Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 21, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 3, Image 3

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    '-vl :
fTwo Detectives Discover Six
Men Stealing Barrel of Liquor
at 16th and Brown at3.
- ... i. .r tv Itli n. Iinrrcl
U bnmmg """"" ...
i lilkv valued ni fi""' """ "
!ft iffmornlnf t SWeenth d
jCIock which
K-i -" -'' owned by the
ffihlcl. the bandits
BTCttonv;ooI streets Ktntlon. They
fiHin'ChinS over tlic district when
d ltTiA, the toiirlne cnr. tilled with
& "b ff driven nboW.hc streets.
SKl'r suspicions were nt once aroused.
T11 fu?J manftcod to trnil the cnr wli le
fccded Slowly nbct. pwBhiK by
ffifdrS torw'. which the men in
fJT. .,nMl to noun intently.
S cm "
Defectives Malio uooti uuro
.. !... ttrtnml firm
nnally tne cur uegaii -p"
..war from the men who were
fftcffiS It. UPn a ?UP' JS!te dctcc"
SSwent to the S. nnd 0. Pharmacy,
Mrs they iw the car .tnnrtln? In
iirviwn, street. Willi n iimii ni. i'"
SS nw nth"- lifting nnd tucffMii n:
"ey Vnrkcd to plncc n barrel in the
Offline to the men to throw up their
kinds the detectives rnn around to the
MtosV. to be halted by n shot from one
3 the men. Jumplnc behind doorstep
rtj detectives drew their pistols nnd
maed Are. while the band Its still
Srowllng with the heavy baricl, finally
BlJicfd it in the cnr.
After the barrel was In the atitomo
Mlc the bandits who hnd been lifting
it drew pistols and joined the driver In
the fusillade, forcing the detectives to
i.. ..-J.- Mnnr a.wt tunklntr tholr nitn
leep uuufct vut. m. o -
Fire ns Cnr Passes
As the car roared pnst them, how
tnt, the detectives, hnvlng reloaded,
itood up nnd riddled it with bullets.
From a quick motion made by one of
the bandits it is believed the man wns
tit. The car sped down Sixteenth street
and won was out of sight.
There was no one In the drug store
it the time of the robbery, the proprie
tors living elsewhere. Investigation
disclosed that a cellar door on Drown
ttreet had been forced.
Police Say Dubls, Accused Fugitive,
Cannot Go Far
Search for John Dubls. alleged slnycr
tf Mrs. Margaret Lucnlrteli, continues
to be pro'eciitccl with vigor. The police
ut comment tncy win get tne mnn
within a few hours, due to the fnct
that be was clad only In a shirt nnn
trousers when he fled. lie wore no hat.
iloM or socks, nnd it Is not thought
tilt he had any money.
Mrs, Lucnirtch wns shot and killed
(oflowlnc an argument with Mrs. Sophie
Wit's, wife of the fugitive, by n man
hiding In n doorway. Dubls is believed
to be that mnn. tie wns employed as
t laborer by the Franklin Sugar He
finery. He is nbout thirty-eight years
old. lloth families live in n tiny alley
la the rear of 1L'2 Spruce street. The
Lucalrtches had five children of their
own and one ndopted dnughter. The
Dubls family hns four children. Mrs.
Dubls is in 'custody.
Heat Supposed to Have Affected
Clarence Rankin's Mind
.Claren"e Jlnnkin, of MM Wnlnut
street, who disappeared from his home
Mpnday, was found in n dazed condi
tion last night nenr the Cnmdeu ferry
Wrminnl. It Is believed the hent clouded
his mind.
Mr, Rankin wns found by his fnthcr
b'law. Hnrry Sayres, of North Cam
den, who wns returning home from this
oty.' He hnd nssisted in n hunt fo'r the
young mnn nnd wns nstonlshcd when
Jesaw him wnlking slowly nenr the
Rankin wns taken to his father-In -mws
home and then brought to the
Walnut street addrcs thin morning. He
Itill was unable to account for his two
J absence. Physicians snv a rest of
leveral days will clear his mind.
