'I" .t ij lmm&vt ifca.-iirv, ''," Y V WKr. a VCA ." r ' nflnkTjIB"! 5 "WRWk:: var;nr!w:'7 '' ?;.; w ' v ; o ,1 " C ' . a 'a, J (.''." ' " lWi I A',. I.'" ' ' 'i ' ' , .1 'l lt.'jJ . ,A, . .i . " 'A'fM ",- ' ,: Tr,.- " . fc.? I V EVENING PUBLIC -LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, EKIDAY, AUGtTST o, iMl 17 j I , V Mi ?i letters to the Editor -. tu.u nut That Wav7 MOW U ,,w' . nflforo " '" ''",,!'c ''"'"" f,lk,M oil lh. compLln. which hav " tour column. detrylnt th. varli.ii ",,M .. ' Him" Incredible that the nv.il 'lllr,r, ln hearties, of all hns not rMPiBfi'. in he attention of our rendeta. "L'!r n wllh th, price of foodstuff, i. ii. i!rllnin "d "" "ui. n" "'. , rrllr,:,' l the saloons In the cental """' . iV. city ere asking- nny " r"' ", thlVkvl In Kenelnglon and some '..,. dl-trleta thle price ha- been , mm o"'Y.7..v. r.nu by the judicious rt.lfr-d 10 inn. "- ?" J!1",rfSrfd,'c.U,n. will pr.Mb;r mL clder-Mloon concoction which "" 1. ihrnw). bill I nutnoiy " - MnTunkr the heed of .nae.hetc. '"" ....fnl observation nnu w " - ntmJ:.i I hvo never dlacovcred a I'luor 1, ilth. Mnuoree to do an V1C-i noM-dl e n "" lrU0 " ". ' ,brt now '"?... .. thn pivetnent. "on,H To' Id refuse to drink llnuor ,C,k'Tr. cm. down to a. "eeonabl. mu iktn In turn the eeloonueeper . !"' "iSkiK to come to time In W?.M' would hew .to am" w?.ii ihfie henrtleee wretches nnn ft!Dv'",' M rVu. nvorlnB extr.ct. and ,,leK t ""'r""',, untn id- bnotlecirer "' 'v.e fJom tl"e e 111 Thle he wfll WWXd fo Jo I""" n hi. only niter. Phlltaeirniit. "" n.eical Clotheo In Schools HturMorcl Iht Ftenlfff rubUc Mar: I""' .V..I..I vl.lnn n th HV. ei''rmTt th.r,he' time mUht erne L .mbr. of the Swlety of Frlende will JTnSJS l"r warlnir their peeull.r hablll "'. Vn the etreet. I. never likely to be "2m but ".Ton However, .hoi.ld thev ,Ml L i ndul.e In itreet p.redee e. a mr,n t lnauie in dr.b-colored 'iSiII k to nM. the oltl.en. to pin '"nVe. "n the ribbon., they mo.t like y "?!.' Tri curlou. menl.l twl.t. to erl.e M V. .nllPthy of American Me.l clt 1 .mil .chool t-ncher. weerlne their KM "'" ... . ,h .rhnol mom. The Jff" P.nd wi. -chooled a .... fSS Sin-I nor a three-cornered hoblnelt 1 r. ..- v.. iv.. i...litri Rlirh ftllllC.tlon nwl worn vj uo "'"' - .1 Wll imparls. .tn til Ml hfdeed in by bonnet., caeiocke or ". "....i . vm iinu from our forme im vliltor. c.me In Th-re U a dlrterence Kiwnthe ulute respectful nd the ea ut. rnrnntUI The latter belonm to ecole.lai ft It true met .or ceni-jrmp i... n..D fnln. Oermenr Ita'y France end Austria ' ' .. . . ..I.K.I, ...ralful rlothe. which today would put them In the :. .... .I..., .in.. Th. Iawh Imnn.lnif ihr dl'tlneihe parbe beuan obout the tlm Pom Anciiu n oi mr i"7 ....... . ..v ....... .r Pl..r.lnna ant In thR cliulr If 61. P'trr. but the mutations of time and thl mare nenerai nirtu.ion oi innrniu. n Uridy and Increselnuly afford d by tho un iperoltliable publlr school system of th felted Statu have mde the return of the fiwlih rirb of the middle em's Impo.slble Bol th opposition to Mine and deaconesses . .. .1.. n..K1l. ..Vi..!. iw.nrlnr th.lr ITpoifa to mi i""""- "- "' ..-..... ... .. rtuLllon clothes In our public sclioole. Is sot n'C(ssrlly conncle.l with the recently imred relationship tvlwe-n spcln'len Inetl tttloni and the State Trunin As we are ibout to b 'nisdd bv the head of on of thi treat sects of Huddhlsni, the time mlihl foms when Duddhlst nuns, wenrlnit their ..l.. .. .I..I. ..nl. iwill l...h lit nnr r"DT3 .IIU lll'-ll iuj-i.'i- ... -... ithooli and atfert the echnlars bv their nt- ttnJIniraura or Mrrene, I lie line neq 10 on ri.n sne here nnd lime, so tho I.ltltJ af- tllr w ths tlms. t L. ... ... .. .!.. t lh. Iiruln l.iill. Clf II HA. Il"l ."l l.n'lirn iin- ........ ... th. mnves that the nMer o'd-r of thins. in1 rsrtlnilarlv rllRlous hMfH. Is passing npWIyawav lAMl"" V DMI.KY rhi:iitph a juiv .". r.i'.M Language and the Flag Tttkr Fit t"' nl II" P fiura I'fhUr l.nl'iir- Sir .)n ent mil the Ihhh., of the Ifhler.ments rnln.'! In the vlclor ovir nr- mny a. ihi ilmosi totnlly .IrUlnir 'ir the frrman lancuAirc frcim our schools This no our nations) mucus n domination lh.it. In du time will iln iiore than any other r th'.nj; to siiktHln American principles inJ Msls for whlr. our fmheiH fouuht and t(l!J ami for shlcb we han . rreatlv crlflced No nation r.n Ik conelderjit infe shen 111 lansuif.e is mlxpd or uncertain Willie th norl if moutli Is not ful' mil M-jrlv npflmtood 'he lame bv all. no cor.fliliMiC' ktlsreen ms i an.l man can be full fr-e ir! undoubted To spenk un l-ngnaie Is to thirk the same thouchts nd follow ths am leaders to th. nemo ends. There can It no perfect national unity without a Unity of linguare, from which sptlnas a rlt ot ihnusht darmari Is i r-trlklnz lumjile of this fact To i.ird the natlnne! Ii.nniii,-' and pro ttet nttlonsl unltv are muri .incites irv In thi United States where p-nplf i nine from 'try pin of ih wnild. with ui'ory rai'n r.d r anKU.iKn mi i-h'I'i Minn In a .Utlon made uti of one race which has no lm miinnu to mlmulnte In Its notional melt Inf pot Whn .Martin I.uther tiHtnlutod Ihu lliblu " wlectel the beat of the (lnnan Jarxons I' be the language of the Scriptures nnd It to the people who hjd naver .eid lbs Bible before As a rejuli all read It ltd htnee nniilly all use the languaxs I.u r chose for his ureat vork. This unified lbs Osrman laniruage and flnully made Ger n:ny as one Luther. It tnluht bs said, 'illy formed a lanaruac truat The Oer tins had to use It If they were o be "odtrstood and reformed their nation by It Abraham many centuries before I.uther a Jtaa. unified the Jewa when he ilec'ured thare was but one God. Jehovah, and to i Jew n as to worahlp thin (lod. This warns a heavenly trust that e'ands ev.n Jntll th'.sj day The defeut of tho aonnan tcrma uas a necessity for the llbertv and Peace Of our rnim n I li.. Vnllnn fif I i. Borrow win have one lni(imne. one flo and '0Qt4 w i. mi.i.iAltu. rhllailelphhi Julj 1 e nj Advises "In Earnest" ft'Vfldiiiro' (In '!. nuy 'uiVIc I.rdu'r ,,1?'r,'J" 'In Krnesi desire. ndlce UI nit t. . "- fvuiiii nun ii ins menus are wie no who looke.l down nn a street car con ductor th. ,. ... ,.., .. ., ... . - "mc ui- uitcnes tneill Hie unt il, i ' 0,cuPa"n requires quick thtnk- ir. tit r-on'ni. n in il poop ik.. " l0' of "ampedltM cattle when ever J",001 o1 helr benton path Step - ... iint unci Bairn iiih nuiil lr lit "ir ruah on the ear. ami retard their n projrees like a h.t of scared oheep In n effort lo get a seat I hae .... ii.. n. i- .. ..... .. est. .'ill lunu iiuwii ine paeeitiiKer on id. f,rr, cutnplfte' hloi liinc the da'i.i-. .IT '"'""nlnK iiasseticers iherelu an ,..."' bout "n'1 ,,l,n when they wore stats i.i "0,U1 onl ' one-third of the .)!", "' 'k has .ill t,n t ., with EarV...' I '''""', H"nn'v thl. wh.m "In laurh Ii '"n " much of and knows as il a ,.U.', "" v"Mir "" ' ''" ""'"'' the 1. """"ntal darn whnt It thinks, ns when .? llch' remnrk-il to his ilmivMer Ut hols .r'mon"' rated with him for wear ' ,h b"l rei mispender.. Vhllarleiphla Aujuat 2, 1021 N' " Alms Laudable; Method Not iir r"nr" "" '""'" '"''""' i"vr W an" ,'""'"""" ued to b i'ims'clere.1 ualltv ,! , !! n'' w,"r K.neritlon. as a 'It r d.Ch '." h' "",",h' "T- "' h'a tho tuI. i, whf" 'o " to I he extrune Ik tlm.ble vlr7;,n''"r' f' "" ,nnnv ,hl" "' fIC n ,hVlr "" ""e,n o have hidden Its lUMea hi"''" "'." "'"' mx alwios been .J:;.. hy '". which sh.me.l the nil. lli !.: "v" f nn ormesterlnir luulnn r -ney vjould never have been lookod ud Rlla. .