Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 28, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA CLOSING STOCK PRICES, Page 7, Image 7

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'Si (
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I: l Ban
Band Plays at 4:45
Store Opens at 9
Store Closes kt 5
Chime at Noon
It Is Generally Believed That
Almost All Young Men
, 4
divide into two classes when about 20 years
of age. ' .
Th6y naturally divide into brain workers
and hand workers. Not infrequently health
has something to do with it.
The physical system broken down with
irregular habits, heuse of stimulants,
smoking, late hours in gambling or dissipations,
leave's hinTjvith a poor gocart of a body with
which to do a man's work.
It is especially necessary for the man whose
life is to do good thinking to have a clean body
and brain.
July 28, 1931.
The Best News for Everybody Is That the World's Greatest
Furniture Sale Is
Surpassing Itself
How a. New
Hat Freshens
Up a Woman's
There is a character and indi
viduality about most of thes
Wanamaker hats that can qulto
alter tho appcaranco. especially if
one has-been wearing' mediocre
milliner, or the most, original
millinery past its frcshnoss.
Quito new hats are not reduced,
of course. But every other one
in tho Millinery Snlons is,
whether., its stay hero has been
short or long.
Try the effect of nnothor hat
on appearance and feelings!
(Second Floor, Cheitnut)
Cire Ribbon New!
and with a new diagonal stripe of
self-color. This ribbon is used
for millinery, and girdle-making.
Six inches wldo, $1.16 a yard.
All colors.
(Main Floor, Central)
Every Suit in the Young Women's
Store Is Further Reduced
For young women going off to the mountains, or already planning for Autumn
needs, these racks of price-lowered tailored suits spell opportunity.
There are jerseys, serges, tricotines, Poiret twills, homespuns, tweeds, coverts and
o few pongees.
Plenty of the practical dark blues, some browns and also the lighter colors so much
in favor. Even some whites are included.
Prices are now $15 to $65 in a few instances only a fourth less, but in most
Instances the reduction from driginal figures is a great deal more sweeping. Some are close
to half.
All sizes from 14 to 20 are included.
N. B. Please note that every cotton dress, plain or elaborate, is wearing new prices
io low that their ranks arc being rapidly thinned.
(Young Women'x Store, Second Floor, Chestnut)
Women's Fresh New Voile
Dresses, Special at $18.75
Earlier shipments of the same dresses sold for considerably
They are made of fine French cotton voile in navy blue,
brown, orchid; delft, cornflower,. corn yellow and maize color.
Each is finished with a dainty collar of white organdie or
embroidery, and with a sash of the voile. A few of the dresses
are ornamented with drawnwork. All have elbow sleeves.
They are exceptionally dainty and pretty for the price, and
will exactly answer the need of the woman looking for n soft, cool,
pretty-colored afternoon frock that will not cost much money.
Sizes 34 to 42.
(Flmt Floor, Central)
The Laurie, a Four-Piece Sports
Suit for Women
(In the London Shop)
The Popularity of
Bead Necklaces
is just as great as ever, and per
haps for this reason, beads are
prettier than ever before.
Fancy bead necklaces in gradu
ated lengths, solid colors; and cut
beads with little rondells betweon.
In blue, pink, red, green and
Also novelty necklaces in at
tractive color combinations.
Necklaces, 50c to $9.
(Jewelry Store. Clieitnnt and
A specialty of the London Shop, composed of cape, knickers, skirt
nd waistcoat, in a beautiful light tan tweed with leather buttons.
There is no end to this outfit's combinations and usefulness tho capo
and skirt may bo worn for street; the knickers for golfing; the skirt,
waistcoat and cape for tramping. An all-around and all-the-year
around outfit, $95.
This suit will bo mado to order in other tweeds by the London
Shop for $125.
(The Gallery, Chentnut)
Women's Silk Glove
Special at $1.35
These gloves are of heavy
weight Milanese silk, 12-buttoa
length, and will be excellent for
early Fall. In black, brown, tan,
beaver, pongee and white.
(Writ AUle)
Women's White Shoes Enter the
Summer Sale Tomorrow
Two Thousand Pairs, White Canvas and Buckskin, Drop to
$5.75, $6.75 and $7.75
Some of these white shoes are about half regular prices. On others the saving
is several dollars a pair.
Included are white canvas oxfords, white canvas plain pumps, a few high white
canvas laced shoes, white buckskin oxfords, white canvas one-strap and two-strap
pumps with tan or black leather trimming, white buck and canvas rubber-soled sports
shoes, white glazed kid pumps, a few white kid one-strap slippers, and small groups
of other desirable shoes.
