SMEHSHffi w-yw-WT?f4ip-J I EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHlDABEIiPHIAV MONDAY, 'AUGUST 8, 1921 - IT. :f n .' IAI" . ' E$; AM"' t i K i Our August List of investment sugges tions contains over 150 bond issues selected to meet the individual requirements of con servative investors and institutions, yielding 4.70 to 8.75 Ask for circular F-lll. Harris, Forbes & Co Pine St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widcner Bid?. Telephone Spruce 7040 TRADERS STILL GROPING DM Continued Dribbling Liquidation in Spots Sensational Riso in Sterling W LEATHER A ipeelnl letter Ins been pre pared by in nnalyzlns the tun lirtro leather corporations, namely : Central Leather American Hide and Leather .1 n;) v i'l be sent rra'ia cu i-rrjiec-t MCGVTMUE&CQ. SSrnlier l'h'l'. Mck r.xrlimiR 1418 S. Penn Square SUITE 300 piiuce o;o5 race U net Wires to Xew York eii'.' all I'rincipal Markets AHHBBM V3wl Spruce 8200 ff &OUGHT SOLD QUOTED UnitedStates Government Securities All Issues r.crKrr nnrAitTMENT commercial! rust Company Meinlw fnlm Rrsrrrr System City Hall Square iniiOia New Yorlt, Aug. 8. Tho sIiirkIsIi anil wobbling rhnructer of toilny't stock market uj;g('.-.trtl most of tho trailing c-nntlugent were still groping In the clnrk. Thorn war oner more very dis tinct symptoms of the mine underlying fenr of something of decided ndverse elmrncter overhanging the sltuntloii. Whether thU nnprehnslon wnt genuine or nf-Imulntcd would bo difficult to tell. In scattering parts of the list there was evidctire of dribbling liquidation during the entire session, while the more repre sentative, shnrpi were without definite ttidency. Politics were not followed up by further selling order., but at the same l lino tho rnlljing power of the tnnrucl wai oonii leuous v feeble. I'rnrllrnlly rttry qmirter proved to ho vulnerable to procure In the earlier proceedings notwithstanding the favor able diameter of Saturday's bank statement and a sensational rise In ster ling exchange, which before nrid-dity had been lifted more than seven cents above Saturday's final quotations. At tention reverted more to the uncer tainty existing ns to the forthcoming dividend action by some of the leading industrial companies this month. The jKisniblllty of n poor monthly tonnage statement by the United States Steel I'orporntion on Wednesday was nnother disquieting influence, while indirectly the .coming growing opposition to the Administration program for rehabilitat ing tho railroads more or less chilled recent bullish sentiment Id that qunrter. The action of the Interstate Commerce Commission deny ins the inllroad clniihs that tho Government should compen sate them for loss of efficiency in labor resulting from Government control coming as It did on the heels of tho recent rulings of tho Hnilroad Labor Hoard only naturally created the lm nreion it is not going to be easy sail ing for the refunding scheme. After all, the most conspicuous 'nelifiig qualification wns the diminutive hcvins power. Support was extended : i eme of the equipments nnd oils by tin- pools, otherwise there was nothing i steady the drooping prices. It demonstrated the lack of wisdom of the iccent hasty elimination of a large por tion of the outstanding short interests, for. deprived of this cushion, the greater pint of the active stocks practically sank under their own weight. After the initial dip the market be- 'ame Irregular. . The sugar group con tinued prominent targets for the bear 1 speculators because of the vague hint" that the unhappy sugar situation had some eonnecticn with the overhanging clouds. On tho other hand, such specialties as American Agricultural Chemical. American Locomotive, Has kell Darker, American Ice and Pitts burgh Coul and North American were marked up, the recoveries apparently ictlei'tlng covering under the shield of the dropping prics elsewhere. TRADING QUIET IN LOCAL MARKET NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Unit 001) 400 1200 809 SCO 100 100 200 100 100 .100 4300 200 3)9 2300 1300 1200 400 100 1000 800 200 400 100 100 1000 200 flIOO 1400 1700 100 100 ynoo 300 200 200 700 3 3J(I 1200 310 (100 3700 A00 100 100 100 200 300 JiOO 300 2100 100 100 100 200 100 200 600 Dlv. "1 . , . Hljh .. Alaska Juneau O M... IK 4 Allla-Chalmers 81 Ks .. Am Asrlo diem 32 .. Am Boat Sugar 28ft Am Can JBH 11 Am Car A Fdy 124 .. Am Cotton Oil 18V4 .. Am Drug Syn 494 .. Am Hide- & Leather pf I!4 5 Am leo SO .. Am Internal Corp.... S3H fl Am Locomotive. 80 .. Am Safoty Razor.... 4J-J 7 Am Smelt A lief pf . . . 73 7 Am Sugar rtef BO',4 8 Am .Sumatra 48 0 Am Tel A Tel JJ 12 Am Tobacco 123 12 Am Tobacco n 123 7 Am Woolen 70 .. Anaconda Copper .... 3Mi 0 Asso Oil 08 0 Atch Top A Santa Ko. 84 Atch Top A S F at . . . . 70 7 Atlantic Coast Lino. . . 