LjMlI fpr7!!WwW'i fW '' 'i ' M "' ,'i" V 11 t rt tit fi K 4''iV W. ft ' WAlt ESTATE FOR SAM! ' yyWPVI.VANIA St'lU'KIIAN IT WILL .'.. HJPWWBHBHHBWWBWwWHWnWU to buy a home now. We have a large and varied list from which to select, and place our complete facilities at your disposal. W ',i PELHAM SECTION Beautiful nil-stone modern home, containing roc. hnll. living room, ellnj In room, breakfast room and tlleel kitchen on first floor; 3 Rood-slice! bedrooms nnil tiled bath on 2d floor: n rooms and hath on 3d floor. Hou.i finished In Ivnry nnd mahogany. Hardwood floors', special decorations and electric fixtures, Large front ana nldo porch, former being" covered and Inclosed for winter use, hot-water heat: southwestern exposure. Near Upsal Sta. and Wayne avenue cars. Attracts e price and terms for Im mediate sale. v LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION Beautiful modern seml-detartieel stone-and-stucco hoaie. containing largo liv "nK room, dining room, pantry and Kitchen: 3 bedrooms and 2 tiled baths on 2d floor (ono with marblo shower): 2 bedrooms and hath on 3d floor: hardwood floors throughout. Colonial finish, hot-vvnter hent. Inrcn open fireplaces. Inclosed (heated) porch: Instantaneous water heater, ga rage: serpens, window Hind' and everything new and In perfect, condi tion. Very little rn'.i required, l'rlco I16.D0O. IN PELHAM Peml-dctached stone-nnd-hrlcW resi dence, containing 7 bedrooms, huh. laundry, clectrlclti: largo lot through to paved street In rear Convenient to Oermantonti Ave. and Upaal Hta. Frtce $11,000. ARDMORE Near tralnrt and trolley. An nttrnc tlve new conter hull stucco hounp. Iirpe II vim room (with opii flre plnco). dining1 room, kitchen anil laundry ft berirnoms, - bath on 1M floor hardwood floors, hot-utrr heat: house mii to .lute In pvtv pitrMrular. lot GO'xlSO'. with shade. Propertv well located and wry UeMrable. I'rUu JIU.5UU. MERION Near station, stone and stucco center hall, ColonlHl. containing living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and laundry el bedrooms nnd 2 baths, electricity, price $20,000 Where can )ou duplicate" ELKINS PARK IIollow-Mlo center hall residence with 4 chambers and a tiled bnths; well located near train and trolle. JIS.OOO. OAK LANE Hxceptlonnl ail-stone center hill. Colonial home, planned w ith care and built to order, every modern conveni ence; large living and dining room, conservatory etc , 2d floor I cham bers and 3 baths, servants' quarters in 3d floor: offered at an attractive price, near train and trolley, consult us for further particulars. Roosevelt Boulevard Exceptionally Located JIany new and unusimi feitures that have been Incorporated In these homes mnke them worth while sour inspection before pur chasing elsewhere ach hous contains II fine rooms. 2 tiled baths, shower and 3 toilets, In closed porch complete separate garage, large lot and attractive front lawn, can be well financed. We offer these at reduced prices. OPEN KOll INSPECTION Send or Call for Selected List i to Meet Individual Requirements. SMULLEN & BARRY 1206-11 LIBERTY BLDG., BROAD & CHESTNUT PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE WALNUT C100 A Few of Many Desirable Suburban Homes We Are Now Offering M enon Al!-8ton rnii!tl.nre vvlth cpntr jail. O tiodroonn & : bathi on uppt tloorj. thorouKhly modern, vvhlto mahoBany vvooilwork, hot vvHtnr heat, electric llht. Lots 70.lb0. Ardmore In the Mill Creek Section ttone colonial residence containing ft lKdrnom t II liathn Hewinir room on 2d fir. . 4 1 drooms t lmth on 3d Interior colonial tlulih with nverv mo lern convenlenre Stuble A- KarnKe with man room heated. Well p anted ground of ever 1 nprn Irii'luillnz flower i veiet.ild ' earuenH Immediate poseHlon price EXCELLENT lll'll.l INii SITES - SI.l:S MCI SPJT PL It' II VSKHS- I.N THE PENNSYLVANIA MAIN SAMUEL C. Commercial Trust nuildinp; BUI iii!i:;ii';!iiiii;iiiiii,ii!iiiiu:iii!!i!iu'i!!i!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiui!niiiuii SUBURBAN HOMES linaisiiiiLiuiiiiuioiiiinii! BALA Attractive stone ColonlHl 'inme: 0 cham ber. 2 baths, o'ectrlcltv hot-water heat, hardwood tloors. lot 50'xiriV: convenient to train und trolley. Prlco J18.3CHJ. MERION Modern Colonial home, center hall. Ti chamoers o oiiins einroi... ... water heat, hardwood floors- uarsBe. lars" lorner, with old shade, near station. ARDMORE Modern residence In excellent condi tion near train and trollej .1 rhnm liers. 