There is every kind of heel a woman likes to wear Cuban, military, high Louis,
baby French and flat wedge heels.
'All are our regular shoes, of excellent Wanamaker grade, in which sizes are no
longer complete. But nearly all sizes among them.
(First Floor, Market)
A Good Corset for
the Slight Figure
For slight figures one of the
corsets oftcnost found satisfac
tory is a short "Letitia" model of
batisto, very lightly boned, at
?0.50. It gives an easy grace
without restriction, and is very
light and cool on tho figure.
Other good "Letitia" models
for slender figures arc $5.50 to
It is a part of our work to help
every womnn who comes to us
find exactly tho best corset for
per typo of figure. Morning
lours nve best for fittings.
(Third l'loor, CheMnut)
These New Surf Satin Bathing
Suits Are as Pretty as Dresses
They have two other recommendations in addition to looks, too.
Thoy are thoroughly practical salt water suits. And very inexpensive.
Three exceptionally attractive models are just in all of rich-looking
black surf satin, made in straight-lino dress style. Some are piped
with color, others ornamented with wool embroidery. Nearly all have
big pockets.
And prices arc but $3.75, $.5 and $5.75.
rirt Floor, Central)
Fine Skirts for $7.50
, They are odd ones anil twos and
wokon-sizo assortments of skirts
That were all 'more than double
this price.
. Novelty sports t silk crepes,
ncy baronet satjns. fine flannel,
; "P.11 some plain woolens. Ncnrly
Ii eIJn n'entcd modois, and all in
w..or 8 ,& wllLbe just right to
, ww With bright sweaters.
" .(Km) Mtle) ,
Fine Nightgowns for Particular
A flno hand-mado "nightie" sweetens sleep for many women
who like ovory stitch about them to be of the daintiest hand
mado variety.
Such women are regular patrons of tho Little Gown Shop in
the Underclothes Section.
A delightful collection of hand-mado and hand-embroidered
fine nightgowns iB now in this Littlo Shop, priced $3.85. $4.86 and
up to 1Z. Tho exquisite neeaiowor wub aone in m
the gown patterns are good and the materials flno.
Wo have never seen prettier gowns at the prices.
(XJttle Clown Shop, Third Floor, Central)
The Man in a
Tropical Suit
has the advantage in every way. Coolness is his,
and therefore comfort. Good looks are his
because- of the good lines of every Wanamaker
tropical suit.
That, surely, is a worth-while combination
these days, and yet there are many men who
might enjoy it and who don't.
They can depend upon us for tropical suits
of coolness, excellent lines, the lines and the looks
that come from good tailoring and that only
good tailoring can impart to a tropical suit above
all other suits.
Palm Beach suits, $20 and $22.50.
Mohair suits, $25 and $30.
Tropical worsted suits, $32.
Knitted Bports coats, $20.
White flannel and striped flannel trousers, $12.
White duck trousers, $3.50.
Khaki trousers, $2.
(Third Floor, Market)
Closing the Week of the Men's
Wear Sale
Stocks have been so reinforced by special purchases that
there is still good selection in tho following groups:
Shirts at $1.45, $1.95 and $2.65
Soft-cuff, plain neglige shirts of fast-color percale, woven
madras, batiste, balloon cloth, Russian cord and imported madras.
Neckties at 35c, 50c and $1
Foulards, striped silks and other Summer silks, including
some of the beautiful imported Spitalfields silks.
Silk-and-cotton pajamas at $3.50, which is a little above
half price.
And a few English terry cloth bathrobes at $10.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Panama, Leghorn and
Bangkok Hats, $4
These fine, cool hats are all selected pieces and were all much
higher in price. The man who gets any ono of them for $4 will
got unusual value.
London Straw Hats, $3
These arc the Lincoln-Bennett and Redleaf sennit hats which
are regarded by many as tho finest straw hats made.
Variety is still excellent, even at this lowered price,
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Cool Underwear at
Small Prices
We have a lot of Summer-weight gauze cotton athlotic union
suits that we can sell at 95c because they are what is known as
"run of the mill." That means that some are perfect, but othors
are damaged or soiled. Thoy will wear as well as strictly first
grade goods and are much lower in price.
Sleeveless and knee length, and with elastic webbing in tho
Also Summer-weight gauze cotton shirts with short sleeves
and drawers in ankle length at 50c a garment. First-grade goods
ordinarily double this price.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Brogue Oxfords at $9
That Are Remarkable
They are from a well-known maker of men's high-grade
footwear and have been almost half as much again.
Made of black and mahogany cordovan with full wing tips,
wide shanks and low heels.
