V ' i "a . --? r r V ' EVENING- PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, JULY 18, 1021 13 a r JL ' if OIIAPTBK I ui,m to tho Ilescue Laymis music filled Twinkling Isle. fj it was made by the birds singing rffthlir f Icbrflte ll,e drlv,nf nuny teeWffjsrus ' WffirMK't !'l .mote. .! D'lly- 'rS".. of Victory tvj? .on of tills I""1 C0m0 t,1? 5rn.SS 'fc sit by brands In the hands o? the Economy Men's Life- Guard Bathing Suits $2.75 Preferred b y omo men to any other style; com- plete wuh "juto .T.nvMeSS wool shirt, flannel v trunks and belt. Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits. Woven of worsted and cotton, 'in tho two-pleco or Pacific Coast styles, tho latter with shirt and trunks knit in one piece, well made suits very good values. S??EilE5URQS Kco"my Basement Splendid Midsummer Values in Women's House Dresses ' at 75c Of ginfjhnm in plaids, stripes and solid colors, finished with trimmings of plain material. Good value, serviceable dresses. Women's House (fcf QC Dresses $lyo Good quality gingham dresses, In pretty stripes, checks and broken plaids, trimmed with plain-color chambray or white Sizes 36 to 44. SNELLENBURCS Economy Basement Manufacturer's Surplus Stock of Women's $S.50 to $6.00 Knitted and Fabric Bathing Suits at $2.95 In a variety of oxtiemely smart and attractive styles round, square and V-neck lines various high-colored trimmings made with and without pockets. Desirablo suits at their original prices phenomenal values at their present markings! A Wonderful Lot of Women's $4.98 Worsted Tuxedo Sweaters $2.79 si. ... In the popular Tuxedo style, in smart contrasting color combinations. SNELLENBURCS Eco'")n'y Basement $3.00 Corsets at 95c They are made of pink or white coutil, with medium bust or giidlo top. Good range of sizes. 600 59c 7Qr Ea. Bandeaux, at"' A special lot of bandeaux, made of a fancy pink material, jn a wide range of bizes. SneLLENBUrIJS Economy Basement $2.98 Ready-to- Hang Window Awnings $1.49 Made of good-looking hite stripo awning duck; 85aUopod "fes bound yith white Mi Com P'ete with J I frame; Including ni fixtures for iiancim. o: ., . . . Inehea wide. ' ' V and 48 fillld!1 andph0M orc' promptly 5000 Yards of Me to 49c Cretonnes ' Go on Sale At J5c Yard otto, !" V K?0,i ortment "-ENBUnr.Ci r.conomv Ha. ,. i i-x O" '-W $1.50 gL-Jp ,iVM monkeys, mid this fire had forced the pirates from their usual nnug hiding holes, and the only placo they had (o go was out on tho open ocean. The- birds sang gladly because now their friends, tho tlhy fairies with dragon-lly wings, no longer need fear. The fairies could return to tho shores of the bay to play and dance as they had played and danced when I'ecgy, Billy, Folly Wisher and tho African girl and her brave young husband had first come to the deserted Isle. "Come back I Come back, sweet fair ies!" Bang the birds. "Come back 1 Your human friends have made choking clouds, and tho cltids have driven the evil swamp pirates far awnyt1' The song was passed along from bird to bird, sneedlng as fast as n teWrnnh message. It went over the hills, across mc piaina nnu uown into a dark cave hidden deep In the earth. In that dark Basement Specials for STORE OPENS DAILY AT 9 S MONDAY, JULY IB, 102 1 f NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCK -N4RKET II zt 12 STREETS L M Extra Special! Clearaway of Persian Voile Blouses at 1 Q each In n good assortment of colorings. Odds and Ends of Soiled Blouses - Originally Much Higher Priced Marked for Quick Clearance at 59c Some arc trimmed with colored organdie, others with lace nnd embroidery. A truly wonderful collection at this price. White Gabardine Skirts Very Special at I'inisnea with clever novelty selection or three. ana at tnis low price many women are selecting two SneLLENBURgS Economy Basement One of the