am, ., .s,i,jyppp M -V. .u i . rr.vv- a . v l... ...wKvr'.H . " - - - ' "' , WWVS'WM 1J.V&JW'" BMSri '".'.-. i. . ' ,IMMSBiBiiilSWBBBJpjJ f i ' At S, sy.,, . t- v:..'' SRir' "Z-wm , V n f ', i'v ' & 6, -w l t - 18 . ' ; EVktfING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1021 ' sludge Landis Is Firm in Stand Against Return of Acquitted Sox to Organized Baseball 5vk t''l tiTOtulLt.". ;( I ' I 3 tfV J, tV" i ' i-S T ir- . rr . il ' IS pffv v I 1 i "i a V Mr ouf. " . cWaf (tr Hd'HW .. -. '.i i VRY'S VERDICT DOES NOT OPEN i , FORMER WHITE SOX j Judge Takes Firm Stand Against All Tainted Ball Players and It Is Doubtful if Victors in "Scotch Verdict9' Ever Will Play in Organized Baseball Again By KOIJKKT V. MAXWELL Sports Editor Kvrntnc l'tlblle Lrilxrr tnvmn .t. ...M .....11...- -. .I. .tM1 ..t .I.- ... WliUn Qnv Via 11 ntoVAra r , riuu wen, auciNit: i-uiuii in uit: uiui i'', 1 who were accused of enteritis into ." World's Scries was a bitter disappointment to all real, genuine uportsmen. i,"V" Xa Terdict or tne jury, tnc wild scenes vvnicn ioiiowcu in wie i-uuriruum, th placing of thce accused and self-confessed fnKers on n pcilestai, wor shiping them as abimed heroes, and the rule, sickly wanner In which the affair was handled makes one wonder if It Is north while to stay on the straight and narrow pnlli when It Is tm crowded Last fall Eddie Cleottc confessed to his pntt In the affair, and two others followed, Thekc confessions vveio made before a Special Grand Jury, but dur ing this trial when the confessions were called for they were mluslng. Somebody had stolen theta from the State's Attorney's office. Tho prosecution made out a strong van. on insufficient evidence, but the defense spent huge sums of money for legal talent to hurl wrenches Into the machiner und put the parade out of step. This proved to be MKcessful. Despite the fact that 01) per cent of the baseball fans In the Pnlted .States bcllevo the men did not p!u their best in the seiies against Cincinnati, they have been acquitted. It couldn't be proved that they deliberately made rrors In the Held and that the pitchers deliberately threw ens bnllrt to hit and the butters Ignored hlt-rnd-run sign nnd usually failed dismally In the pinches, so the "Scotch verdict" was returned. The pin cm believe they ,baT scored a victory. Perhaps the have legall . Hut when it comes to niitlflng the real baseball fnn, the fan who knows the difference, it will take more than a. Terdict from a jury which holds n lelebwitlon afterward with the accused mtn, sings "Hall, the gang's nil here," und spends most of the night in a cafe. According to reports, the jurors felt as much pleased over the verdict a the accused players. From now on our idea of an innocent man is u dishonest ball player who gets caught. When vUlting the training camps of the big league clubs last spring it was common gossip about the work of the Hlnrl; So In the 1010 and 1020 easons. Thcie was no secret about It. and the players all hoped thnt tho accused men would get their just deserts. Nobmlv hud the slightest idea that they were innocent, nnd they won't believe it now. Itecause there was no law In Illinois to coer the ence does not mean that the men were unjustly accused nnd were very much abused. It means the wore lucky to get off without n sentence. 5 TILL, xchtn one ieali:ri that in llltnon tiny hair a Governor acciuril of embezzlement, gunmen taking tnigit practice in the strectt, banks being robbed of hundred of thouttmdi m broad dagUght, United States maits looted of millions and hold-up win getting io tired of their regular trade that they noir irn oifirr firight trains, the charges against the seven ball players teemed too tritiK and chlldiih to be considered seriously. Shades of Jesse James' Judge Landis Takes a Firm Stand FIS Indeed fortunate that Organized Baseball was able to place a mnn like Judge K. M. I.nndls at the head of Its affairs, for it now is up to the Judge to handle the cases of the athletes after their court victory. Al ready two have said they would seek reinstatement, und the chances nre that others will attmpt the same thing Judge I.andls lost no time In taking n positive stand in the matter. Soon 1 nik4 Uli: HI'IIVl "IIP HHIIilllll.MI . ' M...I, ft' verythfng c'.enr and closes the major players. "Itegardless of the xerdict of Juries," said the Judge, "no plnyer thnt throws a ball game, no player that entertains ptopotnls or promises to throw a gams, no player that sits In a conference with u bunch of crooked players C" and gamblers where ways nnd means of throwing gamea arc discussed, and dares not tell his club nbout It. will ever play In professional baseball. "Just keep in mind that, regurdless of xcnllfts of juries, baseball is entirely competent to prote.'t