-."". .no, "'d the hnw. been Mure en.."L" " hev rt,rt "'" ln '" ll I' " solid virtue of modera- ... ine Miliar I.. i... ''nte. kr I '".Lh" "n,h ,,f """"" '-'" Un. " '"r ,n ehancterl.tlca of arreat "Wng , ' , "' " ,,w"1 '" another way f a m. ,,m",r'"" I these trjini & lr:l ""hT ,'", U,,p ,h"r ""O" tell... .'. war hlslerU rontrnllnl o..r a l,w. ,i'v'"" "nJ ,'n'l"'--'lve War- from .,mn,y hrd.arned liberty !'r "H mini n.i.iki.i . " " 'rcenont ,m,lnUon nf k ." '"" wl,n "" '"'allotlc fe" l lien. ?h..r,"fU!?rU" '"""I". 10 lt Ut iffirm.r. .'if rllth' ,0 b" .nprat. WJ? Citable UuI,bl ,,,J1 " method. , ' rt,tne. practleea a. a voluntarr THEPEOPLE'S FORUM Letters to the Ktlltor nhouia be as .T. ii.and ,0 .the I,olnt nB posslhle, Hvoldlng anythlnif that would open a ilcnomlnntlonnl or nectarlan dla- t'ltRlOtt. nJSZ nitl.'.n,lon Tim bo Pall nnony mPi.e JPUe"' Natneii and nddresses K rf "1' n'lhouKl. names will not IhV i. ni!t,"qi,e"t ls mml tl,f,t . V18i'Ollcatlon of a lelter la not WeSf. h!0!! i"" "n Hu'oraciiient of Its viewa by thin paper CotiiinunlcntlonH will not be re turned unle.,., accompanied by po't nee, nor will inantiFcrlpt bo save,! litue, like povorty. ECwd for man. .oul. Appueo by force, one's moral belim revolt.. I.aws should be made Bnd enforced. Hut It was the Creator Himself who bestowed on mankind tho Kreatcst of HI. blessings, hat of free will Hind n man obout with laws and Hniilatloiis and you Impede their spiritual aril moral growth. Our I)rd, In coming to earth, abolished a rreat deal of the Mosaic law because men had to a nreat eitenl crown up and out of Its reuulremrnt.. He would rather tolerate the Rravest abuses than take away from men that which In them mo.t re semble, the Godhead He left them fieedotn of choice and the ability to act according to the dictate, of their reason, Restrain by harsh law. end sn.sklnir detectives, and you have weakened their moral fiber, and none n Ions way toward destroying- It alto gether. Virtue becomes a necessity, a mechanical device, Instead of what God Intended a free will offering of an Intelligent being. He ware of the aircncles which mo about seek Ing whom they may devour In muoh busy bodying and hounding, to make our fair country not a land of the free, but the prison of slaves It KttHIl COOK. Philadelphia, July 23, 1U21. High Eats and Tips To thr hMtor ot the Kvtnlna i'hMIc .i-doe i : Sir rteplylnc to "K. 13." In the Bvkmimi ITumo Irltmrn of August 1. would say; I liue also noted vnur attack on ths r.x plotting restaurants The confectioner ihsve Just admitted they have boon making .TOO per cent, but the United States Ooernnront oun-t find them. They ought to hire Sherlock Holm., or put some of their bootleg hunters nnd still smellers onto these candy proflteora Hut 3U0 per cent "ain't In It" with the rtnuranteurs, they make 301 S per cent. The m per cent represents the tips the candy saleslady don't get and which tips the wallers expect for dumping the grub before nu Hut talking or writing about tips won't stop It The poor boob that gives tips to waiters (matiy nf whom make morn thin he dois) Imagines all the onlooker, take him foi h millionaire, or om of the hlgb s.tlarleil engineers un the Delaware Illver Hrldge project T. H. M. Philadelphia, Auguat 2, 1021. Questions Answered About Washington Irving To the HJItor of the Kvinixo Public I.tdotr: Sir I have no acce.s to r dictionary ot biography so come to you for this In firniatlon' Did Washington Irving have on hrothi-r. arid sisters? Was h- ever en gaged to niarrv? W H. 1,. Philadelphia. Jul 14. 1021. Washington Irving had ten biothere and HlstirH, He was the yourigest of eluvn i hit dren He was engaged lo Ma!l.d,t Huff man, but elie died before the) Her.' mar rled. Presidential Salute I To the liiiilor of the fit rnliii; Public l.iduri: Hit Will ou please explain to me thn origin nf the tiring of a pn-.ldentUI ealute and why twenty-one guns? H. S. I.. Philadelphia July 20, 1021. A pri'Slletitiel nalue of twent-nne gune was adopted that n uniformity In national snlutH might be nislntulru-d It being the inrne number us the roul naliitn nf Kng. , lard The reason why twentv-une guns should hnve been se.eoted as th number of suns 1ihs been a snuirn of m-arch etui i guesswork, wltli no satlsfei t.iry results tif the many surmises the twu carivi'g th- ' most weight of opinion are Tlrsi ihil I twenty one wis tho number of ears fixed by Kngllih taw hh thn age of fuJnr!t mc ' end. that emeu was the irlglnel salute, und three times evtii would slgntf una seien for eucti of the dhlsions. Ktrclaud nnd Wales, Hcutland und Ireland. It Is asserted that the Unite. I States adopted Una halut.l to slgnir to the mother country that her i hlld had reached his nm.orlty end was pre pared in law to Inherit the luud. nnd to thla ind flri'il the "gun of 1778 " the figures uf which eur l-7-7tl equal twenl i.ne Community Kitchen at Montclalr To the Kiilior u lu ital.it; Public iituti Sir- The cjii.niunliy kitchen ul Montclali. N .1 wraa I Ml famllle. An aluminum ci ntalner which holds glues uhuoro' h mid lighted can of eoMi!lnd ulruh and a v !cket tn.eket fur desaer's und tula ls are plhced un the purch h an ixpiaeeinan at ; n o clock At an) nuur tneieartur a piping I lot four ur file cours dlunei auffljlem for the nurnbei uf persons In liiu 'anil'), may be wried easll) The kltthen was Mi.rtd In an attempt tn iolr the hernut I Ptoblsm. This Is In mplv to a iece.it query. I MKM W 1. WII.I.1A.MH Philadelphia lulv 27, 1D21. Cost of Automoblllng 7o the A'tii'or n' f,e K mno ."iib'tr reifoer" Mlr 1 noticed In Jour paper recently the statement that the taprtal .nwntcd In uutomoblllng In the ('tilted tltutee wag over Jo.OOlMIOO.HOO. How un such a figure be arrled at' O. W. I.. Phlhidelphlu. Jul) 21. 11121. The capltul tkd up In automoblllng In tho Unlteii Status is etiiiuti'd a. o.er 16,000 Olin.Oiiii by the Hallway Age, which figures I' out b) Items Depreciation un 7.023,501 curs at 2H per lent on merage cost of $120(1 lull rest un the mutiny In vested, gasotir.e ull tires accessories Statu license fees, Insuranie piemlums, aaiage and service costa, lubur cuslu foi repairs, etc These estimates do not Include (.xpen dlturrs fur Lonrilriicnun and maintenance of hlghuas nur foi the cost uf uutumublle Hccldeuts, Ditch Around Acre Problem i fa the liiiilor nf thr hi emu a Public l.tdutr' I Sh In om 'ssje uf the Hth Inst. ' W i I. D preterits rhe fulluwlng "lu dig u dltih around an a re nf land, how devp and how wide must the ditch be tu rulsu the M re uf lund on- fool'1 ' The ditch inuv 1 f any width, or liny 'dapih. from sero ti Inrliilt) If the depth is dutet mined In advance. th.i width ma) be f. 'l lulned as follows 1 l)lvld 10 Sim bv the ii. nth and add IU.mimi . to the qutitkut Extract the Miner., rum if Ilia sum and I .