tf? -H ' A V ; i ; r - -- Letters t6 the Editor Tho Attitude of Young Women to the Editor of thc'EveInu Public Ltdgtr: Sir As -ft youn matron I would like to hsvs ft vora to sny that may reach soma "-, wh( 111, bo benefited thereby. It imihi to me that thin havo lifcn chtiiwMl mltht ll In the lait Uvf year In, tho attltudo of roun Women rtRSrcllnfe marriage. When I ' , a young unmarried woman, which wns not so many year auo, It eeema to me that the Idea" "t the Blrl were totally differ ent from what they are today. We thounlil of marrlara aa a more or leva acred thlnir. to be entered Into with areat seriousness, and Lith the thought ot-malclruj a home and rala tr, a family. Today nil the oun Blrla think ihout li getting R man who can how them ft sod time. He must hae money, and mutt tv an automobile, and must be able to vmd up a home for them In which they will not havo to make any exertion them. "iT'ls eay to underatand that there are ilv a limited number of younn men In this ..itlon and' ft very small percentage In Lmparlion with the number of eligible girls. A mat percentage of these glrla are bound ' to be disappointed, and with those who do marry. In. we might aay, seven nut of ten rises the result will ber unhspplness, to we Sn look forward-ln the present attitude of '"'cn-to tho facf that the number of dl- th8InfaUg"eat moseure patent- nre to blame for the present attitude of voting women, or ... - . lnr.aa iinnn their dnUKh- for iney "' " V, -,,. - mRtotf SfA !.. yo"n man of mean, and never auiitlon whether love exists or not. In fact. r.odmngthcannbdVnefbrVab2 thY old-fashioned condltlona whero love and not money always found lhiM p- Philadelphia, JulyJOlOSl. Questions "Mlstako of Savlna" To the Editor o (he Evening Public Mo'V Blr-The letter discussing "The Mlt ef Saving" presents a view which may be correct when applied- In extreme Individual esses but which when applied to society ..a whole falla down. From what may be "ailed an economic standpoint, society pro srfsses as tho work necessary to -the Jul filing of Its dally requirements la trans ' fe red from man Itfcor to machine labor. This releases thee man lrom olher work. Ji the increased machine production gives "ore to the workers and, raises ur tnndM of living. Machinery coils a Kreat deal of ' n,jwin other words, the work of many S-anTcnn only be put Into use. to save S. future work of n greater number of men. as n result of somo people easing something-. In a socialist Stntc the Gov "rTment mUht munition tho . on an lncrens In a number of machines, rut the people, as n whole, would tern torarlly hao to forgo the article, for immedhle consumption thnt theso men would fcsve produced. For tho Individual the rewards for con sistent saln along cnslblc lines arc great ! Is the greatest mofrnl force known It Is one's duly to ore's family tn assure some thing In case "of an emergency. Savlnir provides for a comfortable old age and furnishes a fund of ready cash for any business opportunity. It Is worth while In the final analisls; but Just as extremes are to be aolded In oxerythlng we do. so aro they to bo noldcd In suUng. and I really think that this Is what the wrIKr of tho let tr referred to had In mind and against which he wlshod to cautlin us. Philadelphia. Jul)- is 1621. A Call for Aid to the LMor ot the KmWa Public Ledger: Sir I wish to add an appealing word to G II. Grant's call Tor fair play for the meat packers, as glcn In last night s Is- ,1 Being a man qf sympathetic Impulses, I have been much distressed by tho sufferlns of hdmnnlty durlne tho last four years, especially the pollu". who lived like rats and moles In subterranean tranches, coming cut only to sun and air, to become targets or grape and s'irapnel. I havo thought of their torn limbs In hospitals all too Ponfly equipped. I have, looked Into tear-filled ees f mothers. vUies