Itself against the tridts both inside and out side the game." That statement seems to covei everything Judge I.nndls eldently hns made an invefctlgntion on his own hook, collected a lot of private evidence and knows better than any one else how the gamb ers worked with the - J players before the grand expose He is determined to keep the game clean, and the work could not be pltu ed in better hands As for reinstating the p'n.ieis after the verdict of the jury, It might be well to remember that Ilenn Kauff has not et been recognized. It would not be at ull surprising If some unscrupulous promoter would have the effrontery to attempt to exploit tho discredited nthlet-s through In dependent booking. It Ik doubtful If the public would stand for It. LEGALLY, the case is all washed up. The player and the gamblers have hern ficrd, but' that does not clear them in the eyci of the baseball fans. Then standing is just the same ai the day the confes sions iceie published. Lav Tendlcr Has Scored Nineteen Knockouts T)LEASn tell me through nur columns," writes Mcr Trankel, of At X lantlc City, "how many knockouts Lew Tndler has scored since he hns been boxing. I claim he has more than fifteen, nnd nnother says he hasn't more than eight." Tendler never was known ns a knockout artist, but in his career he hns topped exactly nineteen opponents On the night of August 12 he hopes to raise the total to twent. Lew nlwa.xs was clever, depending more upon a superb defense nnd his , boxing to gain decisions oxer his opponents He learned early In the gnrac that this would prolong his efTicrlvinesq nnd suxe him fioin broken hands. Then, after he had waded through the bantam and featherweight divisions and was ready for the lightweights, he begun to put mer some knockout wallops. It wns then thnt he gained fnmc and became tho recognized con tender for the lightweight title. In 1014 Tendler knocked out Freddy Halfllng in four rounds. The next year Freddy Dlgglus went to sleep In four rounds. There was nothing doing in 1010, but in 1017 he stopped Jack Itufcso in five stanzas. Thus In four years he scored exactly three knockouts. Business was better in 1018 nnd his firt knockout victim was red-hended Tommy Toughey, who flopped In the fourth Pete Hartley nnd Frankle Nelson also wcie stopped in the fourth, Frunklo Itrltt in the third and the referee stopped his bout with Prnnkie Callahnn In the ninth In 1010 George Chnne was rocked to sleep in the first. Stnnlev Ynkiiin in the fourth, George Erne in two and Johiun No en In two Last ni he scortd kiKuknuts oer Allentnwn Dundee in two frames, Dick I)e Snunders In thiei Stnnlex llinekle In six, (ienrge I'npin in six, Frankle Callnhnii in (he, Eddie Kolh in the and Chick Slinler In seven This makes a total of ninetou. THH fourth tcemi to l 1 cnillc) i opponent in that ittima (oiw olf i i I,' HARROWGATE NINE IS BACK IN FIELD Eddie Lusk Reorganizes Famous Kensintrton Club and Wll Open Season Saturday Th" Hirtnwtnte bn-i'n'l teun v,ilih has lien cimsplciioiis in Its uhiiicc from the sioni pin ranks mine losing 1;h home Held about a venr ago, has been reoig.iube I and on aguln is big Ed Lusk 111 ehnige. TM time the club will lm il tut tn ut in resume avinu' imu 1 yon Killc stuets w of the best fields 'Uptown JK is li'ii-' sinipiii" ns cm ii nun i nlread hns si neil '" w de" Ileun, f line of the lunvi st hitiiti.; nii'lle'd'Ts in l.llsK is H'l-' simpiti" Pis .nn, ntlil.dis., Ih,. in tin :i token In the ,llrn,.r,,,u the- locn' ranks, ami I .'In (.i-iht, the former ( Inelnn. tl hull." Ae. ..idi-ig 10 Ltlk he has l.lilili ..the" l.liivei- of rote wliove l.liiitlt In will ill hue "'i"'..! ...r I,. ,.. will tie plnvnl on Sntuidnv with Nn thltr on 'lie h.tter's ll"'d "I D.-'ginih' llilll Ontario sticets. On r-'lindili the . "i '" , .... .... ......., tenm travels to I'littstowii 1111(1 til.' IllltlKl home st vi.ll be ..CM Wi.I- nemlay evening with the 11 onkl.v ii llo.v ul fjlnnts " Uiuriis. Tie lioilie gnillCs of Hlirrnwgilte will h played on Wednesdays. Fildms and Nturilnys. xne team is iiookcii tor .. 7. . . Al 1... ..I.I. ..II .. it. .. I. "'" w . ' ..ll t.t 1... ..Itlnji .F ilv ,.i. tnii.t.l ii".. .' ,....-. .r .., ,, n to Mt iu touch Wltll Llisk can nil Amber ktreety IMmni. Km. .lllluvr Kirccl, lllOile lYCn - 'mmj' R ,f t IMUBIBC !i tLWWWm . GA TES TO ul niu rov mum .... ,,.....,.., n cotiKplrncy to "throw" the 1010 ,r u..b ...... .. ...... ... -. . .. ... league gates against all tainted ball ImUy mund ( hai stopped six ;') rilgrr o. EVERS IS DEPOSE AS CUBS' MANAGER Bill Killefer Placed in Charge of Team, Pending Naming of Successor riilri.-o he II (1 111 1 Cil.-. Thi I - .liilinni I'vi is hns 11 ll'flllllgei nf tin ('III HllO in I inn wns (lei Kleil nt n, 'iieeting "f the iliilik ihurtiirx hid here Willinm Killefer, catcher of Mie club was plmed in tenipoinry 1 lirti'Tii. i( tJin titfitn 111 11I I iv 1, .. 