2 baths, storeroom, e ectrie llaht. hardwooel floors well-plantecl grounds vvlth 2-car BariiBe fMmmmmmmmmmsm E.A HAVENS C0E u i AN 7 LE. BlPi. i " 5901 Drexel Road (Overbrook) Sale Price. $40,000 A PARTICULARLY DESIRABLE PROPERTY Lot 100x102.(1 feet. 3-story pebbledash houso (12 rooms, 4 baths). Tivo-cur Karaite, central heat, all modern convenlencis, Ilaseimnt' LaunJr storeroom presurve eiuset l'lrat Floor Dlnlnit room, draw Ins room reception room, kitchen, imnirj Second Floor Hallway, liLrarj 2 beilrooms. 2 baths. Third Flour: 3 Iwdiooins, 2 baths, storeroom. .GIRARD TRUST COMPANY 1UIL-DELPIIIA i - k i HEA1V ESTATE FOR SALE I'FNN-sVI.VANlA Xt'llt Kit N Ml PAY YOU 0VERBR00K SECTION Attractive semi-detached stone house, with living room, dining room, kit chen, pantrv, refrlgerntor room 5 largo chambers and 2 baths: hard wood floors throughout: complete ga rage. Prlco JlO.SeOO. 0VERBR00K SECTION Very attractive detached stone resi dence, containing 1.1 rooms nnd i baths: 1st floor: living room, dining room, Ubrarv. Dmitry, kitchen, laun dry nnd refrigerator roonv. houa Is absolutely modern: lot 42xlri0 feet, property Is well financed and Is priced low for Immediate sale. CENTRAL CITY Consult us for deslrab'e properties suitable for business or professional nlltces Wo iae several exception ally good opportunities. WEST PHILADELPHIA We off-r on of the most complete, apartment houses In a very desirable locution in Wst Phlla.. consisting of 2 npts.. earh containing .1 rooms and buth. electric light, hot-water hen. hardwood floors, etc. Price 11)71)0. WYNNEWOOD North side. stone-nnd-Engllsh-tlm-her house. centr hall, living room, illnlng room kitchen, pantry and lnundr. 2d floor 3 large Ism rooms and tiled bath 3d floor: 3 bedroonis and bat'i, electric and gas. hot -water heat. Kara se foi 2 cars, ground Ml front x 275' deep, well planted with Hhrubben nnd shade trees I lg value at prlco offered. I'rlce J20.0UU. CYNWYD Stone-auel-stucco Colonial residence :ipr Station and Club. Completed within vear and offered at attractive prlre Center h.i'l construction vvlth living room, dining room, pantry, klt hen and laundrv on lat floor: ctnmbers and 2 baths on 2d. anil -ihambcrs and bath on 3J floor; white paint, hardwood lleiors. hot-water heat, fine lot with 2-car K.irage. LOGAN Stone and shingle residence on corner, within 2 block- "f l.ogan Station, on 1 Indlev -ivenue tl i hninbern and bath, music room, living room, dining room. Kitchtn a choice property ntul price right for quick sale at $14,000. OAK LANE New center hall Colonial stone, and stucco over brick resilience, tiled roof, hardwood floors, hot-water heat: buyer enn have i holcn of paper and electric fixtures chiimhers and 2 bath, garage. Jut off llroad Bt. In line neighborhood , reasonable price and terms. Longacre Park Values IS Minutes Prom llroad .t. Station nETU-HEP STl'NE COLONIAL Corner. 11 rooms. 3 bat'is. rhor coichlv modern, lot 10 x loS; nETACIIED PTONE A STUCCO (i rooms and 2 baths, hardwood floors, etc . electric light, central nliint he.it, Sir. noil. bETACHED HPNOALOW flTYLR hubstantlallv built, n rooms and 2 baths, line lot (18x143. price J10.000. SEMI-DETACHED ItWOO fl rooms nnd tiled bath, lot about 80 ft front, thoroughly modern compact home fur small family. Wynnewood Ptnna and half timber LiiKllsh myle resident e wltti center hall. 3 W-drooms and bath on second tloor. 3 bedroomH and bnth on third floor hot-water heat and electric light. 2-c.ur uaraca, prlco HU.uuO. Bala-Cynwyd Stone and pluBter residence, con talnlnir Ilvinc room, with open fireplace InrKe ha'l dlnlntt room, pantry kitchen and laundry on tlrt floor. i bedrooms 2 battn. billiard room on upper noors; -iec-trlc llsht hot-wutor heat: Barauo, jihuihj Poll INPIVinPAI HOlfES SPI'.I Hits Al.oNU LI.M; VI) HALA-CYNWYD. WAGNER, JR. PHONE i.oci'st 2871 rp aiill! I!i:!l!!;iilliinnil!ll!!l!llliai3li;ilu!l!!li:!!!li l!l !! I OAK LANE Attractive! brlck-nnd pi ister home eon talnlnu llvlnu room dinlriK loom brenk fast room, sun porch, - tc : o chMmbers 2 baths. Htoreroom every modern ap pointment. Lot 7Vxl3i ELKINS PARK fipnclous EnBlish residence cornmand ItiB extenslvo clew Center hall, sec ond tloor 0 chambers, 2 baiis third floor I chnmbers anel bath. thorouKhly modern, 3-car Karaite. Hi seres well planted xround In high location, a Ifenulne Lurualn 1 JENKINT0WN JiOflprn brick -rolonlal horn convenient Intnrlnn. renter hall ri chnmlm 3 lathH lot 70'xOS' with tt-autlful nhrub. Ier IITIIIi;ilni3l'L,!!IIllllllil!I!ll!!!Clli;il!imi,II!lllll!i:Ha'S si EVENING PUBLIC REAL ESTATE FOR BALE PENNSYLVANIA M'lHWnAN , Am attractive stone and stucco I Colonial house nnd garage, large living-room and fireplace: cen ter hall, 0 chambers. 