General Exodus Is Made From. Lin
den Apartments
.41feli,,"tH in the Linden Apartments,
t.ihlrtcenth and Gieen streets, were
wro-vn into n panic nt 1 o'clock tliU
i i Jf, J,lon " firo started In n pile
rubbish In thn cellnr. The tmioke
wns firjt detected by Dr. Herbert It.
Hawthorne, a physician, with aimrt
tttnts in the building.
.j .Lalnrm Mn ot onco turned in.
nd tho nenplp in the house notified,
'"ere wns a wild scrambl to tho street.
?,onf,Vn? ""i'Tcd. The rinmes were
was d bofore nny enom flaningc
itTrhinMm.,1?1,?al nnni1 wil I'1"? tonight
it Fifty-eighth nnd Rnce streets.
All Former Prices
This means a saving r
f 25 per cent, to you I
Take your choice of our.
entire stock at this liberal
'i"cont nothing reserved.
Styles. All sizes.
Come In Tomorrow!
'208 Chestnut St.
Victim of Bandits
Idser rhoto Servle
Paymaster for Tlnlud Olson Ma
chlno Co., COO Xorth Twelfth
street, who was beaten nnd robbed
of the 'Arm's $2100 payroll yes
Brother of Florencs Osborne, of
Audubon, In Rescue Rolo
Florence Osborne, seventeen years
old, was sned from drowning late yes-
terdny nftcrnoon, in Hnddon Lake nt
Audubon, X. .!.. when her brother,
fully dressed, leaped from an automo
bile nnd Hwnm out to her.
Miss Osborne, who lives in West
Merchant street, Atldubon, was swim
ming in deep wntcr nnd suddenly be
came frightened and sank, trying to
shout for help. There were other
bathers In the lake, but her brother got
there first and carried the girl ashore,
when sh'e fainted. After administering
first-aid to get the water from his sis
ter's lungs, Osborne put tier into the
car and made for home as fast as the
speed laws permitted.
Former Postal Clerk Has Plan to
Save Time and Labor
An idea that it is declared would
save many hours In the delivery of
city mall has been suggested to First
Assistant Postmaster General Work
by Hobcrt C. Sayre, a former postnl
clerk, with fifteen years' experience.
The Idea Is to have Jill mall boxes
with two slots, one for "out-of-town"
mall, oue for "city mall."
Tho plan, according to Mr. Sayre,
would eliminate the primary assorting
of mail in the postal stations, and thus
save time nnd labor. The writing pub
lic would, In effect, sort Its own mnll
when depositing the letters in the mail
Mr. Sayre. who lives at 5540 Elliott
street, resigned from the servlco In
1018. but expects to be reinstated
within n short time.
Owen B. Jenkins Describes Influence
of Natlpn's Ideals
Though in the minority numerically,
Americans of American parentage wield
the most powerful Influence through
out the country, former State Senator
Owen H. Jenkins, told the Shrine Club
nt luncheon In the Hotel Adelphla yes
terday. Mr. Jenkins said that the origlnnl
English nnd Gcrmnn strnins predom
inated among native-born Americans
whose parents nlso were native-born.
The speaker declnrcd that sound Ameri
can characteristics nre generosity,
toleration, rnndor, mental alertness and
ldenllsm. He snid he believed four
grent agencies were working to Ameri
canize both natives nnd foreigners.
These ngencicH, he fnJrt, are fcchools,
churches, the press and industrial or
Parkslde Avenue Man's Machine Is
Discovered Near Wayne
An automobile belonging to Louis O.
Goldstein, 4282 Parkslde nvenue, stolen
while standing In front of his homo
on Tuewlny, was found early this morn
ing in the woods near Wayne by a
patrolman of Radnor.
The tires, engine, windshield, tools
and many other parts of Its equipment
hod been removed. About the only thing
left was the framework.
