it ."". r:'"r3 ?WW?;W v r .' ffi'i k: ; V . A w , tf ' i. tfi 1 iV 1 , rfQ. V EVENING PUbtlO LEDGES SDGijfi PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, "JULi 19,. 11)21 V7 .' ;.i f"v ,;,! rinl '" ,rl" ."u "",", J.jfr.a-i:.y P5d IIWIB IT CONTINUE " ...i ... know.'' cried tjt they ncm "- - ... i . t. tnnn " .7 !"'. lli i ten 1 1.' ."" . .i K f ire "that you hnve prrn D Pan-nt-lco. n . urIw.Hnevcv 5T.",,i ... stranger," Implored ?fcn.(Mho is not more so," re- Ajd'ben-Otlio 5W:df ?o to ."-I r i-nut why " .)OU. .., i, ,. ,hen from the liana ""'n . m -I, nuked. mheou' aU mi,vle with mortnlH, "When gods rn yul. Tf"" ' ,. Kv.-M.Tna.hc.,- "flhul.1 ho n,.pcnr before yu in the '. ,lou '..... ...i..i with nminreut lr- With him? uv"' f . . S; I " WM1 ,,,m nnl1 st'?r'n !..,.,.;. replied the mwinnn. l-ur "he duration of n moon 1 was with mm eonstan.ll''" . ,,s.nt0(i. "lie " ..''. h,r mis toward the ground M5 I niw mantled lier check, "lie im fi ""? "".I TniKin Knew that she W&l.VJtf. r. onJ 11t when he cm. claim her. , ''Hut tomorrow incy Rive "- ut,i'. hc saw ikiii.i. ,, - "Mav It be always tomonow, rt flhd Tarzan. "for tomorrow never W?'.'.' ... 11.1.. will come. ..A for all the tomorrow! of my life I SfltaS In misery, for the Tn-den who viu-ncvvi u ......... . II never ue num.-. ... , , 'But for I.ti-ilon I intent have help- ...ii ..1,1 11,.. nnp.nulll. "Allll Wild wnthat 1 muy not help ym. yet? 'Ah if vou only could. Dor-ul A. : it i..i iin ffiri. nnu 1 iimr-.v hit iou would if It were poilbl. for i -. At.. .nnA ttittn lrt IMMll ire ana ni i "" ":."" , ";; , tan iinii ii nil Kiiwwn winn u.- L,v hrliie." smlrt Tnrzan. "And Tarzan the terrible '$ By EVGAli itIOi UUKKUUitliS .' .. . it, "Tnrsan" Stories and the "Martian" Rlnrteit & Aumor v, ...- .""I 'iixmnycH, Kinre Ho Imil counted upon nothing different. If tin barn would Hot yield to l.ln cunninat they would yield (o IiIm plonf (trpiiKtl. if thore proved no other innnns of liisrcw, but flrrt he would (inure liimnelf thnt tills latter wiin Hie cuho. Jlovlnjr -ritlrcly nround the bulldlnif he xinnlned It cnrcfully. There weic Hhcr wlndown. but they were ilml hirlv barred. He Htopped often to look end listen, but he nw no one, nnd the soiiiuIh thnt he hrnrd were 'too far ivnv to cauMe him any apprehension. Up b aneed above him nt the wall of the D-illillng. Kike ho many of the other wnlli of the city, rmlnw- and temple, it wbh ornntely cnrAPil, and there were. too. the peculiar lelf(i that hi n sometlmrn In u horizontal plane nnd nsnln were tilted nt nn uiirIp. rIv iir ofttlmes nn lmprcislon ot Irrcjtu niltv nnd oven erooledrioif4 tc the liillcl nc. It wnn not a illflleult wall to el mb. at leant not dlflieuir tor the itpo-riian. Hut ho found the bulhy nun nwKwaid lictd-dress a coiiKMeiablp hiindlcap. nnd ko he laid It aside upon the ground at tho foot of the wall. Nimbly ho wended to find tho window s of the iccond floor not only barred. 