v: ' !.. L . 4 v-n-'M 17 j ' 'n'ir v; -' ; . ,r. - , .yv .' ii 4 '-W":W :. :e ) .. a i . i - i .' ' . '.- . i '''.. EVENING PUBLIC ' CEDEttPIil)ELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, , TUIjY 20, Itet V!,' , A - - - - ' - . .. . XjEl m tw. $ :l XJ Kv , vm i L?ifw .y. SASSU I H L NIHILIST. IS DEAD vlnlteil tho St. Potcrnburic prison and ordered tlir NIlilllH prisoner to bo hrotielit lirfnrr him. i linirnliiliov refused I to Kiilutc the Return), who In 11 fit of ' t-nnn 1i.ln.1 rt lit.. I.n nml .11 ntAtl (iifti: fiiiuiffci'ii lilt IIIU llilb iiiiu wiiii."i him Insltcd on the bare bnck. Whether or not Hojtotiiliov died under the punMiincnt, ns reimrtPil, or whether lor not he linil been the friend of ern nctln for the defense. Finally, In July, the Supreme Court of Appeals canceled the SoRsiilltch verdict on the ground of Informality and a fresh trlat was or dered, Vera Sassulltch, however, had escaped abroad In the disguise of a Sister of Charltj. In Switzerland and Knglnnd she edited revolutionary papers and iWfeged Daughter of Czar Shot ' Petrograd Chief of Police r in 1878 in Sassulltch, the oiinn woman took nulnlded terrorist enterprises In Russia linill ill uil'ii, t'licuurut'tt ii.v iiiv uiii- nesty granted hy Nicholas II. she, re turned to Itussla. She was a Rifted vritr and her es gu.s on social, political and literary subjects were collected nnd published In two volumes in 1IHMI. RELEASED BY RUSSIAN JURY Hy Hkj Associated Tress OoDenhnjren. July 20 Vera Sns- flulltch, a notorious Xlhillt-t known twenty-five years ago throughout the world, died at Moscow Monday, ac cording to a report received here. Vera Sassulltch was the protagonist In one of the most sensntlonal political "crimes" of the last centilYv-- the hooting In 1S7S of General Trepov. chief of police of St Petersburg, it ws the forerunner of a long series f Nihilist assassinations inspired largely b.T her example nnd by the deinonxtrn oath to avenge him or rather, as her .counsel nt her trlul ihvlnreil. to "ex pose to the whole country the hideous deed nnd thus forever pieveht its re currence." On February ft, 1S78. he called at Trepov's office on the pretense of pre senting a petition, When he stretched out his hand to receive the petition, she drew a revolver and ,hot him in tho side. The wound was seilous hut not fatal. Trepov has been described as the "pampered darling of Alexander II." and his assailant was promptly put on trial. Vera Sasstilitch rested her defense on her desire to direct the tJoverninent's uttciition, by shooting Trepov, to the outrages he was perpetrating In the presence of the Imperial Chancellor, and the brother and son of the Czar, the jury supposedly pneked, for it in cluded eight government officials brought in u prompt verdict of ac initial. Verdict Itrlngs Official L'liase The press received the verdict with tlon of popular sympathy provoked by npplnue. nn,i yielding to public opinion her trial, which terminated with the amazing verdict of "Not guilty." Born in 1831, Vera was reputedly the daughter of a distinguished army of ficer, but there is a story that she was really a child of Czar Nicholas I. When only eighteen years old she fell Into the tolls of the nollce. nnd for seven enrs was sent about from prison to prison. ) though apparent!) the only charge that ' could be brought against her wns that she was a friend of the sister of the agitator Netehacv. Her experien. e of police tyranny trnnMortneti tier into a fanatical revolutionist, but she so sui cessfully concealed her real sentiments that the Government made the mis take of freeing her, in 1S"(1. nt the height of the ' struggle ith the estab lished or,r," inaugurated by the famous manifesto of Tkatohev. Sworo to Aenge Sweetheart The Itussinn Government, in the winter of IS""-"1 adopted repressive measures t lint resulted In the arrest of 2000 persons, MM of whom were pub licly tried In St. Petersburg, nearly all being condemned to imprisonment or exile. Among them- was a student named Itngoluhor, ald In some to have been a- childhood sweetheatt of Vera Sassulltch General Trepoj . head of the police. the Government removed Trepov. Hut it also issued an ukase withdrawing from the cognizance of juries even cases nt "common crime" when such crime was directed against otic of the Czar's othcIaK Next, fresh regulations were fiamed for a change