I'fSJ 111 l?ffiyW . . wWW :iT7?m ' J. ., J ,. -rf M Y1 VA' ."'.Kl .... i ' .I'll", A" - i -'V - ' y i 1 V.i 1 W ."ITft. AJVV7 ' .'& J 1 -v bL k. I'if k. r- S'k - M n,-, ,f ,v f-J ' .4' ,itiT f r t EVENING PUBLIC iLEDGERrPHIi;ABELtHIA MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1921 1. GRANT TO TEST r BAN DIVORCE Militant Roctor Reiterates De termination to Marry Mrs. Lydig FORBIDDEN BY CHURCH CODE Watched 'Christening' New York. Aus. 8. Power to nrunt a dispensation to tue Itov. Dr. IVrcy Btickncy Ornnt to marry Mm. Hita Ltdlff, twice divorced socletv loader. ; not within tbs province of the lllMiop of the (llocco, nntl mnrriflKP in Mich circumstances In expressly forbidden by th law of the Episcopal Church, It vn declared yesterday by authorities on cc cltsiaitlcal law. In announcing hiq intention to marry Mrs. I.ydlit these authorities believe that this Church' most noted ndvocntc of liberal changes In the code of his religion is showing the courage of hli own declared conviction resardlni; ell Torce, with n full knowledge that ho iray be compelled, and will be willing If necessary, to leave the Episcopal fold nd become, an Independent clergyman. "While Dr. Grant cald yesterday that ho would not leave the church as long as he waa of real service within It. and that be saw no reason why he should not contlue to be of such service in hie parish, it was pointed out that ho could perhaps mako n more effective fight for his reforms through adopting this attltudo than by showing bellig erency. Dr. Grant a Hard Fljliter Becnuso tl this possibility of help ing nion; his ideas and because of Dr. Grant's record for sticking to his guns in the faco of rebuffs, it is believed by his frionds that ho will not resign, but will seek to force the Church to oust him. Dr. Grant demonstrated this lat ter trait last winter at the election of the Bishop. At that tlmo he advocated that the election be made on a certain platform, nnd his nlnn was ignored. According to tho Church authorities, the only posslblo caw in which tho bishop can grant a dispensation other than to the Innocent party of a divorce for misconduct Is wlicro tho divorced Irson is not a member of tho Church and is willing to be baptized. Then tbe Bishop Is permitted to exercise his discretion as to whether tho character of tho person is euch that he would bo deserving of this consideration. Mrs. Lydig, while formerly n Unman Catholic, has for several years been a not be mnrrled In tho Episcopal Church, authorities say. If she and Dr, Ornnt hliotild be mnrrled in another church, or by civil ceremony, the union would tiot be recognized. They would then be placed In a situation which might bring about the dismissal of both from tho Church, Charges against them would not hnvc to be brought by the Bishop himself, but could bo preferred by any com municant of the diocese who felt that canon law had been violated. If such n rhnrgo Is brought tho Bishop is bound by his offlco to consider It, and If he llnds that it seems to have base to ap point a court to try the case. "You say that the Bishop has not the power to grant a dispensation in such a rase?" one authority was asked. "Such power does not belong to the Bishop, except In the two eventualities discussed, which do not occur In this case," he answered. "Wo would be awfully hurt if he should tflko such power to himself In n case so openly opposed to tho canons of the church. Trouble undoubtedly would follow. "But we nrc simply discussing im probabilities. Bishop Manning Is very strict regarding the divorce laws. And MISS MADELAINE