r f 'tt-. ta Vl..i m1': ' ,XiXW'- i trwfx.1 I" .. .. MK .' Ji. ,' '' v- W , j- ( v- if i ' , ' ' 3?; it v , 7 ii vy ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHlliADELPHlA; r MONDAY, 'AUGUST 8, 1921 'V lv 33$, va j WEATHER Fair Organ Plays l 9 n and 4:50 WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S rH Store Opens nt 9 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5 ; Chlmt n .noon. I ,K 4 ijj ! I I ; I I ! The People Believe in This Furniture Salle and That Means Everything To Some People There Are Those of Us Who Appear to Be Bees working in a dark hive. They have no idea of the care, anxiety, frets and disappointments that come with each day, working out the wrong things and working in the better, truer things that build up the soul's plans not alone for personal pleasure and profit, but for a finer city and a nobler citizenship. There is enough encouragement every day to keep one from getting tired. Signed Augut 8, 10S1. Otf''ftmufo Women's Organdie Dresses and Linen Suits Drop to $7.50 About 76 organdie dresses are reduced for quick clear ance to $7.50. They were all twice that and more. Canary yellow, watermelon pink, a delicate sea-green, orchid, pale blue and white are included, some with embroid ered dots. The several styles are very dainty and pretty. About 85 Excellent All-Linen Suits arc also repriced to $7.60 close to a third of original price. These are in two good models, and in brown, rose or white linen. A smaller group of linene suits is now marked to ?5. Norfolk or straight coat models, in blue, white, russet, pink. Sizes in all the above are somewhat broken, but the choosing is still good. (Firat Floor, Central) New Millinery Is Arriving Daily Tomorrow there will be the smartest little hat3 of stitched duvetyn, of velvet, of felt. A soft little hat of duvotyn in the lovely pine needle green is captivating. The ruby red that Paris proclaims for Autumn is seen in a jaunty little velvet hat. Burnt orange duvctyn bordered around its upturnod brim with ray little wool flowers is another. New, too, are tho brushed wool sports hats with scarfs to match. These are in several colors, the hats priced $7.50 and the scarfs $G. (Second Floor, Chrstnot) Every. One Is Asking for Short-Sleeve Voile Waists We have about fifteen different styles between $5 and $6.85 alone. They are extremely dainty and well made, with flat collar, long rolling collar, or no collnr at all, aa you like. The laces on them are carefully selected. As an example, there U one with a front of hand-made thread lace. Tho hquarc-cut neck and the cuffs are bordorert with filet edging. It is dainty and effective at ny price, and surprising for $6.85. (Third Floor, Central) "Wanasilk" No. 1725-8 A Fine New Silk Stocking Save the ticket that is attached to them, or remember the number. After you have worn a pair or two you will want more. The ticket reads: No. 1725-8 Wanasilk Hose Cocoon Silk Genuine Durable Unadulterated Theso hose are made of superior quality, pure, unadulterated silk, with out artificial weighting of any kind. Wo recommend them to givo excep tional scrvico and satisfaction. The name "Wnnasilk" is applied only to silk stockings which are absolutely frco from adulteration and which wo can safely recommend. . Full-fashioned stockings of extra-tine gauge, highest grado ru n Bl"' without any loading. Double garter tops awl heavier Knees, heels, soles and toes. t . Black, whito, navy, African brown, cordovan and isilver, at iflnpair. ' ' w . Flrt Floor, SfarUet) 'THINKING it over, we don't know anything better that we could say of it; anything that would mean more than to say that the people believe in it. For the belief of the people in a sale is a thing pretty much beyond pur chase. . . It is one of those vital things without which nothing else matters. The basis of the people's belief in Wanamaker Furniture Sales goes straight back to the furniture. And Wanamaker Furniture Sales are the greatest thing that ever came in retail business from offering the people the furniture and the economies they can believe in; That tlais August Sale, now going ahead so wonderfully, could have origi nated in any other way is inconceiv able. 1 Only the reputation of Wanamaker furniture &nd Wanamaker