-ull i in nil :ii:.IIU f mm this squani root Tin umialllJei will be the width nf the , ditch ! I Ditch one fool deep 43 2'.M3.'1 feel wide IMtth mo feet deep 23-)na2ST fart wile Ditch Ihrei fi ; deep Id 14100 feet wide. Ditch ilx f-ft deep S SillSOC feet wide. The furea'olng is mi the basis of inuthn matlcal olume. all angles U0 degrees In practice, the iwuvnted ditch would re nulre side slopes not steeper than "one In one," and the one-foot high embanknien' over the acre would require side slopes not deeper than "one anil une-half to utie " It would Mis i be necossnrv tn hIIow for shrinks,,!! In einiunliinenl after It was "puddled" bv rnlns whhli Bhrlnl.age tangea from abo.it S per rent in gravel ur sand tu 2ft per cent In pud lied et.u livery old farm hand ktiowe that whit Is dug nut of u hole w'll n..t permanentlv re fl'l It. that nfter setting a fence post In Its I ole nil nf the ex-avnte.1 materlnl can be ' stuffed hack ' aiouud ihe poet II. M Philadelphia, Julv 2S 1021 "C I. D" The phrase "Mleinal vigi lance Is the pt'ra nf llberl) " Is from a epeedi deliver Ml by John Phl'put C'urran In InOS Poems and Songs Desired Wants "A Pet Lamb" To the- Kdltor of lh Evening 'utile Ledger Sir I um ti ) Intr tu find an n'd pneiu referring tn a lonely pel lamb in which these words will bs fuund 'In looking o'er the hedge before me I espied A snow-while mountain Ismh with a maiden at Its side Nn other sheep was near the lamb was all alone. And by a slendsr cord was tetheri-d in a stone " If any friend can be found who still help me tn this poem (entire If possible) It would be very much appreciated. , UARQUABT SUTTON. New Holland, rv, July II. l2t. Can a Reader Supply It? To the Editor of the Kvtnlna Public I.tJoer: Sir I am ery desirous of obtaining; a prose work entitled "The llaldheaded Man " It gives Uie trials and trllni'ntlons nf an anxious mother of an Inquisitive youngster who has spied for the first time a bald headed man on u train from Philadelphia. AI.Hr.HT MAI.ISH. Philadelphia, August 1, 1021. 'If Washington 8hould Come to Life' To tin Hdltor of the Kt'inlna Public l.idotr! Sir I enclose herewith the poem "If Washington Should Come to Life." recently requested by "O, I.. D." MHH. f UHADT. Philadelphia, August 1, 1021. If Washington should come to life nnd see how milters stand. A smile ftom rjeorgle'a lip. would surely fall; Instead of all the wasted field., the plains and bsrrrn lands, He'd find the greatest country of them all He'd find he's not neglected, that his memory rends the air; His monuments erected he would nee most even where; He'd find a mighty nation of men who'd do end da re. He'd find he's still the daddy of them all. He'd marvel at the changea a. he'd take a look around, At motor cars he'd surely stop and .tarn. I wonder whnt he'd think of all tli. rail roads underground, And elevated train, up In the air. ' I wonder what he'd think of Mr Morgan And how hs'd like political machines. I wonde- ( he'd read what Thomas l.aws.in I. writing for the monthly magazine. 1 wonder what he'd think of Teddy Hooae 'velt I'd like to hear exactly what bo'd say. I wonder If he'd try tu never tell a lla If Wnshlrgton should come to life today "Barney Buntllne" To fio titiilor ot thv livening Public I.r,lUti Sir In reply to your correspondent, Thin dore t Knnuff, Oak I.ano, the sung that be deslns which ho state, was sung bv the late Hear Admiral James McQueen Koie.th. Is "Harney Huntllne." The words und mn Blc may be found In n hook called our yu miliar Songs," which can no doubt be fuund In anv public library The song Is not scarce and I suppose may be purchased at an) music store The words ale by William I'm nnd ttu music ls old English. The song Is also to he found In the Franklin Square nnng c.lle.tlun. The word. I enclose. J. c Philadelphia, Julv 20. 1021. H.UIN12Y HL'NTI.INK One night tame on a hurricane, the sea was mountains rolling. When llarnty Huntllne turned his quid and said to Hilly Howling. "A strong sou'wester blowing, Hill, Oh. can't you hear the roar now, Ood help 'em, how I pities nil unhippy full,, sahnre now. Churas, Bow, wow wow. rum tl Iddv-rumkl Iddy, bow wow wow' Foolhardy chap. a. live. In towns, what danuer are all In And now thev' re quaking in their beds, fur fear the rouf should full In! Poor creatures how they envies us, ntid wtshea, I've a notion For our good luck tn such a sturrn, to he upen the ocean' Then as to them kept nut all day nn buslneaa from their houses. And lute st night are walking home to cher their bslaia and spouses While ;ou und I upon the dick ur. com fortnbly lyln . Mv eye' What tiles and chimney pots ubout their heads are fbln' 1 And often have we seamen heard, how men I are killed anil und me. H) overturns In carriage und Ihletei and tires In London. I We've heard what risks all landsmen run, fiorn noblemen to tailors So Hill, let us think providence that you and ' 1 are sailors' 'Ihe People's Forum will appetir dully In the I.vrnlrur Public Ledger, und nlso In the Hini'lnv Public Ledger. Letters illsriwslnx tlme! tonics will he printed, lie well us requested iroems, und questions nf general Interest will he itnavvrred. THE DAILY NOVELETTE The Thirteenth Picture Hy CI..VKISSA MACKIK There vveie Ihiiteen pictures nil the vvnll. of Kiirbiirn'H new room on the third limit- front of Mrs. Wilson'., eicet boarding house for btminese, people. Thirteen pictures, placed there b.v Mih. Wilhon herself, nr by one and another of her unending procession of paying guests. The house vus run down; Mrs. Wilson lietelf, tin asthmatic, snuffy looking person in greimy blnek. was an aekunu leilged widow, and only those wli.i mi. el have it roof nt the most inmlesi pi ice now patronied tlie old houn' on I'liester street. "Thirteen pictures one inii.it come down," decided Itiirlmia. while lier heart .ve.iriii'il to take them all down but one ur two. only she must expluin to Mrs. JYlNon "I would rather look at the hideout, things," giuuned the girl, us ,Ue in ventivried the wallsi. There whs the cop) of an etching of Westminster Ab bey; netl to It wus a walnut-framed chromo slieep wending homeward thiotigh a village street; it colored pic tn re cut from u moguxlne and frumcil lu gold four men gambling: Uaphael's "Cherubs" in u heavy metal fr.iine, uunther gold fi rimed mnguzltie illusttii-tlun- a (Jibsou gltl. n sepln thing under it "Happy Childhood," three nurser.v pictures grouped together, a wntercolor - a rocky co.ist in u gale, with tlie se.i piling Mali t lint was good, a burnt wood utroi'it). photograph of u beauti ful girl, nnd then a steel engraving of "Napoleon After Waterloo," "I don't like Hint girl's face," tie claied Harhnra ns she studied Ihe houchty head, the cold, hard ejes, the mechanical smile of the girl In the pic tore "Hhe louKs loo much like Agnthu Deiihlow It i -Mrs. Denslow. I am sure, quite sine Fancy her picture here. How she would ruve If she knew t !" Sh'e laughed a little, declrled to remove the offending picture,.., and leave only the cherubs anil t lit witter color She lied it cloth over her mist) duik halt. A Hattirdnv afternoon was always her clcauleg period and she wus dressed in a little pink cotton dress she kept foi this housewifely tusk Outside (lie sun was al.iuiug and the spring day In vited her. but she shook ler head und curefiillv removed Westminster Abbev from the walls. She detet mined to stack them curefiillv in the closet In (lie hall where the ladder went to the toof and. Iiulug derided upon this, the fear of Mrs. VIIon's ninth grew less nnd she tackled the picture of the sheep with great vior. She had moved around the room until she now stood at the east side removing the niitser.v tlijmes from their downhill arrangement wlcu she heard a sound near the fireplace Her eyes slowly widened in nmireinent and alarm. The picture of the great Nupoleon was rocking to und fro in an urine. countable milliner. Suddenly it swung out from the, wall and below It crept n hntid a man's hand protruding through the wall of the adjoining house. It was n stiong hand, well eurcd for and browned bv the sun. The lingers groped a round I he wall as fur as the thrust-In arm could reach, us f smirch ing for MimethliiB Marhatii slipped nlong the wall and called to the owner of the visiting hand. "l'erhaps I cuu help you," she sug gested. The hand wavered helplesslv and then