ty."tfr t 4JWt It l,'" fU' A y v ! ,-ii ? ;& j j . I i. ' J ,,- U tv V : V ' USED ATTTOMO,HTT,Vfl jilMIHW"" (fWW z To Be Sold Regardless of Price There Is No Time Like the Present to Select your car, providing you 'select it from headquarters. We aro determined to clear our present stock regardless of any sacrifice wo make. We have brought car prices down to rock bottom. Never before in the history of the automobile business havo prices been so low on high-grade Used cars as noV quoted by us. 1000 1 USED CARS 'I Take Advantage of This Opportunity You can select your car from us now and wo will hold it until you want it or SELECT YOUR CAR, AND DRIVE IT HOME AT ONCE. TAKE A WHOLE YEAR TO PAY YOUR OLD CAR CAN BE TRADED IN. , BE SURE TO BRING A SMALL FIRST PAYMENT ALONG, AS YOU ARE SURE TO FIND IN , THIS SALE JUST THE CAR YOU WANT. GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 238-240 NORTH BROAD STREET Agents Wanted OPEN Dl1 iininiiiiiiEii iiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiu, It's a Question of Dollars and Cents. with most every car buyer. Von olirtnl naf 1 flfV value for you' money. But do you always get it? You can pay more elsewhere but you cannot receive greater service or more value than we offer you. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE SENSE 1921-20 BUICK Tourlnir: same as new also Town Tar Sedans. Coupe and Roadster; Jfl nvrMfnl me( into. ' rnd't'o-l 1920-19 REVERB Touring and Iloadsters: n I c v I v enulpned and perfect mechanical condition 1920-19 CADILLAC Toxirintc and Tie idnt r. nino 4 Ho r1n' In nhnititft't twrfct rnnlltl n 1920-19 STUDEBAKER l.tk. nw: Sdan and Rim liters; WT. 1lnprt w h wl 1921-20 Scripps-Booth Tourlnir nnd Itoadsters three are dandy small cars with all the quall tl s of lnr"' rnrs 1920-19 PAIGE Larchmont; verv fast and classy: also Sedan and Roadsters; very low 1920-19 COLUMBIA 6 Coiiiw nnd Touring, run 1140') mlle, T' n m now rnr 1920-19 APPERSON Snort ifodoi, u lirnutlful lilh'h-clami rn- in itrptint rondlttnn. 1920-19 NASH Abko'utflr llko new In ev ry detail; tra eipijnnirnt lnw nrlrprl H DANIELS 8 Sport Model; a air ou can be proud to own, equal to new In every detail. RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE CO. (All That the Name Implies) 249-251 NORTH BROAD ST. Send for nnnrnln IlulVtln OPEN SUNDAYa & BVRNINQS Arntn Wanted m Ctsmuinr.iniiiMiniiriiinuii-.iiniiinii'ui.iiiiiiiiiiMrnninniuiii.nn'iniriinu'uiH'iiiiniiiii'.ii'miii.iiii: aiauiiiiiii!im,iij'ii:i:uiMi!ii.iiiiDiiij,iii!i!i:j!!iiiii!iiiiiiiiwiiii!i!U!:iM GEORGES USED CARS PROVERB No. S PIlie Man Who "Rubbers" in the Race Often Gets Off the Track Before the Goal Is Reached. Shopping often leads a car buyer to reach the wrong goal. The wise buyer plays safe when he comes direct to head quarters. Our reputation for handling dependable high- grade cars is far reaching. 192119201919 BUICKS DODGES COLES MARMONS MAXWELLS OLDSMOBILES CLEVELANDS OVERLANDS STUTZ FORDS ROADSTERS AND VERY EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED GEORGES AUTOMOBILE CO. 338-40 N. Broad St. BROAD AND CALLOWHILL STS. AQENT3 BEND POO PRRH DIILLETIN nn TlB vii?.1. l.hl with express boily, chussis dlilon ,.,im ' "Pamteo and in vxtuilvnl cun oi 'i'" PTaime tlnio pujiiioiiih to suit I Tll i?5JC.lJ,n'. Priced VW rensunalily I'srwI."".1" HAI.IIH AND SKHVIl'IJ I'LI in) 'it.t hIk BUICK Kiiuji , 1117. In i iTfcn nu'ch u. lent ntniltll m renilntm un hun U 111 Mali tn ,...11, ...... .... till hamni'o ninnthlv 1'1'MI Whil BUICK .Co.. inc. fl tourlnu; like new, I2'0 down halani'e terms, nova! Motn.