?tvF LA t . '" vi ' mais " J v .:" . !. - . j , 1 ii4 i , ..!. EVENING PUBLIC IEDGER-pfeniADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1921 15 Hefty Hitting by Athletics' Players Prove That They Have Found Their Batting Eyes J i i . i ; g.i TENDLER PHYSICALLY FIT, SAYS DR. DREW '.' Spinal Column, Muscular v Development and Mental Attitude Almost Perfect, Believes Osteopath BREATHING PERFECT By LOUIS II. JAFFE LEW TENDLEK, contender for the world's lightweight championship, ' irill go Into his bnttlc with Bonny Leonard, the tltlcholder, next Friday itVht at the Phillies' 'Ball Park Mr- tuUy In perfect condition, According to Dr. Ira Urcw 0I lnc nnacipnm run.... nf Osteopathy. Dr. Drew ex amined the Philadelphia s.guthpaw nt Delsnco, N. J., yesterday afternoon, following n short but spirited work out. "The physical effort of any nthleto Spends upon the full and free move ment between the articulntloni of the relnat column, general muscular de Telopmcnt and mental attitude," said Dr. Drew today. "I saw Lew Tcndler In action yco urday. cxnmincd him physically and got rS"nt of his mental attitude. He Is ti nearly perfect from these three standpoints as any athlete I have ccr "A normal spine hns probably never existed. Lew Tendlor hns not n normal nine, but he has as nearly a perfect .Sine as it Is possible to find. The intero-poatcrlor curves arc normal. There is a slight lateral swerve be tinning at the eleventh dorsal segment, tnd If Tendlcr ever has trouble or, rither, when he reaches the nge limit for boxing his first indication of phy sical Impairment will bo shown nt this point. Jfo Tension "Tendlcr went through three fast rounds jesterdny in his workout nnd tt the end was as fresh ns when he itarted. I examined him shortly after. There was no evidence of ten sion. Every muscle? was normnl. His rerrous system was as calm ns a wlnd m aea. There was perfect, normal xanje of motion between each spinal articulation. Tho slight abnormality in the lower dorsal area has not devel oped to a point at which it in any way interferes with' his physical ability. "PhvcholoB.v is supposed to be an Important factor In any fight. The one thing, above all others, that gives me confidence In Tendlcr In his coming fight la his mental attitude. "DcmpFcy was supposed to hove a grouch before his fight. If Tcndler has a grouch It couldn't be found with a microscope. He believes he Is going to win. He knows ho is in physical con dition. He hns the punch, his weight is u nearly correct as his trainers could aik. He knows all this nnd he is not worried. "Tendlcr has been through several operations, but they havo in no way Impaired" him. Probably ho Is in better condition than ever he was before going under the knife. The muscles of Ms abdomen aro like ropo. His chest wall shows perfect expansion. There nay be slightly too much reduction bout the hips, but loss at this point is FINE RACING CARDED Phoenlxvlllo Will Show Faot Horses In Running Races Tomorrow A flno race progrnra Is scheduled nt the Phoenixvlllo Fair. Tho racing tarts tomorrow, when thcro will bo three flat races and two steeplechases. The first inco will Mart at 2:4." o'clock. It will be for all aga at six furlongs. The second race Is a steeple chase for fonr-yenr-olds at two miles. Then comes u maiden race over a mile, the fourth being a three-year-old tutsle over a mile and sixteenth course. The last, but not least, race U a ateeplechase over n two-and-a-half-mile course, for hunters. The entries follow: First race, all aces, about S furlongs: tllt Field .112 Tout On 115 Jtobber II ii&Caasatn, 112 Hopeful 120 Dorothy'a Pet ....112 Jullbow Girt ... .120 Weary 120 Kciirv .. .. .1JD cany iuorn iu Second race, Steeplechase, four-year-olds and ud. about 2 mllea: Reddest 149i 1S8 Tor Mlitms 130 Nottingham .181 Third race, maiden three-year-olds and up. mile: ar One ...120 Mountain Dew .119 .112 o Chic 1 JO Advance 113 tek Prior KO Jolly Token US uir uin iuu vox ropuu u....ii .Fourth race, three-year-oldj and upward, .100 Vox Fopull II.... 120 selling 1 1-10 mllea grog Town .120 nrlaroin 120 Donna Azenca . 