2 baths, white enamel woodwork; 122.000 ANOTHER nearby vvlth 7 chambers, 2 baths! tl'.COO, BRyN MAWR Near schools and college: a well-built stone house and garage, 0 lieelrooms. 4 baths: thoroughly modern: tennis court, old shade, $30,000, ST. DAVIDS All white Colonial house and gsrsge, 7 chambers. 3 baths; grounds well planted! adjacent golf course; I2H.000. A. D. WARN0CK 112 S. MTU JIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIII Beautiful Country Home 15 Minutes from Brontl St.Stntion Attriti'v' trtodorat - slud, modern liniin. on a Mil large lawns, old shado, all countrv vP'nntaues vvlMi all city con-vnlen-es, In the heart if the enmtry v ! on'." a e'v minutes f rjm the heart of tlv cilv. fwluslvi neighborhood won ileiful s'.'lng. ?IS.000 may remain on mortgage If Jesltcel. In ri- l.ii .sdo'vre i "l J or Walnut 03S4. Ask for Mr Strnvrr. 4ARnn '-ow I'HIf 1- TO CI.OSi: EST qiOOUU 1M.MKDIATI2 lOHSi:S!3ION 10-room oldstvle hous. bath, electricity modern heater, barn, old shade; fruit, ovor on ncre, shade fruit, elevated location. I'BTKHH & JjUN rtOS CHKHTNUT 8T,.nili.A l.AIUli: LOT near (llenslile St.itlon, excellent lotiitlon prlco $l,10O IlKNNlNOBlt tt HEN NINtlElt tllmslde 1'a . oiipotlto station. Factories. VVnrelionsc. Munnfile luring rioors 1'ACTnltY PUOl'CHTY. 2ij ncres. railroad siding nt Amblei. 1'a . modern stone, brick and steal building. 20. OHO su ft. floor space, built mill, modern construction suitable, for manufacturing work of he.ivlest nature. Particularly adapted for machine tool work, ror s.tlo. including 85 horsepower motor, main line shafting pulleys, hangers. 2'4-ton traveling crane ,tc II. .1 I'AilKU, Ambler. Pa. AIUNfiTON Wi: HAVE a largj list of attractive houses fr in J looo up; cnd lor our list and state. alKiut the price you want to pay and number of rooms reqjlred, U. C WI1.UAMS. Ablngtnn. Pa m.KXSIDB 7.l", -SlnBle dwelling, every convenience, I ledrnjms on lecoud floor, bargain HEN N1NHEU A: llC.N.NMNOKK, Olcnslde, Pa., op- ri'Ue station 3-S'H'HY single home; large living room. rlreplaco. 4 bedrooms on second floor, hot vat' r heat; elegant mention. li'Onn. Win T. II. UiibTl & Son. Ulenslde. I'.l. Ognntl!jlR2. PHHT'IY twin "-room hcue,3 large bt'drins., b.i'li elec lights .pon surmun llrgs. JI'OO, W.M. T. II. P.i )lll.UTrt i. Sd.N. Ql. nsld'. Pa i'Mioo 1 1 in r will sjcrillte tin' balf-strn" slng'e cHvlling; large lot UKSNINQKll A HENNINU lit Gitnsle. Pa. iii-rv.vwYn l COlAi.NI VI.. new 1 btths 2-car garage: near onwvu i luu. cynwyu so it. WAl.TKIt xt'THKKI.ANI) n.ila-Cvnwvd rv.ns iioru 5815 N. BROAD ST. THREE STOIIY. STONE. 2-CAH OARAdE. LOT MUlStl PT . HOME INVESTMENT OU SPECTLATION. HERBERT HOPE -.oni vnitK ltovn WYOMIVri tr,.i- & jiim: n;i!i:iii nnil pjeS II1CIII.ANI) PtltK 1.M.MEU. 1'tiSiS. Modern hollow til Hnil stucco dnrilliur. h nniniH. lncloKd porch finanrod tii."0(l for quick me. Ocorue L lurnix, lL'nl Ch"tnut nt Walnut 4ils.1 I wwnw.n 0-125 KISINU SUN AVD. Individual bilrk Ii-mm' on lot SftxllO; water heat. cl.-trli.ii , SUU0O. J. T. JACKSON CO. l'uulevutd Cd'lco riinn VnirlllK oriOO hot- NAKHEKTH NARBERTH Hollow tile ami fume re ch n e il rootm nnd bath hut-water heat, electric light, etc.. lot JllxloO f. . t prl e J7UIIH Nearlmc i.ininietion hollow tile nnd frami residence, cuntnininc larue iivina room wiiu open tin place, dliuntc room kitchen and In closed rear porch. 3 btdicHiniH arid tile bath on second noor nmn location, an convtn lenceii price 111 noil New C'olonlul corner i.mdence an unuiuall ' orluht and cheerrul nome, wen pmnnru. splendid location, old shade, every Improve ment price 11 2 "no ROBERT J. NASH 1211 I.oiTST ST. , , ,.,, Uranch office Narbert'i Station. Nnrb. 171Q OVI'.ltllKOOK 0VERBR00K 6426 DREXEL ROAD Attractive nll-st in.- r .d. nc- with slate roof in tli" most select s ,nm of this deslrnbb suburb tho lious- coiualns ovory conven ience on the h. ml tl.or there are 4 bed rooms 2 lite bnhs nii.l glass Inclosed sle. p Inp porch 3 rooms .ml bath on third tloor. central heat. aHo J- ar stone KaraBe. imme diate pjSKslPn tvlce t3i imn ROBERT J. NASH 1214 LOCTST HT J7S00 Shades nnd scr.ens Included: 7 rooms, tile bath und shower, hardwood doors throughout, open fireplace, basement laundry: warm caraw Mce'lutchy built. Phone owner. Overbrnnk 4IWI w liliol iiVEUHHOOK AVE. Three-Hton- stone residence, 1 1 rooms, baths, ccntril h-nt. V M (TltliY ..iMCtrlcltv. 