Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 09, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Image 1

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    7- WW '. (J,f iTgfti
vAyMwwwmKm ' wrm?- wv'mu'vtM&wrys?'. "i
i ' ",,-5i
rt I NIGHT I 'r'i
Uilvi EXTRA '
Eiienmcj public viz
f '
Fair ionUht and Wednesday. Little
change In temperature. Gentle variable
Til) 110 HI 111! l I a I 4 p
-jig-ftl I7.'l 7r 7V 171) I I I I
VOL. VII. NO. 281
Moore in Washington to
Demand Senator Get
! Off Fence
City Executive Takes Field to
Prevent "Return of Vares
From Elba"
Will "Go It Alone" If State
Leader Refuses to Shelve
"Fifty-Fifty" Plans
Battle Against Recognition of
a I
"Ash Cart" Combine Starts '
ill Earnest
Penrose Too Busy to Sea
Moure During Morning
Senator Penrose Is presiding to
day st 1 meeting of the Senate Fi
nance Commitfe. which i expected
to continue until well into the after
noon. Mayor Moore did not fee the Sen
ator thi momiiv;. a nlin-i to
I,ol;htnn C. Taylor. Mr. Penrose'
Mnor f"nre is in Wnshincton today
,,tt Senaor Penrose and force a po
litical erlls such ns eisfc-l fvo years
A(0. when the Vnre orsnnlr.ntlon was
bfatrn to Its 'nees at the pol's.
The i'siie of contractor government
er jOKrnment free from the domination
ef the 'Vh oait." l-ns again bet n -a i.e. I
by the Mnjor. who -howed his fighting
rpirit b highly significant police shifts
The Mnvor announred that it Senator
rcnroe will utand for n "fifty-fifty"
ticket, with the Vrre lend'is sivcu
tfcoenitinn thm tlie Mnnr "'. ill 7.11 11 1
alone." lie followed thi- up In uui'il
departing for Wusliingion In t nii'i't.
Tfnrose Silent on "Harmoiij" i
So far Senator Penrose tins been ,
aflenti hn far ns the public knows, re- j
larding his attitude to the harmony
pact between Vnre leaders and Penrose
lieutenants here.
The Vare-rontrolled -Citv Committee
bas let it be known that if the Vares
must fight this fall then they will set up
a candidate for Ilistrli r Attorney.
probably Judge Rogers, to o poe Dis
trict Attorney Riilnii, Indorsed for re
election by Penrose,
The Mnor's latest move is to force
"show down." drio a wedge between
tbe I'eiiro-e nnd Vare elements in the
Wmbine and then prepare for battle
ith the niil of tlie Independent forces
f the city.
The Major's -tatenirni jtcitcidn'. nt
nee a rhnllenK,. nnd ,icin,i--e. ,-lectrl-ncdpr,liti,-l,nn-
here who Im;;iih culcu'.M
'UK bcMmd the le-ulfs ,u the pni.i-n-.
jnd the gi-iu-nil cleitinti this cnr. The
ar-Bigbtcil nre ool,inS nhenl to the
mate elections next jeni- when n liov
mor will be chosen. A botlv fought
Xnl.l. .1 ' "
-"no nits jpnr niiiv piincturi'
WWnorslup booms and cause
n new
Start of Trip Kppl Secret
nslind in, i..MitK that he . ,, ,., of
I'lVlK I'."""-' A1"11" b.i.l".'ir.
if Ma .afternoon. jni , A.-n.ian. the
if.. '""'JKi'""!. wn in the cnr.
Chan!! 1,11iM".,-,''iB tl'" ear the .Mnvor
thi T..hl.s '' """ "(" ,lll""'' nd tool.
" next train for Washington. Ar-
Sniei,e,,V,a,l l'Wn m'l, b- ""
Mf,ii ',fl'ione for the conference.
Ji"0!1.' "'? clmuffeiir, who bad orders.
nTornt., rl-v tn ",c vu UnU tllis
SStn-"15, "."'T'1 A. (man for the
M. ." "in'.Ivnl- M, "a wpected carlv
,m l! H,,rt''"IS0 "f estei-in. V .level -
IHn.Ili' l,""' "f "" Mhm.i-s burned
7?i V" ''"ik""!-
fni.,f lw'"-M' "l-leli ic-ullcl the
-n vr " -'"i IH-1..1- i:mis
Cj'l"1 "d Hie ilnct.g f i',.r,.i
Kill. . ' "" P"" I" I'1 "J t-ololie
f iiis ,. ...-. ii in 1., , ,,iii.i-i
rnnnU V"1, '"dl"ated. is only a fore
A.'fi.nf,",h"' "tartllng events.
nS fchovvine the .
I"! vvns
temper of the Minor,
Itlntei by one of his friends ns
1 lie hnite nnn iit-cper
nre through."
I'm. , . j.
"tare w,
Commuted (o Rattle
u.yg,- Mo- s
now definitely and
;" eotiiiintip,!
Id n renew a I of th"
:'" on tie ,
V,ht. as in-'
"cm In this, nnd Ins
'are.do'ili,tnd ticket,
luui the bn lng of the
:"" linn,
. . i
"-rs I, .',.,., ,r
In imiit )',..,
X'lotll.-i Upiut l-llll-ent
ill h I i I """ ""' ''' .''"''
IC'll l'iel(. ,u t,
Mil M. f . " ." "v ''"" '" u- iruiun
"lor h iL'"'lB.'.'n'1" rcwt WM Bv,,,
Mh R. Vnll,lnu,,,' nf tl10 Mnyr'H
niiL.! S'."16 Repre,entntlve Franklin
nr KdmondH, oi Gcrmiintown.
