Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 11, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 20, Image 20

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Tempest Declares That the Axe
Is Still Swinging at
Alleged Assassin
flm tnttA tUnnttinitnt nml nil tvdi
tlclans nrc on the wntcli now for the
next move of the new Assistant Direc- '
tor of Public Safety. Ho has prom- ;
Hod that the shake-up yesterday was
but the beginning, and tlic principal oc
cttnntlon of most of the nollticallv no
live police at present is guessing where '
the ax is to fall next.
Within n few moments after lie had
been sworn In as AfcUtunt Director of
rnblle Safety yesterday George S. Torn
pest began the police shake-up prom
Ised by Mayor Moore.
First ho sent word to Captain Nidi- i
ols Kenny that lie was to occupy hln ,
own former position ns Assistant Su
perintendent of Pollre. Tlien he ent
for Captain of Detectives Homier and
ordered him to ask for the resignations
of three of the oldent detectives tn the I
city. Then ho announced a series of
.hifts of lieutenants and captain In
the various districts and illvinioim.
The three detectives asked to leave
the force are Chapman Marks, now nt-
taehed to the Thlrtv-i-lalitlt DMrl't
ThomaR Harbldge, who has been In the
Detective Bureau more tlmii i-wmh
years, and Frank Lowrey. another po
lice veteran.
Captnin William J. MrFndden. who
was rcllcvel of command In the Second 1
DlvMon by direct orders of Minor
Moore, wns assigned to the Fourth Di
vision, which comprise." llie territory
north of Lehigh nvi-nii'
Captain Joseph II. Von Hoin, known
to th Mayor n "hi bcM bei," tuUrs
McFndden's plarc In the Second Hi.
vision, vliieli covers the re tit nil part
of the cltj .
Lieutenant Uobert II. Wossing, who
has recently been in tiie strike nren In
the northeastern iart of the citj . wot.
made no a'-tinc captain in chnrge of
the Third Division, vacated by Captain
Van Horn,
Lieutenant Hurry I.. Conver was
sent to the Nineteenth mid Oxford
streets police station, whMi was for
merly WnvMg's regular district.
Lieutenant illlam I.eary. wlio
was made u captain at th" bcidiinintr of
the present AdnilnistrMtion. but Inter
reduced to his present rank, was Kent
to the strike area. At the time of hi
demotion lie was sent to the Sixty
fifth strept and Woodland avenue sta
tion. Ills new headquarters will be at
the Belgrade nnd Clearfield streets po
lice station, but ho will not hnve au- .
thority over the police in that district, i
He will direct the police on strike lut
only. I
Lieutenant .lames Bnrrv also re
ceived another shift. He was trans
ferred to Frankfortl recently when it
was learned he was not a Moore sup
porter, ant! now he goes to Sixty -fifth
street nnd Woodland avenue, to take
Lcnry's place.
Street Sergeant .lolm I. Barrett, of
the Thirty-tilth district, in Kiiiueh
town, has been made an ai-tiug lieu
tenant in Harry's place nt the Frank
lord station.
V i U
.m MfZZm
Join Race for Republican Nomi
nation to Constitutional
Who has admitted responsibility,
It Is said, for the assassination of
(encnti .lose Kublr.s In Mexico City
bust week the t'lllinliiatlon of r
political feud.
Observer Becomes Demented Thou
sands of Feet Above Earth
,. n' r ah i Jtityttch, f'npir.'V 191
! I "' i !
Harrisburr, Aug. 11. Petitions were
I r.t.t 1.nMA - t..A- h.A. H..M.AM in tl,t
111114 iiviu iui nnvt; iiiuic nut m-u iv
candldntCH for Republican nominations
for delegates to the proposed constitu
tional convention. They were from
Stella O. Hninmon, Tunkhnnnock. Fif
teenth District; Helen Ortmes, Knox
vllle. Thirty-sixth, nnd, Miss Emmellne
Henry Hoover, Norrlstown, Ninth Dis
trict. Miss Hoover Is of a prominent
Montgomery County family.
Other dclegnte petitions filed were
Charles Walter, Chambcrsburg, Repub
lican. Eighteenth; II. T. Ames, Wll
llatnsport, nnd Arthur 11. Mnnn, Coir
dersport, Prohibition, Sixteenth; Ed
ward K, Arrowsmlth, Carnegie, Repub
lican. Thirty-sixth; .T. T. Holdsworth,
Pittsburgh. Republican, Thirty-fourth;
David I. Rail, Warren, Republican,
Twenty-eighth; Theodore L. Wilson,
Clarion, Republican, Twenty-seventh;
James A. Garrison. nyncsburg, uc
publican. Twenty -fifth; John P. Forbes,
Shamokln, Democrat, Seventeenth ; T.
M. R. Hicks. Wllllnmsport. nnd W. It.
Strnugh, Mansfield, Republican; N. M.
