Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 08, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 19, Image 19

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letters to the Editor
Anewer U Yet!
I ... .' i ike Kuninff ru!W LecJfer:
fM "".' .-,, .Ill find cartoon -vhlcn
It Aor-'1 'i. ufniii City TfflO.
Sit ln i". Si ttm "irtocn In a recent
?Trfirnber the" -,., .. lbdoBII by
-V&WK" '"toonl.t in .-.l.t.nco
?. ihrl . copyright lis
J-' .vonr cartoon, or fthiiww.
AH' "'J,9." 'cartoon, ar eowlBhted
W, S',ptmo vnvar.n. .or w.......
W '".
EiXirt pv'"
W '":.. dra-m,
..... and Wounded First!
Dependents ana
lr-'n V ... Vr, in tho People's
JSSS ''Z .W. S. th, .M.rvc, men
vr. !) ": i: utter signed "An
Si, been n"Uol,i t did not se th'
srsuSw ifc??rhSr t; v.im.
Letters to the Editor nhould be m
brief and to the point as possible,
avoiding anything that would open
a denominations,! or sectarian dis
cussion. No attention will be paid to anony
moun letters. Names and addresses
must be signed as an evidence ol
Rood faith, although names will not
be printed If request Is made that
thsy bo omitted.
The publication of & letter Is not
to be taken as an Indorsement of lta
views by this paper.
Communications will ,not be re
turned unless accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
prices on .Tun 14. 1920.. and the price, of
today. Aacordlne to their fla-ures. tli fronds
shown. hleh aro supposedly of everydsj'
mo, lire priced todny at a total of 12J In
"nparleon with JfiLSn a jesr nso.
ir.o i.t qi exhibited follow:
ssi any -rv,r:k'n';;t nuriy
- v.- la onn .,.- - ,.
to his
service) min ha
la nnl
..t.mm TR "-
S?iaS tSSr to l0
. .m mtn doea
M.. th w,,n,r::' .wm for
",, (rem hl ' rho ,rn really t"
' nihnf.fVorbhUeconunTrhy hen the t.mo
r m -' " UtS. wS'
rM), Ther ? ' , ,;nil1l impend iib on
5Jrt.M h0U,"nMf i l"y arc n:t onlv
SS""n,0,(r,o? e" rrVrMeo men-, far
.rrle """ .1 ,M they rhiuld 1
" i1,ran'taodT..onay tax row when
WNMn "" , -ay II.
OUT '"'.' l.nt the honun
ned It
leait aom '-;, r.d
m.i"" '..rr' ho rnaiUnum Pm!
M m ?'".. mm. hat I want nr i" r;
W"r lh.nram3ly tRknn et.re of ana ."
,,, wounded "" '" provided for. and
fet'nt'. - tn.-S.So or h. country
nnaiphh. Atwn a.
100 rounds siisar J.'2.00
2 pounds poftee 60
'4 hnrrel twt bread flour 2.1R
1 pound tea f0
i pounds corn meal 0
B tins solid rack tomatoes OS
pounds best head rice SO
4 pounds pea boans CO
4 tins best rn poa 1.12
8 pounds penrl tAPloca 64
2 pounds pearl barley Si
0 tins Maine sweet corn 1.02
8 pounds bet creamety butter. 1.U2
0 pounds pure lard 2.10
2 Pds. mild whole-milk cheeso .70
2 dozen guaranteed eem 1-13
8 one-pound loavei bread fiS
8 doren doughnuts P1
10 pounds hlgh-Krado ham 4.00
1 pounds hncon squares 1.46
6 pounds Halt pork 1-60
0 pounds smoked shoulder .... 1-02
2 pecks old potntots 2.nfi
4 bnrs laundry soap 82
1 Inrro Jar Jam 43
Author of Quotation Located
To I h$ Editor 0 iA V.vntUo rvbUe l.tioert
Blr Can you tell me the author of the
poem, the last two lines of which nrei
"lie raised it mortal to the skies,
Bhs drew an angel duwn."
Philadelphia, August 2, 1021,
The lines are from Uryden's "Alexander's
Feast." We cannot prlrrt the poem on
account of Its length. The last verse 1st
"Let old Tlmotheus yield the prlie.
Or both divide the crown,
It raised a mortal to the tides.
Bhs drew an angel down."
A Favorite Hymn
To the Editor of the Evening Puttie J.tdoer!
' Sir I will appreciate It If rou will print
In your Teople's Torum the words of the
hymn, "It Slnxoth Lo.v In Every Heart."
I'lillid-lDhla, August 2. 1021.
It slneth low In every heart,
V'n hear It each end all
A son of thnsi iro Answer not,
However we rniy call!
TViey throne tho silence of the breast.
wo sco them ns of yore
The kind, the brave, tho tru". the sweet,
Who walk with us no more.
TIs hxrd to take tho burden vp
When these havo Isld It down:
They brlahtenid all the J-y of life.
They softened every frown:
nut, ch, 'tis rood to think of them
When we are troubled sore!
Thanks be to ad that such have been,
Although they aro no more.
More homelike seems thi vst unknown
Since they have entered theie;
To follow thtm were not no hard.
Whercv-ir thev nisy fare:
Thev cannot be where Clod Is not.
On any fea or shore!
Whntn'er hetlrtr. Thy love i.hldes.
our J-d, fcrovermore.
uur u.a. John w chsdwlck.
Those Week-Ends In Jersey
sMllIra ehB..lM PKe f.toc
llll,.lTlM, going " be clear and h
MU,,,..,fh. .ra.e and crnrk up th
".. ?.." rflSrt the night hef.
slop . "- v,i.nn and
t trie ""'?'":-., .
eh nnd
the car.
efore In
A All
Market ureei 'r,,l1"
ynu are
u Ithnut
wWrh .VWJ"":':;, Coaled week-end.
..it.J nn wiin
OOiivu .
Cr r Pie of hundred oar. get
A" ...'. .!. treat your. It
on ooai, "" b th. mtones
. AU1M-UP -"";,, .,, enogh, to
( nun, ,.",..,. and a few patches
" i.Taf th. ?MtUw iua. a little
m rrle at me """..,.i.I,- i
Aiier "...""
urn,!., -ou are
nii.n m find a cot
?,.ll. henlcs to loosen up your knotted
frr etllttnemci . , th8 fxvt.
, -- " . ..
ot After you n
.,. u-lth that
!? "":".,:. "We have no
Bnci7 ."'""',.'.. ,)!, run into
!TalMUe .rreit w'her the lady could
".':.: ih. nttle. If you non-i minu.
! ... . J..-, .it settled, you open your
leans ana iry
tnuio ac-
... IhAt'H ILL
"". L". .. ..., ,K whlta
H, sne or""-,- "",- ,h. windows
iV, dr.. "ng you are then ready for th,
i4 march on the lumber walk: after
Solfng until yoSr girl ha. decided that she
U.C. Mss.ec1 1 with a few moro corns, you
,,,.. nh and wait for a table.
XrUra? women faint In tho line and
W. to bs carried out. giving you a chance
M wi up. you finally get a table: all you
ha, to wait for then is ms waurr.
After you have decided that you vo spent
all Voir dough, and your girl has decided
hit iho ha. had a very pleasant evening
(and part of a morning), you buy a rolling
Zlr lo get home, say good-nluht to our
rirl and start up the ladder to And your
est. Everjthlng's fine for an hour or v
until the boys from the "hlg town come
homi; the nol.o starts end finally dies down
In about sn hour: then soma one falls down
tU ittPJ golns after some lco for a nUi
friend. , ,.
Tie l.ndlady said that she Is going to
get tome fly netting next week to put on
th windows. The mosquitoes must have
beard h.r and decided to make hay while
U4 .un shines, after hav'r.r robbed you
f,f a. mnch nourishment as you put Into
ysur.flf that nttht. with your good memcy.
Ten lit at least two or three good mlntflos
IMP before It Is time to get up. You get
up, shave, put on a bathing suit and rro out
on th. beach where ou can soak up nil
tM hut you want without charge.
Ill finished ou go to tho garage and try
to f.nd our car; after allng the garage
mtn all but your ferry money you stnrt
bores In the funeral procession, reachlnn
Camden at dusk and ThlladelphK at day
fcruk, and you all decide that ynu nre ery
Utti. but h-ivc had a wonderful week-end.
Jlttw .laying home from work n day or so
tt) doctor jour over-toasted flesh and rest
rear muccles you decide that It all comes
Bal.r the head of "pleasure."
ItJIadelphla, July 18. 1021.
Cut Restaurant Prices
Tltht Editor o th Kvenino Public Ledorr:
Sir In your editorial r.ruaade for tho man
en the .treat why don't you wallop the
rtftivranla .t. well as the soda fountain'?
Ws can get slong without the letter's prod
"J but eat we must. W. B. V.
niladelphla, July 18, 1021.
Suggestions for Camping
PS Iks Editor o ie Broidip Public l.tdotr:
Blr "C. E. V " asks for Information
Hnrdln camping. I will do my best to
Jjd him. Ho dIJ net state the length of
tyns he would be gone or the number
f Person. In hlj party, so I will give the
awroilmate coat for two persona for one
Mk's stay.
In the first place, a tent is necessary.
Utooutn In nice weather a sleeping bag
will do Just as well. Two hoavy woolen
Wank.te should nlso be Included.
Below a Hat of necesaltles and a few
Nets on different articles.
JJ pounds of flour ft .04 .
1 Pounds of sugar .08 ,
I pounds of beans .05
I Mund. of bacon .25
I pound of tea JT .00
I I ounce of black pepper 0
f J Pounds of sweet chocolate
ns or evaporated milk
J Mra of laundry soup
1 tan of aulphur matches
Totals 51.60 122.10
In this connection I would like to asl: jour
readers for opinions upon tho prices ot lc
cteani. woler I'es, Ice creem soda and eery
"ewoct" ln the' confectionery and bakery
Ico cream of the 'wet quality before the
war was eighty cents a quart; now It Is
Cinnamon bun a bread dough sweetened
with molasses, suTr, or whatever It may be,
a sprinkling of ruirnnts added costs nny
where from sixty to seveity-flvo ccnta a
An Ice- sweetcnd water with flavorlnit
costs from thirty to thirty-four cents per
haps more In some place.