105 Dltly Stuart ....120 Fifth race, Steeplechase for hunters, about iJH m'les. Kope Well ir2 nil! Whnley . ...In! Psy Break ,. ...lBIIlud Win 151 Before or After li.' Amateur Sports . To Norwood I. C. suffered the'r worst !" of the oeaeon yesterdny at tho hands juie i;narapion H. c. tho nnal score b-lnt 0-0, The same was nlaved at Hlxtv.thlrR t?i ' me waa pmyeu at oixiy-tm "10 .tace streets Any team wlahlnir to eCAeaule limn with rhmnlrm 11 C .rfTp.i. race streets Any team wlshlni B. lielbouwtti. 102 North Sixty-second street tii .nrsk-flasa pltehrr and catcher would Jlta to obtain a berth with a rlxteen-elght-jen-rear-old team, Hose Castalio I'houe oreion 7024, J!?.?.. I nn,ch A A. have acquired JTounds for twilight ball, but will travel JJ Bauirtayg ana Hundaye and would like W boon games with nmt-clais out-of-tonrt S.-,. Thomas U Jones. 2271 North Bancroft street. 1J?u,dM1,' .W. 0. has dates In August ri.."' I"n" nwy f'om home. A. Clark, 1850 Bait Clementlno street. wor05Dt Jl.O- wishes to book games I2,nlout,bn,l!rtMn'''o1, n'nes having fiSitf i"?11 PaVln 'ir Inducements. Wl. Wm btelnbenr, 1007 North franklin street. J'.y1?0 Mooao would like to hear imhar nrw.n io Tin teams having dates In Moose Home, 033 Market N. .1. atreit, Camden." K? 1" A, C . a fourtten.auteen ir?m l-J"18 l to book gamee aay TOtgraph Company, 030 aiestnut street rarl?n5lorV'cl,,,Ali 8tar d'slroa to ar faBeoS,.,Vtf wl,,1.nr",t-?la ima nines. ui s, Pachter. 1780 Callowhlll street. kas 0.n1.0..C .nt-ola travlns nine. ffarJnf ".'. tor L'amJ! offering; reasonable Kcknell sire i " r BwMneJr- 12T South .Jrb".r",fn,A c- would l" ftwi "cond-class teams, pla; DUnday and tuiliht i..n' " ' e tn hear frnm ylng Saturday, boekH?!f,frd J'ental A. A. would like to with e.V.ur?ly' Sunday and twilight games FranV lrLV ,ho0J3J;,,"lm, hvlng grounds. l iv2,5l,,8i! North Lawrence street, lthhnm!?,E 0l ? """res to book rames ni Cambridge atrect Btfla ,2,.IS.I,. .:i J nfteen-eeventeen-year-old at iiJInu twllt or Sunday games, with ty-iSth strreetay' U Fe' 1041 8Ulh Twen" aiS1!!?,1!. 'V. A- ha f" dates for Saturday v., twilight games with flrat.claee clubs S.V'.Ba rounds, Ilobert I'ntln. pr tit fihll ton r M"u 0Dri roiia, care or unu or aSPSi??. Eprty-nlnth and Markot streets vri'" South Tenth .Ir.-I clus hJr"! Iro's hR" Pn "' tor flret. lateea m '."")" ,SMn; reaaonable guar B" Marty Wolfson. U21S Monument oe- hoJ!!,l!,',u,1,. c c- flrst-class nine, dalei wRkda,,,, for Saturday and twilight vTsrd n.i0I? Frankford 22(10 or write Ud. Vh. v lnhfrl -u- Croyden street, from iVh.vmlttl." A- ' wou'"l I"0 llear 5 fafJh,,foIntncteen.year-oM teams, pay. (V.rfordJVvennue',, ,yn 0'Donn11- S33 Nlaii w,. ' y- "lra to hear from first- ;,...;--'"" viuue nnerinor ri.eannanin innwrji i7"".i 'nn. Kr.nri;-n ,;"?.. ".v,w",R.,,a.'.,!if. C'h. street str. -" '' " JP 'My Looic Will Return Winner," Says Mother Lew Tendicr's mother never ha seen her son box, but "My Loolo will return a winner," she said yesterday nftcrnooh at the con tender Dclanco camp. "I Just know that he will win." When asked if she would sco Lew box Benny Leonard, Mrs. Tcndler an swered, "No." unimportant. He could take off weight at no better port of his body. s "Tcndler has physical fitness. Ho has confldoneo ho Is fit from every standpoint. He has done everything ho can do. "Tendicr's famous left wallop came to him suddenly, ho says. Thcro is every reason why that left should shoot out like lightning, wjth tho force of a bnttcrlng mm behind it. Tho muscles of tho left shouhlcr girdle have a peculiar and tremendous development. ''Tcndler declares that he had been undergoing no unusual exercises beforo his punch was developed, but the fact remains that ho has