STARIHLL Winner of Evening Tublle Ledger movlo beauty contest, who watched the christening of the bathing ma chines nf Atlantic City. communicant of Dr. Grant's church. For this reason, and because her di vorce was not obtained on the one stat utory ground acknowledged by New York law, she being the Innocent part', this divorce Is not recognized. Subject Ko Dismissal Mrs. Lydig, for these reasons, could S.A.MacQueen Company JEWELERS 14257 Walnut Street Removal or before) Sep tember 1st wc will bo in our new and larger building to 1723 Walnut Street 5 Reasons Why ift better tojgfa via"Wfest Yellowstone to Yellows National Park THE Chicago & North Western-Union Pacific is the most popular way to Yellowstone, by testimony of all statistics. There are good reasons for this marked preference here are five of them. IBy going in and out by the West Yellowstone Gateway you " get the COMPLETE Yellowstone tour and see its wonders in most pleasing sequence. 2 You see more of the scenic West for the same money the " Rockies of Wyoming, the Wasatch Range, beautiful Echo and Weber Canyons, Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, the picturesque ranges of Idaho, and ALL of Yellowstone and Scenic Colorado. 3 Through sleeping cars for Yellowstone Park (West Yellowstone " gateway) leave Chicago every evening at 8:00 P. M., going via Salt Lake City on a fast luxurious Limited train. 4 The Chicago & Northwestern-Union Pacific is double tracked " practically all the way from Chicago to Salt Lake City and you are protected by Automatic Safety Signals all the way from start to finish. 5-Six Great Sight-Seeing $1918 Trips for the price of a ""?, Ticket to Yellowstone alone SmKw3 Tho above fare Includes ticket to West; Yellowstone (entrance to Yellow atone National Park) Ogden, Salt Lake City, the Royal Gorge, Glenwood Springs, Colorado Springs, Denver and return. The cost is no more than for a ticket to Yellowstone and back direct; an advantage enjoyed only by travelers using the West Yellowstone gateway. Four and a half days in Yellowstone National Park, auto transportation and hotels; $54.00 additional; if permanent camps are used instead of hotels, $45.00. Detour from Denver to Rocky Mountain National (Bates) Park and return, $10.80 additional. Go first to West Yellowstone in through sleeping car from Chicago and visit the other places returning. 1 utl"filyci,fin".,bi?k,ti? and P!an 2our MP- Mention by name the booklets desired: "Yellowstone National Park," "Colorado's Mountain Playgrounds." "Rocky Mountain National (Estes) Park." "Utah-Idaho Outings." For Informitlon, aik ay Rtllroid Ticket Office, or 9. U Fldni, O.a'1 Agent, D. M. Dtvli, Oen'l Aunt, U. P. Syitem, c. & N. W. Ry.. fcU Com! Truet Did., isth and 544 Wldtntr Bldc 1) Cbtitnut St. Market Sti., PhlUdilphU Philadelphia - Chicago &NoifKWestem UnionPacilic System these laws were cxprcusly retained In their fullness nt the Inst convention." Dr. Ornnt hns declared he will marry Mrs. Lydig nn soon au her health permits. . Sillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllli: Women 1 and Roofs. UT 'LL never have a tin 1 roof on my house," 5 said a critical young bride; "they are uglier than blue mud. No, I want stained shingles, in a lovely warm brown." 