and sisters wno moved about In thtf neurosis of despilr. I am distressed durlnff t'e reconstruction PM-lol. to see workln men nnd a omen v. ,.t nr emnlnvment by tho thou- Binds nnd whose wages are belns cut by th. minion And now my grlf Is nug-i menttil to leirn, through Mr. ilrnnt's heart imllnv nniifnl. nf th neat pacKer wmu liae "suffered oppressive legislation, been i.v...i nn. i hiu,i nnri roerced until sll-nce Ceases to bo a Mrtue." Like many other who Ime been pajlnr fifty to sixty cents a pound for beef, wo thought thnt hre, at least uas a favored diss who enJov-d ejlstencn nnd aid not hnvo much to worry sbnut Hut nils' we Iiim been 111 error, ond. Qulxotlc-llko. wo grasp our pen to pdd a word of nppeal for fair pln and Justice tr thli pillent, silent sunrlng. whlih had bien vdceless but for the knightly ln .f 1r rl.finl I nm getting nothing for this appeal, and. f cours' Mr Ornnt knims what It means to espouse the tauso of I nor nnd defense less lctlinu ot wrong nnd lersetutlon with eut inj pa. except, perhaps, tho m.3lov elence und hate that tho oppressors anil exploiters 1'eal out to him. Last night I bouaht n iound ind a hair ef beofsfik for slxt cents, i'.eiou mifU a lust mert-eter. then- was Just einugn for nm aftir tho bom. nrlstle and fat wr" remue,l (but nm ut the slnp) J U tnucht inv wife nnd chlldrtn tin upMliult ef a egetnb'e diet, so they iliu not pnr tjKc. I wis ut first Indignant nl pujlrg t r price for meat, for bed nut m k; bn subjett lo n seiond IS pel tent ut Put huu hasty and unlust my Indignation. Wch (.hanged, be itsald to m cr dlt. to Ut. upon reading Mr. Oram's nble defense hn nixllnr. oil I'll B r. fi Of the ElMSO hnuo Lrnirii. which I picked up to road before digesting the stenk. Now. follow workers, we must get to gether to help theso struggling, untortu sate fellowe Wo ought to do something for them. I do not see how we can pay more for meat and tho hundred other food lines controlled by them, but we could isho tUm our moral support SANCHO TANS5A Delanco. N. J.. July IP. 1011. Favors Manufactured Faces fo the EU'cr of the Evening 'nolle Ledger: I Sir I would like to say a few words tn Jehn L. Polk. No doubt ou u from Allentown but let mo say If the girls on Chestnut street don't suit ou, why not take a walk nn Hroud street? Tho girls of Allen- town Imvo nnthliur m th" Philadelphia girls, nor the Jersey girls either. j As for the hand ulut. 1 ! ( fhestnut street. If jou'll notice. It's better to have a rosy complexion of iniinuf.u turo thtn w look lino r palnfnce I mjself am n Phlln dlphla girl, and I would stick up fur Phlln delphla an time, oven If they aro malm-up ksautles That's the ojily kind the men want tionadii8 MISS II II Philadelphia, July 1-t, ll'lll Antiquated Railroading fo the Editor of the L'lfiiliiu i'ubllc ledoer; . blr Is It possible that wo are suing back to the early dujs of rillroadlng. whon rail 1 fsd schidules were In effect only during tlear westher? In other words If It rained the trains did not mn It sioms tho Penn Jlvanlu llallroad Is about to start u sched Ule of this kind, but It is also going it give Us patror.s a few free baths und hue them b'cume disgusted befure putting tho If rain-ho-iraln-sclieduli Into effect Wo riudlli Jinderstniid a ureat coiiwrutlon HKo thf pennslvanla ltnllrnnil Is pioneer leader In n-cet iverjthlnj nnd nn doubt It will be In r rlnklnsr about this ml leu I ihunge , This Is brought nbnut by the untlqualeii condition of th imsstnger cars now being run on Its expresi tialnt between Atlantic Clly and C'.iindin, N. J ANo commuters, bsforg the compan chnngod l'a schedulo rMWIy, June Jll were enju)lng the com fort nf mi,. uirs to ride In lietvem tneao two cities, but since this changn of ehedulo nbnvi' stnted nn thing seem to bo rood enough for the cmnmulrra using th" ro.d vl i C'nmdin while thu llrldgo ltnuti commutvrh