furniture values couftd bring such a sale about that and the store's ability to live up to, or evyen improve upon it. No doubt' you want good furniture; everybody wjho understands the ques tion does. What does it mean to you to have here for your selection in the August Sale the largest and most diversified stock of good. and beautiful furniture to be found, pnobably in the world, at price advantages which, we have rea- (Fifth, Bhlh and BrTcnfh Floors) New Paris Sends New Neckwear of Real Lace It's a delight to take tho pieces out of their boxes and examine the lovely laces and the smart new collar shapes. Some are of those inimitable Irish laces delicate Limerick, rich guipure, and tho famous Carrickmacross applique. For others the finest French filet is used. There nre collars of many new shapes, and collar-nnd-cufT sets. And the prices are as modest as $4 to $13. Which is little indeed for a piece "of real lace that will give a whole dress distinction. (Main Floor, Central) New Rufflings From France A woman's eye will tell her at once the value and effectiveness of these dainty mull rufllings used on almost any dress. At neck nnd sleovc3 they will give an irresistible finish. Used as a garniture they will at once confer elegance. They are in shell-like scallops or Van Dyke points, and there is black, white, champagne, mauve, nattier blue, navy, citron, or rose- color. Prices are' 75c, $1.50 and $1.75 a yard. (.Main Floor, Central) Midsummer Clearway in the Young Women 's Store Final Reductions on Gingham, Voile Linen and Dotted Swiss Dresses Summer garments must give way to the new things arriving daily. Hence we have ruthlessly cut prices to the last low figure. Tomorrow The Finer Ginghams All Drop tp $7.50 Prettiest style and finest ginghamsiof the season among them in about every wanted colctfr. $7.50 is but a fraction of earlier prices. Other Gingham and Voile Dresses Down to $3.50 Sleeved and sleeveless ginghams in fpretty colors, and light and dark cotton voiles. All up toithe standard of our Young Women's Store. Finest Voile, Linen and Swiss Dresses Now $10 to $30 These are the prettiest and finest dresses of their kind we have sold this season. A few are imported. Prices on all have dropped to less than haflf. Now $10, $15, $25 and $30. Sizes 14 to 20 included in all groups. (Young Women's Storr, Second Floor, Chestnut) 1 New, A Chestnut Brown Slipper for Autumn It is the brown that looks as well with blue or black as with its own shade. In this slipper it is uncommonly effective. Vamp, tongue, and the one strap are of the chestnut kid, while tho back is of suedo to match. The Louis heel is kid cov ered. And there is the merest hint of cafe au lait in stitching and binding. Priced $17. (Mttle Hoot Shop, First Floor, Market) Any Household Needing a Fine Clock in particular a fine chiming mnntel clock will do well to note that our finest mahogany mantel clocks have come down in price. They have Westminster quarter-hourly chimes, nnd are not only true timc-kcopcrs but musical acquisitions to any home. Their new prices arc $70, $75 and $85. (Jenelry Store, Main Flopr, Chostnut) New Mourning Handbags of Leather Rlack cobra grain seal is the leather used in these bags which are in a variety of envelope and other flat shapes. Most of them have inner frames and inner compartments and some have outside pockets. All are moiro lined. Prices $7 to $10.50. (Mala Floor, Chestnut) Wanamaker Famous Special Refrigerators Theso are White Mountain refrigerators in two sizes, mado especially for us, and at special prices. Only a limited quantity and they move out very fast. Each with white enamel provision chamber, three doors and compartment for butter and milk. 35 inches long, 21 inches deep, 50 inches high, hold3 125 pounds ice, $40. 33 inches long, 20 inches deep, 47 inches high, holds 100 pounds ice, $35. . (Fourth Floor. Central) New English "Bath Tablets" Made expressly for us in Eng land, so that our customers may easily got these best of all bath ing soaps. Fine quality, treble milled, nnd delicately perfumed with rose, violet or verbena. 