TZWJFfi' wr-..,r', lK fl r- ( ", V K . tft . ... ! -ft' Mfi'i (!..; EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 0, '1921 DE VALERA GREETS FREED COMRADES '1 Members of Irish Republican Parliament Received at Mansion House HAIL McKEOWN'S RELEASE U llll lll'l'll r Ily llio Aworlaleil Prf. Dublin. Aiiff. !. All tin- member of the Irish Itepublicnti l'nrllnmrnt who hnvc been rcleaseil from nrlpon were re ceived today by Kniuoii tie Va'.ern. lrih TlcpubHean leader, nt tin Mnimloii House. Although the meeting wiw iku nf n formal elmrarter. it N iimlrrMtioil that the conference) considrrrd the delrn blllty of innklnK n Joint Mntntn'-iit on conditions nt the llnltyminlur intern ment enini), of which iiiiinli'i who have been released make serloux rnniplnt'it The release from prison of .Inlm .1. McKeown was received with prent relief by newppapers of all shade of unlti'mi. For the first time in main jciir then' were numerous English visitors hen- to day to ntlond the horse uliow Indm. Au?. I). Illy A. I' -After inquiries in woll-itifuriiml ipi i -ters the Dublin rorrespundniit f 'In London 'i'inies learns that ill" I!iwii went pence offer, with certn'u ieerji tlons. is likelv to be lirvi'titi'il li ill- Dall Klreann. An incident which seiiouslv threat -ened to wreck further peace negotia tion between the HritMi tSoveniiceiit and the Sinn Fein has been ovcicoiue. This was brought about eMcrdiiy through the release from prison of .lohn T. McICeowu by order of I'letuier l.ln.wl Giorge on representations fiom Kannm de Vnlera. the Inch Republican lender. McKeown was in prison undei n- viction for the murder of Chief In spector Milirnlh. All t'.ie other mem bers of the Sinn Fein I'iiiliiiiiu nt under detention had been rcleasul. Imt ihe authorities if Dublin Ctle hni fused to set McKeown trie. Tln had deeply stirred the Irish people, Claimed that McKeown should in corded the same immunity as hud granted the other Republicans. Kamon de Valera, in describing Mc Keown in Dublin esterdu said : Com mandant McKeown ty pities in his ,,! mhi everything wc litnr been lighting for . the Irish people ate proud ot him. foi In hi m thev see a patriot and liliri. ' Their history has taught them t. Iom tho idfnl citizen liof duunllcss n,r - ngo and rendiness to sneriliee liiniwif for his country are matihed only by h.s chlvnlry us a soldier." I'arls. Aug ! iDy A. IV 1 Frank P. Walsh. American adviser to l'tiiuuu de Valera, who nrrived heie reeenth from New York, has obtained a ISntisli vise to his pas-port p rmitting him to travel to 1 tuition ami is Irawna: today for the British capital by nit plan-. Mr. Walsh had a jUHsport for a visit to the HritUli Isles, obtained in Wnli ington. but it lncked a Biitih u-- and last week Mioitly after his arrial lie onnnunced he would npph to the II-n li Consulate here for such a vise. Unde clared his tour was personal and with out political aims, although he lias ap pointments to meet Mr de Valera and Arthur Griffith. REPORT $3200 CLOTH THEFT The theft of $'ti!0O worth of loth In means of a forged order was it'iiui'ti'tl ' to the police today by S R nblutt. 42 North Sixtli street The loth war stolen yesterday, he reported TRtTSANS Order of Mutual Protection Bcashorc Outing, Beach Frolic Parade Saturday. August 20 Wildwood by the Sea Arttsun Special Tra n Ches'nut St Wlmrf 7 !i M See Your Recorder iSHIDEHARA ASSERTS JAPAN . FAVORS DISARMING PAULEY Envoy to U. S, Disagrees With Statement Made by London Embassy Wash I nst on. Aug. II. (Ily A. l I The .Tapane c Anibnssnilor. Huron Khldeharii, dli-ngrees with the ollhlnl statement Issued by the .Inpanoe Km bassy In Loudon Inst Friday salng (here was a "certain cm cut of opin ion" in Japan niifnxovable to the American proposal for the dlartniiuent 'conference nnil picdiitiiig "thai the1 practical result cunnot he rn knued upon witli iinj degree of ictlllilence." , The Ambii sudor emphnsUeil the t inlher umi'iinl "llimtitiii of di.tgrceing with Ihe Japanese Umbassy in London