5 Two months after the wedding, a fire next door made the lovely brown E shingles so warm that the roof was completely E burned off; the firemen E only just saved the house. E E The new roof was of E E NU-DURA-TIN, with the 5 5 "standing seams" that E E give so much style to a roof; E E nnd tho younpr wife found to E her delight that she could have the same lovely warm brown E E on fire-proof tin thnt she E E thought went only with shin- E Kles. S Fnr roofs tin Is trio best In evrr S w but you nnt th but tin, Anv S S roofor will rive you o NU-Dl'ltA-TIN roof. n'l rmlnt It any color or tint our wife wants. ZZ THE METAT. ClJUn OF THILA. E 803 ARCH BTnEET E FOOT ANI T.IMn TR0UDI.C8 Initantly relieved by our etieelal aroh import' Itted and adjueted by expert. Our 8eamletl niaitlo Hotlery, tbe moat comfortable support for van cote vein, iwollea limbs, weak kneee ana annus. Trusses, abdominal and atnletla nut porter of .all kinds. Largest manufac turer of deformity appliances In tbe world. 1'hllidflphla Orthorwdlo Co.. 40 N. llth St. Cut out ejd keep for reference.!'. I L KDtTATIOVAT, tPWHHHHOTe3r .-riiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiT: KIHTATIONAI, Dolli Sf "I Want to Do Something Useful" Dustnese offer bis; onportn- nltle to the rtrl who reallr ".". U to be UMful " A Seerettrlal Courw it Prltoa Prtio.4 will prepirs hr la a thnroushlr pramioel mannrr. Doj School Open Sept. 4. NUht School Opens Sept. ID. Writt tor S7t wear book PEIRCE SCHOOL 0F3CSINES3AI)MINBrBArM line Street. Weat of Broad Yotina- Women nnd fllrle Miss lllman' School for Klndrrxnrtn-r. Jr.. Br. tt Graduate Courses. Primary m-tn ods. Tractlce Klndsrrarten. Jtome-ime students' rtsldenre. For particulars, address A. T. 1IXMAN, rrlnclpnl. . nn T 3(100 Walnut St.. rhllndelpliln. r.. Miss Sa ward's School for Cllrls. Orrrbrook. 1'hlln., l'n. Co'lese prep. & secretarial courses. Athl-tles. Write Dpt. I. . , fiBS fl, JANET SAVWAnD, Principal l'ennsyuania, overnrooK. CIIESTSOT IIII.T.. PA, CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY St. Martin. Chestnut Hill. Pn. An Ideally located country boardlna; and day school for boys. Especially low rates for five-day boarders. Reopen September 27 Catalogues on application. J. I.. PATTKHHON. nendmaster JENWNTOWy. TA. PENNSYLVANIA, JENK1NTOWN. J10X 48) BEECHWObD SCHOOL (Inc.) Tor Young Womon. A Cultural and Prac tical School. Kits for any vocation. Prepara tory; College Departments, Conservatory of Music: Art, Oratory, Dumestlc Arts and Sciences, Secretaryship, aymnastlcs, Normal Kindergarten, Swimming pool. Large new trimnaelum M, H. Ileaeer, Th D. Tree. 1.1TITZ, PA. LINDEN HAI.f, SEMINARY A clrl' school since 1740. Academic. College Preparatory & Special Courses. Separate Jr Deot. Gymnasium. Secretarial. Catalog ti'i. P. W. Steneel. Prln.Tnog lfn. T.ltlts.r; " LtJTIll.KVlLLK. MP. UAJ1-AND COLLUUU FOJt HOMK.N Luthcrrllle. Md. An Ideal college In alie, equipment, locatloi and courses of a'udr. The faculty Is largs end able. Two and four ear courses for Van school sraduatet. Courses In music pipe organ, domestlo science and arts, school of expression, art and elocution. Duress conferred. Pata'og. Rng X WASiirxfiTny. n. o. (UI1.Y C'llOSS ACADEMY. Washington, D.C. Overlooking the National Capital Stnsdard and Elective Coursss. For cat oguss addresai Superioress. "teJjr Cross AewJemy. Washington, D. 0. Young Men and Hot e &jkwnr& BUSINESS COLLEGE Dar School Night School I I II I B For a Paying Bunnell Education L.erywhrro our graduate aro filling responsible positions and ad anc.nir rapidly. We can do the &ame for you. i.&i'.'