of the jury system, as well as for the discipline of lawyers JOHN D. GIVES UP OIL STOCK Disposes of Vast Holdings in Stand ard Company of New Jersey New Yorli, July 20. (By A. P.) John I). Ko'kcfcller bus disposed of all his nt holdings in t lie Stnndnrd Oil Complin) of New Jersey witii the exception of 1000 snores of common stock, valued at $10tJ.S7ti. according to mi uivouut published by the New York World Niday. he World's list shows that John t). Ilockefeller. Jr.. now holds I52.0M) shares of the common stock nnd 88,070 shares of preferred: the Ilockefeller General Education Iti-nid. 170..TJO tom inoit nnd 50,770 preferred ; the llocke feller Foundation. 100,000 (oinmon and fi.,000 preferred, nnd the J.nura Spot mnn Ilockefeller Memorial Fund, 40,000 common nnd 10,000 preferred. No information was nvnilnblc as to whether Mr. Ilockefeller was malting transfers of any of his other vast holding. PANAMA'S MEDIATION PLEA DECLINED BY ARGENTINA Republic Refuses to Arbitrate Old Boundary Dispute Hucnos Aires, July 20. (Hy A. P.) The Argentine Kcpubllc baa declined to mediate between Panama and Costa Itlca in the territorial dispute, which last March caused open hostilities be tween the two Central American Na tions and prompted the United 8tnes to semi several snarp notes to tho Isth mus before warfare ceased. The spe cial Panaman mission, consisting ot Ilarmonlo Arias And Hlcardo Morales, has departed for home. Tills mission has been holding con versations with President Illpollto Yrlgoycn and Foreign Minister Hon orlo Pucyrrtdon for several weeks, nnd has set forth every detail of Pannma'n part in the controversy in the hope that Argentina could be encouraged to take diplomatic steps of a mediatory nature. The dispute between Panama and Costa Ilica, which dates back nearly 100 years, reached an ncute stage early In Mnrch when Panama formally dis avowed an award by the late Chief Jus tice White, of tho United State Supreme Court, which gave to Costa Rica sev eral thousnnd square kilometers of land on tho Pacific sldo of tho Isthmus, In cluding the vlllago of Coto. Panama declared tho White award unjust nnd "completely unacceptable' Costa Hlca, on the other hand, con tended that the disputed territory wns wholly within her boundaries. m-mr 0 SHARP REDUCTIONS NEW LOTS ADDED to;-. . uauivc let1 Shoes for Men and Women SAMPLE TRUNKS & CASES MADE TO ORDER lo Trunks, Bags & Suit Cases Repaired Victor Valise Co., 48 N. 7th St. Mkt. 20S3 BEADS lUbhnzlne neil .Stltchln Ilrnlil EmbrnlUrrlnK anil Knitting' Silk 'Braiding Embroidering Beading j Hemstitching Scalloping- Pleating! ! NOVELTY EMBROIDERY CO. 1001 FII.llKItT 8TUEET .. , 0:59 fy ?r It Washington $n-oo Baltimore 3"S War Tax B additional Sunday, July 24 i-prflul Train I-tntta Standard Daliht Time Tim- Bread Ft 'a n an a.m t so a,M Veat I'hl.nda 1 S3 A M. 7 .15 A It. r.r.Ti'iiMNO m:avks WnahlnKton Standard Tim- 7 IS P M. Baltimore (Union SLa ) Htandanl Time SCOP M. Similar Eicuralona Amnit " nnd 21 Pennsylvania System Market and Fourth Ss. PHILADELPHIA No Question There will be no ques tion about your success if you work effectively, spend wisely, save persistently. Save here and there will be no question nbout the safety of your money nnd the interest It earns. CAPITAL & SLRPLl'S $1,500,000.00 w: t t I At ull A llruiilata fi BEWARE OF NITS! J KrmoTe tlirJJ rnnora of larrue nml vrrniln hr un iiliplk'utlun at m Hurmlcaa to hair or arnlv Raabe & Bowman, Inc. Ifc. I'tiarnnrU' S'3 Mnjdfr ,r I'hlU i af is u. ISIh St. SlonlfV Drnr I'd. ' ' 1,1'h,.. id N 11th Mnrfcft St. ' k '"IBM. "," r-0trrnt t llru ' ' ' Jnb IJroa. , tV. I0.H J. ISIh St. hv- ' 5 Clmbel Uroa, all drvgtittt TNTO STYLEBILT Suits 1 go particularly individ ual lines and the lines of the particular individual who wears them. They're AllWool;Hand-Tailored TL Hilton Company 1211 Chestnut Street .90 .B0 5-90 6 rr.90 O.90 Lots have heen regrouped and many new models added at these low prices. For men the season's pick of smooth Russia Calf and Grain Leathers in plain or brogue models. For women every fashionable leather and material in plain or sport effects, includ ing delightful new strap patterns. Models so new they are correctly suitable for wear right thi'ough the Fall season. The smaller lots are reduced to a frac tion of former prices to as low as 3.90 .NEWARK Clclhtt Shops in 'Principal Cititt NEW YORK