Biggest Towel Bargains We Have Ever Offered 500 Doz. Huck Towels at 60c Dozen Usually Sold at $1.00 Dozen Woven from two-ply yarns, thick and absorbent; medium size with neatly hemmed ends and plain or fancy borders. Excellent for face, hand or barber towels. Values like these are so extremely rare that we doubt whether they can bo duplicated in Philadelphia. Mail and phone orders given careful attention. .'3NELLENBURG5 Economy Basement Our August Sale of Sheets, Etc., Offers $1.89 Garden City Bleached Seamless Sheets at 98c Each Size 81x90 inches, sheets. One of the $1.25 Bleached Seamed Sheets, Each Size 72x90 inches. & 50c Bleached Bolster Cases, Each , Size 42x72 inches. 50c Corded Pillow Cases, Each Size 45x36 inches. Of a good grade of sheeting, with 18c Wilton Unbleached Muslin, Yard o 30 inches wide. One of the beBt brands of muslin on thn OC market' SHELLENBURuS Economy Basement 2400 Men's $1.25 and 7Q $1.50 Night Shirts at iVL Made of 80x80 count muslin and good grade cambric. Surplice necks. Nicely finished with braid trimmings. Some arc slightly stained, others have trifling imperfections; but nil are exceptionally good values at this very low price. All sizes. "y Boys' $1.75 Washable Suits 75c Popular Oliver Twist and Billy Boy models. Of good quality chnmbray, in sizes from 3 to 7 years. Boys' 51.33 Washable 85c Knickers Made of blackand white crash and tan khaki; sizes from G to 18 years. Boys' 95c Blue Denim 45c Overalls Apion front and shoulder straps wee girls wear them, too, for piny on the beach. Sues 4 to 15 yeurs. SI 3.75 All-Wool dQ fC Blue Serge Suits. $0.70 Made with full-lined knickers in sizes from to 18 years. SNELLENBURGS Ef0om' Basement SNELLEftBPli & jUO.. .! , : cave- wero huddlod th (lny fairies, keeping vory quiet nnd not daring to stir for fear the swamp pirates might hear them and como to harm them. "Come back! Tho swamp pirates to gonol Peggy and Billy have driven them away. Come, hold a Jubilee!" The tiny falrlea heard tho song and thrilled with Joy. Out of the cave they Ulttcd to see If the swamp pirates were really gone. And, when the fairies saw the Island wns free of their fees, they danced through tho air ns though half crazy with gladness. IVggy and Billy danced, too, but not having wings they couldn't dance so airily as the fairies. "Olvl wIsliMve were as tiny as the fairies and could danco as they do," cried Peggy, Instantly Peggy and Blllv vanished from the sight of Folly Wisher and Hie two African Bavnges. Ono moment they were there nnd tho next4 poof! A. M. CLOSES AT B P. M. each An Attractive Group of Fine Quality Voile Tub Blouses 7QC at Including tho popular Peter Pans, now so much worn with sleeveless dresses, trimmed with touches of pretty checked ging ham, or with strips of embroid ery and lace. Many have daintily lace-trimmed collars. Quite a good assortment of sizes in each style. 79c Each pockets and wide belts. A good most famous standard makes of 69c 39c 39c SNELLENBURGS Economy Basement At the Foot of the Basement Stairs, Subway Entrance Our Convenient Soda Fountain Delightfully refreshing sodas, sundaes, etc. hard, frosty, de liriously flavored ice cream daintily prepared luncheonettes. All served quickly, quietly nnd efficiently, in an ntmosphere that is restful nnd inviting. Our Ice Cream Sodas Arc Dick to the Old Price 10c War Tin lo And Just a Step Aicay Is The Candy Counter Offering These Specials COc Cooling After-Luncheon Peppermints, jn ib oyC 5c Chewing Gum WrJgley's, Bceman'fl and Other Q for ia Fnvorltes O 1UC SNELLENBURGS Economy Basement UN. SJiUKN&USG They were no more visible than a puff of wind. Where had they gone? Peggy and Hilly scarcely knew themselves. They found themselves suddenly In the midst of a wild Jungle. In this Junglo were creatures wltll many legs creatures so fierce-looking