If, I ,' t n ': T VtoJJi'iaiU.H,7,V .. .CAST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE ' ' ' " " ' ' ' jYancy Wynne Chats of the Reception Given Navy Men at Newport Philadelphians Among Those . ' Who Receive A Familiar Tale mBE Ocorgc W'ldcners nrc horn X BKaln from Europe. The.v upcnt most of thp winter nnd Into .uprlnp on the other side, ynti know, nnd mot Mr. Wldener'n mother. Mm, Alexander Hamilton nice, 111 Paris come wwi no before rcttirnlnR to thl. country. Mr Hire hn ntoo come Imek. nnd nIii ind Mr, ItlCe have opened tlielr vllln In Newport. The Ocorgc AVIdeners nrc ""Mr. Fltx-ktipene IMxnn, Mm. Rice's other .clillil. In (.till In Europe with her family. Mrs. lco wo nmons the v'men who, received at the l.r nffn Ir rlren In Newport on Friday" for the Ring ofDcr of the War College there! I hene also thnt Mr. .nnd Mrs. HarrlMn Morris received nt the affair. Philadelphia Is twunlly well represented i tt ill the bis dolins In. Newport, but ?... . many P illndclplilnns lit Southampton., wlie. i? now even noro fwhloniible thnn the New Hng nnd .nft. Mrs. Jamm Frnncl .Sulllvnn and her two daughter wll go there nexi non lb o stay for several wcol. oii 'taow. Mr. Sullivn.i's small grnndHon fives there In the Htimnicrtline with IiIh 'grandmother Hoffman. SPEAKING of the SnlllvniiH. I saw Frankle on the street Saturday wearing a mnrt stunning get-up. Hie 7rock was of gray crepe do chine an. If. made with un accordion pleated ridrt an cut fairly short. There wuh ,n Eton Jacket which met at he neck Sd o??ne?l ovor a verteo of lace and ! narrow sash was arranged a .out the waist twice nnd tied at the side. lhe frock was topped with a large bat of deep . yellow, trimmed with a yellowrilk rose. ., T SAID fnlrly short skirt when do X scribing Frankle Sulllvnn's costume sdvlscdlv. Have you noticed hat the dieMM renllr arc a good deal' longer than they were in the early spring and last summer, that Is the new SrVsses which nrc coming oyer from the other "ide T. You sec Frankle returned ?st a few weeks ago from Paris, where ft. bought some lovely things nnd her frock Is decided! longer. . litt.nt who IF YOU nave a jouiik ..i...v Koes about a great deal and stays . .. it i u vnriiiim ii i niii find Jim T's hnntlKer cnici n -" K's shirt nnd .Toe It's vest an I 1 Homebody F.lse s socks And downstairs . on the hall table you'll find any one s v.. w rour brothers. ... uav - --,- , .... Into the land of unconsciousness. Well, they picked him up and hurried . the.v picked him up anu hhiuv.. , Mm off to the hospltnl. Aim iiiiik - to show signs of consciousness he could not tell his name. That nil rig ht." snld one of the nurses. ?.V .-I x i.. n. nn bU hnndkcrt'liicf. It took but an Instant to look iip I M- .inhnni number attached to that name .Jftnn few mlmitPF Mr- M wa- and in a fpw ninutrs .Mrs. .u , being to d thnt her son im -m wa nt the hospital, having lin l an niiio j I.I.... Tli. u-na ilpcldpil nllia7.C ment and no anxiety In the voice which answered: "Is this a practical joke? It seems that Jim M was at that moment sitting next to mother at the phone. And so It went. A name was discovered on another article oi clothing. That wns it. he's borrowed the hnuilkpri-hlpf from Mime one and this was bin real name. So tnc tele phone pot busy ngnln and an nnxlnus mother hurried down to hee her son. not to find him In fact, she did not even know the young man. lly this time, the injured one came back to consciousness nnd declared his name. Po von wonder there wns some doubt when it was found to be entirely different to the various immoH which had been .discovered on his clothing. He wus able to go home by now. but the authorities felt he hnd better lip de tained until identified. Certainly