Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 28, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA CLOSING STOCK PRICES, Page 11, Image 11

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You mltc of bin him nnd him you.
0 Its better to bo n human beelng than
n aniinnl.
HeeniiHo animals have no ttolcn,
BclnK too bnd In dog nnd horses
Hut Jest wnt youd Ixpcct In pigs and
By Lee Pnpo
Cooled With Fresh Washed Air Wanamaker's
Down Stairs Store Is a Pleasant Shopping Place
Human IcelngR nrc people
or fvcrr kc ttml ,"";.
Who rrcoknl onrh other
By the pnrtH nbovi- tlidr up -ki.
Straws & Panamas
Cleaned and
In Km n-.vt !...
iTOfFM. f'
5k- -
ipfiM- sometimes get to be ( feet ttill, .
Thn they tnrt b beliiR a bnby.
And '"en the.v ln In tlielr cradle they
A e!clom Klsprct
Hejll end with long wlsltcre, inajbe.
Rome nrn elto like Chines or .Tnps..
nr ulte like Cnuoaslons and me.
nonending on ware they wnH bom nt.
'And who their parents happened to be.
I o never snrnr nt n Clilnamnn
' A If ou oonld hardly stand the view,
t Bccniife If jonr nneeMcis Jind only got
tw luted
it )
139 So. 1 3th St.
Our 40 Tpnrn,nf ecperltmr
M at our irrrire.
I'lionet Mnrkrt 2477
SI N. 7th St.
l 'And How To Attain It
To bo attractive to bo aamlrod is
ino secret deslro or every woman, hut
rew know how to attain this accom
pilBltmont. First, it is noccssary to romovo alt
Womlshea tan, nun. and wind freck
les, dark, sallow spots, liver blotchca
nnd pimples and bring a pink glow
or llfo to tho skin.
Black nnd Whlto Beauty Bleach
will removo almost all embarrassing
blomlslics. and make tho skin clear.
ft.nno boautl,f,Vl tlnted. Black ana
Whlto Soap will prcservo tho cora
ploxion. 5In.clt, P.na. hlto Beauty Bleach is
a delightfully porfumod, pink tinted
cream. When applied it forms an in
visible coating over tho Bkln. Beauty
Bleach does away with tedious hours
before your mirror or In tho beauty
Clip and mall this nd to Black ana
JVhite. Box 1S07. Memphis, Tenn
for free literature nnd samples of
Black and Whlto Incenso of Flowers
Talcum and Faco Powder. - .,ut
!. . i Mat . i , , 1 1 ,i ' .
"W; ' ' . '
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Cream Buttermilk
The Hot Weather Drink
Thirsty, tired or hot you will find
Supplee-Wills-Jones cream buttermilk
the drink that touches the spot. A rich
creamy flavorful taste quality and just
tart enough to quench the thirst. It is
so different and better than the old
fashioned kind.
Order by Phone or Ask your Driver
i SPECIAL NOTICE The Ttrent enlon of onr
milk drlhory urn Ire to iorr
1 rrmnkford, Tneony. Urldeaburr, WUMnoinlnff, ICfcimlnuton.
thmond, Chrltenliam, Fox Chns, Itocldcdge and I.nwn
le now rnnbUn ths public to secure fiupplee-WIIU-Jonr
4 Medal Milk in uny section of tile city.
Supplee -Wills -Jones
A gay
Sport Hat
to' match
each sweater
made of fine CREPE PAPER!
YOUR lceen eye for color, your deft fingers,
a few cents for Dennison's Crepe Paper, a
bit of waterproofing, nnd behold !
A cool, gay sport hat, smart as any at Newport
or Atlantic City, for one-tenth the cost. See our
models for this fascinating fad, and let our ex
perts show you how today.
Write or Call At
Black Hats of Duvetyhe
Trimmed With White
Leather, $6 and $8
The newest voguo and a very smart
onel The white leather shows in fasci
nating pipings or in whole bands. Some
of tho hats show bows of cire ribbon.
Three Other Groups
of hats at ?G and $8 are very interesting.
Cool, pretty nnd becoming are tho hats
of whlto crepe de chine In various shapes,
embroidered all over with wool in chenille
Small, tnm-likc affairs are made of
bright duvetyne in such hues as tanger
ine and king's blue. Just right for the
shore 1
Black satin hats in various shapes are
trimmed with white .soutache braid in
allovcr designs.
Circular Capes of Brown
Canton Crepe, $25
The original price of these capes was almosjt twice this amount,
and the capes are things of loveliness with their beautiful material
and long graceful lines. The best of it is that these can bo worn at
the shore in the evening and yet do for evening wraps in tho Winter!
They arc fully lined with peau de cygne.
Taffeta coats at $12.75 are worth investigating.
Pongee Motor Coats, $20
This is the now low price for good-looking, well-tailored and
serviceable motor coats.
$5 Jackets for Vacation
A little more formal than sweaters, these wool jersey jackets
are in tan, Pekin, taupe and black.
44-Inch White Voile
35c a Yard
Soft, fine and mercerized
pretty for cool frocks and neat
blouses, also nice for combina
tion with linen or gingham.
