-tffi " L. ' "P ':' -. i . ., EVENING PtJBLIO LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, ATOTJST 10, 1921 THE VAGRANT DUKE By GEORGE GIBBS Author of "The Splendid Outcast," "The Yellow Dove," "The Secret " Wltnese," Etc. Copvrleht, Hit, bv D. AccUton d Co. THIS nEGINS THE STOKY Peter Nkhohevltch, Russian arand Duke, cousin of the U:ar, driven from homo hy insurrcotioti, &r?i the Urittih refugee ship, Phrvain, d thcrc mect ;,r'"co nMtsin, a former court sycophant. "Prince ," flii the Grand lhiicc, "I .L minti to do that which may Irinj-thc Mush of shame to pour iroio. doing to troifc." ''tut, Your Highness,'' protests the Prince, ,chat of vour higher destiny t you, ' prince of the royal olood of Holy Russia!" AND HERE IT CONTINUES mllDHFJ in no Holy Russia, my friend, i until she Is born again. Russia Is rotri than trnltor, worse than, liar, worse than murderer nnd thief. She It a 'fool." "All will come right In time. o go to England to wait." "I have other plans." "Then you will not Join us? Prin ce Anatfaslc, my daughter. Is here. General Scmlnoff " "It Is useless. I have made up my mind. Leave me, If you please." prince (lalltaln disappeared (illicitly Mow to spread the information of his discovery among the disconsolate refugees, and It was not long before It ws known from one end of the l'hrygln to the other that the fellow nho called himself l'ctcr Nichols was none other than the Grand Duke Peter Klfholacvltcli, n cousin to his Into Ma Jcfly Nicholas and a Prince of the rojnl blood. Peter Nichols Nought the Cup tain In his cahiu, putting the vfhole case before him. "H-tn," chuckled the Captain, "found jc out, did they? There's only t few of jou left, that's why. Hetter etay 'ere In my cabin until we reach Constantinople. I'd be honoied. 'Iglt aess, to say nothin' of savin' you a bit of bother." "You're very kind." "Not at all. Make yourself at 'ome. There's cigarettes on the locker nnd a nip of the Scotch to keep the chill out. Here's a light. You've been worrying' me some. 'Ighncss. Pact Is I didn't Inow Just how big n bug you wete until today, when I asked some questions. You'll forgive me, 'Ighuess?" "I tn'c it that you don't want any body as'ioro to know who ye nieV" "Exactly. Most of thoc lefugees tre going to I'ngland. I lm" icasons for not wishing to go with them." "vt'lier?, then, do you propose- to o?" "To the United States," Mild the Grand Duke eagerly. "Without money?" "I'd have no money (f I went to England unless I subsisted on the char ity of my friends. My branch of the family Is not rich. ns noorsr. sudi securities as l nave are in a vault in Kiev. It would be sui cide for nic to attempt to reclaim them now. I'm goinj to try to mnUe my own way." "Impossible!" The Grand Duke lunched at the Unc- lMuun'i's cxpu-Ssion. "Yer 'nnds, 'Ighncss." The Giund Duku shrugged und grinnid. "I'll rislc it. I m not wmiout le- tources. Will you Help me to a Mill) tailing for America?" "ies but " "Oh. I'll wirk my pnssnge over if nobody bothers me." "By George! 