84 .. Atl Oulf A WISS... 23 .. Attnntlo ret 1UU 7 Baldwin Locomotive . 77 54 .. Baltimore A Ohio 3SJ4 r, Bethlehem Steel B.... fiOH n Bethlehem Steel 8 pf 984 .. Booth Fisheries 3i .. Brklyn rtapld Transit. 11H . Brklyn U T ctfs of dep IVz 0 California Packing ... (Vi .. California Petroleum. 33 in Canadian Pacific 113 .. Case J r ty2 . . Central Leather 33 .. Central Leather pf . . . 65 . . Cerro de Pasco 34 !4 n Chandler Motors 4B',i .. Chesapeake A Ohio... BS$ . . Chi A E 111 Eq T ctfa. I 1 .. Chi A E III pf ctfs 1 .. Chicago A Ot West.. 1 .. Chicago A Ot West pf 17 54 . . Chicago Mil A St P. . . 27 . . Chicago Mil A St P pf 4154 5 Chicago Northwestern 0.J .. Chi It I A Pae 3254 0 Oil It I A Pac 6 pf. 64 54 .. Chile Copper 10 54 .. Chlno Copper 22'4 . . Coca-Cola 33 54 .. Col Oraphophone .. 4H .. Consolidated Dla Ins.. 7 B Corn Products Bet... 07?4 3600 2. so Cosdcn A Co 27J4 4 cruclblo Steel 54 2 Cuban Am Sugar 15J4 .. Cuba cane sugar .... 1094 .. Cuban Cane Sugar pf. 2054 Electric Storage Battery Ran Off on Belated Profit-Taking - Northern Pacific Southern Pacific Baltimore & Ohio and other leading rails nro covered in a ipecial analysii just prepared, which treats of current improvement in earn ings, effect of government plans to aid carriers, position marketwiie, etc. Write today Copiri oladfi furnished. Xo obligation. M9LTON KEBMt0 STOCKS-FOREIGN EXCHANGE-BONDS- MaMonws ' PHILADELPHIA ,3IOCK C-XCHANO&. COMSOLIOATCOTOCKtXCHANSCiJ'l 1622 Chestnut Street Phonrsi Ilrll. Sprncr HHll-2-3-1 hfxtimr: Kiirr 730 74 nrnnilnnv S. 489 Mh Arc. N. V. Stamford, Conn. Nr!n:rtifld. Mam. Iloljokp, Mum. 000 400 4800 2100 400 1700 100 400 8500 aoo 000 11700 290 600 1700 1100 300 300 700 1300 1000 100 300 100O 000 100 200 400 1000 300 800 100 200 Denver A Rio Gr pf . . 114 B Endlcott-Johnson B0J4 7 Endlcott-Johnson pf . . 5 .. Erie 13t4 8 Famous Players L. .. . 405i .. Flsk Rubber 04 2 Gen Am Tank Car. . . . Bl .. General Asphalt 81 S General Asphalt pf... 80 8 General Electrio 118H 1 General Motors 1014 7 Great Northern pf . . . . 73 4 Gt Nor Ore ctf 2814 .. Oulf State Steel 31 U 4 Haskell A Barker Car. B014 . . Houston OH 52 60 Indlahoma Ref 2J4 .. Inspiration Con Cop.. 32T4 .. Intorboro Con pf 1154 7 Int Harvester new. .. . 73 0 Int Mer Marine pf . . . . 4554 .. Internat Motortruck.. 3154 .. International Nickel.. 1354 . . International Paper . . 51 .. Invincible Oil Corp... H .. Island Oil -Vb . . Jowel Tea, t!4 . . Jewel Ten, pf 27 .. Kansas City Southern 255A Low 1H 3014 3114 2S54 aK 124 1814 4M B154 B0 33 8414 14 7114 H 4854 SH 123H 123 6954 3 J 14 90 8314 70 81 2214 12M 281-4 38 496 3 10S 714 7154 33 113 454 32 H 65 2414 4854 5514 1 1 7H 17 u 204 4n? 65 32 04l4 lo 'A 32 K 3314 H 7 0714 20 H 54 15 2414 114 59 05 13 V, 4854 OH 51 40J4 85 in 14 ion 73 h 28l 3114 5714 50 K 24 33 Ji 11 73 4t!4 3114 IStt sow 8 24 84 27 23J4 1.30 v. xr. Net Ch. 1- i 3154 3214 U 28 !4- Vi 30H - 14 124 - 14 1814- 14 4H 14 5114-1- 14 so -f 1 33)4 Is 86 1 454- 14 7114- 54 oo-l 4814- 154 394- 14 123J4 .. 133 - J4 70 3514 - 54 07 - 1J4 84 70 81 2254 - H 12 i- 14 77 3S54 5054 fli 8SW- V a 14 10M- H 714 6114 t 33 113 - 14 414- Hi 33 4- 14 63 r 14 12414- ii on 14 55J4- 1 1 74- !J 17 54- V 2694 4154 .. 65 33 14- 14 6454- 114 10 14 4 54 2214 3314- H H- V, v 07 .. 2V - 54 54 - 15J4 - 14 o- 74 2114- 2)4 Hi .. 60 05 94 1314 .. 43- tj OH .. 51 - 54 5054 -1 j 85-3 11714 - 14 10?4- 14 7294- 14 3814 14 31 J4- 94 50H 4 50H - 1H 2- V 32J4 94 11 - '4 73 - 54 4454- 1 3114- Js 1314- 14 5994 .. 8 - !4 294 le 854- '4 27-3 2514 14 Dlv, Sales in t HlKh 100 4 Kansas City So pf.... 14 1600 4 Kelly-Sprlngflold Tiro. 4014 1100 ,. Kennccott Copper ... 1814 500 s. DO Lehigh Vallfy 5314 100 .. Loew-e Co 11 000 1 Loft candy 814 300 7 Manhattan Elev guar. 4614 100 . . Market St Rwy pr pf . 31 1500 .. Marland Oil 1414 6000 8 Mexican Petroleum ofl0M4 300 3 Miami Copper 2094 3340 1.00 Middle Slates Corp.. 500 3S0 100 100 100 100 Knn ' 1114 Mldvalo Steel 24 54 Missouri Pacific 2014 Missouri Pacific vt., 3014 Mont Power pf 0494 400 4500 500 100 2000 1800 100 530 100 800 700 1300 100 ion 100 100 100 500 300 100 300 200 600 300 100 1414 55 7014 3094 New York N II A II. . 1894 1 Now York Ont AW... 1714 4 N Y Shipbuilding. 20 . National Acmo . . , 8 N Y Air Brake.... fl New York Central. 200 3.80 Now York nock 800 too 100 8 North American MH 7 Northern Pacific 7514 .. Okla Prod A Hef 1J4 3 Owens Bottling 28J4 .. Pacific. Oil 35J4 a Pan-Amer retrol .... 48 l Pan-Amer B 43 3 Pennsylvania R R.... 3714 ,. Penn Seaboard Steel.. 794 .. Peoples Gas Chicago. . 63J4 . Pero Marquette 1014 .. Plerce-Arrow Motor.. 15 . . Plerce-Arrow Mot pf . 30 fl Pitts Coal pf 88 .. Pitts A W Va 27 .. Pressed Steel Car ... 0014 8 Pullman 04 .. Funta Alegre Sugar.. 30 4 Puro Oil 2714 .. R R S of I C S ' 8 Hallway Steel Spring. 