"tlnord on p.-c, 1hlrlemToTim7nThr77
Enttrtd Second-Cin,, Mttr at th
Undtr th Aot ot
Wanted: Wife
Step Close but
Chester Produce Merchant
Asks Evening Public
Ledger to Find Her
What Mr. Zoslaw Ashs
in His "Ideal Bride"
She must have $10,000.
Must bo "fnlrly good-looking."
Must, be not more tlinn fi foot 7
inches In height.
Must be n good housewife nnd
have n congenial disposition.
What Ho Has to Offer
Is twenty-three years old nnd
"rather fair-looking."
Wlght, 18S pound.
A high school graduate.
Can swim, dance and drive it cnr.
Dors not smoke or gamble.
Wns In love nn-e,
rndersiands women.
Fdwnr.l 7,olnw wants a wife!
Today he asked" the Kvknixo Pi-nuo
LnnoEn to find bis ideal Birl.
Kdwnrd. who is twenty-three years
old. lives in this city and has a pros
perous produce business In Chester.
Just nny kind of a wife will not do.
for Mr. Zoslaw realizes the seriousness
of the matrimonial step, and bis future
helpmate must fulfill certain careful
Sionrn liPcciflca,lo"' and have
He hns already bad one love nffalr.
but insists that the girl in that is
cxutinced from Ma li.a.t rn...M. .i
flint I;. ... ;. i. i i -"ox, uiiu
meet 'n 2, f.Z r..,eirM,C., ,":t2
meet a whole devotion. In diseasing
iuv uiuiiiT iouhj, ne eniu :
Had Ono Jvo Affair
"T nm verr serfon-i nlinn, .kin m..i t
hope that you will not (rent my rciptest,
"en though it i-j unusual, in a flippant
way. I hnve decided on attempting to
sw n wife in this manner after long-
i mature thought.
"1 l.mn I....I ...... l : , .1
, . lit...- 11, hi nm; im- iiuuir mm wui-n
m 15 riKt
Manager Dismissed by Baker
After Failing to Appear
for Conference
William i:. ("Wild P.ill") rioiiovnn
is no longer mnnager of the Phillies.
I'hls official annoiincement was mndi t
this afternoon bv Willlnm V. Ilaker.
nre-.ident nnd cbief owner of the local
National I.engue club.
"Wild Mill" will be envied bj sunn
two million persons in tills cit. rrom
now until tlie middle of f) tober he.
without performing nn labor whatso
ever. eery two weeks, will draw his
salary, despite the fait that be i- no
longer the club's pilot.
All mil has to do every two weeks
is to appear at tli" ollice- of Mr. linker.
His cheek, which is approximate!) Solid
1 ever lotirte.-ii clav-, will lie waiting
' for him tlieie. The mere indorsement
.on the back of the ihicl. ami the de
; positing of the -.nine in hi hank will
' lie nil the work rcpilicd In the cr-t-
, while mnnager.
Mr. Maker's communique follows:
"Wil'intn Donovan's activities with
the Philadelphia National League Club
for the balance of the sensnn Is lim
ited to tbe indorsement of bi.s pay
check every two weeks, provided, how
ever, that no rules of organized base
ball are broken by him."
What rules Donovan can break in
I wnlking to the office of the club, in
1 signing hi- pn chei k and in deposit
ing it in his iinnu was not nintle clear
b Mr. Raker.
For the present, "Kaiser" Wilhclm
will net in the capacity of pilot of the
HITorts to tench Donovan in Mils eitj
today proved fruitless. He has not been
nt his home for more tlinn two weeks
nnd he ha not been heard from for the
last week. Il is rumored that the former
inaiuiger 1- in Chicago, but the rumor
lid not lie e-lfied Donovan did
cut icplv to the telegram of linker to
1 1 me heie for a confeienec this morning,
and wlnn !'
the owner of
11. cut.
not npncnr at noon
bib issued his state-
Appealed to Imtlls
Last Friday morning tlie news broke
that Donovan was through as manager
of the team. He told newspapermen
in Iliiffaio that he had not been fairly
treated nnd tlint he had appealed to
Commissioner Landis to investigate his
. nse. At that time Wild ISil! said :
"I menu to light l.-r m job. 1 lime
been 111 bn-e'ia I lor lwint siv vear
end this is t,i- "r-t time any one ha
ut ti inptcd to ili-i-rcdit me."
linker replied that lie did not u.e the
bnsiliull trial as a pretext to di-chaige
llonovan, Hint he had only been tem
porarily displaced and that Wilhclm
ContlniiH on 1'iur Two, Column Tivn
Ex-Canadian Champion Knocked
Down Defore Own Gate
Atlanta, (hi.. Am-' ' -I Dougl.is
Fdgnr, widel, Known Intel nntloiial itolt
pin vi r .in-1 w n c hoiet- or th Cii.iiiiliiin
iipeu chaiupion -hip. dleil Lite lu-t uiglit
at a local hosiitnl 11 short tune after
! I. ..I..., I'.....-LimI .Inn 11 liv n n 11 ill iittmliili- In
i.i'liiK n.i'"
front of Ins home.
Tim automobile failed to stop, it was
said, and early today the police weic
without Information as to the Identity
i.f its driver.
Atr. Kilcnr. who wns pioTe-sninnl at
I.ilgar. who wns pioiessiouni
Druid Hills 'iiilf Club here, wns about
forty years of age. Ilc was a nnic oi
M." ndrevvs. Scotland, but had l en
n, iln I ulti I Ntnli n uiimliiT nt yen.
He went to Scotland scvi-i.il month-
I'.?;, n, !hc,,n!lui!.iHe liKW'
in,., prevented his entrance in lli"
vii.ni-ic.-iii oat otin I iinen tournnmcni tins
Miniuier and also wns given as me cause
HIIK n- " ,
il iiw Miiucrtii 1 wns rninci'
noynftn m inti
for bis not defending Ills mniiiiiun tme
which ho won in lwlll and lltl'O. He
mice held tho French title. Hi wife
and children nre vhdtlng In Scotland.
