itflil't-. MflK! lMWW!illv--'V ! SWviPmRniHHHHHlMHBl Lite fKMK'i.fvMf.AVT VWTA W S-T7 -fcv -teH--'-fi? i,iT WTTS ,,.v ? ". .1i'j), ywTvv; yWJJ TW1 nipsijpiw.,. 5$ 'TT '- Bu4 r t - ti ' 3' r'i im EVENING JPUBLIO lLED0ER-rPHITJiJDETJPIA,, . MONDAY, . rATjtoST v 8,v i921 , - ''... . t . , . . 'r ': i- : : - 43 '. , j ? fo-' Jtf Vt V? . . 1 LITTLE - BENNY'S NOTE BOOK "By Lee Pape Twtldday was raa's bcrthduy and 'ho was up in the eettTosf room and pop cameJhome with a big buntch of flowers, easing, Benny, keep youi mother tip stairs wile I arrango these flowers In the parlcr, I wunt to ser prize her. 0, all rite, I scd. And I quick ran Up In the setting room and ma was im broiderlng somo Imbroldery. mo saying, Hello ma, wats you Imbroiderlng? "And sho kepp on Imbroiderlng It. and prltty soon she scd, Was that your father jest came In? Mam? Tes, no, I meen I dont think so, wats you Imbroiderlng. ma? 1 scd A dolly, 1 told you once, scd ma. And she kepp on imbroiderlng it. say ing, Well If it wasent your father nho was It? I think it was a man to fix some thing, I sed. Fir wat? scd ma, and I sed, The roof. The roof? sed ma. and I mhI. I rnecn the celler, wats you imbroidering, ma? If you ask me that agen 111 imbroider you a good old fashion slap, sed ma, wats the matter with the roof, or the celler, thercs niitliing needs fixing, lm going down stairs to sec wats its all About, he must of come in the rong Lome. And she got up and started to go out of the room, me quick saying. (.J. dont go down there yet. ma. AVv in Uie wurld not. for niervey sakes? sed ma, and I scd. Theres soap on tho 4 top steps, you better watt a wile. Soap, soap, you ccrtcny seem to be tawking like a fish out of watter, wat soap? scd ma. And she looked and dldent see eny soap and came back and gave a fearse slap, and jest then pop called up, All rite below, all rite be low, all rite below. Meenlng ma could come down, wich she did, still tawking about soap, and she saw the flowers and knew wy I tried to keep her up stairs and she tfrologized like eny thlng. making me feel a llttio better and pop gave me a dime, making me feel better than I felt all day. ADVERTISING COUNSEL FOR DIRECT SALES METHODS AVAILABLE FOR PART TIME For the man or company that Intend to sell their mtrchndle In the most direct way, there) l aTallable an iwHertUlnic and sales promotion ndriser who will plan sale methods, make commercial lmcatlratlon or create prodoctlte publicity. Nol honUns n. Job. but lntendlne to acqolre si few more reliable accounts. Seasoned In direct mall experience Identified with national eampaiitnvi c?.rciui pujrr 01 ir,m- ec. paper. enTHVin& ana nrs worm also otosTOptun of lire and still models. SneccMfnl (or ratalorne. folders, InMMUTltl mans broadsides and campaign literature with eaeUvo senior sense. B-113, LEDGER OFFICE Resinol THAT is tho name to remember if you ara suffering from skin trouble. Batho the affected part with Resinol Soap then apply Resinol Ointment. Relief is Usually immediate) and lasting. At ail drug (Kits. Uay wessad too a sua plst Writ DtpU Z-t, Buhci. Balthoor, Ud. TALK WITH FALSE TEETH? SURE! Dr. Wernet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Relieves sore gums, sweetens the breath. A white powder. At best Drug or Department Stores, 30c., 60c., $1.00 or write direct to WtraetDeatslMfg . Co..U5BtekanSt..N.Y. Let Curicura Be Your Beauty Doctor Soap,01tintst,7nB9Se.TerTwbT. Fortample ddnu:Cvtltv Ulan Mrl 4ptJC, Mil dm. Uui, f '( Try It Today Grit through its destructive effect on the enamel is a fruitful source of tooth decay. Particularly in the case of chil dren is this true. jgi Spearmint SfMX. TnnfU Dr,. xuuilll CWLC Is Abtolulely Free From Grit This delightful, fragrant denti frice cleanses the teeth thoroughly and keeps the gums firm and healthy. A little goes a long way. Lay it across instead of along the brush. Wrfeley Pharmaceutical Co. Philadelphia i' ilj EsuotvTjV Nff l Store Hours, 9 to 5 P0 II "Livc-wlth-ablo" Funiituro is tho only kind to get. Tho August Sale fairly tcoms with this kind! and it isn't merely Tuesday matter of price, but at all prices! Sixth floor. Gimbel Brothers MARKET CHESTNUT t i EIGHTH NINTH Monday, August 8, 1921 The recent chilly '.'northeaster" fravo point' and emphasis of the desirability of sharing tho extraordinary knvnnin tn ttin Fur Sale. The furs arc the now styles for n-li T-..J ltr!l.. rrUI.1 ftnnf II' ". ran nnu uimj, j.nmi uvu.. 