1 ,,,ij'n.nt f Dw-s' sin lessor Presl. ,lent Vecik. nf till chili, infused to ills. in..,, n , v(.vt, "rhe tern iv s inei tills III XlT It ktllll I L Itlll ,.lll..1.nll,...M. , ,,1. .1 lust nl.flit that he had resigned , N ,ll(imi , ilU hn ,, ,r,.xit ,.,,, ,, ,., lltni,k ..,,., I . ,ltlM,'utel nothing to it ns fur us I ,"1 ""''' ned" was the s..,ll.,p, pilot's .sk,iK(. leiuvei til 11 117 1 .Mrs ' .vers. Bodle Among the Mlsainn , "'I"" ."',, , i'in lloill" trans Airlra',,, '- n"n,.K",.,y ,& Vt. Villi nmuns iiiu inisnin imhiv The din mi fm ll in ivlih hi immfKr hlr(i he hml e- (niK-i.,1 nt the ilmu reportri tn huve I .1 m i leeln un hv him nit tn Join the Ilont ,n ub i C m4m4Imm AI i..mlll. CImmbJ U.. mm 1- u ""'"" m. ii., ...... -. Mum i.i.iiiu;,. u, ff 1.. A .. J V.I. I AI.. .. V" ""." Americen it?iiur. enicr,r. nu hnlii vi. ernn American Irfasue. catcher, ha tieth I "Bnfa "'' ,h . ' V'1"" "W.i "".". J'1" J" Icniy , relea.-d unonndlllpnUlr by 1m. trolt, and formtrlr ttm vrUbl.Vfaahlnstna PLAY FIRST DAVIS CUP MATCH TODAY Representatives of Australia and Britain Meet in Singles at Pittsburgh BOTH CAPTAINS SATISFIED Pittsburgh, Ta.. Aug. 4, The first match In the Davis Cup elimination contests nt the Allegheny Country Club between the British Isles nnd Aus tralian tennis teams will be the singles this nftcrnoon. The order of piny wns nnnounced In the Tennis Committee ns follows: Today Singles: Anderson, Aus tralasia, nnd Woosnnra, British Isles Hawkes, Australnsln, and Lowe, Brit ish Isles. Tomorrow Doubles: Anderson, Aus tralasia, and Lowe. British Isles; Hnwkcs, Australia, nnd Woosnam, British Isles. (Icorge Adee, former president of the I'nited States Lawn Tennis Associa tion, who will referee the matches, will meet the enptnins for n conference on details nt the clubhouse nt 11 o'clock. Captains of both tennis nnnounced i that they were perfectly satisfied with airangemeuts nt the grounds. Mrs L. W. Ilnwkes, mother of Jack Hawkes, the youngest member of the Australasian team, has reached Sewdckley from Sydney to witness her bon's first appearance as a Din is Cup player. J. D. Anderson, who may piny in the singles today for the Australians, i snlil thnt several of his triendr have traNcled from Australia to be heie for the matches. The team that Is defeated will play in the nationnl invitation tournament at fa'enbright, N. J., August 8, captains of both tcums having noccjitod invita tions. TENNIS PLAY FOR AUGUST TROPHY STARTS SATURDAY Pick of Philadelphia District to Compete on Woodford Courts The pick of the bo tennis stars in Philadelphia nnd surrounding suctions will coinptte for the Henry W. August troph, starting August 0. The event will be held under the auspices of the Woodford Courts Club on the Straw berry Mansion clay courts. The win ner will be crowned Fnlrmount l'urk champion. The most prominent entrant Is Miles Valentine, boys' champion of Pennsyl vania, lie will lime strong rivals In S. Altnian. bos' champion of Fair mount Park: S. Goldman, n seml (innlist In the recent boys' champion ship tournament nt Cynwyd ; J. Ewing, of Penn Charter, and Mulford Myer, who gave Valentine a hard battle re cently. The trophy, which is the gift of Henry W. August, a prominent tennis enthusiast. Is a handsome silver loving i up. Bcslden the trophy two gold med als wll be presented to the runneis-up. The officials of the tournament have decided to keep the entries open until Friday evening, nnd all tennis players desiring to participate should commu nicate with Joseph I. 0er, chairman of the committee, 2023 West Columbia avenue. MANUFACTURERS' TEAMS AI I PI AYIMfi TflMIRUT HLL rUHJIIvJU lUIMIUni None of Four Leaders Are Scheduled to Play Each Other Phia" Miu-tuct-nrerr XiX are plnjing twilight games this eve- uing. Four clubs-WFccaco, Baldwin. Western I'nlon nnd lie Frnin ore tl. il for first t.lnee with three cames won nnd one lost. Not one of the first four nre drawn against each other, but the teams are so event matched that there is every likelihood of a general shift in the standings. The most Important con tent on the schedule Is the one between Liggett & Mvui and Wiccnin nt "11" and Ontario stuets Wiccaen lost its fir-t game last Saturdii and n win for Llggitt will place them on even teims In the race with theii opponents. . . . , Bingles and HimgleS . The Pirates .topped the PMII(-j' uinntng itrralt, thnt had reaehtd three, by lunching hits tj th filth. ,ixth and eighth innings or enough n.n. la count Ih. Victor, Wilbur llabbell w. V" the mound for the- I'lills lint hud to isUr Hiu under ihi- bombardment In tlie Hlxth He wild rrpliirrd li Jfn VVlntrrs no Imndlril roughls In thr rlnhth VMIbnr I oopir. tlinuich unl- lomd for rlivrn Hiifrtli" iiiuiiiikisI to kis-p tlirm hontliTiil after his tninim trs h.ul Klwn Lira the lend ,M?hrU?n Kh'k'',Kbunim!,V1fX,l"af"l!.7 with mo hick uunBir.B uui lour enrnt ,.