- Cat (120 N. Ilroad at. Onon Hundny. j . rr i - - - STEARNS t'ou modsl. Call p, -at ( POl'LATl 824 I f$' Uclnt,AEI Jl8,, l'OlOAI) OTREBT 1 TJSE'D ATITOMO'JII.'Ea v. SAft OUR SALE INCLUDES 192119201919 TOURINGS, ROADSTERS, SPEEDSTERS, SEDANS, COUPES, LIMOUSINES, ETC. EVERY ONE A REAL BARGAIN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS i!ii:ii Easy Terms 1920-19 STUTZ Tourlnn nnd Roadsters: nicely equlpn d: A-l michnrleul condition nnd I'l.rt n-w l.i tpnrnrnnr 1920-19 CLEVELAND Tourlne and Roadster: . orlalnal paint and can't m dlstlnnilshed 1921-20 MAXWELL Tourlnir Rnadstnr anil 8din In the Mrv bout mechan'cnl condition: In', nrli-o PACKARD nmdtpr nxr lent n.cianicni con 1920-19 CHANDLER Sport Model, wire whee's; also all othr models, all In first-class con dlt'on. 1921-20 HUDSON Speedster, en near new; run 2HOO miles: also Sedans. Coupes and Tii.i r 'ike new car 1921-20-19 OAKLAND Tourlnc: wire Wieel". run 70') miles, also SoiUns Coupes and Roadsters and ot.iei models, very ! 1920-19 CHEVROLET r it piiual lo uov hImi dther tn fr M" mndlflnn rtinilo' 1920-19 BRISCOE A very hiBh-o una small car that will render plenty of food service. PACKARDS VELIES STUDEBAKERS TEMPLARS TOURING CARS CLOSED TYPES WANTED OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINOS DIU iiiiiini. DODGER Si'iluns, lN.i-L'0's, liarKaln, 01!) Hr.il I'oi.lar THi'O Onui. bnmliv HTANI.KV ArTfiM''im.n co. OVERLAND s,na I .t-iuksmiiT tuurlntr. )'0 model, I2U0 cash, Ual ii n m t h' ' 'It 'r' st OVERLAND ." (in -.sun rr, rmall silun i'i uo.jiI inlltloni sm.ii! cish jitnaiiihijtinr monthly man Arch frifjri (.iii). : like now Htanlt-y rUlW Autumplillu Co,. 01U N. Ilroad st I'niilar 7-.'0. fTjccTI Cuslom-liu'lt Wo!'1?'!.. P" KlOOllL modal. Call Poplar I34 H. . MclUCHAHJj, 1810 POPIiAIl BTnEBT , ; ,;.:, ,v.:.V EVteNINa .PttBLIO LEMEPHTJlABBLPmA, TISED ATJT0M0BTXE8 PlIBmBDwralmnTOIIii 9 VERY EASY TERMS Send for Bargain Bulletin Rebuilt Vim Trucks Repainted nnd equipped with new tires, tubes, extra rim and tools. Guaranteed A small amount of cash required on delivery, the balance in small monthly payments. AH standard style bodies in stock. Vim Motor Truck Co. Hroad nnd Huntingdon Sts.,Phila. W M Oreen. Jr MVr. Used-Car Dev IIIIII1III HENDERSON GIANT CORD Special in Two Sizes Only Guaranteed First 8000 Miles 30 x 32 $12.75 33 x 4 24.75 Mall Orders Filled Samo Day Orders Received UNIVERSAL RUBBER CO. 234 N. Broad St. OPEN SUNDAYS AND 1'hone hpruce 2 EVENINGS 248 RnniuiimKUTuiitiriiumiirttiiriiiiCii'iri; iriiiuiniinuiniiiniTiiiimuiinnriJUiiTimin'miii REAl, ESTATE FOR SALE CITY i!i!i!!ii!iniiiiii!i!i!:iiiii!iii:!;iiiu!iii::ii;!! 103-13 S.30TH ST. MANUFACTURING SITE Wharf. P H. II. sidlnej 30th at to Schuylkill ,10,000 si n IIS fcot on lllter, over C.F.Simon, 112S. 16th St. IIISII Most Desirable Location for restaurant nsar 13th & Chestnut Streets Utnt or salo Immediate Possessioa WILLIAM KLAMEN ri:ai. kbtatk ND titi.i: HI.DO, ONLY aTaii RIB bargain; Sta E, Dakota t., rt rooms, plpeless heater, lame lot tu rear stri-el excellent condition, terms reu- Koiiublii Appl) ili.'2 Chestnut at " second floor CENTRAL BUSINESS LOCATION JAMES D WINCUELL 17TH AND HANSOM HT8, 1800 CASH REQUIRE!) rorcn front, a rooms, tile bath operf fireplace: elsctrlclty and asi hot-water hiat.M42N.ilth st. Vnr purilrulars call Woodland 4B14 J, 3UTII AND LAlllHWOOD AVE. Store an! dwelllmi, modem thniiiKhnut; $12,500. Ilnanced llemiinlwr "CROHS" standa for jill that's 'pod real state cT.iyVEI.VSD, J '.' b'ek North t Three doslrabln nonirt, rentlmt 122, will lilne ll'.."'0'''-,1" ,,ne-,"r '' J. R. MAHSKY S. HON 13th and Qrecn. Til.1l N 7.TII HT imtnedlato possession. .fe till AH nMIBl hil MAlsia ... . ' UOnil oantui i"i i. nn--1 wu twin iYHn uilAr J n MABHKY SON, lflth and Orcan " :l,13 McKEAN Htune purih, alectrlo Ilsliti lnn.i ronuiit..'! -. ........n ..nu i.'uiiii 1.1UUU. WM, C, HEYHE llh nnd Hiudtr avo. 172ft-2a-32-48 S TAYLOR ST Six rooms and bath, rent $2.1. earh I2N00 WM O HKYHW lKth nnd Pnvder ava. yoi7 N 2.vril ST Th Hi.,r. s-oiltl brown ln.. front, "Itiht looms and 1 u t tun out 1 ii...n limit t'o" weinil d In- owner. aTiTT .'.'