The police believe It was stolen by
thieves who make n specialty of dealing
in automobile parts.
When you say paper is "all rag" it conveys the
same idea of quality as when you say a fabric
is all'wool, or all'silk, or all'linen.
And just as there is a difference in quality in
wool, or silk, or linen, so there is a difference in
quality of rags. Some rags arc better than others,
and papers made from these ragsare better papers.
Rags range in cost from 4 to 25 cents a pound.
Crane's papers arc made from the best rags,
those that cost most and make the best paper.
The most responsible and important work a
paper can do is entrusted to Crane's papers.
100 selected new rag stoc
120 years' experience
Banknotes oaa countries
Paper money 0438,000,000 people
Government bonds of iQ nations
Administration Friends Want
Senator to Declare Attitude
Toward Combine
Political speculation has been run
ning high the last twenty-four hours,
based on several Important confer
ences, with the result that there nro
those who nay that tho Vare-Hrown-Cunningham
combination Is riding on
perilous waters.
Certain it is, according to the prog
ress of events, that a big drlvo Is being
conducted against Senator Penrose by
friends of Afayor Moore, with tho ob
ject of "smoking out" the "Big
Grizzly" on the county ticket.
Specifically, a determined effort Is be
ing made "to have Senator Penrose
declare gainst n Vare-domlnatcd ticket
for the coming primaries nnd support
the City Administration nnd the Inde
pendents In n demand for adequate rep
tesentatlon on the county ticket."
Harry J. Trniner. Administration
leader of the Third Wnrd nnl one of
the most Insistent of the anti-Vare
group. Is hcadlne the. drive. In fact.
he has intimated In talks with friends
that If he Is unsuccessful, he will re
tire from politics.
Started in Washington
The drive began when Trniner,
Andrew W. Frosch, Administration
leader of the Forty-second Wnrd; A.
Lincoln Acker, city purchasing agent,
nnd other allies of the Mayor called
on Senator Penrose at Washington. Xo
sooner hnd this group left Penrose than
the Senator summoned Thomas W.
Cunningham, his Philadelphia repre
sentative, and President Judge Brown,
of the Municipal Court, to Washington
for a conference. While this section
of the V-B-0 combination was on
Its way to Washington, Mayor Moore
was In close consultation with thoso of
his friends who had visited Penrose.
It Is obvious that the Trainer. expe
dition started something.
There appears to he no question
that the City Administration, in plain
terms, wants to know "where it gets
nfT" with respect to tho county ticket.
And it wants to know, one way or
the other, directly from Penrose.
Those In tho confidence of the Mayor
sny lie Is not disposed to sit idly by
while the combine goes nhead with
plans for a county ticket which takes
no account of the Mayor's friends.
Frequently of lnte Mayor Moore hn.i
strongly intimated to his supporters
that he Is rendy for a fight ngnlust tho
highest politlcnl power in the Stntc If
Independents nre to be ignored in the
framing of the county ticket. And the
Mnyor has been assured by his active
political allies thnt thoy will bark him
up. In such a conflict, it would seem,
urged friends of the Mnyor, thnt tho
Voters' League would henrtlly join with
the Mnyor in n battle ngaltiht the res
toration of contractor rule.
Press Penrose for Answer
Friends of the Mnyor are pressing
for nn answer from Penrose nt the.
earliest possible date. They point out
thnt the Inst day for filing nomination
papers for county offices is really not
so very far off; the date is the
2Hd of ilext month. Tho Adminis
tration men snid that In tlew of this
situation they would not be lulled Into
a false sense of security by statements
that "it is premature to discuss the
county ticket nt this time." They
insist that they will not permit thein
stlves to he caught In a trap; to be
"stalled off" until It is too late to do
effective cnmpnignlug. They want the
cards laid right out on the tabic and
they want them laid out now.