- il. hiiml l -Ik 1.i Konoirhj walloped t(,8 w"'V.unTl7rner I.Vm'i PlrutH," V.'h tour hlti 'h .VrAmfflt thr star nceder o thr llucrn ..... mi.. t I. i m nwttii iliirtnn thi nt.i ..j MMtv ni'iii n i.-.ji ... ... w ( uimir flint ii n turrrit Id nfnr It is leurtd thnt h ti if i-,nt .-i fril ii)frf II iv Intu , ,u Qt i nt v htind rati (heir daih fot tnf rnr smoKr iow n ooyi m ' '' .."Ja. WrrLiwtV'r'Hroi;':. I tuta . Fi..rn(.iin. A ilollhlr heuilpi- Ih m t... iiinl lr -juiiruin me nn nitMVvrirniuisl . Mnck 111 iler lire not In the ls-t of Ku'h wah inentil frnm mu cnir .m , ki-!! up with hu hoin i un ieco i tunr bv tho unthr Huh. m m .. ne il iv l.ick nf hlH VW) re-unl !! Fa h h et thnt he u'M It why ahtfail iifn h Hiunon cluHiiH m .VoVTO ,,&S"ni,Vr'l,,,5!! ll.lia vlnir iei.terilil . ltth Irhin I.. I.. I tlif ienillnK pllrher of the lenirue, on l he i inullni! iler ii nivuni iur leu Hiirrllrs u mi I'nlivr (iKlit. In ll .chu'r had tnurh lh- hetlrr nt n tni i w i il 'I i I'll Ui'imnl r ouf in llii II iniiu i if i J. -I ' il' It llilll win iir I him , to I Id in "ill lillf i' M' I lulr lij i , .. ..i n i lm thirtrt i Thr Urn tnnl. L I (inmi ii ll" l lll'l hu ' nihlo luiir. rh. ' i inl KHine with tho Culm resulli-il in , u win f i the Kvom t'lun (in nu Into the t-luhih hin nK Hie llrnica hml it .1 tn-8 lend lm ( u ih however tinuiiceil upon Heutt In thnt frnnie for fpur riinn anj the nami I Tin I'rd Sor 11 u'illno the U'itfr o tnisr (hi (If inn' t'lstnj for nrfi viare. j.inl mtf lln Olf.oill' 1 bach to thtl) i,l,l Ulilllt HI 11 U'lllll. The i.limtn ilrfmt b the f'nnlN nulled ihi-ni tmk lo tw.i ml n tMlf BuineH fr.un the leniUu-lMdlnc IMrntis HomirB h 'irk Smith un I Mi Hi ' ' VAti In Ihs ilefoul ;i . i .iiiii(.uuus tilants riie UIi'mko Ai.. ii oulllelderB hud ni ther putiiut nor imtt.u In 'he iaiii. u it ii. lld Hox All f the Iloiton pi iyem with thu ftcept.on of .'enterfleldir I. (hold I n.l mie er rrure putfu.n Odd niMlnv parforniunm fenture.l the , i : n sierduy In tho nmt Cutm-Mravn innie eery Cub pl.uer hud nne or nm- hi.iim Ahmndir had six imaliu nnd wn tho only Cul Miior not to have an out tu hU i ".lit rltda Purchase Two Pitchers ( liirliinull, O Aue 4 I'ltchern Schne'l '.... .illl,,l. nf lh fnlanrv. Alln.rO. ,.., .,......,... , ...- ...... ,,--.-. --.....,, ne wnmnry, Aiueria, teini a.I by the Cincinnati No iir t.tcn i.urcniimii ny ine uinri ti0nal. Auuut Hoirnwnn. prnlil( ilnnalu' Auiuet Hoirmann. nroaident of tne ltda, announced yaterday. The two pile will 'r.nnrt lo the Cincinnati team or pttcnar llCUflra on tir Mier 'ii ttmbr IB, HOW Voo stno BV TMC OP6W .....iniaJ IN VOOrt CauPARKa au.oujinq A Til? Il CUVVJ . t w "-' TOW. leads High Scores Rule Among Early Finishers in Shawnee Quali fying Round PLAY FOR B UCKW00D CUP , n- SANDY McNIBLICK Shawnee, Pa., AugJ 4. H. McKenn, of Northampton Country Club, with a card of R,1. led the first dozen player to finish In the qualifying round of the invitation golf tourney hero todav He wus out in -12 nnd back in 41. W. Griffin, of Shawnee, wns next with 47--J,-. f2. Otto Sehnum nnd Herbert Newton, both of Whltemnrsh, were the first Philadelphia pair to tee off. Beautiful cool weather pievailed, nnd cvci.vthing was set for low scoring, ex cept the field which did not pan out so well ns win expected. Theie were man defr.ults The rain of .vestcrdu.v pre vented man motorists from anivlug, and then, too, Shawnee shone last night'. Mnny grcnt scores were made on the first few holes, but that refers to size onl . The tourney is staged nnnunlh by the Shawnee C. (.'., nnd the prize Is the ' The course is one of the beauty spots f the links map, set down like u Jewel , SPttiB o verdant mountnins. ! The ln.v out wns recently trod by the best profcssioiinls of many climes, and I has held the women's nationnl chain- ' J" aLAT ,f 'T 'B , untry has pin ed nt Shawnee and all , hve piono unced it a prune test. Some i B eat matches are expicted before the ! l'rP?.c.nA t0rll.e' over. Willie Heckle, foimer Jersey cham pion, Is favorite to win. Trenton sent the strongest delegation of anv district. It was headed by It ('. Maxwell, C. L. Maxwell, Frank Harper and a sCOre of others. The Schedule After an elghteen-hole qualifying r,'l'ml t0l!u J1"' 'j1- "nd lower flights ""' --"kk.