he hnd with him ninny things be apparently did not hplong t- So th" mother whose nnme nnd number he gave wns called to the Wrnhon. n3 told that the hospital uaii un iiii-iiii-iii L-iiM- un-ii-. linn while the patient had only suffered from shock nnd temporary unconsciousness, It was felt that he could not be dis-, charged until Identified. And snld they: "Mndnmc. he siivh he l your j son, nut lie is carrying .inn .i s iinnu kerchief; lie is wennn-r Joe K s shirt his socks arc marked nnvlil S . nnd wost of his otlier gnrnientK hnvo dlf- terent names. "Did you say he's all richt?" snld a owoct rather worried voice. "We aid lie Is all right Madame, but we are not nt all sure lie Is your son. Wp nuift ask you to come down here nnd Identify him." "Oh." snld the little lady. "Mint's Tom all riijlit. lie's always wearing other people's clothes anil leaving his thing.- nt the otner , boys' houses." NANCY WYNNK. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES An tntereitlni? u-erldlnir of tho early fall will be thnt of Miss Frances I.a Lanne, daughter of the late Mr. nnd j Mrs. Frank Dalo I.a I.anne, of this city. ' and Captain Duncan Grlnnell-Mllne. M C. D F. C , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ocorg-Grlnnell-Mllne, of Ennismoro Harden, London, which will be solemnised on Saturday, September 17. In the Church ( of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr. tho Itev George Calvert Carter officiating. A reception will follow nt tho home of Mlfs La I.anne's uncle and mint. Mr and Mrs. John W Townond, In lliyn Maw,, , Mr and Mrs. Charles Hutchinson 'win anu tnoir uaugiiter. mibh niizn oeth II Machen. of St. Paul's rond. Ard Wore, will leave August 1 for Jnme jown. It. I , where they will spend n lortnight us the guests of Mr and Mrs. fhster K. Wetherlll. ot Kent and Atl prey roads, Wynnewood, at their sum "ier home (,?,'r ?ml Mrs- nndcliffo Furness and Sf'r daughter, Miss Mary Itndcllffe lurness, iUul ther B0I, Mr (jeorKn 'urness, nccompanled b Mrs. Kur- ness elster, Miss Mary W. AVIItse. of w ntRwn; w1 B thl Wl'ek to Jiimes- th?u' ?. ' wll,,r" tlic' wl occupy ineir cottnge. elivIr '!"rt. Ml'8' ,'raK lllddle. of this vllln n.,'w Yorl' are occupying their um at Newport. t?,M'i.L,5,roln Ferguson nnd her dnugh r. Mies Peggy Ferguson, of 8031 Semi- r J u'wlll' kno wU I n when you l0 to sort the wash each week, loul! "Pr"l"'. ..... ! - 1,,.. nllA. A 7S0R I.lnrnl ,lrl nu.,,, inn ...in lowing talc. i j t ont RO to .iftmc!,,owrl 'u j on AuBHt , yn 55 1,1s car rccentlv nnd while where they will remain until September. .' JUL 1.11 1 ielv along the mad. ns is i Miss Anne Williams, daughter of Dr. IE" -nnt ,f vounc Amerlon. he tore '"id Mrs. Carl Williams, of West School V""1 ",,. e Kenr and sailed off "o" ne. Germnntown. Is. spending flSfflllf nut 1J0 I TODAY nolo avenue, Chestnut Hltl, who are vy Itlng Mrs. Cliarlcn II. Hart In Atlantic Ulty, win return nomo nen .. Mr. and Mrs. Itoland D. I Pollock, of 8316 Seminole nvenue, Chestnut Hill, are eritcrtnlnlnr ns their cuct over tins week-end Mr. Pollock's sister, Mrs. Cor nelius l.ynde, and her daughter. Mil Margaret Rmlly l.ynde. and her yon, Mr .Snmuel Adnm.i M'nde. ft Wlnnetkn III. Mr and Mrs. Pollock and thcl fumllv will leave on Wednesday for Ventnor. N. J., where they will occupy their eottnna for thfl remainder of tho season. Mrs. B. C. Purvlance, Miss Hetty Purvlance, Miss Evolyrt PurVlnnco and Miss Julia R. Itcetiner. all of Chestnut Hill, who havo heen living for tho last year In Santa Barbara, Calif., havo re turned homo. Mr. and Mrs. William Flndlny Brown, of Summit avenue, Chestnut Hill, were the RUests over the week-end of Judge Hownrd Davis nnd .Vjrr Davis nt their cottnne nt Spring