.'4 Hi-mi i s r -I'umii TtZjIu ii moms nnd tmtl n nt J.1 each, J27.'ii) WM f HKVDE I it' "n.l Snvdor uv, i 1 'EIV'".V.' T -Thf s -r. r looms nnd b.tth..3W. .... , . ( ill 1 U'1. i t"i mm nn-ner avff. TIIIIEil (I room It ti" with li.nn nir-oe'ii loiiv.iiUncis, mnlrallv; located, nret-n- Amerlriin U a " ' I"." ' '"' t UARAIIE or storusu liulldlnifl 30x7N, 4711) X Hrond st ' U2J a NTH Stora and 10 rooms! Italian s Hon. must tie sold II1.AH1, 180.1 H.'17th. a01 B. HEMUK'ROMR--7 rma.t Mood condl easy terms) vacant. Doliher, Hi ft TUtr. . , kyiM MoToRTriVCKCW &kMIUMlfBISJ' J' ,,r .lU-n... J : .' '-I HEAL ESTATE FOB SALS , city pmRWMymiMOffllEIM! And Bungalows GET PRICES ON READY CUT COT.TAGESj MATERIAL ONLY, OR WILL ERECT. Manufacture hr 77 H. BASTBEHS CO. Coll. phone or write, THOMAS L. ORDISH Holders' Excbanpe, 18 S. 7th 8t.. 81) HT . N. 47 A fl-story brick business property. 22x10.1; possession; easy termsi excellent property for any wholesale or ro tall business; especially hosiery or shoes. OTH ST., N.. 80 Northeast corner of Cuthbort lit : 4-story store property! posses elcn: a bargain. STH ST , N . 2.1(1 Pour-story brick store Propel ty. 10xn0: posscseljn, rasy terms. CHESTNUT ST.. 10 Four-story business property! elevators cosy terms; In the heart of tho wool business; close to hoth ferries. 8U.MMEH ST 1027 Extending to Winter St.! 4-story brick dwelling; nt slight ex pense could be altered for business purposes! possession! 20x131, easy term OIRARD AVi:.. W. 1 12.1 Extending to Flora st.s 8-story, atde-ynrd residence: J4 rooms: good location for physician, dentist Ladles' ta'lor. apartment, close to Ilroad St.: easy term' CHERRY KT . 807 Four-story business picpertys 1Tx142s elevator; Central! a bar- RIAtEHICAN. N , 2024 Extending to nodlne St.! 8-story brick and basenrent manufacturing hulidlng sr.xllo. electric ele vator, boiler and enitlne; possessions railroad aiding can ba a cured; easy terms. JIA8T1IAUM HHOS & FLEISHER 144 b. i-enn sguaros r Central Apartment Hotel 70 ROOMS, lift RATHfl; MOSTI.T ? ROOM-AND-RATH St'lTHH. NO IIOIJBB KKHIMNO Al'TH ; rt'RNITtmn FOR HALF' THE SIIITBH, F I1U. KQUHTKD DININO HOOM HtOH-(M-AHS FOLLOWING. 7 STOHIKS, KLK- vator. rmnruooF constui'ction; CAN 1JK FINANCED WITH $20,000.00. ' LUTES 703 WALNUT STREET l.SKl-an IM1KJI3 AVE.. l!7.O0O snuaie fet. 731 Corinthian ave.. IS rms , .' hatha, elco. inns-nj Ctreen 14 apts.. HRxISII to street. flOn N 2:td .1 flats, mod , he-it, eleo mnn Fnlrmount ave.. 1.1 rooms 2 liaths. 170. Jit Vernon, 4 baths eimy termi. H.la N. Kith, n baths, electric llahts . 2110 Tin Mc 2 story. 7 rooms, electricity. 1721 Mt. Mornon. 14 room. 2 baths 722 N loth. 14 rooms, 2 baths side yard. 1431 Orden. S rooms 1T.21-2T rurrlsh. r.(1xl77 to Olden, On Tark'av at Vine at , 4.1x110 WonilRI.T. ft CO. r.11 N 17th Stores for Sale or Rent Front street near Dauphin street: excellent location for retail business. IMMEDIATE POSSF.SSION WILLIAM KLAMEN LAND TITLE nUII.DINCl WM. L. CRAVENS SONS 2011) COMJMIIIA AVE 2031 W Oxford, S story, It rooms. 1HJ2 Wondstofk, a-tory, 0 rooms. 2217 Montgomery. S-story, (I rooms. 1700 Master 3-story, 12 rooms. 2010 f. Umlila, store & dwlK vacant. "01.1 Nio'mlas 2-tlorv, 7 rooms. 20th lt'iWe ep atfacttve t..re A dl 1703 N 2'ith 3.tory dwlc . good cond inn N lorn .ST, Logan. nev. Bar.. Ilioon 1110 N. 23d st.; suit apt., cor Norrta,. 0500 21.13 N. Sth S room: renoiated 4O.10 2SS3-B-7 Reese at.. 7 rooms 2.100 .Mil-It N Oarnet. 7 rooms 2(100 adSS-n Falrhlll, 7 rooms, rent $2t 240n 1230 Montrose St., l rooms, Italian.... 210 i 1.10 W York at., 7 rooms . ... 1700 1.117-0 Uaul. side yard, rent $1.1. Tollsh. 1450 8. C AHERNKTIIY. 1S2H Chestnut st; STOP- Do you know that Kenslnifton ave Is the busiest stn'et In the northiast? Wo have n larfte list of stores JOHN T. DOYLE KKNMNOT1N NT) ' ' I'nill KOH HAI.K Now houso nsiw occupied 7 rooms and hath, hot water, electrp llahta, laundry In hasimpnt, Inclntod porch, h'araxe In roar: residential sect'on, '.' pauarrs from (llrnrd estate; easily financed, '.'115 a, lst st Apply to Nlil-SON C. ItOWI.Ey. IVtli nnd Hnvder v. Oreaon 1207 , 2136 N. 7TH STREET Vacant, well-built 3-story 0-room dwell Inc aood condition, price attractive. WM T. ritAVICN'H HONH 2010 Tolumlila avo. KOH SALE RMAL.U CORNEK ON 17TH ST. NEAR DE l.s,Ni'EY. CONHIhTINO OV I HOUSES, EASILY CONVEHTIHI.E INTO APARTMENTS. OK AriOIIT DIVID1".. J A PATTERSON 130 H J.ITH you won't iTvi UOINO" .tustTce TO yoi'rsj:i.f ip vou Kind this opkick nr.MEMIIER "CROSS" STANDS KOR AM. THAT'S OOOD REAl. ESTATE BUM A.M I.Alt' llW"1' . i' 1747 N. BEECHW00D ST. Good dwclllnc. colored section. 