7614 . . Ray Con Copper 1314 4 Rending 0894 .. Republic Iron A Steel. 4614 Repuhllc Motors 400 6.20 Royal Hutch N . 100 300 200 100 100 0100 100 200 1800 200 300 800 100 6400 too 3200 800 800 1100 600O 600 1100 1000 3000 E 100 700 3000 3100 11400 200 1300 100 200 100 200 200 1230 200 400 300 300 200 St Louis Snn Fran. . . . St Louis San Fran pf. St Louis Southwest... Seaboard Air Line... Sears-Roebuck Sinclair Oil Q 6114 23 4 3514 2554 594 65 2014 Sloss-Shefflcld 34 . . So Porto Rico Sugar. . 30 6 Southern Pacflle 76J4 .. Southern Rail 2014 S Standard Oil of N J.. 13614 7 Stand Oil of N J pf . . . 107J4 . . Strombcrg Carb 30 7 Studebaker 7854 .. Superior Oil Corp.... 4H 3 Texas Co 34 J4 . . Texas A Pacific 23 1 Texas A I'nr C A O.. 1S4 6 Tobacco Products .... 6794 .. Trans Con Oil 714 .. Union Oil 1894 10 Union Pacific 120 8 United Drug 8314 3 United Retail Stores.. 53 .. U S C I P A Fdy 14J4 ..US Food Products... 17 .. U S Ind Alcohol 4894 ..US Rubber 51 94 BUS Steel 74 7 U 8 Steel pf 10014 3 Utah Copper 47 .. Vanadium Corp 2014 .. Vivaudou Ino 7!4 .. Wabash 796 . . Wabash pf A 31 14 .. Western Maryland ... 1014 4 Westlnghouse K AM. 44 . . Wheeling & L E 814 .. White Oil Corp 814 . . Willys-Overland 6 0 Worthlngton Pump .. 40 U Worth Hump pf B 5454 Low 4914 40 18 63 U94 814 48 31 1414 103 H 2094 11 2414 20 3914 0494 14 14 85 09 9( 3094 16 94 1714 20 61 7494" IK 2814 3554 4714 Ai 3714 794 S3 19 149i 30 88 27 nol4 94 30 20 94 83 7614 1214 6814 46(4 I) 51 2394 35 2314 694 65 1014 31 35 7614 2014 130 107 30 77 54 4 54 314 2254 1854 6714 6 94 18 "014 52 J4 5114 14J4 1694 47 J4 5114 7396 108J4 46 54 2054 7H 21 10 41 8(4 8J4 66 3a 51 1:30 P. M. Net Clure 4914- 4014 1814 I 63 HH 814 40 - 314 81-14 1414 .. 10494 14 2094 1114 3414 -14 20 - 14 3014 tf 0494 194 14J4 -H 65 70 3094 -V 16 94 -14 1714 20 61 75 - 1 lTi- 14 2814 114 3S94--.14 4714 14 43 14 3754 ' 794 r ' 63 J4- H 10 -..14 15 96 30 88 1 27 60J4 - 14 94 30 - 14 2694 14 53-3 7614- 1 1214 6854- 1 4654 .. 0 51 . . 2394- ' 25 - 54 2514- 54 594 .. 66 - 14 10J6- 34 - J4 35-2 7014- 14 2014 14 130 107(4- 14 30 - "4 78 14 414 3J', 54 22(4- 96 1894 54 6754- 94 r.J6 - 18-94 11054 .. 53 - 54 51f6- 154 14 14- (4 1094- 14 48-1 6154- 73 ?4- 54 100(4 96 4014 - 14 29 !4 (4 754- 14 794- 14 21 54 14 10 - 96 41 8(4 .. 814- 14 OH .. 3094 14 54-3 SLUGGISH TRADE N CURB SHARES Commodity Markets With tho exception of Eictric Stor ace Rattery trading in the local stocks was quiet. The stagnation in the home isuo was partly offset by more active dealings in the so-called Now York stock". Altogether trading lacked in itiative nnd was both meaningless nnd colorless. A further decline in Electric Storngo Rattery to 10 ilj apparently was the result of belated realization of paper profits. When this pressure was lifted tb stock carily rallied to 100. The lower quotations represented a net decline of "i1- points from last week's top, thereby practically cancelling most all of the recent Improvement. Smaller offerings of Peiinsj Ivunla were made and the stock for the mo ment appeared to be pegged nt 37Vs. Small fractional advances were reg istered in C G, I. and Philadelphia Electric preferred. Keystone Telephone en an odd lot transaction wns up from the previous quotation at S'i. In view of tho surrounding Influences the nurrownes and sluggishness of the market was to be expected. Consider ing all things the list ns a whole hold up better than might havo been reason ably expected under tho circumstances. Logically there was a widespread in clination to defer activities until mat ters shapo up more clearly on the bigger board. r W'X The Rails In a special article the railroad situation is discussed together with the prospects for: Southern Pacific New York Central Rock Island Ask for a Free Copy 1 Boureau & Evans iMembera I IH. Stuck Exchnr ' I Chicago Hoard of Tradt ' 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia Loctxat 51S2 Race 1781 1 1 Philadelphia Stocks 1.13 Net Hluh I-tv p. M. chso. 21 Elec Stor.lOtJ IOJVj 110 .. '.'.-. Key Tele. Si S'i S'lT-f's SiHJtMid Sta Oil . .. 11 11 11 Vi b' pa it it.. :r-u .i-'i ziv.. " Philu lus Wire . . CO',!- nOVG .r0i-i - .-. Phila Co cum pf.. 3'J P.2 .'12 V. '-.". Phila Eiec V... 1'J li'-'' if, 17.- do prcf.. -M -'()';', lis-f- ', lDOtSlnc'.uir 011 ... io w in-u ; no i' (j 1... :rs :t:irs .'i-'i-r ', .