wlthdtevv and the picture of Napoleon swung into place. Ilarbarn twitched It down nail disclosed a stove pipe hole which hail lurker. behind the mask of the Coislcon hero. She mounted a chair and peered curiously through the aperture All she saw was the broken background of light papered walls nnd n nian'H fore peering through ai tier. "Well, I n never f ejaculated Har. l.a'ra, Jumplnic to the floor. "Do you know I am going to tell Mr. Wilson?" "I nin sorry and I npologlr.e, but I didn't know the mom wan rentfil. I've bt't-n living then' for n week nntl moved two drivr. uro. 1 left a picture there. I would llku to linv.. It -tlioilKhf 1 could reuch It. 1 inn very norry, In deed." "A pltture?" llnrlmm unlfffd nt the gallery of tiiuntcrp.eci's. "I It nht'cpV" "No." "(tumblers," "No. imlceil," vlitUf.UH.y. "Angels?" "In a milliner of speaking one." "Oh !" linrliarit wrinkled her nose nt the. haughty girl -picture. "It Nii't tin' (ilhson picture, or thu numery rhymes, or the wntercolor or even old Nappy - It's it framed photo graph." "Oh!" llarbaiu's tone wan nil en lightenment. "You must menu Agatlm Oenslow'8 picture here it is!" Slit1 thrust It viciously Into the aperture nnd It disappeared lioNtlly. A masculine voice came back In u worried tone. "Von nald 'Agnthu Denslow' till" Ih the picture of Miss I'ost." "Didn't Agathn 1'ont marry old .Tames Dennlow ilunt week'-" linrbnni wanted to know. "No!" he exclulmed, "Ych," uswerted Horbarn severely. "I was there -1 nuw the wedding May nntl December, l'ooli, I went to school with Agathu. Oh, I am no sorry, 1 for got t lint she must have been a par ticular friend of yours plenie fntgive me." , "Particular friend?" he laughed fchortly. "She was engngrd tu mairy me. I've Just returned from France." "Oh, dear," pitied Hiirliniu ; "why, you unlet be .Terry I.niic. I am l'.itr bara Dorr, the little girl who lived next door to )on ami plaed with yum sister Cathie." "Hobby Dorr?" The dickens you nre?" "Isn't it funny- and .terry- 1 ahull have to replace Napoleon and seal up the stovepipe ho gooil-by." "If I ring the front doorbell may I cull formally upon you in Mrs. Wilson's parlor?" "Of course." nntl Itutbnra's checks wen; flying pink signals now. for as a little lass Hue had worshiped her play mate's big brother from nfar. Him vas V'latl she lind grown up to be so pi-ett.v. She (luffed up her hair, moved a chif fonier over the hole in the wall, blew a kixs to the CorHicaii mid drifted down the gruy stuirway into the rosj glow of tomnnce and life-long lutipini'u. DREAMLAND ADVENTURES The Pirates' Jewels Ur DADDY CIIAPTKK V The Orejit Mystery "rpiIKN came the great mystery." -- repented Flitter-Flash, the fairy leader, telling the story of the punish ment prepared for the hold pintles by Mngi-co. the fairy magician. Flitter Flush paused for it moment, while IVggy and Ullly leaned forward eugerlv to hear what happened to Captain l'kii'k-lCye's crew. "The pirates ciowded into the cave, seeking to follow the devvdrop diiitiiouds which Ihe fairies had curried In-fore them," went on Flitter-Flrish "Of course they didn't lind tlie diamonds, for the light had gone out of tlie dew drops ns soon ns the fairies entered the dark entrance to the cave, and the fairies hud dropped them. The pirates seitri lied everywhere, but ull thev -aw was the jewels they themselves Inn stolen from captured ships. "It happened that In looking for the jewels. Captain Mlack-K)e stepped in a puddle made by the falling dew drops Slip-p-p! Out from iindi't him went the captalti's feet, and down he en me with a gteut crash. My, what n hump the captain got, and the Joke of it was that he never knew he hud slipped uti the very false jewels he was an ftati ticully seeking. "While the pirates were setinhing in the cave the tide ittose, tilling the en trance with water. Then the pitates couldn't get out. even bv swimming. Thev were prlsonets until ihe tide ebbed again prisoneis at the mercy of Mnirisi-o's wonderful magic. "Mnglsco before working his magic on the pirates- magic thai was to shut them ui for hiindieds ami hundreds of years came to the top opening of the cave to say fincwell to the fairies who wcic Muttering about. "'My magic is powerful.' said Magisx-o to tlie failles. 'It is so power ful that It may harm von as well as the pirates. Theretore I beg of von to tly away to the farthest pint of tl c island nntl stay there until the tide ebb- When the tide has ebbed so i mil you can tly Into the wuter eutiuine to the iiue you may come biu k " Mitt whin you come Inn k v u muy not tind me. If that is so. fi u not, for you will know that I h-ive done my July. And now, fan-well Hasten, hasten away !' "At Magisco's warning tin- l inns Hew away to tlie furthest p.irt nt the island all except one cut ions voung fail This young fairy waiitnl in si o what Magisio was going to il tn .l.e pirates He was anxious tn lum Mucisco'.s seciets. He staynl In hind, hiding in u crack in the unl. wu-'e lie i mild look dow n into the cave ' Magisco was alone with tin pn at. -Whnt happened in that cuve. t-n luimue evei told That is the great im-iin "At ebb of tide tlie faints ...iih hurrying buck. Thev ventunil um tiollsly into I lie water cutllllnc In lue luve The) found the cave cxuMlv ,s it is tnduv tilled wltli jewels an I nil mlrrois of gems, catching and tlnnwing hack Iln- sunlight. They found all luis hut of tin- pirates tliete wusu'i a tiaie They hud vanished, anil tln linvint been seen trotu that day to this "And Magisco was gone, tun Tin re wasn't a slu of him. His ,mn pnwu' fill magic upiinrently hail sw.illnwed him up at the smile time it hud swal lowed up the bad pilules " Hen- l'eggy bloke in upon tin st.irv "Hut the faity who hud Mai -1 !. hind to peep- uiiildu'l he till wh.ti had happened?" "Ahi, no." said Flitter Flush m 1 will tell volt the strange n-.lsi.ti why " Wliat I'littcr-Fhish told them iilmut the pi-eplllg fail) will III- I'el.lti'il tn morrow . WILL BENEFITS CHARITIES Catholic Institutions Inherit Part of Rosanna Byrne Estate Tne will of Itosatiua II) rue, -Vm.'i Illukcilinie stieet, admitted tn iit'nliale toilii), shows several hciicsts to t'aln olle charities, she lefi S.'lUl in Car 1 i 11 II I DnllgllCIt) to give lo the 111 .-l win ih) charity. S'JOO to th- Cniivi-nt of the tioul Shepherd. Slllll tn the Chun h of tin- Itnmacu'nte Cum cptmn and SUM' to Catholic missions Tin residue of the Jl". .I III estate goes lo sisters mid other re'atlve.s. The wi'l of I'uil'uie I luiiiii. Ms Ninth S'venteeiilh stiet, leaves n Sl'J, M)0 estate tn telativcs I.clters of admluisiuitiou wen grouted In the estates nf Chm-les .1 I'eterson, (Snrrlson Hospital, S.IOfiO, and Mnry A, Wntnoii, loai Went Cam- unoge Direct, ! LITTLE BENNY'S ' NOTE BOOK By L.ee Pape Yestldilay me and pop was taking a wawk after supnlr and I felt In my pants rockit to feel If my 'J cents was Htlll safe. Wicli they vvusent. and I mil, (iosh. pop, liei-k.'holey mnouks. Am 1 to Infer from that oiilbersl of eloquctit that all l not well? wd Iop Meenlug Witt was the mutter, mid I nod, (I wl7. pop, linley smonks I had !' cenls in mv poeklt and now these liuthlug tl hut a hole. Wus the hole there wen yiitl put tlie i! cents In? sei pp. Yes sir bill I forgot about It. I m-iI. and pop sed. Ixperivnci- Is the best teetcher, and the hi-st ( euy thing comes high, so think von gol off pritty cheep at 1' cents fof being taw I that Its not wise to have iiuuiev and n hole In the same poeklt. v,,... think yntlie prlttv lucky. And we kepp nil wnvvkiiig. me feel ing the opposite ,,f lucky, mid we start ed to go past a ,,IIK store with it weigh ing UlllclllUi- III ft'lllll of it. And he got mi the machine ami put a cent in the slut nnd nothing hap pened, and pup jumped up and down on the machine, saying. Confovvntl It. je' inj luck, the hand st s to be stuck or something. And he started to shake the weighing machine mid hit It mid net imid ul II without etivthing hup petting, mid all of it siuldin I sed, ). i. pop, the iiihi hltie iilut werklng. Tell me sniiii'thlii,; 1 dnlll know, sed pop still standing lliuc In case it mite, and 1 sed, Ituf i. pop. beers a little edlu criniind on the side of it says Out of Order. The dnooe. m pop And he looked and saw It and i;"t maildet than ever, nnd I sed. Well. gush, pop, you got off twice us cheep as I illil for jour In pcrleucc. It cost me ' cents to I'-rn not tri lilt holes and icnts In the same poeklt hut it ntiy cot you a cent to leril allwiivs ,, ,1, U llttje sines on tin side before .vim gel on a weighing ma chine. Speck wen yoine spoken lo. sed rup And we lepp on wtivvltiiig. rAKCET. POST New IT. S. Army Field or Trench Shoes Made nf tniigln linlliei 1 bli 1 able W.it.