Profiteers met with universal contempt
during the war. and sugar soared to heights
while we abstained from using It to send It
abroad to our rorvlte men. Now sugar Is
one-fourth tho prlc nnd the profiteers at
the dualern who demand war prices for
"sweets" the summer necessities.
Think of the cooling drink nr.d the lei
crenm the littlo children love! I It fair?
Is It Ju.t for us to "suffer fools gladly" and
poy the price demanded rather than make a
"drive" to bring about the fools' awakening
from their dreams of millions drawn from a
too-wllllnr public?
Let us do something. A- rAItKEIl.
I'hllnde'.phln, July R0. 1021.
"About Face" on Bonus
To thr Fitltitr o thr Kvniimi PiibMr I.'rlocr:
Blr The "powers that be" havo ben at
work very hard ugalnst the ex-ser.vlce innn.
Wn all know our President never said any
thing against that bonus after election, mann
ing that It was up to the Benate to pns
It to kIvo tho ex-sen lco men Justice. A
week nio the Senate took that much-dls-cussed
pleco of legislation nnd was about
to act upon It. Then the President hurried
from New Jersey to tell the Senators to atop
or they would break the Treasury.
This about faco of our President shows me
clearly how strong and tyrannlo the "powers
that be" ore. Is there back of It an auto
cratic coternmcnt7
About breaking the Treasury they cannot
fool the American soldiers thnt way. If
the already deploted treasuries of England,
Kranro and Italy didn't break when they
paid their bonus, surrly tho Treasury of tho
United Stntts will not break when we t.iko
nnti,... iht the world's supply of gold Is
deposited In Wall street and the country has
20,000 moro millionaires than beforo the war.
Are we downhearted? No I Hut we want
Justice. Wo do not want to break the
Treasury. Wo do not want any power to
run tho United States Senate. Ruddies, we
fought for Justice, so tney saw. "i ""
never give up until wo Bet Justice.
a. W. L.
Philadelphia. July 21. 1021.
"Mrs. W. M. I." asks for the poem called
'The Quarrel " It begins:
"Torsi brown and lambent burnt her eyes.
And shot sharp flames at his of amethyst.
Oo and be forgot as death '"7-.
Their glitter hissed, so seemed It In their
The People's Forum will nppenr dally
'XL. Vrnlnir Public Ledger, nnd also
ii vv -'-"..-" .!., I t b ,
Ihn MI1I1UH.T 1 IIUIlV V.1-.
.... ;v --- , .,- ,vl
ti..atr timely tonics
n well ae requested poems, nnd n."f
of general Interest will be nnkwrretl
nnd question
Questions Answered
.10 .
131 .40.
ffl 16 ....
i .06 . . . .
.10 . .
Total for eatables 15.40
Beans, tomatoes, mm. sauerkraut and the
t ik. y. ,l, b" purchased In cans, which.
1. .'. ' cn'Psr In ths long run. as It
M dl.bea and washing.
.!'" '.N' t0 b carried are an aluml-
. eo?lc klt -n(3 a serving kit. a gun
"revolver, securing permit to carry It,
V" waterproof matchboxes of hard rub
2J7M "lied with salt. Don't forget a
E"1 'op., u wm coms ln handy wh9n
li ? "" homo to tie up your tent,
A little mosntlita nftttnc- U mnA
face when you
The First Talking Machine
To (lie Editor ot the Jiticiilni; Public 1,-dotr:
airAVn Edison the lnentor of the flrnt
talking machine, or did he merely develop
some other perron's Idea? v . L. I
Philadelphia. August 2. 10.1.
r-,ii-nr, rlevolooed tho talking machine nnd
cut It Into practical use. The first mechani
cal dcUce for th registering nnd reproduc
tion of speech and other sound was the In
"entlon of Ion Scott, known on the pho
nsntograph and constructed n 1855. mm
Invention ombodlod the csnenllnt principles
on which the pres'nt-day Instruments were
based Edison produced a phonograph m
1M0 nnd tho first patent was dated Janu
ary. 1877.
Meaning of "Eminent Domain"
To tin Editor ol the Kwenlnii J'ubllo Ltdoer:
Sir pieaso explain to me what la truant
y the t9rm ''em,,lenrtI1ARLESMT. PARK.
Philadelphia. July 31. 1021.
Eminent domain Is tho supreme right of
property PO.sed by a State over the
.M.PeiT f Private ownership. Th. . r..h :
eminent domain is in- "' '"';"; V,'',,"
property for public uses. In the Unltod
Slates Its Juslincutlon Is the common wel
fa?e and the Fifth Amendment of the Con
smatlon provides tht Just compensation
must be made. The right Is usually exer
cited In order to secure land for the con
st'uctlon of railroads, highways and canals.
Death Rate In Wartime
T-'fhaKdlloro' the Wveiititp Public Ltdoer:
Blr How did our death rate In the World
War compare with the highway death rate In
,h," nlled HIM..? BTBPHBN T. WARE.
Philadelphia, August 2, 10.1.
At a Oi. iferenco on highway trnrtlo reeula.
tlon held at Yale Unherslty recently. It was
itnted that In the rerlod of our participation
"'..- iwm vr our war loaaes numbered
4HO0O denihs. whllo during tho same period
there were 01,000 persons killed on the
hfghwny, of the ..a1,L
...hnm v.rre senooi rilliurril. " "I" " ..-..-
.,.., in nineteen months the highway
,fc ..... .u.n. .
ties nearly imuuiru i"to
the greatest war In history.
tkl. .. "" ""
---. ,0 r,p around your
down to sleep.
?knirunk, Ta., July
18, 1021.
forces ln
Poems and Songs Desired
Victims of Public Opinion
Edlior 0 the Evening 1'fbllv l.rdaer:
th. Z;!? MttT ot William J K'.emlng on
" jju.ttlon of men wenrlnr coals in His
ntnratr weather was Indeed true enough
ttr.it... V '"" R "'pensive h0"' " he
IS ik .' om of th "" iyT " '
fL mn a not 1,avo th" courage to
Vkiii ?k ,n,r '' ,h' would like to, and
J2" they lr- to flnd fault with the styles
ftii " n,or or 1 adopted by more sen-
w. women, who always look nnd feel
5Sk .iuml",r' ly eeem to be afraid to
L i 'rom the coat and collar.
etiaoT 1 I "J0" ,rom he " conso
7"tA111'' Because some one might
alter in ."?, " no co on-" l11" are.
, cb. u5,m of publl opinion, until
fvllJ .n! d enough to come out man.
n Z.ui '";.. ! he style-no coat.'
'' win an ran in M,
Wants "Romeo and Juliet"
To the Editor of the Eicnino Pi'bllc L-dger:
u,r r om cry anxious to secure a poem
entitled "Romeo and Juliet." which begins:
"Oh, I've a host of memorlen
Embroidered In my brain,
And InoUIn' at 'em makes mo
Wish that I were young again
H, L. S.
Phlladelph a, August 2, 1021.
tKll.j . . U5JlllB
- i.a.imis, Ju'.y 21,
The; Prlr . In
tttju Editor 0 the Pv.Mlno public
twi fo, .?7 tn 1r"t W llnt let me
lallr ..' .Ui.,rom R ""'ealon. Muss,, news-
i.-' -- e-JllQlvai
rlun, t.e( -window., of a local g
4?KJ.LW'her ungual display, )
ijKf 'htm.slv., 'and lhlfy..i
Solution to Problem In Rhyme
To ffi Editor of the ivnlo Public Ledger:
, Tjlf problem In Rhyme," submitted
h "I H K " In jour Irene of August 1, csn
t" sihed by means of the following e.U-
tlons , , n
3y Icks x equal to 01.
4 less Tilt eqjol to I).
I will try and gUe the solution In rhyme ns
well, saying
At Iho present time I il n
Richard's age at thlrty-slx.
llrother iiooi,, ...... --
VAAra I'MIUOM .-...
AllXUit 2. 1021
Author of the "Tiirran" Stories and the
"Slartlan" Hlorles
Within nn hour of the fall.of Lu-rlorj
nnil Mo-anr. the chiefs nnu rrinelpnl
warriors of Pnl-ul-ilon gnthorril In the
Krrat throne-room or tno pniacc ni v
lur upon the ftcpH of tho lofty pyrnmlil
nml plnclng .Tn-don nt the upcx pro
init,i him Itlnc. T'non one hltle 01
the olil chiefliiln stood Tnrznn of the
Apes, nml upon the other Konik the
Killer, worthy boh o the mighty npe
Ami when the brief ceremony vns
over ontl the wanlori with upraised
clubs had sworn fenlty to their new
ruler, .lu-don dispotehrd n trusted com
pnnv to fetch O-lo-u nnd l'mi-nt-li"!
nnd' the women of hU own household
from .In -lur. ,
Ami then the wnrrlors discussed the
futuro of I'al-ul-don nnd the question
nroso ns to tho ndminlstrntion of the
temples nnd the fate of tho priests, who
prncticnlly without exception hnd been
dlsloynl.to the government of tho king.
fcecUlnR nlwnyB only their own power
nnd comfort nnd aggrandisement. And
then It wns thnt .Tn-don turned to Tnr
znn. "Let the I'or-ul-Otho transmit
to Mi people the wishes of liia father,"
ho said.
"Your problem is a simple one. tnid
the npe-man. "if you but wish to do
that which bhali be plcnins in tho eyes
of god. Your priests, to inrrrase their
power, havo tnught you thnt .laii-tien-Otho
is a cruel god ; that his eyes love
to dwell upon blood and upon suffering.
Dut the falsity of their teachings has
been demonstrated to you today in tho
utter defeat of the priesthood.
"Take then the temples from the men
and give them instead to the women
that they mny be ndminlstcrcd in kind
ness nnd charity and love. Wash the
blood from your eastern nltar and drain
forever the wntcr from tho western.
"Onoo I gave Ijii-don the opportun
ity to do these things, but lie ignored
mv rnmninniK nnd again ii the corrldn"
of sacrifice filled with its victims. Lib
erate these finm every temple in I'nl-til-don.