Fine White Cotton
Skirtings, 38c a Yard
These 36-inch gabardines and
tricotines are becoming well
known for their good quality
and wo have difficulty keeping
enough in stock. Many girls and
women are making suits and
slip-on frocks of thdm, as well
as skirts.
Cool Negligees of
Dotted Swiss
Since the weather has beenso
Rot, cool, negligees arc the only
wear. These pretty ones are
snowy white and have long roll
collars and short sleeves trimmed
with lace. Elastic at the waist.
Like Drops of Clear,
Cold Water
these white crystal necklaces
gleam and glitter. They're the
coolest looking beads we have
ever had. In graduated strings
at 50c, $1 and $1.50.
A Third to a Half Less for All
Sun-and-Rain Umbrellas
Every one of these pretty silk sun-and-rain umbrellas and paia
sols has had its price lowered. They are in plain colors nnd plnids,
showing old rose, green, brown, navy, taupe, purple, black and black-and-white.
They have novelty bakelite handles with wrist cords or
leather straps and interesting tips and ferrules.
New prices are $2 to ?8.
Children's Parasols Now 50c to $2
Some of silk, some of cotton with printed flowers in pink, green
or pale blue. Ruffles adorn tho more frivolous ones.
It's hard to think of a moie welcome gift for a little girl.
Narrow Leather Belts, 50c
Thousands have already sold. Now ones here for the week
end. All-white or black-and-white. Plain or pierced.
Large Hair Nets, 60c a Dozen
Everybody seems to like them. Of course we stand back
of their quality. Light, medium and dark brown, black, auburn
and blonde.
ChaUis Kimonos, $1
Light-tteight printed cotton challis "throws" in tan, blue,
lavender and lose combinations. Made with elastic at waist and
ribbon bow nt neck. Wonderful at $1.
Hand-Embroidered Negligees, $3
Japanese crepe ones in Copenhagen, light blue, rose and
lavender hand-embroidered with cherry blossoms.
Pink Bloomers, 50c
Hand-embroidered batiste bloomers with stitched rufiles
for women. New shipment.
Fine Envelope Chemises, $1
Beauties! Sheet: white batiste with quantities of lace or n
littlo well chosen embroidery.
Nightgowns a Third Less, Now $2
Lovely white batiste with tops almost all lace, sometimes
with a touch of fine embroidery. Many are nearly half less than
tho price for which their duplicates sold earlior.
Such Cool Pretty Corsets, $1 to $2.50
Toplobs corsets, ventilated strap-back corsots, clastic goro
coisets, hook front corsets nil down to the minute styles!
Plain nnd figured pink materials. As short and straight as one
could wish or a littlo longer. Yes, indeed, all are "special."
Linen-Finish Suitings, 35c a Yard
32-inch fiimly woven cottons for tho popular slip-over
sleeveless drosf.es. Easy to mnko one in n few hours. Choice of
brown, green, Copenhagen, yellow, pink and tan.
Bodice-Top Combination Suits, 50c
Perfect qunlity knitted white cotton suits with tho straight
bodice tops and lnce-like narrow straps so many women like.
Delightfully cool. Looso knee.
1200 Huck Towels, 25c
Unusually heavy cotton buck towels with a nico absorbent
finish. 1837 inches. Excollu.. for haid service. All white
hemmed ends.
Good Gloves, 35c and $1
2-clasp silk gloves, 35c; 16-button-length silk gloves, $1.
Both kinds havo double finger tips. Both aro less than half tho
early season prices. Nearly all sizes in white and pongee.
Imagine a Lovely Hand-Made
Blouse Elaborately
Hemstitched for $2!
Not many women would do the fine needlework for
that small sum, let alone furnish the sheer batiste of which
each blouse is made.
To wear with sweaters and sports skirts there is
nothing more fashionable and nothing that launders more
Six Different Models in Sizes 34 to 46 at $2
Among them are both the square and V necks, with
beautifully made collars and vestees adorned with hours of
hemstitching and tiny double insets of batiste.
While these are Porto Rican blouses, they are cut from
the most approved American patterns, so that they really
fit. Sleeves are well cut and fit snugly at the wrists. Every
seam and tuck is run by hand.
Wise women will buy these in twos and threes.
Oh, for a Dive Into
the Deep Coolness!
Here Are Women's Bathing Suits
$1 is the special price of women's California suits of
knitted black cotton trimmed with white. Sizes are broken.
Black sateen suits begin at $1.90, with an unusual
group of styles at $2.25.
Women's surf satin suits in all the seasonable styles
are special at $3.25 to $5.75.
Black sateen bloomers are $1.90.
Cotton tights are 85c to $1 ; part-wool tights are $1.65
and $2, according to size; all-wool tights are $2.90 for
regular sizes and $3'.75 for extra sizes.
Beach capes of surf cloth in circular style are lowered
tO $3.25. (Murket)
Knitted Wool Bathing Suits for Chubby
Youngsters, $2.25 and $2.75
Protective little suits are of wool in brown, pink, light blue,
Copenhagen, American Beauty and tan. Sizes 2 to 6 years. They aro
well leinforced so that they will keep their shape.
