prT-rv PO?T'''3.'WT!WTWJWWTt a, ' . : ;, wr .' tn .. "'.Tiwwpwr" " .-tr .J?i itw "ai, i7' "f :'.v?'ww i .t Ti -y ' '-. 'J "-&5Va, v . . . "V ".,? . - T U -J n m V. T " . li .. ."' ' t Mrtr'liY", I.WAM iiW:WFTT.V5V"i-WH: bSSKnRnBIS Svi ffZ47V 77 TERRIBLE i?v EDGiK ?C BURROUGHS Author of the "Tartan" Stories and, the "Martian" Stories CHAPTER XXI The Mnlc &itn Hit bar that would w. l .-.nlnr large enough to pcnn.v ... M. opening ior removed as (bo . P?.h,,,lr. whlwerlng iTrn 'Inyo Tyrn knldd "jntinlng parpoie nd out lipped dliapl h.rd the warriors wiiwpwun 3 J," tone oor of hb prison w ,bV . V f hide beei i tbe one uuw. -. . .... . rone ol nlue !w """". end to there- Zt I. V. had left for this iVtheworkofbutamoment M1. the warriors wnisii- 1 while mo . j npc-man imtich the ,-r.d below the sill. .. escape "om lU0 ce" Trn w. ...j nren thnt Wffl,Sthpal Vd temple pounds wmprJ , Ho hod rcconnoltercd nd bulldln?. 0' window after btb.mUt- -; u Theadrob the open- ',... hend rnrou. the open " . Mtftnr nv tuiitiv . ! ;;i: winding .i ui tbe THE GUMPS Old Dog Tray Was Sure Faithful ii be him u. n.t ''""'?,.'.; ! i rtSTS -.'--ai s- ..d from the pa.ace .- hfdarknen would facilitate his He might even pass out of the ?P .nd the city without detection. I" "1 2 eS the guard at the ii " " .. . .,.-,,1,1 I,, easy, tic plUc,gatetne r -- m) KlfTe ectlon.' for he reasoned that I'1"'.. . n .- aimnldnn. In thB. WOUld DO u,,. , ,aR fof JuSieveral after leaving the deserted .C no one accosted or detained him. isd bus he came at last to tne . a half-down warriors beforo the pal- re gate. " - " In the same unconcerned fashion and h, might have succeeded had It not ben for one ho came running rapidly from tbe direction of the temple shout-g- "Let no one pass the gates! The prisoner hns escaped from the pal- ul'J&l" Instantly a warrior barred his way and elmultancously the fellow rccog nlwd bim. "Xot tor!" ho exclaimed: "Here he is now. Fall upon lilm! Fall upon him 1 Hack ! Hack before I kill you." . , w The othfrs came forward. It cunnot be said thnt they ruhhed forward. If It was their wMi to fall upon him there was a notlccDDio ibck 01 cninumui other thnn that whicli directed their cf fnri to ncrsuade some one else to tall Ll lllit fntna na (I tlffllf IfllfA linntl ffln aflMXAn Hkl.lnl. 1.u A f.. Wbnt other obstnclcs lay In bla way he ..... iiuw, dui no Dciievca tnat ne cnnln mnirA hnfAw MH n -.. m i.- ---. ........ uvuv. Mine vu lUUfc uiuii uj attempting to Bteal a canoe and forco ... .,..,, ui Birviim wun a single paudie. It was his Intention to put as much lllnfflflftn na t.naulMn t.M.M.MA 1.1 .1 . f.u '" beforo he slcpc wr ho was sure thnt Mo.jar would not lightly accept his loss, but thnt with the, coming of day, or possibly even before, he would ...,,... v.. i.u.nurs in senren 01 mm. j iruio or two rrom the city he en tered a forest and here at last he felt such a measure of snfety as he never knew In open spaces or in cities. Tho iTJ1 n1'.1 t,lfi JunRe w his birth rlglit. No creature thnt went upon the ground upon four feet, or climbed mnong the trees, or crawled upon its nelly had any advantage over the ope mnn In his native henth. As myrrh and frankincense wore the dank odors of rotting vegetation In tne nostrils of tho great Taruiangnni. He squared his broad shoulders nnd lifting his head filled his lungs with the nlr thnt ho oved best. Tho heavy