- kib"i--ii-iui: uiuiciicn nioinliig and nfternuou tomorrow nnd , bntuidny. The qunllfylng meanl was won last lyear b.v J. Wood Piatt, who finished second in the Philadelphia open this neck; l'lott also went to the final ' round. Where lje wns beaten b Mnurlce Rhley, Atlnntic CIt. The latter played hnp )f nn(, ns ',,,, ,,,.,, "Jj'".' ,h'n '" frC0' whprC tlley counted. Uisley ousted some of the best metro- nnllimi hIiimth vlm un nr.. inn, l P"'u" P'njirs wnii were present in fence l,ast Cttr the included J S Worthlligton. rnink I'ver, Uiehard Hnigllt. et al Itfil lift tfllirift ttlll (lilt -i f rriilfnai . I.,, I'lajed great golf there last year, was i . e..--- -. .-.... ... - ...,, ,.m expected to tee oil this morning among l'"' lutc ht,,r" " The tournc piomised to he a eontost ucnin this vear betwten the metronoli- Ii tun nnd (Junker ( it entrants, ulwnvsl , ,, ,. II siZZllllR links duello ror villi) lint .. P 1,,. ., ..,.,. I.,.. f.. .. it -.1... ..,!, ...ll In tUi. linn .ion ..n. ...I I uiiu i iii " v uiniMin iur ll f IUD ;-;: "nuWs;, zn.,Z M VV'nulilinrn fnp tli Mcilon title, ri'- nil. l ,.' Wiishbiirn hud f - Jr f W Sl". " uu "ll;' I Y0U1. DRBSS 1 Till CZ "TTn Tthihh yxjr Oil And Jo the propsct YOUR PRe?6 ) Vu MAT IS FOR THE KVBHINO MITT .3, IN . llL IN WB ATTIC-tSCI UTTSRUY TUlfslS , Trie wwjs-cJzz J ?,. hwc it s Your DAY- , fZ? You wAtt- i ; 5cat.t iSvrsw T ) amvhSv TAtK sKfls,! 1 ?AuV rS BE WOMT IWVKl S?V f- OCPORB" IMWMJf MIA WITH 8 lireviiiuslv bean n of the b'Kt ut Meilon, und wus u fnvur- He fm the t!tle The were nil squaie moining nud iifteruoon. but lit the thirtv -seventh ti'"""" ''' "'"'" Washbii" rcqiiiroj0!! lillr 4 MortNiNo fArtD.f Sitrcent (Hit In Wanhburn out In 1 a 1 I ft ( 1 4 3 M 4 I I 4 4 4 r. 4 .- SS l n 1 1 '. 4 " i ais " 4 ll I 4 !1 I 3 .137- 75 iVn'lJIl.VOO.N c AllDS Hri.ent nut In VV uHhuurn Out In i:xtra hole- I "i 4 4 "i 1 (1 .1 ft 3 '1 4 4 f. 3 1- ."i n ft 4 I ft 4 4 441 4 4 S 3 4 ft 1 3 11 3S 70 -Hnrsem .) VVanhhurn 4 Hartmann Heads West Phlla. K. C. Th inns VV i Harliiiiiiii. iv.ih n ' ,e t ,1 lnoHlilnnl of Hie Wont I't I mlelnhlH Kmi ,1 i mi ihi hi iiininui '" t tno aim' ul !n" ' '"..0 tlm cluli to I limt nUht nt Ut "P,cl .nrninnu e ninei niiiinin hi of lhom Mere re i-lii (id who will Heiio with I rsi lcn iirtii il. ni Mr Hartmann ure IhlllOH VV l.o'.mnli se nt,. I ilic .nt A 11 I'.iiter. thli.l vim niislduu William I iinlM treifunr llnrrj l i'ittft-l , , r, . mi) Fiank W Iore. eiecutlvo rommltte II C Hiulur Kred (Ir mn 11. .rue Van iiirrnw (leiald .' Hu' I, iluuii II ltopf Miifur Hubert Hi-h.illlnnf r Itiienii liiihrch II Duerlnir A J JI iru 0 H m Diiwllnic W I r. .1 lord, Albert llnw its ,u id Dai Id J Runklt. Legion Team Wants Games The American I.oalun liakliiilmll t am Poet 70 la look nc for Knmoa with uthcr teama of llin American LkkIoii The team had ft ver auccoHnful i:am lant er and i now in in running iur m nnniira of the Aimrlcun Loslon thla sonaon Johnny Hasan lluclc Carney. Tommy Bracken and Hylvenler .Syc and Cr.ptuln Put Qulnn. a tar nf the A IS, V lire nmonir the Players Hnmuel r. l.n. .nun.... 1911 Dr.l . I 1. Xttt.Ml- 1 ..". ,......, L MWM... -.- eiffnin aireei, inananvr. Phon. WoodiiniJ JVJ Yi- f w iiMiiiiiru n.iii jin-wiiiiMi ueauiii.,,,,1 prunlt Kramer was postponed until I'mucis Kemlile anil Mux Marston. tun ! ,...,i..i.. u,. 11...1 rln. mm. hnr,. num. TO START THE DAY r -" t r- ?" rr" - III , r oh mow imBH. i , j -- - i ji. Vj-ilCj jJ::7) VIMST IS You KMOUJ- ,s J Cv4jh N T TriUaa ! What May Happen In Baseball Today NATIOKI, I.KAtlUE Won I-oHt V.C. Win Ino Hplll I'lttMllU-Rll . Neu lork Ilonton . llrookhn HI. Iul . Cldr.iito tlnrlnnntt I'hlludeloiilit 02 SI 01 HO &t 40 SI 40 -VII 4H 42 .111 41 r,7 30 m .011) .Mt .0.1 1 .014 .004 .570 .60S .SIS .80S ..MO .300 .484 .424 .424 .114 :2u .3P) ,to .B74 .SID ,M)1 .420 .41H .312 AMEMOAN IJlVtil i: Won Lout I'.C. Win lo Spill rirvrliinil (K o .(IH.l .()() Nen ork . SO 3" .028 .032 .021 W nshlnirton. Ni 4K .S34 '.343 t. IK-tro.t . 48 03 .7S .480 .411 Nt. I.oiiIh 40 SI .474 .4 HO .40') IIOHlon . . 14 54 .4-10 .4S1 .444 (lllnwco 4.1 SS .430 .UI .48 Athletic . 30 01 .371 .378 .307 Win two. -MOie two. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS NATIONAL I.KAMt'i: .030 loss I'ltttbiirKli, Oi riilludrlphln, S. llonton, St CIiIcheo. 3 (llriit fume). lcuito, 7t Uoston, 4 (necond ERUie). Mt. Uula, 3 N York. 2. IlrooklTn-tlnrlnniitl postponed, rain. AMKK1CAN L"ill'E llofilon. 3 Chlcnico, 2. Only irame plnrisl. AMEIIICAN ASSOriATION IOiilsilllc, Oi MlnncnpolK 5. Tolrdo, lit lllnukee. 3. InillannpolU. 7i St. 1'nul., 2 Kunsus Clty-tolumbus, rnln. E-VSTKUN I.KMl'i: Allmnj. ,1i New HnTcn, 0 (drut Kiimel Aibany. 6i Ne Haven. 1 (neronil uniiie). Wurrestrr. 5 I'ittKfirld, 3 tnrnt Kiiine). Worrestrr, Si I'ittHtlcld. I (Hreond mime), sorlndield. (Ii lliirtford, 3 (llrnt BiinnO lliirtfurd. 0 Si.rlnplleld. 3 (wcoiid Knme). Wntcrbury, Si lirldseport, 3. TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL I.IUOUE riill.idrlpliln nt I-lttitburKh. lloilon nt ChlenKO. llrookhn it Cincinnati. Nc York at St. louls. AJIEHH'AN UlVODi: St. Iouls nt rhlLulrlpbla. Detroit nt New York. , ( letelnnd nt Washington (two itneii). Chtinxn nt UoMon. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE KESUI.TS or VEiTEBOAY Sjracvii.. 10) Iluffiiln, 2. IlulTiilo. Ill .syriicinw. 4. Toronto, 2i Uocluter, 1. . Jerey Cltj-Iliiltlmore. Ix'tli wnien rnln. Noimrk-IlendlnK. both Knmcs rnln. SCHI3JUI.K I'OK TODAY NeH.irk nt Ilcndlnic. , Jore Clt ut naltlmorj. Syrncuw nt lliiffiilo. Torontd nt Kochentcr. STANDINOH OI' THE CLIII W I. V.C W. I., r.c. Ilultlmoro 70 27 . Nevrark 10 SO .438 llutrnlo . 61 46 .B8J .ler. fltr . jt SO .410 INTERNATIONAL BIKERS IN HOUR RACE TONIGHT Maddona Favorite to Win "Thou sand Dollar" Grind Italy, France, Australia und America will bo represented in un hour motor pneed grind at the Point P.reeze Velo drome tonight when the "Philadelphia Thousand -IJollnr" race will be run off. This is nn nnnual event on the locul circular track. The stutters will be Vlncenzo Maddona. Jules Miguel, Frank Corry nnd Clarence Caiman Muddonu is the favorite to win tho motor-pncisl nice, ns be has proved in his last few long grinds that he was ...... - -"" ---. - In grent form. Ills victory ln ll ma,cl1 "lC0 wlth r,in ,., fiftv-mile distance, showed I ui viuiury insi hitk rmnn. over the Italian was in snlendld condition However, liitted against the Jtallan are three crack distance men and Mail ilonn will get a lot of competition from Miquel. Cors and C'annnn. Several uiiiateur i vents hnve been ar ranged to complete the program, Ilecause of the rniu ln Newark lust night the big race between Willie Spetic r. Oilnndo Plan!, Alfred fioulett nK between Pianl and (loulett will hnve .. i .Mpstnoiied until n future date. iTlu. mnnnu'ement here Is working on nn- other match race to put on in place of Piunl and tioulett Scraps About Scrappers iimmv Martin hna buen clomd fnr th. hall i park at HrkUeton nj auku.i 20 Huser Hillv will inet (horai. Chnne In an eihlblllon for the Irlih r.lhf In ILiltlmore tnnlKht. On Ihi eiwne proeram Ilminj Jor- dan tKixea Prnnl le Kim i.nd Martv Ivona faa I.tttl" Ji-ff j,w lHt. nnd VVIIIIe M. f, vk. j are to moet onto mm. rh i hn. l,,.n matched for th vilnd up at Hie Cambria A C to morrow nlifhl In the neml Onal Kranltle Hmlth faces V--xt Philadelphia Tmiwij" i. -rnnlB. Prellma Hsv (J 11 illov iu v....n.. Mulligan i.ei.rie Urnny va Huddi Han nnd' Jltnmy ..iwii'ii . . J !. .'"""it'ian liltltf IliitrM hn m iirhi i m. u,,r, ... "liliy Hiu mtn tu m-it T Cobb ut Atlantic City Aunuitll ul Frnnklr AVIIIIpiiin 1b nou manaelnu thai Trlnl A. C. nnd hn In tonkin Knn " lth ' flf.t-cT.M honi. tenm;. WlltlSm. m'n. a I woo rrcorrl with Joe JnclcintTi, team Henry Tlrown, 'ormrr tain, pIaynK with Trf ?yftn VoViS 'b.'.'.I"'".1?"..""0 lMt m - ""-'' - 77 I An Interclts Ilv welnlit miteh hns ben ver nut on the bloiu ",, f th Hpa ... n n,y rl noneil ny rnnmiu-i; v-iiiir jBnnetu unu i'imiiih s juj m, opens wllh n. .... Jul, VV ink fur the Kiev. nth .Strict Arena, sters hn it hj M s i:i.ihBih Ii .in.. . n1 j"1". nnxt McnilBS nleht I Itth lift will ram. up i l.-ixlnnton who lm, a i-ore ,t W .' frnm llnltimnr.' to in- t Charliy IIh nf till 1'ieiluii t,f HijIhiuIh ftirm in ,,nT,h tt '.' ,ho city .tohnnj ritycr.v d ml Kiinkfo Howell I la Ja-uelj rcrJntVl Ihe "u5 S'l'?1" hiivo been maiche.l for tha sml dnal Dnlnnert'eM In th hr.riin 1SS....I..! MlH" 4.177 nanny lloder. of Manavunk lm been I toflevS1',! Hh .nhi'L"?!1" '".. "' bonkeJ to m'ei uorsB vveiimin nt the i telllBence pliw u roninTcuou. i. i..Tri " n" Mlner.vlllB P IIMIPnrk AiiBu.t IH DlnRrllold l Vt mSowJI' fS"h" . ..-.rh hetween H,nM. n, 1 a"" ta ' hW0Vy,"fi1;lS,"R-."r 'h "'Wi.i'V i,'J nHV."'.n "'l"ln with l.tUINAKU. TENDLER FIGHT K":,ni5:,,h T,n"li,r i,ml uun"" h,ro Au- Tfj 'Srrasw n.'-.n'i't."-" ii. WRONG TENDLER EVEN BET SAYSJIY. WRITER "Hype" Igoo Believes Lew Has Good Chance of Winning Leonard's Title SO DOES BOXER'S WIFE Delnnco, N. .1., Aug. 4 "Hvjic" Igoe, veteran boxing critic. New ork sports writer and cartoonist, lias been nt Lew Tcndler's training quarters here for three davs, and he is enthused over the challenger's chances for his bout with the champion. Denny Leonard, at the Phillies' Dnll Park, tomorrow nijrht n week. Mr. Igoe left todav for New York where he will watch Leonard In his training. "Tendler looks like nn even bet to me," said Igoe today. "He is the best of the boxers In tho running for Leon ard's title, and In his workouts here he has .showed me thnt he i-tnnds a good chance of winning the championship. Lew's southpaw wallop Is u peach, and if he connects with Leonard I fear thnt Denny will go down and out." Tendler put In nnother dnv Indoors because of the rainy weather nnd he did nil of his training In the afternoon. Tho inclement weather kept him off the rood. In the afteinoon the