In Administration circles most of the
talk centers about the Vnre proposnl to
"slnte" Thomas F. Watson, chnirmnn
of the Republican City Committee, for
the office of City Treasurer to succeed
Frederick J. Shoyer. Vnre lenders as
sume thnt Watson will be slated. They
sny thnt Penrose should be sntlsfied
with the reuoiniantion of Mr. Rotnn
for District Attorney nnd the slnting
of Magistrate "Billy" Campbell, of the
"fighting" Twenty-fifth ward, for Reg
ister of Wills to succeed James B. Slice
hnn. Campbell is n Penrose leader.
Vnre men sny thoy should be recognt.ed
on n "fifty-fifty" basis and conse
quently they wnnt Watson for City
Treasurer and the rcnnmlnntion of W.
Freelnnd Kcndrick for Receiver of
Moore Men's Demands
Administration men, however, nre
''kicking up n fuss" about Watson.
They nrgue vigorously that nn ally of
the city Administration should be on the
ticket and should get the City Trcasur
ershlp. If the combine is split open at nil It
will split on the rocks of ths Olty
Treasurer nomination. This is the situ
ation that Penrose Is belntf called on to
consider. It Is up to him, It is pointed
out, cither to bnck up the combine In
tho "fifty-fifty" plnn nnd stand the
chance of a real fight ngainst the ticket
or "bust up" the combine by telling
"Tom" Cunningham nnd Judge Brown
to consult with the Mnyor.
In ihis latter event a fight may still
be in the cards. ' For the Vnrcs aro
strong for Wrttson.
in this ennnertlnn. one of the most
expert strategists In Philadelphia poll,--.
tics naa mis to say :
"Mayor Moore In In a comniandlng
Sosltion if he will take ndvantago of the
oodtlde. The combine ms played into
his hands, In the matter of rapid
transit, street cleaning nnd, to enp the
cllmnx. thc Hall ens ordlnnnce. The
Mnyor has it within his power to strike Is ,,, n r(0iH Condition In the Pcnnsyl
at the very heart of the combination W Vnnln Hospital with two bullet wounds,
vemiiig me gns diii nuu uy ""',
thnt It is nil done for a corporation nt
their expense. Suppose the Mnyor
Jumped Into the Gubernntorlnl fight.next
yenr nnd won out? He would then be
In a position to select his successor in
tho Mayor's chair. The Mayor, in my
opinion, enn smash tho combine."
Says It Will Improve Service
Reduce Waste
Improved service on n lnrge scnlc nnd
the elimination of waste are made pos
sible by the ndoptlon of the budget sys
tem by the Government, the Bureau of
Municipal Research said today in Its
weekly bulletin.
General Interest In the budget system,
the bureau stated, attests the fact "that
the American people show nn Interest
In their own vltnl nffalrs and that a
fundiimentnl change In conducting the
Nation h business can secure nlinost as
much attention from the press as n
prize fight, baseball or a sensational
scandal." The bulletin continues:
Tho act recently npproved crcntes a
bureau of the budget in tho Treasury
Department. The director of tho bud
get nnd his nssistnnt. however, are np
pointed by the President and arc an
swerable solely to him. Thcro Is no
provision for confirmation by tho Sen
ate The now almost universally accepted
nrlnclnlo of executive lcndorship In
budget making is recognized In the net,
the President being required to trans
mit to Congress his "cstlmntes of the
expenditures nnd appropriations neces
sary in his judgment for the support of
the Government." The act requires
that the President also present his pro
posals for financing such expenditures.
The same act provides for the estab
lishment of n gencrnl nccountlng office,
under n comptroller general, which Is
empowered to study government effi
ciency. This office is to be independent
of the executive departments nnd in
lnrge measure of Congress Itself. To
accomplish this end the Comptroller
Gencrnl nnd his nssistnnt, appointed by
tho President with the advice and con
sent of the Sennte, arc given fifteen
year terms of office and nre not rcmov
nblo except by joint resolution of Con
gress on specified grounds nfter notice
nnd hearing, or by Impeachment.