frogrance of tropical blooms, the commingled odors of the myriad-scented life of the junglo went to his head with n plcasurablo in toxication far more potent than aught contained in the oldest vintages of civil ization. He took to the trees now, not from necessity but from pure love of tho wild freedom that bad been denied him so long Though it was dark nnd the for est stmnge vet he moved with n surety ......... ucBiioKo more a strnngo ,"i '! "-.v i...... KUMIUUUH BK1II. 110 J Ja moaning somewiicrc ahead nnd f M , ""', "lournmiiy to the right B...T7.1 luiiuiinr sounus that im partl to him no sense of loneliness ns they iplght to you or to me, but on the ... ,,,, ut il-IIUWH 01 tilt, lllnplf. nml ..I 1 -- e- Jt was all the snmc to the ape-man. He enmo at Inst to n little stream at n spot where the trees did not meet above it. no he was forced to deicend to the ground nnd wnde through the winter nnd upon the opposite shore ho Mopped ns though suddenly his godlike figure had been transmuted from flesh to marble. Only his dllntlng nostrils bespoke his pulsing vitality. For a long noent he stood there thus nnd then swiftly, but with a caution nnd silence thnt were inherent in him, he moved rorwnrd ngnln, but now his whole nttl tilde bespoke a new urge. There wns a (ictlnlte nnd masterful purpose in every movement of those steel muscles rolling softly beneath the smooth brown hide, lie moved now toward n certnln gonl thnt quite evidently filled him with fnr greater enthuilnsm thnn hnd the possl- ble event of his rnhirn fn A.!.... And SO hp r.imn nt Inuf t tl.n tnni of fl Ifroflt tr.n tnwl tlmKi. 1m ...Mn.l nnd looked up nbovo him nmong the foliage where the dim outlines of n niaue some one cise to iun ""'". iiuiiKinnr uuik loomed tinrKiy. His fame as a tighter had I here wns n choking sensation In Tnr lg a topic of conversation fan h throat ns he raised himself gently ii io uic Dranenes. it wns ns though his heart were swelling cither to n grent hnpplness or n greot fear. Before the rude- shelter built among the branches ho paused listening. From within there came to his sensitivo nos trils the same delicate nroraa that had nrrcsted his eager nttcntlon at the little stream a mile nwny. lie crouched upon the branch close to the little door. "Jane," he called, "heart of my heart, it is I." The only answer from within was ns the sudden Indrnwing of a brenth that was half gasp nnd half sigh, nnd the sound of n body fnlllng to the floor. Hurriedly Tnrzan sought to relense the tllOniTR U'lllnll ll.lil tlm .Inn. 1.... .1 were fastened from the Inside, and at iiiM, impntient with rurther dclav, he seized the frail- bnrrlr in one 'giant hand nnd with n slnelp offnrt fnro it completely nwny. And then he entered ui mm tne seemingly lifeless body of his mate stretched upon the floor. He gathered her In his nrms; her henrt beat ; she still breathed, and pres ently ho realized that she had but swooned. When Jane Clayton regained con sciousness it was to find herself held tightly in two strong nrms, her head pillowed upon the hrond shoulder where so often before her fears had been soothed nnd her sorrows comforted. At first she wns not sure but that it was nil n dienin. Timidly her hand stole tn his cheek. "John," she murmured, "tell me. is it really you?" In reply he drew her more closely to him. "It is I,- he replied. "Hut there is something in my