IMvvnrds, Willinmsport. Democrat, Six
teenth ; A. G. Rutherford, Honesdale,
Republican, Fifteenth ; .Tames A. Len
ncn, Jr.. Wavcrly. Republican. Elev
enth; Webster (Irlm, Doylestown,
Democrat, Ninth ; Edward S. Sllliman,
Mnlianoy City. Republican. Thirteenth ;
Richnrd D. Laird," (Srecnsburg, and
(ieorge II, McWherter Derr. Democrnt,
Thirty -first; John W. Wetzell. Car
lisle. Democrat, Nineteenth : C. Rlnlne
Smathcrs. (rovc City. Republican.
Twenty-eighth j It. A. Ziniinermnn nnd
Murk K. Ktlgnr. Scranton, Republicans,
Eleventh; Charles II. Van Scotau,
Montrose, Republican. Fifteenth.
Among the papers filed in person
was one bv Senator Albert Dutton Mac-
Dade. Clienter. who will run for Re
Result of Police Shake-up
Ordered by the Mayor
Oeorgc S. Tempest, promoted from
Assistant Superintendent of Police
to Assistant Director of TuMIc
Safety, Is clothed with full authority
over pollco changes.
Colonel Thomas Diddle 'Ellis,
transferred from position of As
sistant Director of Public Safety nnd
mndo Asslstnnt Director of Publjc
Edward A. Noppcl, who was As
sistant Director of Public Welfare,
made Assistant Purchasing Agent.
Captain Joseph II. Van Horn
placed In command of Second police
division, covering wnrds led by some
of the combine chleftnlns.
Captain William J. McFnddcn,
who wns commander of the Second
police division, shifted to Command of
division north of Lehigh avenue.
Assistant Director Tempest called
for resignations of City Hall De
tectives Chapman Marks, Thomas
Harbldge and Frnnk Lowrey. Mr.
Tempest shifts three lieutenants nnd
an acting lieutenant to other commands.
Alilershot. Ivngland. Aug. 11. A
' melodramatic oattle ill midair between
the pilot of an army airplane nnd on
observer who went mm! thousands of
feet aboe the earth occurred hero yes
t"rda afternoon.
Paul W S r.iilmnn. Might lieutenant
of the experimental section of the Rojal
i Alrcr.u't foi'c, nceiiileil with nn ob
server tills nfternon to mnke an altl
! tutle test. At n height of several thou
sand feet oxjgen was used, and posplbh
llir ugh some Haw in the apparatus the
(ib-eiver berntne lienslble. The lieu-
InnniH nlnftttitd nt titu iitntin ntrm ' Qtn t
began tleseentllni;. when mitldenl he re- i Publican Common Pleas judicial nom
I reived a sewn- blow on the head. ! nation in Delaware ( ounty. where
i I'.lntmliiir hi'iiml. tin iliscorpreil tint in i-resiueni MiiiKU ikiiiu- .iuiiusuu
I observer apparently was insane.
What happened during the descent
is not full known, but Lieutenant Rul
mim managetl to lnnd safely, although
he sliglitlj damaged his maehine in
(lolng so. I.eaing the cockpit of the
mnchlne. the pilot ngaiii waf nttniked
b) the observer, but mechanics, who
were nearb went to the lieutenant's as
i.itniice. Half an lioui' later the ob-
i server recoered Ids reason.
Cou.'age and Confidence
Needed. He Tells Rotarians
candidate for another term.
John II. Mnurcr. Assistant District
Attornev in Philadelphia, tiled for Phil
adelphia" Municipal Court. Robert S.
Shaw filed a petition for Republican
nomination for Philadelphia Municipal
Court. Leopold C. Glass and John E.
Stevenson. Republican, also filed Phila
delphia Municipal Court petitions.
Judge N. Sergeant Ross, York, tiled n
petition for Republican renominntion.
1'npern were filed for John D. Hoffman,
Rethlebem. candidate for Northampton
j bench on the Republican ticket.
i Common Pleas petitions filed were
(Jreensburg, uemo
Details of Discovery of Body Told
by Searching Party
Toronto, Out., Aug. 11. Detail of
the teiovcry of the bod of Dr . K.
Stone, former president of Purdue I'm -vcrsity,
who fell to his death from the
top of Mount Eanon. a peak never
before r-nched by moun'am -liiilu'r.
were revealed last night in a dispatch to
the Star from Rand
Members of the searehln p.irt. s;ii,
they found Dr. Stone's body TOO feet
below the peak of the inoiint'niii. which
Is 10.700 feet high. All indications
pointed to the fact that the bod had
fallen several hundred feet to a ledge,
wherc It was found by Rudolph Aeni
mor, a Swiss guide.
Curtis II (Irecc
crur. Westmoreland : Norvnl It. Dough
ertv. Pittsburgh. Republican. Allegheny.