unusunl tone In the muscles that control the action of the left arm, nnd the ribs on the left sldn show the effect of this development. "Barring accident, Tcndler will ro tain that wnllop until age takes it from him. How he got it cannot be ex plained." Bat Marvels Besides Dr. Drew there were others nt the Delonco quarters yesterday who be lieved Tcndler In fit fettle. Battling Nelson, one-time Durnblo Dane and once world's lightweight champion, marveled at Tendlcr in his frisky three round, big-glove slugfest with Jack Palmer, whoso sparring has done a lot In getting Lew In shape. "It will be tho grcntest lightweight match of nil times,' raved the Battler. "This is the first tfmo I have seen Tendler put up his hands. My, how that boy does wallop Benny sure is In for the battle of his life." "He hns the stiffest straight punch of any boxer I ever have seen, con tinued Nelson. "Tcndler possesses a right jab that is n lot better than tho straight left of many star , boxers i I have seen. And thnt left jolt to tho body is going to do a lot of damage. Tendlcr'B chief sparring partner bos been Jack Palmer, the Southwnrk welterweight. He has stood up under a heavy bombardment of blows by Low, and has been a hard worker, yesterday Tcndler scored with some hefty wallops n-,-. hrA nnd Wlv. but Palmer kept htf1lni rnntlnunllv throughout the three fast rounds. ' Usually of a Quiet disposition, Palmer was prevailed upon yesterday to say a few words, and ho spoke: Tcndler will win if it goes eight rounds. He will punch too often and too hard for Leonard. If a knockout is scored, Lew will do it, and it will bo a one-two punch that will do the trick a straight stiff right, followed by a short left downward chop. My, how those blows do doze! Lew's left uppercut to the chin while Inside and his left punch to the body nro going to do a lot of After his afternoon workout Tcndler stepped on the scnlcf beforo on autdl ence of newspaper men and friends, ami scarcely moved tho beam at liitift pounds. Runs Scored for Week in Three Big Leagues AMERICAN LEAGUE B M TWTFSTJ St. Louis... 8 8 Cleveland .. 4 Athletics ... 3 3 Washington. 3 ) NewYoric. 2 2 Boston " Detroit JJ Clilcago ...f0 NATIONAL LEAGUE slMTWTFSTl St. Louis... 11 I1! New York. . 7 ' Phillies .... 0 0 Cincinnati.. 5 Chlcaco.... 2 a Plttobnrgh. . JJ Brooklyn ... JJ Itoston 0 1 1 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE BM TWTFIST1 Ualtimoro ..131 13 Newark .... A 5 RulTulo .... 8 8 Toronto .... 0 Rochester .. 3 3 Jersey City. 3 3 Syracuse ... 0 Standings of Teams in Little Baseball Leagues INDUSTRIAL LEAOUE W. L. T C. W. L. Ivlns.. . A 0 1.000 Fox Srotor 3 3 (Jen Eleo. 2 2 .riOO Thorn'n.F 3 4 Hup-Illddlo 3 3 ,.100 Olmbols . 0 S Hohlfeld . 3 3 .600 p.c. .BOO .420 .000 I'lIILA. NUFACTUnEnS' LEAOUE w. l. r.c w. u r.c XV. Union. B 1 ,S33 L. & M . 8 a ,800 DeFraln SSI .833 Hatch M 2 4 .388 Baldwin.. 4 2 AH7 E.O. Budd 2 4 .838 Wlcaco... 8 8 .300 Young&Co 0 0 .000 PHILADELPHIA BUUURDAN LEAOUE3 W. L. P C. XV. L. P.O. Olensldo. IB 0 1.000 Wynd'oor 6 0 .400 Hatboro 10 fi Ml XV. Grove B 10 .383 Soiith'on. 8 7 .833 Ft. Wash. 2 IS .133 MONTOOUERY COUNTY LEAOUE XV. L. P.C. W. L P.C. Doyles'n..l2 3 800 Consho'en 8 7 .338 LanedA!e..ll 4 .738 Chest. Hill B 10 ,888 Soutlertnn 8 7 .533 Ambler... 1 14 .087 NORTH PHILA. CHURCH LEAOUE XV. L. P.C. XV. U P.C. 3t. Mich.. 12 2 .857 Erie 8 8 .500 Leverlng'nlO B ,007 Lehigh B. 8 8 .500 St. Paul's 0 7 .503 Men'lt. 0 10 .875 Grace. . 7 7 .500 E. Baptist 1 13 002 DELAWARE COUNTT LEAGUE XV. L. r C XV. L. P C Media ..31 750 Morton... 2 2 .BOO I.ansdnwne 3 1 .750 Rockdale. 1 3 .388 Upland... 3 1 .750 Clifton ..0 4 .000 BELL TELEPHONE LEAGUE W. L. P C. XV. L. P C Motor V., 11 0 1 000 Engln'a... fl a .BOO West. Eleo 7 8 .700 Chester.. 4 S .888 Equipment 0 4 .000 N'town . 8 7 ,800 Oen Office D 4 .003 A. T & T 2 IO .107 Construe ll-uc O 0 .040 Camden , 0 10 .000 MAIN LINE LEAOUE w. i... r c. xv, l. r.c. Aritmore.. 