Lake, Mr. and- Mra. Chnrlcs IJ, Jennings, of Chestnut Hill, who havo heen travel ing uhroad, will arrive In this country on Auirust fl, when they will ko to Mnlno for tho remainder of the summer. Miss Elizabeth Jennes spent tho week end In Cnno SInv ns the KUest of Dr, and Mru. Hnrrlson K. Canor, Jr., at their cottage, 911 Stockton avenue. Miss Josephlno O. Hooper, dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Itobert P. Hooper, of Wolverton, Chestnut Hill, will return tomorrow from Capo May, whoro sh spent the week-end nR tho guest of Miss Margnrctta Dixon, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomns R Dixon, of tho Poplars. Chestnut Hill, nt their cottage. Mr, and Mrs. Hooper, Miss Hooper nnd Mr, Robert G. Hooper, Jr.. will spend August nt Northeast Hnrbor, Me. Mrs. Norman Tnylor, of Springfield nvcnuo. Chestnut Hill, Is spending soma tlmo nt KnumWstown, It. I. Mrs. W. Grldln Grlbbel nd her fnm lly, of Westmoreland nvenue, Chestnut Hill, will lenvo August 1 for Hltie Hill, Me., to spend tho remainder of tho sum mer. Mr. Grlbbel will snll August 1.1 with tho American Legion for England. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chester Wil liams nnd their sons, Mr. Chester Clark Williams. Mr. Samuel Williams and Mr. John Williams, of Cnrondclet, Wynne wood, will leave on August 11 for Long l.ako, In tho Adirondack mountains, whoro they will spend the remainder of the summor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Williams will entertain ns their guests Mrs. Ed ward II. Kox and her son. Mr. Kuthey Fox, of Npw York, over tho week-end of Aijust 4. Mrl nnd Mrs. Hollln H. Wilbur, of Old Stono House, St. Davids, who nro spending several weeks nt Fort Island, Alexandria tiny. N. Y.. will return hnmn August 1. On August 4 Mr. nnd Mm. w bur will snll for Europe, whero they Wil spend thp romnlnder of tho summer traveling In England, Krnnco, Swltz.er- """ "'"'" "u ' 'nmn , willlnn ntl her other dnugh'ter, Miss Jane unnniR, iimvo Just returned from ,i uip to tjaiirornia. Dr. nnd Mrs. Williams --...,...,., .H ,lrl u.cii u. -i t;r. .Li bert .Tenner, of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. mid Mrs. Edward D. Itnlnsford and their family, of Torresdnle. havo uikbii n cottage In rape May for tho "". Mrs. Elisabeth Ashman Palmer, it Plalnfleld. N. J., has been the guest of nrf M(Jl wlI(Ji nenf Medn f , , Mr. and Mrs. Mclntlrn nnd their fnmilv who have been there slnre eatly In June, will leave lu n few days for Pecketts-on-Sugar-HIU, at Francouln. N. II., whom they will i-pmnln until Scptemhe.-, returning to Uilcwlld to spend the enrlv autumn beforo opening their homo lu Ardmorf. Mrs. Kllzabeth Harper and her fiinv lly. of Baltimore, am now oceupving their summer homo near Swarthmore. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Woerner Ilelswnnger. of Coatpsvlllp, Pa., were week-end gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hal termnn and Miss Kathorlno Hnltcrmnii. Mrs. Woerner, beforo bur lnarrlngo In the spring, was Miss Dorothv Den ham, of Washington. Mr. Roiswnnger Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ilels wnnger. of Prexel Hill. Mr. nnd Mrs, T. ('. Mortimer, of tho Rlttenhousc. are staying nt the Ambas sador, Atlnntlc City, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 13. Dlller, of 5.7 South Forty-second street, nro stopping at the Chateau Frontonnc, Quebec, for a few days on their wav to Acadia, Nova Scotia. They will return homo by way of Halifax and St. Johns. & " W Z oorougn-iiioniielm. Atlantic Cltv. Mr nnf, Mrfl Henrv I-(l() ', , family, of Moylnn. hnvn returned from a three, weeks' tay nt Laconla, N. II. - SOUTH PHILADELPHIA MIki M I'nutrell. of 24 ill South Seventeenth street. Is spending n few days at Atlantic City. Miss M. Miller, of K0 1 Pino street, Is upending a few weeks in the Pocono Mountain' Mr. and Mrs Mehrlnj. of 2 106 South Twenty-first street, hnve gone to At lantic City for thn summer Mr. and Mrs. .leiomo H. l.ouchheim nli lu fhf. IOI- fi nn.l f irn1.A. 1- r iit . iikwi iii iiiin , nv. aitm w . i i jPKN mmWmJ w - I dlii'v Coprrlelit 1021. tXt NMl rii.rniareutu-al jQtis'J' ?? r'nnfnino An&.