-ip'iii 1 with nr vv ill. 1, 1 liolllllllls s i-l- 1 to Kl Value $o50 ilitary Equip. Co. 511 Market St., Phila. HI'I.N I ICNINlaS LU. S. MEDICAL FIELD DESK . 3J In.V ifesfess-' Sl-UT 'IIU" Jl'st tiunluisrd IIMIU Held Iii-slaa fruu I . Mfdir.il lleut ..".'. i uf ,,,T "T'. ,UKd Willi lints hundli-s on the sldi-a. .urn. n. I!lu trut il In tliU ail .slum, .,!. , '" kuo'I '""dllloH. V rrjl laurs.' ilia ill U. Iheae ilesks ire Oilpptd vli ei press ullly . . FREE Write for Our Nvw Cutaloue S MILITARY SALES CO. 622 Market St. I i-4Vt--sPliiln , Po.-t-e--s4--0s5 ftlaf!& Ask for and Ovt the Oiitloal 'MALT EXTRACTS HOPS I'lut Is I, ui I IH I lllltll s 'a : .iiIiiik '1 . - X1- ll lit' Ult-H sTIVtlItO kD kMCHIO M tAVtU l-MslTDir CANS 21', - lb. ran III u e Itili'ion Malt Km rati suaisisiiia io-)s ei si ffS3.T-- -stygv with 3 ori. BsicrrsA- -SSS- bt'Ht i' r a tl e Viri-saarBaavz?- n " wm tu o, SI -so . L.WW 'HALT kSIraCT SPECIAL -.Bv . .r 3 Cans With "asaWfr-'jnljer" !.... l."i....".Vi;i-e aawasa, &sa Muil Orders -f.,,.y ;, n... semi fur Mull Ordrr lluia,iiu list VII I III -I l - l . l ,, inle- I ui i l i m j r , Special This Week Only Old Reliable Capper II VI ill ntil I It fur 1'i.st lei ; ,. n I ,i i prlir Ml Vli (iuiiriinle.il I ....... I M.i. on j ! ii ' rill .11 I l(l I 1' , I U IW 1 (a. t 1 . ' t ii r I Kl I ,, u'l t-sa. , r " "1" 1 rills ui 111 K i.miui I" H.t K hiiiili- 7". l i. ix i 1 M , .H. i'uiC's.V SI'WLCli 137U vi.s. vi: SKMl v () 1). Ili.ilers i ill Vuiii'. VV n 111 ill PIJfTc,. ThfainOfficei UW and "Vrvircrooms 1 127 JNorth I'ith Street I n . . iv h. ri sis . PHiu-n", ruw, pa niiANcurs .5?J8.iM,,,lM Ml-rh llrlinont WHO JiMrt tierninnni.,,, yr . , ,$ jju o.s !'B8 .Kraalnglon Are. aeUeleat Df-riilnr. Usnvllle. ill.. Farlar -i.iin.nviii. ai A 1 A 0 1 I n 11 lift A j561 7S vw x.v sroooso sOp ogJ- A l frJViirr ' n -"Sl iTul, J5 1 I A ' i-Hiflbw;----...J-'" ' "rrrfl Bo , .Njsr-r.i - . I " . J Hops iMmm ik i v. i .hi iS PARCEL POST GLASSES Low as $1 r i:VKH IJXAJflNKI) PUKK rfBS' A. 1,. l.ovl. 73 Bnnsoin Si "sJaw. Prnscrjiitlons Kund Artmclal Ties Insorteil WINDOW SHADES &"&.' I 60 shades now 76o I! 00 Opaque, now Ji.sft. tv.'in Dutilex, now ii nn TnANHMirTKK Ml'tl. t'O. Sllln sWMtlll Hend for impl I'li.me vna MnTd COIN MACHINES Hell, Fruit nnd others f'srd Rs'ls (11(17 Msdela) .Is him r l'oker 'ard Dewes Ino new arid rebuilt All hrirsnilris I'.islern ttniie BI.OAN MIVi;i,TV Ml'fl III Ml N. Oth .SI Phones Hell I'ntilir IT1I 7TS i' n"7ITft''3'54 ! WABil H nS E'tiaTl trVtKimCil3CiU Ol.ll COVHHM III MIIV I n 1 III MIIVI.K simnl mill nrlris.. VVrl'e nr illume for simpl mnl nrtres. C. SCHMITT, Mfr. " rr.inur.ru ' Avenue .s s .. RAILROAD UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Juit Received Several of Theje BeauioM Bed room Saiites walinil um ai it 1. . rt,,INi, 1 r Ilovv-erid I ii Vi h.'v Irtesslng' 'Table. ChlToieit. unl jie. r.ioinv f Huieltn Nevei solil f,i 1,-ss limn' ' IZ1I1 U'l i f s am a ,j j (, ' : 0urSpeciaiPrice$115 : t a T f J Also Several Bargains in Dining J ; and Living Room rurniture . J This Beata Any . f t t t I t I t f I August Furniture Sale 1 ' t 1 t i t t KEYSTONE PURCHASING & SALES CO. 128 North Third St., Phila. LOOK FOR THE RED FRONT '. ss..., M Vl ull-u-vill- vr i't.1, .in n l-.. V -' -' 1 II Vlll. .'If. lll.i t,,, .,K, ,-,n I un-f.ii y-ii'.-i in S'linui l-i-.i, i.rliiu I11 I. VV.sivn,, ,., 1 ,;, , ,, .., (i-niiiin ."! .ii 1 1 .v .11 in- 1.1 ,n. lllll si l.N -All-f t '.IVItV n,, ,f I,,!,,, C - - 111 tin-.- Kell. 1 ut 1 . .,.i-ifci i'.miii n - , s 1 humus Aiiu iiu- u v vt s,...t..in si i:itnuli.ts l.'.Kui vf fh Sh. li-il Mean n' I I'r.ipuMttluri uf t'liiiii ,m,r-,i t., lutiuii V 11 s to A .VI n-- ,i, .".'.,.- sij, , , Si,,-Mln riiUi"tll 1 n j st IMnu.li.l s 1 1. h III A .VI In' II. 1 I'm.., 1V111 lll.iiVVN Knt-i, I 1 ., 1,. 1 . -Mini te-t nl l."l I ulin tli.li In. 1- -I nn .iW ;i IH.'I IV1II.1.I.A IlltuVV n .1.1 m.,i. r ? 11,, .uti. W1UI11I1I nnd iln. I'i' 1 I., ,11 Itt.irtn uli.l .i iuiv i.f Wlllteui III. nin It In tier Sill Mm I I 1 Il Ih III- llilll-l ' 111. s.,1 c. ,,,, s , 11 lv lift. I II , ', 11 T J 1 , I,m , nt th iii.m' II I. Mi lili..' ls'.'o 1 -n .ti,.tt M Int. 1 in.' 1 pi '" I' i" ulnii lli.itmn Itl'.'IIIIiil.. A' ' .ur t.il.. , .S'. y Hi- IIA.".l' II'I'MI in 1 lllllll.. of I'ii.II I ii -K d 411 1' Ull- a ' I 1. unl. I '.tl I I t Il . sul V'U 11 10 In A M ' 1 i iiel. 1 - i uir Mt I. .It-Ill' 1 1.11 1 I jJ I'.l 111 KltUI.I. On Vi ku- 1. III, -I ll 1' Ills I'lt NKI.IN VV sun jl lu'. ! ,tu- 1 nil l.l n I- it.. I 1. I K.livllii's 111. 1 fii-mls .m.l u OMj,,ni. 1 ,i nilii ..I vv lit. I, In- vi, is 11 ui-tht,-i nr. r.. Miii Mali lriiil In nil-id lun-r.il .in m(1 nt lu' el II V. M frnlli 1 i. 1st- r--nj-m ... jilt I Ai-n st K-in i ii inuv I... l-rt.j Ki II n - .-1 1 1 1 1 rf s to 10 'In lun-ituunt pri , VHte l.-l ll ' '- lll-'-'l . 1 i MVI'ltr -Sul.l -hit uti Ik 'i' 1 1 fnl mi. vi v i. itr. i r is u i . i v. .- . i H C- I Ui-tul vn .sal i l.i uiurult -r hi 7 .Sn ...I . k. .it Hi iillv.-i II Ha.tr U .li Ih-.u i i.vritn it st .s.i'-inn i.isti meat's .it .s' jri. s , i huiiti a.1 U u. iunl IriT-rru-hl ut it.ii ' r .ss I'an.'trri N-w V ir.v nuper. pl-ns liil-T. i hn v k ,i in:: i .viAitib, in iisii.n .Mfe uf I.Miuili li .'sins t-iiiavr.al r-rt.,s Mill '-' I' VI nt h-i IjI. luslil-liv.- TUI'I I'.lSSMinl. ,ui VV -nt Pallia ill- ..In St .iMIUra. , 'tillt, llVH'.l I'I. AUK Vt li-r - il-lrl i- T.,i lu -, 1 1'hiia. au. ; -".-i li AitiN't: t:i.i.ni:i-ii i.ne Hull! .il.ni ,r Jhti f i' i-K ll-lu-lives and f r - n is a su I. utiles' Ala ..i i-tv uf th. Tuci-ii iii- 'tan I.u neiuti fhurc'i are lnvit-1 t ,i,li I'm L-ivii.-i. s .ml o ! j ISetvlcis and int ittlctlv nrlvaie i'iji.VIN m Vuk S ncl lli.Mtv r I iisbstld nf Iln I lei la I'u.vln Hue Male.ll uf 3U0H i'.iltii..iu iii- used s.l v-ers Mih-- i.i, Pi I. ...mini at s ., ,iu.l, ut Mi. Oliv.r II H..'r ml, lai-ii rn.sniut sr ll.leiruent ill I T.i i. a N I L'k'M.hs.i.S IVV I.VMI.K Uli'M.II. su.s ji-,) t, i-ninvl h hiiviHiid ,n Julv l: I H'Jl th. a. m ,. lb- lt. Jui ,iuJ i, ,1,, l.dlfl UllK.r.all I l .lU'tl V.rat l''ui,Ol.ll -ervli.'S at 'I. s.vl-n . ,,' his pulelita, ,3i I W Mlllel si W .1 i , s'el l-u ull 1'rld.v VUKUst ft 1H.1 .1 .' ,,,lnk Int. nn. to ut late-tirili 'IIU -eli - - VV-il I h-h'er i;t).Mf.MiMiN -iii Au.' .1 III.' I li:.s-iv li Kllllt Misu.N h'l.n.iai un l-'lldu! !.,. tiuuri ut '.'