How cunning they will look running around on the beach and
Girls' Organdie Frocks
Special at $2.75 and $5
$2.75 for a party frock in pink
trimmed with blue, blue with
pink or yellow with white. The
trimming consists of quilling that
trims the scalloped skirt, organ
die flowers and a sash enough to
delight any girls of 8 to 14 years!
$5 for the organdie frock that
is sketched. It is in blue, pink or
yellow. Sizes 8 to 14 years.
Two Becoming
One, at $6, is of daintily figured
lawn in blue with a long waist
and a wide white organdie sash.
Sizes 14 nnd 16 years.
The other, at $7.50, is of navy
voile with a yellow organdie
guimpe, for girls of 8 to 1i .s.
Girls' Gingham
Frocks, Half Price
at $1.50
Of good plaid gingham in blue
or brown, they are trimmed with
blue organdie. Sizes 8 to 14 years.
W jh.
i k
Wee Hats and Sunbonnets Are
Marked at Less
Some need a tubbing, others are quite fresh. They're of lawns
and dotted Swisses, poplins and piques, several styles made with
detachable crowns. Now 50c to $2.25 which is half price for a eood
tuuuj u; mum
No Other Summer Petticoat
Like the Doris
Women pronounce it the best yet
devised. The hem is very deep
20 to 22 inches, making virtually a
double skirt yet retaining a straight
slimness of line. It can be worn
under the sheerest frocks with
In pink or white batiste at $1 and
$1.50 ; extra sizes, $1.75.
In white sateen at $2.
In white tub silk at $3.60.
In pink or white wash satin, $
m v m)
Men's White Flannel Trousers
for August Vacations
All -Wool at $10
Also white flannel trousers with narrow black
stripes at $6.
Khaki-color trousers, for roughing it, $1.90 and $3.
All-wool trousers in a great variety of suit pat
terns for matching up odd coats are $5 and $7.50.
(Onllerjr, Market)
Men's Furnishings Sale
Is Fine for Vacationists
Every man whose vacation starts August 1 can
buy his needfuls at a considerable saving in the Down
Stairs Store. For instance:
Printed percale and madras shirts, $1.15;
Woven madras and silk-and-cottdn shirts, $1.55;
Silk neckties, 25c;
Soft collars, in five shapes, 20c;
Suspenders, good ones, 35c;
Cool pajamas, $2.15.
(Oallery, Market)
Shoes That Mean Good
Times for Men and Boys!
Tennis or outing shoes and Oxfords are of canvas,
all-white, all-brown or trimmed with contrasting
leather. Sizes from small 11 to a man's 11, $2 to $3.75.
NOTE. These are first-quality shoes and not to
be confused with inferior grades or "seconds."
Rough -Wear Shoes
such as scouts wear are of sturdy tan leather in sizes
10 to 13io at $3.50; 1 to 2, $3.90; 2i2 to 5U, S4.50:
6 to 11, $5.40.
(Onllerjr, Mnrket)
14 Styles of Colored
Organdie Frocks at $5
Pale blue, lemon, buff,
green, orchid, rose,
peach, Copenhagen and
sun-glow these are
some of the delectable
tints to be had! Most
of them are quite fresh,
but a few need a press
ing and their price has
been lowered accord-"
Many of these dresses
were originally twice
this price. The pretty
styles are varied and
there is interesting
choosing in each size.
Two are sketched.
White Organdies
at $5
Some of these are fine
imported organdie that
would ordinarily be
marked a little more
than twice this price.
Manv. manv styles
snow runles or tucks or quilling. These, you know, can be
worn as party frocks throughout the Winter, especially by
The First Silk Dresses Are Creating Interest
More and more of them are being bought, especially for
hotel wear. We think that silk dresses have never been so
lovely. The crepes, especially, are heavier and better quality
than ever. The newest models in pastel tints and dark
shades are $15, $20 to $39.
Women's Oxfords and
in a Good
Shade of
It is a dark tan that is just right for service and the
styles are sketched. They both have welted soles and
medium heels, imitation wing tips and many perforations.
Exactly the kind of footwear that young women like for
general wear.
Good Choosing Among Light Tan Oxfords
at $4
With broad toes, imitation wing tips, welted soles and
low heels, the Oxfords are of tan leather in the light ruddy
shade that is popular.
Cool to See and Cool to Wear
Women who wear white footwear are doing a service
to others these days as well as being more comfortable
themselves !
$6.90 is the small price of well-made Oxfords of genuine
white buckskin with straight tips and saddle straps. Tho
soles are welted and the heels medium.
$6.40 for white strap pumps of leather like buckskin.
They have broad toes, imitation saddle straps, welted soles
and low heels.
Ankle-Strap Slippers for Wee Youngsters
Special at $1
You may choose white canvas or black patent leather
in sizes 2 to 3.
$1.25 for black patent leather slippers in, sizes 4 to 6
and 8I2 to 11. v
t .,
aSB., .H