ni tiijoylng tho tnmfnrts nf the 'uel cars tlutt wero takin iih.ij fr mi us It vnuld nut be so bud tn snv nnllilng of the dlstunifiirt, If a person intild f. c.1 sufo a riding In uui h c irn h into nf Hum Innk ' If Ihtl 1 nil pwn irilhernl frnm til. wsinps of lnbanm nn.l hid tin- hn-n turned tn theni nnd washul uff Hit mud und thon Pt.1 In npvratlnn tn htul cattle, we mean ftoplo, not cattle At un I liiHtiiiInn, 'lio writer, taking a train Monday nlsht (standard time) In ii," '.f0"1' ' Jo'i'm lll nppcnr dnllr o?J,..iHulrf". l,.,',1, ler. letters mSmV """"'X l?lle ivlll lis printed. of mk..i W'lMtcd Hwm, nnd que htloiis w ttneral Interest will lie unswired. Tffg PEOPLE'S FORUM ! Letters to tho Editor should be ns brief and to the point ns pOsalblc( uvoldlng nnythlnsi that would open n, denomlnntlonni or sectarian dis cussion. No attention wilt be paid to anbny mous letters. Names and nddresses must be signed as an evidence of tfood faith, nlthough names will not bo printed If request Is made that they bo omitted. Tho publication of a letter Is not to be taken ns nn indorsement of Its views by this pnper. Communications will not bo re turned untcss accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved.' fiom Camden, N. J encountered a. rain storm shortly after teavlnsr the terminal. We had only gone a few squares when rain wtter came pouring In from tho lop of the car. The passengers were obliged to stand up In tho renter of the car to avoid having Ihelr clothing ruined, or become soaked. It nas very notlceablo to sea thoso who did not rise from, their seats bring Into uso their umbrellas for protection against the rain stoim. and It was nutt nmtttnn Indeed,' until the water began running off mo umorcuai onto tneir neighbors, which was maced qulto disgusting. This lasted ii si as ions ns the rain lasled. o commuters were also looking forward to hotter service In regnrd to tho shortening it running time bolneen Camden and At omic City on tho regular express trains. Wing advised thero would hn nn .Inn. Im. wcon points after change In schedulo, , We . uinimto. io disappointment, for we nnd tnat the train iron. ihrnm,h .,ut.... ... but we. depart and arrlvo at the same time we did before the change of schedule, thus rnaxing no change whatever In the running time, except run a little slower. We. there- ..o, 1'imumo me cars given us to ride In aro not equal to tho strain of fast travel ing and wo will be obliged to sit by until uur ncKoi runs out and see tho Iteadlni; .. ., uUt mm gooa accommodations. leaV' ;n at me same hour nnd lenvlnr us far In "!" """nre A COilMUTKIl. Philadelphia. July 20. 1921. Let Common Sense Rule To the Editor of thr Etrntna IVihllr 1,-ritnrr. Sir If a man rules entirely In the home, ii- ir a woman ruls entirely, thoro will '" oe irounin.v for peace and content ment can never bs under such a circum stance. If this Is a serious question In an home, why not let wife nnd husband trv in sinue a nappy medium? Of course. there Will always bA rinmnstln nil irn.ii disputes, and when these come Into your rcme eiop ann liKe nole of jourself. Aro ou selfish, mean or donrtneerlnir? f crinmon sense rulo at home If you haven't mis, you sr.ouid get busy nnd get some. W h. 3 Philadelphia. July 10. 1021. The Street Loiterer To the Editor of the Etenlna I'ubllc I.rilntr: Sir the street loiterer has rrturnH tn his old haunts and tho public hns sr ilu felt his nnnojance. Why does not th Director of Public Safot Instruct the onicrs to remove mem riom their beats. It would be thi best thing that could hnppen to the Stung men. and It would be n great relief to tnose who are continually being annojed Kvery now und thi-n wo read of some woman or oung lady taking the law In rer own hands, but why should a personal errort bo necessiry when tho city Is pnlng rren to ktep order and protect the nrnpli ? DISQUSrKD