.to i. , I ul ls'.'u ih, Ktnut ,T Inteim-i.l prlvntr l.l KKHT Ivl . il aill-m in l-'l.ice Sri, lelliber I'I ll'ls I'll.,... III.NMY I. Kl'K Mill- TuHi -il ,.f liH .s Iwrehoi- si sun ,f ,ute lleut at t l.'-at-tti Uil.rrt, as d .'at Heliitl-b an I ft i 1- itielubi'i a, uf Cu vt 3L'Sih Inf .s.' 1 1 It in s I. s.hin.ii 1'oet N'.a 1st I Vetrturi. l-'utea.ri VV'.uh ri ...iiuiri . -.-- n-u.i. I.1UI.-1II I urill. S. SU 14 uf V Pliiplilra if lohn H Slrlsuli . ,, ii........... r , n, .. ..I. a na attend fu in i t.i i,iu l ! I f K Itl-tlliil l-sl.let el lu. Ill VI,. I ull ell i . , Ul. Hat I In ei-l I , VI IrllllS.IV UHI1..I '""-" Sin l. u 'I llloli.l. ,,,,,.1 I - -, . . ... T- ' In. "-' t isi;vr.vN in j v i-.i r v vvi..,vir uf lli'lirv Klseluali it, hei SU'h veal hrlhtlv- ,..,,, ,..c-...ir- n , - .ui, -. L. hii.n.i run. nil .''ii" ai I,' i,' n i! iTeciselv l.-li - uf I, el s ill . a., Vln l.elifeld Slsi ' i-riiiiintuiv u ue li. vn faniiel em a tl ilitn VIM I a . MrU s 1. 11 V a St. It ui. i I i'k 1147 v,'li.ev ai- i: lliMleit tu ai l 1 f. 1 -VI al.il.'i .. I I'I is, I a.l IMUII Ul I Mu'lT.sllAI.U A i n . .Iii-I.l'll W II .11. 7 lll.ill'tlra H. . ,i,- oa -Vl.l' I J T .Mil J-. I' Ks, i.u,, 0f -es .,,! friend, are - -vt- - - I-- I. -." ill s, ilt i., Hid III IT, i.i e 1 ' " f-rk I i su vi. tc n.,1 ;u ' v - it l,ii . .i.i "l I., iiii-ti.i 1 - f VI tn . ' ' I" III II, e 1 1 l"t.ls Ilt - r.s -. I f J ll. 1 Ulf-I 111 .11 Sill rl suitlll.V lull li I.Ul'ltl,!!! - .. fu nine pi ni. Mil I KM 1 It Ai h'- i i ksiik iii ,,u v ni i ' imbnrid of lb- uu f '. i si j ..ii s s,., . , M , , ' M li al th. in v i II liesttiut el Int. i in ui I - - --4fis Kilii l'.-'l nnltf.llf .' i.i itiii, nee I ' enllie at s H-i Mi-lu su,, n - II .Sal l 1. 1 i. I ' -inee Nov. ' .' IJ Mivhlne IIAi.KlM V nf vv i. Is 17 Hits I'i iul I. "UN I iiuu lluttulluh, 7lh ln s ii 1- hn .VI nisi linmira lleaeiu in taa,'in, lle.ataes unit 1,1.1.1. l... I.-..,.. IJ v ...'-' .i.r,,.,. ..,r,,r ... i .,. i. .. , . uu,e u,'iely U I II uu Mil. la lue l'u-.t '"' A I. . V nf I' VV an, I -su 1,-u .,f VV a .1 , - I I i I ul .1 .! S , , , I, l.-slj-ll. ., l7 ,, . ,, ,, y.,, Ie li i-lll at till! Kl lil, !, I i It. I llolv I ,us I'em ll-VMII.IHS Vim I I IIS I'l.ilK.s lluuillt.iii It. j . also all orKiiiilzuilniis f i. II .ml -r IIP i ti.il tn a l-i , I .I'i I' Vt fim i, -. i il patents ui an uf ' I" V .VI I .ul , r - I ft ends b I' "as ii n.lal Sal , '-"i- :t41. 'v? 1 "',,' h VI II I Pe,,,. 1 ' -i. V .limit .1 .sei vti es h( I I- . lift st lihiiv. MlMti J ,t il i '. III rrietids n ,. i iiv.mi:n vn.. i v -low ,,f l-.r lip, VI ui M I I' .UN. i. in, 111. i II t uu 1, S, - i-b-iu l.'tl IV -ii.. 1'.' Ill, uh lilt I h.,', It, , ',1 mil tlinser-i ii vi-.nn: u .- it, i i. H i S.'-.l UU It. n'li.ia , nl I 'Ml,, !. nt.n.l fun-r.n him. v sp i. slil, n . iii.-ii llnnil ,. i ,, ci Int pi iv ale It-ana nils, n , , ' It Winn-r- ' htd - Jo " . . f ' " ni-iru 1 1" vv ei e ri H.VItKINS V,. .1 , VI 1.1 IliNK ,i d.uullei of II rnu.l . I . ,ra . Ilnkina nn. Irilleltll. It.li.l'v.s iti. ir-,. ,,i ". IMI l.k II. ' M s- , .hMlgJ lo ulliili. I fiinet a' Sp s (In ,j fr.,n ti s item', ,'UJ hu'-r s0,, h' 4, lllHll . i.iiin-iii .,. uu I n-s i li It- II lu V at Int Mull iVima I II If Iv MAN - Vila lh lull I'll I,' II- ' I ! lull!.'. HUH f I I I-, V M fi ni th . - sum i. I I V i j 1 i 1 . i t a I VI vi V f i. i a lili'h 1 .'In I MM 111 VK1 It-. CHELTEN HILLS CEMETERY .Soo-Hclarlan. Ueuullfullj Lot a ted Sk j r yjiUfttf lias. um I'm - " M",.r . .- Z. Menulsitur-r ,r nmnesi uu.ii itimcn-s nu I -s. HI. ;; J mhs urnl fii-its a., vn.. t h St.viirt , .lhajM,iiU territory opn for salesman c- I1 1 1 vuir 3 ill ' 1 . ,.,r. ,,r ! ". ' s' '', , . ., ' '! B,,""i '. . iielil- nf liulldlnir up i business on rnatehee 'I . I - .1 I.' 1 It-,, 1 .,1 . u .I ,nf. "r' .'," "J'1, " ,". ",' !i"l"" ,HV- .". 11 th- Phiudeifhla territory must ) ao- 'imi 1 1 .1-1.1 f'.t. ., - , 1 vi... ' '" ' -,,i.I".'", "",,' -1'1""-,"' ' lunintsd vvlti. the trade and know the out- I' VI . '1 v ij .,,. ' '!.,- M"''" 1 I- ' :'-, ' "' "V"m - "J7-'i '.. l.l" f.r this Iln- state r f- r.nce- and full ; rv " i--' ''.:. ....v rv'"M "!."' M'r":,: '. -M: v.i,-'-! .Sr'.-.'s.. ftika, ,,uu,n 3,'J' ' "v"i i- . r, , u II 't; A M i-i-mlsril -tni-i 1 -1,J "r ade-uy .sow iorK v-ny. lll -IT-IS.V ..I 1, . I. .!.'. ......I SI. ..... ... !.. . In 1 tf" M BROAD a4d s4V DA.MO M D I)KTIIS HOI.UNOSWOnTII. Aurr (., MAltY IJ.. wife uf S'.ii.u. I llul'ImrsHOilh llel Hives and fil'-mls, ut,o f'nmii No 120 I" ) I 1, Invited ti fnrn-rtii senlc.'S. Hit U I M . reklil'ice I'WJ .'lulison .t Int inlvnte I r'ellils i n,l KM. ve. HiillAllAV A tut 2 t2l .tAMI'.M V -on et .trirru-s niuj tin Istu .Vlir llurahnri It Ih -live, nmf fiirti'l els., T'liu" D.lvs ItrHieti, No 2(1.., I' nf nre Invlln.l lo ntind ru lisr.il Mai s no A M fi.itti retiliie" of tits fntlHt 1:171 i -hss st S.ileuur hlirti rr-iiuli-rn lues, si Hi. Ml. hi.r. a I'liuieh 10 A M I t II l .Sepulchre (Vln .IA'K.I)N Aiiuui I. MvitMl II .v.iliiw uf .tu'.u tin henll I.i'IhI ivi-s nnd frlMii.1 eri. Invite I in iitteii.l funi-rril Miimlav 3 1. if., frn -1 h"i Inf.- M'sIiIiikp un Mriln str-et, llulmevlllf. i'a, llitcrim lit I1iisl.il " m lei M.I.MIMI 1. 1. Kit iik .1 V I tl I' M f KI.IS'.I.MI'I.I i:lt ui his '.i:i,l ...r lt-lii I his end fie mis nre ln i l in itr,i,, funi'isl servi.ii". Hit 'j i ,i,,tnel, tu tils IHI- 1. i . .'I.M.'i N istn st int nrl.jte iv"i ' voir :t. .mahv c wni..u nt llr C Ki.'e KuuetMl services Mvt.. .' I' t'Hrlurs uf 'I mx- Chnndlei I'nil 1 1.- I V I'll , .1 1 1 I Ml I I.IN'IINKIt Aim :i III'-' I. I .tl.l'l.l'.ll'l I '.usb.nl if Huplil - l.lii.linr ny d III ll-'u i l ih 'I 1 1 in!-, ii I su . inril.' ns i r l Minis I ui ii Mr.- i .. ii e Ii. .tint fu- 1i.-r.il a .'t I' M r -elil.-m IHS 'V Mi itr - m llil Ut , uiiioillii en It'iiiJitM no . I. u-.-d I'll s I.. io ! t 1 MWi;isi ue :t I.I.I v f .i.u 'in .if f i . t i i i i Hint I'Hiiilln. ,M Muwrs ItrlillM-s Mint frl. ii.ls nr- luvt'ed I" lllteml rite ii .arvtn" s.,i ; I- ) n her Isl i i,i- i;ni jiiii t l"i tu ' ii. VI, VN'Dlll.V,' Vim I MAItUMIIir Mr v.Nli'i:v It- nle- vriil frl'lnt. h - 111 Ii .1 . .ut. r I run-Mi ". I It' V ! fmni lie I III- Si-leis , f III. I ts.h i.i,.l I.S. leu ( III M. i i n. in v ,V' V,:.r',,.'rt',',.1. !'"!'...-. " .' !' ' ' .. vvlf - f Isui-s M " I'" ' ine ,1 mi ,snt- utile ne,ri'lr a .. i s ,1 .. t, rr.,. in. ). ii, l - l.l t,i s.l .i'.'O l ir i, i .1. I ! I.H'lt nf Hi.sii. i I.u I..Ihi i;l'jffitlv riv hlvl, 1,1... ..I flu. ! M' Ml 1.1'li.ik llllei mn i il linn i 'I'-. i-rv M. K l.l. u I - a l; Ml MeKKI f.. IKMTI' 111 I ll'l II l,f ." Ml.r-ll - , Vim "1,1! Vui. :t AS'N'V vviili. n "f 1 li iSll.ltV .Manil.er tu tuke cherue fuJ. ll-iiiiHti .i-i.! m.-.i ill H"lsilis. iii-in1, 1 1-.I1 .in .1 iiusk'iv rnlil must be thorouichly i.u.t in-ii'i.is ., 11 h ra'u.l nr- Itivm l,i.- I in wo'l ji r Inn selllni? and ours arr-iij I i-'.i wni . su l lei- ml. t. 11,- I'lis N lli.vveiil st Sul-lnu 1- ,iui-n 11. ,s hi H lli.t.irrt.. i'i.ui Ii 11 A M Int Mnl i:-l-ini-r I'll I' I.' Vuil 4 .'1 AH V V If.- nf .Meliiu. I VI I'M- S H-l.,11.., .m.l frl lit nv t . I , 11 '-id f muni .Vino 't P M 'nt- i .il ti- 'mil ' h. -rr.ur si I'suel-n s'i .1 II. Ha' "l-.ll - -lu I il llU- iiihn isll KCVIttiiiN SlI'l.l-lllV I.IV.Vl' v hiisi-n.il ,( ' u J In n.lnn Hru- :,or,..:vi,:;::,.J ,;:, 1,-w Hli 1 'M I' M '.12 'List- si Irn Ar '".I'iTn .:'.". -. a.m iiknkv i hue- J"";,1 $ i' -."JTrn-t'ds' ...I'TlTto y..V, -"" in.J,.,..,;.,..v!.,I,,;V.,"" ' J1" 111 isnul Ii .' K Ml. 1: Will I., rn un, I Mi 'ml It-ti.h-i il ..f-.i .'I . ruri-111 1 smi vl- s st ; . . 4 lift', 'nlli .