a n " 5 JtffcH r"i, hx www'i-'ir: o 'V- VM i V "3 fr,rV?.v i-"K3M . ., , ,:,. vi mmi; .XJ ". ji" 7 " . v' ' ''" V V " (, J , K, fl EVENING PUBLIC fcEDGER-P&ILADELPHIA, (MONDAY AUGUST 8, 1921 18 : "few in ".WS K ;h - if "I WAS A CLAM W ITH A FIXED HABIT ft .$. K.V k riKf i . .; . $yk ttW. If' Ai'f 1 ft This is the way one of America's noted men refers to himself in explaining how he came to be a daily reader of the Public Ledger after twenty-five years of refusal to investigate its merits as a newspaper. "For twenty -five years or more I read 'The Press9 every morning. I said I preferred it to any other Philadelphia morning paper. But did I? "It never occurred to me to compare it with any other. Seldom, if ever, did any one call my attention to any other newspaper, and if they did I ignored them. The habit was fixed for ' The Press ' and I was satisfied. "'The Press' in those days was a mighty good newspaper under the editorship of Charles Emory Smith. After his death certain changes took place and two special features that I particularly liked went over to the Ledger. "So by accident I became a Ledger reader, and to my surprise I found it much more satisfying to me than 'The Press.' "Why hadn't I known the Ledger before? My neighbors, who always read the Ledger, never took the trouble to speak to me of its special features. I had just happened to start with 'The Press' and was satisfied without taking the trouble to compare values. "I WAS WHAT FRANK SIDDALL USED TO CALL A 'CLAM' with a fixed habit." The Public Ledger is the only Philadelphia newspaper that ever put Philadelphia on the national and world maps. Its news service is furnished to some two hundred and sixty of the leading newspapers of the United States. Never until now have the editors of America looked to Philadelphia for their news. The Public Ledger is the only Philadelphia newspaper that has ever established a foreign news service; and the only Philadelphia newspaper to procure the leading journalistic writers of the United States to represent it in foreign lands. Its Washington correspondents and its local writers are of the highest caliber known in newspaper circles of the country. The Public Ledger is a complete newspaper with a SUPERIOR news service. Have it served regularly and investigate its merits. In other words "DON'T BE A CLAM!" PUBLIC LEDGER MORNING OF PHILADELPHIA EVENING SUNDAY CYRUS H. K. CURTIS Publisher , $&Mvaa. Wiiw&a-t&S SKr tiAoMtC mtemit-jstm!! ,uMiv$&iwi&i&3AM