1 lika jour erit. (live me your 'and. sir. Ill do what I can. it the Ucrimuiian Imsn t suilul fiom the Horn jet I think I tan manage it for ye." "Anil keep me clear of llic rest of your passengers?" added his Iligh ntss. "Rlght-o. They'll go on the Scnin rbore. You stav rieht ere und mum's the word." And Captain lilashford went out on deck, leaving Peter Nichols to hlj cigarettu and his meditations. Manv times hnd tbp. (ii-niiil Duk! Peter ghea thanks that the blond of hi mother flmvpil s.trm,r?lv In his veins. He ns more British than Russian nnd oo could rcnieinber things tlmt had hap ECned since lio hnd pv..ivn to iiiloli'('onei which had made the half of him that was Enslith ieolt against the Russian yitem. it was perhaps hW musical education rather tlian bis university tralnhis or his travels in England and Franco that had turned him to the in telllgeutsia. In the nst lepublle of ft nnd letters lie had imbibed the phi losophy that was to threaUn the ery existence of his own elan. The spread o! the resolution had not illsiuned him, for he believed tlim In time thn rendulum would swing back and bilng n constitutional goeinmcnt to Russia. Hut In the weeks of sti tingle, privation nu passion n new Peter Ntcholaevitch was born. Thn fnllmn -,( 1, .,ln,, :.. il,.. o,,.1 - - wt urn jiiuin lil tin nun- oen Hood of annichj which had swept Wer Zukoo, the treachery of those hnd thought faithful and the ul lemnt mum i,iu itr., i,.,.i .i.,,..wi i.iu viewpoint It fikes a tiuly noble spiilt JmWi o l.K the finder that has pulled km iT'r of !l "solver, the bullet fioiii Dleh 1ms gnno thiouh one's lint. rrom dUappolntmciit and dismav "ter Miholnevitch had turiud to scr. iney hadn't nlnved the lriimu ""Il Ililll. It w.iHii't IM-Ielint. Ills thoe long nights of his escape along U'.i .Ml.cl,cr' IIe lla'l chosen. Peter rxJeliolff I The name amused' him. If Captain IJInshford wnH n man of his word, tonight would be the end of the Grand Duke Peter NlcliolneVIttli. and the Pilncess Annstnsle might llnd some more nrdent suitor to her grace nnd beauty. She did not seek him out. Perhaps the hint to Onlltaln had been sufficient, nnd thei Grand Duke from his hiding place saw her pretty figure set nsluue among the nnVcellnny of martyred ryalty." He turned away from his porthole with a catch of his brtath as the last vestige of his old life passed from sight. And then quietly took up n fresh cigarette and awaited the Cap tain. The details were easily arranged, ninshford was n man of resource and at night returned from n visit to the Captain of the Rcrmudlnn. with word thnt all was well. Ho hnd been obliged to relntc the facts, hut Captain Arini tage could keep a secret and promised the refugee n Job under his steward, who was short-handed. And so the next morning, nftcr shaving nnd diet ing himself In borrowed c'othce, Peter Nichols shook Captain Hlnshford warm ly by the hnnd nnd went aboard hi new ship. Peter Nichols new job wns thnt of a waiter at the tobies In the dining p!iioii. There were English office) s hound for Malta. Frenchmen for Mar seilles and Americnns of the Red Cross without number, bound for New Y'jrls. (Hi Is. too, pleor-eyed, bronzed and l.i'titi. whfr tn'kfd war and politlrs beneath hid very nose, challenging bl own theorii'i. They noticed him. too, nnd whispered among themselves, but trim to his am bition to do every task at the best of his bent, he pre-'cved au immobile coun tenance and pocketed his fe", which