throat," he said hnltingly, "that makes It hard for me to spenk." upon mm. um juiuc u. u ..... ...... - been too long a topic of conversation z for the good of the morale of Mo-sar s J wi'rriors. It wero safer to stand at n 'i diltance anu nun ineir ciuua nun in.o they did, but the ape-mnn hnd learned tomethlng of the use of this weapon ilncc he had arrived in lal-ul-don. And as he learned great had grown his reipcct for this most primitive of arms. Be had come to rca'ize thnt the black lavages he had known had never ap preciated the possibilities of their knob ticks, nur had he, nnd he had dis covered, too, why tho l'al-ul-dous had turned their ancient spears into plow bares and pinned their faith to the bedvy-ended club alone. In denilly ex ecution It was far moro effective than a epear, nnd it answered, too, every Jiurpoae of n shield, combining the two a one and thus reducing the burden o! tho warrior. Thrown us they throw it, after the manner of the hammer- throwers of the Olympian garnet;, nn ordinary shield would prove morn n weakness than a sttength, while one thnt would be strong enough to prove u pro tection would he too heavy to curry. Only another club, deftly wielded to deflect the course of un enemy missfe, la In any way effective against these formidable weapons, and, too, the war club of I'al-ul-don can be thrown with accuracy a far greater distance thnn any spear. And now was put to the test that which Tartan had learned from Om-nt and Ta-den. His eyes nnd his muscles trained by u lifetime of necessity moved with the rapidity of light and his bruin functioned with nn uiiennny celerity that sugBoated nothing less than pre iclence and these more than compen sated for his lnck of experience with the war club he handled so dcxtrously. Weapon nftcr weapon ho warded off and always he moved with a single idea la mind to place himself within reach of one of his nntugonlsts. Hut they were wary, for they feared this strange creature to whom the superstitious fears of many of them attributed the mlracu loui powers of deity. They managed to keep between Tarzan nnd tho gate way nnd nil the time they bawled Iuitlly for re-enforcements. Should these come before he had made his es cape tho npe-innn realized that the oadi against him would be insurmount able, and so lie redoubled his efforts to carry out his design. Following their usual tactics, two or three of the warriors were ulwnv circling behind him collecting the thrown clubs when Turin's nttcn tlon wasdlrectcd elsewhere. He hlm eeir rctnevod several of them which he hurled with such dend'y effect as to dli-pose- of two of his nntugonlsts, out now ,c heard the aptroiicli of b"rj,,,'B warriors, the patter of their .v .i noun in Hloiii. iiuviMiieiit ami ti..n .i ' l,,u Kr" Pavement "Ana 1, too," repHe todwZSL.f.h""B" v? him Vet ,-" u3 nu time to l ingono , he hurled It nt u warrior be- n..L i ' anf u? tne ,nnn dodged ho tf"h6ca'"nd seized him, nt the name Other T'l lliH w"'"l '''"b nt nn will. ? ,,U oPPoncntK. The Ho-, Ion 7tinti "f0,ui le. ",rPPle wnched In- den t u ' ..wrist- 7hBre wns "ud in in lzV, h2 "nn,n,nK f bone and wii 11 !'