Washington. Aug. 11. "Let's hnve Rnlie F. Marsh, (ireelisburg. tiletl for
less of 'thou shiilt not' and more of , the Democratic nomination for Orphans.'
'mine on. let's go.' " Postmaster lien- I Court in Westmoreland, ami (ieorge L.
t'lnl Ilnj s doe'aii'd jesterday nt a luneli- ' Rin, MeSherrystown, for Democratic
eon of Rotarians when- he was the , nomination for Associate Judge in
principal speaker. I Adams County.
'Tlicre it- n lot of busines that reallv ' -- -
is sick; stiii daggering with the shell WAR HOSPITAL PLANS READY
fnivngance," tald the Postmaster lien- I
eral. I New Program Calls for $6,110,000
"Rut there 1 a great deal more thnt Immediate Expenditure
Is ineieij malingering. "'it iivf'i
more tlmn nil thing "!.e is th- coiiimon
sense of courage und conllilenct". There
Is,' of iimrte, the greatest era of ex
pnnston and pioperity ahead that the
world lnis eer seen. Every one knows
tills nml the oiilv question discussed is
when It will stmt t Well. itV time to
go out and meet It."
i French High Commissioner Lauds
i Type of Sir John
Wllllainstowii. Mas,., Aug.
I. Mauticf CaseniiM'. French High
mlssioiier in the l lilted .states
Deaths of a Day
John M
John M. 'ii nub,- i.,s, , i,. s.i -I,, in
and recently elected representative to
the iintloiml Iwwij nt Uotl Men. dieii
ytjjleniay at
Jlospltjl thi
taken this morning to his home In
Mnlianoy City, where for years he was
ln! view M'stertlns said that ttie
g. tatest liguie in the hisfoiy of the
Fug isli-spi liking world undoubtcdlv is
Sir John FaNtaff.
"Tin re was ii man," lie said,
i. ml th,- r'glit ipiitliiol. in life. Hi
a good digestion We need more
M' lii u pe in the world today. II
the American Stomach ' " Kr,'',,t "''
i ltv. The both will lie, As to Luiope.in atiairs. lie 'iM tnni
nance was woiKing nusiiy on rccon
strui tion nml that there were only
engaged in the real estate business, lie ! 4tl.0(K unemployed in the country.
was prominent in fraternal activities - - -
for many years ami at the time of ids
death was Director of the Poor of
Schuylkill County.
He Is survived by his widow, time
daughters, two sons, one sister Mini
three brothers. The funeral will b
held in Mnlianoy Cit.
Washington, Aug. 11. A definite
hospital program for war veterans in
volving cxpilitliture of Sli.lKMHX) out
of the immediate Sls.llOO.OOn available
wnu nnnouii'-ed yesterday by Colonel
f'liiulcs R. rot lies, director of the new
veterans' bureau.
The new program. Colonel Forbes,
sa'd. wh'di hns the approval of Sec
ictary Mellon, w.w drafted by an ad
visory board of physicians and special
ists in hospital architecture and con
struction and a hoard of medical con
sultants headed by Dr. William C.
White, of Pittsburgh. Ry January 1,
hospital facilities of (IM)0 new beds are
to be placed in use, according to the
in an plan.
The new program calls for. expendi
ture of Ss.1li.00ti nt Fort Rnyard. New
Mexico; S.KM.OnO nt Perrwille. Mil
i oiistrui tion of tuberculosis hospitals
at the -nlil i iV homes, l.envcnwoi th
Milwaukee and Dayton, O.. ntldltiona
building at the Marion. Ind.. sanato.
i iu in ; leinodt'llng of Fort Walla Walla.
Washington, for 1.10 beds. $(100,000 at
Whipple ItnrraeliH, l'rescott, Ariz., ami
at least nine additional projects to b"
determined later.
Dr, Edwin A. Hambrlght
Dr. Edwin Atlee Hambrlght. for
thirty years a practicing jiln-i' inn in
the northwest district, tiled in lij, liom, ,
202.1 West Norrls sttcci. esienlay
afternoon He was sewntv -five ear's
Dr. Hambrlght, who was limn in
Lancaster, graduated fiom the College
of Pharmacy in ISfls and from tin
Hahnemann Hospital in s.. ,. is
tturvlved by a widow, a son, Edwin W.
'Hambrlght, and a daughter. Mi. Wil
liam T. Fox. Funeral ervb es will lie
continued from 20.'IO Wallaee street
Saturday afternoon. Interment will he
In West Laurel Hill Cemeten
William Barnard Dies
William Raruurd. n wen kiiov u icsi
dent of Delaware Cmititv. ilie.l at las
home on Harrison atomic. Ht'iou
Heights, this morning aft r an i lit - , oi
several weeks Mr. Eurn.ird was se .
eilty-seven years old. Tor main j fttrn
he was a lithographer lth the Amc'ruiin
Rank Note Comp.inv in 1'lnlinlelpliia.
resigning nbout live jears ago liecaiue
Of falling health
He was a veteran of the Civil War,
having enlisted In tne Seventy seventh
Pennsylvania Intantry at the age of sev
enteen. He vvus n member of the i.