would be useful eie long, with the grate fill appreciation of one to whom shil lings nnd franc pieces come as the gifts of God. Mnnv were the nttemnts to draw him from a conversation, but where the queries could not be answered by n laeonle "Ye, sir." oi "No, sir," thta paragon of waiters maiiituiuid a smiling silence. "I'm sure lie's n Prince or some thing," ho heard one joung girl of a hospital unit say to a young medico of the outfit. "Did you ever sec such n noe and brows In your life? And Ills hnnds ! You can never mistnke hands. I would swear those hands hnd never done menial work for a thousand enrs." lie t,lcpt forward, mesicd nhnft the gal'cv. enriched his vocabulary and broadened his point of view. There is no leve er like a shin s fo c sle. no bet ter school of philosophy than that of men upon their "b--nin ends." There were many such Poles. Slovaks. Ru manians, nn Armenian or two. refugees, iwhonturers from America, old. young. dissolute, making n neccssltv of virtue under thnt successful oligarchy, the Willi h budge. In the Americans Peter was inter ested with an EnilMimuu' point ol i lew. He had much to learn, nnd ho Invented a tale of bu fortunrs which let him into their confidences, especially Into that of lm ('oust, wa'tcr like liiive f. whose bunk adjoined his own. Jim Const was n citizen of the world, intiml to prlwition under many flags. IT.. l..l 1 I ... T . -. r, mi,. , i. ,n,i "i"i """ iiitii in .rw .lersev. u. The war lias made S- A of ,jCC01t peon,0 ,.,, wo ,. , in the cranbeirj boi;s, farmed in Penu hjlan!n, "punclied" cattle In Wyo ming, "prospected" In the Southwest. looted rnnclie In Mexico, fought ntrninst Dla? nnd again with the lnsui gents in Venei-ueh, woiked on cattlesh'iis, anil so. bv easy stng-i. had dilfted iiciosm the luenr'tli of Kuiope living bv his wit nt the expense of the credulous and the unwary. And now. for the first time in mnnv i finis. In, u-nn uniim home thougli just whnt that meant he inn not Know, lie hnd missed great tortune twice "bv the skin of his teeth." as he picturesquely desciibed it. once in u mine in Arizona and again In n land deal In the Argentln . There were reasons why he hadn't dared to return to the I'nlted States before. He was a man with a grievance, but, how ever tree In his (oiifldenci's In other lespecf, gave the Interested Peter no inuiiiig as to what that grlcwmce was. o mor- curious acquaintanceship iniiiu iiiisMuiy uu imagined, out priva tion, like po'ities, makes .strange bed fellows, and, from tolerance nnd amuse ment. Pete, as the other called him, found himself yielding, without .stint, to the fantastic spoil of Jim CoastV multifarious attractions. Ho seemed lo have no doubts as to the possibility nf making n living In America and re fened darkly to possible "coups" that would net a fortune. He wns nn agree- nolo villain, not above mischief to gain iiib vhhi, nun i-fiiT. who cnerisned nn ineai. mauo sure that, once sife nsliore. It would be best if they parted company. Rut he didn't tell Jim Const fo, for the ronversntlnnal benefits he derived from that gentleman's ncquaintnnco were a liberal education. We are admonished that they are blessed who lust stand and wait, nnd Peter Nichols, thiee dns out fiom New York