.--; .. c. .. .. ....
PoMorT.c Phlladalphla. I'.
Starch d. 18t
With $10 ,000;
Don 't CrQivd!
broken up. It took mo a yenr to re
cover from tho blow. But that girl is
out of my heart forever, and no girl who
responds to this Invitation need worry
that she will not have my full affection.
"Although I am a very good dancer
nnd was at one time n great lover of
social affairs, since my break with my
tu f love I have not hud much henit
Msf nvo j Hvn not ln, niuch i
f'r running around. . So I have no,
manj girls recently nml feel that
through the medium of your paper I
can get acquainted with just tho sort
of girl I want.
"I want to expand my business, nnd
it will tnkc more money than I have
to do it. That is why I insist t tin t the
Kirl I mnrrv have $10,000. I feo that
1 can persuade the girl to lov,. mi- 1 I
think that if she is the right one that 1
Continued on Time l,i, Inlniiin Dm-
Governor Indicates Clemency if
Slayer Will Exonerate
Former Pal
Sp'riflt tn llvtliPi'l Vr'Htf t'vh'lr f.rrftut
Trenton. Aug. I). - Oovernor 1M
wards Indlenletl today that he might
lottsl-let- cli-,nencv to Itnymoud W.
Mclim-k. sentenced to dentil w'th Frank
J. James f.-r the murder of David S
Paul, Camden bank mevencer, it
Schuek's wife and fllher could cot a
new confession from James exonerating
The father and wife wiio had
p'eaileil in vain with the Governor at
the executive mansion here todav that
be postpone I lie execution ti.-.ed for Hie
the week f A11211W '. left ,w fu'h
for the jatl to see if thev c n.lil priviili
on James to conn to the aid of hi.
fe'low cotivl'l
Gm d nor I'.dvvaid- ici-elved Schuek's'
father and wife -iiortlv before ii-mii.
Tliey came ar eompanied by John !M-. '
rls, James' roitnsel, nmi J Ilusscll
Cnrrow, Schuek's boyhood friend mid
attorney nt the murder trinl. !
The two attorneys did .most of the
tnlkinj. Mrs. Schick weeping in silence
while (lie plea was made for her hus
band's life.
Tlie attorneys asked that the date of
execution tnicht be postponed, in the
hope t lint the Pardon Couit. which
meets in September, might be induce-!
to in f-ivi.iali'' mi 11 petition for coin
mutation of sentence to life impti-on.
"Fven if I gi anted n reprieve," snid
the Governor "it would do no good i-i .
th. end. I hnve made up my mind 111
the case. If the matter came before me
in (lie Coin t of Pardons in Septeuihei .
I should tefu-e it."
I'tider the New Jersey Constitution,
n pardon ran nut be granted if the (inv-ern-.r
ietues 1,1 vote in favor of it.
Shuck's fniliir then nddrcs-cd the
Gov rt nor lrntl. ayitu that he would
tot tv-k 111-- -en's life if he tn-lievid
him uuili .' harmsl.
"1 beli.-ve tl-at Paul was killed," th.
father said. ' In James as tlie ieult of
a private mil pci-ioniil quarrel over
women. I hellcve that Paul was will
ing to he robbed, and that the killing
had not been premeditated. I believe
thut it wns when my boy ami James
were taking him to the ollspital. and
found he was dead, that they fust de
cided to loll the body ."
The Governor icplicd that such fni t -should
luno Im.'ii brought out, if the-ixi-.ed,
111 the will. 'flic Govern if
added t lull if tin re had been collusion
between the pi'Muicis nnd Paul, and
-lames cniild be induced to make u con
fcnion exonerating his companion, It
would have weight in ennbling him to
come to a final decision.
Judge Decides Against Force Named
by Borough Council
V iliciM'-n ot Jii'iuc K.itzciilmcb. if
r w .1 1 -ey Siipienic Coii.-t, ilc-i-itiro-
thit awir Wi hum's mdin- force
In N.i.'oiial Pink is tin lejj.il mic and
tint i'ii I'oi 1 -re. -'din Iiornugli C,,un
ci vvn 1 ill ".--illv tipm intvd.
I'lmi si-ii!(- -i mni tee that has been
agitated -line Manh. when the Coun
1 il i-ieuled a n nv toii-e to clenn up the
town, .ippoluiiug four men over tlie
Mayor's head From the lir-t the Mnyoi
luis contended that ibe new forei- was
.llegal md his ff of (lure men lin
mtinii'Ml to "ii". niiliougli itlmnr
. ,,t
i M. u,,, ,1 . i.. vv i.u.
,,i ,,f si-, ,. ,, l, Un ".i
put in i
w hi, h l,o
,n , . f i--.1 t" -'I' ve
Kh.ri-n Kn.ght. Hold Convention
Cliatlaimo!..!. Iran., An,; i. ( rv
i ,x r.i ri '""'i"i oi.eys
1 I
bnd arrneil here touay lrom all putts
of tho United tSates and Canada to
attend the biennial convention 0f the
Imperial palate. Knights nf KUorassun,
WHICH ei'Vlivil una illuming,
1 BHBHWJBJBaS.MiiffgfcWa
Emma Hallowoll, Jenkintown,
Pities Norman Penrose, Who
Killed Brother
Miss Hmmn Hnllowell. of Jenkin
town. will do her best to save tho life
of Xormnn Penrose, arrested nfl tho
slayer, oi bis brother Ralph, the girl's
"Norman hns to fight for his life
now." said Miss Hnllowell todny at her
home, "God knows thnt ns well ns l
knew his brother. I'll stand up nnd
light for Norman."