-. d.) pvef . l!lT; -fil's in";.. sou tr s steei 7t , 7:p, 74 .. I 40 West .ler ! cc s.. :il .11 31 .. Nit rhnn mad b terniiarison with lait a. un .Sttw YviA Mjc Kxrhantrt. GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Aug. R. Wheat started He to Y"C higher for September and M bet ter for December with buying led by commission houses and shorts. An ad vance of more thnn 1 points in sterling exchange had a stimulating influence on tho early buylns. Receipts inspected Saturday were 224 cars; last year, 1IW cars. The cash market wns relatively firm, with demand for domestic and foreign distribution more active than for a long time, country oneriugs xo ar rive here were light nnd tho movement in the Southwest was on tho wane. Expectations nro for liberal receipts of spring wheat in the Northwest, with Minneapolis expecting 1000 cars today. Export business in all positions Satur day aggregated around 1.000.000 bush els. It was reported also that n way to proido Germany with additional credit hail been found. This is ex pected to result in Incren'-ed business. Weather reports received up to last night showed scattered rains over the grain belt, but there was no general precipitation. Corn started Uc to c higher, with offerings light and a fair demand through scattered commission houses. Oats opened c lower for Septem ber and unchanged to He off for De cember, witli a little scuttercd selling through cash nouses, cousins mow weakness. Later the market recovered. COTTON MARKET New Yorlt. Aug. 8. The cotton mar ket opened steady this morning, with Mav 7 points lower and other months unchanged to 7 points higher. Ac tive profit -taking, especially for Southern account nnd by Liverpool, prevented the murket from making as much response to bullish news this morning as hud been expected. Commission houaes and locnl traders bought and. after absorbing the nfter ingb, this support advanced prices about 5 points above the low levels renehet, after the start, when quotations sold a shade under Saturday's close. The over-Sunday weather wns unfa vorable, ns there was too much heat m the Southwest nnd further showers in the Eastern belt. , Receipts nt tho ports for the day are estimated nt 10,000 bales, ngalnst .".4S2 bales n week ago. 0007 bales a year ago and 10.1:17 bales two jears ugo Financial Briefs FOREIGN EXCHANGE Now Yorlt, Aug. S. Foreign ex- ennngo opcnvii niruiih, jiv..... ( Th BVerag price or the twenty active ,. Q(IA ilemnnd .'tOl-li franc en- !nrtutrlnl atneka decllnccl 0.03 pr cent on were o.UDft. Uemana .l.iuil . '"""'" ISntuiJay to OS.SU. while the twentv railroads bles 7.85, checks 7.84; llelgian cables I diciined per cent io 72.00. 7..r8. checks 7..TT ; Swiss cables lO.bJ, checks 10.71); lire cables 4.:i.", checks 4.31'; peseta cables 12.07, checks 12.1).-i: uuilder cables 30.110. chei ks 30.S3; Stockholm cables 20.73. cheeks 20.70; (.liristinnta cables j'.u.s, "neons. 12..; Copenhagen cables 1D.W, cnccits 10.45; marks. 1.232. The rute of premium on New "iork funds in Montreal today wns 11 per cent. The rate of discount in New York on Canadian funds wns 10 per cent. Centrnl European exchanges heavy: Greek, 5.53; Rumanian, 1.32; Bul garian, .85; Austrian, .113. Polish, .O.r4; Czoeho-Slovnklan, 1.20; Jugo slavian, .583. SATURDAY'S FIN'AI, Ql'OT V.TICNH Sterllne France I,lr Guilders Demand . . . 3.0n 7 74'a i.'MVi 30.01 i.'.iblea .... a. IID's 7 75 4.80 0 70 TO DATS OI'ENINO QfOTATiaV. Rterltns Franca Lire Guilders Demand 3 n 7.84 4. 3)4 Catlea S.OR'i .S? 4.33 30 S3 MOO If. Buying at the Bottom nnd selling at the top is sel dom accomplished. By com paring present position of stocks with their previous cycles on my special charts 'youotiny see what is ahead of all active issues. Jiijiircfloii nt my oJler eittaiti no obUp"Hun F. W. UNGER lmritmrnt Anult Room 202, 130 So. 15th St. Philadelphia 1 iionds I 1IH10 Libert v 3d 4,s '2S 42(H) Liberty .Id 4',s 'L'ft !I1.!)S .100 Vletorv -l s '23 OS. 74 300 Electric & I'm Tr 4s r..T 1 100 Electric & Peo Tr 4s r.5 1OO00 Interstate Unilwnvs 4s... 30 11(00 l'ennii It It temp ctafU.H. !HIV, 1000 Peiiua It It temp ts 0'is. 00r'i 1000 Penna It It temp cts O'.s. 00V- 1000 Penna It It 7s 103 1". KlfMI People's Puss t e 4i- HO " 50(10 Philadelphia Elee 1st 5s.. ssn 3000 Phllmlelphiii Elee 1st 5s. . SS5 1000 Philadelphia Elee 1st 5s.. SSV. 1000 Phlliulplphla Elec 1st 5s . SSI'. 2000 South llnv 1st eon (it '!)!. S"v AUKII't MlelMlH r I Dc-ember Janu ii ai no AMrcn ; : j!mv... U. S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Tni Mutmlty Itale t'34 Sept rt hept :,', fltt Si On,, t0 He y t ft I IVnna. Pr. & Lt. 7s. 1951 '!" i .TfCBl. uiurjiunu i.uuiii. is, iju A XJ.G. I. 8s, 1923 ,'ul . HENRY D. B0F.NMNG & CO. '1 MTI1( K( IIAMii: HI IIIIIMl . Mirret I'rUut; Trleiilione In New rk f " Memliers I'lill ,. sIMk liirhante ' B- RTi im ill Anked yield 1 110 3-.VJ 4 .-.() inn r,-32 4 m IMi 4 30 Jnn't 4 no HinVs 4 3" I no 0-32 4.H 10 i A r, ii j iiifi' r. n't Hill, 3 II mm, r, j.i I'-O'i 3.45 rcemiit from normel ?"i'deral Income lax. Aptahln for payment of Interne tax dj un duto uf matmlty. 314 Feb, SI Mar., t'.-.'I Mar. 1 "34 June , t'34 Aux ! June. it. Ili'l mat. . . ion 1-3: 1(121. Ifl'i,1, 11IJ1 1IMIA 1(121. . inoVi 1021 1U0 1H22 . 100r 1022 . 