;y. J nw ( jt-.ii nmiaii T X'f 'rV;? "V -f . a,s K' Y' ' 11 - t" '.ffiW't' ;.. ' i ? '' A' e ',1 'C :4i3y -? - f,v"m. , ." . 'i ' 'frtr y 'I if' ':-. r , -A. ." k ? i ! 1 . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921 9 fST GOSSIP BOfT PEOPLE Jfancy JFyme Tes o 7u Beiett (o Be Giuei o- Church at Cape May Various Parties Down a't Shore tMD you RCt nil worked tip .vetcnln.v house nt one nnrt tlie snmc time. The ) thinking If wan Kcttlnjt hot (tRalH "ext thin she saw wn lie jrrent H nfter nil, it wns only wnnn, nml I'ti'lillps of unter (tlltllng nhmit nnd L vo'ti did not hnve to pnek up .mil nrotinil most of the floor. And, for the t'-tt tn elm cnnulinrp nn fnnf iw ivm.'pntl tnlo to tin rnninlnte. fill ton nprwl Z.,t.. ..,, nn MTilt n flilln vot . Tine i nrn Rpvprnl n phn nn nt thp Hi'ctoninlli' I MoiPi "" ","". ,"" " : r-i.. ..-.ii.'.- .i.:. -i. ...;. "j .iill,lt mm i ia-i iuniii(; iiniMiKK Miiti nun A Summer Bride i i-mi' nrp colnc to Cnne '..'niwp. ton better co down this rom jne wffk o n to nttpnd the IiIk nnmml Me wlilrh every one tn Cape Mn.v rocs n for. Tlint Is the fete for the benefit of the Chiirrh of the Athcnt. It's to br held on Wednewliiy, An suet 17. In the nftcrnoon, nnd tliU yenr ft to be elven nt the lied Mill. There WH hp nil Borti nnd kinds of things for salo and tnPrc wi" be contest danc lnjt nnd orlKlnnl enhnret rtnnolnjj done br members of the younger set who r( (.peiidlns the summer nt the resort. Mrs. W. H. Heiillngs, Jr., Is clinir man of the rommlttee nnd will be, ns flterl by Mrs., Horace Kneeno Smith, n,o nl?o wilt servo ns trensmer. Mrs. Jneph Hnrrlson, who was Mnrgnrcttn I.arpe, you know, Is to hnve clinree of the ice erenm booth, nnd Mrs. Oleorgo Croier nnd Mrs. T.ntijjdon Lcn will hnve the rake booth. Other women Interested nnd who will sell at the vnrlons booths nre Mrs. Wnlter Colton Hurt, Mrs. Harold R. Godwin, Mrs. Robert Buck ingham. Mrs. Felix dul'ont, Mrs. Ittch. ard f'nrlton. Mrs. Rlchnrd Xorrls. Jlrs. K. B. Thompson. Mrs. Robert Koons, Mrs. Alexnnder HI. Seott. Mrs. D. S. Bchwiirtz. Mrs. II. M. I.nndls, Mrs. It M Wlllnms. Mrs. R. Ilnvnes, Mrs. I.dlii Lensert, Mrs. Percy Xenll. Mrs. AtiBift'is Vane nnd Miss Ellznbcth Tucker. WIIIIii: on the subject of Pope May thn (leorce T,cwlcs gnve n dinner recentlv nt which therr eucsts were the Billic Simpsons, the Vnil Marshes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnrshnll Cnrlton nnd Mr. niink. who hns been vlsltlnft the Marshes. There wns orcnt excitement at the Red Mill, for It wns the first nlcht this season for contest dnnclng and the prizes were won by Allen Cnrrl gan. of Pittsburgh, imd Alfred Hunter. Alice's prize was n smnll silver pencil nnd Alfred's wns nn nmbcr cigaretto bolder. They tell me it wns very hnrd for the judges to decide, as the gcnernl dancing wns so good. Flnnlly they got It down to four couples on tho floor, Margnrettn Hnrrlson nnd Fred Sntter fVld. Lvshcth Iloyd nnd Donnld Leopold, Dorothy Schuster and Billy Longstrcth, but finally it wns nnnounccd thnt Alflo and Alice were the favored two. The William Llpplncott Jrs. enter tained a largo number of tho younger Mt at a party on Sunday night. The Onwnrd. n 120-foot ynrht. wns char tered for the evening nnd the partv left Schellenger's landing nt 7 o'clock. Thero was an elnbornte supper nnd music was furnished by nn orchestra nnd every one had n gorgeous time. There were about eltjhtv guests altogether, among them Kitty Smith, William Llpplncott, 3d, of course. Murray Sparr. Morris Free man, who wns spending the week-end with Sam Bisphnm. Betty Pnncoast, of Woodbury. Bnrbnrn