& ,Mr yPW Cleans j Sf the Teeth Ns7 But Fresh- ens the Mouth. SPEARMINT I TOOTH PASTE v!.'Wj-i ' . -i"A, EVENING PUBLIC At Jamestown l'hnto by Ilncnrsch .MISS K0S1S IIAWKK8 Daughter of Colonel Kobert Hawkps, of Iho nrltlsh Annv, nnd .Mrs. Ilaulics, who nro spending tho .summer In Jamrstown of 13.) South Seventeenth street, who nro at Deal Beach, N. J., will return today to their home. They will leave later In tho month for tho Mnlno consit for several weeks. Mr. James Blrndo has Just returned to his homo nt 2212 South Bancroft street, after spending some tlmo nt At lnntlii City. Dr. and Mrs. G. Bnrrlnger Sllfcr havo returned to their homo nt 1709 Rltner street, after spending the week-end nt Atlantic City, Miss Mndellnn Sllfcr, their daughter, him Just returned homo after spending two weeks lu New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Q'l.enry aro spend ing thn summer In Chelsea. Mrs. O'l.cnry will be remembered ns Miss Margaret Regan beforo her marriage. Mr. nnd Mrs. William O'Brien, , for merly of this section, nro spending the summer In Chelsea, N. J. Mrs. O'Brien will bti remembered ns Miss Margaret Glmmel beforo her marriage. Mr. Muldoon, of 153$ Porter street, and his three daughters, Mips Mary Muldoon, Miss Eleanor Muldoon nnd Miss Anna Muldoon. will spend tho month of August with Mr. Muldoon'3 sister In AtlantM City. Mr. Joseph Hatpin and his famllv. of I.nmbert nnd Shunk streets, will leave shortly for their apartment In Chelsea, N. J., whero they will spend tho month o; August. Mr. Paul Griffon and his brother, Mr. William Griffon, have been spending tho last few week-ends at Klrkwood. N. .r eft jfUMtH nt tnu Klrlwod Country DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs Itobert C. Woolman. of Pes .Moines, In., has been the guest for n week of her cousins, Miss Elizabeth Baker and Miss Ida Baker, nt their homo In Media. Mr. and .Mrs. V. Gilpin Robinson haw lnvn entertaining Mrs. T. WMIlam Ham mctt. of Geriunntnwn, for a few dnM at Hill View, their home near Lun's downe. Mr. and Mrs George M. Bunting, of Chester, are occupying their eottayo in the Poconos. whero they will remain until September. Mr. nnd Mrs It. O. Pomenry. of Ridley Park, nre occupying tholr cottage nt Ocean City. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY SER CLEARANCE SALE 3.85 4.8S 5.85 .ILL the season's favorite styles in vhite, leather or fabric; and all other leathers materials com binations. All sizes. Shoes for Men, Women, Girls, Boys and Kiddies included in price slashing! RUMMAGE SALEoi SUMMER SHOES this season's goods 1.00, 1.95, 2.95 'ALLAHAN . GOOB 921 MARKET STREET GOth & Chtitnut Sti. 5604 Germantown Ave, 2736 Germantown Ave. XMheppacd &8om Dainty Bedspreads White with stripes to make them look Edre Scalloped Lika Handwork $4 each Scalloped Bolster Throws to match, $2.00 each English Block-Print Bedspreads $5.o0 each Very modish because they aro so vcrj) smart. Scalloped edge. Homespun Scalloped Lunch Cloths, with 4inch circular hand-embroidered initial, $5.00. 