Phllad-lphla, July 1C, 1021 Questions Answered The Word "Hangar" To the Editor of the Eveulno I'ubllc Ledger' Sir How do wo get tho word "hangar," tho shed In which airships are kept. From what language Is the word taken? H. L. n. Philadelphia. July25, 1021. The word Is French", brought oer Into England to designate tho shelter for air ships The word ln Trench means a shed for storlni: ehlcles It hns been ln use In Knglnnd for a long time. It Ir suppnsid to be dcrhed from the Latin nncarlum, n blacksmith shop, which 1-. turn comes from angaria, a station for dispatch bearers of tho Iloman Kmplrc. Angnrli i ilesunded from a Persian -word, meaning mesjengtr whleh has the samo root ns the Cireck word from which nngel Is derled Saw, angel ln the acrlpturo Is med to describe winged messenger of God Thus Urn nr.l 'lias passed through tho pageant jf the ccn turlei till It desi-rllhes a i. itliik ilu . Inr tho vehicles ot winged men. The Cape to Cairo Railway To the Editor of the Lirndio Z'nlWfc l.idgrr' Sir I will appreciate It If ou will give STKAMMiir xitTirr. C Li STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA to CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY Oth-r Irish I'orU If siillh lent Cargo OITrrs S-S"TASHMOO" Loading Pier 48, South Moore & McCormack Co., Inc. 5 Broadway, New York pun. ni;i,piii AtiKNr E. W. STRINGFIELD Anchor Forwarding Co., Inc. I7J-170 Drexel Illdg.. Plilli. Tmiurii .iin.i Maln0n7j Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA to BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW U. S. S. B. S. S. "M0N0MAC" , Expected tn sail Aug. 0 for ROTTERDAM U. S. S. B. S. S. "WESTERN HOPE" Kxpreted tn sail Aug. 21 AT CONrEIlENCE n.TES Harriss, Magill & Co., Inc. 425 Lafayette Udc rhiliulelphla" 8 I omlmrd (ISSU-l Muln 7630 Marine Despatch Line Los Angeles San Francisco Seattle and Portland CARGO RECEIVED DAILY AT PIER 40, SOUTH WHARVES S. S. Chas. H. Cramp . . .Aug. 10 S. S. Cape Romain Aug. 20 For Itntrs und Information Anplj Atlantic-Gulf & Pacific S.S. Cprp. Iloom 300. 1311 8, Third St. riiuiiueiiuim .omhard 28J5 Main B977 BALTIMORE TO HAWAII and return Calllnt at Ilinnnn, l'nnuma Onnsi, Lo Anncli-s, nun Irmrlmo IIK LIIXK Hl'lVMFUH BUCKEYE STATE Invrs llnlllniorp for llnusll, Jnlr 30th IIAWKEYE STATE Tts Pnn rrnncl"o for Iliiltlnmre. Anr. 7lk A1ATSON NAVIGATION CO. Musi iclnrr Aa-rnts. V. 8. Slilpplnc Hoird JO hniitli tliu Hire t, It itlnnrr, Md.. or nnr Incnl strnmshlu nccnt. AMERSCA UNE New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Boulogne-sur-Mer ROTTERDAM ....July 30 Sept. 3 Oct. a RYNDAM Au. C Sept. 10 Oct. IS N. AMSTERDAM ,Au. 13 Sept. 17 Oct. 22 NQ0RDAM .Aug. 20 Sept. 24 Oct. 29 rMor Office, 1531 Walnut SU FklU, ByBfeNO VlJBV& me n little Information regarding the mucb-talked-of Cape to Cairo llallroad. f). I.. SPEMCEn. Philadelphia, July 25, 112I, The Cane in Cnlro tiallrnnfl ( n trunk line undor construction through the con tinent of Africa, from Cairo and Alex andria. Egypt, to Cape Town. Tho project was first considered by Cecil Ithodes with a view of opening up the vast resources of the continent and was flfst undertaken as private enterprise. The router when com piled, will bo noon ml es ln length, making It the longest continuous line In the world. In 1880 tho first rails were laid at Klmber ley, that town being already connected with Cape Town. When It Is completed It will form the main artery of continental com munlcatlon with branches extending east and west. No final estimation of the cost Is possible. It was expected to be com pleted about 1025 at the time tho war broke out. Solution to Problem t To (ne Jvdlfor of the Eventna I'ubllc Ledoerl Sir Some time ago the following problem arpeircd In the Peoplo's Forum, and, so far aa I know, remains unanswered; "If a perfect sphere eight Inches In diam eter wolghs eight ounces, what slxe