Shoemaker. Mar guerite Boyle, who with her mother is at the Chnlfonte: Kitty Pence, Roger Ttfonhnm, Billy Tvongstrcth. Knthnrlno Sullivan, Alice Pnrrignn, Carol Hnrris, Dorothy Schuster. I'nul Kenl, Donnld Leopold, Bunnv Ileullngs. Dick Cham berlain and Elizabeth O'Mcara. IT WAS such n systemntlc wny to fix things, she thought. You see, there are so innny flowers in the gnrden where rhe lin'. been spending most of the sum mer that it takes several bowls to hold all that she picks in the morning. So, fhe pulled out the extra hnlf of the Lltchen table, you know one of those drop-leaf affairs, and put on it the wide low bowl of the prettiest pale green color, a pinkly-flowcred dish which wns ued to holding flowers to make the desk look dressy, a tiny rose vase and one or two jiM-plnin ones. All fillpil with water, innocently waiting, blpss their Ihtle heart!), for the flowers to be put into them. You have henrd how she thought it was so systematic. Hear now how nil of a sudden without any preliminary Higlm or complainings tne tuhle fiecKieu Its extra pnrt was holding too much and showed its inde pendence by fnlling forward so quickly that the Systematic Fixer saw the ac tion snd heaid the breaking into pieces of the three nicest flower-holders in the smashed china, and sweeping, swish, swish, swish, ami wading to a fresh bit of Moor nnd sweeping some more. nnd vice vcrn nnd et cetern. It isn't evciyhody who can spend the summer in tne countrv nnd entov tic rceu ar senshorc bathing hour. too. NANOY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr nnd Mrs. Alexander Vnn Rensse laer, of 1801 Wnlnut street nnd Cnmp Hilt Hall, Fort Washington, nnd Mr. and Mrs. George Dallas Dfxon. of 200 Hpruce street, will leavo today In a special enr on a trip to Arlzonn. Mr, and Mrs, Francis W Kemnle. of tho Tlltz-Cnrlton, left last week for Nnr ragansett I'ler, U. I., where they will spend tho remainder of tho season. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Walter Clark, 3d; of 7922 Lincoln drive, Chestnut Hill, are entertaining as fhclr guest Countess Marin, et do dela Torre, daughter of the late Duke Maccllt Monantcrace ct do dela Torre, of Naples and Rome. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, accompanied by the Countess, will lcavo on Friday for a motor trip through tho Dcrkshlres and the Cntsklll Mountains. Mr and Mrs. Norman Mnctaod, 2000 Walnut street, who am spending tho summer traveling abioad, will return to this country early In October. Colonel nnd Mrs. John H. Muckle hnvo arrived nt Quebec. Canadn, whore they will spend the rest of tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. William W. McCandless, of East Orango, N. J., nro receiving ccmgratulatlons upon the birth of a son, William D'Oller McCandless, on July 16. Mrs. McCandless will be remembered as Miss Evelyn II. Vandegrtft, of this city. Miss Grace Schaeffer and Miss Anna Schaoffer, daughters of Mrs. Nathan C. Schaeffer, of Lancaster, Pa., who are spending the summer traveling tn Eu rope, have left Lake Como, Italy. The Misses Schaeffer are sisters of Mr. Frederick C. SohocfTer, 304 South Six teenth street. Mrs. F. V. Ronnaton, of I'clham Court, Germnntown, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs George O. Allison, of 5717 Greeno street, Germantown, at their summer home at Jamestown, R. I. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, of 1711 John ston street, entertained on Monday eve ning. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Egsers, Miss Catherine Eggers, Miss Edith Dawson. Mr. William Daw son, Mlsa Catharlno McCullough, Mr. and Mrs Charles McCullough, Miss Frances I'unch, Mrs D Reed, Miss Catherine Telly, Mr Harry Dawson. Mr. John Dawson. Mr. William MacNeal and Mr. David Carberry. Miss M. Josephine Murphey, daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Chew Murphey. of Mount Airy, hns left for Chicago, where she will spend several weeks visit ing her college friends Miss Murphey graduated from Vassar In June. Mr. and Mrs. Presmul D. Hughes have left their home In Camden to spend a month nt Asbury Park, X. J. m MKBtmm B 1 s-: iiii ; R . iP?Ev J" . ' Mrs. li-onwt, tt will be remembered, was Miss Helen Dndntnn, of South Philadelphia. Her wedding took place on Juno 27 ALONG THE READING Mrs. John .Milton Colton, of Wynd hurst. Old York nnd Rydal roads. Jen klntown. Is visiting her son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs Bayard Hand, of Wllkes-Barre, at their cottage at naglenmore. Mrs. Hand will be remom bcred ns Miss Marguerite Colton With tho Hands nro also Mr and Mrs. Elliott Carter Rutherford Laldlaw, of New York Mrs Laldlaw was formerly Miss Ethel Colton. ' Mr and Mrs Charles Druedlng, of Sixty-ninth avenue. Onk I.ine, are abroad. Their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Walter Druedlng, of Twelfth street. Oak Lane, arc occupying their cottage In Chelsea for tho summer Mr and Mrs William O. Glenn, of Ml kin a nvenuo, Elkins Pork, aro spend ing the summer In Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs, Radclyffe Furness, of Open Hearth, Jenklntown, are at York shire Inn, York Harbor, Me. Mr and Mrs William Elwood Caveny, of tho Licusts, Wyncote, accompanied by their daughters Miss Susan Cardwell Caveny and Miss Mary Jane Caveny, nnd Mrs. Cnveny's aunt, Miss Susan Cardwell, left yosterday for a trip through New England oy automnmie. They will return to their home about September 1. Miss Caveny will enter Wellesley College this autumn. GERMANTOWN Mr, Claronco Itcra Whitman, of 337 West Seymour street, has gone to At lantic City to the Hotel New England, to remain two weeks, Mr. Roberts T. Whitman Is In Asbury Park for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ludaieher and their family, of 182 West Apsley street, have gone to tho Berkley Hotel, Ocenn City, for this month. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas H. Jackson have returned to their home at 4826 German town avenue afte sojourning at Sea side Park. !r:-.1mI MrB' Thomas Keast, 81 East Phll-Lllcna street, entertained infor mally at their home lost evening. (Juests Included Miss Maud Hltchen, Miss Eva Hltchen, Miss Ethel Mace, ;" O'.v" rt"i"ii, .miss irtna Ameni. Miss Lillian Zimmerman, Mrs. Mee han, Mr. Chailes Green. Mr. Harold Fox, Mr. Harry Van Zant, Mr. Herbert Bailey, Miss Lee Halley, Mr. Philip Keast and Mr. Wesley Keast. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles H. Barton nnd Miss Dorothy Barton. 24D East Upsnl street, havo returned from occupying nn npartmont In Ocean City for some time. Mr. and Mrs. C A Waters and family. 4018 areene street, have gono to Atlantic City for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. M. H Propp, of Chicago, who will bo remembered as Miss Cecilia Men delsohn, farmorly of this city, Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Robert B. Gilbert, of 1980 Spencer street, Germnntown A dinner was given In her honor last evening Covers were Intel for eight, tho guests Including Mr, and Mrs. Ben jamin Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gilbert. Master Theodoro Gilbert, Mlsa Jean Bear and Mr. Fred Mendelsohn. Mrs. I'ropp. Mm, Gilbert