Miss Hnllowell, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs, F.dwin S Hnllowell. Is a Biltn
girl of medium height, pretty, with un
usually Inruo blut! eves frlnced with
long black lashes. Her hair Is curly
nnd a golden brown. Her eyes weic
red with weeping, and sbo was wnn
with the strain of recont hours.
She was engaged in some simple
household tnsks, trying to distract her
mind from the memory of what had
happened, her mother sitting close by,
when she was seen in the beautiful Hnl
loweil home today. The family Is so
cially prominent in Jenkintown.
Miss Hnllowell spoke with reluctance
of the (.hooting of Itulpli Penrose, wdio
wns thirty yenr.'t old, by bis brother,
who is twenty-six, in their bonrding
house yesterday at Ogontz.
She would not nflirm or deny thnt
she wns engaged to the elder brother.
"Nothing lind been announced." she
said, sobbing. Tt iR rumored In Jenkin
town thnt she and Iialph had been en
gaged and the engagement broken off.
Sobs as She Recalls Crime
She spoke of her friendship for the
two brothers, especially her friendship
lor Unlph. "Our friendship was dif
ferent," she -aid of the dead brother.
"You see, I had (;nnwn Ralph ever
situ e we were children We always
knew each other: we grew up together.
"1 don't know how it hnnpeiied," she
-aid. "I can't understtnd It " Here
-lie broke down acaln, and obb'd
inietlv. She added "I don't want to see
any tiling happen to Norman. I don't
v-anl to see another life taken.
"The hoys were unusually close to
1 itch other. Thev went nwny to the
war together. Thev were very near
1 :u II other !n .verylhing thev did. It
easn't exactly that they were such
great pals. (01 they were different. 11
wn- mote nearly the devotion of an
Ider biother, nlino.-t fatherly, for a
Called Rrothrr K.xtrnvagaut
"Rnloh wns so sensible. He told me
once tin only dlffeience- he ever hail. ' 0 'l-e p-rt mtp Director loitei
wlth bis younger It-other were about you. Director Tustiu. Director Twin
Norman's extravagance. Norman used 'nig. Purchasing Agent Acker. Superin
to ridicule Ralph because he was sntcndent Mills. Dr. Ilublev II. Owen,
saving. Ralph never would have fought I police surgeon; Chillies A. Hexainer.
with Norman just about mere money. I -ecretary of the Philadelphia Fire Ap
lt wns because he didn't want Norman I pnrntus Company ; John It. Master,
to throw liiH money away He wanted jn-psident of the National 1'lie Appn
liim to learn to be more careful with it. ratus Companv. and John Crane, exceti
Normnn was generous and c.xtrava- . ,-nr ',-hiiiriiuin of the Philadelphia Fire
Mi-s Kliznhetli Connnid with whose
Cither the Penrose boys boarded. wnt
to sto Norman today in .inil. Ho asked
her to 'ee Chief Fenimore, of the
Cliclter-ham Township police, nnd get
pet mission for him to nttend bis hroth-
rontlmidt on Tnee Thirteen. ( nlnmn l"lr
Municipal Service Has Room for
Many, Examiner Says
More women nre urged to take inil
service examinations to qualify for
public service by Chnrles S. Shnugb
tics1 v. chief examiner of the Civil Serv
ice Commission. Mr. ShauchnesHV to
dav -aid thnt women in greater numbers
would undoubtedly improve the -erviee
"Willi the exception of the police and
lire departments they will he admit ted
..nil wclioiued to all examination." lie
inn- ot the most promising lie'ils 1
tiie technical. Draftsmen and as-i-t-.
mil- to engineers nre needed. We a!-o
'need welfare teachers and in ocntioiial
held-. They make good liou-ing inspc -tors;
in fact, nre good nt anv kind of
inspecting work. They make good book
keepers, accountants and nurse. '
One Rider Killed. Three Others
Dangerously Injured
I.chMouii. Pa., Ant !i A i1 .id on
itn-h between Ivo motorc 1 c. mm. ay
seventy miles an hour 011 the State mad
lust west of Reedsville resulted In the
instntit death of one and probably fatal
injuries of threp others late last night
( 1,'irence Hnrb-t, twenty nine years,
of l.ewlstown. wus killed. The injured
are Wnrrcn Snook, twenti -four years.
of Rurnhnm, fracture of e. Ilariione and
Im 'Il leg-, which will have to be .nnpii-
tnted. injurie- probablv fatal iil.ain i
Holt, tvvcntv -two years. Rn n'i nn k i1.
liiictuied, conilltion ii-itn.il !!..-- II .
Fin twenty-four year., l.i M-tuvn
dislocnteil right hip and tut' i ml it.
Gives Man $5 Which Was Stolen
From His Young Son
The plea of Timothy Keen.in, lilllfl
Swain street, whose lwelc-c,ii -old
son, Timothy Jr., wus robbed ot S.' In
It tided to buy nevvsp.tpi r.s, i unpie ..I
Magistrate Carson todnv thai he m.ule
good the mnn'H loss. Walter Rohtn-oii.
a Negro, Sevent'cuth mil l.o,ub ml
ftteets, cl'tirged with taking the uionm ,
was discharged for lack of cviileine.
Keenail llilllost wept as he told tlie
inaglstiate that the $,, was nil the nionev
he had. Hu said that he had a wife
and four othor children nnd had bieu
out of work for three month-
Charles R. Forbes Selected to Direct
Veterans' Relief
Washington. Aug. !i 1 It- p 1
t hmle R 1'orbe-. of Wj-Imiumii
St.lte. now dim tup nf the ', 111 ol
Wn- Risk liiiurmii c, wio tn-iuiu itcd
by I'reslilenl Harding today to be .1
rccHn- in nn- ii'ieruun inireau. 1 rc.iicii
, r i... . 1 11
by the Sweet bill
Tlie nomination accompanied the an
nouiiccment thnt the President lind
fdimed the Mil.