hole must bo bored through It to reduce Its weight by one-hnlf?" Presuming the hole to be bored centrally, the problem can bo solved ns follows! It Ic ovident that the portion bored out consists of three parts a ollndrlcal cen tral portion and a spherical segment at each end of this cylinder. Tho sum nf these por tions Is to equal one-half the volume pf the si here. Tor any sphere, of rndlus unity we havo the following formulae: First. Volume nf Mhero t-3P!i heneo M the volume 2-8PI. Second. Volumo of segment 1-PIXh squared X (8 h), h being the height of the segment. Third. Volume of cylinder rir squared. Xlr being the radius of the cyl Irder nnd I the len,fth of the cylinder.. I.ct X equal the distance from the center of the apheie to the center of the choiu limiting -the segment. Then, tho radius of the sphere being 1. h 1 X. I 2X and r the square root of (1 X squared). , Substituting these allies In the formulae we derive the equation! STKAMH1I1P No-rirr. EARN LINE ' Incorporated 1801 ' U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers , Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS COQUINA AUG. 18 (Arranrennuts bavs brrn mndo for quirk discharge ef cargo at Havana) For Hpnfe nnd Itnles Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Htillltt Bulldinc, Phila.. Pa. Lombard 0200.1701-0202-0203 ,- Main StSt BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORPORATION Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam 'Antwerp- Amsterdam SS "TULSA" (U. S. S. B.) Ssfiled SS "COLLINGSWORTH" (U. S. S. B.) Sailed For rates and particular, apply GEYELIN & COMPANY. INC., Phila. Agents 108 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lombard S144 Main 7620 12 DAYS TO YOKOHOMA MAV AMI ItlCAN TKANS-IwriFIC 1.sf.KM.KK hr.BVirK I'etuieii SKAl fl.K mid MIKOIIAMA. KOI1K miN(.llI. HUM. KON(. mid MAMI.A i tlu sllour Kill TK Utv and palatial U S S 0. 1mm; 535 ft. tonft 21,000 tons S.S. Keystone Stste Aug. G S.S. Silter State Sept. 17 S.S. Keystone State Oct. IS S.S. Silver State Nov. 2G Firti. .nervation!, etc.. appl any railroad or tourist agent, or HUGH GALLAGHER.Gn.Eart.Agt ,17SteteSt.,NewYcrk L-jiTr"","M'"'J"'"t-'-,'-'1"'1'-'J-''J-11,AJ-,M-'-jal',r1B oteALMlEAL LI CKXZIOQBH3 1'asscnger and FrclKht Semces From New York CHBRnOUHO AND SOU l HAMPTON MMHIITAMV .. Alls. 11 hrnt. fl hfpl. 2 III.KINt. ltlA . Auk. IH "int. z.' . AIRITAMV Auk. SI .Sept. 13 it Llvuitruui. VASAKI Am. 1 'VltMMA .. . Aiib. II Hrpt. in net. AMIAMA (nrw).. Aiib. SO Sfpt. it ov, fAftflNfA . Allr. 27 Snl. 2t .HC1TIIIA (nel. Srpt. A Oct. 11 'Vol. IS ii.vini'Tii HAMiumn hanzio MMIMA . .Sont. 1.1 Oit. ,' Vee. 13 I.UNI)ONDi;itHY I.1VIIUPOOI. AND OLASQOW C'AMKKONIA Inly 30 LONDONDEHRT AND OLASOOW ('(II.VM1IIA Aint. IS Hi'Pt. If) Oct. 8 AI.OUItIA .. .Aiib. 20 Oct 4 VIUO, OII1RAI.TAU, PATRAB DlIimOVNIK, TRIESTE. FIHJIB CAIAllRIA Auc. 0 llAXniURQ AND DANZIG rANNONIA Ane. 1 HOSTON TO LrVERrOOL ASS1UA Aiif . IS lHMT.Anr7T tIIT A Tfl TOWndVI I VUinil.lA Aiib. ". IKKKNTiA iib VS ci'.NAitn meihtkkuani:an ninsi;') I MADEIRA. Ollin ALTAR ALGUIRS MONACO NAPI.FS ALKXAN'DIIIA I PIRAEUS. PATRAS TIlin.STrj I (Ports ary accordlns to rrulss) TAROMA Oct. 22 nm. t CAMFROVIA , Nov. ID Jan. 10 mnnrii nnii Anrnor -irntnnip I inf. ranscr Ofllip, lino Wnlnnt Ht.. I'lills. Frplelit Ofllrc. nonrse Hide., rhlla. lwisiiTE Star j S. S. HAVERFORD I Ono of tho well - known steady 'poiiiff White Star Liners, sailing from j Philadelphia to Liverpool ' Aug. 13 and Sept. 17 Abonrtl tho Hnveiford you enjoy tho comfoits of a modern hotel and a cuisine and steward servlco inter nationally famous. International Mercantile Marine Co. Pnssenirer Office. 