'For' Tuesday The Remodeling Sale of Shoes Has "Got the City Talking"! London Town and Country Millinery Just Imported All tailoring1 in theme and London leads the world in tailored millinery. All different. Autumn Hats, of course but the types smart Londoners are wearing right now. Natural colors. Gay Reds. Blues. Browns. $10.50 to $20 - Gimbels, Millinery Salons, Third floor bbJLU .iIbsssssb I. tfR jw o 4tz jtr iftsBsvl'l hi liB 'lfH r HwflLyri0iik ,m- I 2Sj7 .. i zimr--m. n Myi flMBj' Jrl flk ""fcat--a3P A Sale Without Precedent in the History of Shoe Selling 22 Imagine getting fine shoes at $3 even at $1.50 a pairl Such vast lots Sale began with approximately half-million-dollar stocks. Such quality Shoes from such Famous Makers as Buek & Co., Philadelphia; William Lane, Gcorgo Baker and others. Women's $8 to $14 Shoe3 High and low Shoes. Dress nnd walk ing styles. Thousands of pairs. $3 Women's $12 Shoes High nnd low Shoes. Black satin, patent colt suede, white kid, tan calf, two-tonca. Thousands of pairs ty $5 Thousands of Pairs of Women'o High and Low Shoes Have Been $10 and $11 now Men V Shoes at $4 and $6 Have Been $9 to $11 Thousands of Pairs Thousands of Pairs of Children's Shoes at $l.SO and $2.50 Have Been $3 to $5 ' j $4-65 Gimbels, Shoo Section, Second floor $20,000 Worth of Women's and Misses' Dresses -Mostly of Imported Cottons-to Sell for $9,000 Several of the prroupings even include lovely little hand-made Dresses from Paris French voiles and French handkerchief linens in the colors of fine French bonbons. Plenty of sturdy, smart Scotch and English "ginghams included. And a wealth of the wonderful, double-thread, hard-twisted voiles we brought over from England. The Women's Dresses $5.75 Value $12.75 Figured voiles. Tokyo crepes. Sleeveless linens. Embroidered cotton llneens. And lovely little all white voiles. $9.75 Value $15 Mostly fine v o i 1 O 8. Dotted Swisses ind organdies besides. And a Group Mostly French at $19.75 Values Mostly $39.75 The more excluslxe midsummer models. Amcrlcan-taade-up English voiles, too In Paris-Inspired styles. The Misses' Dresses $13-75 Values $19.75 to $29.75 Hand - hemstitched voile dresses from Paris. ttngnsn vones in sizes up to 46. Black-and-white. Blues. Per sian patterns. Brown and orange. $5 Women's Hand Made Farls Dress, now S13.15 Women's Sleere. less Linen, now J8.75 Women's Tjncllth Voile, now $13.75 Values $7.75 to $12 Foulard-figured voiles mostly In dark blue-and-whlte effects. Hawaiian cloth dresses, In white and high colors, with loop trimmings. Sleeveless linens and sleeve less ginghams galore. $9.75 Values $15 to $29.75 Including sweet French hand made Dresses of French voile. Including dainty color organ dies and dotted Swisses. And navy blue voiles embroid ered In white dots. G u 1 m p e-d res se s of plaid ratine. And wonderful ginghams. K. Vi K. r- W WM pii 'M-lintes"!!"' I C A K.jt rCffiVrH wAtff rtfcws auA-i Y V. - I .