bj Issuing ihe following statrnient : "Tile Japanese F.nibiiss) , whose nl tuition was called to the A soclnted I'ioss dispatch from Loudon, disowns am knowledije if III" tateiinnt said to have been issued l the Japanese l.mbiiHs.v at London. Thev stated Hint thi' titled decision of Ihe Japanese (!m eminent to enter the confereti e whole hearteilU and with contidenc" was nli-fiul. made rlenr beyond all misap-nielieii-iiui mid lint their .information fiom TtiMo indiealeii tnat this attitude had the substantial -u t"ii t of the Jap suit's peonle and piess." ll.itoii Slidelurn tegards Japan's ! -1 1 plain c i cut r I ') i onferctiee n t ideiici- lliiil s)ie i eoliliilent of lis suece ssful (nit n:iii PUNISH RES CHECK I HBESKN Lines in Front of Melilla Still Rosistfhg Attacks by Rebels NAVARRO HOLDS MOUNTAIN GERMANY MUST PAY TAX Contention Against Collection of Ex ports Impc3t Not Admitted I'arls. Aug !. i li A. I'.' The lii'llliail Tie. -Ill lieell ll'foi lll.'.l c. the Re fuiiiiuiss.ou t l.m l!ei main s eoiii. ntioiis against the t M c tioli of ''i! pel cent of tn value tit Her nial! epolts as i ustnm duties -.t It n-it lie adiiiitteil The oiuiniss'on lies restn.isl its Li i m tlMit it tnu-t col'eit 'JO pel iclil upon (Seiiiiam 's total evnorts s nu liidi'N figure inn stated the was ipiitt icaih lo ilfseiiss wilii der main suhli-ielloiis fnmi the lo'nl e put Is i i.veied ti te, ill rat '.oils In Kind It was i-t pm tttl Inst week lb it ("er iiumy li.ul prit -"led th.-l the v. line of spoils slmii'd nut ln' ude the nis of taw iiialeinils luipurietl fiom Anient a oi ''' I't'.-e, nor goods it -eMiileil fiiiui lieruiiiiit. ucr gtio Is partly t-nislied ati'o.iil. nor coal and other' "lis st.i'des iMiorteil to the All:'- U. S. Chemist Jailed In Berlin Iteilln. Aug ' - A. l'r.iiikforl di piit h lo the Hoei'sen X.eilung sms ir Niitlian V.i ii Stone, a I'liit-agn i-heinist, has heen senieni-ed to four months' iin oilsiiiiuri'iit by the criminal court theie on ,i chiirge of attempting to hi Ihe a lii'i.nst in th" employ of nn aniline con eein n l.iidwigsliafeu into beluning n tor, tit set ri t-. H.v the Associated l'rehs I .Madrid. Aug. 0. Spanish forci , t'ontliiili to hold positions south of .Me- I lilln. Morocco, where they have been resliting determined Attacks by rebel- lions trlbe8iiien for the last week or mure An official statement Issued last niht lo'd of suppllis of ammunition being can-led into the towns of Sldl , llameil and Atnlayot bv a column of Si'iinlsh troops, but the presence of Moors tun tli of those towns was in- tl'cated hv the sfatemciit Ihut Ihe col umn hns loMf two killul ami ten wound ed in defending the convov carrying the munitions. It is dec'ared the Span ish have ctab'ished themselves in po- , silicas dominating the town of (iouroii- goll ituieral Nawiuti. whose death va it'porli'il here yestenlay. apparcnllv is nil alive .ind still direeting tlie ilefense if Mo 'nt Atr.iil The ulliclil t-iiiteiiinit issiinl last night ile'lureij tliiil the wiik of t.'kln.' piis;oiis to Mount Aim', which has heen can ed en by .lirplaue. continues, Imi n is nildeil the neon is s-lits in liii'i-M i seii .teiliii The Spanish iieanisliip llcilu'r has siined i'iiiiii Oiuii. Al'jtte, i, it- Mi'liini. i. ii lying a Spanish deiachment whitii tie I iieni.s the Fleuih trout Icr on July J! I end was teuiKiai ily interned. The well, of Inndiiia a t nsid.'i.ib'e bodi of men -ten liciM of Mc'l In for I lie puiposc titiik!iin ihe ii"ht Oitiik if the Mo loccan tribe-men. and possibly thrent i nlug thiii line of I'tuiiinuiiii'uliiilis t I i en i to have, for the m iiiient nt leant, net with f-il.ure. A heavy stunn 'm U"ti iii-iti" a'oti" tin iiiiillie.iterii Mo nicciri 'ii'ist, and vesv K hiive not l.