10DA 1022 . .101) 11122 . ion A 1822 . ino", l!i2l . . .1004 AUTOMOBILE RANGE AVSmrvr'ancis CI), No Change In Raw Sugar Nni York, Auk x The rw aunr mar It i im iit .Mr 't d un thf h.inii, uf 4 Niti diitv tuii-l f r I'uiaa There vere no mien ie liu'eil n haiunlgj I upiiriatloni Inciud'd .'UOim liuKa luhaa unit 13,1100 Lava Porta I tn tu llm American Itenr.inic Cum luiny 21 mm hum Cuhn and IT nnn Im, 1'ortu Hlcos io the National rhisar Ittflnlnit t'oinpanyi HO. MOO bar Cubaa Io the Warner Ninrar lleflnlni- Coippany, nnd, 11.000 papa lnininffoa. conaianeia io in imponar, TB iliraMl YA an untnrtip T K1 ". ''- '. r.-' . U. A -...... I. ..MAHMfe V-,Z PV, 13 Ii St. 1PVHI rrii,M iiiainev'v. Hlil .Vat cloae ! ii 4T 13 SO 1 '1 H I .II 02 . II 111 II 1 Open A .f. r M 13 no IS sr, 13 41 13 17 IS 3 13 M Kl 78 13 S3 13 Ml 13 78 14 III II 112 14 III 11.12 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yorli. Aug. K. The locnl coffee futures market opened unchanged to n 2 polnt advance, with n broker often trad ing for New Orleans account the princi pal Inner of September, December and March." with offerings from scattered Wall Street nnd trade sources. Clear ancoH for the week from were verv light both for Europe and the I'nited States, nnd for the I'niled Stafs were bO.OOO bags and for Europe 01.200 bags. Shortlv after 11 o'clock a special cable reported Rio unchanged to 100 reis lower. Other thun causing n 2-point loss here, this news hud very little effect on locnl sentiment, the mar ket being empty. Mild coffee brokers report a largo vol ume of coffee distributed last week and Indlentloim are that a continued good business is ahead, even at better price levels if conditions warrant It- The coniiirv is not carrvlne slocks and while the demand has not been for Inrgp lots, the buyers hoo entered tho market often, so that Hie aggregate of business has iieen very good. A continuation of this demand should, It is believed, result In higher exi liniige prices. Sepiemi'r Pocember January Kebrmry March , , iy ..... July . ... 'Bit. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS rutaliunli. Aug-. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 2300 head. Steady. Steers, J8.SU30, tv'it er in.80'3'7.30; cowa, IB 30JJ0.25. Cnlea, receipts, 1S0O head. Loner, top. S10.30. 11008 Receipts. SflOO head. Illuher. HeaWer, U 211.23; heavy yorkers and llitht jorkers, l2.2oi w.riii. pibs. n 23H( ii no. HttUI..!' AtU i.lip - iieceipis uyuu head. Steadi. Top aheep. S3 60. top lamba. ill. liiat nuffnto. N. Y.. Aue S. fATTI.K Hecelpts. 3730 head. Dr fed ateer. 2.Vti 30c hiRher: ehlpplnv eteers tS7.1ivi1n.23 I uti-h-ore S7 OOSrO. yearllrsfi SS.Viffln, heifers. Jf. 237.73, rows. J2l!i0 hulls. 1 3 .Mi Mil atockern and feeders 1310 fresh cuwh nnd spr nrers alow flllfr SV.'n. r'olves. rvulpts, 2300 head. Jl lower. JStfi 11 r.n IIOOH Kerelpts 11 2lill hiud 23. hlt-her. HeKvy. 1 1 3 1 1 3(1: mixed $1 r.iHMl 73 jorkers. lluht soikers nnd pies. 112, rouuh. ih -iiiff fi 7.1; suns. S4 Mini 11. SHi:UP AND tV.MIIH Itui'i Ipls 311(10 liend Lambs, 30e blither. I.amti. m lr llnK ja.riO'Pi r.0. wethns J3 .MiUil. iiipi, SI 5 mlkod aheep. J3 ii 3 3" BANK CLEARINGS Dunk clearings t aluy nmpured wuh kii roaiondtng dav last two ltrrt 11121 . 1II2H Villi Phlln, . . J".3 isin fiiTl Ji'S 7sil il.'.il i',2 7j 353 n.iltlmnre 10.3H0.34K 1". lOs.nil ("hlcak-rj 71.110(1,000 10.1312.431 Boston .. 30 383.003 11,3(14(110 The Oulf. Mobile and Northern Ilallrnnd has Issued Its pamphlet report for the year ended December 31. Corporate Income ac count shows net Income after taxes nnd charKes of 113.827. cuul.lent to 13 cents ii share on the 111,404.40(1 preferred stock, as has nlrendt been published Corporate and l'ldernl romb ned no ount for the year 182(1 shows deficit after taiea and charge of IS15.224 as compared with deficit of 1181), 150 In ll'lO, Kansas City Southern for Juno made the poorest ahowlnff thus far this ear, but tho result was not so unfoxorable ao far as itaulrementa nrj concerned, and was favor- num cuiiuuircu wnii june met year. J or nix months the comrany showed surplus equal to about 3.0 per cent annually on th com mon after meetlnu the regular 4 per cent pre. furred This ahowlne was mad thpiunh tho period of aeero uuilnesn aopressdon. nanklnB creditors of Temtor Corn nnd rood Products Company, ut a meeting In St. Louis appointed a committee to audit books nnd or Itanlje other creditors The Inventory Is nround $2 New York l.nnk loins exceed tl.0no.0n0. nnd laren olum of com mercial pjper Is nutatundliiK hld partially by barl-.R In Ch.caKo ... The general stock o' money n th I'niled States on Aucust 1 totaled 17 S"s8 sn? 1M7 against 17.U27.S44.377 on Auguet Jjn' according to a statement Issued by the'Treaal ury Department today. Of the 1021 total S3.2SS.OOS.408 was In R..M coin (Fncludlni bullion In the Tronsury), compared with I ". 