1ml cur Kiinrd within. Ho did not delny Iohr nt (ho xccond floor, .since lie hnd In mind an lilen tlmi lm -iiM n.,,i n, ennicst ontinnee thriMigh tlie roof, which up nnu noticed wax roiiRlily dome limped, like tho tlironc-room of Ko tun. Hero th re wpic iipcrturcs. Up hnd Keen them ftom tlio Rroiind, niul It the construction of the interior re-i-emblod even Hllghtl.v thnt of the Hi rone-room, bars would not be ncco Miry upon these npertureh, since no one could reach them fiom the floor of the room. There was but :i tliiRle question: would they he lur?e enmih to admit tlie tiropd hhouldei'.'j of the npc-manV He pmiHcd iisiiln nt the third floor and l-ori'. In spite of the hntiRinRs, lie miw that the interior wits lighted and siinultnneoiis'y there csiiip to IiIm nos irils from within a fcent that stripped from him temporarily any lemnant of civilization that mislit Iiiixp rcinnlncd nnd left him a fierce nnd terrible bull of the jungles of Iorehak. So Midden and complete was the metutnorphoMiH thnt there olmost broke from the snvnRe lips the hideous challenge of his kind, but the cunning brute mind snved him this blunder. And now he heard voices within the voice of I.u-don he could hnve (worn, lemnniling. And haughty nnd disdainful .nine the answering words, though uttir hopelcs-ntss spoke in th'1 tones of tills other voice which brought Tarzan to the pinnacle of frenzy. Tho dome with Its possible apertures was forgotten. Kvcry consideration of stealth nnd quiet was cast aside us the npe-innn drew back his mighty fist and struck a single terrific blow upon the bais of the small window before Mm. n blow that sent tiie bars nnd the casing that held them clattering to the floor of the np.irtmont wihlu. Instantly Tarzan dived headforemost through the nperture. carryinRthe hang ings of antelope hide with him to tlie lloor below. Leaping to his feet lie tore the cutnngllng pelt from about his bend only to find himself in utter dark ness and in silence. He cnlled aloud a name that had not passed his lips for mnny weary months. ".lane. .lane," ho cried, "where are yon?" Hut there was only silence in reply. Again nnd again he cnlled. RropInR with outstretched hnnds through the Stygian blackness of the room, his nostrils assailed and his brain tantalized by the delic.ite effluvia that had first as sured him that his mate had been with in tliis very room. And he hnd heard her dear voice combating the base de mands of tlie vile priest. Ah. If he hnd but acted with greater cnution ! If lie nnd but continued to move with quiet and stealth he might even nt tills mo ment be holding her in his nrms while the body of I.u-don, beneath his foot, spoke eloquently of vengeance achieved. Hut there was no time now for idle self-reproaches. He stumbled blindly forwnrd, group ing for he knew not what, till suddenly the floor benenth him tilted and he shot downward into a darkness even more utter thnn that nbove. He felt his body strike n smooth surface nnd ho realized that lie was hurtling down ward as through a polished chute while from above there came the mocking tones of n tuunting lnugh and the voleo of I.u-don screamed nftcr him: ''He turn to thy father. O Dor-ul-Otho!" Tho npe-mnn enme to a sudden and painful stop upon a rocky floor. DI lectly before him wns nn oval window crossed by mnny bars, and beyond he saw the moonlight playing on the waters of the blue lake below. Simultaneously he was conscious of a familiar odor in the nir of the chamber, which it quick glnnec revealed In the semi -darkness ns of considerable proportion. It wns tiio faint but unmistakable odor of the gryf, and now Tarzan stood silently listening. At first he detected no sounds other thnu those of the city thnt came to him through the window overlooking the Inko; but presently, faintly, as though fiom a distance, he heard the shuttling of padded feet along n