8 rooms. price low V.I I.. CRAVEN'S PONS -'010 Columbia. 1855 N. 12TH STREET ,1-story. 10 rooms and bath, h.i ionenl nntos. CHAS. W. MILLER. li01-7 Cum- monwealth llulldlng MAKE our rent buv our home t-mill cash p.ijinent and monthlv imramt therenftr will buy any one of our modern houses, some yi optional opportunities l JrtCib M.uk- inann Inc., cO'l Flnancn TlhlK LARC1E modern Itaraiti', .apaclt b(. cars, northwest euitlon, villi flnanie. H.J.FASY, 18th & Thompson Sts. Uullillnc lits. Fintnr Sfs Ktf. 12U KT. un Rldgo avo., 2HL' ft. on Lemon si , l.'l ft. on WultH loitu-r. 3 truius jr.O.m Kl ft . 7 bloiKs from C.t Hail un dnect route to Delaware River Ilrl Jtf i. possession. Worrell n.1.1 N. 17th si. 8ITEH, railroad Pentn and Reading j:00n p.t acre and up. H1ETERIC1I. 737 W.ilnul HohlnesH Prom'rlti'w mid KtorrH S, W ... htli u Chest. lJU-Uj S. Utll st. 12th it Sansoni 317 S Juniper st. NW llli.'i 7 Walnut st. 33II-83J S luth st. 1201 wninttt st. 1217 waim't si .1 A l'ATTERSON ISO S 1,1 M ST CHESTNUT near Otli Modern l-siory-and- basi'inent commercial bulldlriK lot 2,1xl.ri0 ft. to wide st ; only fio.noil cish required; urlv possession Phone Walnut 1 07 . VOIt SV.LE 110H-1114 Wiiltui si . opposite unumuer ot uommorce. 1 A PVTTKRICIN 110 S I.1TII BT P.M'torles VitrrlionfH. Mannfnct'irltir rioors KAl TORIES Ill'NT C KOR SALIi' KLOOI13 TOR S. TO.MLINKON. Jit . MM- COl.N Ill.DO. INDl'STRIAI. PLANTS AND LND J. I.. STEVrNSO.V i. SOS' I.AND TITLE tll.DQ. KACTOR1I.S for sale tin rs fur rent ter 1) Itnttner 1421 Chestnut st rACTORIES. warehouses radio ids. call llnnm-e lllKTERICII 737 Walnut si Stores nnd Dwellings 2249 S. 2 1ST STREET l. a rue modern atoro and duelling In hluh-class residential section Immediate possession price and rea sonable terms of purchaxu upon ap plication tn BURTON C. SIMON llnln nhnne,. N W ror '.'Oth anil Pussvunk ave. S iil1Ulili!!lllli:i!l!!!IiLI!!lllll!U!!!ll!ll!l!i:i!l!l'i!l'i:iiWll'll!IIJIllli!l kce Cream and Confectionery 30.11 KENSINGTON AVE. On account of akkness, property, slock, llxtuiua, etc, $18,000 JOHN T.DOYLE sj!-- ifflmeimrnnraamaMnrt IBJ HHWllllWHtlllH.lt WMll"""" REDOUT GARAGES I IT " HID p inffi " WBDNEDAt, BBAfr ESTATE TOB BALE west m 1 1 1, a nr.i.riiiA . ie 0 ' IE These Elizabethan Stone Airlight Homes 49th St. Below Spruce St. BUILT BY ROSE CONSTRUCTION CO. OfTer you every known modern feature, including garage. Their compactness insures supreme comfort. ated on high ground in desirable, high-class neighborhood. Only a few of each type unsold AGENT ON PREMISES WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO. Selling Agents 8 South 40th St. ffliBiiiiiiriiiiiiraiiiii SALE 4 1 3 S. 46th Street Semi-detached home, with garage. Very attractive residence in exclusive and restricted section of West Philadel phia. 15 rooms, 2 baths, laundry, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, electric light modern in every respect. Low Price for Quick Sale JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 Chestnut citt . i. n flnriie- . UAItAOK FIIOPEHTY. 224 Arch 7000 square feet, rare opportunltv JUM .mca.na 1.1.1 nwner Llnnerch. Pa. Wl'.vr PI1ILADKLPIII TAYL0R & SON 522 S. 46th St. nullt by Slegol, modern and hand- melv nppiilnti-il In e r re-re t in closed porch: rear Bun parlor JlS.000 4922 Chestnut St. Prlco reduced to I water hoat. 2 baths 2, Ooo nlec . hot urasuall attrac- live nnlan. Opposite Clarks Park Unexcelled1 outlook and surroundings; hardwood floors throughout, elec , hot water. 2 baths; open hall, til. 500. 4516 Pine St. Restricted section; beautiful location. 3 sty., porch fiont; tll.OQu, must set tle estate. 514 S. 45th St. New and modern garnge In rear: worthy of our Investlnatlon, 111. loo. South 42d St. Stands alone: front and side porch, mnderrr, price, location and outlook cannot be duplicated, ilH Ann w o-7 on o Arsrv i ot- mz-zv O. -4U1H l.iiiiwir MODERN HOMES 1200 nik. S. Edgewood. Or & bath MiOO lllk. Ellsworth. 