and her son. Theodore, will leavo the lnttor part of the week for Atlantic Cltv. to remain until September 6. They will ntop nt the New England Hotel. WE8T PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Edward J Pfelffcr Jr.. have returned, from their wedd.ng' trip and are at home nt 3D23 Havorforil ave nue Mrs. Pfelff.T will be remembered as Miss Elizabeth S Fogarty, of West Philadelphia. Mr. Cornelius T Lynch, of 5253 Larch wood avenue, hns left this city for Bos ton and Plymouth and on his return will spend sometime at Narrngansett Pier. Mrs. Louis Prevost Evans, of Thlrty- s'xth and Chestnut streets, Is a guest nt Templcton Inn , Tcmplclon, Mass , for the summer and autumn, MOORE8TOWN Ml nnd Mrs Heberton Williams and their son will leave shortly for a trip to the Pacific coast SOUTH PHILADELPHIA i Miss Miriam Rogers, of West Main Mr and Mrs James Duffy, of 1021 street, Is spendng some time nt Coburg, South Seventeenth street, nnd Mr. Ont Duffy's s'ster, Miss Nan puffy, are ; Mr and Mrs Hownrd Stow, of Cam spending the week In Chelsea. den. are spending the month of August Miss Mae McCormlck has Just re- at Shadylawn Farm near Moorestown. turned to her home at 1730 South Eight- , Mr. and Mrs. William Huhlm. of EaM centh street after spending two weeks Main street, nro at Ocsan Grove at the Hotel Esplanade, In Chelsea. i Mll8 jiaron punphey of Marllnn, Miss Gertrude Brown, of 2BH South ha been visiting Miss Edith Conrow, Nineteenth street, and Miss Cella of East Second street Kenny, of 1634 Porter street, haNo Just left for on extenslvo tour through tho oveni.,. New England Slates and will return ROXBOROUGH homo In two weeks. I Mr. M l.- It'ij naitipj ,,f ,"-, Mrs Thompson and her nieces, Miss Ridge nvenue and Mr Ross II Jordan, Vivian Armstrong nnd Miss Anna Arm- Jr. of 30, lverlngtoti nvrnU- havi strong, and her nephew, Mr James Arm- Just returned aftrr n it rxtended motor strong, have Just returned to their home trip to North f nrnllna, ulierp they at 1719 Mlfilln street after spending stopped with Mrs G Albright at Snen the week-end In Atlantic City. , e'r N- ,9 They returned i,omn by ",vav Mrs. Bower, of 2644 South. Broad of Bui fllngton -N , Richmond, Va street. Is Uniting her daughter in ixng Island Dr. and Mrs Gilbert Deavcr have Just returned homo from Egypt, where they spent their honeymoon. They re mained a few days In Philadelphia and left for Ocean City, where they will stend the balance of the season Mrs Denver will he remembered as .miss and Washington. D c Mrs. Herman Mc.Master. of Countv Line, has been visiting in rU wiX for tw'o weexs ng In rnno May NORRIOTOWN Miss Esther Walters Miss Katherlne Evnns. Miss Anna N'octon nnd Mlrs Mnrgnret Nocton. Miss Mntg.int K'ort nev. nil of town n'.id Mis John HHre, of Philadelphia. nr- spetiillng the wci-lt lit n bungalow nl Port Indian Ms Mat Ion Mlddlcion. of 1008 West Marshall street, Is' visiting her aunt. Mrs Horace It LUersldg,-, at Ocean rity. N J Mrs. Joseph Bner. of Shnmokin, for merly of Norrlntown, Is spending Mtn time nt her mother's home 926 West Iifayette street Mr and Mts S l.on. ami her daughtet. Mis. flap Moi'ik i nil Mr Rnvmond Hunsbcrger, r' 722 Wst Mar. shall street are spending the we, k In Atlantic rity. .V J Miss A Gertrude- Wine. Mrs Ireiif J White Mr and Mrs iWnrg' M John Kon are' touring the e;rnt Lakes, They will tie gone three wee-ks FRANKFORD 1 if', 4217 Salem street, tile speiur.lig n fewV wefks In Wllelnood N J Mis Ralph Atrlfon, of 1661 Ortlfodo! ( , street is summnlng nl her fotttige HI ,, Ocean Clli. -f Mr on Mrs W L Brown, of 103 Plllmore