This unit becomes the central ac
counting, auditing nnd testing office for
the whole Government, except thnt the;
postnl service will have its own bureau
of nccounts.
Curtain Causes Small Fire
The flame of a gns jet ignited a cur
tain in thn home of Jacob Feldmnn.
2125 North Comae street, early this
morning, and started a firo which
caused a loss of 540. The fire was ills
covered by a member of the family, who
extinguished the flames before the fire
men arrived.
1320 Walnut Street
Black Horse TeaRooml
It's where the apples were benuteou I
country! Meal apot. Tako a fine ride
anil ft n 3-hour vacation Dlatlnculthed !
rtalntiee. Want something sturdy. too7 i
Special dinner Thursday. Saturday and f
Drive out Baltimore Ae. straight
throuK Media and IV, miles beyond to I
the famous
Black Horse Farm
rhone: Jfedta 103
PRINTED advertising,
thoughtfully prepared,
and mailed out every
month, will get you
your share of
The Holmes Press, Trinters
1313.29 Cherry Street
Men's Oxfords
Special This Week
Genuine Imported Scotch
Grain or Cordovan
flood Fall Oxfords. Win tip, fibre
slip, new dimple toe.
Formerly $13, ttQ 7C
Now Pil.lO
$8 to $10 Oxfords, now $6.90
Market 84,
OiMtnat fit
Man .Caught in Alleged Theft
'of Tires Wounded
in Flight
Frank Pony, twenty-four )enrs old.
received ns he wns Ileeinc with nnotncr
Negro nfter (hev are alleged to hav
been caught robbing Pier 0, on Dela
ware avenue. Pony, who gives his nd
dress. as 1141 South Klcvcnth street,
was shot by Wll'lam I.ucas. forty-five
yenrs old. 1010 Cnmbrldgc street, nlso a
Negro, who is employed as a watchman
by the Philadelphia nnd Bending Brill
way at Pier 8.
According to Lucas' story, he sow
two men jimmy open n side window of
the pier next to his nbout 12:45 this
morning, One of-them got inside, and
n few seconds later handed nut two nu
tomobilc tires to his eompnnlon. Lucas
shouted nt them, nnd they started to
When they refused to obey his cora
mnnd tn link I,ucnq fired three shotn.
One of thorn penctrntoH Pony's chest
nnd the Other his left side. Ho rnn
nbout hnlf n block before he fell. The
other mnn escnped. Lucn picked up
Pony nnd sent him to the Pennsylvania
Hospital. Here he was in, such n weak
conilltlon thnt n long exnininatlon wns
Impossible, but after n short question
ing he refused to rcvenl the nnme of
his eompnnlon.
I.uciih gave himself up nnd is held at
the Third and l)e l.nncey streets police
stntinn for a hcirlng this morning.
Victim Told Patrolman Not to Flash
Money, Ho Saya
John Phillips, n patrolman of the
East (Jlrard avenue station, was held
in ?800 bail for court by Magistrate Me
clenry, in Centrnl Station, todny,
charged with clubbing a man who cnu
tioned him not to flnsh a large roll of
Although the occurrence took place
At JtfVJLicMj (&6rU2)-
No Irritating Oih or Acid 'Frail Juice,
Jttit a Part, Rich, Creamy Cold Cream
Long- Acre Cold
Cream Tubes, 35c
7 ot. Cans, SOe, at Drug and Dept. Storei
First Penny
Savings Bank
The dollar that
looks small to
you today will
Brow bigger if
you put it on
deposit at the
First Penny
Savings Bank.
21st & Bainbridgc Sts.
Central Branch
1343 Chestnut Street
(Broad and Chestnut)
And Absolute Safety
Deposits received up to $5000
With 1300 square inches !
of additional sounding-1
board area these pianos I
, have a tone j
3 Sounding far superior to (
Boards that of small:
grand pianos.
This extra tone is the re
sult of the Heppe patent.