3 1 .(107 wnyne .007 .333 .000 High. rk. 2 1 .007 Berwyn . 1 2 Narberth 2 1 .007 BrynMawr 0 8 INTERDOROUOH LEAGUE W. L. P C V. I Pros, Tk. 4 1 ,800 Olenolden. 2 8 Folsom .. 3 2 noil SHirtli're 2 3 Baldwin 2 3 ,400 Sharon 11 1 4 NAVY YARD LEAOUE P.C ,400 .400 .200 XV. L. P,C V Cole 1 0 1 000 Relief. B L. P,C II ,453 Marines, 17 n .isu .-savai una u 12 Sandpiper B 2 ,711 I.ansdale 3 5 Fulton .. B 2 .714 Talbot. . 1 3 Kansas.,. 4 2 ,007 Marine D. 3 13 Rec. Sta.,11 0 ,047 Reo. Bta, 2 8 rt.MIRIta.12 7 ,032 Maryland, o 3 .420 375 ,230 ,187 .200 .000 .000 1 OUT OF BATTING SLIP Johnny Walkor and Perkins Load A'o in Discovering Their Lost Batting Eyes WASHINGTON STREAK ENDS Have tho Athletics found their bat ting eye? Sixteen thousand fans who Viltnesscd tho twin bill nt Shibe Park on Saturday will benf assent to the fnct thnt tho Mackmcn have. They were forced to split tho double-header with the Browns', but In doinit so proved to the multitude that they have some thing stuck away in their bats other than pop-ups and Infield bounders. Twenty-eight hits in two enmes, In cluding two homers nnd a couplo of doubles rang off the nsliei of the Mnck men. Cy Perkins, the skillful receiver, led In the attack, with six safe blows, ono of which was a fourbnse ply. Of tho other regulars Witt nnd Johnny Walker had five each, Dugnn nnd Welch three apiece, Dykes two and Gal loway and Clarence Walker one nnlece. The hitting of Johnny Walker is the source of considerable comment ninong the fans. Always a .300 hitter in tho minors and the same for the first month or so with tho Athletics, Wnlker en tered into n bntting slump on tlio last Western trip thnt stuck tenaciously to him until last Friday, when ho belted out a homer, his second of the season. Thursday he had a single, but ho outdid himself Saturday, getting three singles out of flvo trips to the platter In the first and two out of four in the second. Each time he took n wicked cut at the ball and did not miss his fucss on tho pitch as he has been doing lis hits wero all clenn cut, shooting out Into the grccnsYtord with considerable ferocity. Perkins' Healthy Swatting. Cy Perkins celebrated the return of his range on the left-field bleachers on Friday by duplicating on Saturday, only this tlmo the pallet landed some seven rows up into the stands and not just out of reach of the fielder. This occurred in the first game. In the second ho crncked out four successive hlte, one a double. Joo Dugnn scored his first real hit In thp secoud game when ho crashed the old appln Into center field. Tho former Holy Cross lad was so well pleased with himself that he danced out of sheer Joy ns he stood on first base. The fans wero particularly generous to Jumping Joe, handing him considerable applause for every little act. Another winning streak went into the discard on Saturday, when Cleveland bumped the Wnhhingtonians .3 to 1 in n pitching duel between Uulc and Zaetinry. Pievious to tho game the Senators had compiled the neat record of eleven consecutive victories. Three runs in the first inning were sufficient to count the verdict for tho Indians. Not So Good, Not So Bad Tho Phils nnd Athletics furnished ninth inning surprises yesterday. The former had virtually lost to the Iteds and tho latter hnd won from tho Cleve land Indians. The Reds were packing up meir nan io leave vum tuo score to 2 In their favor when Kaiser Wll hclm's proteges rose up in their might nnd smote the enemy by sending four tallies across the plntc. This gave the Phils a two-run lend and the Reds went to tho bat In their half determined to do or die, and they died, scoro 0 to ft. In the menntlmo the A's wero in Cleveland breezing along nnd concluded their half of the ninth on tho long end of a 3-to-l count. Rut Tris Speaker's chin went on the warpath. Up to this time tho only tally off the pitching of Rob Hasty was a homer by Hlmcr bmlth. The