slr.et are on a trip to VlngaraO Falls. Toronto, Buffn'o nnd Chicago. Miss Clnudla Oierlngton and MliS'v Jlnrff-iret Oierlnnton, daughters of Mr. ind Mrs William OVcrlngton, of 4lti Lelvr street, nnd Miss Marlon Hart, dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs David T Hart., 'me le't with Mte iJermanlown campings party to spend the month of August Inr th Poconos Mr ami Mr, ,1 rnrter, of Orthodox ir el at,- standing a few weeks In. I Wertiersv he t'n Mr. find Mm John Clnike and thtlr fumllv who motoreej up from Bee Ridge.? Fin. 'were ivcent guests of Mi Thomas flnrke. of 1118 Herb, rt street Mls lll'elj. Geirmaii eif Akion, 0.,,' (s the guest for a few (lavs of MlSif Mabel Smythf1!d, of Harrison Mreet, prior to her departure for Browns MlllfeJ In-the-Plnes, where she will bp the guestj ror several wppkh m .ir him, .,,r, v .. ... . ... a., at I . . 1. a .AUMM Mrs Granville Hilt and her daughters. .Mncnoi.aiei w.io arr 'i'"'"'h " Miss Addle- Hilt and Miss Mabel Hilt of ' 'here at their summer home y Helen Henry, of 2237 Chrlstlnn street , s A cpn rr: W. VfMM.-A- A During sickness check its spread Protect the rest of the family by using a disin fectant which Ib 45f times stronger than tho U. a. Tublle Hetlth Sryle SttneUfd. Ue It In the trl room tor wsihlnt the thlngi the patient utfn. For ptrtonal Aygfn --putt, woundt, douehti Sylpho-Ntthol Is Invalutblf. Drutf nd dept. itorr. Four liM-15e to 1.25. Th8ulpho Ntpthol Co., Bottot). SylphoJfathal Dtitroyi ftm llfu ri't'rt'rn-yfvfp v- j a s r n i WUWSMSVtHtT I STORES WMiiiuiim MAHKET AT 10TH THOMAS MEIGHAN In( Plcturliatlon of Uootti Tarklngton's "The Conquest of Canaan ' Added A PANTOMIMIC FANTASY PAT APF 12U MARKET STJIEKT 1 rtLirtULi jo A. M. to 11 p. M. The, Year's Moit Remarkable Photoplay "The Journey's End With Wyndheim Standlnn anj Mabel Ballln ARPAHIA Ch"tnu St. Dl. ism Mary Miles Minter and MONTE BLUE In "MOONMOHT AND llONEYSUCKLB" VICTORIA nTfl-.rp EUGENE O'BRIEN "wiriS "' Apart" rri I KJI- NORMA TALMADOH IN "THE .MOTH" RFP.FNIT MARKET St. Rel. UtH rI.VjI-.lN 1 MAY AU.TSON In "THE LAST f-Ann- GLOBE THE LAST CARD" JUNIPER A MARKET roNTINtrOTTS VAt'DEVrU.E tl to tl rc IiriUOan )or Annonnce- mtnti M2l .Moelerate l'rleca Write or Fhone for Kntrraved or Printed Hamplra, ROYAL ENGRAVING CO.. 814 Wali.t SL EITH'S THEATRE CECIL LEAN & CLEO MAYFIELD In "Rahfaralnec" CHARLES WITHERS In "Tor Plt.' Bnlee" JACK McCJOWAN I.nte Sfnr of "Mary" In SnnRi REVIEW and FHO Sl'RROUNDINO SHOW WILLOW GROVE PARK this is SOUSA DAY ALL SOUSA PROGRAMS BY SOUSA AND HIS BAND George Allen, 1214 Chestnut St. 1214 Inc. Present An Unusually Attractive and Complete Collection of New Sports Hats Incomparably smart and distinctive, n decidedly new vogue that will be found intensely attractive nnd flattering and the prices arc surprisingly low. Flesh Color Glove Silk Vests, $1.95 The product of a well-known manufacturer of fine Silk Underwear There nre nil sizes In the- lot: perfect goods, In des'iable qunllty. :oi I Girls Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, 25c in- luiniri iJiMT.i nr uj iw i; h wiui, uui iiCiiUrP QI nrOKCn S1ZO assortments thpy aro marked for quick clearance at 2.1c. Lisle Ribbed Vests, 3 for $1.00 All nlzes, In regular and bodice tops, and they are unusually fine grade for the price. Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery, $1.95 pair Moatl) black, but comprises other desirnble colors, there are $2.50 ir.d 43 00 values In the assortment Full Fashioned Lisle Hosiery, 65c pair The ehades nre White-. Cordovan and Hl.ick. and the eiuallty Im of tine gauge, lisle with full-fashioned feet. Adjoining the St. James Walnut St. Between 12th & 13th 1222-1224 Walnut Street lillllllllllllHlllllllH llilMMMMlillMllllllllilliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii To Close Out Street and Summer Dresses At Less Than Cost A once-a-season opportunity to buy really smart and distinctive dresses at prices that bear no relation to either cost or intrinsic value. 147 Street Dresses Including Crepe de Chine, Taffeta and Georgette; mostly in navy and black; trimmed with fringe and fagotting. Were Up to $30.50, at 182 Afternoon Dresses Canton Crepes, Georgettes and Satins in all this season's most desirable styles and colors. Were Up to $75.00, at 1 " i S 2sjjmdtMMBalMMHBH .1 I i Allen's Are Headquarters for the Dependable Columbia Floss and Yarns Novndai, eierjone Is knitting h enters and It s not umiual to llnd many young people ulth half a etoren, nil of different "hiide? . the present styles can be made very economically nnd ou will find wonder, fill assortment of shades here at Allens. 137 Summer Dresses Plain and printed Voiles and Linens. Charmingly attractive models in the widest variety. Were Up to $19.50, at M 3 16- J i' $ 25-oo $6-75 I s Another Shipment Just Received of Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 69c Dozen This standard Spool fotton need no recommendation especially at this special price All stzes, black or white. Also 60 beautiful shades, in French D. M. C. spool cotton for hand or machine sewing f!)c dozen. M L'Origan Face Powder, 69c Box All shades In this splendid Powder, fragrant with th- delightful I. Origan odor Tax .1c box Are You Going Away? Then Don't Forget Allen's French Hair Nets, $1.00 Doz. Allen's Hair Nets In both cap shape and .untight shape are famous the country over for dependability I vor net guarnntee-d perfrc- or cheerfully replaced If vou hne not used Mien's French Hair Vets send us tOe for a sample or ask the uomen who wear them iiniinii IM llllill! STEAKS A ROASTS Are 5c a Pound Cheaper at the Market St. Beef Co. EAT BEEF THIS WEEK ROMP ROUND SIRLI0N STEAKS All well trimmed. Guaran teed freih and tender, or your money back. 20 Best Creamery Butter, in Yn-lb. prints 45c lb. Best Selected Eggs, in cartons 40c doz. PRIME RIB PIN BONE RUMP BOLAR ROASTS All Solid Meat 20 c lb. Shoulders or Rumps of Milk-Fed Veal 15c lb. MARKET STREET BEEF CO. 5221-23-25 Market St. 5939 Market St. ' The wrier are lor ThurnJay, Friday and Saturday. Come Friday to Mold mo .. ihi namnur, e are open many aaei Biiaraay ertnlnfi to B:S0 o'dork, I ,.unwwm -wvwfwwwiift" ASCU A3( y.i i I nWi ihi Wy'tfA''', J, From Far-Away Florida Lake Como, Fla., June 18, 1921. American Stores Co., Branch Store, Collingawood, N. J. Gentlemen: Some years ago 1 fell in love w'th your India-Ceylon blend of tea. I used it during all the time I lived in A'?y Jersey. A year ago I left for Florida, taking with me a liberal supply of your excellent tea. My stock is now exhausted and wc have tried every advertised brand and some that are not advertised and can't find anything to compare with your tea, even at $1 a pound. So will you please send me 5 pounds of India-Ceylon blend at once and greatly oblige? Check enclosed to cover cost and parcel post charges. Yours very truly, TV. A. JAMES. Wc publish tho above letter with a feeling of Kcnuine pride. If you've never tried Asco Teas, Ret a trial package today, and learn how good tea enn really be. 4 asco m$larfj' V lb Pkg JL mmt ilbpkg, 23c; lb 45c Five delectable quality blends to choose from, every one 80c lb value. Orange Pekoe Plain Black India Ceylon Mixed Old Country Style Calif. Peaches ss 23c, 29c From the sun-kissed orchards of Cali fornia. Rich, tasty fruit. Try a can. Choice Grated Hawaiian Pineapple "J?;11 lie Hawaiian Pineapple"!:, 29c mm jrrown on matures No tatier Kreen earth. Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple r;'nd'um 23c Lemons Fancy Messina Thin skins and fu 1 of juice, Why Pay More? dor 25 Mason Jars "69c"-79c" Caps nnd rubbers complete. 117) Pay More? Week-End Wants A Treat to Beat the Heatll Quality Goods Princess Salad Dreninj. Dot 25c Pji-p (r.TtiP IllIPP A,co Micarnni ... pkg 9c Calif. Stcdl.si Riisins pkg 24e WC UHipC JUI.C A.ca Spighelti ... pkg 9c Calif. Seeded Raisins . . pkg 28c l 0p Asco Oleomargarine . . lb 25c Teddy Bear Skoepeg Corn can 14c h"' Asco Nocdles pkg 5c Alto Mtine Corn . can IGc Z? arsaptrilla 121cbot- A0 Cornstarch pkg 7c Calif. Sunsweet Prunes lb lie, 17c JyCinrer Alt " A,eo Brel1' Crumb fit 10c Calif. Tuna Fish . can lie, 15c M "- . - joz Asco Preparrd Muslard . jar 12c Best Pink Salmon . . can 10c Root Beer J)1.40 ' .eo Corn Flakes . -, pkg 9c Red Alaska Salman can 25c J I Aco Cider Vinegar ... bel 16e Asco Peannt Butter . glass 9r Keep a dnren bottles handy. Asco W. D. Vinegar . . bol 12e Rich Creamy Cheese Cul to 25c Very fine quality June Cheese aged sufficient to Rive it the rich', "snap.' lb Corned Beef .be 10c I'vkerl with potato nnd cooked ridy t fervc A rilfwetlon serr on toair 'oppt'el eiff Pure Tomato Catsup, '", 10c Cooked Corned Beef can 15c I'laii In our re-frltrcrator for a tow houti then ict oolil Wonderfully appetizing for i cold unch very tasty in candwlchea Victor Big Bread Loaf This jrond wholesome bread is baked thoroughly and so expertlv. -ll ,ts n'h nourishment is vasi y assimilated. Chil dren especially thrive on it. c Our Butter prices are lower we are always quick to give cur customers every advan tage of market fluctuations. Butter lb Tatte It! The '( ng hoid- "f sleek, wei'-e! cow leaxp their iccr pastu c- at sundown and file c in't-ntedlj 'nto thnr stall, to g.e the ru-h. wi-et cream from which the exquisite Louella Butter is made. Richland Butter, lh 47c Pure Oca mer Prints. Big Value! Gold Seal Eggs 0CSVC 48 c The best in th nest big beauties. Selected Eggs dn742c I rr egg gun nut red OSCO Coffee 2SC The best proof in the world is an actual ten Here'- a coffee that's in a class by itself, with a rich, rare aroma and most delightful flavor It- pn-e is emlj, 2'w per lb., although coffee.s of the same high qua ltj, willcn ou elsewhere lac per lb. But why pav such a high price? Sweetheart Toilet Soap Bring in your coupons. Every Asco Store redeems them. O cakes for 1 and a coupon Quality Is the Best Policy The very foundation of our business policy is ho knowledge that poor qualitj is some thing too expensiNe for us to handle We never saer fice iuaitj for puce. Quality must come first with us ahvayH. Asco customers are particular folks who want only the best and we try to satisfy their every demand. Felin I. X. L. Boneless Breakfast Bacon, "' 23c Morris' Supreme Brand Corned Beef, Large 6-lb can 89c Finest Native Beef ttiimn or Round Steak . . . Ib 35c Thick Knd Rib Roast. ." 18c Finest Cuts Standing Rib Roast, ,b 25c Fresh Clean Beef Suet, lb 4c Fresh Killed Milk-Fed Stewing Chickens, 40c Hotf-TI,e abtvt p,i, ,ltcHvt in car ehHoitlphi., Umitn and ,Lrt,a Grocr, item .nd i d.l.,. IMsIIMsl !! I - - - . , , ! el m fl 8 t I i 14 ni ASCO ASCO Asrri' V cVrT ' ' 'a' WAX' ' ' Vi'J ' ' ' ' W Asm Ah .....it.tiitt.i.. . . t . r." v.r . . . r . w .w Q i saMMmawmMpaiavaawHiHiiBMMHMNai m.,iifM.ei1 MMNMHWWsm , ,i.-i