British Rum Ship Protest
to Be Merc Formality
London. Ann. 0. U'.y A. I
Grent Ktitnin. It is understood, in
tends to protest to the United States
if it i i decided that Amcrlcn violated
International law by seizing the
liquor - Intlon schooner Henry 1.
Marshall outside the thrcc-wllo limit
off Atlnntle City last week.
Such n protest, It Is said, would
lie merely n formality, as Grent
Hrltiiln is not Interested In the cane
except as it might establish a prece
dent for mirh sel.ures.
Should no protet be mnde, it
would place Ureal Itrltnlu in the
position of auctioning surli n.tiou,
which mirlit give rise to dlflicultio.
should a Rritl-h ship he seized by
Boine other com, try in international
Assassination Follows Quarrel With
u. . ,.. , ,
High Official
Mexico City. ug. '.I. ( Ry A P 1
flenetal Jose Ales-iio Roble.-. brother of
tlif .lican Mmistei
to Spain and of,
tlie ediU-r jf tin- ncwsti.mCT
Id Demo- '
crata, was shot and killed last evening
ns he ilro- 111 his automobile through
one of tho main streets in the rebldenev
section of 1 1 in city.
Five armed men took part In the nt
tack, after which General Jacinto Tro
vino, director of tho Federal Commis
sion Revising Army Service Records,
placed liimbulf at tho disposition of the
police, and is .stild to have been held
upon bis own recognizance.
The cause of the attack Is declared to
have been a statement by General
Robles published yesterday morning,
criticizing (ieneial Trevino, who has
been bllterl.i availed by the newspaper
E I'niversnl for vcvetnl davs.
The quarrel between Trevino and
Pnlavicini lias been one of the most in
teresting incidents in tills city for many
months. The editor published the en
tire scries of communications between
1.: 1 I .1... ...... ....! It.iltt.lin.r lli.. 1
llllllli'll II1HI fci-iit-iui, in- lu-.i.ip, --
inner s 1nre.11 10 ratijiui- 011 mbni ie
editor fur Ins .illigcd unjust chnrgci.
Pnlavicini re-ponded witii the deputa
tion that In- -arnnl a gun and would
shoot on siulii licneral 'L'revino or nn
of his friends wl-o made any uutnnanl
I1IOM-. The new-l aiers of the it.
with the i-xieptiou uf l.x-ceisior sup
ported Pa lava 1 1111 on the ground that
he was stniiiling for '"the freedom of the
press." anil a luelj new-paper sipiabble
preceded hist niglit'.s tragedy.
Mrs. Blankenburg Leaves for mi,.,. t. shooting.
Launching of Ship j Could Stand No More 1
Mrs. Rudolph lSlanUdihuig. who Willi 'n,,. h-.ter found in hispo'ket follow
christen a new Phiiadelphin firchoiit j "j am writing tliis so ou mny kiiow
named in honor of her husband, the late wi,nt ) Imve don this for. I cannot
Mayor Rlankenbitrg. at Trenton thi- ttuid this nil) longer. A- for me. she
aflernoon, left the Reading Terminal ot I jfc ,riving nie'irn.y. 1 nsked her to go
noon todny accompanied by city officials jM loom-, and -lie said no. How do ou
and experts on fire apparatus I think I can stand thisV The onlv thing
live chairman
1'nderwritc! s.
Pollcs, After One Hour. Locate
Frank Badey in Brick Plant
Pol'n e wotked neatly nn hour todav
to sp nre the body of Fi ml. P.nib .
'went.. -lx M'.irs obi. 117s South Darien
-tieet. who was -mot'icici m the 'lay
1. ie. of the I.i lit tun Rn k C.i.np'iUV 'it
T enty -liftn -tieet and P'is-vink i' e
liadev. who is nil employe of the
plant, lost lis footing and fell into the
sticky mixture used fot making bricks
1 He sank almost immediately. l'.frotts
'of fellow emnloyes to leiuov.- the body
jwere useless nnd tlie police were sum
moned. menus of piohi- .md rope-
tliii e'l'iitualh
cxtf'n -itcil it.
Rudey was
III 'i.l.ll. Villi
ilc 11I
locate.' the L.-dv and
h v
1 .in ell
Former Canadian Minister Was
Close to Death Early Today
Lindsay, (Int.. Aug. !.- ' IU A P.I
-Gcncinl Nn Sam Huglu - former
Canadian Minister of Militia and an
1 ilt.stmuling tiguie 111 Ciiund.i's war
effoit. inlli.d thi- morning f'om -i ml;
ing spell that lii.uight hitn 'is. to
death in the i-tu In I lioui- II 1 "il
versed witii tneinbei s of his t.iinilv
gatlien d at hi- 1 d ule
Sir Sam's physician, at tl- nm of
the sinking spill, did not thin 1 would
1 live manv hours '1 he tint i nt n.i- s.if.
l fered from acute an.tmln
months and has been kept .
blond transfusions for wiek-
,tl. '
Motorist Fractures Skull Wtien Ma
chine Hits Pole
Attimpi ug to avi. 1 'nun ng . nin a
child nt I'oc.tlh and Dikim-mi -tieei-Inst
utght. Rohi 1 1 Kin liiiunn. menu
nine yeais old, of Men luitiiv tile N J.,
bwerted his inotorcur into th" curb,
struck a telegraph pole and wn- hurled
to the pavement.
He was picked up by police nnd tnken
tn Mt. Slnnl Hospital, where it was
discovered he was suffering from a frac.
Hired skull.