Tiring offerings of such gifts
(ib your people like nnd plnce them upon
tho' nltnrs of your god. And there he
will bless them and tho priestesses of
jad-bcn-Otlio enn distributo them
among those who need them most."
"And the priests," cried one. "We
shnll put them to death upon their own
nltnrs if it. plcnses the Dor-ttl-Otiio to
give the word."
"No," cried Tnrznn. "Let no more
blood be spilled. Oive them their free
dom nnd tho right to take up such oc
cupations ns they choose."
Thnt night n grent feast wns Rprend
In the pnl-e-don-so nnd for the first
timo In the history of ancient Pnl-ul-don
black warriors, hat in peace nnd
friendship with white. And n pact wns
sealed between .Tn-don nnd Om-nt that
would ever make Ills tribe nnd the Ilo
don allies nnd friends.
It was hero thnt Tnrznn learned
the cnuso of Ta -den's failure to attack
nt the stipulated time. A messenger had
come from .Ta-don carrying instructions
to delay tho attack until noon, nor had
they discovered until almost too Inte
thnt the messenger wns a disguised
priest of Lu-don.
The following tiny O-lo-a and Pnn-nt-lee
nnd the women of .Ta-don's fnm
Uy arrived nt the pnlnce nt A-lur nnd
in the great throneroom Ta-den and
O-lo-a wero wed, and Oin-at and Pan-nt-lee,
For n week Tarznn nnd .Tnne nnd
Kornk remained the gueLts of .la-don,
ns did Om-at nnd his hlnck wnrrlors.
And then the npo-man announced that
he would depart from Pal-ul-don. Hazy
In the minds of their hosts was the lo
cation of lien ven nnd equnlly f-o the
menns by which the gods traveled be
tween their celestial comes and the
hnunts of men nnd so no questionings
arose when it was found that tho I")or-ul-Otho
with his mute and son would
tiavel overlnnd across the mountains
nnd out of Pal-ul-don toward the
They wont by vny of tho Kor-ul-jn
nccompnuied by the warriors of thnt
tribe and a great contingent of Ilo-don
warriors nnd 1 Tn-dciii The Urn; nnd
many warr.ors ami n multitude of peo
ple accompanied them beyond the limits
of A-lur H'ul after they hnd bid gond
ii nnd Tnrnn hnd involked the bless
ingi of !nd upon them the three Ku
ropenns taw their simple, loynl friends
prostinti' in me num. ueinnii tncm until
ot the passage, but It was one which
depended wholly upon chance.
It was tho morning of the last day
that, ns they wero breaking en"10, t0
tnko up the mnrch, a deep bellow
thundered from n nearby grove. The
apo-mnn smiled. Tho chnnee hnd come.
Fittingly then would the Dor-til'Otho
and his mote and their son dcpnrt from
unmapped Pal-ul-don,
Ho still carried the spear that .lane
had mndc, which ho had prised
l,lr,M,- tinennae It tuna line linlllllWork
Hint Im linrl mused n nenrch to bt) inndc
for it through the temple id A-lur nfter
his rclcnBO, and It had been found find
l.rm.trlit In Mm Tip linil told llPT
laughingly that it should have the plnfe
of honor above their hearth ns the an
cient flintlock of her Puritan grandslre
hnd held a similar place 'Of honor above
thn flrenlnce nf 1'rnf. I'nrter. her flltiicr.
At the sound of the bellowing the
tin. ilnn wnrrlors. Home nf whom had
accompnnled Tnrznn from' .In-don s
enmp to .ln-lur, looked nuestlonlngly nt (
the npe-mnn while Om-ntH Wnss-cloii'
looked for trect, since the gryf wns the
one creuture of Pal-ul-don wlilch might
not be safely encountered even nj
grent multitude of wnrrlon'. Its tough,
armored hide was Impregnnble to their
knifo thrusts while their thrown clubs
rattled from it ns finitely ns if hurled
at the rocky shoulder of Pnstar-ul-vcd.
"Walt," said tho npe-mnn, nnd with
hta nnenr In linnil he ndvnnced town I'll
tho grjf, voicing the weird cry of the
Tor-o-don. Tho bellowing ceased nnd
turned to low rumblings and present y
Hie huge beast appeared. Whnt fol
lowed wits but a repetition of the npe
mnn's previous experience with these
huge nnd ferocious crentures.
And so It wns that .lane nnd Kornk
nnd Tnrznn rode through the morass
that hema Pnl-ul-dou, upon the back of
a prehistoric trlccrntnps while the
lesser reptiles of the swamp fled hissing
in terror. I'pon the opposite chore thny
turned nnd cnllcd bnrk their farewells
to Ta-tlcn nnd Om-nt and the brave
warriors they hnd learned to ndmlrc
nnd respect. And then Tnrznn urged
their titanic mount onward townrd the
North, nbandoning him only when he
wns assured that the Waz-don nnd the
Ilo-don hnd hnd time to rench n point
of comparntlvo safety nmong tho cruggy
ravines of the foothills.
Turning tho benst s head again to
wnrd P.il-ul-don the three dismounted
and n sharp blow upon the thick hide
i-ent the creature lumbering majestically
bock in the direction of its native
haunts. For n time they Mood looking
back upon the Innd they hnd just quit
the land of Tor-o-don and grf; of j:t
nnd jato ; of Wnz-dou and Ilo-don: a
primitive land of terror nnd sudden
dentil nnd pence nnd beauty : a land thnt
they nil hnd learned to love.
And then they turned once more to
ward the North nnd with light henrts
and brnve henrts took up their long
Journey townrd the Innd thnt Is best of
all home.
10T N. Newklrlt st. , R-malns maybe
slewed Monday eve In Norlhwood Cem.
(JILL. Aug. n StJHAN 15.. wife of Ray
mond K Oil! (neo l'earce). Relatives anl
friends, also Science Council. N. 02. H, and
V, of L.i employes of Standard Denial c 0..
are Invited to ultend funeral services. ted..
3 1' M . at tho parents' residence, nl.l.i w
Krench st. Int. private. Krlenda may call
Tues eve,
nUVKSHHR At Swnrlhmore. P.. w
Aug, 7. 1P21. LUCAS, husband nf Jlary
Olnesser, aged Sft years. Relatives nnd
friends are Invited to th scrvle on Wertnee
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Oliver II.
Ralr llldg,. 1820 fli.stniit street. Phil". In
terment nt Mt. Peace Cemetery.
V., widow of Joseph A. Grant and rousln nf
trs. i.awara iiniiowe1!. jwmii'f. "
friends sre Invited to the service on Thurs-
2 ay afternoon nt 2 o'clock, at her Inte resi
ence. 41H2 (llrnrd ave. Interment private
ARI). husband of Kllrabeth Grniier (nee
Crouter). ored 4S. Relatives and friends nre
Invited to funeral services. Tues., 2 P M .
nt his late residence, Verbena avj.. above
Oak Lane Int. prnutn
ORIMLKV Suddenly, on Aug S. BTI'I.LA
IV 1 dnuijhter of James K and the late Jane
Orimlev. Rplstlie nnd friends, also tnem
trrs nr Krnneis 'ntt Key rnspier .. . 1.
P.. 'Invited ti funeral n'rvlre'. Tiks., st 2
P. M . Inte residence, fili.12 Ludlow terrace
mi wesunin-ier tcm. r ricnos mar "
Ion. eo
iitifaierlf ., ? vn a vrMJ-ci r! . wife
of Frederick W (lr'lsrl(. ' Relntlie. nnd I
friends ore Invited to nttend funernl serv-1
tm Weil 5 p i n h.r Inti. Meldence, I
2102 .V. Cleveland 'nve. Int Northwood
Ccm Krler.di mav ca'l Tues. eve.
OUSTAVK Klllel In netlon In Trance,
ept. 2S, 1018. 1'rHale STANLBT OOSTAVH.
Reinllves and friends nlsn Co. K. .114th Inf .
and Wnr Mothers nnd nil societies nf which
he was n number, nre Invited to funeral serv-
len jton . K A. M., nt wire's resiaence, in
McKenn st nenuiem mnss at St. i nsiinero s
Church. 0 A M Int llnlv Cross Cem.
HELM. Autr 4. RICHARD W.. husbnnd
of Kophla Helm aged 71 Relatives nnd
friends nre Invited to ntlsnd funeral serv
ices, Weil .2 1' M . late residence, 102 N.
DM st Int. private Remains mny be
slewed Tues .e
IinNDRICK; --In France. Serf. 2s'l0is
ALFRI1D Yr.nKM'fl. son of John It nivl
Snrn'i II. Hendrjeke. Td 2''. R"latlves and
friends, s'sn Crt7 Lndire. No. 42". ..and
A. XI . Wmhlnitinn Canin No. 121. V p.
S. of A .'and Ilii"ell V dross Post. .No
P02 nnd Oerhronk IK'nn. nre Invited to
attend fun. rsl s. r Ices XInn . 2 I'. Xf . n
the chnnl of Andrew J. Ralr ft Hon. Arch
and 10th sis. Int Westminster Cem.
HENRY Aus S 1021. MARY Xf , wt'n
ot the lftle .tf.m XI Henrv. Kunerijl from
the funernl p.irlors of Walter Ilurke .t Pens.
143H H Rrosd st Tues.. H-30 A. Xf. llluh
ma-is nt SI Teresa's Church 10 A. XI. Int.
Holy Cross Ctn
Oitstav and Anna Herrmann, need 14. Fu
neral s-rvlces Tu-s 2 T. XL. nt 211 Vv
Albanus st. Int rlre-nmoiint Cem. Frlenfls
may call Xton.. 7 to 0 IV XI
HICKMAN All- .1. XIARY J. wife eif
the late Isnnc Hirlimnn. Cuneral. to whlcn
relslUes nnd fr ends nre Invited. Xlon.. 1 'in
T. XI.. from the ros'lenco of her son-li-lnw
Pamu-l J Voune. l.V.'O S. 4th ft. Int. pri
vate. lertiHoeci
KEE Auir. ,V late residence. P0 E Col
!nm st . riertnsn'iwn XURY .M. KEF. (ne
Mnnnt. wife of Wllllsm Ke. Funornl services
nnd Interment at tho tonvenlence of the
KEPSI.ER -Aus r. CH VnLEf4 r . son
LIAM D. HUr.MjnCK. Co. K, ltOfi Inf"
husband of Nellie Sherlock and son of 1swls
end Martha Sherlock, sd 20. Re"'''".,'
friends, slso Co. K. 110th mr , urn, n.