Prices are from $425 up.
inii, pnono or
full particulars.
write nt once fwr
C. J. Heppe & Son
Downtown 1117-1110 Cheitnnt St
Uptown 6ta ud Tbomptoi Sts.
1 i5a fTB'NrsrvrPi'j
Saturday night, -Lnwrencs Schncrfer,
Day street nenr Twelfth, did not hati
the patrolmnu arrested until last night.
He said he would have ben satisfied to
have Phillips pay the doctor's bill for
seven stlchcn in hl hand nnd numerous
small cuts on his nrm.
Schaeffer told Magistrate MVcienry
that Phillips passed his hwire and flour
ished n roll of money, declaring broad
cast what a wonderful timp he would
have on his vacation. Schaffcr advised
him to' put the money away, he said,
and the clubbing followed.,
Edison May Be Quest of Millionaire
Manufacturer Tomorrow
llnerstown, Mil., July 21. Henry
Lord Is scheduled to go Into camp nlin
tho Potomne River nenr Shnrpsburg
todny or tomorrow. Two large trucks,
with camping outlit, hnve reached here
by flat top car from Dearborn. Mich.,
nnd n representative of Mr. Ford is nt
n local hotel making nrrnngemeuts for
tho outing.
It has not been learned who will Join
Mr. Ford, but Thomas A. Rdisjn Is
expected to ncnln be one of the Detroit
manufacturer h cnmplng companions.
The duration of the proposed vncntlon
hns not been disclosed.
Robbed With Policeman Near
Wnlter O'Brien, of Oil Spruce
street, reported to tho police of the
Fifteenth nnd Locust streets station
Inst night thnt he had been robbed of
about SHK) and railroad return ticket
to Buffalo. N. Y., by two men who
held him up on Spruce street between
Tenth and Eleventh. O'Brien snid that
a moment previously the two men had
talked with a policeman near Tenth nnd
Spruce Btreets, and hod approached
him after the policeman had wnlkcd
around n corner.
V Hall Clocks y
Tubutar Ciimos.
for Halls -Apartments -Bungalows-andLAvr6
Featherweight Union Suits
Just as their name indicates in
weight, they are the next thing to
nothing and the coolest of all.
Generously cut and splendidly made
of fine Cambric and Mull.
Tnll Variety of Men's
1 334-1 336 Chestnut Street
Are you
going to
subject to the inflexible rules of law,
simply because you put off making your
Why not attend to this duty today?
Have your attorney draw up your Will,
naming this Company as Executor and
V War Tax IS Centa additional KmJ J
Andrews Ave.
(Ottens' Harbor)
l.are .Market Street Wharf
6 00 A. M., Standard Time
6;00 A. M Daylight Time
Lenro Comden
5:08 A. M Stnndaid Time,
6:08 A. M Daylight Time
Itrturnlni, leaye Andrews Avenne
1.83, ft.S8 and Tf.M V, M.lHtandard Time)
Boats available nt Anrjlosea, Ottens' Harbor, nnd Maurice River to
Fishing: Grounds and return.
Pennsylvania System
Senator and Governor Con
gratulate Now Party Organi
zation Through Mrs. Lorimer
Predictions thnt the Women s Re
publlcnn Club of Pennsylvania organ
ized Inst Monday, would Imvc highly
beneficial results to the party were made
In mPHAnrea of congratulations sent to
Mrs. Oeorge Horace Lorimer today by
United States 8cnntor Knox nnd Gover
nor Sprout.
Mrs. Lorimer wns elected president
of the club at its organization meeting
at the Civic Club.
Tho message from Senator Knox fol
lows: "I hcortlly congrntulate you nnd
through you the Republican women of
Pennsylvania upon the orgnnlzntion of
the first Republican Women's Club of
the Stntc. lour activities nre Dounti to
be clevnting in party manngement nnd
will be beneflcinlly reflected by Stntc
nnd nntlonal legislation. I congratu
late you pcrsonnlly upon your selection
ns president of the organisation."