- r.n 11 in-'-- 1 -in IM'iSKI.I. Un vuk 1 lli'.'l l.l-. V ANNA lirvsKI I. s.n - at H' rrsld-nie, 1Anl N '-'Ulli si I ndav 2 I' l. Intertn-tlt I lUKsl- I -1 AltUV Vn, II IU.-I IM I'ltH'K Hi'AK ItV It- lint.,-- ' : linn, Is ,ilm. etnploves uf vn, nti, I'.-llri.i i 1, e" tnvire.l ti, ertitili 11 r ul . i' s tn v VI Ir.iilr-hls tn lh-r - ,-..i,.-, l.il.ii v.iu t.'.ll S T.ulu st . s,.'iriin h'st u-- ' M V ui limn 's I'hU'-ili IO V VI In! II- . 1 1 s. I '-III il'MKIIM.K ""I 7 ll'ls In I'rnli'i- VVAI.TKII riti.l.l.l:'" iv - 11 ut 1 nnstleii V Ir, ..! sii'nw Alt'. ik S liMRnrilV wlil.nv I ,if Jullli -.-lianir in be- Slllll veer I'.ela ' t's iiinl fti-:il- -iln.' ItHisiiiu Imilir. fm '.nv I " " I Inv t.il tu uttend irnii - 'ui n.n . 1 i -i.,'i. 1 ni. r.si.i.ur-. ns.-.J 1 linn... s- """', .."""" , ""' '" rl ' . ' Nl '" Mumiolm I'-rri 14, I m -an -iri1 ' .niaiii laatii vsiiia si ,w-h:-i 1!-, iii-s nnd friends also 1 ..ino No lit V " f V th. Thullaii I'lut, ,,r ttt- 1 l.ul I. i-r Mi- ,Sl,.ut. ui- Invltrd lu tl- M-ivli-i'ti 1 litis v .if I rru.nii. at '.' n i lot'K ul I.-- par-ii's i-elif'iii. 3!.l."J Hh v.rfui U int. rill-111 pi. aie Sl.ll'ltl'I' "' " I 1I.-.I I.KVVIS A I ..... ...' . rl il 1.1.. I VImi. -1 HHl-riii. .,-,! I. v.ie lu.allv.s mil fiien.ls i,, M rr n Mlrii.1i. ii I'-isi -t-rsii- t,f a-,r-lnri VVhis Vi liah irlt.i v. H 1 u l. .M and -m-nli..'" uf -tl'i l"' sll-Sli-nv hit cm barn p It T st- nll-.l tu th- fur.-ral uti s;, mi, In ii. iii i I'm: at l'30 u clui I, from his rc.,l. nr- -.11,1.1 VV ,n1sti.il el Hruul-ln lush lil.se al -f l.llsbett.'s '-tiilirti nl 11 a. k iiu-ni.-ii' .,i nuiv i russ v..niet-iy ' stritllNn i ill Ails'Ust 4 J. MAIlItV .itiiuNU liusia.il. I ,.f Mariiiiiei i- su,, ns in.. Hr-iultei ft-uiiv-n and fileud. Inlf-d tn rvlees Ss'ui.lui ut 1 n". luck frntri res t ii ul ins sun it, .,,.., ii iaiu.,us vveu.iuu'i N I v'lV mi.ln.ll lli, V, i.ii. i a f'Alaiii Is.-.' V iV MMIil.it uiutii-t ur '.it- Tin, inpsuii raint l.stl.r Vsn M'M-' ei the summer rest -t.n-. uf li-r slat, r Mis Jam-- U An-1-rsnri .i- lyi.uri VI-va V I -.rvlcra .SurnJn Ai us' : ai in. .hi VI. iv 1' M 'aiiundrtril uu,. i 'I'rj.ns I' Il II Mink. i ur Uro.-nl Ht H...III i'm Kvi.i... ta .i.-aii Vi. iA.V llnKN Vuk A liu-fiVNNV vlf - r I. inn.. I" Vxlihultl u-d 77 Kelal'!. ,t,u frl-ii Is are lulled lu .lund fi.'r. M,i .- I- .VI fruin h- t;iiilll- M U I.m. h I'uliv-v.i s nil m-el train nt Itllsti.l I I' M Ht.d Wll. IJU .-t II. -Il-i I rt KU l; . -n I U- 'to I- VI I iii Km', i. t i VV I. lls'l l- nn AiiKUst -t tiul ItKMty I VVKK-:t hunl.tlld uf I lull i: VVeta si. i ll-la'lv.s hud fr'enJs .ud f'-.l . I'd Ij l-l. I rv M A ft Invlt.it tu r.liif'i.l an ri II- ull HaTuldaV, ut 1' 1' M it. Ills atl- I--it. In. SIM VV'int.ui SuUmi. inl-r lliet.l .i.le View Inn Krlrlav .v.tut.u Wlllii. ' i Am .- III III MV tuvithr .SM.KrlMAN M.l. line salusinun for eulo di. ah'. -f VVillam .ml Iturli VI. . aurhln I n.ui He tu line hl.-h cniinlasloi on very Whit- la.llldav. Itesid-ri.e ii.-.s S 44iliiol0,r u,.,! cver r-u'.l-r write for details '...H VVIIIaill.il Auk -1 l'-'.'l tMVM K ' i'. rtii, .i a.-.i c ai il I r- VV i I .... II.,.. VV. ,....., Va.,,,.. 111 und 'il-i.-- ii. Invited I, ii'i.iui r-ii-iH s-l. l-.es ,".l '.' ' M M li-r lale l-sldente ' r II in st VV'Is.unii k.,i, Iht n.v.te VVe-i I j .i-i Illil i .in, r'ti-nls in.n i at t"rl -. Mill," s id-tenlv ut I'lal. airo II Julv HI ,NN Ivl. i. d ilnuirtil.r i.f It-..,. VV'llkii- ' . --.. nui sa-ii. i ii uri lfcr - - Biiir - l I -la. lata Tlla-uiloli- VV 111 lie, 'Ur, and friends hi.,, II V M s ,lu Hi ,f si I'h, UP d" Nells final, h 'in -,t I, ii '. t d fin -ml S.' s Su V It Hum I'SI'll s I-K.I.I.I-. 1 'JI KllrV..rlh ht s, I -ri i, Matt, units ,,f t-isiuleui St I'M i 1. Sens .r.il.ll III s M Int. Iul -epu ut.re f.rn Will fi-- Viis 4 lkjl JUKI s I Viil. Ft" ul I.e a-- l.aldt-ru-e HOT N ' -nut - s'.ri ce. nd Hit prlvut. VlllNla An 3 lull llllsbntnl nt VthH VI V.amii; in-a Kiirtn.1 it-.ailves end frianil. ilsu V iiHl.lr.a' ,ati I'hinp .Nn 404 1- O S uf A ut- i v to I ',a 'uri'Thl -e'U.- Ht L'3u I' .11 hi. l-sii-t,- ;ij, -, Ihei mi Inr ,Vit' '.- f'l-l I- uu. all I'M vie 1 lul l.l l.i L. ,,i , i .ei.iv vus s V 'lllhlll 11 .I. IteilllltS Ull. I filer, .I. I . . . . . . ----- - - -il. Ililllr I .jh'I- J in .-TMi.es s.Kt ' I- VI .,!,. -..11., . ,l..,.. ,1 a , ".I ... i- v-, . . ,., , I "v..,: ' -in 1 l.i..ll. MIV 1.1(1 s.Vlfc.M's ? ,Ksrli: IM UK II Villi It IIVMl. s III II. llririia.d leter. ,,I ,,lmn 'sii i.n , i. it, ,1, e - , I .1 inic l.-ii l.larile.1 '- It- il' ' tslan-1 ., .t ntt r -..'. 1 I . i 1 -s i . ., . - a- - - I . in ik. liiiu-ti .njttti- i,h ia fi- pi --nt ti- in . lu i In, i i IlfnlNV KVI'IIHVS II V Mis! ill'H, l-l llr! h KM II, . 'IIAPVI f .1 i II VI'VIAS MIH Wl.leiier lllda.- 1'. , i , p-, ; ' i.si"n: .ir tnvitiiiiii vi n, SUN ileiensril l.'t.--. - i i.t.jr irl ' h- .slate f v'llivr u' . VI VV s, ,1s -used haMnii I e-n (.'in'eu lu I Ull I I f V I Iii "I iiiVir-VW a" p.r.rs inl.i.t- to lie M.i t L ..'ill i .- '-uinsel t ii ,in, iav men' 1,11,1 'I... hhi us i ins ..un ih. in. .' p -el ' In lu iv III i' - a at ha i,m,- ,.r ii,. ,,. , , no s . -i - 3 it--.ll, it .tlie. I'lMI-it-'-iH Wll I 1 sM I' Mis I'rr. - IP ei-- r.srvTi. nr llecnistsl I . M Vlll V vn ui'in Mi. --lute ,,f Vl.irlu V Vlnnibv I. . , ' hivila. t .11 stii.'-l , KIM I I' Tl i s I i i.Vlf -. , i- S nil ip i , n , tu It ' -h ' - . I- i'i I-.1U -t.il ' . tiuiair- i , i ,. r 'I r tiaVll.a, , will,. .,.-1 I .1 'fl., . ,n , I l.s. I t 'Iietn IV IMi P il , IT f 111- ..III i II I, uv S . ! l, i I. ..-I.,,! ti. . i rid i-ipiu W I I I a. VI . . I s 1' I'M - ' it T.OST AND FOUND muri W'v ii li IK a II I ,,a , L lilt.nl, of ,, , i I VS- ti li , li l v a I I I I l-1 1 1 - I ft e IVIs A 1n st uu-, r I . , ., Ttir. II VI . .. i" it, n. ' I II W a in. I'l.N. II 1....I I -l! I VI, . , ii ,r. In, and '' IIU I ' N Ti r VI 1 tK I ' I N I . la.lv It, I s ll-l 1 Iv, I' ,S lie , li'il S I.M , PEUSONALS l KS iifl t I,. - , ,1 his i ,ai ,,,,1. ,nd SU I I IV ,P I I lS ll-.H it I.' IS SI .l, I'll I I I'iIIi. I'll AH p- I a- HIS 11,'J.I , I I. 'i- -- I Iimii.h it- rii-at.,1 t ,il .,r i . r i. v iK,mi ii iiiji ,,, j I'' ."' ! Ml. t I'll 'a. leu hi.l I'a HELP WANTED rEMAEE inuv W uu,-I tltst .i.i.s iihH , ml-. n.i n in nt i,,n III M. n n I'tiuiie Me lull n i vvi u H iv n7 Vl.rlui! I'i "IM lm l-iiii f i ' i"ut'd iitutili us I ,1 lirjni "ist Vj-ar I' linl I .,!,.,. ( ni... .-ll.llV I ml'l ts - M,.ii. ,"ahi,, : ' w h u s si,-1,. m j. . v i ir nr ic ..,: i, in.- I in in it nre, in i, vvllh i, l ,.!. e and exiaei a-r . f.i s ul v '1 1,,., ,1 ,f ne, ,, 1 li- M Iv II s. , ,, ,A ,,.,, 1M ' I1 II V i: n i i I ' una r , u "7 si . M ', ' , " - I' u-lH,, , , 'a - , If V " - l.-l Vtit s a is vi. i a i ii in siesmanahlp free, hi- rn'. i n ...'niiiusni in s, Hon far sbnv. lln nveray. n a rommlsslnn bails, only those of neat appearance and A-l ref- yr,ornl!.i,;,,)ad1,ii,I " WM,n,r bUi- ItPvLP "vVANTED FEMALE Ml(li:s Kritirrlencnd atupera wanted, A9 1)1) I.alrd. Hrhoh r A u'n i!'.Id and MsrketJ Ft t nnd flimr. iri-.Not.itAl'in.lt Ynuntr ladr fairly eom-l c ii su no-rnpiier anil omen assistant lerenre ruiulred Amilv 4 to n P M it iiatnii .totorcnr r c, of Pennsylvania. WnVIAN to do liiitisewnrh uuod heme and ii ir " ni-es ins k rtrmnveit Illvn. V H'N'' I VVO.MKN nf attro uv. eernnal t1 iitlh s destie to inter tin- business worl liil- In person 1001 r'nlunlal Trust Hlda, "i J I ur '.' I. (lenernl i'IVII. NKIlVli I'J cxntnlnntlons fur wotnsnl nv-r 17 inisturTlii. tlerk tloverntnent clerk.l M lilsl ?1 lull I1SII0. t'Stn-rli-ne iinneresssrv I'm frn. nnr I Iciiln t s write .1 I.ennsrd (for-l iii i ' iv ii si'iiii. iS'iniiMi -Jir.