Llscum Tost, No. 47, V of F. W I War
Xlothers end societies of which lie lv.a,n
moniber, luvlttd to funeral, Wed. 1 r. m
residence, 181.1 H Lee st Services ul .Moore
St. Ilaptlst Church 2 I XI. Int. Fornwood
faiDDnns At Atlantic City. N. J., Au.
R CHARLES, husband of Mary Hldders.
nAi1 ns tlftlallVAM a nil frlttnAw iitari KlOOSe
Loclse. mo nt, I, i. u. .M sre invnm w
attend runeral. Tues , 2 1' XI. from his
inte residence, 0311 .tomes st. Int. Cedar
Hill Cem, Friends may call Xlon , 8 to 10
si.lCK (nee Kelly).- Au. 4 HARRIETT
E., "vlfe of Alien R. Hllelc. H!rrd 80. u
l.eral Xlon. 1 V. XI. residence. 89.12 N.
Delhi st- Int. Hlllslds Com Rcmolns viewed
Hun.. to 10 V. M. .
vrlr,. nf Lincoln Rnifnk lluilnl nt Potts-
vllle. Vn . An 10 Funeral strletlv prlvnte.
SXriTH Suddenly nt Ocean City. Jfd.
ANDREW, husband of XUrnaret Smith.
sed 07 Relatives and friends, nlso Orient
I.odire. No 2PO, F and A XI are Invited
to attend funeral. Tui s . 2 I'. XI, residence.
1R13 H fiSth st Int Arllnirton Com. Friends
mny cell Xlon eve
SPARE Died in Fr.inie on Octiber PL
ai.lth Infantry, husband of Kdn.i 11. Heap;
nnd siin ot S Eies and Viola A, Spnre, eyed
23 yearn. Rrlntlves and friend", alto Fro
rrers've Assimbly No I A n XI. P . nr-
I.mteu to ine serines in wnnosnny "
noon nt 2 o'c'ock. at the Ilaptlst Temple,
llrond and Refks streets Interm-nt prlypj"
STELLWAOEN. Allir. R. 1021. PAUL
INE widow of John I. Slellwaen ine
Ynhn) Relatives, friends and ntl societies
of whletv the deceased was n member, are
Invited to nttend funeral services. Tues.. 3
! XI . at the residence of her son. William
ui-nu-un OIT V ilh nt Int tiHvntt.
West Lnurol Hill Cem Vlowln remains
Xlon. eve.
STRATTAN At Llewelljn. near Miners
vllle. Pa. AUK 7 ANNA A. wife of late
Chsrles W Straltan. Relatives and friends
Invited to fum-ral eervtir Wed 2 P. l
at lh chapel of Kirk A N'ce 0301 German
town ave Int Ivv HI'I Cm ...-..
TV!OR On Aunust 7 1021 JIs.niAN
TA'IM.YN. dnuRhfr of Walter Melville and
i:ihei ri-nv Tiyior (ne llrsndt). sued I-
dns Funeral on Tuesdn 2 P. XI.t from
nPtinmenis or n. 1, .i imrrru 1,1 ,,.
l-tt m I'amden. N J Interment private.
Ilnthel Ceni'terv.
THOMAS - Aus- 7 l.DNA D.. daurh'.er of
Annie nnd the Inte Howard II Thomas
Relatles nnd frlenda Invlt d to attsnd fu
nernl rervlci Wed 2 P XI . brother's resi
dence 112S W. Rush st Int. private.
Frl.nds m call Tues In 10 P. XI
Pottsvllle papers plas" eopv.
TOTTEN. Auk 0. 1021 MARY J., daush-
ter of Simuel and I sine-me intien. 1 u
p.ral sei vices Tus . i I' XI . -eldnee, 2MII
N Xlnschor st In' Nonlmood Cem. Ro
mains may lie lwrd Mnn ee.
Tl'RNER Killed In aeilin In France,
Oct 3 HUH Private FRANK J.. Co. XI.
311th Infnntry son of lute Frank J. and
Leors Tu-ner Relatives and friends, nlso
Co Xt 314th Infnntry. and John P Oarlnnd
P011. No 100. A 1. . invited to funeral.
Tues .IP M . sisters residence 210 Oei
rln s! !tHrlcca In Dotlerer Xlemirlal
Church. 2 ' M Int. Xlt Xtnrlah Cem.
VAI.IONE Autr 7. XtUlY tfc of
i Hnrrv Vallnn ani rta'htr -f iste .innn
una Ris 1 ori.i iik nm.t" " uni-nii ,nnu
Inie rrs'.denre. 1 r ?.'orth Kpfenth '.
WARING A.iff 0. 1'12l WALTER hus.
band of K-nncns Wnrlnif inee Itnimhklrk'. In
his 3.'d enr Relatlies srd fil"nds are In
!ld tn attend funernl Tues 1' P XI . from
Ms livl' reslilrnre. Krewtnl.ll mid. below
Weln'i read Ifistl'ton Phll Int I.iwn-
HALEBMEN. experienced to handlsswutltles
In company established 10. years! comtnls-
.on with .alary later. I' 831, J!Iii
TBACHF.lt Of bookkeep.nir. etc. P"m"";""
r.A.lilnn. stata ace. educntlon. esperlente
anil salary desired. P 411. Iedrer
FOKEXtAN wanted to lake charge
flna l.arri rnnni'N. IinilHHl ',
nt tnsklnff
r.r.mcls In llalllmore fe-etory
nnrlrnce. salary desired, a.e
rnces Address XI 7nR
sl.ile full
and lefcr-
Idaer Office
On account of sickness property, 'stock,
fixtures, etc
nf ". ; fl
' i
jlcn who understand produellmi
and who can get ,r,'"l,Utl"u.,.h,- (X
FACTORY in the United States Is
Leonly Interes-ed In (rati n msl
mum productlin ut minimum es;
nense. To do this requires not
inlv nolern equipment and nindern
INCJ and wno can IM-HlK-mly di-
fSCtory OTKllurniiuii.
l,lnK laiwht a.-eordlna to the uni
versity t.Iin to thousand, of iijen
who are elreudy cnjiifted In Indus
irlel work or who urn Rrailiute. nr
technical schnols Thi. m-n ere
coin 10 hsndlo the linpnrlant
executive work In Industrial r.runnl
7snon. Xlsnv of thorn hnve slresdv
increased their salaries 200 per
cent nd 400 per rent Their pres
ent salarloe range from 12000 to
425.000 per year
Whether you are ensured in In
dustrial work or wnetner vou have
had no manufscturlnc "xperlence.
It will be to our ad.io'a to t"
xestUnte the opportun'ty In this new
urof-sslo.i of Industilnl nnlnerlnir
If you nro in enrnert. if oppor
tunity means inytnlntr to vnu, wo
Invite vnu to rail or write for fur
ther Information.
MANUFACTURER of ,, ,Rr d hoW
uraplile and r.ied.'ml chemicals wants man
nL..n.n" .""') "Vll'y " help manaita bull
V?n!'i -r"'r. wi,n ,yfarl "alary of 13000
plus .1 per Cent of sules. who will losr IsOOO
on security of nrnt lien on plant which can
I nie constant prollloble orders. II 128, Led
ser (iff Ire.
MAN or party of men wantnt tn liirl m
fltinnelnlly In puttlnw nn fie market a htc
nlwir-snvlnir deMie. nbsolutely nnthlnr like
t nml enn be ued n ,.Verv pnrnient shjp
'."-"L 7,un,r "H "r write H Goldstein,
7l.i Snrlnit Gsrden st I'Mlml-lnhln
K;?,n?n""'.!Lymy w'"' r able 10
buslnej.; liberal drawlnB account Oentllos.
L 1 M U L A I N E
HEAD of Industrial criKlneerlnn concern with
excellent connections n European c-Vun-tries
desires to correspond with American
manufacturers Interested m European en"
BlneerlnT deielopments. prnwsses, pJtsnt.
and triJ. opportun tie, win. llatim t Ctf
ah H T.n Hill- st ChlcftHo
0 Es 4.-i'li si..
New York. N. Y.
wants to i;et In mn-h w in men hn nr
imxlous to b-ome DECK OFFICERS In
To these m-n we rnn offer n complete
cnur-o In NiviTitl'n Nenmnnshlp etc.
which "III nna'il.. them to pass the re
riulred eximlnfitluns fir thes poltinns
our WHO: i-Tl DV PI AN is lh bt In
wnflil l ni prennraiinn w-ii inKi-
III.L1NERY STORE dolnu nr-tUr. cash bust
ness suburban t.iwn. varlerl ir,,,.,.i.. "V
nice country and Ul age emulation to draw
om. reaannable rent, most beautiful store
miiKis sale necessary.
Xtirket at
tn town III health
Xir i hrl'tman n.l'i
Tniir to six m"n'ii-.
in'irsi. la e mi'lf-d
"?alnrlB flr
run from Jl
- ,iA..Mn.. .. 1-,A Annn Kler lne;vliu l em rrienna mi uiiu .win. w,
i' i"" ... n-.-., .. .l f-lAn.lu '
l-Onnnrsi, ni'n -ll iirinuv- mr, . ,, - ''
invited to futwnl Tues . :30 A Jl . 24'7
W. Yotk it llte-h i"Tii-in mass, St 'o
lumbn's Church. 10 V. XI.
Relatlcs nnd friend- nlso Harmony Lodge,
No. 45 K of P Washlmtnn Camp. 301.
T. O S. nf A Invited tn fur.ernl Tu .
1 P XI fron diiiehter's rcsldenre Ida
XT FlemlnK. S205 Haverford ave.. Fern
wood. l.INDERFnc, t On Isle C'tv V ,T .
nn Ail- 3. 11121, GUSTVVUH I.INPEIiniin
IVlll I
F, 8,
I1IRK.M1RE. Aug. R. AUGUSTA V.. wife
of lleirse W. Illrkmlro. Services on Tues.