1008 ?h8tnuttreet Closed Saturdays "during July aid August iEDGEBHPHILAI)ELPHlA MONDAY MISS GERTRUDE D. DENNIS WEDS MR JAMES GWILLIAM Pretty MarrlaQe of Mle Barbara Marshall and Mr. Roacoe Duer Tho marriage of Miss qcrtrude. Dor othy Dennis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis, of 6036 Keyser street, Oermantown, to Mr. James Kirk Owll llam, of Pnufsboro, N. J will tnko plnco nt 4 o'clock this afternoon In St. LUIte 8 Episcopal Church, Germnntown avenue. Tho Itev. Christian, of Alaska, will per form the ceremony, nnd Mr. Dennis will glvo his daughter In marriage. Miss Edith May DennlH will attend her sis ter aa maid of honor, and Mr. Raymond O. Dennis will act as best man. There, will be no reception. , DUEIt MAIlSHAMi A pretty home wedding took place at 7; 30 o'clock on Snturday evening, when Miss Barbara T. Marshall, of 6134 Mal colm street, became the brldo. of Mr. noacoo F. Duer, of 663S Pemhorton street Thn Rev. Warren McKclvoy, D. D minister of St. Paul's Presby terian Church, Fiftieth street and Dal tlmori avenue, oiDclatcd, A reception fontho Immediate families of tho brld nnd bridegroom followed Immediately arter tho ceremony. The bride woro a gown of white satin nnd duchess lace, with tullo veil, ar ranged with ornngo blossoms. Sho car ried a Bhowor bouquet of whlto bridal roses and sweot peas, nnd wao attonded by Miss Snlomo M. Doyer, of Norrls. town, as maid of honor. Sho woro a gown of pink crcpo de chlno nnd carried plnl roswl. Mr, Sam McAllister ncted ns best man. After an extended wedding trip through Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Duer will llvo nt 6B38 Pembcrton street, where they will bo at homo after Sep tember. MacHUGII BRVSON Tho wedding of Miss Mabel Ilryson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hast ing:! Ilryson, 274 Kings Highway Enst, Haddonflcld. N. J., and Dr, John Mnc nugh, of this city, took place nt the home of tho bride's parents at 4 o'clock on Snturday afternoon. Tho Rev. Dr. Joseph II. C. Mnckle, former pastor of ino i-roHoytorian cnurcn, Hauuonnolo, N. J., now pnstor of tho Northmlnstpr Presbyterian CTiurch, West Philadelphia, performed tho ceremony, Tho brldo wns given In mnrrlngo by her fnther. Her only nttendant was her sister. Miss Helen Brycon, of Hnddonflcld. N. J. Dr. William A. Capon, of this city, was best man. After tho ceremony tho bride nnd bridegroom held a reception nnd then started on an extended wedding trip which will Include Italy, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland nnd tho British Isles. On their return they will llvo In this city. NORRISTOWN Mrs. Goorgo C. Fox. of HO Spring Mill n.ven', Conshohocken. entertained nt n bridge luncheon In honor of her slster-In-law, Miss Mildred Fox, who will leave next Wedne.-dav for Portland. Ore., to engage In Y. W. C. A. work. Thero were sixteen guests. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Bcnz, of 1114 Green ntreet, observed their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Monday last. Mr and Mrs, Benz hnve three children. Mr. Roscon Benz, Mr. Clarence Benz nnd Master Ralph Benz. How quickly it Iienlsl Yos, that's tho point Al most tho moment this gen tlo ointment touches tho clck okin, itching stops and he.-illng begins. Does not burn or ntlng even when applied to the moat IrriUtH surface. Yoa can et It from your dnicgiit. Resinol SHOES or couieur de rose summery nnd cool : OERMANTOWN Mr. and Mra. J. lfnrker Chadwlck, of cottage at Ocean city for tho summer. Mr. nnd Mra K. G, Taulano and their family, 363 Gowen avenue, arc ccupylng an apartment In Ocean City .or tlvo summer. Mr. and Mm. Walter Miller and their family, formerly of 439 East Mount Airy avenue, nrn occupying their new homo on West Upsal street. Mra. Frank A. Taylor and her fam ily, 614 Im Sedgwick street, nro In Oocnn City for the summer. - Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bolr, 661 East Mayland street, havo returned from opendlng a short time In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs, George C. Gray, 221 East Mount Pleasant nvonuo, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Malone. 