1103.837.(108 in eold tofn on the corresponding dile of last year. Holders or stock of the General Vntnra Coiporat on t close of July numbered u3?82l! compared with 38,807 nt close of Stay this Mar. and 3l.02'J on Aucust 1. lb!'tl Of total. 43 001 are holders of sommon stook' r.170 holders of C per cent preferred" 'nToT of d per cent debentures, and 0010 of 7 per c?nt debentures. ' v"r List Moves to Materially Lower Levels Industrial Is sues Dull Now Yorlt, Aug. 8. Tp market on the New York curb developed Increased heaviness after sluggish trading In the first half ef tho day, nnd virtually nil tho substantial changes in vnlucs were to materially lower levels. Most ln forest wns nttached to tho wenkness In Interboro 7s, which fell over 1 point to 78, tho movement being regorded with disappointment by those wlio had bought these notes when the announcement of an extension nt an 8 per cent rate wns made last week. Some of the lower-priced oil stocks continued descending to still lower lev els, (illtiland felling nt noon nt n new low of 1. Other oil stocks were heavy, snlcs of these Issues on the curb coming in n lnrge scolo before that group of Rtocks started a decline on the stock exchange. Standard Oil of Indiana, during tho forenoon, fell from 70 to 00 nnd Cities Service yielded 3 points, to 115. Kile Husln wns again heavy, selling nt 0.1,4 to 0'H, Tidal Osage wns traded In nt 11 Va to 11. A sale of Interna tional Petroleum wns made at 11. Industrial issues were dull and with out special fenture. Olen Alden Conl was steady, selling nt 35. Hethlehem Motors ngnin sold at 50 cents a share and Hrlticdi American Chemical wns traded In nt $1.00. A sale of McAn drews nnd Eorbes was made at HS. A special interest was nttuclied to the continued demand of Southern Coal and Iron, in which largo buying orders were In evidence, based on information In regard to arrangements for new acquisitions by the company. British American Tobacco was steady, selling nt 12V. Mining stocks continued ac tive but with irregulnr changes; INDl'STKIALS Hl$h Ilrltsh Amer Chem . Hrlt Amer Tob reg . urn Am-r Tob coup. Ileth Motors Com Klnanco OlenAlden , Chicago & Kast ill . reorlcss Motor Perfection Tire .... Houthern C & I .... U H L, & 11 U H 8hlu Corn tIM Ktenm 31 United I'ront Sharing1 .... irV 12'i 12i 30 4S 33 II 30 HI 3 Vi :n I.OW 1 124 KH r,n., 47 33 14 30 03 55 2(1 33 1A 1.30 P. Jt. 1 12'i vA so 47 as 14 30 05 3 l',i 20 33 1A HTANDAHI) OIL Stnnd Oil of Ind 7-4 03i 001 IM1K1T.NDBNT OILS Allied Oil trew 3S Arkansas Nut Gas Ci Huston Wyoming fl Carlo Stud 4 Cities services (old) ll,. Cities service "11" ctfs... 13't i.ik jinsin i'ei : Federal Oil l'l Olllllanrt Oil 14 Ulenrock Oil Ml Ouffey Olllesple ll's xiuason uu n Int 1'etrol Jl Iwinco Creek 3 Livingston 1Ts Livingston Oil 30 Mncma Oil m Mexico Oil SI .Mountain j'ronucts k National Tin N J 85 North Amer Oil 1'i Ohio Kanger l Producer lleflrr '.t'i Ityan Cons 3 ait creeit j-roj j- Slmmu Ict 054 Skellv Oil 3'4 Texon 3s V Oil 27 MINING 5S 21 US III) 3(1 7N 7 14 II 43 12 4 Knox Divide 11 Arizona Patagonia .. BIr Idre Koaton & .Mont ....... CaUMonla Mining Camilla Copper Cortex Mlver . . . . Crekoent MncNnmara Darwin Silver Kureka Crosut . . , . Ooldtleld Florence ... llarmlll DlvlJo llerin Minini; 3S 0'i 07 4't 11.1 13.i 1. Ml 11 111 11 a 30 1H 7S s S2 14 s S'.i r. in5. I! 34 r.3 25 Hi 3D 88 04 07 4U 113 13', i i 87 11 17 11 3 l' 3D Hi 78 S S3 Vi ( 3',i .1 KIH (l 34 SS 115 3D BAR SILVER Bar sliver Sd lowei In London to day .it 3R'id. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official redl i-ount riles nt it nit- ve red etal luserv banks nro ox f. Ilmvv Trens. I. II Cum' I llkrs. Llf. bunds linper atcpt. V 31? Boston New York I Mlarte phl.i Cleveland . l.lchmond . Atlanta .. Chicago St I.oulu M nnnnnlls Kansas City '! r-t . 1 1 a ... O San I'ranclHco ... 54 il ii il (I I! II il r, ,1'i K 11 I (I :.', ii I W it y, The Chester Slipping Company has fllefl with the Public Service Commission a ?UP: plemcnt to Ita existing tariff, effectlvn HerH t-rnber L 1021. decreasing th. ,..i")2 ?'P. n- . retroleutr dreilwelr from .Marcus Hook, MaoNnmara 3tother I.odn . Mother Iid" new . Nation 1 Tlr; .... Silver Mine. . . Tonopah Cash Iky Tonopan jjiviua Tuolumne United eastern United Verde IIONDS Allied Packet ... Amer Tel iij ui.-j Armour is Ileth Steel 7s lll.l.l lleth Steel 7; 11IJ3 Chicago & III f.s Copper Export s 1023 Kmplre Oas & P (Is 11124 (loodrlcn Tire 17 5l 04' sA 711 ' 45 2 A 7 1"t II 42 11 4 11 17 3J 02 ll'. a 78 15 2 A 14 44 42 11 t 11 17 H 02 5'' 78 15 2 A II II II no- ns. nsi. 07'j 117'? Ii i ' 05 14 H3r US' i lll4 HOW I'H'i 110 III) 110 Hi2'i ln-J'i 1021 S8 hS SS Ill's OIK HI. t7 H7'. vwri eia i.imi . 711 '3 711 70 . we'll inni innH . fl7f 07'! 