Int 2 P. Xl.. nt her lute resldeme, 40S Ljceutn
ave.. Roxborouch. Int prlvnte.
BLACK. At. Xlt Hollv. N. J.. ElBhth
Xlontn ntn. rJ.i. haui.iu ii . wire nr i.
Riddle Hlnck. aged 73 years. Relntlies nnd
friends are Invited to funeral, from Per late
res dence. 020 Garden St., Xlt. Holly. Second
day. Kth Inst., at 2:30 V XI. (daylight-saving
time). Int Colcstown Cem
IlLOOXIER. Aug. 7. JOHN, husband nt
Annie E. Hloomer. 40.11 York road. Duo
notice of funeral will be given.
son of Patrick and the lato Catharine Ilon
nr (r.ee IJrown). formerly of Rase Hospital
Unit No. 24. Relatives nnd menus are In
vited to attend funeral, Tues., S.3U A. XL.
from his late residence, 1041 W ClearOeld
st. Solemn high mass of requiem, Church
of the Holy Souls. 10lh and Tloua ts.. 10
A. XI. Int. Holy Sepulchre
IIOOPV au- 0 ALICE LAW. wife of
Lewis W. Doody. Relatives nnd friends nre
tnvned In attend funeral ucrvlecii XInn . 4
P. XI. nt her Int j residence. .1123 Vanklrk
st., Wlsslnomlng. Int. nt Cntlntt Fauquier
at Wllllamapnrt. Interment service Xtondny
mornlmr. 11 o'clock. Xlount Xlorlnh Cemeterv.
wife of Clarence II. Rroad(elt Relatives
and frlend.1 Invited to funernl services. Xlon .
R P. XI . at her lute residence. Ml 40 Usee
rt Services and Interment Xlnrrls Ccm..
Phoenlxillln Pa., Tues.. 2 V At
widow of John Campbell nged 71. Relatives
nnd friends aro Invited to attend funeral
services. Tues,, 2 P. M . residence. 028 Dia
mond nt. Int. private. Remains may bo
viewed Xfnn.. 7 to 0 P. XI.
(r.ro Cnland). Relatives and friends, alsn
Tonnonla lteneflcial Asso . Hrlth-Achlm nnd
Zvohller I)dge. nre Invited to nttend funeral
services. Xlon . 1 I. XI., at hor late rn
derce 0134 Catharine st Int. Rod f Sholom
'cARNS. On Au. r. 1021. RORERT
CARNS R"l(itlves nnd friends, also Post
Nn 3 G, A. It., nnd Project Ix'dce No
n7S F. nnd A. XI.. nre Invited to th.- serv
ile, on xionnay ariernoon nt o c:uck. at
his Inte reeld-nce. 20 W. Ridley uve . Ridley
Park. Pa 'nterment private
CARTER -Autr 0. GEORGE W . eon nf
iore A. and the late Emma Carter, sired
27. Uunerul services. Tees. 1 P. XI.. f-nm
parlor rf S. P. Frnnkcnfleld Sens. MOn Vine
st. Int. Fernwood. Friends call Xlon., b to
10 P. XL
CHRISTIANSEN. Suddenly Aunr. I.
1021. AGNES, wife of Jems Christiansen
Funeral services Tues . 2 P XI . t her Inte
residence, 2007 Onul st Int. OiUnnl Com
Remains mav be viewed Xlon . after 7 P XI
CHRISTXIAN. Funeral prlvnte Tues I
P. XL prorlsely, from the residence of Hiu
ard lilehter. nf. Rlpka nve , Xlmnjunk
NBY Relatives ami frlenils are Invited to
attend funernl services, tuoj b c ji at
Dsrents' residence. 1800 S 30th st. Int
prlvnte. Friends may evil Xlon . H tu ln
wife of Harry U, Co'e Relatives an, I fr'eiiils
aro Invited to attend funernl. Tues. 1 .11
P XI. from her husband's rrnldence. Jiljv
Alnslle st . Falls of Schuylkill Services in
Falls Rapllst Church 2 3d P XI Int U'cti
minster Cem. Frlenda may call Xfm eve
COLt.TNS In Franco, net 10, 11HS rirst
Sergeant HUGH A COLLINS, son of ths
Isle John ard XIary Collins (noe Doush-rtv).
Co. A. 327th Infantry. Relstlveu and friends
and American Legion, are Invited to funeral.
Xton.. ft SO A XI. residence of his sister.
Xtrs. James Xlannlng. 0005 Ellsworth ft Snl.
tmn high muss of requiem Pt Cirihuge's
Church 10 A. M. Int. "o'.v Cross C' in.
daushter of thn lote Patrick nnd Msrv Con
Mn Funernl. to Mhlrh tho relatives and
friends are Invited, Thurs R A XI frnn
her late residence. 312 Slgel st Solemn
mnro of requiem nt the Church of the
Mcred Heart 0:30 A XI. prectsel). Int.
Cathedral Cem.
CURLER. Suddon'v. en Auk 7 SA.M
VEL. son of tho lute Samuil mil Xlntlldi
Cuhler, In his 04th vnr Relatives nnd
friends, alsi employes nf Henrv lili'Htnun
Scmn. of Tncony, nre Invited m alien,! fu
neral services nn Wed , nt 2 P. M .it hli
lain residence 0317 1 rnnkfnrd nve Int
prlvAte. East Cedar Hill. Ileiiinlns mny be
viewed Tues.. T tn II I". .11
1)1 ERR. Aug fl 10J1 ROSA inee Xlue'
lerl. 'vlfe of Gittlleb Dueir. nired XI So-v-bvs
Tues :.:!() P XI.. resldsiv . 477 N
American st. Int. Ureenmount Cem Friends
nisv call XInn. evo
Jr . s. n of Frederick Y and Xlaiuaiol Snjie
Llchmann. nged 2 icars L' mnnlhs I uueral
services Tues . 11 A. 11.. 71 Slucum n . Xlt.
Alrv Int private.
KNG1.ANDKR Aug. 0. THF.'RESA. wife
of llernard Knslandor aged OS Relatives
and frlendn. also IImau l.odne Nn 7X. I
O. It A Progressiva Ivlfie. No 131 o. K
of J llrlth Sholom Lodge, No r, I O. H.
H.: Uraverinnn Auerbnch Lodne I A S. O. ,
New Liberty Lodge, No 011 o H A ;
Auslro-llungnrUn IlenelleUI Asso , Pinnnnl.i
lloneliclnl Anso.. nro Invlfd lo Htfril fu
neral, Tues . 2 P XI preclsi ly, i r om het late
residence, U12rt N. Franklin st lut. Monte
flore Cem Kindly omit Mowers
FEIUil'SON -In liiou'eivn N V on Au
BUM X. 1021. NOlll.K FV.'RlH-iON R.ila
lives and fuends arc Invited to th -icrv lc-i ,
Mnn 1 IV afteinoon it 2 n elm k et the
iillvor H. Hair lliiltdnig IN:'(I Chi.ut at
InteriiiHiit V Xlount Xfonali Cumen -y
FISIv. At H'lidenonvllle N C Friday,
g X suddenly of henrt fullmo In the Xutn
Vear n f Ins age. A1.E.AM)KR O. FISK
nil nf the Inte Hntvo und l.,vuls Flsk.
unknown to
himself to
the ravalrnflo hnd wnuml out of the olty
nnd iHsupnonrea nmons tno trees of tho J " lllf o. Automobiles win meet friends
. i. .." I.....I.. Illl....!l U.r.llH.. 0-H....H v-
a poem
It con-
for SI
"Wanted a St. Patrick"
T HieKdlforn the Even In ir J'iiMio Ledger:
mr- I would like to see printed
entitled "Wanted a Ft. Patrick."
talr.s these lines.
..ri,.r aro no snskes In Ireland
Patrlik kicked thrill nut,
Ho il'il his bit for Erin when he put the
pests to rouli
Oh would that that old patron saint was
' baclt n earth todny.
kick IP. SP1"" B"" iianurs iruui mis
.vl 1,M U. S. A."
- -- w t MALARKKT.
ppiuaolplita, AUiM.Ujg," 1921.
ni.nrliv forPItt
They rested for n day nninng tho
Kor-ul-Jn whllo Jane Investigated the
ancient cnvei of these straiiRn poopln
nud then I hey inovea on, iivoiiiing the
ninced hhonlilcr of Pastar-ul-ved nnd
windlnp down thn opposite blope to
ward tho great inornsH. They moved In
comfort and ln enfety, surrounded by
their cm'oU of Ho-don and Wnr.-don.
In the minds of ninny them was
doubtless ii nueition no to how the
three would rroM the Krent inornKH, hut
leant nf nil wnH Tarznn worried by tho
problem. In the cmnm of his life hp
hnd been eonfrontrd by many obatncleh,
only to learn uiukhc wuu win may al
ways pass,
-In hte mind' lrktU on ciuj solution
j'ennisy t "" iii,.tw uii.hi. ntiu'ii. .
j , on ftrriva. iram .eawn .'Piin nation.
NrtV.' IlirK. m u iiiiihi i-y iikiiiv oa.in mnn.
FLOOD. On Aug. 7. 1021. JOHN PUT
TER, husband of Nettla Flnnil. of 131 H.
lain SI ncmuioi uuu u ifim. ni , iu,,
l.oVlKe No. 2. R. P. O. E., aro Invited to the
service on Xionnay evening at n-cjoui. nt
the Ull.er II. Iimr ,uiiuiiim. ,n' . IK--..I.UV
street Interment In St .Man's Cenntvu,
Yonkers N. Y . on Tuesday
I'VJll.l n vwiuwi'i ' . . I i'i ,u- i
imit 3 1021. passed Hvvsy nt tho home nt
Haltit Vaul rictiool. ALCONA E FOSTEIf I
wife of William It Foster Funersl from tns i
jIsimI nt Saint Paul School Xlnnd.iv Aujut I
ii nt 12 no-iii Friends Invb.-d lo u.i'im t,
In Saint Paul Scnso Cemetery.