. SI?'""; ,l,cn warrior Lu i.,t"1 bod ly from IiIh feet nn.l an.l tii. ?...,! eW between his fellows throuV, .i K . ns n,e u,tHr backed tood 'l,..tlLV B,atBWn;- "eslde Tnrzan etrllCee.,,t,ie tor,c1' t lighted the worro !'Lthoipnla?e Bi-ounds. The of tJu ""ronelng to the succor rilw ,1. !l'.TH xuv.h,;u "' "1'c-mu.i 1 ,;a1"tiJ'"n 8'' above hi hend famo7a aekl"" ' Tl! ,'C T f ,1"; down nn.l .... .; v'u fellow went PMwl? Li ,lir,'cll,1 be!lnd him ii the m . '"' 0Vl,' hclr companion t it bPk ?ntnhetl1 "'," t,,rCh nn'1 l b extfn.i I. . ithe ".'ilacu Srounds bodies nf i,l,lc? UH !t struck the -fo,tS " M t,1B Charlng pSared ln8hDf ,'"k.neM. T (ll,t jond Tho Lim MrcctB of Tu-lur be- the fact tlmtPthiv "0lJd PrnU. but a the dlrceti ,n y,tralli'd.nwuy nl J'eJ Mm thai tl l? ' J,,J",n- '!' Informed 'wni "direct wneK ,'eIarc,!ln? " the outh out . f t 'i for ,,B 1,U1 tur,u'd lm off hi- . Vr l),l?l""",'y to throw klrta of lL . 1,eyo,uI ,,,e 0Ul fward thi n,? 'y 'ie .turnwl 1rict)y ua Uy A.fu" ' " wh,ch dlrec ttMho'r'i'oVwhf ik,OW ,ay Jad-bal-lul, Alti . .S.T0f..w.hlcl ho was compelled to txott mi V";8 Wou,( bo a river to "J the lower end ol the iVeit , , Sllu ,?;,.lil,e(! on.(, nSg'od closer to him. f.od has been good to us, Tar zan of tho Apes," she said. For some time neither spoke. It was enough that they were reunited and that each knew that the other wns alive nnd safe. Hut nt last they found their voices nnd when the sun rose they were still tnlking, ho much had each to tell the other; so innny questions there were to be asked nnd answered. he'r nd Jaek'" 8he naked' "where ,s 'rZ wtnTtIknm.v'". ?I,,lc.(, Tarzan. The last I heard of him he was on the Argonne front." "Ah, then our happiness is not nuite eomplcte," she snid, a little note of sndness creeping into her voice. "Jm, he replied, "but the snme is rue in countless other KiirIKI, homes day. nnd pride Is learning to take the place of hnppincss In these." She shook her hend. "I wnnt my boy," she said. Anil I, too, ' replied Tarzan, "and Iliav 111! VI- ll 1 111 vnt IT.. ...... ...I. nnd unwounileil the Inut ...n..i t 1...1 And now." he snld. "we must plnn upon a h7 . .. ru,"su " which wen inri 1 . n 'fi tlle courn ' their fellow aa till the enemv witl. n. n., ...... ...... .11111 IIUW, lie Sllllj. W'O nillSt ll nn imnn (i.1 rM.MiU? "0,..tlme. ,0 losc- Tarzan ' return. Would you Uko to rebuild im; iiiiiiKuion- nun gainer together the remnants of our V azirl or would you nuiiiT reiiirn 111 i.onuonr "Onlv tn flml .TnnV .1,. .,t.i ,. .. ....v..., riv P..IH, x dream always of the bungalow nnd never nf the eltv hut .Tnlin ... ...... 1.. , "- i ' , ' -" "w u.i limy drcnni, for Ohergntz told me that he nun I'ln-ieii huh wiiuie country anu found no place where ho might cross ma iiiuniBtt. "I am not Obergntz," Tnrzan re minuen ner. Hiniiinir. "n win t.n.t in day and tomorrow wo will set out to wnrii iiie nuriii. 11 ih a savage coun try, but we have crossed it onco and wu cuii truss 11 UKUiii. And so, upon tho following morning, the Tnrmnngnnl nnd his mate went forth upon their Journey across the Valley of Jnd-ben-Otho. nnd ahead of tltnm U'nni fliirjm mnn nti1 uninmn Kn.eo Vbll 111,11. MHIU I Mt IHIMIHV 1IU71D, and the lofty mountains of l'al-ul-don; nun ueyonu 1 lie iiioiimiiiiiH uie repines mm int' iiiuiurn, nun 111-111111 null (lie f. -l.l tltrii.! .finl'pmil n.l.n ....... ........ vt, ...... ...v, .,..., u.ii. m.... savage beasts and men and weaiy, hos tile iiuiert ui iiuiiiiuKru iviiueruess oe- tween them nnd the charred ruins of their home. Lieutenant Erich Obergntz crawled through tho grasn upon nil fours, lenv- Int. n tr.ll nt I, In.. I l.nlil.,.1 hi... of. am .I. . v.'