A. R. nnd a member of the Wecc.icoe
,Fire Company, ninny years ago a volun
teer organization In South Phllutlelphm
Napoleon L. La Freniere
, Napoleon L. La I'renlcie. M-vmtv-five
years old, n foiinei Phllndelpiuan
antj for many yearK ative In teMiie
circles, tiletl yihtenhiy nt the hoiue "t
his htepsoii. S. I). Lovegrove. 2S.-o
Idaho road, Camden. He was bom n,
iCnnada, but spent his business life
here. He leaves a ife, two daughter
and a son.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gould De Haven
, Mra, Elizabeth Gould De ILiven. wife
of AuMatunt City Sullclior Alexander
De Haven, was buried tod.iv from her
.summer home. Nnrbrool, I'm It. Nurberth,
l' She died Tue day, after an illn .,s
'of six monfliN.
Mrs. De Haven was the tin ighd r of
-jbe Inte diaries Gould, a hoierv iiiaun
lecturer of Germaiitowu She was u
'member of the Phlltiin.islaii Club. She
I, Burvlvetl by her husband and a
tkWhter, Mrs. Edgar -Mjers Wlloon.
' ,v Mr, De Haven formerly was chulr-
" .k . "" vwuiMHiwi; ui iUC
Will Run for Municipal Court Seat
In Spite of Vare Orders
Ignoiiug the ailvirc and tii;- tlne.it
of Seiialor are, Repiescntutive Leo
pold C. G'.nss yesterday tiled his nomi
nating petitions for Judge of the Mu
nlnpul C nirt nt Havrlsburi;. The sig-
nut in f n uiimbei' of iiioiiiiiient law-
veis, mi uiliers of the Geiieiul Assem.
bly and well-known business nien ap
p'.'l.ecl on the petitions,
Gla-s entered the fight for the addi
tional p'ace on die Municipal Court
hencli with tiie thought in mind that he
would have tne backing ot Senator Vine
ami the Republican oicanmition. Kor
a tiine lie was led to believe this sup
port would be forthcoming.
Within the last week, however, Vare
tins declared for John Walsh, a fol
lower of "Duve" Lam in the Twen
tieth Ward.
Mayor Signs Ordinance Approprlat
Ing $10,000 for Work
Installation of an emanation plant
lot the use of the radium, which cost
i l.o i ltv $1.11,000. wns assured vester
dr.v. whin Mayor Moore signed an oidi- I
i mice providing for the ueiessiirv con
struction work at the Philadelphia
Ho-pitnl. The tost will he 10.MiO
Provision is nUo made for personal
-oi vices and for equipment. One
plivsiist is provided for nt S.'IOOO per
ntiMiiu : otif Mhointory ir'ns. b'ower mil
ticlmlcal assistant nt Si 200 , one Ro
ontgen ray laboratory director at !2.100
I ei iinniiii'i : one senior assistnni medual
tlicei- at SHOOK per annum. i
The-e positions lire of a scientific
haracter nnd call for experts, especial
I; those skilled lu radium woik. The
Mayor said he hoped enough I'hiladel-
plilii expei ts could be found to till these
places. '
Head of Foundation Will Dedicate
College in Pekin
New Virli. Aug. 11 John I' Rocke
feller. .Ii.. with his wife and daughter,
will leave New Yolk today for
( himi for the dedication of now build
ings of the l'ekill I'lllon Medical Col
lege, i looted bv the China Mtdtcal
Hoard of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Dr. George K. Vincent, president if
the foundation, nnd Di William II.
Welsh, of Johns Hopkins I'liiversitj ,
will ficcumminv them. Tliev will he
ml west or Km-iiiiiiIiii have ' Jutd- Vancouver by a party of dis-
Rain Checks Michigan Flames After
Million Dollars Damage
lOsiauitha, .Mich., Ai g 11 l'nie-t
flics M have Iceli riumi. fur ten
tin s o1 fr a fifty mill arta itaiiking
Escanaha on tlnee sides me thuuglit
to be under tontml as the result of a
henvv rain yoteitlay .
'1 lie tire damage was estimated to
night at u million dollars ami more than
a H'nre of families were made homeless.