FOX -An 'August 7 1021 I IIRISTIAV 1
FOX nged 117 vears, llclntlves and fi en I
Also O-odvvlll Cnurril Nn 207 N A I In-
vices on nrwi
110 S. H3d St.
Au". r.. wxi.
a Gerst (nee
tlYl4.".na iff
nf nnfi'
nnn w , - n ,'lnrl, at lht O'l'er H
TlMiy' lfi?M I hAfclnnt t . Plllln . Pa In
termvnt prlnie. Remains mav be viewed
Sundav iven'ns
LOHVRANDT -Auir. 0. HELEN C. . wife
rf Churl's F I.ovrsnd si-il 21 Fiiners'
servlcea Ti.e l 30 P. XL. ."117 Do Lancej
st. Int pr'vn'".
MANGOLD An- 0 1021. nt Fort Ozle.
thorpe, Gs. RORERT. enn of Inte .Incnh mil
Alary irance'il awl IH Relatives nnd
friends an- Invited to attend f-ineral. Tue
R'SO A XI. from his late res'dence. 1011
Dny -t Solemn rerjulem mns et Church nf
Immaculate Com option 111 A XI. Int. prt
VI ADI.' Aii 7 I. Allnnlle fMIV. V. J .
leOUIS. lie'oved hnshand of Ten!" Xfnrk. ag" 1 i Cimac.
57. Relatives nnd friends are invited to at
tend funersl services, Tues fl A XI . nt his
late residence. 4714 Ventnor nvo . Atlantic
Cllv Funeral tr.itn ni-rlvis North Phll.'i
Station 11 11 A XI. (dnyllght-ssvlnn tlin)
Int. Xlt Sln.il Cetn
XIcRRlDF 1v Ued In netlnn In Frnnee.
Oct fi l'l'.s Prlvnte JOHN XIiniUDE. in
H 10'Jth Inf. ion nf John and XI irv Mi -Pi
lilrt. Re'flt'vei nnd friends member- of
tniiili Inf.. 2tth Dlvl-lnn. Kealy-M ,nny-
O Cnnnell rnet. 201. Veterans of Fnrelcn
Wurs. Knvii'i',1 Cafhnlli r'luli. nre Inil'el
to attend furernl nt s Id A. XI Tuch .
fn tn residence. 2CH7 Elswnrth st Solemn
requiem mn-s nt st Anthonv's Church, nt
10 A XI. Int. llnlv Crosi Cem
McCAUCSHFY ".t Xlon'faucnn, France
Sent W 101 s. Corp RONALD H. XIc
CAUGIIEY Co R Sixth Inf. ami of Hinrh
nnd the Inte UKnnnr XleCnuahey. aged 23.
Relntlvs end friends also Ronald If. Xte
Cnuchcy Post No. 411 V. of F W., and
members cf Co II 3K,'h Inf.. Invited to serv
ices. Wod 1 30 P Xf at parlors of Seher
& lleanlnger. 200 E. Susqurhanua nvo. Int
North Ccdnr Hill Cem
XIcEI.IIARE. Au 3. GRACE wife of
Dennis XIcElhare. Relatives and friends nro
Invited to nttend funeral, Tu-s . 7 Sn A XI .
lute residence 2102 I'eltz st Solemn mail
of rcnulern St AnMinnya Church 0 A. XI. i
int llolv Croaa Cem
A hushnnd of X'.rs llrldcet i; "trMeoarr-ln
Relstlves and friends. n,s, llnlv Name So
ciety of Holy r.itnlt Church. Invlto.f tn fu
neral, Tues.. h 30 A. XI fn ni his late resi
dence. 1111 Rlpka nve. XIar-ivunk Solemn
requiem mass nt II ,'v Fnmtlj Church 10
A. X! Int. St Xl.in's Cm
.MILLER. Alls. .'., ADAI.INi: wife nf
William F .Miller. Funernl cervices XInn .
2 P XI . at late residence, '.'ins r; York t.
Int private North Cedar Hill Cem
NEVIS' Aug fl, FRANK L. son of Ann
nnd the lato Thomm .Vevln Relatives and
fr'ends are Invited to ntten I funeral Tui- .
7 30 A. XI , from his late resljeiue. fip, .
Stlllmnn st. Solemn renulem uiim nt St.
Franclii Xavler Church II A XI Int M. Jo.
seph's Cem. Ashland. Pa Tiatii leaver
Resdlnc Terminal 10.30 A M
widow nf William L. Palmer M D Tilends
call Xlon eve., at ton-ln Invv'a residence.
Clirenre Ktch. 10 '.1 Speniei , ilirmnn
tovvn Services nnd In'fin.cnt Wei after
noon Northumberland, Va
RACHOR. Aug. .'.. 1021. JOSEP'I
RACIIOR. lined IM Relntlvei end friends
Invited to funeral Tues . from residence nf
bis son-ln-lu v. vvniinr i unertnn Mulllca
Hill. N J Services at louse 1 P XI
READ Killed In netlon. in : rai ee. Nov
R. 101S. nviirli.l D S C for linvvrrv. Si
ueant JOHN J (Jr i Co C. -ll.-.ili Inf Tluli
Dlv. the uin tf .Tnhn J Sr . nnd Emma
Read. Due nctu,. of funeral will he riven,
from his inren's' residence, Ills U. Wogd
lawn st . Oerrnantowrr.
REINECK Auir I. HENRY J hu-bnnd
of Xlsrgaret Rolre-ck (nee Heuseri nxed M
Relatives nnd frlondn Invited to services.
Xlon . 2.3d P M.. at residence 210 JacVson
st. Int. nt Greenmount Ccm. Vim lug Sun
RF.VEI.I. Nov 2 101K. d!. fiem
wounds received In action In Frine KD
WARD J Hattery I) .Tilth I lei I An llierv
ron of Thomns nnd Margaret Rev II (nee
llvrnel Relatives and friends a1' v nirt
West Thlla . No 220 F of A.I o H M.
Nn. 0J4. Dlv N'o n4 A. n 'I J o - .1
R.irrj Tost No si , l Auxillarv .itlonnl
XVar Xlotl-crs and V of F W Invite I to
funernl Wed s 30 A. M from his parent'
residence. IX S Rrdfleld at So. mn iroulem
man nt Iho Cnu.-Ji of iHir t nlv of th
Rosary, 10 . XI Int. Holj ("r ss iVm
HF.l.I.A, vvlfn of Charles W Richsrls (nee
.lonesl P. le.tl.e" i'nd frl-ndu a si (oner-l
J. C. Freemont Couiull No 3'.1 S .iti.l P.
of L. nre Invited to nttend fu ra. seivb-iu
Tues. 1 30 P XI. i.t the url,i- of i" 11
llartranft 3U21 lUnnantown ave Int. prl
vnte rrlend m.vv vail XI m
RIOHY Aug I' H'21 tlVVUIl II
RIGI1Y. need 4ft Fu mral ' rvUos nt his
late resldipce !. E l.tnooin ' XI, du.
Pa Tues . P XI Int le.lla em
nORlNSON Aug. il FLL'.nETH
daughter of James and Xlarv K R blnson
Funernl seivlcs Tues. 2 1" XI .'.'I W.
WnHhlngtou lane, lltnnantovvn Int Norlh
wood Cem
RUTH ub. o. ANV W diiiKhter of
John nnd Rrlilre, Ruth ag' I 20 Relutlvis
an1 ftlends. also hod lltv. uih Invite I to nt
tend funeial Tues.. s ,lo A XI, 1 om iho
residence, lUII ILilncs st. Solemn huh nia-s
of reiiulem nt the. Church nf linmieu'iit,
Cnnicptlon 10 A XI Int. llulj Sspulc. r
Hi ni.as - ug ,i niji riiVNK .1 son
of the I vie I'olei .1 and Xlarv A hvanan
Re'ntlvos nnd f . i mis are nn It .1 t, .iit.nl
funeial fioni the iell-n , if hi- sister
FlUab. th Sranlnn 1117 N Ift'h et Tu.s
i 30 A M II IV lll.l-s of -. iji'i.ii II eu
Church n M Int V, o i ' it' - I' i i !
r-l'lllt I' in Mlgllst 7 HI.MIILTTV
V Ife of lie. mi .i hi il R'ittvea ,ndfi. ',
livltcd to fiin.ral oa In, ila' at f. A M
fioni line rendon.e iroi II.mkh -i Hlh
mass i'f reyuli nv at M I'-nnilus ( nutc'i Ht
u A M lnierm-nt llolv i'hm i einrter-.
P. SCHUENEX1ANN Si. husband ,,f Ida
1, Schuenimann (nee Xfi'Coj t Finerul serv
ices Wed . I I' XI . at late rvs'iencu 1 Cen
ter at.. Wostmont N J Int. rrhale.
Fi lends may call Tues. v.
SEI.TZKP. vn Aug 3 1021 KATHA
RINE J SELTZER, of 40111 Urown slieet.
Relatives nnd fileuds nro Invite 1 lo the
services nn Tuesday afternoon ni 'J o'clock,
st the Oliver H Ralr Rulldlng. ls'JO i ,Hkt.
put street Interment tuivate
SHERLOCK Died in v' or rtia'e-.,,.
Thiers' France julv 20 lots i op wn
lp, ed vlf- of Rnrrond A Wenger (nee Tess
flale) ugi 1 27 Relatives end friends pre
Invited to nl'end fun'rsl Wed. Aug. In
2 P XI nt psren-' ie.id n 2111 S 22d
t lilt Fernvvool C"in Reiiinln- nny lie
v'e-'rd Tue-. eve ....
WRIGHT. Aug. 4. HENRY C husband
of Xlarv S Wright Relatives and friends
Invited to nttend fun-rnl lenli-a Xlon.. 2
t, t .. r..lilenre. h5M i- f'huten ave .
Hermnnt jvvn. Int prlvnte Friends may
,. ,11 Hon eve
I voiinil -Aug ". SAMUEL S. beloved
I4H0 per tnnnt'i and s'l expen"--
Nnu'lc il Sciiooi,
Si P-iu' Xtlnn.
Service en lmds" nf'er- ; husband of the late Ain.nda Yoder nged
Reintlves and friends ire Invited to at-
t.nd funeral servlcs ).1 2 r .M. pre-
i nt his latu ieletie Mo W. West-
inor-land st Int. Hillside em . via trollev
Remains may bo viewed lues . . to 10 P. -I.