1!UD Walnut St.. Plilln. L'relElit OtlU-e, 403-114 llourse Illdt;., l'lilln. PHILADELPHIA to BARCELONA, MARSEILLES GENOA & NORTH AFRICA SS "JEAN STERN".. Aujj. 17 lliruuitli illlla ot Lndliii: for all ports ot tsiiulu, .Miiiucco. AlLi-rlu., (.iir, Mir, tillir.iltar, li' A I.caliorn TKANSIIII'MENTS via OUK OWN STEAMERS Earn-Liiie Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St., Phila.. Pa. Lombard OSflO-0 1 .0-O3 Moln SfOl Ajrenfs for Three Star Line Stc, Im AfTretrnrs Ttrunla Ilrldis St.. Hsw V"'i iLTaDQEBrlpHILABELPMA, THURSDAY, JULY 28, mi 1-8PI times (1 X) M- X three (2X) times 3, Plug PI time (1-X -) t!ro 9X By ordinary lgebr we flnftllr et the equations: X cubed 1 H. X - cube root of H-0.TB87. whence the mUrof the hole la found to be 0.00331 of the ammeter of the sphere equal to 4.8688 Inches for O.IxhIi evViitfVft r.i.1. ., .,,1. .nnilss. mutatis mu tandis, for calculating holCT of njr rela tive value. Thus if it were required to bore out 14 of the mass of the sphere .... ....- V ttt.r1 Ml U.. Jl"1" CUD9 illinium wm'iiiw fcwws-"- - - ,. root of -0.008JG and tho diameter of tne hole 8.84 Inches. . ... . " Merlon, Pa., July 18, 1021, "C. I. O." There are more than 000 ml'es of subway and "L." track In New Vcrk city. "C. H. D." Chief Justice Taft wi ft oandldate for the Ilepubllcan nomination lor the presidency when. In August. 1807. he started on his trip around the world. B. II. Maher The new wage scales for th coal Industry will be rrgotlated this fall and will go Into effect April 1022. Poems and Songs Desired Probably Fobs' "Tho Calf Path" To the Editor ot the Evenino Publto Ledoer: Sir I would Ilka to find n, poem about a wobbly street. The story Is that the cows made a crooked path that developed Into a wobbly street and then Into ft wobbly boulevard. I". K. Philadelphia, July 2.1. 1021. "Tuskar Rock" To th'e Editor ot the Evening Public Ledoer: Sir Can any of your readers glvo me the words of an old chantey about Paul Jones? I recall only these lines! "On Tuskar Ttock On Tuskar Rock, Paul Jones the hero of our song The noblo and the free." n. u v. Philadelphia, July 2S, 1021. "No Half-"Way Doln'o" Tn the Editor ot the Evening Public Ledoer: Blr I should llko the complete humorous rhyme, In which these lines occur! ' BTKAMRllir XOT1CKW -SAIUNGS- iiwIiiKWii m I PVw i : Old Glory is now on the Seven tSeas' AJIKMCAN SHIPS ARK AVAIIMILE foil lOl'R OCK.N VOYAflU New oomWtKitlon I'asjenocr and Freight Ships, Fast, Lvxvrloue Strainers. Key number beside ship's name tndl. cates operator thoun bottom of column. KUKOPB. Iloulome and London. From New York. Autrust 10 Stptember 20 Old North Stats July 80 September 0 Centennial Sts'e, (130) Ilrenirn nnd T)nnrli; I'rom New York. Ausnist 10 September 22 Potomac. (160) Ausust 23 October 8 Princess Matolka August 30 Hudson (150) riimoutli. Clirrlinurir nnd llrrmen lYnm New lark. Aupuit 2T Sentmhr 28 America flMil AusrUBt 3 September 8 aeoree Washlnc. ton (150) SOUTH AMERICA Rln de Juiielro. Montei Idea und Duenos Aires. ltom New York AuiruBt Huron (HI) Aucunt 17 Aeolus (01) August 31 Southern Cross (01). FAR TAST Honolulu, Yokohama, Kobe. Blinnihnl, Munllu, Hanakoni, From Hun Francisco July B0 Empire Stats (10M Ausust II Golden State (103) Aucunt 30 Hoosler State (103). Vakolinnm. Kobe, Mianchul, Honekonc, Manila. ... From Scuttle. July 00 Keystone State (100) September 17 Silver State (1001 HAWAII. nilUPPINKS. KAST INDIA. Honolulu. Minlln. SuUon. bliiiiioore, Co lombo. Cnlcuttn, I'rom Hun Francisco. Auiust 13 Creole Htato (103). September 14 Wolverine State (103). October 10 Orunlte State (103). COASTMISIJ AND HAWAII. Hnvnim, Lnniil. Los AuKeles, Sun Frunrlscs and llnwnllnn Iklunds. July 30 Ruckeje Stato (80). September 3 llawkeyo State (80). 80 Mnthon Niilsiitlon Co. 120 Mnrket Htreot. San I'runclsca Cal 2H South Uiiy St llaltlmore. Md, 01 Munsoii Nttumslilp Line. 07 Wall Stieet, N Y 'III, AottllnB Oreon 3300. 