According to reports, bul'dings and
crops of noarlv thirty farms to the
noith Hist a
Mayor Traces Vice
Trail to "Bosses"
Continued from Poxe One
Committee, be supported by all ele
ments for Receiver of Taxes nnd that
W. Freeland Kendrlck, the present Re
ceiver, who is urged by the Vnrcs for
a third term, be dropped from consid
eration. Rotan Would Head Ticket
The ticket would be headed by Dis
trict Attorney Rotan. Magistrate Wil
liam F. Campbell, leader of the
Twenty-fifth Ward, would be named
for Register of Wills, to succeed James
It. Slieehnn. Controller Hndley is sug
gested for renomination, but this pro
posal Is likely to meet the opposition
of the Mayor. Further It Is suggested
thnt the Voters League could nnme the
enndidnte for City Treasurer.
This ticket, it was announced in
Vare headquarters, was not satisfactory
to the South Phiiadclphlans. They in
sist that both Kendrlck and Watson get
places ou the ticket. They indicated,
however, that they are open to argu
ment. The test of whether or not the
Vnrcs will fight will come when Sen
ator Penrose defines his position nnd
the Penrose-Independent ticket mnkes
its nppeainnce Vare leaders declared
they could put their ticket through and
that "icsponsiblllty for a contest in
the primaries would rest with the
Tiie Pcnrose-Cunninghnm conference
It. expected to be historic In its political
significance. Cunningham and Senator
Vare hnve been working together for
some time. Penrose will bluntly nsk
Ciiniiinglinui if he is in a position to
break with Senator Vare. Senator
Penrose believes "Rig Tom" will stand
by him as well ns President Judge
Rrown. (scar E. Noll, who has been
serving as a Unison officer between Pen
rose and the Mayor, feels thnt Cun
ningham may break with Penrose.
Would ItrcaU With Cunningham
"If he does." said Noll to one of his
friends, following his chat with the
Mayor, "I will break with Cunningham,
politically, I mean."
It is understood that Cunningham, in
his talk with the Senator, will expatiate
In the best Tenth Ward fnHhlou on the
glories and possibilities of the Combine.
Penrose, however, will counter, it is
believed, with simp of the arguments
ued by Mayor Moore in his talk vvitli
the Senator. The Mayor told I'-nrose
that if he allowed the Vnrcs to d .minute
the county ticket, he would have to
look to his laurels in the next gubernn
toiial latnpuign and in the next Mayor
nil v. The Mayor warned Penrose ngninst
being fooled, and finding out too late
that he had been caught in a skillfully
prepared Vare trap.
If the series of conferences Penrose
U hnvlnir results, ns anticipated, in the
sinnsliing of the Vnre Male and the dis
ruption of the combine, then the Vnre
majority in Council will he shattered.
As things stand now, the Vines are able
to control by both a majority and a
tliiee-tiftlis vole in Council, the latter
enabling them to override the vetoes of
tint Mavor. If Rrown and Ciiuutiighiim
me forced to break with the Vures then
the South Philadelphia Councllinen will
i find themselves back whore they started
with less than n majority of Council.
One of the Inteiostrng sidelights on
I the situation is the sudden reappear
I unco of former City Solicitor Connelly
In the political arena. Connelly called
on Penrose nnd in god him to take u
stand against the Vnirs. Connelly, for
a time, was credited to the Vnre side
of the fence, though lie was nwi r re
garded as "too fur off the Penrose res
i Will Gel Rns Again
Connelly, about a year or so ngo, gave
up bis leadership "f tin- Eleventh Ward
and went to "Merlon to live. Now It is
understood he Is planning to return to
the city and get into active politiis. He
may take up a residence in the Eighth
Wiird, Panose's home ward. If the
combine is knocked west Cotine'ly will
be found, said his friends, on the side
of the Mayor.
, Politicians predh t that if :lie Vaies
do not vield to Penrose- and the imle
ptndents In the framing of a ticket the
cami'iiign will be replete with sensa
tional features. One of these the use
of photogtuphie copies ot diet I, s pnld by '
gamblers for police protection wn ,
hinted nt In Administration circles. The '
combine. It was pointed out, lagan to
take steps ns soon as it was discovered '
that the Moore Administration would I
not stand for the buying and selling of
olicc protection .
Builders and Employes' Represent
atives on Committee
The Commltteo of Eight, decided
upon at a recent meeting of the Execu
tive Committee of the Chamber of Com
merce to study the transit situation,
was Increased yesterday to a committee
of ten.
The Master Builders' Exchange nnd
the Employers' Association have been
added to the groups lmving representa
tives on the committee, with two rep
resentatives. A meeting of the mem
bers of the new committee was held
yesterday nnd the purpose of the com
mittee was announced ns being ' to ,'cnl
with all transit problems ns they conic
up nnd to give the public bnsic reports
upon which to form a conclusion.
The membership In the committee
named to date is ns follows: Chamber
of Commerce. Alba R. Johnson and
Colonel W. 1". unroa: ncai i-miii
Hoard. William II. Wilson, president,
nnd Horace Groskln: Philadelphia
Operative Rulldcrs, Daniel Crnwford,
Jr., president, and John M. McOnr
vcy; Master Rulldcrs' Exchange and
Employers' Association, Joseph M.