chamnions got after hfhi In tho closing session nnd ..l.l,wl k. nn Tl. ....... n .. ..1....1. l.L.n- shoved across the winning tnlly, Mnn- ager Speaker's single doing tho trick. no rjn.,M. c,.,ii t? Performs Notable Swimming Feat retoekT. Mich., Aue. 8 rtaymonii Kd. monda of Detroit, world'a veteran and for merli" of the United Statea ijfe h'av n Bervlce. anam acroee Little Traeree Hay from the Harbor tiprlnss dock, a dletance of more thnn ftvu mllco. flMfSiiiSiEaW ggggBsgPSPigglsBSJgBJt Jgg.5 . . . and now, if our estimates are right, the fastest-growing cigarette in the United States. In ilie long run, quality does tell. Do you know about tha Chesterfield package of TEN What May Happen .In Baseball Today NATIONAL LKAOUK Clnb rittubtirgh ... New York.... Iloaton Ilrooklm . . . Nl. Tallin .... 1e .831 .000 .BOO ,BI4 .BIO .417 .413 .307 hlcpgo 4.1 Cincinnati .... rhiiiiM AMERICAN LEAGUE Club XV. I- T.C. Win Ioe New York... 01 87 .0 .0?H .010 Cleveland .. Ot 80 .011 .(TCO f.010 Washington.. AH .10 .AST .Bit .SS2 Detroit SO At .41 .40 .470 t. lxx... 40 63 .40 .4SS .479 Tloeton 40 M ,4M .461 .4A1 Chicago ....44 A .41 .47 .427 Athletics ... 8 Ot .373 .3S5 f.305 Win two. tI-oc two. Split !6io .875 YESTERDAY'S RE8ULT8 NATIONAL LEAOUE rhlllles, 01 Cincinnati, B. New York, 7 Chlrevto, 2. HU I,oiile, 111 Ilonton, 0. . . . - IMltsburgli-Ilrooklrn, not ecnedulcd, AMERICAN LEAOUE Cleveland, 4l Athletic. 8. ... New York, 2 Chicago. 0 (flvo tnnlnn). St. Lonl. Hi Wnnhlnitun, 3. Dftnm-Boston. not scheduled. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Louisville,. Si Minneapolis, 3. SUnnns City,, Ot Columlius, 4. Toledo, 4 Mlltrnnkee, 1 (first same). Toledo, 2l.MUwankee.l (second game). , Indlnnnpolt. 4 Ht. rnal, 8 (first came), St. Paul. Ill Indianapolis, 4 (second Rime), TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL LEAOUE l'hilllrfl at Cincinnati. Ilrookbn at rittubtincn. New York nt Chicago. Boston at Nt. Louis, AMERICAN LEAOUE Cleveland at Ihllndelihl (two game). Chicago at New York. St. Loul nt Washington. Detroit at Doston. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE STANIIINO Or THE CLUIIS W. L. IT. W. L. re Ualtimoro. ST 12 -2 Newark . 40 01 .41A Huff n In. 08 48 .880 rraciio.. 45 fl .403 Toronto fl BO .AM ,ler. CUr. . 42 03.303 jlochmtrr B7 M .523 Readmit . 38 U .342 RESULTS OF YESTERDAY Newnrk. 8i Rochester. 3 (llrst gnnje). Second game railed beginning of fifth, rain, Baltimore 18i nuffnlo, 8. Toronto, Ol Jersey CILv, 3 (first game). Second game called end of second, rain. Reading-Syracuse, postponed, rain. SCHEDULE TOR TODAY RochcMcr nt Jerser City. Toronto nt Newnrk. Buffalo at Rending . Srniuse nt Baltimore. MLLE. LENGLEN ON WAY World's Champion Salle for U. 3. Due Hero August 13 Now York, Auk. 8. Mile. Suzanne Lenglcn, world's tennis champion, is on bonnl the French liner Pnrls bound for the United States, according to n cable dlnpntch received Saturday by tho United States Lawn Tennis Associa tion. The brilliant tennis r.tor has ro covered from the attack of bronchitis, which twice delayed her departure, nnd Failed from France Saturday, She is due to arrive in this country about Au gust 13. Mile. Lcnglen is accompanied on her American trip by her mother and A. R. de .Toonnis, vice president of tho French Lawn Tennis Federation. MUs Anne Morgan, chairman of the Amerlcnn Commlttco for Devastated France, who Is now In Paris, cabled confirmation of Mile. Lcnglcn's depart ure. The tennis star will play a num ber of benefit matches for tho commit tee. WESTERN TENNIS STARTS Many Stars In Michigan Stato Tourney Today Doirolt, Mich., Aug. 8. Play in the Michigan Stato tenni3 tournament started here today with on entry list that gave promise of stiff competition. Among tho half hundred entrants aro Fritz Bastion, of Indianapolis, western Intercollegiate champion ; Ira II. Ilcin- tlel, Detroit City champion; Paul 'Jerome nnd Frnncis Tnit. former State ' junior champions; Ilnrold Bartel nnd I Henry Wuk. of Cleveland; M. L I Payne, nnd J. II. Ehlers, of Indinnnpo- aml I n Ford niicK0. 