101 I'aclllo Mull H. H. Co 10 Hanovir So. . N. Y 'lul iiownnir urcen tusu. n.M .iiaiKet HI bar inn The Admiral line. fl.M Maiket.St .ban Tranclsco. Cal, 17 State Strout N. Y lei. lloullns Oreen 61125. L. C Smith llldK.. Seattle Wir, 1BU V H. M.ill r. ti. to.. Inc. In llrnadttuy N Y. Tel Whitehall 1200. at SHIPPING BOARD y Delobed fellow trablers. In holdln forth today. ' I hasn't any special verse for what I h to ear, De sermon will be berry short, and dl yeah am de text, Dat bnlf-wny doln's alnt no 'count. In dig world or de nex," FOSTEil T. CLARKE. Philadelphia, July 2S, 1021. "The 8emlnole'8, Lament" To tht Editor ot thi Evening Public Ltiaerl Sir I am desirous of obtaining the words complete of a short poem of which the fol lowing Is ft fragment. X think these words commence the poem, but perhaps they end It! "I'll go to my tent and lie down In despair. I'll paint me with red and will sever my hftlrt I'll count o'er my kindred And think of the Tot the sword of the white man ha swept them away." I think the poem wis called "The Semi nole's Lnment," and that It appeared in school readers of about 18.10. a. D. l. Philadelphia, July 25, 1021. Quoted by Senator Lodge - To the Editor ot the Evening Publto Ledger: Slr Two or threo years ago Scnatof Lodge quoted some lines of poetry to show how England regarded her position among the nations and her absolute need to rely upon herself for safety. I will appreciate It If you can give these lines. W. S. L. Philadelphia, July 23, 1021, Tou no doubt refer to the lines quoted by Senator Lodge during a debate In tho Senate on the League Of Nations. Senator Lodge said they were written by an eminent STORE OPENS DAILY AT Till IISDAY. JVI.Y 2R. 1021. f NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCKS MWKET II za,ol2T STREETS L 3 Week-End Specials in Housefurnishings and Chinaware Walnut. Stained Window Screens 85c 24 Inches High, IJn 33-Inch Extension. VOL $3&0 Walnut-Stained $.79 Screen Doors, 2.6x0 L $4.25 Folding Mahogany Stained Leatherette Metal TTT Corners Card Table, $2.79 $4.25 Natural - Finish Kitchen Tables With C?7 7Q Tapered Legs, Each v.y f-'plenillil $150.00 All-White Enamel Cabinet Gas (fc(1 AP Range WLVO ljr5Ui'fli. -fto uTSJ With 18-lmh ooti, s'mmeilnrj luirturs 4 In TBI and OHP White eniimel spInHh luui.i ami htut thermometrr in omii (loom Sold nn ( lull I'liin $85.00 A1I- White Enamel Interior Steel Kitchen Maid Cabinet $59.95 .Sold on ( lull I'liin $00.00 Leonard Clean-as-a- China Dish Re- &AA Cfi frigerators at PTCrOU One - piece po roe 1 niii lined food cham bcrs, po rool atn p a n o 1 o d doors Threo sheheH. Hold un the Cluli Flu ii. 20c Garden Hose, 25-ft. Lengths 13c foot for uso In s-- jf liomts or ' lt3T::rA restau- ; "" II I 'vl rants H jj Slzo 21x n.Jj 30 Inched I 11 Mall or- 6 II U ilersMllod Q N f while D thoy lnul O jr ,3J WFTMX ii :-:;. -fl - i v i n li TflTnfTn III L 1 Jl" English poet In 1808. The lines are part of ft sonnet written In November, 1800, by William Wordsworth. " 'TIs well from this day forward we shall know That In ourselves our safety must be sought! That by our own rlrht hands It must be wrought! That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard whom sruoh foretaste does not cheeri We shall exult. If they who rule the land Be men ,who hold Its many blessings dear We Wo About 1 .50, 2.00 Silk Neckwear .75 1 .00 Silk Bow Ties .50. 1.00 Silk Hosiery .55 3.50 Fashion Knit 4-in-Hands 2.75 SvOO Imported Madras Shirts 3.65 9 A P. M. $3.25 Folding Ironing Board . . $1.50 Folding Wooden 98c Wash Bench $25.00 American Porcelain Dinner Sets, d? fC 100 Pieces... $IL,70 Whiie-anil-srolil d.