?. S'hool npene'Rept. 8 1!00 Atnlimt St.. l'hllndelnhln WANAMAKER INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIES N. W, Corner C3d and Walnut Streets Day Evening Afternoon Saturday Telephone! Locust 8140 for catalog, or send postenrd PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING COURSEh Our bookkeeplnit and accountancy course both beginners and advanced classes, wll qualify you to accept important poslttoni upon uraduatlon. A personal Intenlew wll conilnco you of our practical business train intr iaii any uay. I'll I LA. HUSINESS COLIXOE nnd College of Commerce 1017 Chestnut Street. I'hll.idrlphln Friends' Central School System For Boy and dlrla. pour Philadelphia elementary schools and Central School. A Junior and Senior High School Including col lege preparatory department. Large play ground. Rymnaelum, lunchroom. Open to other denominations. Write for year book and rato. ISth and Rare SIS., rhllndelnhla THE P1IILADKI.PIIL SCHOOL or OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 2200 Ie Lancer Place The course of seven months Includes train. Ing In design, the crafts and lectures In Anatomy, Psychology, Pathology, etc , with two additional months devoted to HoapttAt Practice. Graduate In demand at good salaries F"or n.rir information, address MISS FLORENCE W ITLTON. Dean mammmemmmmmmmmmmammm The William Penn Charter School No. 8 South 12th Street. Philadelphia founded ICBi The aeademlo year 1021-22 begins Tuesday. September 20. 1021, and the Prospectus may be obtalnod on application, uuiidings win ts open for inspection and for classification of tier u. Oommerc. Ph.d, Headmaster pupils September 6. uirnnru ?i SWARTHMQRE. PA. bWAnTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL For Roys. Itox 20, Swnrlhmere, Pa. W. P. TOMLINSON. M. A. CHESTER. TA. Pennsylvania Military CoOege Dcetwb In Civil EnBlneerlnff, Chemlatry, anc? Commorco nnd Klnnnco. Preparatory Division and Junior School. COLONEL CHARLES E. HYATT Ho 22. Chester. Pa. ALT.ENTOWN. PA. Allentown Preparatory School Preparos for collece or technical school. Small classes, Individual Instruction, Also commercial course, stutent trove-! mont. All athletics. Splendid modern buildings 1 nrge campus and gmnssium. Special care for mincer boys Rate J500. Catalog. 1KW1X 5t. SIIALTER. A. M Headmaster. HEOROE SCHOOL. PA GEOUnE SCHOOL Country School for Boy and Girls. Separate dormitories Courses broad and thorough. .Student ttudlcs under superUslon of principal. Graduates succeed In college. Special courses. Athlotlcs, gym nasium, pool. '.'27 wooded acre and open country on Ncshamlny Creek. Endowed. Rates model ato. Catalog (1EORGE A. WALTON. A. M o 28S. fleorge Sohnol l'n. MLUCKHMUnUi, PA. The Mercersburg Academy FOR BOYS Mercersburg, Pa. Send fnr ratalngue to VM. MANN IRVINE, Th. D.. IX. D. Headmaster. Rot 120 RIlXDINfi. PA. Schojlklll Sein., Reading's Jr, Col.. Rending, Ta Prep. & Jr College courses. Certi ficates accepted by colleges and universities. New athletic fle'd. dining hall 4 admlnletra. tlon bide Year J4,n Year opens Sept 12. WARREN F TEEL. A.M. D P.. 1'rea. nELI.EPONTB. P.. Bellefonte Academy "JIJ'J" 1 young men. la and up. HBth year. Ath. field & gym. Mod. rates. Catalog. JAMES P. HUOHEU, A. M., Hendmaster. llellpfnnte. 1'q. OORDENTOtVN. N. 3. Bordentown Military Institute Thorough preparation for college or business. Efficient faculty, small classes, Individual attention. Military training. STth year For catg. address Col.T D Landon. Drawar C-22. Dordentown. N S Prln. A Commandant PORT DEPOSIT. MP. TOME SCHOOL National Boarding Srhool for Bora Hurray Peahody Ilrueh. Ph. P., Port Dennslt. Md WAMILVfiTON. I O. Direct ZECKWER-HAHN PHILA. MUSICAL ACADEMY Main School. 1017 Sprues Street Opens Reptsmber 1st for registration Classes begin September (1th Send for prospectus. Teachers Wanted w- ;. Including Hlah School nil subjects now open In Penna ' K. J . Del Md. and N Y Modern Teachers Bureau .ft THE IIOIALN SCHOOL. 