Steele, president.
The second member of the JInstcr
Rudders' Exchange nnd the committee
chairman of the Manufacturers Club,
to servo with John Flsler, president of
that organization, hnve not yet been
Slacker's Mother Turn Over Papers
to Attorney for U. 8. Custodian
A new attorney in the person of
Major John S. Maxwell, of Jackson
ville, Fla., yesterday took charge of the
legal interests of Mrs. Emma O. Berg
doll. Following the retaining of Major
Maxwell, Mrs. Bcrgdoll turned deeds,
mortgages nnd other papers relating to
her property over to Major IVnccnt A.
Carroll, counsel for Colonel Thomas W .
Miller, Allen Property Custodian.
Mrs. Bergdoll's property was confis
cated some time ngo on the ground thnt
Grover, her slacker son, Is nn alien,
lmving nssumed citizenship in Ger
many. Mrs. Bcrgdoll previously refused
to turn the deeds over to the Government.
Philadelphia Captain of Vessel
Charged With Starting Blazo
Baltimore, Aug. 11. A warrant lias
been Issued for Captain Hlmcrdlngcr, of
Philadelphia, charging him with setting
fire here yesterday to the schooner Nellie
nnd Mnttlc, of which ho formerly was
Firo started in the cabin of tire
twenty-thrce-ton vessel, spread to the
bunkroom and threatened two 100-gal-ion
gasoline tanks. City fire apparatus
extinguished the blaze, after an esti
mated damago of several hundred dol-
Thc Btcnmshlp inspectors had
spected the ship before the firo
pronounced the uont seaworthy.
Lancaster Child Played
Matches; Building Detrav.H
I.nn.o.l.. Il A.. 'r0(l
fotir-ycnr-old sbn of M. L J., uf'
Lancaster feed dealer, was bu S)'
death yesterday afternoon in his f.tv, ,
warehouse, where ho and his i, . '
old brother, Benjamin. w.;."?c"'
with matches. The older bw ' , ' 1
i. m ,i u t.i- ... ' rn lahr '1
z ".::."": "" ?. . -
..uay ... .. u.,m lnat hlj .
.inftTJiur wn .....Li '"
:, which was filled v,
the child'B burned bodr ."? d
wns thcro. Jnschlk wnn nn.ki. . R
iio,b""('i"ff',.h. flsd X:i
flames. The building wns dVCJl't l"1'
the eli iPb biirno,! t,J e!!roJ bJ -
benenth nn automobile. Thn fl,. i 0un
$5000. Bre lci ii
Value of Sheep Products Also to Be
Explained to Farmers
Harrisburg. Aug. 11. Finns for
rnnklns surveys of the liog nnd sheep
raising Industries in Pennsylvania are
being made by Frederick linsmusscn,
Secretary of Agriculture. These arc ex
pected to show thnt since adoption of
l.. ,nll.n.1 nf tiirntnf nut hogs to
graze, their value has Increased greatly .
The sheep industry in this State
jumped during the World W ar ami
there now arc snecp in couiun.s i"
thev were nlmost unknown ten jears
ngo. although owing to the drop in
.,.: ,,. forn.nru ll!VI tWO WOOl
clips on hand awaiting n marker; Hogs
nlso nave lncrcnsea nnu in im; w.
ii.M, tin. sstnto thev no longer arc
confined, but turned into the fields.
The Secretary's idea is ro ucnwii
strate the value and markets for ling
and sheep products and opportunities
In the State ns has been done with the
apple nnd vegetable surveys which have
been sent to the printers.
State Agriculturists Hope to Kill
Blight In Few Years
Harrisburg. Aug. 11. 'I he peach
vollows scourge, which has threatened
to wipe out the pencil-raising industry
In IV'nnsvlvnnln, will be eradicated
within the next few years, in the opinion
of officials of the State Department of
Agriculture. Thnt opinion Is bnscd on
preliminary reports from n survey
being conducted by the department
throughout the State.
inspectors of the department s Bu
reau of Plant Industry, wlio are going
through the pencil orchards in York,
dains. Franklin. Cumberland. Leb
anon. Berks. Rucks Montgomery,
Chester nnd Lnncuster counties, hnve
found the disease prevalent in all of
these counties.
The Inspection will be continued next
year and the year following, according
to the department, and by that time
I it Is believed the disease will be under
Vc would almost be
content to have you judge
Chesterfields on their
Turkish tobaccos alone.
But of course it's the
way this good Turkish is
blended (with Burley and
other fine Domestic) that
really makes Chesterfields
different. '
And Chesterfield's Turk
ish Blend can't be copied.