7r & buth 5H07 Wll ows av Or & h . Inc m'h 930 S n.lth St.. 1 rms. St bath Sti4 Ilaltlmrre eve , Or. hath gar illOO lllk. Washington av.. Mr f. I, (1041 Ellsworth S rms , bath gar 112(10 ink. Carpenter lor 2b. sar r.von lllk. Alter, 1 ims & bath 1000 lllk. S. flOth. 7 rm .1 luith JOuO lllk. Wash'ton av.. Sr & hath MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY lO-'l 3. (10TH t-T OVERBROOK SECTION An artist ur a dnclor n In line .'sted In this sulistantlallv built nlt-stone resl denco of modern construrtlon the detail nnlsh Is most unusual tun nf tn thud floor Is equipped as a studio, a virv co.i venlent location, with unohstrui mi and most-imuinic view Lambert & McDermott 403 N' Hill) ST. Ill'l.llnvr ar?T . . Ji CORNER Larchood axe and 4."iih m ' Three story rerlderco with i..nmi5 ..rui Ige. 2 baths li.ir.lHO.nl puis, tot-wnter beat electricity, reo ntly cumpiteiy reno aied: rellned residential nluhlsub md . ip--ilally attracMve price vacant F.ugena L. Townsend B B c r I'lth X- Halt nnie aw PHONE S'lerwimd 0JN4 and isk Mr I hand' ler about an unusuil bawaln in a ttluoo home. 7 looms w ih Inrlu d hnited porth brick fireplace t lid buth. h -w heal ebc trlclty. hdw floiiis. eti don't henltate Its pi nl ably what joun bivn waiting lor' better risk th phone oil HKDl'CED for quick sale Nnw'l.n.u-n n4o7l Willows ave, with gnragi . best value of. fared anywhere, com turns now home every mod. uppolntmont, heated porch in closure, examine this bofore j.hi putchaae Paul H Stull 1421 Chestnut st SpiuSe "nil .toil Briu.Mir U'.i.jj .wis-riwu slorj. eieu. trie light hot-water h4t Inclosed pouh h.i rdwood floors thioughout, nossesslon. guoil tondltlon. JOS ALLEN POTTS 400S Jla'timorn. ill.l N. IhTU - Thre- i-ioiy s. i i. , modern baths, eliclrli light leat. paniuetry fli .ith, tlrst and ,., I.uutlfullv flnlshid nch"d. . hm- Miter nnd fluors JOS ALLEN PUTTS' IIIH.1 lliiltlmnra .1100 eHsh mi ir i siv 7- oom home lie l)i -li , ,n, Jlhl.n j wph en - ii , iiiinn nous Kor.H .PR ltd U2Q 1 HI "XT' 'T MT 21 N HIRST T T.ui-ty p.inh fioni, u rooms nnd bath CHAS W MILLER 1JU1-H7 Cominonneallh llld USf N, I'BMUN ST Mm water heat elic tilu light, hardwood tloora. all convenl- ences. Inquire on prenil es FUR QUICK SALE owner will soil A83U Mai- oolm. at.. 7 must., i ruuius, mva,, uioi. liorcn. 1 ,l32i financed on S800 cash. Prion llel. o 'a st. ATTCfXJST 10, 1921 REAL ESTATE gQIl SALE WEST PHILADELPHIA roomy Situ WYNNEHELD 54th and Gainor Road "THE LAST WORD" In Home Construction and Completeness 2-STnRY SEM'-DETACHED HOMES With 4 and 5 bedrn ims and 2 bsths - nnkln- .' d stlnct sulte large garaire maids room with bith dis- tlncllv .pari fn m rent of hou-e NI1W IDEAS OF r.iailTINU riXTL'HES FURNItllED SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN FUR INSPECTION DANIEL E. H0GAN IIUILDEH ON PREMISES. OR 007 N. 40TH ST. Pass north to liala car on 82d. direct to 34th and flalnor road. I fare: near Wynnelleld Station, Pa, n. R. ifiiiiiiji;!iiii!,ii!ii1i!a!Bio,ii!i!irii:iiiii!iiiiiiiii:rraBrin!iiiiira Oxford St. Homes IN OVERBROOK 4 RFTiTHV ,t HACK ITUnWAT PRIVATE GARAGES SAMI I I HO"Sr (I03S H 1 A CW LEFT Si McDEVITT & MULLIN g fn PremUes l'h..ne Oerbrook 4sn,i feni'ULn'iKiH'iiiit.'iiii'n i':(i.,iP,!n:"?iE!if,rii!,it:i:':i:;iiiiL,'Jii.iiLhi:Mifij:LiHn:iiHj J iiniiiiiHiiiii'iiiiiiiiiaiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiii' All Classes of West Philadelphia Property Wm.H.W.Quick & Bro.. Inc. p 8 SOUTH 40TII STREET 11 iiiiii'Ktiiifiui; I'll , ron s.n Tw : t, us i ana uittaup. for ?.1 car.v csn.t.itv f r i i f tuiilJkntf. hunt m. cation in WLst Philrdiiiiil.i Apiu 6047 Lo. I fj.-i00 elo. MAIN stieet rorh f ont S rooms. IKbl li'.. n,t worth til.'.no. iii'Ki m , nnin anu i.irani. 