071.1 . Il7'j H7i 117V, 11134 lna'I W3H .104Vi 1II4H 104M . 1(1(11 100i W0?I . U7I Il7'l II7I .lOO'I 10(1". 1001 llin'i WHS liiuH . 10 10 lb Sat. Today 0 ln onen II 3.1 It 30 ft 35 7 00 7.10 7,20 7.05 i.Bienn ... 1.16019 Discount rale correspond with Interest rate borne hv certlllcatna pledired as collat eral, with minimum uf 3 per cent Tentative Railroad Valuations Miishliictun, tnr. 8 'lenlutlve valuation ur tn nantor nnn ,vrn.iiiK ituiiroan i-niir Iiiinv iv ih llxo.1 by tne intersiatr t-ommerei ('-mmlss nn toda for ralr-makliiR pin pos.n nt .. 3.1(1 081 This sum Includes the ill. Urtitun "f the properties of iho Nnrthern lluine ftenin rt Itallrnad I'ompnnv und Ih" Van lluren Ilrldge Compnnv used bj ihn llnngur and Aroostnuk The lenlutlve vul iMtlon of tho used pruimrly of the Se ip ,rt. 1 hi lommlsslon said, was 3. 8.10 (100 and uf ihe llrldge coinpanj . J77 500 The capital sl'rfk uf the Hangor und Aroostook given t 121 .'lO.llnil the rlomi'irt $12(10(10 nnd the llrldge company. $250 000 The ll.ingnr and Aroostnuk owns all of the slock nt the other concerns New Financing by L. and N. Washington, Aug . The Louisville nnd S'iihIivIIIh Itallroad Company asked authority or the Intersiale Comnieico Commission to day 10 Issue I33.nno.000 capital stock to In distributed as stoik dividends The carrier ili'i usked .authority tu execute a first mort gage, .me series of the bonds of which, amounting to $2H, 01 3.000. la tu be Issued nnd 112 753. 0n0 to be sn'd to J P Moigan i. Co. at nut les.i than IM'i net. Paris Bourse Pull Purls. Aug R. -Trading wm very dull on the lloursn today. Threo per cent rentes. 30 franca 40 centimes; exchange nn London, 40 franca 40 centimes: fi per, cent loan, 81 franc ii centimes. The dollar wag Quoted I'at Vi franca 70 centime. Philadelphia, Pa. from ldt to He' ner hnn nre.uveirnt. nnd jr.. minimum charge on shlpmenis from Chester to Philadelphia from 85c to 30c. Tho now tariff also establish certain commodltv rates us well ns minimum tibial stopplnn charges. minimum ninlr & Co. nnnnuncs that Charles Hajl lar hus become associated with them In tholr sales department. cm m Natonnl Acme reports for quarter ended June 30 net loss after Inventory adjust, ments nf tf)3l.8H2 n, ii....n.i..1 (171 previous quuiter " "' """' Itond prices continud to move up sharply a se In 111 giivernmett bonds displayed great resist we and held most of the gains uf ihe pre vious weeks. Liberty Loan 3'j per cent tax xeinpt builds were In good demand and fl.. tin. te, widely with littltt clang" it tho week b end, " Tho New Vnrli Stncij Ksehunifn has stricken from the list tla Powder Company t4,nii(),(ioii llfteen-vear 7H, pel c'nt cuii veriil.le uold bunds .'.ie -im-ust i wan. n,n sued nd has edmlti-d tu list temporary bunds fur eume ...j Dividend1 action on J'nmnui Plajers-Laskv Coiporntlnn tommoii sto, k hnj been mat. pnned until August 22 The meeting la being !'' mV,. 'i'rlni" "fek" ,r,t"" ""'" because (hu audllurs had not (ompleted the quarterly report which h lw slajultaneously with tlia dividend tiLtlun Directors of II H Pranklm Manufactur- t","-.(!'l,J!'!,",i" "P!Iror-J the iHsuanco of 12,, dim additional 7 per tent cumulative preferred sincl, of $15 Ono.Wo auWorUod This brlngx lotal (lUtstanillim to ti,3o,Boo. Itccelver (lalslon. nf tho Nntlonsl Coienjlt and i able tonipanv m M nr(.ui,r t0 ,.0 trade siivs- "Lrruueous rejiorts have Iieen chculatrd concerning ihia cniupaiiv which have It 1 tnanv nt Us custom, rs in the onln loii that It hue vcis.,1 i,r ,Jr,.tions "P)mt m not the fan. I uir th or,, appoint Inn me rocelvei nutWItj Kn ,'n con tlnuo tie uierutlonH if the cimpany," Pell oleum exerts from Mexico In Tulv were less thnn 5 5110, noo harreli, arVorrlinc tu Ogurrs avidlalile July ;. of that nllniit I 30II.UO0 baircls were refined products from Mx'con Kiigle Cninpun) . Tho volume .if .rude exports was , ut about 2n per cent of V!r,,,0o!i!.17,Ob'!r'rH,''' "" "r -" I) C. Wills, chairman of the Fourth Fed. ela WW'0. ,'u.H!,lct l'lv"1 announces that the dlslrltt U'scuuni rate on all classes of paper has beni cm from 0. to 34 per cent. Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Aug. 8 A good business was done In Bpol cotion today, with nrU.cs ateady on the basis of 8 55d for middling, com pared with H.llid last Friday. The sales were 15,011(1 bales. The receipts were 13 (100 bales. Including 12.200 bales American. Futures were nulet at ooenlnir una u... steady at 12:80 P. M. Spot prices were: American, middling fair, U.lodi good mid dling. O.Oldi fully, middling. o.OOdi middling. S'nnS 'oroVmrrB,3ftiArJf4OM "' v,vvs,( ,--. r . tT-.- --piWJ-.Tffl Gulf Oil l7 iteino .o is Interboro 7a P & CI 7h IU23 Southern Ity Te houthvvest Hell 7s Stand Oil N V 7s 1'ian Stnnd Oil N y 7 W31 Stand Oil N Y n'js . Swift & Cu 7s 11M1 . . Un Oil Prod 8s Western Klec 7s Germany Uovt 3s , . 