ROOK - Lost, on i-iiiurdiy. In Camd-n.
tnemorsniiiim bo'M 1'huiie. Monday night.
noxiiorouh14J t R . ,
lTui.L TERRIER "vvhle white face. straed.
Ite.vvnroJlIiirrv Hailimel. SdlU K st
l"AHi: Lost. W d Au il. nl.Igatur sktn
pin em... vv mi i a i a ami .ii .. . .
ihm'K, reward if returned to 2212
jtljs; t'nlted Slatis (lover irr.nt wants
mn nnd women et gool Job. work for
Fhcle Sam 11100 D,nn 1 1 Son nt start,
railway mall rleri and oth'r "exams" soon,
let nur expert formr U S. Government ex
aminer prepiro votj. Write today for free
brckle E 37 Peterson Civil Service, School.
Rrchester N Y ,
XIEN wanted to rell dependable fruit trees
n,l shruhben. n.i nr nirt time, big de
mand; complete cn-operntlnn. commission paid
weekly Write for terms Wlllcms Sons'
Nurseries Rochester N Y.
,-i.l-TllvS over 17 fir Postal XInll Service:
$120 month, experience unnecessary. For
free psrtleulnrs uf examination write J.
Leonard (former Civil Service examiner;.
002 E'l'iltable l"Vc . Wnhlngtnn. D. C.
ASSISTANT auditors, railway and depart
mental clerks bookkeepers, i tc ; good
sn'arlss; permanent Government petitions,
'ree information unususl help g'ven Fed
crnl Audltnrs' l.engue, Wnsh'ngton. D i '
EARN J2," vve.kly spare time, writing for
liLPRL.sLNTATIVE wanted ,y established
manufai luring eorporatlon. merltorlou.
proposition sold to nil merchants, wholesalers
nnd retailors. ;.osibllltea unlimited, about
10(in rapltnl requlr d THE SCOTT COR
PORATION. 103 N V'TrKlhc,i o
PROMOTi-.R. experience",!, with TnOuential
Onnnelal cnnnctlon.s In enstern Penrey.
vsnla o.ien for an engagement that will
stnnif clore Investigation, will ileal with prin
cipals nnl Address Flnare.'er I' n liog
74W Reading. Pa "oz
WILL SAcillFlCE control tu rorporatlon
doing wholesale and retail Mistress In
Philadelphia and Reuintiin. 113,000 neces
snrv. f ',IK1 000 cnrly s-ilea possible Phon.
r-pruoe TOS.'. Sunday and Xlonday.
MANUFACTURER of hlgh-grnd- nrtle,71Tltri
n1h lis erl national Iiiih n,.. nnu, ,,.. -.M
ll-pavlng basis, will sHI thre- quartet Inter
i-i In JoOU. toil company. II 123. Ldgor
L.VLLI.l-.sr opportunity pen for high-
lass executive with IV.fl.n0O tn Invest with
eonnufTrturer having established nstlnnai
luslness now on profit-paying basis U 122,
l.oiier i in ice
('LEAN i I'T oting man to b.rome ass,
tinted with siibeldl-vry inrporutiun. In
vestment nno, secured by rvn ty. 11 128,
Ledger Office
INVEN'TtiR moire, aid of unpltnllst. one
In whom he mnv submit Ideas to In con
ndnrs nipltal riulred only where merit
wsrrnnt- 11 13i Ledger OfOee.
IF Y.iC II A 12 nun, y to Invest In estab
lished buslnrs with bright p-nsperrs nnd
rnvlnt suiii'an'lsl illv'dends nt present time,
vvrt'e R l.'l T edt-er OPlce
Is a night with a
have knovrl
and Onance.
A HUSISESS connection
stiia I it"v. -ment of .monev
edge ,,f marketing, advertising
Aiinresa M nil, linger i.iffii e
INVESTOR with nvnllshte aeroplane patent
wants partner with $13 nno to lliimiie huif
nt rest It 202. lydr-er Office
GRiii'ERY nnd delaatessen store for sale.
doing good lu-lnexv reason for selling.
not nl le to attend. Frankfo-d 0371.
nnv spur1"'1 macaRinefl.
IfilU free Vr Hvnmcft.xy
tinner . d-
St ToulB Mo
BOUGHT -r,r"foru
CIVIL SERMi K examinations hepimuer
and October many vacancies; salnrv J140O.
$1800, write for sample test. P 332. Led. Off
PIN Lost, Wednesdav evening July so. n
iween Ore.-n Hill Farm Until Overbrook
and Svcnmore avenue nnd Linden lane
illunnnd oar pin. suit ible reward for
inurn. P 401. llrcei Office.
PIN Lost, cameo pin. lady's,
necklace Liberal reward. Iv
120 S. 4flth st.
a .
its !
head, with
F. Sellers.
MILLINER who enn trim
h m 7i J'l W lodlond av,e.
VtTT' vT ' '.' I V V of ailr i T i v ireiin.illv
with a deslr" lo en..r the bu"lness world,
pply m person, luul ColunUl Trust Illdij..
li-tl or J 1 ,
HUSISESS -ERVICE CO., 1111 Land T.tie.
HOOKKELFERS i-n!) Hdaer clerliH. JF. J-'J
CLERKS iilllmv ledger, tvplsts. Jl,V..l.
RTKNOHII XI'HERS nnd -ecnlnrles MS $2S
'CIVIL n'ERN .'. K (.xanmiations for women
'over 17. posiofflce clerk. Government clerk.
Ivolst $ll"0liso0. cxperU'iito unnecessary,
t.r. ..... nt.r,ieiiinta writ,, J. Leonard (for
mer Civil -let vice examiner). Oil J Eiiultaoio
Hldg.. Ws-hlnct'in. 12 Cj
CIVIL SLRV1CE examinations Septembsr
and ict' li r. manj vacancies. salary.
tl400-S1ift" Wrltu for sample test. I
333 Ledger ( 'ff I' "j
EARN t J,' vv I Iv spare time writing for
iie.vvHtiai.er nnoazines. ixprrlenic unnec-
rss irv 'et u.s
Ixiu's. Mn
A safe neighborhood to
call If jou have, one or
dlumnnds ou wish to
ensh A. XrcCUTCH-
E( N (111 Real Esinte Trust llldg.. Rroad &
(hfstnut sts. Hours 10 te 2. Est. 22 yenra.
If you want th full vslue for your Jewelry
and dlnmonds bring them to the old-eatab-l'shed
Thos. It Ie "n . 712 Walnut at.
KELLY k CO. 03:
Suite 21 22. second fli qr
has sime spare time, offers hi" serv
ices, port time, strictly nn a fee
burls, has hnd unusual exp-rlence In
retail and whilcsnle, advertising
problems, does not want a Job. does
pot want to be ur ndvortlolng
manager nnd docs not want to act
as advertising agent, hut wnnts to
help, became 25 years of ripe, suc
tessful experience m advertising
qualifies him to be of great value In
udvlslnc and aiding vnu solve some
of our problems, fea must be com-rr.en-uratn
vvi'h vvork to be per
formed, all communications strictly
vonlWvntlal. XI 411. Lodger uftice.
i'risa byili.Uale, lo!) Si.
Chestnut ht
over Child's Rest,
PAVING Cerm-nt, brli k. b'ock, sidewalks.
ilrlvwais. cellars unu nonrs. curuaeuin
uvlTit- b.i r lieerrol ! lilrn mn.
Dl., .-. .11 HI.
and briek'.Hvliig, est
lti.M. J K Smart.
rerl-r riuailty no amateur work
Flgn Craftcrs 131S N uroail I'll. 1-op. no
iii , v, of 'vviy Uesciiinlon.
Jivii i- aur
Closing Out'
will within tl" nest few months txroir
of tho mist indispensable, of our
now, but sonn to Introduce
the Invitation of this ud.
ome one
executives aviratflng any earnings wen
.,,,, sio 000. tlii man that we shall chooae
for this Important losltiou will come to us
in nil rrobabllltv. luexperienieu
but well Hipi t.pe.1 'V llh the
hut nr a. snlismin s !"st
thn ambition il at s t
f mlng d vv we ii
all the pnlnB' iking
tercst that a big
111 Melllpg
manl nullities
endowment and
frosh izoal for everv
groom this mnn with
care nn,l iiersoual in
nd f urn aid moving well
an give, making avail
v.'e for his tier1 mai neiji nuo iimirui-uiin
the 'invaluable mdvHual ntt.ntlon of our I mas
manner of pers.u.n i we u leai-n nini th'
rones i nnd somi h.ne him climbing ha,nd over
hand, to the veiy t u r,o,v ,,
man enough to fellow this eis,.l
reward ll h-lds r - A ' I.IirA
ou'ie ft licnilio .ml not under
iween 10 and I
j,AI.lllN' Sensational ofport jnltv . on
s lie n dav means r-'uo P'T m irith . unles,
JlniiO pei minth, marvelous nw aiming mm
jrhlne retail IL. work ei 1 1 LlXn ma
chine a HIS ruumiuin, ,ou, ,,1'tie. i.,..,-".
nutnmatliallv . lkhtnlng speid. errnrs mi
Iioss hie. ." vears funrantu. used b L S.
ilovemnirnt nnd lnrrest cirpor itlors tre
mei ai demand evervvvhere. nmi7.ing nr f
Its write nub k for trl.il offer "nnd protened
terri'orv (.alLUlntoi Coriioraluii, Depart
ineni3ill Oand Rapids. -Mich
AilENTh Sell Znnol concentrated soft
drinks, nationals nlvertisul. w. 11 known
from coast to const. I oilO.iniO bolt. is sod
during the suinmei . iiualll gunrnnieed ah
siluto'.y nure bujer dimand th.s Hummer
ihm ever big profits u money maker,
write foi speriil proposlilon Aipn
lean Pro luns Co, 4071 Amerlc
Clrelnnnil ''
J T.