23HVAI.ToN Ui; Itn p HRIhCoM" 210H Ca'harin.' mi rhi.n- I ocust tl'i'Jd lliilldliig l.nU, Tu tor MIi'k, F.tc. 150 x 100 CEDAR AVENUE, EAST OF COBB'S CREEK PARKWAY Pine bulMInc lot for duel linen, U 8tret improvrmentn inatl. onv a 1 ntore corner W. H. W. QUICK & BRO., INC. 8 S. 40TH ST. Stnri'a and Dwelllius STORK, .Mini ilaianmure tona. 2 f runts hdwd hot-water be.it U A RBI. I, duelling nmi4 La floors elei trlclli 131 S 12th I.) KMANTIIMN UIIH.MAN I i'W N Carpenter station and Lin con dilvi ln Iillly slots house w.ib 1J i mis I n hm water heal lut 40x140 can b made attracthe price l,l V u J I J 1 KSi N co ''h.stiiuiat l.liliMt 11 bu nc Jinmu 2.'4-.'.10 W ruber av immediate iiotieaiilun, 7 rillim lll,l " Iliei h t iiirnuitr fluorN, In XHUHN'ktJIY. laj, Cheat- o-i'd port li1 riujt Wl I.SiSKI. .ii . .un OAK LANE 13A0 71st ue 3 story. datarned In rooma and bath. CilAS. W. illl.l.KU. 1201-07 Commonwealth Illdg. UKTACIIl.u. woionisi rusmtnqa. 12 rooms rcaldtnoa, una A rams: nm ioii simus ami snrub- a.' ti sntae txiy. 8, aummy, eb w. Chua ave. i REAL ESTATE FOB. BALE r.RMNTotr !;M!ffl!fflraiMffl!fflEO!! RAROA1N Would vou" he Intetested In miylner detached atone dwelling Including Ka raite where th- cirrylnt charuea would not exceed 00 a month? The lot has frontaire of Sill ft. and the houso la in sp'endld condition. nnan orbene street This iousa has Just been repriced so that It Is now one of the If st bar rains In the beautiful Lincoln Drive Section I,ot 00x210 12 rooms 2 bathsi electric llfrttti thorounhly reno. vated RURNItAM ROAD A ieutlful compact modern '.ioie lth three baths and aaraae. The kind that affords maximum comfort with minimum house work and the prlco la very reasonable, ALLEN LANE STATION Modern single hnune at less than twin house price Lot 40x120. 2 baths, lavatory; hardwood floors. Ready to move Into. , m'NOALOW TYPE The ioiise you dreamed of A nine room detached bunralow-style home with room for anraae. G LYNDON PRIESTMAXI E R M A N T 0 W 51107 OERMANTOWN AVE. Near Sedgwick $8750 Three-story twin house, 11 rooms and bain, hot-water heat, aas and elec tricity hftrlwood flojrs, near S'dic wl k SUtUn ar.d Ocrmantown ave. trolley, priced low. Bungalow Attracthe all-stcne bnnitalow. with lot loj ft wide, room for carnie, lo cated i ar Allen likr Station. Penna It It I ccmpictlv planned nnd c ntalnlna- 7 rooms and bath, hot water hen' aas nnd electricity, hard o d Hoi rs unen fireplace: built In bo kcas. tiled hath, eto . must be sern to be appreciated, prompt posses sion. Single Stone $30,000 Eximlne this attractive all-stnn de tached nou ie near Ineoln Dr've nnd Upsnl Statu n .n exclusive resident hi section of Q'rmantewn c inlnltis 11 rooms. 3 Inths 2 a"ntnrles, ht.t witer hcatlr.ir hardunnd floors open flroplare tc , iaraae. rducjd for quick sale, will not be en market loni. Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ r.noi orrtMANTOwN ave. Fernhill Park Homes With Garages $500 Cash Balanco as Rent Reautlfully Inlehel. eery modern fea ture. looms ard all-ille Idth. with now r semt d. tallied Inclosed be tju porch"! Incosod shed eiictito ilcht. vatuum iuten hot water htat. haid wjid floors 5s-n llrjplace Furnished Snmple Houbo Open Daily and Sunday Take train to W-.yne Junction, 18 m'n utes from Resdlrg Terminal, 110 trains a day. ..r car No .'3 on 13t 1 st to Wayne ave. and Uitkljy st., walk west 2 blocks. Berkley and Morris Streets rRANK A MOLTER Premises IIMIIIiiMlEUIKi GERMANT0WN HOMES 7202-04-fl'l-U) LINCOLN DRIVE Al len lane set tlon. semi-detached ..,.nA Potoniftli ."i chambers 2 baths modern, garage. Immediate g possession, will finance, only 13000 g cash required. Price. 118.000. g 10S QCEEN LANE Detached stone R Colonial 5 chambers, bath, hot- t water heat, elec'rlclty. room for g asrage; newly listed price 10 000. gf 0400 N WOODSTOCK ST Six g rooms, bath, hot-water heat, ex- g cellent home Immediate possession, g prlc J47.'iO. H DF.S1RAHLE bulld'ng sites offered In g CJerm.intown and Pelham sections. g B. B. LISTER & SON I BtU2 GERMANT'tWN AVE. g atiru:.mu;'i iti'iiiiisiniiuiTriiiii'fjLiirrtrnsiiiiJiifjuiiriiiipjinii-nt'ri.-fJfjijjjjjjjfjjf ..7 KA4T PENS ST - Price redmed quiet resld ntlal nelghborhoo 1. 