American Legion Arrives at Rio de
Aceotdiilg tn advici- rei'iued In F
M Wolf, muu.igei nf He M u n-.nn
Stenmsup I. me in Philadelphia. Ihe I
American l.egmu. the new 'Jl .iiiMI-ion I
Ainericnn-biult liner, built at the New
York Shipbuilding Co.'s plant. Camden,
peached Rio de .Inneiio, lira-II August!
7, In good Hhape. This wn- the maidi'ii i
1 voynge -if the new v i 1, md f.u the!
most of the jiuirnev she ca-ilv attained I
md held .. i I .-I -it ii and a half
knots nn It-1 it .ilt'imigh i ... was no
allempt to tn.iint in i t1,. u-ii r, - l, tin li-.
the tri.i In iu v "'I - ei l i n i ..mil
tinning ol U-r lu.n mi rv
A In irlv w h-iimc V..I- I let . I1,,
American I.. (J.ni .11 Rind ,lun...,,, th,-
I lot al Aluerii-iiii 1 .1 Hon n .1 .., il..n
.i.. . - - .
1 noini. nnrliciimtliic in 1,
iccent on
given on board the new ship When
she vrnches Ruenos Aires further south,
where there I also n Legion post, an
other receptl" 'e given tier.
Published Dally t-'itupt Sunday.
-opyrnrni tvti
Mrs. James Quoiser, Norris-
town, Attacked in Dark by
James Bosley, Conshohocken
nines (Juni-er. of Norrlstown.
was -lot 111 Hie he,.' and seriously
wounded Inst night bv .Initios Ptosley. of
Conshohocken, who then killed himself.
In tho shndows of Kim wood Park, near
omsiown. ne ,,.. ....m....-
ror ins esirangeo war.
t,..tt.-u K,tv ,., found a letter
,. . ,' '.u.f n,,, ,t m. fither-
addres - ed to Albert R . d. or
in - law. in when i.e sum 1 '
sweet smile nnd a true Heart
Mm. Quoiser, whose husband is said
to be in Texas, lh'" with her parents
at 017 Wet Washington street. Norris
town. She is nineteen yenr old. Bos
Icy, a stranger to her, wus twenty-three
years old.
Mrs. Quoiser wns sented on a bench
in Klmwood Park about 10 o'clock with
Gerald V. Marshall, whom she lind met
bv appointment, according to the police.
On a bench nearby were Mr. and Mrs.
J. Hurst, relatives of Marshall.
Itosley Approaches Group
R0-I1 v was seen approaching along
the main dnvcwm The benches were
in semi-darkness. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst
noticed that the ,'run.;e'" r"'-"n ,'losc, l"
their bench, peered al th-ie and looked
toward th" oth-i- liendi. where Mrs.
and Mai-h.ill v re cunersing.
1 After a -ing' ' ' ' '!" 'ccoii-l
hi I- li Rnsli-V (lte-v a lev.iher n-ntll lu
pin ki 1 Mid lind 00 1 1. .11 the young
oman. The bullet struck her forehead
I'.osley then tired one bullet into Ins own
Marshall and Mr and Mr. Hurst fled
in let ror as Mrs. Qnot-er slumped from
, tin- bench and P.ns'.ev fell face upward
on tlie driveway with the weapon i-till
I gi ipp"d in hi' lititid
Two men who heard the shots ran
I on sum- ihe hollies nnd called nn am
hiilance. Roth were taken to the Nor
riMown Hospital Ro-ley did not be-
come conscious
nml ilieii several uourn
1 w.in. i- thn' ne 1c horieil together I
, 1, rive not had nnylhiitg t eat and cnn
1 11. s'ei-p I hai the little boy. and
I I.e is Hilling for her 1 ienve with .1
! -v eel smile and 11 Hue Innil. Please
I i!i. .1- 1 ask '011. a- I have a line hen it
for In 1 . icn'oii-v means d--nl 1 nii
pec, de th, 11I, I .1.11 -i tool So think of
tin- sun
I 1 1.1 - I l-l llt.lll llllill.l Mi- l!"-l v
n- , ' -i ' ' 1 r iia-eni- l''l I veie
stl-e. ,ci -i-. .v. 11 I'-. III.' Ml v 1. en
-In- vv.i tod I'.o-ley had -hot hilii-cll
she mailed luiuuy and a-keu ; I
1 "Do vou think he will get well?" I
1 The Roslcys had been separated for'
three weeks, according to tlie police.
. Rosley had custody of their five-year-I
old boy.
, Mrs Quoiser refused to talk after
she li.lil 1 "vi -id ,i.l '! t 'otu the
1 slioi k of ''1 w .11' nil I'ln -i' Tin- s'v
I her condii "ii 1 -1 1 1011s l'lcv heir ,-e
she will In' tii'vev.r I'efore her in ,r
1 ringe -ne w.i- Mi-- May ( .uliti, of
.nl" is'o"
American Legion Makes Run to Rio
Janeiro in 12 Days, 20 Hours
! R'o .l.iueiio. Aug. ! -i Ry A P i
A in .- i i .11 "''I hctwien Vi'v
. ork Cnv in. i Rin .l.iiie'io i i-l-iined
fot I e -ii- n n i
' at I ii'i l.i I" i -I' I'l.'li
I ,l,, . t -v.'lv
1 our-. ... i in.
l" ,,g .,.1 i. '
vhu-h in. oh tin v -v.iy-
foil iioi'r
' 'flu' A- il 1 l.-'tiev,
t o I i ' 'i I " "wn
Anicricii'i I.' ;:" ' i"
w 'i i I
ing 'vv "t k aii' ' i
a hall . - ..' .'" i
n I.if.im. which
llei actual Mi'i-
' 'l'l.-. .e-tv
mi hi. mini t ' nd
' " ' lei A'-oll s,
in llurt in i-a vs
' . made n due. -ports,
whnc tl -'
Hllitei, I i ii, ,'e
oi' o'iii ir.i-
-.i .- fi- tv i nn
,i t H pan i-
"WASHINGTON. Aug. 9. Theie will be no deal with th
Vares and no flfty-lifty ticket, Mayor Mooie dedmd here to, lay
after a two-hour com'trence with Senator Pemosc The n.feicu ,
x as left, to qi-ote the Mayor's btnteinent of yesteiilay. thn' "tl.