70s Pranklln mdit. il'.NIltVI. IILV'I .illcH.in wntel. detai liril hone, . well Incited ljnwil nu n WALTEH M'THEKLANO lliln-Cvnwv 1 IT.M.I.VN IIEAl'Tirt'L country estate surrounded bv properties of similar clmrncter. 74 acre. Ine'luJUiK n ...res lawn with exceptions! I. ii I. trees lu i rs timber. 0 acres or liurel fi cores meci'low, small lake, man sn n house, farm cottage, fnrm barn, cosch hoiiuo an.l KiiruK.- lu most excellent condi tion throiiKhout l'or salo at a very rea sonable) prl e to closo nil estate. Pull de tails on reeiuest 11 j n.m:it Ambler Pa iKixnnuiiir.ii VluN V.vrEHY AVE -Modern 2-ntnn sinno ' biinuTiilow 7 looms. Hie hath, narcpietrv Hours hot-water he ut electrlcltv imrni,-. for 5 cars- lot i'axUII JOHN J. KOHAN 411D Cressun si Mnniivunk 01170 ItYDM. jiniiuuii! STONE COLONIAL HOUSE 14 rooms. 3 baths, hot-water h-at H electric uitni ami aan. niiniemuc open tip places Iare clcs"ts. IiIkIi ele' atlon c onim.indlnB tine view, few minute h' wulk to train or trol.ev . overlooklni: k'olf links HERKNESS & STETSON LAM) TITLE I1I.DO. Ennmitiiniiiiiniiiitniiiiijfl , H m 3 k'lintii i gilllillllllll! GASOLINE ALLEY They May Quarantine the Car I I Z ck the ?ip eu f Twm 10 hcu. Be beady for the Tour. J As w Aee jfiZ-J ( To cail rr PR'CklW , II "" r3 -L We Vod ZY " W ' MEAT IF IT WAS r Wk S (fr? i JrTj fX YJ r A 7 ?ns V sMALLPoxirr jaw- c - rn .irmiiniii u. . iiiiiiii an "i '" " f " -,'--'rv ' LEPaER HILiVDfeLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, IA.TOUST.StO. 1921 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NKW JEKSKY SKAHHOItE BACM MAUmmiGflTS BUNGALOW SITES $50 to $250 Ocean, 6-Mile-Wide Bay, 20-Mile Many Choice Lots for $50 Automobile Boulevara . $5 Down $3 Monthly t LOWEST PRICES ever known for Seashore Lots fronting on OCEAN and BAY An ideal location healthful -wonderful physical attractions and only 1Q miles above Atlantic City. Splendid Surf-fishing umi& yuur line, nnd Inlot. 1 us it. -fe Led. JPJKN N Y I . V A LVrr?rJ 'KAN MMiiMirini .11 STONE l'All.M HOUSE WITH U ACHES OK OllOUND Closn to SprlnKllcl'l Stntlon; lius roxalblltttfs for improvi-meiit, uld hail-: garden. J. T. JACKSON & CO. Chpntniit nt 13th t. 1 WPiSAIHCKON NO. 100 HOCHEELE AVI2 10x110 ft.: 12 rm 2 b.!h lmntry, lnuiulry, hnrtlwowl room, porchoi, olectrlo Unlit, upon fireplace; Ttio nhailc. 3 mln t' etntlon or trolley nilvr S. Kellv & Co., 4170 ainln nt,. Mnnnyunk. nkw .iritxr.v iriu'im vn LOTS LOTS LOTS HAD DON HEIGHTS Sold on Easy Terms .$10 PER MONTH E&xmi82X!Vvil!tx& Each Lot Nearly i Acre Largest Lot Sold in Jersey Size: GO ft. wide, 200 ft. deep Price $500 NOTE You do not have to purchase 2 lots from us In order to net 1 lot larire enouch to build upon. On of our lots Is lareer than 2 OUOINAIIY LOTS. FREE IMPROVEMENTS 0 railed stroets cement sidewalks, water mains In streets shado trees alonir walks, and lota faco 70 ft. vvldo streets. Building We Will Finance You You do not have to build. If you want to bul'd we will finance! you. And your lot ilors not have to bo paid for before von can build. Liberal proposition. Liberal terms. Buy Your Lot Where You Get Transportation trollevs. trains. .Htneys stores, schools, churchos and amusements, etc Build Your Home Buy Your Lot Today LIPPINC0TT LOTS OPPICE Cor. Station and Atlantic Aves. Opposlto Ileadlnc Station and irolleH OPFK'K OPEN ALL DAY KVEIIY DAY Oil WHITE FOH INPOK.MATIO.V TO J. FRANK HANLY, Sales MnnaifTer P. O. Box 285, Camden, N. J. COME OUT TODAY AND SELECT YOUR LOT NEW bungalows Immediate possesion. Inrs.) iocs .ill modern com'intcn. . . ,;,n be hii.i cen i asv terms 00 trains dill1.. nnl 11 niiie out. com down WILLIAM L. JIANLEY Sw. II N J Phone -1 lt-1 Iliillillncc Lois. 1'niUir.v Sites. Etc. TWO tITS for sale 2r.il02 each t Had- donfleld. N. J Adelress A. TL'.Vti. Ham- rnuiton. N. .1 Hex 231 west rni.MNfls,vnnn HOME! In trod locntlons.perfect orler mono. tiiono io7ot). tin 30(Kii fun n nonniN't NKW JEIISr.Y SESHtmi t'S'l SCAL seashore i fTerlrfu , blocks with 23i feet frontline on oceai.. runnlnr throui7h to llarnei'nt Hhv. s une frontnKo on i.iiv contiiln 0 to 10 acres nuto road, rail r nid, smill p.immt down balance nnv time within S seurs, only a few, worth our at"nt",n- OCEAN PltONT m 001 Hailev H'dK Phlladelthli it n.iiwoiin up.st eJUEATEST liaru-aln it Wl.iuood Crest an exceptionally well-built utirnctlie brlc'i houm of ! rooms and 2 butha, fireplaces wide plnzzis. Kiiraiie front and back nuli wns basement, attic best 111.1U. ntlul sec tion of Plvfi Mllo lleae h. closo tu ocean plur depot and trolley tho only reasem that thin inprrty Is orfeied it the vneritlie price of 51)500 Is owner's Ill-health. Ltiih one-half cnt.il Immediate poHS-ie-s'cn photo fi.e Waiiher. 