4 -iiua-e from Oermantown a jnut , llrst-class surround igs. lear R. R stotl n and troliev enm ec lien locatlm fcr home ur professional man 11 roums bath notch iiundry con .'nlenee HARI.ES J Si'H AE''EIt Vei non Building, (ieemsntown and Cneitei. aves MAIN NEAR JOHNSON storm t ha d. r P house, well back from street flne lame lot good apartment house bH YT.TF.RS Se 1f)N. IW CUPISTN'FT ST QK l.M nEiraiiranq OAK LANE H"22 rtroTd st Or 2 bnth rsre i;3.".'i York rd 4 bedrooms bargains liimil V llro.id lot 41x100. bare 6.113 Ilroad st 2Wj story nvumn tl.-iif N Sth st,. strictly mod , gar (1320 ilroad st , 8 rms, bath ear 02t Car'.ste st , make onVr Il..-t7 N 13th st.. large lot. 2-car gar SRI.'. Ilroad it. et... stone, 80-ft. lot. 'helten ave. near 12th st.. Br.. 2 b. 0317 umac st . gar., Ur.. 2 baths. Othors up to $".0 nun. HERBERT HOPE ieni YORK ROAD WYOMINO 4KS7 miiiiniiiim;iimiiiii'iiiii'iniMiiittri? ll'linUIIIIIICIIl'lIIIQBfmnO OAK LANE i 6K47 N 13TI! ST Two and pi e 1 1'f u ir . ntonn nnd hmplfl 10 rnmi and liHth itrlotly tnajtrn ur 1 tn ri excellent contlt V)n. 'J pur ifftntn HERBERT HOPE sont yoii r. n vvoMivrj nt rim ii ;iiiiii iiiiiwiiiiuiiniiniiiiiXHiiniiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiitf gllililllUIIIIIIII'llllllllllli'UIH'll OAK LANE l.lO" ttSth nn Utrnt s JMi itor tn ml fttUL ii it lurtte room J lutthn hirlctU m h rti unT in l tUt 1 ful c milt ur- KHrtM1 itrltlBf iiflce w . -cry lov H a r.oni y" l ??i iiiiuiin i' iiiiini'in ery low HERBERT HOPE VOIIK ItAI WYoMINO 4137 B iti iiiiniiri i; !iiiiiiiiiiiiii!'ii!i:iiirii'i'iii"iiliiiiii!iiiiiiiiniiii,iiiiii iiaiiiniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ii!lliiiiiriiiiiii:iiiiliiiiiiili!li!i!iiiiiililllli!l'!:. OAK LANE 03.13 Old York modern h m 4 r unit il lent condition bartun estate qulik sale rd semi detached ro mi buth 4 bed- n I i-p n 1 'r 1 opposite beautiful uitiactUe ptlce fir HERBERT HOPE flfiO! YORK ROAD WYOMINO 4537 viiiiuirnrtiiiiffii I.OIIAN Startling Concession III M IER TKr- l.os.s NOW I NChl .l HIIMI b 111 ll.T I'O SiEI-L A1 110 100 Now $8500 TKRMS AS LOW AS 1.100 CASH SPECIAL PEATCIIES INCLl'DIO TILE HATH MIOWER. INCI.OSMU 1MRCM AMI 1-ARUi: llAlt.Ull; You Must See Them Today 5056 North 8th St. MAURICE LICHTMAN llJl.l'N'lAl. Till M' it .1)11 13IH S, elARKET SPltl i II (1778 1820 HOC K LAND ST Modern U story bride, atml-deluchvd i large lot, 112,000, J. T. JACKSON CO. Chestnut at 18th at. 1 IT uUIH v WW 4& H.23 REAl, ESTATE TOIt BAW I.OIIAN BIX ROOMS and bath, hot-wUr h e ectrlulty. hardwood floors, large pore 14U0O. J. T. JACKSON CO. lloulevard Office Thone Wyoming 0500 . KI'.NRINOTON 2750-52 KENSINGTON AVE. 72 feet front by 14.1 (Irrntular) ft. dept h. Fnienniu location inr auiomooue service station unusual spare f r store room) within few feel of new "I station! stilt-' able for any business) a rial srportunlty" ' 00r"pEn CENT ON MORTfMnfcS ' WRITE FOR PARTICULARS H. E. Dankelmann BROKER J550 N. 5TII ST . PIIILA.. PA. PHONB, KF.Nq 2517 Rf.NKY 5518 N 3D ST., modern, 429 Fisher ave., mbdern. StlR Fal-hlll at., electricity. OI.NET REALTY CO . 5519 N. Bthat. PRANKFORD 1822 E WENSLEY ST - Two-story brick delllnc, 4 ni'tiii, nam and underdrilnid IStiO'l. rasy terms from Allegheny nvnue station, Elevated Apply Room 0. 41 street shed room; two block trankiord North 4th PENNSYLVANIA M'm'imAy IvnnuuniiiBiH OVERBROOK Detached all-stone house 7 bed rooms; 2 baths: flass-lne.lnsed porchl house n excellent rendition one of the best locations In this se tlon: convenient to train and trolley; most reasonably priced. MERION One of the best locations on the north side Hnndsom" Knellsh-stvle hnnses ft berlrnnms nnd 3 hath sun parlor: all modern appointments Onrase for 4 enrs larire stable 2 acres beautiful Planting and old shale ARDMORE North side, stone-and-slucco house; 7 bedrooms 2 baths hot-water heat; modern features attractively fin IshM; large lot with old shad con venient to station unusual value for thla section; price $17 500 HAVERFORD Alt-white Knallsh-stv e house and a-ras-e thnrouehly modern -ilte finish: terraced 'orch Ideal -o-e t r small family: attractive grounds. Conven ient to stntion $21 nun CYNWYD Colonial house and 2-car garage; 4 bedrooms. 