-Lomtlons Com plcte service for tuelxo people Slight ImpirfectlonB $12.50 American Porcelain 50-Piece Dinner CJT OC Sets tD.VO Verj irood-lipokliiir dlnncruarp, with Kold tnnd or liluehlrd decorations. Slight ImpeWect'ons $10.50 Electric Shower, s? $5.00 I 1 r in Nl, li r a m fin ished. f o mpli ti with fino i m h o r a nl Klnss Kliilies. Reg. $1 and $1.25 Vitrified China-Covered 20 r Casseroles OJC Brown, lined with white , lire proof, varlouu sizes Tlie ! practlcalls pr-r-feet, HlthotiRh classed ut. sec onds " $1.25 Thin Blown Crystal Glass Water Complete OVC Set of pitcher on siv tumtikrH 05c Two-Piece Glass Sugar and Cream Set at, jf Pair OVC I. K-llt tlOrill CUttllllT (llnll.. r. I'nnl. shape bNELLENDURflS Third Floor . M. CLOSES AT 5 13 In. wide, 61 C'sX. In. long. yr i W"' flflfl kZp raiij :N. SNIJLLENBURG & CO.: Wise, upright, va.lant. not a servile band. We are to judge of dsnrer which thev fur. And honor which they do not understand." "Owed to tho Sun" To (As Editor of the Evening i'uMte Ledoer: Sir I Inclose the following! Oh, hoi you old sun, you son of ft gun, Perhaps you may think you're having great fun Swallowing lone stars as they roam about. Just gulping them In and gulping them out. Mornings you seem so glum and to haxy. Wo often fear you are going ciaiy. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET sell the Best Merchandise obtainable keep our stock new and up-to-dato lA 1 .50 White 2.00 White 2.50 Madras and Percale Shirts 4.00 French Batiste Shirts 3.00 White Cheviot Shirts 10.00-12.00 Best Silk Shirts, 7.85 Raincoats, Bath Gowns, Overcoats, Bathing Suits White Flannel Pants, Linen Mesh Underwear, Golf Pants, etc. MANN & DILKS 1102 CH.ESTNOT STREET Friday Specials in Our August Furniture Sale 5000 $30.00 to $40.00 d Q nF Library Tables at. . . pi-7. 1 Seven patterns your choice. $65.00 Oak Buffets C5Q 7K 50-Inch Size. ... Plank top with lare cupboards, drawers for silver and linen. As illustrated. Felt-and-Fiber Mattresses, Regular $12.00 $7.95 $35.00 White Enamel Bed .g qla I A - a ) rsasaassi &$$mQ If X Outfits consist of full-size bed, spring with heavy frame and cotton top mattress. As shown. gr" " i issiii'l nuTiTilTl "I As Illustrated " 250 $10.50 Single Iron Beds With Springs, flj f.r Complete $1.70 Very stronRly constructed beds, S feet wide, made with double link springs, re-enforced on each side with one-meh steel bunds. Beds are fitted with casters nnd tlc MKned in most attractive patterns. Nonj Sent C. O. D. None Sold to Dealers. Continuing Our August Sale of Utica & Pequot Bed Muslins .lt avd Phone Ordert Filled Bleached Sheets $1.79 5100-In. Sheets, $1.25 $1.81 03x90-In. Sheets, $1.30 $2.00 03.99-In. Sheets, $1.35 $2.00 72x90-In. Sheets, $1.35 $2.25 Sheets, $1.39 $2.25 81x90-In. Sheets, $1.39 $2.45 81x99-In Sheets, $1.57 $2.05 90x99-In. Sheets, $1.89 J B. You're nralectlng business, and that's rlshtl You need Jacking up or you'll fight. & tr.t. vnii nn ,hlMr.n end have you M hsie: That you cut capers at your time of llfef M',,,j " W mttttmr mn Mll.h frnffl htimMltVl , .' W nMHC W ...Mfc.. a...... ....-. .- , , j, , So hot and stloky we- ask for Pity. . t IS Tor me If you send me ft cooling breete, ' : Tou may go on and !o Just as you please. , Oh! hoi yu old sun, you son of a rudr .i .; Mankind Is sick or your aarn squeamisn ivs,- JANE M. I.TOH,"' Mahsnoy City, Pa.. July 10, 1021. )t -4 Price Madras Knee Drawers .75 Madras Union Suits 1 .00 1.65 2.85 2.15 Three shown. Hundreds of Bureaus and Chiffoniers at 50c on the Dollar I One W Illustrated JJ $24.75 Others From $14.75 Up Chiffoniers to Match $6 Dining- Room Chairs at $2.95 Q u a r tercd oak, panel back, slip seat, French 1cks. Shown. Outfit $16 75 mm $20 Sliding Couches, CQ c Complete With Pad ,p;'UO Very sturdy iron frames; "Na tional" link fabric springH; com plete with thick hinged pad. bNFLLDIBURdS Fifth Floor ur. . V'.'ii Bleached Shectinff 12c 12-In. Sheeting, 32c 40c 15-In. Sheeting, 34c 09c 72-In. Sheeting, 52c 79c 81 -In. Sheeting, 54c 85c 90-In. Sheeting, 68c Bleached Pillow Cases 49c 45x30 Pillow Cuses, 36c 59c 50x36 Pillow Cases, 49c SnelleNPUROS First FIor wJU "-. $J aixao to gaUTICAlg VsHEETS? f ' ""rl T . I lit N. SNELLENBURG & CO.: SB 4' t tt sJLiJ .-f Vf I1 -V3X, 1