1 -. -. Frank Frlrh. of the (llnnte. was knoeked unconeclons by awlft gronmler hntteU by Malwl. of the rub. Ho wus revived shortly nftcr tbe ncoldent. XV. L. P.O. Win nt 38 .040 .044 os 4t .noo .eto en 42 .mi .n?e A4 S0 .niO .A24 ftt 40 .Bin .1)20 43 no .422 .427 43 (10 .417 .423 31 OD .MO .317 PHILS NOT FOR SALE, SAYS BAKER Rumors of Conferonco With Pittsburgh Mon Emphatically Denied by President NOW CONTROLS STOCK "Tho Philadelphia Notional League Hall Club is not for solo and you will do me n favor if you will put great emphasis on thl point." Thus Willlnm P. Hokcr, the presi dent of the Phillies, thrust ft huge dent In the rumors that oil men from Pitts burgh were negotiating for the purchase of the club, Uokcr need forceful language In denjlng the reports nt his office. In tho Ileal Ustate Trust Hulldlng, this morning. "The stories being circulated in the newspapers now about the sale of this boll club are absolutely without foun dation. Yesterday I read thnt I was In conference with men by the nnmes of Wolfe nnd Helch here in my office, on Saturday afternoortV I did not have n talk with these men hero or nnv plnre. In fact, I havo yet to be Introduced to these gentlemen. "I now am In control of this club nnd my word is final. Tho franchise is not for sale, nnd will not be placed on the market until it Is a winner. I would not consider selllne until I hnd experi enced tnc Happiness o n team in ursi division, nnd I doubt if would let go then, for there is considerable nleasure in having a winner nnd I might want to hold on. If I do sell nt that time the figures would have to bo lnrge." That fact that Baker Is now in con trol of the club Is n bit of news not ccncrnlly known. When Baker was mndo president of the club nftrr the death of Kill Locke, ho was a minority f-tockholder. Now it is npparent that he either owns or controls the majority of the papers. The Phil president refused to make nny comment on the Donovan situation ether than to Mate that the matter would be cleared ot the conference with Wild Will scheduled to tnke place at the club offices tomorrow. "Tho Donovan case," wild Baker, "will bo brought up at our meeting to morrow and settled, that af if Dono nn putR in his nppearnnco. I am not euro that he will be here. I have not received a wire, letter or any word from him signifying his intention to be nere. It U believed that Donovan is not in this city ns jet. All efforts to reach hfm here today have been futile. Bingles and Bungles nig m Konetehr Is tbe hjrn of TTsterda,T' came. The former MrooklTn first aacker (racked the old apple for a donhle thnt eent three of his trsmmntea acnrrrlna- ncroes the plettcT. He eeored abort time later hhn elf. nnd the Phils won tho first of the eerie from tho fled. Veiu York critics who traded fond nnd lonff on tht cooci the .Ueueel trade would do for the (7I1HI1 note chanped thtir tunt sir-re Cur. Hs IVolfcer atnrfed ottting into the head lines. Th vounoater had four hltr. includ ing a double, on Saturday and thres singlet lcsterdav. Ninth-Inning ralllea on the part of oppns In? Inm nre tirovlnsr roetlv to the Athle iieiicn On Baturda naatnst the ... ....... ,..... w . . ..--.- iirrint' llov Moore wee thn vlettrr ntnet the Browne, and veeterdajr Hob Hast? jtoy aieore wae inn victim blew In the last frame at Clovcland Tin be Iliith made n homer on Bnfnrdny. hN thirty-ninth, but he Is two behind Ma mark of 11)20. The Ilnatln' pernon eiDedn tn get ahead or hie nrrsrnge In the fire games to be played here this week. fall out of the Uravei on oth Saturday and yesterday, copping the first arnne It to 3 an Bmith had four hits on Saturday. The twin eetbaok is a costly one tor the Beaneattrs in their fight to get up front. a in secona ji to e, The Tanke won an