stone pavement, and as he listened he was a win o that the sound approached. Nearer and nearer it cume, and now even the breathing of the beast wis audible. Evidently attracted bj the noise of his descent into its cavernous let rent it was approaching to investi gate. He could not see it, but he knew thnt It wns not far distant, and then, drafcningly there reverberated through those gloomy corridors the mud bellow of the gryf. Awnre of the poor eyesight of the beast, and his own eyes now giown ac customed to tlie daiknesa of the cavern, the ape-ninn sought to elude the in furiated charge which he well knew no living crciituru could withstand. Neither did lie dare risk the chance of experimenting upon this strange gryf with the tactics of the Tor-o-don that he had found so efficacious upon that other occasion when Ms Ife and liberty had been the stakes for which he cast. In ninny respects the conditions were dissimilar. Heforo, In broad daylight, he had been able to uppronch the gryf under normnl conditions in its natural statu, nnd the crvf Itself wns nun Hint wtt hesitancy of the priest to discuss I he hnd seen subjected to the authority Bi1 i j impression tne ape-man mini, or ui mini in iiiiuuikp. creniure; J Mined at tho trine that Lu-ilon! but here ho was confronted bv an lm- 'T''" I nrliinnAil llpnsl In flin f.ill uit.imr t( n Anil n 1. ' """ " ..." ... ..... ..... .... ... i. i k . ne Bt00c' at 1Q8t alone be- furious chaige and he had every reason " ine structure, which wns three ! to suspect thnt this gryf might never kBiV ne,B't nnd detached from nil have felt the restraining influence of i.EU i ple buildings. It hnd n authority . eonflnccl as It was in this 'lie DarrPM ftntviinnA .l.l.i. . i 1.. . ll,..i 1 . ., . , torn th nil -"""'"" which wiih enrvcu gloomy pu to serve uiseiy nut ine single to heart It rocl,ln wptenentntlon of purposo thnt Tnrznn hnd already seen Wath eonM?8i iV w i 8 W'ldo-onen bo graphically portrayed in his own ex- lad hnmi .i i " "oorway, Tnii pcrlenco ot tho Inst few moments. Mwera ?lpnio? tp,nvof the oreo- To elude tho creature, then, upon chin .in: i "";"" it my tho possibility ot discovering some loops "ad betw.n ?. c.r Jftw. on ,ho I'"10 ot 0S-'aP from lliH Predicament U oval wimin , ."'.,,iK?r,'ul I'.'.'.""' seemed to the npe-mnn the wisest courso pursue, 'loo much was at stnko to dt nn encounter that might be avoided ? tPped Into tb.Hnrl.n-1 ' ar'. Tftl" ' nn encounter the outcome of which &.! tried the "bar. rnW !S!Sn. "'"P. wns every reason to apprehend C'PW were InsenlouriV inii.. ' 1 w( pan-at-tcc has told me how brave ou " . . ... ...m .t..m l.r..i 11,1.1 and at me muuc u"i- " ...... Only Jad-ben-Otho knows whnt the ,;. L,v hrlne." snld Tarzan. "And U jou two go your way lest some one ilonld discover you mm i"i; -- rWe will bo." Ruld O-Io-n. "but Pin-at-lce will return wmi loon, i Hpethat you escupe nnd that Jail-ben-Otho is nicnsod wltli what I lfnve done." Stic turned and walked away. ladTan-at-lee followed, while the apc nin analn resumed his hiding. At dusk Pnn-at-Iee came with fooil Hi having her alone Tarzan put the MMtlonl that he had been anxious to Sat since his conversation earlier in tlie it with O-lo-n. "Tell me," he said, "what you know of 't rumors of which O-lo-n spoke of tie.rnrrterioiis stranger which is sup posed to bo hidden in A-lur. Hnve you too heard of this during the short time thai