Mayor i.i'l not have t 1 go it alone." "The jjio.i)t-ts an. v- tv
much against n faty-fifty ticket." the Mnyoi saivi.
:NEW YORK. An "j. 0. Tho cimmittee appointed by tin List
r.eniulatuie. bi.i:.u by Senator Schuyler M. Meyer, to mvcbtis ite
the city nilniini-sti.it. on, today begnu its public healings and
feiinimoiied M.iyoi John F. Hylan ns the first witness.
LONDON, Aug'. 9. Negotiation;, between teinesentntix-es ut
Ahum lean nnd Brltlbh shipping interests on the qiiebtion of freight
i.uob foi Egyptian cotton hnve been bioken off, atcortling to n
ch--pntdi to the Ccntrnl New Agency fiuui Alexniidun today,
qu.ting ui otficial bource.
Stroke Results Fatally
John T. Bailey
John 'I Kailev , 1 11st ..linn
ollice i-f the I!", order of Deed
'J n'i 'ock 1 1 i- morning nt hi
"i7(Mi Midvnli avenue He vv a
at th.
die 1 .it
siM v
two I'll o'.l
Mi llinb'v wn- ov-r nm - In the he-n
11 i' el. ago He v 1 Liken home an. I
hint developed Il I'll II H HI III lie I- sill
VI e, bv ,. V l.l.i.'
Me Hail v had I" 1 11 in the ollii e ot
the Uemi.'. 1 m Deols since IPO".. ,
vvo' a iiieinher of th" Thirty -eiglilh
NVanl Repubb'nn Kxeeultve Committee.
Hubnerlntlon Frr 10 a YeAr by Mall
by fubltc Ixriicer Company
Still Smiling
Aiueiic.in and ( .itiailian women's
golf champion, who lias ju.st re
lumed 1 1 nm ,1 -everal miiullis' visit
:i!i"i.i,l. vl'c-e -l-i 1 lii-d to lift other
lilies 'I hi ti-.li ' e r nlcil. lie uiade
biindrisls of Iriemls in the gullcries
li her expert st-le in action
William King, Philadelphian,!
Angry When Not Met by I
Kin at Fairview
Trritnted because he bad tn wnlk n
niile nnd n half from a trolley lino when
relatives failed to meet him nt Tnir
vievv. near Riverside. N. J. Willinni
King, seventv -six onrs old. tried to
shoot his wife Inst night, police sir,
and ihen put the weapon to his head.
It was knoiki-d from his hand by a
4t.- '
, Ja 4 ' ft. i-t
&gf Ih'U J
U JmrW m
'"'''''" Mediately upon the bouiulnrv line i
King a fm nu i n iht val.mnn ,es would not be neeessnrv to send re-en
a U'llll George -tieet, this ntv His lorement-. a- thev believed both Ger
vvne ii-ci-utly went to Fairrn vv to visit many and Po'nnd would accept the
nlatiM's nm'l King at ranged to go there , "'"unci!'- decision.
last night. i The conviction of General I.erond. of
The man, who is sturdy in -pite of) France, head of the commission, was
his nge, expected to be' met nt the ttitir trouble might occur een if there
ttrlley line Through some oversight ) "'ere an immediate decision by thfe
i here wns no one there nnd he angrily . Council, and he urged the ordering of
trudged to the house where hU wife was 1 1 e-enfoicement . n a precautionary
i 'siting
iin-e inside he began upbiniding Mis.
King p.. !ne -nv. and stiddeulv diew n
nvimer II" is suld to liave aimed ibe
w.apon nt her and pulled the trigger.
Tho cartridge failed to explode.
Whi'e several relatives crourhed nt
one side of the room. King nimed again
,ili(l pres-ed the trigger. There was n
i eport 'his time, but the bullet m.sed
Mrs King nnd tiuek the wall
King then swung the revolver mound
and pressed the muzzle ngmnst his
Rot.ii rt Johnson, eighteen years old
hi- nephew, spuing toward him and
Knocked tin rnrnlvir to the Hoor.
Tin Rivir-.-i" 1-n'n.i' tin ii were n-Ui-hc-l
King was j.Inceu n the town lock-up
fot tin- ii g'it Ti '- morning he wn
tiiketi tn t n- I'.nr' tigi-'ti County .tail at
Mount 11--I1' 11- wns charged with
a milt ami IniM-iy wuli intent to kill
tun! itieiin ling ' 111 'm-clf
Relnrneo -ni Kieg has been in ill
healtu fni .several nioritu", and is easily
it nt itcil II- v a- .
iiimi in a fa- t"rv
ni . Hi- w tf '-
-.'..- ,-d n a wntch-
t"t ei'
until re-
' In e vein -
Was Picking Up Cigarette Stubs for
Sailor Brother. He Said
Imv who snnl he wn. gathering
-ig.ir mid iigaritti -t.,1,- 1,, -a n , I to a
I. ri'th"i .11 iln navv wa mie nd tin
nm 11 ns at t am 1. -tiei't nnd Fin- avi
1 1" gave hi- na. in' as 1 1- 1 tn.in Steinei ,
lifleiti vear- ml of Sei i.n. nn.l 'e-
iiigo tn - t- W In n -11 11 bv Patinlmiin
Malx aboul 1
k the Inn slinhbllv
dressed, was pushing a new bit vcle and
11 111 two mav's or tireno uii'lei- iiitFnrin
He was held m $300 hail for yrtliei
hearing o) Mogibtrate Price
' British and Italians in Council
I Vote Against French Re-
Compromise Reached at Pri
vate Conference Between
Premiers, Paris Is Told
Presence of U. S. Ambassa
dor Believed to Have Had
Stabilizing Effect
Ry tho so-a,leil Pnss
Paris, .,g 'i Tin- llicd Supreme
Council de, ped todnv not to send r
enforcetneiit- for tie nllied troops in
i'ppee Silesia When the question
nine up as to the -endinc of additional
I'reneh fi-o -p..- .,. rc-enforcements the
Rrlflsh nnd Itnlinn delegations voted
against such action.