TVEstate it as our
" h
I nest
honest belief
that for the prico
asked, Chesterfield
gives the greatest
value in Turkish
Blend cigarettes
ever offered to
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
of 'lurhish and Domestic tobaccos blended
The Public Ledger Offers 5000
$65.00 Black Beauty Bicycles
FREE to Boys and Girls
Bicycles delivered as soon as 35 subscriptions to either the
Morning, Evening or Sunday Public Ledger are secured
Pay No Money Collect No Money
VOU FELLOWS who have always wanted a
Black Beauty think of the fun of bike-hiking
thiB summer on your own Black Beauty
think of the wnys in which you can make rcnl
money when you have a regular wheel NOW'S
YOUR CHANCE fret one of these $65, brand
new, completely equipped Black Beauties.
You ore bound to win one of the 5000 offered.
But you must hurry the other fellows won't
be asleep on the Job Get after youra right
away! Today!
"TVON'T let the boys get away
1th all these
r.nnn niack BcnutlcB! Remember that the
beautiful Black Beauty model, made especially
for glrla, Is offered also.
Atlantic City Man Rescues Neigh
bor's Daughter
Atlantic Clt, Au it 11. Hi living
hi'iloiiH iiijur.v to hluiselt, Charles Kuy
(ich. 210 North ltliodo Maud nvcniii.
jesterdny fouitht a hit Newfoundland
JlOK to n finish to rescue nine-jenr-old
Dorothy Cnrupburn. daughter of u iiiIkIi-
bor. who had been attacked bv tne
be -n destrii.vfd. Thoii-ands of ties. ' tiriKuiNhed uifdit-nl men and edmiitors , ctlllnl.a
l.nti. poles nml Iobs were bullied und from all parts of the vvui Id and trustees Kiippcs broke thrmiKh u rliiK of v-
thusaiiils of litre, nf lurid 'veie swept of the foundation, snilui!: Aujjust l.i on ,.lt,,, ln(ltheiN gathered aioiiiid the luM
hi the llnnies. the l.lii.'iri'ss ot Asia.
It was Mild that Hie loss to lanueisi
usiile Iriim the di -tun tiult "t properly
would ie henvv. n the tire destio.ved
tin potato ei-o;is.
. .-7..- ,..... i 'd Massachusetts Constitution Stilt J
VICEROY AT HORSE SHOW ! Supreme, Court Rules
Huston, Auk. 11. 1 he I oustituiion
First Visit to Dublin Affair in Years
Marked by Old-Time Good Will
Dublin. Auir. 11. Viceroy I'ltalan,
ncfonipiinieil by I.ndj Fitalnn. yester-
dnv paid a state vi-it to the horse -how.
I'lus is lir lit. -I Ii. H' In luilliv .te.irs
t.nt rlie Vlierov nnd the Vlreiene huvi
iitteniled a function Their visit hoi.'
mi iii-niil nut ani.d llie old luue
piiKeatiti.v and xuvf an Imiires- i.,n ..
pence .mil so ill will. I , t 1 1 hud been
lacking in recent yearn ut this nutiuiml
Several of the meinbers of the Dull
Eireann, recently released from jiriHon,
whose rlht hand wns heltl in the dou
teeth. Kapiies dived nt the unlinitl
isrcbblliK It bv the juws us thev ucnl
down, lie broke its crip on the child's
hand, but vvus hiim-clt' budl.v bitten he
fore lie hud stunned the animal with his
lith und feet In n five minutes' htriiKirfc
The doi vvus killed b an officer a few
minutes biter. Both the irl and her
rescuer are under medical treatment. i
f Massachusetts, adopted lu liMl, still
ntandri us the supreme Inw of the State, i
under a mnjoritj ilet-islou of tin Su- Dnv oPntlT CUniAl TninniiT
prenie Court liniidcl down vestcrd.iy. BOY SU0UT SHOW TONIGHT
Articles adopted b.v u i niiMtitutlonul con- !
ventloii two .euts nipi. ruriiied nv tne Delaware and Montnomerv Countu
ft!, JIls city home ls( at I including John J, McKeown,
ta aad JSttlag streets
Miters iiiul Inter in' or pornteil into a
''lenrrnnKed" (''ui-tltuiioii. must hu
plmeil ul tin' iMid of tin- oriKiniil docii-
IIHMIt ill till) tol'lil of llillellllllieilt'l. uixler
the ruling.
'I'Ji,. dm i-inn n given in rcpous
to a petition which sought to compel
the printing of the rearranged Constitu
tion lu the first book of the general
rulen In place of tho old Constitution
The Attorney Oenernl's department op
Lads at Conshohocken
Hoy Si'Oiit troops of Delmvurc nml
Miiiitgoinei Counties will give a pub
de exhibition of their wnih nt Con
shohocken athletic field tills evening, j
Both local troops will participate in the
cventH. Troop No, 1, the Ilev. T. A.