you have been here?" "Yes," said Pnn-at-lee, "I .have heard it snoken of nmong the other i slates. It is something of which nil whuper among themselves, but of which none dnies to speak aloud. They y that there is n strange she hidden In the temple nud thnt I.u-don wants her" for a priestess and that Ko-tan wiita her for a wife and that neither is nt dares take bee for fear of the ether." "Do you know where she is hidden lithe temple?" asked Tarzan. "No," said I'an-nt-lec. "How should I know? I do not even know that It is more than n story nud 1 but tell you that which I have heard others J.'1 "There wns only one," asked Tar ns; "whom they spoke of?" "No, they speak of another who cams with her, but none seems to know whst.bKame of this one." Tanan nodded. "Thank you. Pan !," he said. "You may have hwped me more than cither of us taws." J'l hope thnt I have helped you," said ttj girl as she turned back toward tho Mlice. Allii T tilfA est iaa t I , ..! 1 . ,I jUiian emphnticnlly. ,; CHAPTER XVI The Temple of the Gryf Whfn nlS I....1 r..ll..K rp j i -. . , tutu iuiiuii xuiauii llllllUL'ii mask and the dead mil of the priest JOM sljln In the vaults benenth the ttmnle. Jlr. i, ..i, i .i.. i. i.i ..... J ,- -' J1"'!'" 11111. II. UIIIU UUl i4ii,,t('tnDt, nai" t0 P,lKS the guurd, . '.,, -- ' ."m t.i. iiiiiv. us ii Yimiu M lUely to arouse comment nnd sus- v.i ' n,n(i a llc swung Into the tree ; overhung tho gnrden wall and from jond " "rPPcd to the ground bc- .iV?i(""g ,0 Krnc risk of apprehen- W0H the lUIP.mnt, i,.,ui.n,l 1. . , .. 1. .1... 1 to the court of tlio p.iliicp, up- 'wwii-T . p lempie from the side op WMte to that at which he had left It ii i. : e 0I ms escape. He came thus, " S true. tlirnilO')! n nnrllnn ,,f !,. rounds with which he wns unfamiliar. MWi Prccrrcd this to the danger of mi?.' the bea,en track between the i.m? "tmentN and those of the in . i IlBTinB n 'Icfinitc goal in mind mi?.l i owed as ho wn w't' nn almost wjculous sense of Iocntion he moved "W great assurance through tho slmd- .m tl,e '""P1' ynrd. "King advantnge or tho denser shnd ri".cl05 to the wnlls and of what MfUDS and r-. i i !!.. i ,"'""' iiirrv-- nrri' no en me J" aout mid,,,,, ftt nst t0 iho onintc ,3 concerning the purpose of Wcn he had nsUerl I.u-don. onlv to be Wt Off Willi fl. ..,... J. ... .!.. , i,.,7 '"I iinoKlllilll nnu ii wiim "gotten nothing stranse in itself, hut PytODosslblt! Importance bv thn nn. I kotl hm rM the nol r0!' "" Wb present estate now appeared vFitP "suited. Nothing vaAu';1' ,1,cro ,,nslp(l ' th v,'n8 of ''- "nvng k lti tlw larkene intornrV'R'-i lord n warn, glow of thanksgiving nnu Wmr baffled, he Bought the te'RJM tho bnr. r.f.. .1 t- ..... tho bnm retitunA 4. i.i t,but,,i,nTSM,w;i nnd elation, Slio lived ! After nil tJicso weary months of hopelessness nud fear ho had found her, She lived' r CONTINUED OXMIOimOW. THE GUMPS Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It By Sidney Smitfc VjElI- fii.n fiMPC ns r uiMont . io fCf OufTD M.IVIi.'S' k mllLvlMf . .... we. v.ui. imi N.nrsrv.c ny TTVVCC am h.v ujiva a ukv of -..J Ariounp iivdh- aw iMtDar.vir fiwvi I,.. .vr!" wUf. rwri r nwwin i ui-k v r nr ics. UK AbMU nn Vliutrk"s WOYI X017 TWE VOUR.. LFET IN VoVJft. vtAVAhs i.,vir- v-ii cuclLV no svi rtvac -it? Yice7 - J.r. "r,v 1UW -"i-r-. vi .. ..v, wT- tvu BHiTTUItvtO HAB' 'MVT V.WJUVH1 Ole. W KONOGRX a, M.KgrV.V.OW MVTUR. OA.VE WfA NO CEFTiN'SLtu DWl rN UU U UEQtt Qj " ILJnK- I I 1 Ii IT II i mi ! Sill i . IMIII' i..i r-u wmm a ttv ' l Ujjaj f a ri f IIIOL'n I Hi D I N "' n S ( f-nkldfrin tl If ffl nnmi f flU m TSEStf'M Pit f ' " d ni Tk. in -- ' 1 ' U " ' ' "' ' r ' -w " VUlf.tTZ U.fx.. 1 h Jittf ,u "m AUO TMLRfS -TXb OEER. i-rvt a HltUON tOLLRS OVXH Qp HOCNV A.MJT0 . "H tore r OU'RE TAsVCINC) - NVT)R.e (JAVE Vou A NVCKEL'S VOR. OF lHYEV.LFCr A.Mt A. rAII I iriVJ ti . - ' X'-l-,-tA-t op a.