contends went through his usual rope-skipping, shadow-boxing and bug-punching stunts while he nlso boxed five thrce minutp rounds. First Lew took on Eddie O'Kecfe, featherweight, for a round, then fol lowed n round with I'ntsy Wallace, fly weight, and Tendler finished up with n thne-ioiind hair-raising scrimmage with .Tuck Palmer, welterweight. Palmer has been giving Tendler borne real tough workouts. The respective wives of Tendler and his mnnnger, Phil fllnsfiman, were nt the quarters esterday afternoon. Mrs. Tendler believes her hubby is in the best shape of his career, and "Certain ly, I think inv Lew will be the champion on August 12." she said, and asked immediately, "Doesn't Lew himself say thnt he will win by n knockout?" Boots and Saddlo Tho Dordor Cities Handicap, ?fiOOO added, is the feature for two-jcor-olds nt Devonshire todny. John Finn nppenrs the class of the race and Is coupled wllii Martha Fallon, another fleet Kentucky oungstcr, either of which should win. Johnny Dundee and Incognlance should furnish the conten tion. Horses well placed In other races nre: First. Service Flag, Dora W., Car; second, Veiled Colleen, Linn, WIN llnm 0!dt. third, Mr. X.. Apple Jack, Amanda; fourth. Sans Peur II, Hcn drle. La Foundre: (sixth, rurbclovv, Link Dov, Lazy Lou ; seventh, Ilapld .Stride, Wliineconne, Yermnk. Miss Jo is due for another vietorv todav nt Saratoga In the SchuvlervlUe Purse for two-venr-olds. She is coupled with Fair Phantom. My Kevcrle ap pears next bust, with Fltlninte not to be overlooked for tin short nnd. Other horses well placed nre: First race, Der rington, Kirtle. S.iiltng Along: second. Siibhndni. (iveimoteh, Ivry; third, St. Michael. Div.istution. Knlco ; fifth. I lekwlek The l.mnb. Anniversnrv ; sixth, Hiibv (Sinnd. Hrunswlck, Dnnic Hja i At llntnl on-Fiist race, The Moor, ui ii ' V""l!. second, .fumes A. Sheridan. .1,,, O. Sea Sun , tl.l.d Somme (Inlltmlwrj. Fuse; fourth ..i' ," HiiiiuuiI. Kentish D,,y "V.lU a""'"'' '-ttnhe, DxhorteriVe-', Joe Joe, Lending Star. Serbian cee.1 111 numi; ".;;". i '" "nniie. e. . . . ..... . ..'. IMMUIl. . I Match Pal Moore and Jack Sharkey , fWciiBO. Auk 1 Pal VIo ,re the Moimihln Inn iiinHlit und Ji.rk smirk, y if vj I I or,li v'ytmlav ;.. nrhfd to bos ton r iiimU i et Ha. t -hU nipi Inl Auiruai in nm Btueball Today, 3:30 P. M SIMIll. I'AIIK jim' . . Mi,. ,,. vuii.i.ii(s-,V sr. i oi is'" U:- ''""' ' -'- t.imlul. ii'nil hmil.ll,,,,,, TICKETS NOW ON SALE in ti.mtu it n,.;,;;, ;ut ,, PT. BREEZE VELODROME DIVI7 TO.NKIllT. I,.1n UMxLi i'iiii..Mii;i.i'iii.vs . 1000 RACES tUKdffiHU: c Vrlcti, OOe, 7S A St.tO. ltd NE W BRITISH FA CES ON DA VIS CUP TEAM Woosman, English Captain, Athletes in the Kingdom While Women By GRANTLAND RICE Another IJurlal Of Xebo's lonely mountain This side of Jordan's shore, I know so very little I Kill not mention more. Hut idfA the season waning UVifTc crude facts conquer hope The prophet tags his trcatiic "The Buiial of the Dope." Tho Old Order ChaiiRcth TIIK sternly march of the rclcutless ears leavo nil things behind except time itself. England nnd Australia take the Held to nnmc n survivor who shnll carry on for the DnviH Cup. England vs. Aus tralia but wheic nre the names of Urookes, Wilding, Klngncotc, Parke, Hopcr-linrrett, Uoutit und other grent stars of the past? The Old Doe with the enduring RcyHie linn the answer. A new order wns needed so the younger generation were called upon, not so much to win this time as to get the needed experience for future fields. Each side may have another Urookes or nnother Wilding in tho mnklng just ns this pair had to fill tho enp when the Dohertys had completed their run. Tho English Captain TtTAX WOOSMAN, the English Davis " Cup captnin, Is n remarkable product. lie Is one of the best nll nround nthletes in tho kingdom where tennis was only part of his program. As n star footbnlllrt and it fine cricket plnycr he was unable to give ns much time to tennis ns he might have done, but when the Macedonian shout went up for Davis Cup candidates io sus pended operations in other lines to give his entile nttcntion to tennis. If he had made tennis his main sport nnd recreation from the start he might to dny have been another Urookes. Young riienonis A COHUICSFONDEXT requests in r formation upon this point "Hns any other country ever developed as mnny youthful stars as the United States?" n Is not written In the records If nny other country ever has. There wan Hobbv Jones, at fourteen, working Ms vvuy Into the third round of n nationnl golf championship and two months Inter beating three grent professionals upon three successive dnys in a lied Cross tournament. There wus Fred Ilei reuhoff , nt six teen, reaching the final lound of n na tional championship nnd Trovers, at dKhteen, winning the