227 East Mount Pleanant avenue, will leave on Friday to spend n month In New Hampshlro. Mr. and Mrs. John Jollev. Jr.. 609 East Gorgaa lane, are occupying their now homo In Chelsea. Miss Gertrude Brldgman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Goorgo M, Brldgman, ot 6706 Anderson street, will leave for Chelsea today to spend ton tlays visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph D. Bird and Miss Mary Blrtl, 616 East Tulpehooken street, spent tho week-end In West Ches ter, Pa. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mra. Charles A. Koder, of 2468 North sixieenm street, is occupying nor sum mer nomo, 1'ino Rest, at uergey, i'a. Mrs. M. E. Lovy, of 1634 North Thlr temth street, Is spending some tlmo at Atlantic City. Mrs. Benedict Glmbot, of 1416 North Broad street. Is spending tho summer at viianno uiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Jsaao Gcrstlcy nnd their family, of 1707 Jefferson streot, aio spending tho summor nt Rangoley Lakes, Me. Miss Dorothy Berg, of 2312 North Pnrk avenuo, Is thn guest for a few weeks of her sleter, Mra. Alexander Bayer, at their summer homo at Wood mere, L. I. The Misses Hayes, of 639 North Twenty-second stroot, arc spending tho ro mnlnder of this month nt Mount Pocono Mr. and Mrs. Jlnrry Bachrach, of tho Majestic, nro spending the summer at Atlnntlo City. Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. Price Ellas, of 2200 North Seventeenth street, announce tho betrothal of their daughter, Ml?s Eleanor D. Ellas, to Mr. Albert S. Drelfus, of this city. Oven Baked Beans j In Individual Pots, 10c II 4 You'll never know how good Baked Beans can be until you try ours. 24 Reitaurantt ttntrally located. M "V"ii iiii.i 1 1.'' 1 BriCing (p. i S. A. MacQueen Company JEWELERS 1427 Walnut Street Removal to 1723 Walnut Sfreet George Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Nowadays Ifs Allen's Hats The Balance of Our Summer Millinery at Final Reductions At the little prices all our Hnts are now marked, the.v would be an economical purchase to wear the balance of the season. The styles are correct and the qualities are of our usual high stand ard. They are very tempting at these newly low prices. $4.00, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 3000 Pairs of Women's Heavy Pure Silk Hose in this Sale at $1.45 White, Dlnck, Navy, Cordovan in a fine weave of heavy silk, Lisle soles and carter tops. When you see them you will buy them by the dozen and half dozen. Slightly Soiled Pure Linen Towels a Third to Half Off, 50c to $1.00 Fine (crude Towels of pure linen huek vaw .ind liemHtitcheil niin with I itlllW UUIllunn ........-. ..vrw miK'"V MMK'U. Silk Hand Bags, a Clearance at Half Price, $2.50 and $5.00 Fine quality Hiisb In plain or mostly black, with a. few brown and Fine 40-Inch Crepe de Chine, $1.45 Yard All-sllU Crepe tie Chlno In fifteen of the season's best HhaJoR. mn. Flefllu Pink, Turquoise. Conil Qniy. Zinc, Jnp.in, Hanlinjr nine liHee i.nac, noneynnw, urinvii, .-.mj nun fnvorlto Bilk for wear now nnn ill inu In the Coty's L'Origan Extract at $4.50 A limited quantity of thlH famous French oilor In the M.-n? ,.,. this dieolnl price. ' ' hlzo' Ht L'Origan Face Powder in a box. Imported Dotted AU new ehndes In fine la the regular 1.75 crarte. quality Zephyr Glnghama in plain the usual 75c grade at 50c yard. Fiber Silk Tuxedo Sweaters, $7.95 to $13.95 MiiciiiEHMimiiBwgffliiMrjiiim .' V JTOY 25, 1021 WEST PHILADELPHIA Mlsii Gertrudo A. Lynch, of 638 South Fifty-sixth street, Is spending tho sum mer at Asbury Park, N. J. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence A. Allison, of 6926 Carpenter street, with .their son, Master Thomna Wood Allison, nro spending tho summer months nt At lantla City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurry C. Ilarblti. hnve returned from their wedding trip ana aro at homo at 314 South Fifty-second street. Mrs, Harbin wns, beforo her mnrrlngo last month, Miss Norma E. Srta , of 6311 Wyaluslng avenue. MAJtICET AT NINETEENTH- 11 TO 11 LIONEL BARRYMORE IN I'HIHT NATIONAL ATTRACTION "The Great Adventure" BUSTER KEATON VJotS-W- Vocnl I'rolnzue Eminent Soloists Tnny Hunt' I.xt.st Comedy Creation 'When the Whale Wan Jonahed Pal; at Tin-rir Imperial aJace theatres 12t4 MARKET OOTH WAI.Nt'T NOVI'.t, nml IMt'M'SStVB PHOTO DRAMA FILMED IN VENICE ON THE OLORIOl'S ITALIAN CANAL!! A IDf" A rM A Chentnut Ht. Del. Mth tvrJJr in a. m. to u tr. r. m ETHEL CLAYTON ,,V;,TH VICTORIA gflS,Tf .SViH HOPE HAMPTON ,.'??.. WAROI n I I DYO ' AMONG 1JIOSB I'llK.fi.NT" C" A DIT! 24 MAHKKT HTHEKT V-i 1 1 vl. nnmrriiv dai.ton in "nniiiND MARKfl' D 17 C U MT MAHKi-rr st. iT itth rS.IjVvjC-.IN 1 OW'B.N' MOOHK In "Dlvorre of Conveniens.!" GLOBE JUNU'EIl AND MAItKBT VAT'DIlVrM.B 11 TO 11 TOWERS THEATRE Camden nnoAnw'AY pine strkkts 11 to 11 roiITn'KTY LAST PIX DAYS The Official and Only DEMPSEY CARPENTIER FIGHT PICTURES Continuous Phnwlnir 11 A. M. to 11 I. M. EITH'S THEATRE JACK NORWORTH Hlnuinrf Ills Own Boni FRANK VAN HOVEN Thi DIppy-.Mml MaKlcInn JANET ADAIR: pnnoTHEA SAni.tEfl with WILLIAM r, aston & r:o. othbu staus WILLOW GROVE PARK VYAfHII.I I.EI'S '"" Svmf.iony Orch-tr. TODAY 4 30 EXHI. KOI.O.MAN. ivllmt 7- SYMPHONY rATUKTlQL'E No. 0 0 4.". IHJHOTHY KOX Soprnno anil HAt'I. II MANN. Hnrlton HrErtAi. ft.nn platteiis served at THE CASINO DAILY ON or before Sep tember 1st we will be in larger our new building and HID fAi fill IL'llili .1,I1M .'11(1 only Molro .illks with shell or navy. netnl tops ; tiiucK. iri'po il ( h tin is P-.i.i' hull Full. every desired shnde, special (i9c Swiss at $1.00 Yard hwlns with n-lf-color dots Thn colors in HKht or dark shades; knit j 1 i iijffiiir 0 (fit 1 Uffi MLW WSL, I nsv , --y sy-v cw R S3 II J Lewis "K I Formerly of 128 o. Flfterntll Mtrtet f , , ANNOUNCES ; The Removal to Their ' V I New and Spacious Shop I -i I 1519 WALNUT STREET -, ffl Displaying n -? Gowns and IV raps - ? We have no connection with nnjj other shop jjj j l in Philadelphia fjjft - -, ,- JJ STKAMIllll' NOTiri'S KTKA.MSim NOTICKH " '" - - A Regular N. Y. to fiiH HI Drexcl Kramer Illds., Hnltlni(iri Slolillr New Trips DeLuxe OLPHIN LINE Awav ir"iii run pui , pp-ov ti Dri - .i. 'tx. ' ttmvi xnirir tin l'imi hi n' rwniciri for thtt round trip Av a'khn )OS ARCH STREET WHARF For Trenton Bristol M M)V l.00 A. M.. .) A. M 10.00 A. n.tni i. ,... Tn.u.i i'. .ii. "IVKKKDAYS K.30 A. SI., t.00 I'. M 4.SO I. M X.OO I. M. ALL nOATS STOP AT BURLINGTON ISLAND PARK tRtrps nt IlrNt ii. "HriH'ol Bn'l I'nrV nnly. A'1 h'Rt nk the r' uirl trip to tn .oo r. m bM. rale. 39 crnu encn way Pun.inv, 4U cnt. (.nlMren, 10) half In yo hist ivniTF. Fort nooKi.F.T no iiikt EAR Incorpornteil 1S01 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS COQUINA AUG. 18 (ArrnageinraU liute brrn nrnle for aalrk itlarhnrce at enrzo m Ilinoa For Hpnre ami Rntm Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Bullitt Building, Phila., Pa. lmbrf ftn0Llnt.A2O?.''2n3 ... .... LA CSC STEAMSHIP CORPORATION Regular Freight Service PHILADELPH9A to Rotterdam Antwerp -Amsterdam ? S "TULSA" (U. S. S. II.) Sailinc July 25 SS "COLLINGSWORTH" (l S. S. B.) SalllnS ? July 3r tor rates and particular, apply GEYELIN & COMPANY, INC., Phila. Agents iuo ooutn rourth Lombard S144 AMERICAN SHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR OCEAN VOYAGE New Combination PasseiiRfi nnd Freight Shipii Fast, Luxurious Steamer, Reliable F r o i g h t Shir THE STANDARD OF THE MARINE WORLD UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Sailings from every port in America to the lead ing ports of the world. c L STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA to CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY (IIIht IrUli I'nrt". If Kiitlli'lint CarKii (lffer S-S'-TASHMOO" Loading 'ii'' ', South Moore & McCormack Co., Inc. S Brondwny, New York rmi.xnri iiii i,it E. W. STRINGFIELD Anchor Forwnrdinij Co., Inc. IIS 47(1 llre-r lllilic I'HII.i. MaUmbdiil 5117 H M.'n nurtT Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA to BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW U. S. S. B. S. S. "M0N0MAC" Expected to ll lnt .Inly iir early Anrii.i for ROTTERDAM U. S. S. B. S. S. "WESTERN HOPE" T"lirrtfn" tn anil All. 21 AT COMT.UKNrr! ItATlW Harrlas, Magill & Co., Inc. l.omhord (1220-1 Malq lo'o 425 Lafayette ndn.. PhiludelphU . ' '' jySSk H Express, Passengc Freight Service Rio it Janeiro, Montcridtn, Batnoi Aim', HON 17 000 tnnii (n) Aur, H S AKOI.T'8, 21 nnn ton. (ft) s s MirTiir.RN citnss. 21 ono torn e H H AMKIIICAN I.KOION. 21 000 ton (r 8 S III'IION 17 100 torn. ('. S S AKOI.t'S. 21 000 tons (iO Wmmrr nt I" S Shipping Hoard '( First, nurnntt ami third class Srnt. fnt, J7 8"P. Sit Oct. 14 eGB&XaJr r First una thrtl rlnss For rut'" ftn! pnrttriilnni ntptr tii nnr I'aicniEfr Aitfnrr or to Munson Steamship Line mm 111 M'nll StrM't. N.v York Ruildinpr Orlrnnn St. I'hilndelnhin IouM tonvToy Hide. Chleac 'if - pwfpi ntrKi ni a unipnm iinrr nouti linn iirj .-v . vu u iiv U UU from OJ Burlincton Island PArk 0 SAIMMiK M.. 1.00 V. SI.. 2.00 V. SI.. 3.30 P. M) Tren'on and TlurUnKton Tlanrt I'rk e It oJ - LINE r J' e i r, if 'St Slain Stl irt IT DIAMOND Street, Philadelphia Main 7620 t&WHiTE Star New VnrU l.lertiaol .In.. 3ii Am 27 Sept, 24 A nc n .Kent ; Oct. ' I ,. , ,, )" 1 SP- 17 Oct. ,13 urk lierlxiurc rmtitlinmpton Atlsr 3 Aur .It a-t. 8 1'e.lrie Ce:t!- Adriiif c Oljmpm Nrn lorl C'nnopio flj"' a -t r . Aiib 1.1 Sept 3 Sept. 21 . mid UnMun Anrm. (illirultiu-. NiiiiIpm nnd tirnnn Auc 0 Bept, 84 .... . . Swt.7 .reita . . Hnverford . iiiiiiiirii.iiui j.iierpcoi Auif. 13 Sept 17 Oct 23 Re Star Imje N. v., rirmoiith, Cliirhonrc. Antwerp' Z-olind ,, . .An, ii .i.w in Oct. 'in Krn.nl;nd Auk. 13 Sept 17 Oct.23 L nplanil Arnt. 2d s.pt 24 O-t. 20 Unluna ..Auk 27 Oet 1 .Vau.n k .r ,' 11! ,,.,."ll,A,r-i,I"n,h!,--&. nutiiiiiriil iHU rlnH nnlv) .July "! Snmlnml 3d clas only! Aur.-Sl ! riBht f.r Dunriit only au from N" lurk une iv 'ntp 1 rhlliidelplilii Antnerp .. P-ythian 1,,- ' n American Line New York- Mi nnlla lliiinliur tIu rhrrtmur 'Julv 2S Srpt, Mr hur a i'nlln nt Pit mouth Hamburir All. 2B Danjlir, 1 'hrh'.urif NrTinknh'l,i 'Ifnmliiirir ar. ria'iri ... . n. I'l'lln'lelplila-tiln.iioiT rlillndrlphla- llninhuri rrannf Kant Indlnn ATLANTIC TRANSPORT .. t I'lillmlelphlii I.nndnn Srahopar. . . , Pc Ihtnn M IflHlw.lppt Mllii.url Au. 11 Au. Au. n Auir.T LINE Au. 2 AUK.. II Aui, 10 An...ik linil AVn t'lrnini . ..... , C riillnilrlpliU Itolterdam n.rreilvtt tut. dn Phl-rlyk .... ' auJkJO Jaternationnl I!ercantilc Marine Company o 110 htk.amkuh -i .'-in.nnn tonm rnmenrer Olllre Mill Wnlnm Ht l'l.ll.. 1'reUht Olllro, 103-114 HniVrle lllVlV:. Vhll,!; ;ervic Tii Danzig Riga LibauStcttin s 1'rom PHILADELPHIA JULY 24 U. S. S D. "Oronoko" . H.Mi.iNr.s rnosi ,i Billimnre Juljr 22 Norfolk Jb( It New York July 26!i HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., Ino I.fetniilir. fVm?'Sgft.t. M.1,, f.' I l H 0 PV$! i t Jy lru "- i m-.'A'iyii.. yhi , . . ,i.viiJLVy . "i.a.A .