- ' "" NORTH i SOMEBODY'S STENOG Looks as if a Romance's Brewing Copyrlcht 1021. by Publlo I.edcer Co. By Hayward AIMT-YOU 60H'TO hivilWj'"X CAtiT- TAMOE VlTH ME 7VIIS AFTERAJOOW UK& I FORGOT- I HAVE1 AW EMGAGEME.NT Vm .Air. V51) UAc THIS AFTE.RA1GOW. . W V . .. - !- --F -J MI5S OFLA6E ? I T MT1 twfj r o & ri, 5V S 7 I J T 'swfef. xO VarV p ' Mr ? -iJTl ' W'J J-" il Vi nu. "ulifr ISM T IT STRAM6E, WE.VE BEEAj AT THE- H SAME HOTEL AAJD HAVEN'T -MET BERORE.' . "THOUGH .REALLY SJbn kAlow IT .SEEMS - THAT X KWEV HtlU A6ES AS9-ERHARS H IOU VJCie v OTJIIAAJ rKiwctss r-rf yzr? Amd x rftfm ('&$ TUR SLAVE . ' ,$&f. V- r,J-c '&& t-'j' iad" ."V n W '-, :o9JiiM ' p . I M HERE.' FOR A REST-dUST BACK FROM IAJDIA BI6 TEA PLAMTATIOAI6 T2?U kAJOW.AAJD That sort of bore STOPPING- HERE LOM6 ? 3TT OH.WDEFlMlTtfLY UAJLESS AV3THAW WlREd SHE S 5bM6 To FRAMCE OAIE DOES SO AIEEO THE REST AFTER OHE& 5oc al. cares ui Touiii rv'iii'T- iv,ii '" .w-., hk'i MJJ r THlAlk AME. ""- '--- - Does? 7 ,v .-9. t c l I f- m .v m j - iv. .-e-H -a-t WHV- VAA -TTmiaii L-, This isa fair hotel- OF COURSE I VOULb HOT COMPARE. IT VITH U some on The Riviera. Perhaps i amade a AAI5TAKE THOU6H AlOT BRIM6IW6 AT LEAST OM& OF MY MAIDS. UARIE DID SO WISH TO COME AUW6 TOO'. EU,IA DEUCU I UUAD lO BE f-REE AViHIL&.,T''KMOW. James aav valet was alwa.vs umder my feet! bw the wav, will you take a ride with AME TDM5RP0W ? u-j, r R s s W kin, Com -Z ' c CM Z.J?' The Young Lady Across the Way e a -Hi! Thc Tooncrvillc Trolley That Meets Ml the Trains Du Fontaine, Fox The young lady across the way says she Bhould think n boxer who wini on n foul would nlwnys be ashamed of having struck the un fair blow. ' ?K VsL 3rW ZSffiJM ZSgx C? rJrVv l, liWMm lW?y CoMCS iM MiGHTY XMOY WrlEM " 'kf-' A PUNCH OF COMMUTERS GT ofF 'j rrfg TftAlN AND TWE 5KiPPR IS " - KoT THERE vViTH THE CAR. tf . - - .-. IsHTlll I nsriswt i - IT Sll I I 'l SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG viEULvuri DONrotA 1Uor vofi oonTotA pajtc ta. ,P yours A6orti PAsre M' Hese I Ni Vaij-iH FisuTiW fatre. Or eerene vw to t'p Awra You b rttK ovr WHtaLoJlksflrMB JCCH' finch vsiwss Jul t'p Aovue You Pick ovr BliHrjBKBnRx PKK(Mf - cn I himt Fr ' fo5z3Psmmmv V 23mMlXmtmSr& hows cAmc re, ure . iri1' i n'i'1 i WMKfflAvMnimi 'ft wshsm tr.oa oovsi HiMHHhi? 1 1 Wlf1!!!!! t - PET EY Something to Think About By C. A. Voight THE CLANCY KIDS An Ounce of Wisdom Is Better Than a Hand of Bananas By Percy L. Crosby &!-,''' a?- JrnAkS.,:-, , w , - .. mmmmm . , , mum lml , g mw a- ,.. - . jT 3TUFF.r?A WONOCR rilWOUCON'T TRUST THAT? r TMCRC NO 600Y MINOIN Zlt ' I H toooLON'r (3oy I ?UV CtCrf FRONHERe To TH6 STAND, Gur I WON.T --?jn5f I ; -foMeTHfN'ONee n j LTe cornsr. He's a bad uipe NOTHiN'-cAuse riSTiiril I If uL IlILJUULI JULSLJLMai if . ,a I. . y .. ', ..V:, n . - .-,7.y.-.v '"T-".h. -vr. ' - tuyy-y, , .yV f.Jjat. f i?3t , ( , . .. r v J. K-Yll. , v X'lW ii Wv . (.j - '-"'.' "ti!l mm vmM M sVU 1 ! x -A - '