17 nnd
127 Ml
SI 10
Our warehouse property for
sale 3013 Uermantown
-Strollers Go CarlH, Cribs. JO,
IS leas than eoni
J .... iLnnin Leather Library Su t
'- ... . ... . -.... w...... ...... I. .a Inn an
l-lic vv al lieurio. oun, uun cm u &,,.. u
3. lie (ink Din -Urn Suit Will, ft XIary. (UK
3-tic Ov.isiutfed I'apestiv I Ih y Suit I07..30
e . ' W..I . It. lOOV.lMe l'U'.llonS S4.0K
c'enuiii,. L. ather S.p-.-at Din Chairs $4.08
lo.nullon Mlp-S.at Lining Chnlm 3.
Roman Xlahounj Pari ir I hulrs
li..ss Ruu PxlJ
.Miulr.ste. I'.ngs "u .
Ulvu i 1 1 Germ iniovv n nve
Oi.enXIon n Sat r;v. ""Wl'iJ
VI9II1LE t M'S td X0 AND UP.
Factory Rebuilt Tyrewriters
"Sec Our New Machine,
the Century"
American Writing Machine Co.
tees Atller-
can IllJg
that vnu re
to the high
2X, inll
FOREMEN - Wanted, i-everai first-class inr
lienter foremen rupnti e ,f ..stlmatlug lum
ber and mtllvvork ieiulre.1 for realdenttal
work and familUv vv 1 1 Iv Iwih Irnnio end
hrirk construction, s'at- esiierlen, e. ag and
refeionces. H'Ab w.uk In Washington. D
for good man A li1ress M 7im Ld Off
' i,.iuiK iiiKl'iiR TI(iN
V. NT.-1
Evperlei '
wlF.VTS r'ih liokMig 3'lM.n lmpiirtel russ.
tl euh. ('art r sod 113 In 4 davs. p-odt
17 vri'i 'an do name write for sample:
off. i- . lllng plan . ge'.uslva tetrltorv. sample
nig post Prepaid 113'.'. K- Condon. Im
pniiee toriro-ln Jli1
to vvork iHu i t'y reflnishins riinmle-
l... Iiinx 1., (Is ll'1-.imomee. nj- new
mthol fin dal v without apital or rv
p. rlence. Write iluiiinetal Cu . 120 Llm.
Decatur 111
Large lot nf desks, safes fles cabinets and
cenural office furniture atom futures.
W'e buv. sell nrd rchnrrge
I.OCFST 4070 1127 MtClI ST RACE 4200.
l'Tiil s I E I.srge Spear lejter nearly
new ntin nienuio - t . w " i'-' e'o i
In ii U
Sii.'s Ln. ist ht Pin no Pteston
1, il o
Am riknrds,' i
vh Iv luvs, no invest
,,nitn ss'on very d i
.luX Dwlght Hldg
AlSENTS Whv not
useful novo IJ ev,
ment vou git vour
AOMresn Amerlkardi
Knnsn Clt. XI ' .
hFl I. r0' househn' 1 srtl 'e rusmmer
iv'ervvvhere. good pay v"r dav Call for
particulars, h to 1-' o clock mornings, (10,
N 10th st.
ACFN'TS WAS I 1.1" '"n rel live wire
iMn lo a. on "i "' ni,,,- , .-- v..
rei t to wearer wn'" fo- samni
,..rv tienartment It. ."njiln.iii
r, '00 P.nE
I vi ir
rlS (' Ui ei
JIM V oi i
Km '
r lo
pui.-i and
' ng. r Sta
'" "0"' J
it .niithi,
it I Essex
A' I
rood ISO,
'.Mil Otn.
dlifl tenl-
i rad'ng v'o .
irtni slmg
SEI I. X0c
R Oil
1 to 1
a" i a ! t '
rnlngs i,(7
i ot i
Ill'T xifsr STW
For thf
right man
and a permanent future
assuri d.
at Room 4iv; -"!'. ,";"!
10 3U A M " I 2 10 P
strXS llnvv bis i v.u Vre v.ui willing
to prove your nlulilv b v wlm ing lesults
nn a common Imbls" For null n person we
i an offer v r nl npporiuniii with a fast
kiowlnr: organlratlon we jmU- von hv what
vou can do ami n
ApplV itetvvr.n lo
in I i in P XI '
Xir Xleredith.
hv what vou hive don
,io rnd IJ l and 2 So
in Widen, t Uldw. Ask for
mnliulais S to 12 o''lo. 1.
s Kdli t.
hAi.Ke.XILN vol "'I-'
line fast-se'luig I
sample I ig .' inniss
mn Ml "v. rai Mig
AiJENTS li'ake "a d.. vr an hour a"h
M.niets a pnt'ot pal n .nstantl in -lids
'cu'lvs to ill metis N. simplo fr. . XI. nd. t
Cn Anisterdain N;Y
kit i:sMFN Inexneri p.. I ji upMl.nieii
l itv or irave'lng. vvitte for li
nud full part cula' A.iiress -i . !
men's Jl'r-.s,o Ji.-,.i 277 Chicago
ClUC l.fN'E MI.!.MI "i Xl.fli. ive t
sitlon fol live m 'll I' l
,.rh order f il' I . " li ,'r
nr.i n mfiJ cn tool iir
ll ND WiiMIIN" invesilrn'e houi'h 1,1
artli'ea 2. uu k sellers, I Ig proOt
I Haas 141H N H"h
. ,lera. Hit, s si 1
I I'ov s ovrral, 1
tep-at order" i'in I
i ' n, inn 'i 1 1 1 1 i
of ll-li
t'l i imm -oilon
i ei eats i VN
im Ivv v I "blr ig',
llllill i
M inulai tin
s.. xi ii ii ' i:-m N
f o'i het quallo nisic-us has
iit-iv open roi hiitiimm ca-
I m I
KoiiKR- ,l I
"jtiiri "m . - no 1
il VRK1
supplo I
li i ub'i'Ui
. .1 I" I'll
p.ibl ol tunning ni' i i"imni u a
In the Ph'l i ! Iphiu tertltorv mum U
uuilnte-l with the trade and kiio tn ,,ut
lets lor HU. Im state ref-rei.iv i and full
iiarilcuinrs Audit rs Mali In Loom Ulu,
2'Jll Uruud.vJJ. Sew ot v-lts.
I MirilTtUrlts
vitcd to services on XVfdnesdiv evening it
HP. XI., nt 111) H, "3d st. interment Pr nle
OFiRST. Auir. R. WXI., liv'iiii-& husiia "1
of Froderlka Qerst (nee Xluller). nged fli
,yesrs. Jleltlves.a,pfl frfrnas Invited to at.
und funeial, 'twit ? ,', M., Ia( r,ldv!Pce.
ra JIB I !! mtMMWul-Mli IWflsTilM ! Illl I Will Ml IP U
W Wbj BROAD aVh b
IVjt diamond I
vou have these iiualltles wo have a life
time opportunitv f'r vou. vou fiirnlii pe.
sonalltv. ihsiscier and grit, we give von
laigH earnings promotion and sucoess. com
mission biKie Appl In pel son. 1001 Colo
nial 'Hus-JIMe I' M or 2 tv 4.
h"T,eSX"AN with istabllshed business ta
liniidliv well known line gf rubber footwear
In some ionni'1 In Hum,, rn l.nnhv iv nn i
anl Sew Jei v , iinn Isslon basis tan b-t
. an ied wiih mini Inns parilculiirlv aiiriu
t hi i-e ni i i in i i i, ir, t i
ACi I'll
I- 'iv
W a nut
'S .i l L .''
kilim l" e
rl on 'I oi If
hi- I
'i '
i ars sport
1 1 oms Uu;,
Ml.llAN HAS I-ni'ATF.D AT 3(m RACH
Ul.l'i'l'ltH Al. XlornR. AND DYNAMOS,
IvlYsliiNi: PlliiNE XIIN 2OK0
hi. i i. xi v::Ki:r 1 1 10
Dynamos and Motors
OfTice: 926 N. Third St.
01S 30 'IJ N'lRUI Tllllin STREET
I Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged
or every as
Nisv and rebuilt
in stock for ijuli k
WE WANT at once 1 onsen,,,,!
store fixtures oftiro fuinltun
lash, honest value riiono us unout It, 1,0
cust 4211 Old i nurrn mi itn ft cherry
pay spot
live lo
i "loll
Il 1M
a-eM t
in n
orl a
Ad nn' 4 ' lMltmnie XM
S k 'I I i op ilium r .r live
I , H 1 1 eiaslli tlllo L'lio.llels In
t i fi w a ii io i iuntt nai i , mco.a
lo. n"'lv ,vJUif l.ianu. l.llaliui
f i.'ii'ieivs !'. o.
THE Ilf.ST f THE rurPFiT
",711' Slid Xl'irU t V n ' irt . jjjoo
p.. "loin 4ro fur
125 N. 8D HT.
P WeKtlllUllollM. HO-VOU al
curnni ioii iii. tors. 120
su it 1'iini at rudured urlcss.
t rnatiiiB
.... i, ot ier
il E MINK 'L'TN' 4th st
El.E TR1CAL MjiT'i'UH, XIAi'lllN
ii t i i i -v ii m. i
ii IIRH'.S' MACHINERY cn im N Up flf
IT! I I. YS hiinims shaftliiK biltlna, half
,, i, . xp.tor KkIitsk T-'T fid
ml hand ma no -ry bnuaht sold,
'OH N. HO.
M W ,V
p ants dlsmaiine I (Ir ,w
Pin I.
- Arr , a'
8AI K XlkS ixpeib nee.! for old huusi vvl'
Ins i an ixeilnt proposition for a iood
iiiau, ian mako 100 por waelc if a huitlar,
Wrlta Reutsr Elcctrlo Co., S H. flth at.,
e-ncjiinatl. O,
tja, ,1
fjon FiLULitr
e.llmales Plate
J II XI i'AN'i mounv pnelcrr and shin
pint: to u 11 pirts nvdded Packard in.Hor-
trllcKaiiiveiiislvlv l.l'l IK. .10 N. Illll St.
J, Clark, refiner SOI KnnsaoL
ULD soul silwr p.atlriuiii plated svare.u.d
sole ievrelrv. lestu plates bolicnt for csso.
H.SI, mn j
T s i.
'4 i
-lUnf.tV .,! ,
. v.J
. yA,tS. ?-,'...,
iv '". V