- I'.iiunauie; in. ik vvii-iniit-tun ti I V 1 1 . MKItVU'K exainlnHllnna HeptembaH slid rieiwt-i. irinriv vernnrips salnrr.1 ft liiu Jlftoci Write for snmrl" test. H Sill lilser llfTu-e HELP WANTED MALE I IIOi)KKl:i:.KIt, (.stiiible of tHltltiK chnme nf rii. e ruii-ftisMuni-il husiprv mill, must oi sp in iosi ncrouritlne r 32,1 i-it. OIT, IHtASi'll MAVAill.K linnr eornoratlon wltli in null 'iftlri. In nrlnrlpq cities 1' H ri-'iulres iniiiuie tn-n over 2fi years ut is Iridijsiiluas uii'iuerrloneil lnt-Krlty: iiiuiiHinr's rinsiiiiin lor inoen nun nuuliry: 1 iiiiiiiiissiijii i.usis .viuuv 1.1 ur iionr 1003 i'.iIoiiIhI Tnist Itltlaf . mil, nuil Msrlrnl sis. 11' ,(l ' ,JI - to I V. diu-silny evening. 1 1 ." " s a" 'llllltl.'MI'IIVIlCNl' i.ne ho has hod fTD I .1, l.f.lkr.. H ..III.., r.l,.. aulll. -nniolnrl.. . . .....- -:. -." .." " "'' '"" . """" t"-''T"-" t.lili .'xii,rlpn(ii,I rti.-n iuiii I I.m 1 .111.1. l-ri-ll .lliii.l smIu.v Ai.ni. If . ii 1 ,. .. . . .. ....... .. . --. " - i- I "" ' ' ". "-' .inn' ! I HUI'INMAX ,.,, u,i..,in,....i -...,. . - -.' '. -,..--,,.-., 111,11.11111 1 n.iis slut h iilut v end ealurv It 70a. I ,,,lfr- I llf l U iiiisins. -n'lmilil i.vimrt unity fur th rUht IIU.li. '.Vt 4 l.-.m-r iltflie lnl exr-rli lire I 3.(0, MAN A si nin y In nur sals staff confronts us Yv ai In n iuendivrv ks to lust h.iv, ii Kn ubviut tlllltnr It VW have .1 1 .In!, u'l -r tui-ful thought 10 wulve all ih. reuulrerrii me that ordinarily mulii 'Jr-iuuri.l uf an uppllrunt an im .ii.Hir rt ord uf aucr-ss hUi! Ionic ex lierj.rKe and tn, throw the opportunity mil. u in to hs flrst man over 2S enrs of us- vvl.11 iiinlne-s us no mst t.r vvhut lie -ieil-nr. or lurk of ex-l-ri.ni.rne b- the- h-has his heart est .ti milk ii u il'etlint innn-ction vvhire in- lots, ti til it,t-rei uf j. eyrnpnthetln i.rbaiiinutluii pluri h flei sales proisisit on aii-1 uiiusuhI toiup-tisa tlon Inducenienta, elll K'vt h.m ih Hit he's jnnic been look inic f-'r but huriliy ilutsd lo hop to find. Tivk ailvuli'as- of this reHll exceptional un-r 'vhll- tin- tBrs are down. A ilk i belli., wont inrri- uur way ak-atn In i..it - ah Letvve-ri In and 4, Sl'lTB 1108 I.A.MJ 'IITI.K ASP TI'.L'HT UI.DU. MATCH SAI.E1 KCI'HBOKNTATIVB I - - I viKN A f-w to help build e srrotvlnff busl- ,,, ,, lt) mi, lar-r proportions. prma- ,,.,,k nssoclatlnir wnn 11 in executive rosl- rplendld opportunltv for business ' , ,,rr See Mr McilllUu H A. 11 to 6 I- M U-rs-lner Mntui Trurk Co.. 1.1119 I u. US-. Sl Vli: l'KP A.MH1TION. IlACKIiONH If ...1 huv. th.s. iiualltl-s w. have a life- , 1 ippurtunltj, for 1 - u mil furnt.li p.r. s..n.ilt character und arrlt h. tilve ynu isra- .uriilnve ornniutiun unu success, rom- ...,",.. ,,.ui. Ar,uik In n. r.nn Itltll r-nln. iiu. Truat HldK, I' 11 or '.' to -I ' MK.N Vtor men vvant-d. umbltlou consel- i ii.us honest who wish tu better their uusiiluiis in life with a rnpld-rrowinir com pare Apply at once 70'.' Vandam Iflda;.. Ask li.r Mr llay.s b.tween lo and 13 and J and 4. , HAl.KS.Vir.N 1NCH1CA8U VOIIH INfOME UK A SAI.KMMAN l VV - vvlli make you a muster ealssniAll if roil 1 .re hone-t and wllurur to work aelllra; Is one uf Ihe most Interesting und best paid prufesslons In thu buslneaa world today, we win aive v, u iree cuurs. in sma-smanenip. erd lv- juu uu exteilenr poslt'on w'th a wiul-establiabed firm on u commission basis, I if li,ti-sied cull for parsooal Interview ufter Il , 'to A SI or 2 3u I .VI TIC Wldener Hidir. 'Al. fur Mi M-ieJlth . . , .n ".. .., ..,,.. . , Ja HA E?,,AN wltn ""'ul"bed business to h mill, wotl known line of rubber footwear '.n aunie tuuniiee in r.e-i.rn rennsvi vaniu oiTiinlsblon basis csn b. arrled nilii uttiei un.s partn-uiarly attrac tive in ttiua. bnndllriK a i-ett .. fnutwear in. i aitull. Adams 4 ip Hnltlmnr. Md SALESMAN A iimn l-efween L'S and IV) Kan uf aRe lu a-t ns hsslstnnt to sales u,utia!jr. must b hmbltlous end wllllnc to eat. i brUlit future with Immodlat. re fill ns wrfe fur apirulniin-nt must have I .uud rerurd M Iedaier Oftlm lli- I l-V.laanil lt.,1 . attn! l'..r.t In 4lltl U,..,lr .,. V VV I'I. .lnS II s-.i.-tiu un-ilu l - . . . a, a.. .. I sAi.t.".siA-s a .arue .viidui.- western firm . d-s rs Io( h . 1 elires.ntall V. In Bell lilsh ' ass line of canvas n iuds nuts tnrpiulins j -vork -lutnlriat el-- to ritall trade, commls. siun basis AdJress II M Itankin 1 O I U'X -l Tu'e.l-J II I T.i i-cmaN' a iao.nl iir.,i..in,,r, enr Ii... sal.sniati tn s-li -lasil, uuto enamels In i uur city ku id nama lu imht puny Inrlos. siuini' inr teplv Vi1dt..s Klnstlr Brumal , VVurks slteubellVlll. II ijAl.lJSVIKN tier. Is your uppnrtiiiillv . an In'arnatlnnnl or-aariir-rti luii v th lu .in. hes thrnuirhodt rhe I nlled Slat-s and CmiaJ.i regulres the serv Ires uf h muri uf sti -nil net sunallty and Intuitu uiuv .ui. ivhu Is amb.tlmjs to rls. ,, h - ninmUsii n tiasis u-f r supi, ("all be-t-rvuell the liuurs uf fl 'III und IJ '111 nr 2 ,10 hiid a Su Ask fui Mi .M.r.dith 710 Wide. her U.dlf sAi.E?ME.N VV4.NTKI" Men talllns on t'uv ilxar novelty stores c.ir.dv a-mres: in ii . hat. sale no ciiini-.titlun .xclusive ,-r.l..r i nil prllre U4.S for appoint- . -. . .... u.eil i --- . .'."ALRsMEN ivunted hlKh ki ad. sp.ctaltr ti ti ful ' rlturv in I .-la. I i it i u-iv aidver nuveltv iruin isr-Kli-e.ltel r-fer. n, i'i, I ,1i svhh-IMr.V ,-.rli-n ..1 -ii hail. II. ..inirlMes i. , wtnpunv e.tab Ish.d 1 (j -nre, ct.mmla- i a ,'i v"h Kjiii Ijvier I' ,131 la-deer Off MlnKS- j:p-rii.ni.-l latnii-us vvivnt-d Ap- p.v I. Hit 1 s huLn, i f. .'I'd and Mar- a.- -u,l f.. r I'M K sErTEKs nl n.lp.rs named, union v. us-s fli 17 uini lob tranet-firtailnn Paul Addre.s M-- i a;- r Kll'V 1 n I T floai.rs av. llrimalin N V I rjeneriil fl.KKKsi uv.r 17 f r I slul Mill Service. J 1 Vli linr'li eap'il.nr. unr-ressirv y,,r 'i.i pur. hn. ui. ,f -xamlnutlon vvrite j. I, ,nni 1 ifuim i i'ivi Servku .amineri' ul.' Kuultubl. I'aila Wi.shihKt-in D ( i 1 V 1 1 , !-i;HV Ii'II iiKliilnal'nim H-ptsmher a t I ' i ii Ix-r in ii v v in a. ;n i-i salary S 40O. lis" vvi ' fur ssmt.l.- test 1' H3.' I...1 i iff BITUATIONSWANTED- FEMAI,!? ' ri'.N.iviriAl' ir.Ii 111 .r . f T' . t uutine I tfs ,iii v -xji knn.vtedsra. II 1"S. I. clue, oft. RlTUATIONb VTANTED MAJaB I'll NM MAN 1 v.aih ixi.n.ne. In uiok- .r.plhal ar-d an.e-n u"liv work d. sires 1-anion with rtrsi class llrrri ' sutl iy.,jg,r nfrtijs V'lt'NU MAN d-slres afternuon work, will ,,n.l.-r nti'. lliliif hlirhest reference. 11 il.'.' I ..hier (if '.a, I'' I I I is i s.i i rn s.i . . ,it ,,,,, Is. s mi. spare Mm ifT.te h' s.rv. lees part ttuit, strlrlU - ii a fes baii-ls lies hiid unusual .xpo'i.tir. tn retail and wholarals advertising: problems, dus not want u toll dn.s not wont to be your ndvertlslne trianaKer and does nor wont lo art as Hdvertlslna anent hut wants to help. b.cauae 'id jeurs of ripe sun lesnful experience in iidv arrlslnc gualtOi s him m be , r ur-at mlus In u ,lv Isliirf nd aldliiB mi solve sums of vuur problems fe. must bs com-li.rii.uirii- vili n,,tk ti he per. foi ii id . l .uoiinuft'eaM ins strictly vui.' I-. s M 411 l..,lHer ufrice. AQENTS AMK.NTS WAVTKD to sell In yuur own Isrrllurv a truek unit mat oonverts any turti into a Hiarun.sed j ton apeerl trmk ttall in at II7 flO. must hav. a yar(f ,0 d.iiinnstrHte and he able tu pay for ..mi Larry a few unite In stork e -iMiina opponurin, tu nuke hl ","!."; d.lre Aff i labia I'u 1,04 v l.l 'her II tu I'luiadeaphta I'm MOTORCYCLES AND BIOYOLga is , i .ii s H I I ce. 1500 Arch bt. 1'honel Hume siDS i& i a'tT.'J - .... . f tv