121 Crocus rd.,Mldnood Creat.N J 1 iu luXs&SSr cL2k X yfcSk?- if" REAL ESTATE TOR SALE NKW JKKEKY HHAIjllOKK (BEACH HAVJZrt KT-tJ') r ino isuiuiiiki tjruuuiiiK unu otuuub " .. . NEW BUNGALOW PLAN ?50 DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY THE BALANCE Go to Beach Haven Heights next Sunday with write us or telephone Walnut 4129 and viuiw urraiiyemenia. .MAlTl THIS-- BEACH HAVEN HEIGHTS CO. 801-802 Rqnl Estato Trust Bldg., Philadelphia Send me literature showing diagram of lots and Bunea low Plan. No cxpousa or obllgatloni whatever on my liart. Name Addrcu I'AIt.MH STROUT FARM BARGAINS 75-Acre Farm, $1000. With Horse, Cow, Hogs, Tools Vehicle, machinery. Implements equipment included, pleasnntly locnted, close hustllnct railroad town advantaBes; fertile loam till ane. blB vvlrc-fenced pasture vvlth trout brook, lots vvoodj abundance fruit, o-ioom home; dolUhtful shade maBnldccnt view. I'.n-foot barn, poultry house: to settle affairs owner sacrifices: only 11000: easy terms. Uotalls Piiuci 48, Strout's Cntalou. $.1000 Secures 120-Acre Farm With Automobile, Crops, 6 Cows Pair horses full Implement, etc . Included: In famous Pennsylvania potato section. edKe hlKh school town ndvnntnBes, 1U0 ncres till ah'e cuts Ki tons hay, 20-cow sprliiB wnteiecl pasture, wood, tlmlier. fruit. Bood 2-storv S-rnom house, maple shaded lawn. 10-row cement-basement barn silo, sprlnit wnter poultry house, etc.. owner unable operate, sacrifices all t.'.OOO, anly J1000 down: easy terms. Details raye S. Illus CataloB 110O IlarRidns. EHEE. STROUT PAHM AOENCY, 1422 L. Land Tltlo Hldit.. Philadelphia Pa. PENNSYLVANIA 1'AKMS 120 ACRES 21 Holstein Cattle, 40 Poland China Hogs, 5 Horses, Etc. Mollno tractor, corn harvester, liny loader, douole cilsc R-'inir plow, corn husk; r. In faft u full lino of modern farm machinery, all crops In barn and uround. 2 miles to Chest nut Hill trolley and only 23 miles to City lls.ll. Phlla : completo st form buildings, stone houre, 8 r-oms, heat and vvator. sou nnl lay of luflcl Is fine, fine wcodlot onel h reatn-watered pasture: a elvo nway tor 1 2.000 coniDlet". Terms. Wrll."r, "e0 IIEESE 4 LINDE11MAN. 0 P. C. Airy .. Norrlstown, 1'a, 48 Acres Adjoining R. R. Town With Modern Conveniences About il acres streatrnwatered meadow. Irjl iipco rick truck soil, ttently rolllnu; beauti ful stono duel, Ilk. 12 rooms, 2 porcelain equipped bathrooms- rnni-e. sink, hot-water beat rjtv water, electric HkMs. larKe porch's, beautiful outlook, bank barn. M heid. line set oulbjilillnus, Bond repair; nci Joinlili large It. R. "own. few mlnutos vv.i .lie ttaln, trolley d-pots. every RilvantaBe. . miles Phllndelrhla. onlv 11)000: $1500 cash, wcmlerful value for eiul'k buver EDWIN 11 STOPT Perkasle. Pa. 20 ACRES 2 Horses, Machinery & Crops, Included with 1 ho, nil poultry, farm msclilnery. tools and crops. 22 miles City Hall. I'hllo.. rn Norrlstown trolley, best of soil' fine fruit in.l wnter. 2 hi Uees nnd 0 rooms bonk tiarn. all outbuildings evcrvthlne itoos ccniploto on terms. I u:i leta'ls and cata- Irtiue UKT7SE 4 LlNDEnMAN. 0 n. C. Alrv st Nurrlstiewn, Ta PPIIL1C &AI.13 Improvtd SO ae ro farm for Samuel Ashwnrth. tntuid iv. Auuust 1.1. .it 2 110. Overlooklni; and within mis cur fw Norrlstown; Chestnut Hill trollcv and II llcm Penn HlKhwnv three snuares. Ill miles central Philadelphia, raro locution for coi i muter or oltv man. modernized ,ln-room stone dwellltn,-: complete set farm bullellncs, estab lished orchard: four strmcr springs suporior soil, offers every feature In demiind nvur or dinary farm at fnrrii Ins ; v .iluo VVCJ-.rJnMi-t circular throush IIEESE LINDErtMAN. AKcnts. fl E. C. Alrv St.. Norrlstown. llO-ACllE PAHM In Horsham Township. Montnomery Co.. Pa., on stone road near trolley and near Ambler, Willow Orove nnd Hatboro. 13 miles Philadelphia; 10-room stono house, nlr pressure water system; eood barn and outbuildings. 1123 per acre, In cludlni; some crops lmmedlato possession: ensv terms. Also 1110-acre fa.im near North Wnles, closes to 2 trollev lines, Rood, sub stantial stono fnrm bulldlnirs flno meadow; some timber: an excellent dairy and gen eral-purpose funn. 11 out) IT. J DAO'IU Ambler. Pa. 7U, ACRES Nenr stitlnn on main lino Pcrna II 11.. 