2204 Walnut St. wll open for Its twentj-second )ear Sept. 22. 1P21 A dav srhool for girls and small boys ELIZABETH W. I1RALEY. Headmistress DEVON MANOR In Val'ey Forgo region lu miles from Phlla. Collfe Prop MRS, LANODON CAMCIN. Prlnclpnl i I in. Drmn Pi. TRAYER'S T"' lit,t Business School 0 1 1 I II -J H07 CHESTNUT ST, Position guarnnl'd. Enter now. Dur ir clibl. WEST CHESTER. PA. Weit Chester, Pennsylvania The Darlington Seminary, Ind. SIXTY ACnE ESTATE list Yeur Dprns September 21. 1021 Junior School for joung girls. For Catalogue address Christine F. lire. Principal. Hot (110 ANNVILT.E. PA. LEBANON VALLEY COLLEOK Co-Bd. College, Academic, Music, Oratory. Collsgi rstes, f303 to 1412. Muslo rate.. 1372 tj 4(1(1. For catalog address: Dlt, O, D. fiOAED. Annillfe. Ta. NEW 10RI 009 PEOPLE n every thousand recele benefit through solnal adjustment elven h coniptent v DOCTORS OF (HIROPRACTIC The public Is rapidly ricognlilng the Aalue cf this method if drugless healing and will Hnulre an Increasing number of practltlon. ers Send for literature explaining the NtlU'lOBIC COLLEflEOI' CHinOPRACTIC, Drnt S. 249 W. 12d St., New York, N. y. niNfiHAMTON. N. Y. THE BINflllAMTON TRAIVINfl SCHOOL An Ideal prlv. hnme-schnol for nervous back ward . mental defectives No age limit Phi s.cal Culture Manual Training 4 all branches Open yr nmund Terms 475 r"r mih A ud III nnd MRS ALWH'HT Ao Ijol.DT Sj,"", U nchamlon New York 112 FMlrvlew Ave ASIIRI RNIIAM MASS. Cushing Academy cGrIa?luc.a'l)"' accepted by all colleges The best at mod erate cost. Addrsss II. 8. CROWEl.U A.M., Ph.D., Principal, Ashburnham, ifsss. DAYTON. VA. Shenandoah Collegiate InstltaU and School of Music, Dayton, Va. Co-Kducatloral Rats I22h to .110. rod (or CaUloru THE CNITED STATES COLI.EOK 0 VETERINARY bUROEONS Open Sept. in. VVrl's fnr Catg 4 J'rospeotus II, H. OAMIILE. D t, S, Denn "22 C Street. N. W Waihlngton. D. c. WAYNESBORO. VA. riSHBIRNE MILITARY SCHOOL E"p?"? !.r. ".V':6"';1:".,?.""."""'" life, Personal attention Restful military train i-""'" - r" ar iJem. , ,. n rr vear. NW ijuu uu nreproof enulnment Diploma admits to an colleges nate JflOi) Spring encampment nar famous caverns at Grottoes for all Students ...Catalogue MAJOR MORflAN H. III'DUIVH. Trln. Bnt 414. W aTiirshoro. Va. " STAl'NTON. VA. Staunton MUitary Academy Ijirgest private. Academy In the East. Prepares rnr t nueraittej Oovernment Academies or nuslness. 1871000 barracks. Hates. JflOO. Rend for catalog iiion, . ii-r,i ,, r,,, i-resiiient T.. wtniinton (Kshie statlnni. Vn. Itoi DLACRSTONE VA. BLACKS! ONE MILITARY ACAPEMT Blarkstone. Virginia Dept.i Military, Academic. Commercial for catalog nnd Infm-mntlon. address COL. V.. S. EICON, President CHATHAM. VA, Chatham Training School CHATHAM. VX. RATES ISM ItAUINO MEN NOT MONEY" Bend for Catalogue WAYNE. PA. ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL Wayne (Molr. Line P. H B.). Pa. Charles henry htrout. A. M.. Headmaatet BETHLEHEM. PA. Bethlehem Preparatory School Prepare for leading colljit-e. Estenslvs rrounds. Junior School. John P. Turgey. M. A.. Headmaster. Betnlehem. Pn. " NAZ.ltETH. PA NAZARETH HALL MILITARY ACADEMY Box 60. Narareth. Pa. Pounded 1748, Preparatory 4 Business Courses. Hr. Inter mediate and Jr. Depts. Athletics. Military in. Rev A D Thnelsr D P.. Principal PENNHIirRO. PA. PERKIOMEN SCHOOL POR HOYS Muslo, Oratory Business. Scholarships. Not conducted for profit, Mod -rates. Catalogue. OSCAU R. KB'EP,E, . O.. Princlpiu ' Bo 110. Pennshnrg. P. WT.NONAH N .1 Wenonah