harbor, found himself the posses see of $-10 in tips from the oynge. with SCO coming to him as w-agcs mt so bad for a first venture upon the high sens of induitry. It was the first real money he hod eer made in his life nnd he wns proud of It. jingling it content edly In his pockets nnd rubliine tlio bills luxuriously our ajnlnst the other. Rut his plans requited more than this, for he had rend enough to know that in tin I'nlted States ojie is often taken nt one's own estimate, and that If ho wasn't to find a job as a ditch digger, he must make a good nppeniance. And so It wns now time to mako use of the one Grand Dueal possession remaining to him, a I'oM i Ins set with a gorgeous ruby thnt had once belonged t his father This i hi he had alwajs worn and had re moved fiom his fin","T at T'shan. in tlie fear that Its magnificence inieht be. Inn lihu. lie had licit It caiefullv tied THE GUMPS The Happy Homecoming By Sidney Smith jl bwm Tutyv THE S)R.PE OU WorTT "RND TH. "FOLKsC Or, W NOW- ' WWtllL lS ?M CO AWW A80UT Eu . nwi o tjvt rwTfcK. m mw" f Sfc A Bid LlMOOSlME VoDR VJIFE AMt 0)K. AOTHER. IH LANvKEMT OUT- I t0N'T KNOW VJHEV?. THEV .W?.MT BUT KNOW NVHERC Vrl PJiM t:.J& LITtlF CHFSTFP - WEIS V.EEPirAC OVER AT RNCRW - Ht'5 EH OVEV. THERE WJOtT EVERY NdHT "S'NCt ouvt BEEH AJNftS- n pi v -!& RWtrtrtn mn i, n, t,. o-M-r.TVTrrrtiH S-T-san-J YiHT PO THEX CABC Pop A NIPF HOrAEf BUX 'ErA THE BFST HOMP IN THE WORLD AMO nJas nitv Vunisr TAV W- 'LL SELL TH PLACE THAT'S YMT YLU PO- JUST WAIT .TIUU-THAT HO VEERTER. "TVArT CHVLt ME6LECTEX COMfC H0MC- UU TURN THt CARNIVAL NTO A fllUlOit .jic y k'.v.... ii .' WiDNCf 4fftT xxp-A SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG "Venus" Has a Hard Life Copyrltht. 102 Public Ledger Co. By II ay ward Poor loaiely "veaius"! t must be a coub doe. beim' Aa old mid! 0ai the job p at iii5uT jiz-vI-i-iiai ' TO DO BUT XnT HERSELF TO SLEEP.' AAJb VET -SHE MOST ALUAYS HA5-A Smile! FboR, Brave, Lome ly -1 THIM& 4 "? "?Cv U' '.. ' T 4nm J m .1 V 't- ' I s s MW GOOt AORAllMiS. DEARIE - HOVW DID TON HURT "tOUR ' 1 HAMD ? STICK IT viTH (25spr A AIE.EDLE- b m ffP :JW 'jC&t'E&C r L If L nfi tw h Y IIW-?- IF I Te.ll.Vou- PROMISB MOT T6T&LL. A LlVINS SOUL I" y - J JfW, r- " Oh HB. SQUEEZED IT SO '. HE -SQUEEZED -i IT io: e- A -S. - HAVW.Ri -O The Young Lady Across the Way The jouui; lady across the way says so nionj prizefights seem to bo won on n foul that the should think It would be a great temptation to n contestant to commit one and get tho money. The Terrible Tempered Mr. Bang and the Newspaper :tf" By Fontaine Fox Pi fr "i 3 wHlwWuj eAu. MC-t-xAi- XU I vHu. -"n .111 Xvi!X" Vi X-.,iV JJ$rZS ,1 vxrH fu iwyMi$&i&2M WMJ. ssrJPs. ' , rr- - 10 "'zrrt? SCHOOL DAYS T& Ys&ir V ' V V J V fao6"T"- 1 WMShs m LiM fer iw Co1" SY9 Tiu. "t STStS. FROA iTCft && B -e&. l- M6.BBS i. ,mmiTi3 . lb Tfrt I0 8K WOOR - SrARTS To . croc; srw.e Sk 9 .j'ASftS FRO ,..t (?LL L IJ tH it.W Ml TmurSd. COWO To Trtft. BlMKOCRW WCH APT THE ,,' CAjToP- -' v Oil- i -S. wn.-v-;, lKr-CI fi - Tos . ,. sets J',-K ROJseLU'S new OotABlNKT'O". SPRIWO B0MO- Bii.Cc "holta Sehds hw To THe DWG SORE, rur y oart OIL B.iO M -ofTc PETEYSuch Is Life '(solution to sail for tin' I'nlted' Stutts iihnut his neck In a hau on a bit of sjrlnK " uecnieii. To throw bimsell. an unu nnu, or couise. nor even snown It to ODleet (if .In.. If.. ..nn.. .1 I. e .Tim Cnnct U'hn rill ll t lini'n rlnmt.n.l I, n .. Ill t, . ,tull' uiMiii inr iin'-rn . i ......