1 miles to Phlludnlphl.i ; ste. m und ilectrle tr.ilns ev.rv half hour. 13-room stone house, moil, rn cunverilences. li.wn. Iliads tres and shrubbirj. ptuble, rar rlene house, workshop, stone sprlnghouse. 2 modern chicken houses, orihud. meadow, good streim. fruit r.f all kinds. asp.iraKUs. Address A D. ATLKIJ. Hern 11. P. D, or Hell telenhon' Prwvn 2H I J I'LENDII) FARM 137 ii. res. 17 miles us lehult ro.ida to City Hall. Philadelphia. wntr's lesld'tiee, electric lights hot vvat-r heat, open (lieplaces. b-autllul l.iwn and bade, extended v ow, large siablo and car rlngo house, modern cow bi.m 4S head, tenant houses, purest water In nhundiinc , II necessary buildings maradain roads cnih side and through farm. JIO OdO, buildings could not b reeplnced feir $r,0,000 FARM, Jm'j i N ltlth st Phlla P c 53 ACRES', gooel loeatlon, lrt miles to Cltv Hall, fertile land 1 neres line tim ber, rtreeam and spring. D-rooni stone dwell ing, all conveniences tenant house with conveniences line stouk barn g iriiqu. etc.. a bargiln to cjulek buer WAltltEN M. COitVELL Hatboro Pa. II ACiiES on Old lnik road. 21 miles from City Halt, high oi.nlon. stono dwclllnit. etnhle etc . price $3100 WARREN M CORNELL, ll.itbnro. Pa. 1 ACRE -rooTi friim.i slvv.-lllnir. recently p.ilnted and pnper-d. tine old snude; spring with watercress bed, nrlee, $3r,O0 1VARREN '.M. CORNELL. Hatboro. Pa. 1-ACRE village home, 8 looms old shado. frame stable; excellent water, fruit, $2ij0i). REEDER. Newtown, Pa. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE NK.W JKBMKY i UKAMIIOKK VE.STTOV1 near Million, III acies. with beautifully placed stono Iioubo sun minded bv old trees. 10 rooms, 2 baths, hot-air heat, nrrt barn. 2 tenant houses, line stream, Suo PPle trees. 230 eherrv trees. 600 peach trcis 11 In bearlnc: $.10,000. J. M. PIlONEKir.Ln. nne r. ii ACItES. rlosn to State highway. It. 11. iitntlon and school: stono house, now barn; S.lnnn. IlEEDEK. Newtown Pa. NI'AV JKitm:v PAHMH 20 ACRES FOR $2200 WITH HORSE. COW, 150 Lnylnit hens, 4 vvnirons. other livestock, crops pnd all fnrm tools thrown In by need owner: near thriving town vvlth railroad, stores, etc., nnd conven cnt to Atlantic City: f ncres wood, 10 ncres tlllnble an.l planted, frultrd to over 100 trees nnd vnrlot berries and crapes, attractive .Vroom houo. porch, nice shade; puru water, barn. 4 poultry houses nnd various other bulldlnus. low price S220D: part cafh takes nil. Details Paiie 11 freo catalog Just out, SALEM COUNTY BARGAIN 23 ocrcs rich chocolate loam soil: rmpln Bhaded 7-room house; flno repair: phono; water In kitchen, larpe barn, chicken houso, Karaite, corn crib, oilier bullcllnk's, 24 ncres tillable and nearly nil planted well frulteel; on main road near depot, schools, stores, etc.; owner, anxious to mnke eiulcl; sale. In cludes horse, chickens watrotiH, all farm machinery and urovvlnit crops nt low price $3000; third rash Full deta Is Pauo 80 catalog of 100 Jersey farms coverinK entire state Call or write for fn-e copv. NEW .IEUSEY PAHM AOENCY. M7-C. ileal Es tate Trust Hldit , Philadelphia Pa COMMUTER, TAKE NOTICE 8300- well-located fnrm home: s acres; nenr station, trolley, H miles Philadelphia, Rood bulldlm?' city water, electrlcltv available. ALHEHT DI1ESSEU. IrurlliiKton. N J, FAIIM for tali near Atlantic City nt bar gain: beautiful tl-ncre home; high Kround; all In orchard buildings new nnd modern St. A. DEV1NE, Law llldB.. Atlantic City, N.J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CIIP.STNPT IIII.L VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES PPIINISIIED OK l'Nr''"IlVISlIED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CIIESTNPT III'.L. riU!.A. Chestnut Hill 17i.1T. Cnestnut Hill 20.17 REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE boujrht. sold, mortmgod ARTHUR B0SWELL 2.13 N 13TH ST Rents collects!, convovanctner. notary WANTED To buy or leai.o for term of enrs, 10 or 12 room house; vvoll locateel; lu North Phlladeiph a, particulars and terms. D 13.V l.eluer tlflh'e WILL AHItANtlE eiuiel. rush settlement for Iiitko oi small pruieorties. If prro is right; glvu leirntlon. price anel full pirtlculurs. M 41S. Leelcer tifll. 1 WANT a small dwelling In Philadelphia or the suburb.. Mil rent or buy It price Is nttrnctlve M tl.'l,'.. Ledger Office WANTIJr I'rupi rib u. alo or rent, collec tions a Epeilnlij. A. I. Cluley. 