Armour, scoutmaster, is one of the
best drilled In the district. Troop No,
2 will give its flrut public demonstra
tion. '
!5vwvV $tIH vs Q
Vml jl IX y $
CONTESTANTS pay no money, collect no
money! Simply secure 35 signatures on
the subscription blanks furnished by tho Pub
lic Ledgek-, turn them in, and as soon as your
35 subscriptions have been verified you receive
your Black Beauty. The contest will be open
until September 15, but you get your Black
1 enu,ty, BQOa " yur "ubscriptiona ara
T ONG known as tho best built, most serr--'
iccable bicycle obtainable anywhere. Tho
Black Beauty you win in this contest will bo
completely equipped, all ready for you to hop
aboard nnd "step on 'cr." Every bicyclo is
guaranteed for five years and carries an insur
ance policy for six months' repair of acci
dental damages. Just look at these features,
many of them to be had only on the Black
SUBSCRIPTIONS must be secured and
turned in to the Public Ledger office for
verification between June 1 and September
IS, 1921.
Thoso from whom subscriptions may be taken
aro all those residing in Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, and who aro
not now receiving the Publl Ledger in their
EACH WINNER will be presented with his or
her bicycle IMMEDIATELY after verification
of the 35 subscriptions.
Contestants are not limited as to age or sex.
Jc",ad w,omcn wil have their choice of full
sized bicycles for themselves or tho boys' or
girls' modols.
Trame HUei 11 Inches, adjustable to U IncliN
Mads of special grade seamlesi, cold-driwi
steel tubing, which has a tensile, etrenftn ot
60,000 to 76,000 pounds per square Inch.
made of full-gralned leather; heavily PiflW
with Interlaced curled hair and equipped wltl
Cushion-Comfort spring's. , ,
Dandle IIiiii Kelly made Motorbike type! trlpl
nlck plated on copper. .
Orlpet Special ni.AOK nEADTT reinforced! flu
Ible rubber finger grips j they fit the Anger.
Chain t Duckworth solid stoel roller: hoveled ilM
Plate ; triple nickel plated ; guaranteed to wlta
ntand a strain of 2600 pounds.
redalit DI.ACK I1KAUTY rubber Motorbike trpj!
oil and dust proof: high grade ball b''n'
Front llubi New Departure concave front nuoj
turned from solid steel bar. .M
Coaster Brake i Latest modern New DeparW"
coaster brake. , .,
Ball Ilearlncs i Chrome-nickeled, special A rr"
steel balls, irrouiid to 1-10000 part of Q l
(work that is as aecurafe as that which goei
Into the finest watch) : all bearing self-luwi
eating; need attention but once e. )'' ....
Tires: Firestone Non-Bkld: blue tread with wimi
side walls. . ,.j
Mad Guard i FVont large drop side mud gu"
with leather splash baffle : rear larce
side mud guard with stand latch; guards &u
front and rear doubl braced. ,vk,i
FIbUIh Antl-rust.coat: enatnei baked and rucj"
down, followed by two ground cpats, one nj
Ishlng coat and varnish : all nickel par" !
ground, copper plated, triple nickel platea
polished. . , . . h..j.
Llftitsi Electrlo equipment with Delta L'pM ne
light : battery In tool tank : ruby Jewel renew
tall llftht on rear mud aruard. . . ., ,.-.
Tan.1 and Battery Tankr Strong, pressed lJJt,
- The
show one of the
1000 b a a t i f nl
Black Beautjr HI-
irol, ciiam
ilon" model, ot-
erea is
Htreamllne lann w . -"-l..i.
mens for battery and tools duik inv
frame, . . ,ncii
Toole i Monkey wrench: coaster brake wrni
screw driver: complete tiro repair kit. ,
romp i High compression telescope frame J J
with bracket: all heavily triple nickel P'"
Chole'o'of "colors: Rich black with white he 4 jj
dovetalla Option, rich black with freea n"
and dovetails.
A NY ONE is free to enter this contest. Th
thlrty-Ove subscriptions must be obtain
between Juno 1 nnd September 15, 1921. x
prospective subscribers nro residents oi i "
sylvania, New Jersey, Delawnre and ""I
land, who are not NOW receiving the I uoui
Ledger in their homes.
How to Enter the Contest
Apply to Bicycle Contest, Circulation Dept.,
Public Ledger Building, Independence
Square, Philadelphia, or subscription bonks
and other particular, or telephone Walnut
3000, bicycle department, between 8:30 A.
M. and B P. M or fill out and mail the at
tached coupon to The Public Udgvr Bioyclt
Public Ledger,
Bicycle Deparimentx
r M. aa
nenti me instructions i "- a,i
$05.00 B nek Beauty Bicycle without VW
or collecting any money.
liuacu tue ycuuuu,
,.$ .