... 'J m.wu.4 iruiiiiu ...111 i,.,u, Jane's spenr had sent him crashing to 1 ne groiiuu uuriiui uer uee 110 inline 110 so'iiiil after tho one piercing smum that hnd acknowledged the severity of his wound. Ho wns ((iilet becausd of it great fenr thnt hnd crept into his warned brain thnt the devil woman would pursue nnd slay him. And eo he crawled away like some hMthy lieust of prey, seeking a thleket where ho might lie down and hide. OONTINUKD SOUORBOW. ir r . --. : -r T 1 t'f lutiru Mftkitrv ttw lt rtlvc fj ENEWWW6 I HeVXE IM tWZ ORLl r 1 t.riiiiD iivt TUfti rBN wua da.'liil AGWH7 60 HlM,MM)NV OlM VJlMrtR- WOO IWHC 1MAT CO)UCATSW A MP a CV.ENH .f V H-i UF NMA. A. PDmTeC-r' JUT IY UP hvj 04tr ram nte TMC Rnkf- WOT A SOUNt GOT OF HIM- AHP VHW Ht'P TMCT to woSr. rotft- vou HAt vo I ,X0 WM5 JOWT PtOP fOVK nuws OH n WUT ,nf wmww , VW' WA.VE A TRIVCt- I NEVE. t-OT BG FlK t KKlTilKlf MlA WWF.W HE WlVC YiY vt - IT- ne , PiW ,N0UHAt A WAH TMl V-AHIIMC HM Ht't WrA. U AMP 6tT VM BV TME EHt OP H TAIL- IP YOV tOUT VI IM OK OWE. rMV VJE'P HAVt HIM ON 1WE u-THtK ntv v.vt V XOO- WE'D WOVX XT POVOM NMlTM Orie VM ANP VCRA?E TVIE. -CUt"B OFF VMTH THE OTHER- UH hov M FIPO- WEE3& nWHiigl -I t esidneVsmitH SOMEBODY'S STENOGThis Boy Had a Comeback Copr!iht 1021 l 1'ublle f.ei1fr Co By Hay ward MV TAR&. T. VOULP IMTE.RVIEW MISTER SMlTHERS.i pr putAac" r-1 -7- WHAT 1V)V)U WAMT TO 5E.E HIM ABOUT? WHAT 15 StUR BDSIME.SS ? 4 Jj-l-i-s - M "-!'. f x U--i s "l A 3 e vr"-fi W Ui Uf m UM WISH TO 5EE HIM ABOUT B0LT5 AMD AJUTS ? ABOUT Ml AU IO .' ARE.TfU nrb TAILOR? HE DOESAlT WAMT AMV BOOKS. DO VOU WWT TS SEE NIM ABOUT J IM5UKAMCET l-iy?-s.p-W x w Ml "TtJU'LL HAVE TO 7ELU ME THE AlATURE OF YOUR SIZ OR X CAA1AJOT AAIUOUA1CE WOO ! 'IW1B jj.hkj -a'r- L ' ' I -'S ARE: VOU -j-l HIS WIFE? " y v rS St M A-E.'HA.YWA.Rt) - ' jni UTm Y. The Young Lady Across the Way The Toonervillc Trolley That Meets All ihc Trains By Fontaine Fox SCHOOL DAYS AVc asked the young lady ncross tho way If she didn't think an American girl would make a ter rible mistake In marrying n title nnd she said well, she didn't know that she should object to r. lieu tenant or a captain. igS -. 'Ygv. "T yS W 4 ni cf fJt vJatisf nccintiUfi wua-r ir.iiJf? rfmittPKn OM fUf I ifcll -W. inn Av. w, .. " .- ,., wm-w -it . WAS LAST W6K WH6M THt SKtPPfJR. f STAfttfil) THE CAR WiTM $UCH A SVODBA JBKK THAT 01.D MAM tGCCRS WtMT 0ACKWARO5 AKO BUSTED A BoTTI,6 OP GOOD STUFF ON HIS HlP V-l n7ttf nyyjtJM.,J'ryyrx?-J -r- z fVe BARRet5rAMeAffOMOClC " PETEYHe's Reduced to a Whisper By C. A. Voight vji-w The Heukiwe Ball oua PeTev -J im.'Cv 1 t in J V9M2T AHD mm i A got t f or lOOU AOMT 5H& vAVffs To "Reduce. iHija Bb 7usT TThe. "TCtlUG- fou Meta Wow 30MT t5E 1?006M MTU Iju-n llllz-ic -PETV .s Ll' - - ' wo. ill Take) 1 caoi- rv FEW MlWUTES nH1?0WIU6 TOS lATctWWO ALJO 5HELL LOSE Tew Pouuos L?T LlC-i-Ms Njm 1 -. AOtr CiTru Akin 1 V r -ReToku T ) -&k ?:i W v gh-Z' (n ( UKeThat? ) i .-, ' .rt?S ' ) x& J a r r rr5. - -0 - y i no p v r t. (ft. U n 0 n V- ttltC' W -Vi V- KsaiSS3wBrcSIcs2, egVfa-V "MWXBI 3i2s- THE CLANCY KIDS A Trip From the Clouds By Percy L. Crosby TlMniESQAPWITH PLANE THAT PAR IN6 AVIATOR, WILLIE LUCKNCAR, STARTLC THE ASSEMBLED MULTITUDE WITH HIS SeiSATONAL DROP IN A PARACHure- ,v,i n u'l m "& Ily I) WIG h X rt: ni. . , . . 1 : .- -i.Allsfi ,,j & n, IJL .n . Jli . . I