,, I.i oiile" "'
al.l., feeu!
litimber in, !' " "
miird AuRUat in
( 1 11 f
I he Plillailelphliv LlMl'-h tflM
hrstiiKt ht . I ' ' '-, fhH "T
.. Iisa 1.14 lldt I Ml . .!.
1 111)0
I in- iiniiii hi i'" : : -, m
)c ' ''Vin. and tW1,
divldiijd f une ""',,,
..lit. tlwl'' ;?&,,
iiinimnn "" , illli'
hum! ,v utnrtorly
i nrlir IPl'i) l'-r
lime) mum the lonimnn
Is I'nuipanv
n'panv l'ubl.. f,l'''u,',.fr1,l lISI.i
liu.dors en record ," -j iiurtfjj
sloe 1.1
HOIICB 18. !!! V"IOltnlr? .'(
I SSS.11 .!.. - ' . . J
I th realty firm o. WeUbwe i
wnnanwii v mp st;! nnd llZftmti
U1V& - . . Jiflr
by a r(l?-
'"l. ST. llliertors 01 "1
Mntiufurturm mid "" ,' ' i, of t
Loan A.hoi Inllon n i"?'ial metr "J Jy
HiieklHildeia of the ''' ""'Sffimjer 'i
ailed nnd ,l be held krl't.l ft
1051, "t H n'tloik . M n,,,, dotvitrtla
mfetlmr nf "he , n'snUnl Ion "l UH
aveni.e. Pli.ladelrhl.i ' f"" '.luaporovsl
action on the anirovnl m dljspp ro -j
nnd io voti for m '("' '' lf th ''!
Ircrease hf tho rnutnl st k " :i ,
assoo allon from one mllllun UjIU"
million dollars. ., secrettfi
lion nr ine i"'"'". -. :.... . n.ilnr Sim
lister Milk Company, a P'f ',$,. '
tne stocklio.il"' of tin s iid c? ' mil. i
be hd on rrblai. I''?l'',p,'r , o"A 4
- n-ilork P M.. nt Ihe pru I "' Jh " .insl.
7he VomP(!nV. 40J JXJ'T
Phfade phlii In taku a. i m for ef
provnl or .llsnpprov.il of nnd to v Mub ,
' 3.000. w UAM KHLf.
ItUlilemln "