36c a generous cake, or 2 a box of six cakes'. (tn Floor. Chestnut) Just In More White Baronet Satin Skirts for $9.75 They go as fast as they come. Best quality white baronet batin. Shirred at waist, two slash pock ets, deep hem. (East Aisle, Main Floor) New Muslin Combinations Numbers of women buy these comfortable, well-cut garments in preference to tho separate articles. Corset cover and drawers in one, run with ribbon or tape at waist, in several laco or embroidery-trimmed styles, at $1.85, $2.25 "and J3,7& ' (ThlrJ Floor, Central) New Wilton Rugs These rugs are so scarce now that the bare announcement of u good selection is all that is re quired. Designs and coloring are beau tiful. 9x12 ft, $48.50, $82.50 and ,$115. Axminster Specials Some 9x12 ft. Axminster rugs may bo had for $12.50. (Heienth I'loor, Chestnut) Black Bathing Bloomers Mado of oturdy sateen, with elastic at waist, and broad hem stitched barjds at knee, $1.75. (Third Floor, Central) Summer Glassware The unusual demand for our light-cut Summer glassware is entirely due to the unusually at tractive character of tho goods. This is especially true of tho higher-priced pieces, all of which have been cut in our own work rooms. Water sets, $2.20, $2.50, $5, SG and up to $15 a set. Ice tea sets, SI, So, $5.50 up to $12 a set. Grape juice sets, $3, $5, $5.50 and up to $10 a set. Lemonade sets, $13.50 to $22.50. a set. Berry sets, $7.60 a set. Sherbet sets, $8.50, $10 and $12 a set. (Fourth Dniir, ( hritnut) son to believe, cannot be improved upon? The only way to find the answer to that question is to come in and see the goods that are making this the greatest August Furniture Sale ever known in opportunities and in volume of business. Men's Staple Blue and Black Suits All in a Summer Sale Clearaway of the whole stock of them in' the Men's Clothing Store. t Blue .serges. '' Black serges. Unfinished worsteds. Flannels. Grouped in two lots, to go at $30 and $40 Fine to buy at these prices for'all this Fall and next Spring. x (Third Floor. Market) Men's Fine New Pajamas of Satin Broche In five different pastel colors with the tiny figures chaiv acteristic of this material. And every man who has ever worn a garment of satin broche knows how wonderfully durable it is. Price $5. bsi&k (Mnlu I l'"r, Market) The Greatest Office Furniture Opportunity in Years That; is the opportunity presented by this August Sale to select from the entire range of our office furniture stocks nt substantial reductions from the latest low market prices. Not only arc the prices the lowest in years, but the varieties ar so much larger and more satisfying. Most of the goods nre nt sti night reductions of 20 to 25 per cent, some things be'ng at lesser economies and these hitter nre among the best values in the whole assortment. Everything 's included, ever thing is of sound quality and every thing is nt a price advantage that men who need office furniture know how to appreciate. (Thlril Floor, Murkrt) All Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters and Springs Now 20 to 25 Per Cent Less The savings arc from I w latest low scale of market prices. Tha sale includes our entire tock, f.nd the meaning of it is that you can now buy the finest, e!cane-t and most tiustworthy bedding at the lowest prices in several ears This is furniture that one lias to he particular about. The grade offered in this sale are the same as we nlways sell. No better, safer, or cleaner grades are made. Hair mattresses now $12 to $84. Felted mattresses, now $9.25 to $H6. Cotton and other mattresses, now ?U.50 to Sl.b. Mo. springs, now $20 to $60. Feather pillows, now 1 50 to $S. We make mnttresses, pillows and bolsters to order and c also upholster lo springs, all nt reduced prices in .'. ugust. C-Ulli I'loor. t eiitnil) Here Are Vacation Trunks at Special Prices A Wanamaker August Sale of specially constructed trunks of more than ordinary merit, and with notable savings. Wardrobe trunks, $35. Fiber-covered with hangers for women's and men's clothing, three shoe pockets, laundry bag, four drawers, all broad enough for shirts and the bottom drawer convertible into a hat box. Dress trunks, fiber-covered, with deep, divided tray; 32 inches lone $14; 36 inches, $16; 40 inches, $18. g' t Steamer trunks, same construction as the dress trunks, 32 inches, $12: 36 inches, $14; 40 inches, $16. ' (Fourth Floor, Central) V VJ ' 1 1 1 ,tf $1 VI .. A! r. .