2 WOMEN TRY SUICIDE AFTER ROWS IN HOMES One Wife May Die of Poison; Other Rushed to Hospital Two joung married women attempted f.uicidc ycstcidav. One is not expected to live. In inch case n domestic tiff wns behind the motive for the act. ISoth would-be suicides employed poison. Jealousy, the police say. wns respon sible for Mis. r.thcl O'XcUI'h sudden attempt on her life. She is snld to have had arguments with her hiihlmnd, Chnrles, nnd when he went to n chris tening yesterday su. wus overcomo by grief. Illuming into the linthroom of their homo, UllU (ieriniintown avenue, she uncorked a bottle of n powerful poison and swallowed u large unnlitj. Neighbors, hearing her cries, ran in, mill finding her on the tloor in convul sions sent for the Pomth and York stiects police station patrol, which took her to St. Man's Hospital. She will probubly not survive, physicians say. A disagreement in which Mrs. Chnrles CnnU.v, twentj -eight veins old, her husband and mother hecame involved caused the wife to swallow liquid poison nt her home, -l(l''7 Hitman stieet. IJistriet Ditective Michael F. Slav in. of Paul nnd Huan treets, who was pnbsing the hoiise, heard screams, ran In, and eominuiiileerliig a nenrhy motor car. drove Mrs. Candy to the Pinnk ford Hospital, where she was treated. ESCAPES FROMUOSPITAL Prisoner Guarded by Patrolman Leaps From Window; Auto Ready A prisoner guarded hv u patrolman in the ,( ffeiMin Hospital accident ward hapod from a window In his underclothes Inst night nnd escaped Id a waiting automobile. Tho man, who gavo his name ns Patrick MrCiien, Twentj . sixth and Catharine streets, wns arrested for drawing n revolver in the Haltimnic and Ohio Hnilroad stntlon when n rail road detective reuinnstinted with him for refusing to pay for n meal, was hiiliilued with (I,,, oftjn.r'j, hn,.b jack and was taken to the hospital with n badly contused Mnlp ' Patrolman llradley. who was guard ng the prisoner jumped after him when lx leaped from the window, but i" auto noon outdistanced the puwucr" The number of the enr wan taken , how. reci" 8n of. its occupant,; were recognUed. Arrtits arc eipected today. -' BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ,; selected tlic choicest maxims he had printed in ' "Poor Richard's Almanac" during twenty-five ?' years, and .wove them into a narrative entitled THE WAY. TO WEALTH, which our Savings Fund Department has re printed and will furnish, on request, to individuals and corporations for distribution among their , customers and employes. 'Fidelity' "Biust Company- 325 Chestnut Street 1431 Chestnut Street 0 -vt r. ns 6324 Woodland Ave., West PhUadelphia Capital soeuj Surplus ?i6,ooo,ooo Funds Held in Trust 250,000,000 A:- .. -iin'fi ..T" 1 1 tU yiAMS, A BANK that is always look ing for opportunities to extend its usefulness in the solu tion of customers' problems. Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital $1,000,000 Surpluj and Undivided Proiu Earned $4,400,000 f EQUIPMENTS Issued under tho Philadelphia Plan Equipments Issued Under tho Philadelphia Plan Are Considered to Be Tax Free in Pennsylvania Chicago, St. Paul, Minn. & Omaha Rwy. Equipment Trust 7s t. .; Chicago & Northwestern System " Issue of January 1, 1921 January 1, 1920, at price to yield 6.30 January 1, 1927, do 6.30 January 1, 1928, do 6.25 January 1, 1929, do 6.25 January 1, 1930, do New York E. H. ROLLINS & SONS 1421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia il WHAT STOCKS TO BUY There are certain reasons why three particular stocks should sell higher now. Send for special let ter S 1, which tells all about them. EDWIN E. KOHN & CO, Members Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York 1522 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK TRENTON CASTON PITTSBURGH WILMINGTON POTTSVILLE 'iiiiii;i!:iiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiii'iiiiiii!iiiiii,iiiBiiiii City of Philadelphia 3 lis Due July 1, 1931 Fully Registered Tux Free in Penntylvania Free of All Income Taxei Lego.1 Investment for Trust Funds Price: 88.31 & Interest To Net 5 Por Cent Riddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH ST. i Bonds for Investment The National City Comnanv ConwPpNdfiil Offtaes In Over CO OIIIm VblUdflpblii 1111 Chestnut IM. 1 ESTABLISHED 1865 BIOREN & CO. BANKERS 410 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Government, Municipal, Railroad and Corporation Securities Jemlirrj J'eu l'orfc nnd Philadelphia Stock Exchanges n jiiUM!Hi!:i:i:i'!inniim iii;!fi:riiinn:;ni!iir;ifi;iuii:;iJJ!ii!uiHrii:)fiiijn!iiiififfin C. S. PATTON & CO. 31) & t'UKSTNUT 818. BANKERS NiiMhsam tn SAH.KIl Ii 8TKVKNS0M . Iionds nnd stonks bonih i and M I Members riilln, HlncC ExchnjiJI "t h 'J&KVF' if. T - .1 aaul'rB iU 'ftfm.ii.j,! .- jjUHi XiWf ji6mjs.