- M mp 1J:VIH vV' .a A Misses Eleereless Olngham, now $5 Missed' Hawaiian Misses' Dotted Cloth, now $5 Swiss, now $0,15 Gimbels, Sulous of Dress, Third Hoar. $25 For Men's "Kuppenheimer," "Society Brand" and Other Fine It is Easy to Talk ! It is Easy to Get Over 'Enthusiastic About One's Own ! But We Say and We Cast Back Over the Years in Saying It That We Do Not Recall Ever Having Given Value in Living-Room Suites Equal to These Three-Piece Heavily Over-Stuffed Living- Room Suites, in the August Sale at ' $145 We greatly value your opinion as to Gimbel furni ture. Come and see these remai'kable Suites they indicate strongly the exceptionally good buying this August Furniture Sale offers ! These are very luxurious Living-room Suites. Dav enport is 7 ft. long ; massive high back Fireside chair ; and low English-type lounging chair; all three pieces with broad spring arms, spring pillow backs, all spring edges, loose spring cushions, coverings of tapestry. . Out side backs of davenport as well as chairs covered in the same material. A suite that sold at &o0 in tho August Salo of 1020, Conservative value of today is S330. In this August Sale at $145. Convenient terms may be arranged spreading furniture payments over several months yes, at the low sale prices, at that. Gimbels, Sixth floor 1000 Oak Desk Trays at 50c Value $1M ir ' ' ' i f fins ir rfy A clearance In the August Pale. Legal blze 10,4xl5'.a inches. Felt bottoms. 50c each. Slngle-pcdestal Typewriter Desks. 38x30 (Illustrated). In oah and mahogany finish only ulx. of eacn. values ?to ana 557. Tle oak deFkM have nil quartered oak iop3 anu tne mahogany lln Isli desks arc nll-blrclL All - Quartered oak revolving Typewriter I'halrs at half price $10.50. Gimbels, Seventh floor, $38 Ml lafeifei IK'1 S ll rl Vv'i'lKlJ I V?wJ ' Vt 'Hi 1 1L SUITS And that price is less than half the prices these grades sold at a year ago. Shown in practically all the models made by "Kuppcnheimer," "Society Brand" and other Gimbel suppliers. Shown in tho, cloths and color effects they selected as being a bit more desirable than usual. Shown in the weights for wear now and for three- months to coine. Offered at the wonderfully low price of k $25 Gimbels, Second floor, Ninth Street Ready Tomorrow 8?000 Yards of Japanese All - Silk Pongee, 75c a yard Regularly $1 Bought in a "low market" our representative in Japan was "right on the field" to get this bargain for you! Firm, lustrous, all-silk pongee, free from rice powder or other "dressing." Natural color; 33-inch. Gimbels, Silk Salons, Second floor Resolute Clearance in This August Piano Sale of All "Used" Pianos and Players "Used" instruments, taken in exchange for new Gimbel pianos or players, and put in thorough good order. Floor samples practically new though not so rated. Reduced New Pianos and Players Uprights at $75 and up Grands at $125 up Player-Pianos at $295 up Other Used Uprights, at $90, $100. $115, $125, $155, $175. $195, up to $225, $265, up to $310, $325 and $350: originally were $300 to $750. Other Used Playcr-Pianos at $310, $325, $340, $435, $510, $535, $650 up to $795; originally were $525 to $925. Subway Store Sale Women9 s and Mi isses Street Styles Afternoon Styles Dressy Styles Nearly Half Are in (i Extra Sizes" At New 88-Note Player-Pianos at $487 Regularly $575 Only a Few! Other New Player-Pianos at $535, $595, $775, $875, $925 up to $1250; regularly $650 to $1350. FREE . FREE With each Piano. With each Player. A Piano Stool; delivery and initial tuning (i ' A Bench; delivery and initial tuning (if needed), needed). ' Gimbels, Seventh floor and Subway Store ' Eaay payment. Small first payment. $175 Console Phonographs at $119 And Cabinet-Style Phonographs at $49 Easy payments. First payment may be as little as $5. Gimbels, Seventh floor, also Subway Store k sB Mil y 4 m mh mm Li y Sir Values $17.50 to $25 and Values $25 to $39. 75 Oeornelle, (10 Value ;s Crepe ile Clilne, f 15 Value 120.70 (jeorpettes made over j.ilk, of course and elaborately ! i ?dA Corde(1 taffetas. Redingote taffetas. Pmbroidercd tricolottes. Beaded satins, Ribbon-trimmed Canton crepes. Graceful crepes de chine. And wonderful charmeuses. Almost Half Are in Extra Sizes, But All Regular Sizes Are Included Misses' sizes: 16 and 18. women's sizesi-36 to 44. Extra sizes: 40 to 62. And the Colors Are the Staple Navy Blues. Drowns and Blacks Gimbelc, Subway Store Ai &: T Jk A I ', ... :? vt4 , wKtmMu - , . -