gjya, rJ t r i . f,n 'i Vfc ' . tr, fl - J... IP If , i taientng public Iriicjer PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1921 -x - ---. ..! Mfc TWMHKSHHPPrvLfc'K5k'33ira vrTJ& rQ s .'!k.w:Hl HfF &tft04lr' mM?4Rj aEBvHMBSB'HHBIIKBBHBSMb iV "w? "V-? BBbl So.T?Bff'yiTksyWMiGWG feJjfo TiwlMEBiMHMBTBmTPB . TS s ' yw 3p$'3l iFJR&Ai wUZ iHPV f " iYlTflv9MEuHEi ISP" $ j5Biyfe '? ! .r " 'i " vx ? faP-faBHB flriflE rH Mfl T)I AjHIB'MMnB V FtltfE.ZTTh ' 'B8'im'WlT1 vSm H r- 'w.'tr.w Ai-ij up n7Tr,r-r 'N.nEt i i .. . - ' - jx? rar i-t-N Kor iv3t vncc .? qLk, -m " v rrs7'wp: -- r i i I fl$fS$3e$ MT-RQI x j ,;? .-r "iir?raaRl . Wkiis - '"' J-' - -- V4 IS,,WV.I'1 iV 1 J" i !olnt4 fiEvV7S ! JmV A. B PV S - C ?- HflHF v y KJHl vRvlHHHRt& ywJ BBPr vmf ' liHSl ppvi hf Bf ttLjBjHFBjMBfcwBtti! -- , J iSQlHy CrSa MB Wi( t'v VA WJ1 fJ C 4 ji ! "?J SfK-wJ-V -iai'irf&'v-- r; '.;:--' tt??-- I1M KIBlaMU SHIMIDZU.tho famoua'Jnpnncsc tennis player, in action at Newport. He plays many matches in the U. S. before his return to Japan t n i'. i LAUNCH NEW POLICE BOAT. The Rudolph Blankcnburff, soon to bo a part of the Philadelphia Polico Department equipment and named in honor of tho lato Mayor, was launched yesterday at EHzabethport, N. J., with Mrs. Blankcnburg as sponsor. At the left tho sponsor is being greeted by Mayor Marlag, of EHzabethport GEORGES CARPENTIER, conquered by Jack Dempsoy, on board tho La Savoie at Havre, France, with Mrs. Carpentier and their dog vid Worm ioto SERVING THE FIRST ONE. Mrs. Lloyd George, wife of the British Premier, at the open ing of St. George's Hill Lawn Tennis Club i n i PRINCE OF WALES AT POLO. The Prince is the player at the top of the etching. He was snapped during the match between Hurlingham and Belcaire central . : k.k, JOY FOR THE CHILDREN. Open-air shower bath, a wading pool and a shuffleboard are just part of the excel lent equipment of the playground at the Friends' Neighborhood Guild, Fourth and Green streets. Bill Schwemle is using a scrubbing brush on Isadore Angler. The shuffleboard player is Florence Krupp Leducr 1'hnto seri ?tK" ? vi35R.f3i5xiw4BlH3'!KVv'2 A 2Ll?MAilyluugiv1 JlffHUiMSMWHdHBUdfeMKtfMb. "THE PIONEER," Chicago's first locomotive, is now on exhibition at the Pageant of Prof, ess in the Illinois city. Tho engine ran out of Chicago in October, 1848. It was built in Philadelphia international EDGAR W. LANK talks on po litical organization in interview on Editorial Page i ..urns SERVING DINNER. An attendant in the home of real super-rats of the Wistar Institute, Thirty-sixth street and Woodland avenue, dishes out the good things that, the rodents thrive on Ledger Photo sen ico MRS. PENEIIERRA, of the Ecuador Le- ON THE ROTARY "CHOO-CHOO." Children gation, Washington, spending summer ready to start from Camden for Ocean City, the months at Asbury Park, N. J. i u i guests of Philadelphia Rotnrians Le.iiror Photo servic '! I OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO I pv " I li . il 1 'MAIL! I WKiMi:.WM:ti4Mt'. I ' V',':; Y-'wh HBPiB!l 1 EflIH9lrBsrs;' Si. 1 fMSM& i'"-.iHB m IT'V&v? 3liMBl Kt?ftj 'Jw-Jrl WJi 'S, IWw' ufiW ssF' &'' wjgas & y itfe8slSwHDVMBB?I I tMP ' Binili-iHlk. i ftllk r HiilR-e-l ' J-V' wfin oo o.it. wyvv, OM UUUWJ oistnt'iiutcneui ' I . . . ' I'lttitlie.rate Fifty-first street, operating a AllUng ac.,n in , Specialty Company,faWNnrA--aiV te,at;600a-iiPdy,. JL PBRjrf 'N ATLANTIC Cl'iSt. tlrs, Gcqrgc L. Meskeri o JOHN W. DICK, 2fi3 North Marvino struct, -r-Now-York,.carried'0 paptw Japanese umbrella. NotO"tRe;frtln1U.'-S. service fourteen ytowRoute: Sansora'" Bcusueu. oreaa.au, uio-rigift 'jLuer.i'hou seryiayk: .w,,t uiuut, ouveamvio nr ut street x p. 04 hJljHnhQSnSiwu n'fift? l,hoiBrPj-T pointed Jiis gamora through an urchway of ( bridge on the Schuylkill, division of the' Pennsylvania ilrtfair thatpans 'thd MonayUnK , j pujiui, juo waa Joowpg toward CityHaU j4e1uri,botttnJ ,lWl tJ,A f .,-?, Sw i.-L-i2' .. , i i'.. , n .J'-:lk.'-' wirtL.t I'AWy w, j . , . lytHtftf 3. vt i- i, t -,! "V M; J.,4,,v, Lf.