Military Academy Henlthfully situated In a resldsntlal town. A faculty eeiond only to that of West Point In efficiency. Aeademlo course. tlliO for the school year." Sep. arate Junior Department, 1030 for school year. Catalog and view book, Box in, DR. CIIARIJ'.S II. LORENCE. IVu. MAJOR CLAYTON A, SNYDER, H-t. LANCASTER. TA. mAMKUN AND JIAH8HAIJ. ACADEMY Prepare bors for nil Coli-es anil Tchrie-il School. Moderate term. Catalogue. AddMj h. M. IIAUl'aiAN. iiiurltl -Box iULunsaiUr, Pa. . c , WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'smO Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store :--i J i 500 Pretty Organdie Dresses Now $3, $3.35, $4.65 and $7.50 Airy, fluffy skirts, some almost covered with ruffles, bodices with short little sleeycs, pretty collars and sashes. They're in white, pink, rose, light blue, maize, Copenhagen most of them in plain colors, some with printed flowers. Voile Dresses, $1.65, $2.50, $3.35 and $6 Cool and dainty dresses in plain colors and all sorts ( of printed checks, dots and figures. Light ones to wear at home, dark blues, browns and blacks to wear on shop.' ping expeditions in town. Almost all have a touch of white introduced in the collar or vestee. Gingham Dresses, $2.50, $3.85 and $4.65 'A great many of these dresses are fresh and new. They are in checks and multi-colored plaids in pretty greens, blues, pinks and lavenders. Early Autumn Frocks are arriving steadily. Navy blue serges, tricotines and Poiret twills, showing the very newest fashion points, are here at $16.50 to $47.50. (Market) Women's White Tub Skirts, $1 to $5 Many are greatly lowered m price, but it is tho charm of tlioir styles that makes them even more desirable than their low prices! After all, the lines of a skirt are most important and that is where these skirts are so exactly right. Materials, too, are good nnd include gabardine, plain and fancy surf satins, corduroy and box pleated cream serge. (Market) IJPP o-o Windsor Ties Half Price and Less, 25c A manufacturer let us have this lot of about seven hundred exceptional ties, nearly every one different. Plain colors in crepo le chine and other silks, plaids, checks and many fancy effects that can be used for tho fashionable draped hat bands. All colors and combinations that one could wish for. School girls will want to stock up. Trim Apron Dresses, $1 Gingham or percale in neat checks and plaids pinks, blues, lavender, etc. Attrac tive styles one with plain color ruffles edging the neck, sleeves and belt; the other with the sash, neck and sleeves finished with rickrack braid. Dainty Boudoir Pillows, $1.25 They've just come out of their wrappings and are marked at a very low price! Soft white material with em broidery on the top that closely resembles Madeira work. Lace edges them and they .are lined with pink, blue or white. Bath Sprays, 75c Mighty good ones with five foot white rubber hose and large spray. Odd Silk Petticoats, $2 One or two of a kind, that's the reason the price is so low! Pongee, black and white checked taffeta, plain taffeta, jersey and striped messalino. Wanamaker Special Front-Lace Corsets, $2 Made a great deal better than the usual inexpensive corset. A topless model of fine pink cotton brocho with elastic around the top. There is a shield under tho front lacing to serve 113 protection. Also of pink cotton brocho is a pretty topless back-lace corset. Wido elastic goes all around tho top, and it is lightly boned. Dainty Blouses to Wear With Slip-on Frocks, $2 The kind that women want for that purpose. Made of line white batiste, they