title. Ihere wns Oulmct, n twenty, beating ' nr!i. nml Iln-V nftor n historic tie. There Is Tommy Hltrticock, nn in ternntlonnl polo star at twenty-one or twenty-two. There is Vincent Richards, who at nineteen is winner of many big tourna ments nml v,ho nt sixteen nnd seven teen was performing prodigious fonts. Jones, Evans, Ouimet, Travers, Hitchcock, Richards nml this Is only a fragment of the list. France had two youthful wonders In Cntpentlcr and I.englen. but ns a rule uritlsli stars come along nt n more sedate pace. Tolley and Wethercd nre Into exceptions, as both have come to tnll heights ut early ages. Tho Kid or the Veteran? AHA rule, Is the crowd or the- gallerj with the kid or the veteran? vu.i of the women are for the kid ten times out oi nine. Hie men. ns n rule nre nnlllnn fr.-. the old-timer. Judging from their own MARSHALL E. SMITH & BRO. BASEBALL SCHEDULE THIS WEEK-END Friday at Mnhanoy City; Saturday nt Mauch Chunk; Sunday at Frecland, Pa. Marshall . Smith & Real reductions from former low prices Swimming suits $2.50, now $1.75 Life guard bathing suits (guaranteed fast color) 5.85, now California pure worsted suits 6.85, now "Bike" all-elastic jocks .75, now Rubber-sole sneaks 1.75, now Shawl-collar sweaters, pure worsted, 12.00, now V-neck pull-overs, pure worsted 8.00, now Fine knit golf coats 8.50, now Golf hose, imported worsted 3.5o! now Uolr shoes All bnsebnll, Rolf and tennis goods greatly reduced Marshall E. Imcorport4) Men's FumUhinn 724 Chestnut Street m r a a 1 mm I aGfijoyment , WSk MILD-nut w,th a S0S ! WrteJl& iV1 tlnctlvc fraKrancc ffi'mffl I MSMm and tas,c ,1,at result from iiSiW ' WSr&i uncPyable blending of Serrry! I lM the clioiccst Havana. jEwsSCS ' $ v&y'm Ik-Liu One of the Best AlUArouni Men Pull for Old-Timers Cheer for Youth tZlJji ff'nLn " form. tie. And th-IlkS 'VKa TtZsV five or fifty isnlt bevon.lV.,iy'.fty range. '"ionsulp TllOU 1(1 A r tiA..n At . middle age and more Isn't InThe ?.11 nnd yellow of competition Sn V" of them were glad to sen" y.u,0.., forty-slx tic a brace of yot ne, V I into true lover's knots ", l2? I ciiuuo l-lll'lTCU 01(1 ilOIin Hnll . L " llfty-clght battled hteway Infci the4 round of a British championship3 '" Those who have crossed the hnVL .. miuuie nge don't care to feel that Vi ' ft--" . ...ivro mere is no chaae, I uut jou find most of tho wnm n ing for Vincent Richards and jfiS. Jones, who typUy the eolden -Hy' of oth that lE own 1000 precK n woman than ft u tn n , giou' ! - -" itlll. Tuiii hscii uoesn't bother. It .,M . youth the nullity nnd the ...i... the veteran poise nnd Judgment-Si then retires with a yawn to let tfcSi IIKUL il our. "" TN THE meanwhile, added poise tad - juuemenc nre not ton ... i... .... n Hobby Jones or n Vincent Rich"., won't w n nt least one chninplon before the autumn lanes are aS ngnln with red and yellow glow, (ffl fident nnd experienced youth that bIm carries skill and courage Is a terrlfie rampart to take by storm or hold in check, once It hits the highway nt ton hnnpfi. Copyright. 19tt, Alt rights rtaentd RICKARD TO PROMOTE DOWNEY-WILSON BOUT Would 8tago Middleweight Tltli Match at Jersey City Labor Day iovv lorn, Aug. 4. Promoter Tn Rlckard has wired Johnny Wilson, of Uoston, offering to stage a twelve-round bout between him nnd Rryan Downey tie at noylc's Thirty Acres, Jereer City, on Labor Dav. While Rlckard declined to give the iiciiuiH 01 iiie oner, no explained that it wns a liberal one. The promoter yesterday conferred with Jimmy Dunn, Downey's manager who nccepted the terms contained in the offer to the Cleveland pugilist. Under the New Jersey boxing luwi all bouts arc non-decision affnlrs and" only a licensed referee of the State of New Jersey Is nltowed to officiate. MANY GAMES FOR P. R. T. Rain Hits Trolleymen Hard Pliy Lincoln Qlants Tomorrow The 1 R. T. All-Stars nre being hit hard by the weather nnd the Inst three games of the trolleymen have been un plnyed. Tho contest with the North Phils on Frldny nnd thnt with DrldeV burg last evening wore called off oa account of rain, nnd last Saturday the team scheduled failed to put in at appearance. An enterprising schedule has been ar ranged by Manager Harvey. Tonijht the team plays away nt the Hohlfeld grounds, nt Broad street and Alle gheny avenue ; tomorrow on the home grounds, at Tenth nnd Hutler. T.lnl Giants will bo plnyed. Other games it, i nome are: oniuniay. iMcctovvn, Annul 10, Marshall E. Smith ; August 12, uruuKiyn liuyiu uinnts. Bro. Reduction Sale 4.35 5.00 .50 1.35 9.50 6.00 6.50 2.00 8.50 10.5(1 now Smith & Bro. Athletic Goeil -g i Cf te ,-,Ll&i)'?- ,. ' f,-, , rr,',, ,,,', , ,wi't,y-'-i ir.rriV Ajm' V-jT--vt- -ivrVrVi,T,Tl n-'i1- lfp, ,.. .,..,i'.-.g..4 .l.u.'.' . inttud ntnfr- '" '4i' Vi-'.-ii.t- tMuJyHTJ sferWij fwiw4 'riFWr?srsr jt W f