Young men in particular will Hko thom.
(Main Floor, Market)
Make Your Ice
Cream Without
in a simple, inexpensive freezer
which ia found in tho House
furnishings Store. A white enam
eled vessel, mado in three sizes,
holding one quart, two quarts and
four quarts. After freezing, the
cream will keop without repacking
for eight" to ten hours. One of
the jolliest modern inventions!
$5, $6 and $10.
(Fourth Floor, Market)
More Than 40 Titles
Among- 50c Books
And nil are by woll-known au
thors. Don't forgot to take a few
along over tho woek-end. Good
reading for long and short
(Mnln Floor, Central)
Candy Specials for
Fino jelly gum drops, in as
sorted flavors, 80c pound.
Crisp yellow jack squares, 50c
These are two special "favor
ites" for those going nway.
(Down ntalm Store, Cheitnut)
Two-Tone Stamping
on Stationery
The latest whim in stationery,
to hnvo the monogram stamped in
two colors. The effect is very at
tractive. Paper, $1 a quire up;
stamping, 60c a quire.
(Main Floor, Chestnut)
A Convenient
Laundry Case, $2.25
Made of canvas-coyored card
board, with straps and shipping
tags for parcol post uso. 20x12x6
(Fourth Floor, Market)
A Word About Eyes
Bocauso doctors are not so
busy, now is a good time to havo
your eyes examined. Bring your
prescription for lenses to our Op
tical Goods Section. We havo a
lens-grinding workshop in tho
(Main OalUry, Cheetnnt)
Canning Time
Is Here!
and here is a tin cold-pack fruit
and vegetable canrier which holds
Ix Jmt for; f 2.75.
(rijjjht Floor, Market) y
, O you wish a sign of the times?
What better sign could anybody ask for than the fact that
the world's greatest retail sale is surpassing itself in everything?
With our experience of the last few days, nobody can tell us
what conditions are or what they are likely to be. ,
We know. We know, because this is an event in which one is
inevitably drawn close to the heart of things.
. We are close enough to the heart of things to realize that they
are very sound.
The atmosphere of this sale seems to be charged with sane and
sound optimism.
It is bright with the beginnings of a new era in public affairs,
a new settling down to a period of sound progress.
The home is the most natural place for this to begin; and the
beginning has been wonderful. ,
People Are Always in the Market for
Wanamaker Furniture
Never more so than today. We have never had a finer selection
of furniture to show them than the stocks offered in this August Sale.
Like all the Wanamaker sales that have gone before it this sale
is primarily based upon the superior quality of the furniture itself.
It is the finest furniture made. It has to be that and nothing short of
it, because it is a fundamental condition of the sale that the goods in
it must be the finest obtainable.
The quantities and varieties of furniture shown here are a
matter of simple arithmetic. An actual count will show them to be
two to ten times more extensive than any to be found outside of this
This means that you are two to ten times more certain of find
ing your kind of furniture here than you can be of finding it out of
here. (
And you are equally certain of finding Wanamaker prices to be
the lowest prices that anybody who wants to be sure of a good invest
ment will want to pay.
Tomorrow, the last business day of the week is the third and
final day of advance selections.
Displays are still complete and undisturbed. They are a sight
worth coming far to see, and for anybody needing furniture of
genuine claracter at vouche'd-f or savings, they present the opportu
. nity of years.
All furniture chosen tomorrow will be entered as from Monday,
next, August 1.
(Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Floors) ,
A French Novelty
Handbag at a
Lowered Price
A most unusual shape, wide and
shallow, with n thumb bundle.
Made of glazed cross-grain
leather in dark blue and dark
brown qnd with inner frame.
Repriced ,t $0,60. ,
. (Hatnriotr. Cheitnut) &.
The August Sale
of Bedding
comprises our entire stock of
mattresses, pillows, bolsters
and bedsprings at 20 to 25 per
cent less than the regular
You can have hair mat
tresses, box springs, feather
pillows and bolsters made to
your order, from your own
choice of materials, at these
savings during this sale.
You can choose cotton
mattresses at the same econo
mies. It is one of the two great
bedding sales of the year, and
none but Wanamaker war
ranted goods are comprised
in it.
(Sixth Floar, Cheitnut)
Our Entire
Stock of Office
Furniture Is in
the August Sale
The August Sale prices
average about 20 per cent less
than regular rates.
On goods of such staple
character that is something
unusual, especially in view of
the unrestricted choice.
Many things are one-third
below the standard prices,
while on others the saving is
In every case jt is a saving
real and above board.
(Third Floor, Market)
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