1)011 S. 4th or 4 1.1 S. t3d. l'lirnlsliril OITIee 1 DESK. 1 tvpowrlter and several chairs: Klvo best offer In llrst letter. Address II 222 Ledner Of life i'iwnsvlvania snnntnAN WANTED TO RENT Thoroughly modern. B or U room house, on either tho Main Lino or Chestnut Hill branch of tho Pennsylvania: occupancy desired September 1. glvo full particulars. Address II 210. ledger Olflce ON YEARLY LEASE Detached houso In suburbs: r. nr U bedrooms 2 baths, from Srpt. 10. must bo in good condition. P 41d, Ledger Office ATTRACTIVE house for small family, Sept. 1, 1'ennsvli.mid lino preferred; JS.1. Phone Llanerch -'I'.l It ATTRACTIVE lie uso for small famllv, Sept. 1st; Pennsylvania Lino preferred, $b". Phone Llanerch 21)1 It AHDMOItr. WANTED A mod sln furn. house on Main Line, at Pa, It R. near Ardmoie or Haverlord. base fiom Sept. 1 to Deo 31 Reply Hox 311. areeahlU Farm, Over I rook FARMS WANT to hear from owner having farm for sale, give particulars und lowest prlco. WIN J. IILACK Chlnpevva Falls Wis NEW JERSEY silAKIMKtt WANTED ftirn'shcil desirable cottage 3 bedrooms. In Ventnor Ocean City or Wild wood Creet until Sept IT,, state lowest terms. I 420 ledger office BEAL ESTATE TOR RENT t ITY MFG. FLOORS & BUILDINGS 2000 TO 40.000 SQUARE FEET. HERBERT RICE gg SIX front mums, &04 N 31st st b.ilh, $30. Porch near Park. ! r y I K'( - sf niniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiillliHIIIiiB MNSYl-VANIA 1'ARMS , rnnAT, "ESTATE FOB BENT. CITY 51 RENT FIRST FLOOR OFFICES VICTORY BUILDING, 1001-13 CHESTNUT ST. Made New from "Basement to Roof" Dcsltnblo suite contnlntnff 2000 wi. ft. Sultablo for Banking, Brokerage. Insurance OfTlccs or any business requiring prominent space. ALBERT M. GREENFIELD & CO. 16TH nnd CHESTNUT STS. i . MMnmmm,,mmmmeerimmsnrrifnmnn'inmninim.rrTnmmillRrrTmmtiritnTmmiTmier,mu,,mMn,. ainmmilllllMIIIIMllllllllllllllllIlillllllllll.nllll'W'W"'""''' Uliilliiiniiittiiiwi.mi" l-i.rtnrles. AYnrehonsfs. Mfg. Hoots OTlfflIllllllJll,llBllillllI 65 CENTS A SQUARE FOOT! I liavo a client who Is abouHo erect a modern, day light construction, fireproof addition to his loft building In tho center of tho city. Passenger nnd freight elevators, modern plumbing, electric light, slcam heat, low insurahco rate; cosily icccsslble to all kinds of help. Ho will leaso tlirco floors, 17,900 square feet net area In all, at 4 65 Cents a Square Foot! If you need convenient, economical, sanitary, fireproof floor space for manufacturing, hero Is your chance to got a bargain. Call, phono or wrlto. ARfilTECT AND ENCWEBRv MIO LOCUST OTRXET PHILADELPHIA Spruco 4S00 :itv Port KENT Seven rooms and bathi hot water heat, electrlo lights, laundry. In closed porch: parago In rear; restricted nolchbnrhoeid. 2117 S. Ulst st. Apply to NEI.hON C. UOWLKY. ltith and Snyder ave. uregcin i.'eic. 1 8TH ST. Near COLUMBIA AVE. Excep. oppor. for youni; mar. Phys., entlro 1st and lid doors Just renov. VM. L. CHAVEN'S SONS. -'Q1D Cnlumbln ave. 3H4 N. lillOAD (at Allecheny nvs. Brown. stone house. 12 rooms. '.' bnths: modern, back porch: nice yard; rent tlOO; lodglni.' and hoarding houses prohibited, CHESTER ItOTTNElt. 1421 Che.stnut. RENT REDUCED ft 12 N. WM L. IRth dwelllniT portion, good order. CIIAVEN S SONS. 2019 Columbia. roil SALE Oil KENT Tho entire bulldln-t 1442 N. 4th St.. 4 tloors: suitable for light manure. Apply If V. (lasklll. 2301) N. 7th. DESIHAI1LE store and dn'R. 7 rma. and bnth; Rood loc. for any huslness. Cor. llerks & Cedar sts.. east of Frankfcird ave KiS N. 24TH Three storv. 13 rooms, with 2 baths. $i;s per month. W'm. C. Heyde. ISth nnd Snyder ave. 334 Nl IITII ST.- Lnrre store, ii floors. J, tl. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut & lath. Huslness Properties nnd Stores mum RENT Chestnut St. Store FLOOK SPACE 1800 SQ. FT. 814 CENTRAL SHOPPING DISTRICT A unr - i.. T f.iTlil,v a 812 CHESTNUT ST, ' fliiuniiiiniuiiiuiiiM NEW STORE. 1411 AKCH ST.. READY FOR occupancy, suit druRS. shoes, etc. PART OP STORE WALNUT ST.. Near 18th, suit furs, corsetler. etc. MAR0NEY & DILLON SleBu.fr2'oad" KENT Store. 1725 Falrmount nvo . tailor. tlorlst. confectionery, nuto supply. OEO L PARKER, 173.1 Falrmount ave. 1.MJ0 VINE Sultablo uuto or other business. llrst tloor, dwelling ubovo. Uoswell, 233 N. 13th st. I'liflnrlfs, lVnrrhniises. MnniifnAiirlng Floors 266-70 S. AMERICAN ST. Sixth floor und basement, about 4000 sq. ft. each: exceptional duyllght, largo electilo elevator In modern tiro tower: Immediate possession: reasonable. Apply to 8TLVESTEK S. OARRETT Doth phones 2.il) S. 3d St. 711-13 CHESTNUT ST. Lareo 2d floor. 