abbreviated game from the White Sox jesterday rain halting the etrurjrle after five Innlngn Red Faber wae the victim, the first time ho ha ben defeated by tho Huggmen this jear Colllne. of the home team, permitted but one b.ngle In tho flo rounde. George nelly, the home-run klne of the National Lenciie. mnde lit nineteenth yester day. If he mnltea nine more during tbe re nmlnder of tho eeneon he will Inns up a new record for hie league. Tep Vouno'i frlple brat the Cuttj and Alexander yesterday, and enabled the men from Gotham to gain a half gamo in their fight with the Buccaneers TTTE ttite It at our honest br ' lief that for the price asked, Chesterfield gives tho greatest value in Turkish Blend ciga rettei ever offered to smokers. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Five Leading Batsmen in Two Major Leagues AMERICAN LEAOUE TU-- nnft f'!tlH O. ATI. R II. Hellmonn. Detroit 101 407 S3 Colih. Detroit., . 81 gl gi Speaker. Cleveland OS 3SO 77 Tohln. At. Loul . 08 413 OJ Ruth, New York . 08 340 111 m 132 i'o'i J10 .801 -m .808 r.c .408 .800 ffl NATIONAL LEAGUE riarer and Clnb O 101 tyti' 03 317 Itornsoy.. ni i.vih V...... Vat . nrb Cntohnw. IMlts , 73 2 un 877 09 13 378 00 13 Taurnlcr. St. IuU W 578 TENDLER IS NO SET-UP FOR CHAMP, SAYS ENGEL Former Trainer of Leonard Predicts Great Battle Here Ky OEOIIOK ENOEL Former trnlner of Benny Leonard, mnlcli- Maker nt the Otymnla A. A., for two jran nnd present nuinuger of Harry Oreb From whnt I've lend nnd heard Kenny Lconnrd seems to think he is going to wnlk Into tho ring at tho Phillies' Park Friday night, shako hands with Lew Tendlcr, feint onco or twlco, cross his right and as soon ns tho referee tolls off tho fatal ten over the prostrate south paw, walk back to his dressing room. With all due respect to the lightweight champion's wonderful nbillty, I think he is mnking a mighty big mistake, if he thinks Tendler is a tet-up or any thing like thnt. There have been southpaws and south, paws. Then Lew Tendler came nlong. This innn is no nwkward Ocorgn Chancy, Johnny Wilson. Al McCoy or IC. O. Krown. Lew Is Benny Lconnrd turned nround. He can box; his foot work is very good; he con punch nnd can take a sock ; nnd is the gamest fighter I ever looked upon. I do not predict thnt Tendlcr will bent Leonard. Neither do I pick Benny to tmerge tho winner. I think this fighl will be one of the greatest nny one ever f.aw nnd the result will be in doubt until the finnl bell, or until the referee nays 'ten and out. Olympic Club Wln3 Title fnn Frnnrlsco Aug- h A belatod tnlly nf points rcort-il In tho National A A U junior trnck and flld chn-nnlonshlpe held t I'fieadenn. last month retenls an error lit the official srore Klilrh nns announced nt that time The mt wae delnrrd a tie for first honors between the Olympic Club and the Los Anseles A C. with eectne points each, but a recount ha the Olvm plea nn ndvantnge of one hair point The scores neglected to count the half-point In the fourth place tie In tho hlfrh Jump made by Cottrell. of the Olymplo Club. Theresa scientific reason far todays still better ATL ANTI C GASOLINE PutsJPepinYour.Mator' TIGER RIVALS FOCUS EYES ON DON LOURIE Princeton Quarterback Possesses Rare Qualities in Run ning, Passing and Kicking International Com petition Great Thing for Sport j liy GUANTLAND KICK August Sport In a lammock, where the aun Cannot pierce the cooling thndp. Let the other leap and run Till their shattered nerves are frayed. Let them serve tho flathlna aea Or in hlightcd bunkers stand White the niblick's lathing face Vainlu jostles up tho sand. In a hammock, where the tun Cannot bake my idle dreams. Let the others have their fun Where the perspiration stream. There arc moments full of worth K'ncro ho t'osf ambitions spatcn, And the finest sport on earth Is the old broad -standing yawn. Bach nnd Forth TIIKOUGII May and Juno wo fairly plastered England nnd Scotland with .. '. . . , . " . , . . the best tnlent wo had to send ncros. One could hnrdly move without i-tuin- bling over n famous American star MHhiirn. TIMpn. MIsh Ktlrlln.?. Chick Evnns, Frnncis Ouimct, Bobby Jones, Mrs. Mallory. Tommy Hitchcock, Strwldnrd. Wobli. IIiilrJiKnn. Ilnrnns Egnn as formidable nn array of tnlent ns nny one Commonwealth eer knew. Through July Great Britain returned the compliment with Oxford nnd Cam bridge golf teams, tennis teams nnd track teams ; Duncan, Mitchell and Klrkwood, Davis Cup stars from Eng land and Autrnlia, all lined up for the big frolic. In 1014, the lait big international jenr. Grent Britain cleaned up nt polo, tennis nnd golf. Through ltl!l t lie pendulum hns swung tho other wo. out tho important part is that sport nnd friendly relations hnvc been booted a number of Important notches by ath letes surging bnck nnd forth for corn- pctltito tests that have held the ke"ii Which inav lie one reason why Car interest of both nations. One or two ' pentier. Martin nnd Ttinney will never points of slight friction have nrisen, quite reach tho top rung, where the iron but the clnto hns been remnrknbly j flit is ns Important an aid as the iron clean certain proof that the interna-I jaw tionnl meinngo is not only a grent thing ATIANTIC GASOIINE Scientific minds of a great organization have succeeded in giving you a still better Atlantic Gasoline in this season's product. Today's Atlantic is higher in calorific units, finer in balance, more thorough in results. Its expansive force is greater. Ignition is quicker. Combustion sharper and more com plete. More of its potential energy is developed into live, active wheel-turning power. In fact, you can feel the difference! Start ing is easier. Pickup is faster acceleration smoother. There's a noticeably steadier flow of power; a more doggedly determined drive in every piston stroke. And in the matter of economy you have the recorder's positive word that Atlantic gives you more miles to the gallon. "There's an Atlantic Pump on the road yon are traveling" for friendly development but also for sport. The Hlg Barrier YALE, Ilnrvnrd and Chicago aro al ready focusing nn earnest cyo upon a certain earnest athlete who is ad dicted to wearing nrnnzc nnd black stripes when arrayed for action. Ills name is Don I.nurlc. Lour if is tiic one innn these three big Prlncctonlnn rlvnls fear abovo nny other Individual Tiger, not even bar ring the brilliant Keck. Louric can run, pass and kick. In football theso nrc qualities not to be overlooked in one man. But, more important still, he can direct the destinies of a foot ball ninchine with rare genius, as ho hnppens to be a cool, clear-thinking vol crim wlin mil no nil htn nttnrlt ntrnlnur. the right sector nt the proper time, r "p ,"H -,fje best ounrterbnek in the East Inst fail, nnd if tho ever elusive ,opo ,j0Psnt romo pon n P(,vcrc punc. ture lie will bo the best quarterback I 1" the game this rapidly approaching "'. w omj a lew uriHK jumps on , ahead. I The Iron Fist ' A' " ' urpeniicr. Jinrun ami nynca nn criichiiig or Mnvine In their 1 rigut iinniis during recent entertain I incuts, we come again to the great value I of the iron list in polite pugilistic I circle. I Suppose. Dempsey, with his terrific ( hitting power tossed ngnlust such bulky I finmct ns Morris. Vulton and Wlllard, had known a fragile paw? The wonder is that een his cast-Iron cluster of I knuckles con stund the strnin of his up setting clashes. 1 To see him maul away at a seventy pound bag, swinging In at Increasing i momentum, one marvels thnt a human litor wrlt can Minhe the impact. No ring champion ever had n tougher I pair of h.mds than the present heavyweight CnvvriaM. ion. An Hahti reaervtd 1 H I U R2,B4S ViiMt ''fiiuZyl'tzx Cl?b h"Jh:.?9ZLv Wtth VSJ'US nln- J. K. Dasnty, Twen- Minnesota a .800 Pupont,,, 0 v.uurca lane, uermaatowni ptrlblm-., 1 ,000 I t A u. .. j- v.. V-a-1 W: TTjS J