-...-., .................... ., ,uv,i it nn mc r,ari or simiimwi i,iu .,w.n,n'u ""In, was not to bo thought of. Unly the United State-, wm.-u fonn n government moio nenily iipproaehed J Weal he had for Itussiu. could KhVti t,, PI'Ortinitlcs to dUoioi .-.-.. ur ,lut q jinnee COuiu not ulso man. Tn l... ni . ... l!riri ""cess AiinstaMo ue gave tai tr,'0UB,t' TIlllt t,"'!l' c"'''n dr;V. v"""yu encounter under sucii "'CUmStaiieeh hnil iirniiMi. i,. r. .,,, lenentc toward whut had once been ;in.nAl'"ctiuieiital nttnciimeia con S m I hl,.n of l"w llttlo it had meant tlon. V, , ,c w,ro "0 ro'al I'rohlbl --. Ulllll 111111 lU. " HOW. rVn tnnrrv tlirt don iiSiAna8tn8le a,u' 8,,ttl " " ,,i,L1ivin 'Pon the proceeds of her ;2?'1?.? Other's Amerlenu nnd Ilrltlsh Wlun!;;M',w,nH of r0,rH0 the enblest W'utlon of 1,h dlflicultlcs. A life of mfnrrm.'i : K?'L wportsmansblp. the S.,n'0rt that only Um-lnn.l lfiin. mokeii" rmely. too hlonil. petite, and ffl L"1r CB'n-ette very prettily. moer marr hiL'i m.i ,. i....... .n., i Sfil of" nil i S btlU' Ver,m.m- H"1 hr. Ir. Vi '' .'""v ,mvc U00" "),lll-' tmbitC.11'? lJncH!lf rrince Oalltzin's Co 'L"11.'."1' f ' ono w would n, eas the other full fliJiih?!ncv,t,h r,)He " o wi; 2'cicd I1'8 clgaretto through the twiriik"' .ri0'. Oo iIoch not ,nass Hi si ,t sn Buc,n woments of struggle t'commiiaion at h Jttul iuul lu excuse to blilp. Through the head steward he man nged a message to Captain Armitngc nnd wns bidden to the officer's caiiln. where ho explained the obfect of his visit, ex hibited Ills tunsuro and estimated Its Milne. The captain opened his eyes a bit nldcr ai. he gazed into the sanguine depths of the stone. "If I didn't know something of your history. Nichols," he raid, with n wink, "I might think 'ou'J bten looting the strong box of the Sultan of Turkey, l'lgeou'fl blood nnd as big aH mj thumb nail! You want to sell It?" "I need capital." "What do jou want for it?" "It'a worth ii thousand pounds of Kngllsh money. Perhaps more. I don't Know. I'll tnko what I can get." "I sea. You're afraid to negotiate the sale asboio?" "IJxoetly. I'd bo arrested." "And jou don't want explanations. H'm lenvo It v. tlh me overnight. I'll nee the purser. He'll know." "Thanks." The result of this arrangement wns that the ruby ring changed owners. Tie purser liousht It for two thousand in cash. lie knew a good thing when he huw it. Hut Peter Nichols was initia lled. zm. JT 0VJE s-EwsiBia. By C. A. Voight tUHt " TVClHUMB. I lit "Theses Uor L AWOIHER GIRL OVS The beach viytu lowc HAIP- E UkE ToWVJoyylHATglRc J lift yM"Mp- Pm g. I CO .N , I ( evate; I J I Ini sever their strange friend- THE CLANCY KIDSTimmie Had an Ear for Music Ssti I only got two . T6ETH IN FRONT NOWrTIMMie ill wow YA WHAT CAN By Percy L. Crosby v ' ' n en. see! pur A RveeeR 3 and Arovho 'em an1 flay as Nice A TUNE AS ANYTHING. THAT'JT M.0RSN YOU CAN PC kIJmvIlLJI " - y L) o ims z&r. ft i r 5-A s Pon't you MSH Y00 COULD DO THIS? Q y V DON'T YA WISH YOU COULD 00 THIS? TTr . ,..lk Bu DWIG - Sx m