button in back, have flat Peter Pan col lar finished with pretty lace. Three-quarter - length sleeves. All sizes 30 to 40. Women's 50c Nightgowns Pink or white nainsook, cut plenty wide and long and fin ished with colored stitching. Checked Percale 19c Yard The voguo for checks has shown itself in these pretty percales. The checks are usu. ally in tho tf-inch size in blues, pink, maizo, brown, green, etc. 30 inches wide. $18.50 Is Mighty Little for These All-Wool Suits for Young Men Newly taken from our own stocks and lowered in price, suits like these have found plenty of friends within the last few days. We have sorted them, after the hurried buying, added some more and find that now there is good choosing among various sizes. Not all sizes in any one pattern, you know, but not every man likes the same pattern. Plenty of variety among semi-conservative, single breasted suits such as can be worn now and through the Autumn! Many men wear no heavier all Winter. Value like this means "Going going gone"! (Gallery, Mnrket) Men's Printed Madras Shirts, $1.45 Plenty of black, lavender, blue and mixed stripes, sometime plain, sometimes in clusters of three and so on. Much of the material shows corded white stripes. The shirts aro made on our own comfortable Wanamaker dimen sions and have soft cuffs. (Gallery. Market) Men's Good Brown Oxfords, $5.75 Not only Summer foot wear, but shoes that you can wear for many months to come. They are of excellent either Straight Or wine tins. Imlientnrl v nirPnrotinn Wnlt-nrl n1o and low broad heels. Exactly tho shade of brown that most men liko. (Oollery, Mnrket) Nemo Corsets Special at $4 Especially desirable for stout women is a special Nemo model at $4 (a saving of a third). It is of heavy pink or white coutil with a medium-low bust and a separate reinforcement over tho abdomen. (Tentrnl) New Autumn Petticoats, $5.50 Heavy taffeta petticoats in black or navy are in tho lengths that women Want 30 to 36 inches. They have pretty flouncen, the accordion-pleated ruffles of which have underlays. (Central) Good Knockabout Umbrellas $1 $1.35 $1.50 Many people have what they call an "office umbrella," one that is kept at the office in caso of unexpected showers. Other peoplo liko to have an odd umbrella at homo to lend to friends caught in the rain. Theso umbrellas are excellent for just such purposes. They aro covered with American taffeta (cotton), have strong frames and good handles. For women, silk wrist cords at $1 and bakelitc rings at 1 .35; crook or L-shaped handles for men nt $1.50. Women's Umbrellas With Full Bakelite Handles, $2 and $2.85 $2 umbrellas aro covered with a fine grade of cotton taffeta with cases to match They have bakelite wrist rings. $2.85 umbrellas have all theso good features as well as the fash ionable stub ends nnd silk cases. Colored Silk Umbrellas, $5 In nayy, green, purple, red and black with bakelite rings or silk cords in tho hnndlos. (Cenlrul) A Porch Frock All Snowy White is this pretty one of dotted voile which is sketched. It hay a most entrancing over skirt in the form of flying side panels attached to a sash of voile. Tho collar, vestee and cuffs aro of white organdie. Can't you picturo how fresh and cool and white it is? $5.50. (Central) Women's Straight Chemises, 75c Corded-band kinds for the many women who have been wanting these plain chemlso3 of firmly wovon whito muslin. Neat embroidory - trimmed chemises of nainsook aio $1.50. Pretty ones trimmed with lace or embroidery aro $2. (Central) . , ! ami! ' 4v hBBaajBaaBiaBalllBaaa Lxkeem V jtMrifat , jAWv S L, M$-r3J't