- i nl'h' lo apjuoai'li po.nts ere troips i. uglil be i'lnded. I'ui.tli.'iiil dispntt'hrs drclaic that the Riff tribesmen, In Central Morocco. I'tive b 'en summoned ly the Moorish chieftains l light mnliit Mpaln, Indhatloiis that a new Cabinet will bi foiincd fi take the ilafe of the Mill 1 1" try now In office arc found In devel opments here King Alfonso confene.l jCKtcrdn) with Count Itomanoiit's, for mir I'lemler., who Inter declared that, (wing Ihe gravity of the Moroccan situation, lie hnd abandoned a vacation be had planned. POSTMASTERS TO VISIT VICTIMS OF MAIL TRUCKS Hays Issues Order In Plan of Hu manizing Service Washington. Aug. fl. (Ily A. I'.l With a view to further "humanizing" the postal service. Postmaster (icnernl Hays today instructed postmasters per sonally to visit the family of anv one injured by mall trucks or other vehicles operated by the service "and see what ' can be done in the circumstances to he'n In the situation." i "This should he done In all eases, re- j gnrdlrsH of whether or not an emplou' i of the department hns been primarl'v, to blame," the order said. POPE URGES RUSSIAN AID Directs Cardinal Gasparri to Ask Nations to Act I Koine. Aug. !. (Ily A. I'. I- An invocation lo Divine Providence to has ten tin end of the tremendous scourge! i hni is iiUlntlng Russia is coiitaiued lit the nppcal of Pope lteucd'ot fr aid fur the sliiMlng and p'ngue-iitllleled Russians, made in his letter tn Curiliin'1 (Jasoarri. the Papal Secretary of State. I m i -i,' a M Ciirstiiins and civ' ir 'd peo ples in itintiihufe generous' j ti this canst The Pope fa It's letter instructs Car dinal liaspiirri to lay the sublet t be fore the governments of the various nn lions for their "piompt and efficacious common action in the name of the love of the Divine Itrdeemer. who gave His blood to make us all brothers." The Pope's letter imnlores nid for the millions of men in the basin of the Volga who nie facing the most tetrible death, invoking unci or from Immunity. "This people, " the letter continues, "although separated from us by bar I ids iiiisitl by long centuries, are. he- cause of their calamity, ucai our pnternal hcait " I PRISONER LEAVNG RUSSIAN TERRITORY State Department Is Informed Americans Will Arrive at Jamburg This Evening CRANE REACHES REVAL Ily Hie Associated Press Washingleu. Aug. 1). The Slate De partment was informed todiv b its reiiresenlntlves nt Itiun ami Iteval that Americans who have been Incarcerated at Mii"ow were on the wny lo the front'er jeMciday. Thev are expected to arrive at Jaiuluirg this mutin;. Ugi. Aug. II. (Ily A. P.. A mes sage received heie todav h.v the Ameri can Hed Cross from Ucval. l-'sthotiin. sms thai Charles It. Crane, former Fniteil St Mi's Minister to China, and I four associates arrived at Ileval last night on their way from China to the I I'nlted Slates. The, icpoit leeched al Iteval last, night that six American prisoners were tine to ntiivc lodav at Camhiirg. F.s thoiiin. appears lo he a mistake, as the ' nies-age icportiug Mr ('nine's aihls t lint no Amnlciiu irioneis arc iNpeiteil lo come out of Itussin by thai mute The Soviet ('overument imlay Issued latl-lies. leinlliig to how a greater i (To t to co.nhat hitnsi r than in other filliiine veil's. . Aicoiding to these stat'sllcs. Sovitt relief is progressing well, and claims are made that it is po'slble. with lim ited facilities, to transput t food From June .'11 to July 20. it is c'lilmed. ."(I.IHM) peasants, who have been forced lo live on grnt-s, hint1 officially migrated to fruitful Sibriia by the Moscow Karan 'Hailwav. while 41.00(1 already have been transported on the Volga Kiver. Iondon. Aug. II. Thousands of Hits- slan refugees are iKiurlng Into llrcst I.itovsk, Poland 2000 a day mnnv crawling on hands and knees, too weak to stand, and scores dying In dugoilts along the roads. , ... An appalling picture of Ihe desola tion, ilrnth and devastation In the fam ine areas In Itussin Is given by F. ii. Thompson. In charge of the llresf IJtovsl; district for the American ltellcf Administration and the Ruropcan Chil dren's Fund, who nrrived here Sunday night. CENSUS TOTALS GIVEMALES SLIGHT MAJORITY IN STATE Population of 8,720,017 Shows Sexes Almost Equally Divided Washington. Aug. II. Pennsylva nia's population of 8,720.017. an nounced today by the Census Bureau. Included J.4211,020 males and 4,2(K).I!97 females. The decade Increase of pop ulation was III. 8 per cent, the innlel2..1 and the femnle IT)..'