2 tiled baths on second floor 2 hedronms :.nd 1 bath on third floor all modern fevurcs large lot: best 'ocat'on on th north side. We.l worth Investigation. LARGE LIST OF DEStnA RLE HOMES FOH SALE OR RENT rrRNIPHED IN ALT. SI'IIURIIS ADJACENT TO PHILADELPHIA ADVISE US YUUU RLUCIREMENTS. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. 1121 CHESTN r ST (Morris lllds I jr - I BRYN MAWR 8(5 Old Lancaster Road IDEAL LOCATION NEAR STATION Lot 01 feet width by Irregular depth. 3-story plastered house 114 rooms, 2 baths). Hot-wa'er h"at First Floor Entrance hall, library, dining room, pantry. kltrh n Second Floor' .' bedrooms and bath. Large closet. Tilrd Floor: 4 bedrooms and bath. Two large closets. GIRARD TRUST COMPANY PHII.ADELPII A JjijiiM;iL,;i;iiii!iiiti;i;i!ii:i!i,i!;iii!iii;;:::ii;iii!i,,;;ii;;i,iii!i,i:.,iiaiii;ii;;iii,i!3a;iiaiffi S FINE OVERBROOK HOME ssss- sssssssssssssssssssssi 1 Price $35,000 J In bent 1 'cation we 1 plann' d n exci ptlnnalh wel1 bu It Larva j front and side porches, living a room dining room pantry, kltonen aundrv. 2d fir 4 chambers J but'' llhctrv 3.1 flr 3 chamber bath Lot 70xl".0 'vlth e ue.-e Ste This lief re s ld Her Jr Taylor WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris Uldg. Members Ph. la Real Et ll.ia d 'lllili'lll m. i tuiiui luinu t uuu iuui im tu m mi uiii in 1 1 m in 1 1 "ii i iii eiu liiuj i j im untii nfuiniaju uixmsijr I MERION 53 - Beautiful Colonial residence In the popular hoi ow-tlle white plastered construction Convsn lent and deslrnhle loi-ntlon with Southern exposure Well pli. nned with center bail llvlnsr room. Inclosed porch etc , 2d fir 4 chambers 2 baths s'eep Inp porch 3d flr 3 chamlert, bnt'i Btorennim Tine large lot 2-car garage. f See Mr Carter 1 WM. H. WILSON & CO. I 700-01-02 Morris UIcIk. '0 Members Phil i Hea. Est. Pourd rTiiniiiriiiiiHriii'ii.iiu'iiiinrniaii'iHiiHiTiiiiiiin'i'.iiiiii'niii ji3ioiii!iiBiiiii!iiei!in!iiiioiiiiiiiiiiii;iiBii:aiiiniiiiiijii'!uiiEiii 1 1 CHARMING OLD COLONIAL HOME 2.67 ACRES 3 House contulning 12 rooms, t baths; hot-water heat, electricity, gas: beautiful grounds surrounded by o d shade, price 18,000 HLHKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE DLDO raciruiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiaii.iiiiiniiffirjffMiiiimHTiCMrmBi! Overlooking Philmont Country Club Close to Pino rd 14 miles north of Kog t'naso. -.f-Hiory stone nioiiern residence, n.ntral hall 12 tm 2 baths steam heat tn, ar .leitiu I'glu Urge ham and gHr ner s husn aitltblil like from spr.ng 21 inns tine surroundings pos s .salon eus terms Mastbaum 1424 S Bros. & Fleisher PENS' SQl'AHE IN THE northern auliuri.un e, t on between lljenslde rhenium Mill irilstown and D Mtvtiiwn we ntti r for sale building sites of all kinds and sues suburban homes from I3MJH to JRO ofiu general farms and lmproed country estatea fiom I30OU tu l.'.'O 1)00 We run till the requirement of anv reasonable buvr Advise L your wants mil what ou me. t to pay for such a proposition and will submit Intsrsstlng descriptions II I IHilWIt Ambler Pa POR SM.E Ijiiudowiie l'a 311 W Oretn wood ave , uttiiiilha corner proparty. 19 rootni. largu lot, r'nnnid throughout: alt- uated In tho lliiest and moet t invenlent -nv7' tlon. now acani i w m I' II McCANy' .1 101 Sliruce neiin m t i 7 l 1 J i nl'.NTItY M Ml. i i st . ping pnri h l,i v nt r setalor central plant with ihsuffeur quart, ra, ne old lml frul' i , r '"i nii'i 1 v "r, hmn'Hra II baths, v on Hrt (loon eon rteam Heat garnga b aunfui lot 1 1-7 ledg a rnd shrub i " P '.I M n !. 10 ai REs iKin i.i ,uiiurb.in bomsii (lomnii.nit to clt I no building lot tract; building suitable fin moving oUturrs or slor nie puriwises J CCltiuEll Agent :I7'I7 Liiiigsliin -t Tiir n . " I HlMllvl.lNK urnur Hint adjoining lota llu aim 1 igetner ii.-ii siuvwaiHS aim s?2'rrrj,rrJ5S,'ffi. ?. ""W . .- ni'Mlg Mil Tn 91 uuri; UTlIAYRHlU. ,PA. lu acrasi n.a'r 2 ata'ai. tin lor development. Wfn. K II . .1 1' VI H 73 m fii 1 ;ji 1 ti si 14) 'f h & .n. -.or Vk niijii t I .' I . . -n"?!, U.y iiarrai ii i