Premier Rrlnnd. of Frntiee. nnd Mr.
I.lovd George. Prime Minister of Kng-
land, hiue dwided at . private meeting
upon a compromise partition of Cpuer
Silcia it was snid todav on good nil -
thoi-itv The line 1- uuder-tooil to hnve
In en d-nwn npprnrir""t"h ns follows;
Reginnlnc west o" P!e-S on the Vi-
"tl.'i R.ver and running w--.t of Glel-
'vl'r west of Tost in,. I Crnss-Sfrch-
t north to between Rn-i-i'berg and
Krcii7burg nnd thence to the frontier
f Nort'-ern T'tioer S-lesia
Thi- line. wb'V hv no menus straight
r rovimatelv bisnts the Si'esinn pie-
i-'ite area.
T'ie tejniteil agrrement must be fnr
mlly ratified In the Supreme Council.
rid the possjl,i'j ,,f tins notion nt til"
'ntc afternoon sc-sinn todny wns fore
'nst At this time the geographical
experts of the French. Rritisb nn.1
Italian doVgafinn. wlio weic engaged
m the ear'v afternoon bonis m con-
sidrrinz tlie precise marking of the
line, were expected to h.-ne ready the
1 reports thev have been instructed to
1 make
I Settlement Halts Sending nf Troops
1 It was upon ihe private settlement
being reached, it is undrrstooil, thnt
. the Council decided not to send re-en-1
forcements to I'pper Silesia nt present.
, the I'.riti-b and Italian delegations vol -1
ing against t In- sending of French
1 troops for this purpose, as IVince hfirT
.desired Sir Haiobl Stuart, the Rrlt
' isii Sile- an commissioner, and General
Marlins. the Italinu 1 nmmis-ioner.
ill curd tint tt the ( oiinei ngrceil Ini-
The P.rttish and Italian view pn
vailed, and the oiuicil ih cided again-
the -ending of re-enfon ements for tl.
time being
Mr. I.loyd George informed ihe Com
' ll or' the line the P.rltisb were tin',
willing to accept, and the experts wci.
instructed to allocate to one side or thi
other certain townsh.ps remaining im
The new line is accepted in principle
as more nearly representing the rem
meaning of ttie plebiscite vote than any
thing previously proposed The division
nl-n splits tlie disputed industrial dis
trict. Kngland's Posit inn Mated
At 'he opening if the m-mum Mt
I In.vil George took "' 'isiou to diclar"
tne position of the Rri'ish 1 !oet ntnent
noon what he 1 ailed Lie nieuaclng
problem to the peace uf Furnpe Si
lesin, he snid, lin.l belonged to Hie Ger
inin nn e fot 7iMl ve.irs a pari of that
pcin-d to A istrin. but for 177 yenrs to
Pro l.i- and th" Kntjsh Gnverniircn'
vvn'i'il not consent n nuv di isiou not
bl-e-l eiiiitnhl upon tin- vot"s of tic
Po -s "tnl tl..- iiinntiiis in tin- di-nited
I legion
Di-iii n.g tin- f.tMH -iv irit '
Fiance tin P.ru.-li I '. .it - M inter -a 1
.11 s'llistiinii' il.-n t Riiti-li Goiein
merit kemlv -v input ied with tin
onllnueil 011 Piiki- Thlrtfi-n, ( nlinun fl
Drinks Same Pol6on Accl
Swallowed by Offspring
lb, 1 1
one ii' 11
. left II in 1
. get tin- I
P.; . : '.' Mis - milk
i- I I - ti in-. trim- -
, . ' I -VI 11 In II-
. nil. n hi a ft ;i
1 11 cut .lentil ot
1 11 il 1 ;gh n- ,'lcntnll
t -!!. . i- 1 ol-' lull Sin
-.iv ni. Kv 'In time jou
d id," ami nui found
.--.I .-I hi-i home. Win
.ni. ..'il
nn- hen frmn Shennn
1 . .t. v -i vi nr ngo.
I dying in n
was t v. 1 ' v
I Tin- t.i ..1
, doiili S. i.-
Mayflower Docks
Ahead of
asliiii'-liiii. .
Prcsnb in - 1 M 1 -to
W list. 1 i;tni ' I I
at 9:30 A. M,
i '1 ' IU A P 1
- 1 1 11 1 ding returned
11 morning after ilti
din-, most of which
absetn e ,.t ,
wus spent
on vacation in the Whltn
Mountains of New llampshiie.
The wnin Mnvtlower enmo un thn
Pototnnc ahead of M'heiluln and doekril
at It :) A. M
Man Also Wounds Fiancee Serl
ously. Due to Jealousy
Syracuse. N. . Aug ! Illy A.
P 1 At ttnii.ia tin- morning. l'rno!
Saaer. tivcntv -n veins ,,1,1 of that
'place, flint and killed Miss Pearl Hook
and seriously wounded her sister Ken,.
nice Sagcr then killed hltuself
The shooting 8 attributed to Jealouoy,
hnsw wa engHxed to marry Hertnlc.
. pr
IS v.