! per cent. Distributed by color and race the figures show 8.4:'.2.72 whites. 2Sl.."i08 Negroes. i'7 Indian, 1S2II Chinese. 2" Japanese nnd .'02 others. The whites Increased by 12.0 and the Negroes tiv 40.7 per cent. The foreign-born white iiuinlered I .;'H7..S.i0 In 11120 against 1.4:58.710 In 11110. New York Slate's population of 10.:iH.-,.227 included ri.lS7.a."0 males ami ri, 11)7.877 females in 11120. During the preceding decade the population in creased 1-1 Per cent, the males 1J5.1 and the females 14. S per cent. The totnl population divided by color and ran was 10.172.087 whites. 1!I8.42.'5 Negroes. rioO'l Indian, ."."a Chinese. 208(1 Japanese and 7.'l." others. The whites increased Kt. 1 per tent, while Ihe Negroes increased 47.0 per cut. The foi oign-horn white popula tion iiuinbeied 2.7M1.172 in 11120 ngnlnst 2.720.272 in l'.MO ACCIDENT KILLS SPRECKELS Callfornlan Diet While Second Wlfs Suet for Divorce Ilahersfleld, Calif., Aug. 0. John D. Spreckels. Jr., of San Francisco, mem ber of one. of Ihe most prominent ftim llle.s in California, died late yesterday In a local hospital following an automobile accident near Tnft, Calif. Mr. Sprcc!tls. a commission broker, I ., 1 !.! A...!..M It'!..... tl.A llu I linil UCCIl 1IU1I rilll IWIir. mini till" llin Mrs. Hpreckels was given a d'votce she gained custody of the couple's three children for six months p year, with six months granted him. Mrs. Sprcrkels Inter mnrrled Frank Wake lleld, n millionaire of New' York. He fore her marriage to Spreckols, she was Miss Kdlth Huntington. Hlircckels' second wife, formerly Mi(H Hndic Wirt, an entertainer, filed suit for divorce in March list. This case was pending when he was killed. The second Mrs. Sprcrkels returned to the stage as n dancer. She was re ported as saying: "Hoclety needs a lot of reforming. '- MAN, 81 SHINS' PLUMTRE1 Safarua Smethere, Berwick V Flrtt Vote for LneM-' C' Berwick, IM., Aug. .-AUb I Is iinf.t elBhty-one years old, 8if '1 nmcnicra nns neen Sliliiiilng" m, ) trees on his lot nnd picking putn' -Pljl vinitj tic tiipninu inn roor nf u. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smothers I,nVe ""V their fiity-sixth year or married ii T Herwlck. Without emlniSMB11,,-,,I teeth. Mr. SmctherH ft '..SM. vlgorouc .Mrs. Hinctlicrs. elelitV "' does her own houseyyork. Mr. SiniH"' ensi ins nrsi vote ror Abraham n. .' lor l'lesidcnt. m ''""ok: 6 Franklin Phonographj l'ormerly rrlcut at $120 to Jt;j Blake & Burkart 8. W. Cor. EleTfnth A W.lnot Si,, iianii'niiBiiiKuaiinniiniiniijnniiinL'i nrnsm SACRIFICE SALE We place on sale cery fixture In our store nt the most nttnciltt prices offend In several years. NOTE THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS, i Lot of 500 Assorted Bowls . Some Genuine Cut Glass 2.95 Others plnlc, otd rose nnd blue decoia tlons Kultalilo for dlnlli(r ami living rooms, t'ompletc, icady to hang for gas cr electric. 1 :, H or 16 In diameter The best is cheapest in paint llecausp it will cover a jrt cater surface better and easier than cheap paint Another reason why Wilson uses only the best. m IGOOD PAINTING SE&W Will stand the test of time EsLabtfjrhad IBSi Protect Yourseir Against Loss We learned from one of our cus tomers, who overheard a convei'sa tion on a trolley car, that a party was just compelled to satisfy a judgment against his property for $100, dating back to 1917. This would never have happened if his title had been insured through this Company. ALWAYS have your title insurance handled by the oldest Company in the field and protect yourself against loss. Inquire at cither office The Real Estate Title Insurance d Trust Company of Philadelphia 523 Chestnut Street 45 S. Broad Street iroi from lmlrpcnilrntr Unit Lincoln ItulldlnK SyphoNatha7 the ditinftctant