Governor Sproul said:
"I nm pleased Indeed to have Infor
mation regarding organization of the
first Republican women's club of Penn
sylvania. The character of the officers
nnd members indicntes a enrcer of great
& Campbell
Summer Underwear
West End
Trust Co.
Broad StAr South Penn Square
Maurice River
Fishing Grounds
Lear. Market Street Wharf
20 A. M , Stan ,ard Time
6.20 A. M. Daylight Time
I.eaTtt Camden
6 28 A. M Standard Time
6 28 A. M DayllEht Time
Heturninr, tenre Muurlre River
4.40 P. M. (Standard Time)
j j
usefulness for this orgnnlMitfonaMc(w
t.. .(....ir-.. ,vj, Li,rt w. fifltMCTI t IWII 'WIT.
opportunity for service h the party, I
community nnd the State will bem
Inviting; to the talent r,md patriotism cT
lllVUlllg Itl lllf!
Itri InMnlior. "
The following womcri linve'bec'hliiac
hochnlrmen of the clubj Mrsv (Jeorge
I (Has Dixon. Mrs. II, H, Prcntbw
Nichols. .Mrs. George W. Childs Drrxel,
Mrs. Edward W. Blddle, Mrs. Henry
l$;Jl,'.n,?tt!'- J- Willis Mnrtln, Mrs.
Olfford Pinchot. '
Airs. Mnrj' Roberts Rlnehnrt, of !'
wickley. Pa., novelist, nnd Mrs. George
II. Evans, of Philadelphia, hnve been
added to the advisory cammlttee,
Tlaya Will Leave Today for Run to
Delaware Breakwater '
The steamship 1 layn. built by Ihe
"chnnt Shipbuilding Company for.
the Union Oil Company of Han Fran
Isou. will leave late this nfternoon on
n trial trip nlong Hie deep sen course
outside tho Delaware Breakwater. The
new vejsel Is n 10.000-ton oil tanker,
and will be In charge of Cnptain Francis ,
Iilden. It will return tomorrow erfl
nlng or Saturday morning.
Among those on the trip will be J,
L. Ackcrson and F. .T. Cooper, vlco
president nnd gencrnl manager, respec
tively, of the shipbuilding company:
Samuel Altken nnd M. . Isdnle. rcn-
i.rKiiuiuvn) ... in- mi Loinimnr ; cj. a.
Wnrd, naval nrchltcct, nnd J. E. P.
Grant, navol engineer.
Today, Tomorrow
and Saturday un
til One P. M., we
will sell the Bal
ance of our $55,
$50, $45 Suits at
One Price
Woolen and Worsted
Summer Suits in quiet,
conservative patterns,
light colors gray her
ringbones, pencil
stripes, checks, plaids,
blue and white stripes,
brown and white
stripes plain Blue
Serges, Golf Suits, etc.,
etc., remainders of
our regular $55, $50
and $45 Suits, now to
be sold at One Price,
A Short, Quick
Clear away of
Splendid Values!
Palm Beach or
Mohair Suits
$14.50, $16.50, $21
Regular Prices, $20 to $25
White Flannel and
Striped Flannel Trousers
$7.50, $9, $10.50
Regular Prices, $8.50 to $12
Perry & Co.
16th , Chestnut Sts.
SsssB fssssssssssssBI ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVsssssssl
H Up 21 stories above the H
heated street cool, H
comfortable, invitlnjr.
H Good food, moderate H
H prices, fine music no H
H more care free place H
H can be found to bring H
H wife and daughters for
Luncheon, Dinner or H
Supper. H
H Dancing 8.30 till H
H dating B
ssss 5" ma,1" '-"mwmamusM
F-,$& .i it . a'Vn' h-
Hjf' ' J 'ifejliA
!-.., Uii&t-J (Ml .1
Ei&2ii's j-- .' 'LL.
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