7d ft. deep, vvlth good north nnd south light. could bo subdivided Into offices and show. rnom. tho location for a merchant with keen forcs'Kht. J T. Jackson Co., Chestnut at 3th si 1U41-40 N. 12TII ST. Two floors 02x1)0 newly rennvnted building: lleht 3 sides, llro tower, large electric elevator, possession. W. J HAINES. 1011 Chestnut st. WILL ERECT building. 30,0011 to 100,00(1 seiuiire feet. D1ETERICH, 737 Walnut st. Oarage RENT OARAOH 11,000 SQUARE PEET NORTHWEST SECTION W, IIIIUCK RARROW ISO N 12TII ST. ornnw. uphinkss rooms, irrc. lllllllllllHIHllllllHHIHIi I DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE Floors of 1800 sq. ft. Unusual light 16th & Sansom Sts. Ready About October First Otis Building A. D. WARN0CK 112 S. 1GTII ST. MODERN OFKICK ALL NEW MAHOOANY FURNITURE. LARUE RECEPTION ROOM. PHONE AND STENOGRAPH!!; SERVICE. SUITAI1LE FOR LAWYER, IIUITE 815, 1011 CHESTNUT ST. By King IP IjlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHf o ' BEAK ESTATE EOn irRwT CITV " eiieiiiiaiiiiiiiiiniiiiBiiirimiimiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiijmilliTMm rnrtorlrs. Wnrelionses, Mfg. 71Tt7" Itaco 6814 OlTlfKS. IlfSINKSS ROOMS. KTr RENT OFFICE ' EMPIRE BLDG. 13TH & WALNUT ETS HEYMANN & BR0. , WIDENER I1LDQ LOCUST nn2.1 ""hapk s. VANDAM BUILDING 10)1-3.5 MARKET ST DAYLIGHT OFFICE SPACE 402 Morris Bldg., Phlla. CENTRAL 0FHCES HUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL AT 1504 LOCUST ST. RENTAL ATTRACTIVE SHUBERT OFFICE BUILDiNG 280 S. BROAD Two excellent second floor conun (No stock brokers) Inquire BERNHEIMER & SUNDHEIM Telephnna Locust B017. Rncs B179. WF.ST l'IIirDKTJH, la?X,F- B9TH ST. iient or sale, dwelling vvlth garage; oerfect condition: all moel.?i. Improvements: lot liliiirj " ' 'll mM"t JOS, W. FOX. 411 Walnut st. LOOAN SEE MAURICE LICHTMAN PENNSYLVANIA SUIHUIIAV t' SJ,T-J2.omS a?a ",.ra8e: opposite cldto t. Bta Jerome n. Jnrdella. 1B31 Chrlnlsn. MAIN MXE FOR RENT Attractive, new. hollow till Plastered dwelling, near Haverfnrd Station! all modern conveniences; vapor heated: open mcuiutrs; containing iu rooms, lncludlof I J1. ths; tenants may select wallpaper anl t.eiiicievi lucurri; ?-oil per mnnlh. WIL- HAMS A DORAN. 410 Walnut St.. Phils. kijaii STATION, north side, atone, Kncllsh stylo house, 17 rooms, 4 baths. 8 bed rooms; garngo for 8 cars: rain's room nl bath; beautiful old shade nnd ahrubborri urlvoway, 1 ncre: possession October 1; u exceptional opportunity. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. Morris HuMdlnn. 1421 Chestnut it. MSSIIOHTi'K LANSDOWNi: Attrnc. home. furn.. Jr.. bath, porch, all convs.: 10 mln. train t trol.: spacious gels,- select loc. H 21D,Iii.0iT, NEW JEKSKV SKASHORK WB HAVE LISTED In our oftlce every do slrable apartment, cottage and bungalow that Is for rent In Ocean City. Inquire ot JAMES II. CHESTER 3 FOB BENT FURNISHED OVKRDROOK NnSAR STATION, tlellghttul looatlon. hana- somuly furnished apartment: large lltlni- room, dining-room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms lad bathi separate hall; appointments tho cut; rem n niontns or year: responsible ttnintt reasonable rent: raro opportunity, CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. Morris Uulldlntr. H21 Chestnut t. MORTGAGES BUILDERS' ADVANCES FUNDS FOR INVESTMENTS IN BUILDERS' ADVANCE MORTGAGES LARCJK OR SMALL AMOUNTS FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 518 WALNUT ST. 60 GILT EDGE 6 GROUND Ri:.NTS FOR SALE nnd tltst-clnss mnrtKngos, various amounts Full Information upon appli cation to nURTON E. SIMON N W. cor. 2Uth and Passvunk ave. lloth phones FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND 3ANSOM 8Tb. itcn Hol ostato security, lnimedlt pJV HOttlement, Interest on estatel to buught. Cash at once, A) EDW.M.M0LLffh3;t, , In estates, business reflnanced, lncreie oia JrM-aioV to, Present-day value-; confldnn tlal, unlimited resources. M ma. t.ea. i-eu. l.iivris FttN'DS IN ANY AMOUNT iinvD'HUY II CO.. 27 S HUH r. -. FUNDS second and third mon ilement. JOSEPH H. KASS SSISwl- uages vf REPRESENT 0 of the largest bU'ln lriTMlia fr.r llrMt And SBCOnu ttiyi .-" :' .i ii. UUi.r. Cniintles. Til 1 1 .. .Is1 tiVi ! a ' S"n"TYNrii; in s .l'e"-!-.,-. -r. ,,1,11. unci si.. !'- FUNDS fur meirtusitca. ..v.,,.. .....I n nwnrci Count S':"T. LW.CI.: 112 " Hi 10th .t.. Plilla , I'a. TUIe llhlf gift edge real !! M9 . .v ' 'vir.vxi 'im r-heVtnui jl. maammmmmmm W . IS FUNDS fur nrst and second mori... -;y '.fiffelu'-WenU'Sni -SEJfMAURICE' LICHTMAN 'j vFL&ftiM Slffla Ma " "jva i! 1 I. .fi miamimmamammmmamammmmiHHMiu i i . f : r , . -- , . . i Vr -T .iwrt , AWwlT