Ftrmtrly catttJ SatpSo-Napthct It i 4)4 times stronger than the U. S. Public Health Service Standard. Leading hospitals in New York and New England use it. For pertalnal hygient cuta, wounds, dotiehei 8ylphoN'athol ! invalutblr. Dfitroyj germ life, tut la hrallng to the tluucs. Fhyal dans rccommrnd It. Drug and drpt. itorti, 15c, lie, 65c. $1.25. g carton of twelve vffaraaflun I The Gold Seal beauties are I the choicest' of the nest Gold Seal Eggs 3-Light Fixtures complete with gUi feady to hang. Only Regular Prico $10.00 $4.95 4-Light Shower (one lamp inside) Very beautiful dciign $6.95 For Gai or tlec j I Electricians and Contractors. Take Notice This complete 8-room house set of fixtures ready to hang only 48 la THW A. SBm?3w WPr 1 A mwL tliPil iM At all our Stores Value $65.00 Every Fixture it Guaranteed for iti Workmanship and Finish MAIL ORDERS i WE MANUFACTURE Promptly Filled. Send COc extra for Our Own Fixture. IIu.v from im and pmklnc out-of-town nrdern. I nr Ihe niltldleninn'n profit. Pittsburgh Gas & Elec. Fix. Co. i k etogSsj II'IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIiIIU iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i 'i 35 N. 9th St., Phila., Pa. OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE TILL 9 O'CLOCK Eiag Hak iH alH JflVaV bbmm M iaVB T it. mWJL k fr ia m Y r. Pi i J wii cs&l r Mtml f iS iV u MM A-Pl&XW 4Mlluaw :m JMmw w&zm Ma aa ' '- I jamr aw.i- .'lYJaaatr f J mn f t,, The new sugar-coated chewing gum which everybody likes you will, too. A delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum that will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. By the makers of ifk ' j ,- Ml ijjf . : ,. y fr''MTltr riniTifrt - i v t" "'-V . .11, .,,' '-' jM iHiBl LMfHfiinnHaVLLLHBaiLHaLliLLLLLLaL?. as- v- '-.rf ." K JifcfcaialB!aLEaMlfcLLLLM31MfcMBBfcTiBHtMtWaMtai Tav9K In 4 Trips Across America Essex 4 Times Breaks Record Fastest Time Between New York and San Francisco Beaten by 12 Hours, 48 Minutes New York - Chicago Record Also Falls r nnr Kqs.v fniirinw rnro rrvrnn frK . - - .rvwM.... wM..3 wu.j, LU11 J & .a.l- UIOL United States transcontinental motor mails, between New York and San Francisco, have set the time records for their respective direc tions across the American continent. The distance each car traveled was 3347 miles. The New York to Chicago automobile record was also beaten. The fastest Essex time was made from San Francisco to New York in 4 days, 1 4 hours and 43 minutes, breaking the record by 12 hours, 48 minutes. A Reliability Proof That Speaks for Every Essex The average time for all four cars was 4 days, 2 1 hours. These records cover the actual time from the moment the cars were checked out of New York and San Francisco with U. S. Mail, until they checked in at their respective destinations on opposite sides of the continent. The purpose of this Essex test was to proveits reliability, riot merely with one car, but with four. The closeness of the respective transcontinental time for the four cars, proves the consistency of performance and endurance that characterizes all Essex cars. Every re quirement of motor car performance was met a thousand times by these cars, in their cross continent run. Consider that hundreds of cars have at tempted to break the transcontinental record. You have rarely heard of these attempts for the failures have not been given circulation. Yet isn't it a remarkable and convincing proof of Essex ability and endurance that the only four Essex cars that ever challenged for the coveted transcontinental record were in every case successful? WntGLEYSk jmsm After Every Meal" " - W LaT.UftfaT. Vm Remember Essex prices have been reduced $405 to $465 Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car 1 OO 1 Af KT .1 r. - x.o-iu north Broad Street Sales Room, 128-140 North Broad-Service Station, 2400-14 Market St. Co. U35EBg)MMEMMniiiL ini fe PE FLAVOR LftSIi fcsff-y " ia ,.vv iUwa WMiSiiitMmiMiMmiimumi .-. - j v Ni- v-M-K, ;,.,. -jJJM