BROOKLYN PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO. VMM.ua . ..6V.I. y I Harpers Wakver 1228 MARKET I022 CHESTNUT Shops TScT Nothing to Compare With Cadillac in Value Even from the Angle of Price There has never been a time In Its history when the Cadillac was not plainly the greatest value in America, or, indeed, in the entire world even if you approach it from the angle of price. In America no car is comparable with it in point of long and honorable history, or demonstrated performance-value over a long period. No car that assumes or aspires to comparison with Cadillac is known in anything like the same measure for undeviating reliability, and dollar-for-dollar return in uninterrupted long-service. No other car has ever won anything like the same overwhelm ing admission on the part of the public that it gives back dividends of unbroken satisfaction for every mile of use, whether the distance traveled be one or one hundred thou sand miles. Value expresses itself in the Cadillac not merely in countless miles of freedom from overhauling, adjustment, or repair, but as a result of that freedom in lower cost of mainte nance which lesser cars cannot equal. Expert opinion in Great Britian has pronounced the Cadillac the greatest car in the world regardless of price. r A I L TOP OFF That Oood llrnkfi.iit With min.I.Ilp Coffer Tonr flroerr him It. John Scott & Co., Inc. American nnd Diamond Bin, Philadelphia ; ; M M l i r-r-r-'y tV A!"W WNVWT" Wq,XsC'TP?ViVTl,rT,r',.f'i-ifi M"."- - " Tn i ir -, I JkTSv II I The pick VV I of the N$wy I barnyard! i e A Of I k carton of Im I twelve tf:) I At all our Stores P i i IBi At 12 tn 20 Smith SivtV, Ci. . . ,- w uuee are the jJistributirtg Headquarters 'fa HOUSATONIC BOND DANISH BOND INCOME BOND three different grades of bond paper that ; are tne best values at their prices. i? For finest work use Hbusatonic Bond xjoxnan xsuiiu ib a. mcuiuiii pncea rag sheot of splendid quality and clearness and can be used extensively, while Income Bond is still lower priced One or all of these staunch bond Dane will meet your special and regular require- - ments. Your printer will show you sample ahael: Envelopes to match. l DISTRIBUTED DY GARRETT-BUCHANAN COMPANTSSi&SSSgi We sell everything in Paper and TVi'xie HOUSATONIC BOND DANISH BOND INCOME BOND CMode by B. D. RISING PAPER COMPANY HOUSATONIC Berkthlre County - MASSACHUSETTS 4 I - II I I, I V fv "Your Ordar ROAMCP A m e ric a s American opinion unanimously echoes that conviction both nations are right. -and Phaeton $3790 Victoria 151(1 Sedan 1950 TourinR Car $3910 Suburban 5190 Limousine. fvTiO FOB n.trou. Bar Tax , be aid.d adstcr $3790 Town Brougham . . . 5690 Imperial Limousine . 5390 NEEL-CADILL A.C COMPANY 142 North Broad Street CADILLAC VteSKerf? Smartest To give Roamer Owners and Prospective Owners the best possible Sales and Service facilities the Philadelphia Roamer Company has been organized to take charge of Roamer distribution in the Philadelphia Dis.trict. This organization, while not a factory branch, is very closely affiliated with the factory, as Mr. A. C. Barley, President and principal owner of the Barley Motor Car Company, manufacturers of Roamer cars, is also President and one of the large owners of the Philadelphia organization. We believe the public will recognize the advantages of dealing with an exclusive Roamer agency whose interests are so closely allied with those of the factory. . Mr. J. F. Nolan, who lias been associated with the Roamer car since its introduction in Philadelphia, and formerly Eastern Sales Manager for the factory, is General Manager of the new organization and also District Sales Manager in charge of the wholesale business which will be handled out of Philadelphia. Mr. Nolan has handled Roamer sales and service in Philadelphia for so long that he is thoroughly familiar with all phases of the business. Some excellent territory Is available for properly financed dealers, and we will be pleased to discuss our selling franchise with them. PRICE REDUCTIONS EFFECTIVE NOW The Philadelphia Roamer Co. A. C. HAKLEY, President j F N0LAN, General Manager 842 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Phone Poplar 8357 0 VgRoamerio Worlds Mockhassi les SdqccI Records 'it me .:i & -cr 533r f&T I i -tv Sbgsaaaa5g. Sffiii I i' I I y- tip, . i . jtt.W..,(ni,i,v , i t.jn, f t.,'Mii; w ..,? Jk