that Peggy and Mllly climbed oulckly' up a tall green trunk that stood near. But one of the creatures saw them. It started after them up tho tall trunk. Other creatures Joined In Hie chase. In an instant Peggy and Billy found them solves being hunted as dogs hunt coons. Billy boosted Peggy up the toll trunk, faster, faster, until they reached tho top. Then they could climb no higher, and the many-legged creatures were right behind them. "Be brave!" shouted Iilllre "I'll fight them as long as I can." It didn't seem mat Jlllly would be ntIe to fight Tuesday Just Before Stock Taking We Are Closing Out a Spcndld Lot of Girl's $2.00 Middy Blouses for $1.00 Up'-to-the-minuto stylos smart, new checked ginghams with short sleeves and ties Balkan or co-ed bottoms.' Or plain white in snappy sports styles. Ideal for outing or morn ing wear. Girls' $1.50 & $2 70 & fl Middy Skirts yL l Good quality and very popular for sports or general wear. Pleated on bodies or bands. Girls' S3.00 and $4.00 Serge mZis $1-95 & $2.95 Smart, good-looking skirts, of plaid or plain navy blue serge, pleated on bands or bodies. A skirt like this will pive splendid service this summer and then be ready for school wear in the fall. Girls $1.50 to $2.00 Camping Outfits, 39c, 55c, 69c & 89c Khaki bloomers, skirts, farm erettes, overalls nnd scout blouses, nil specially price'd. bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement $1.50 and $2.00 Colored Q Petticoats vJti They como in black, dark col ors, figured and flowered designs; trimmed with corded and ruffled flounces. Also striped gingham. $2.00 White Sateen Petticoats $1 Good quality whito sateen, shadow proof somo with double panels. Prettily flounced, scal loped and hemstitched. Some extra sizes ut this price. bNTLLENBURcS Economy Basement Buttonback Bungalow Aprons 49c Of percale and gingham handy to slip on over one's dress. $2.00 Bungalow Aprons 98c Very attractive models cut full and trimmed with belts and pockets. SneLLENBURgS Economy Basement Very Attractive Indeed Are These Children's Cool Organdie Frocks at$L59&$1.79 Dainty and crisp, in a number of charming styles, trimmed with raffles nnd big, fluffy snshes. Somo have whito waists nnd col ored skirts others arc in solid color. And very lovely colors, too pink, blue and maize. Sizes 2 to G yeais. Childen's Muslin pa Night Gowns J5UC Made in slip-on styles. Low neck and short sleeves- trimmed with embroidery. Cool and pretty. 4, G nnd 8 year sizes. Children's Muslin r Drawers wOC Of excellent quality material in bloomer style. Babies' Nninsook sr Princess Slips OVC Daintily trimmed with em broidery. Sizes 1, 2 and 3 years. Bnbies' Short White sr Dresses 0"C Of excellent quality nainsook, fine nnd soft; made in dainty yoke and bishop styles. Sizes from o months to 2 years. SNELLENBURGS Economy Basement jyg&jTM I $1.00 JJ 4 f Q J those fierce creatures more than a min ute. "I wish nn airplane would come to our rescue," cried Peggy. An ulrplnne seemed the only thing that could pos sibly pare them, In answer to Peggy's wish a shadow nwept across them. They looked up. Sure enough, there wns nn nh-plnnc swooping down. And behind tho first nlrplnne wns another and another a whol flock of them., But they were very nueer nlrnlanes. Tho aviators hung lioncntli them and the nirpinne wings stretched out from tne aialors''bodlp, "Why. they nre living nlrplnnes," cried Ultly. He liml no time to pny more, for two nirplmiCN dipped down. The nvlntors strctfhcil out their hnndH, grabbed Peggy, ami bore her into tiie air. Two other nlrplnnes. dnrted at Billy and snatched him from the green trunk, just In time to escape the jaws of the many-ieggcq crcnturcs. "Fcnr not," spoko tho soft voice of one ot tno nvmiors in I'cggy s car. "You saved the tiny fairlei from their foes thp swamp pirates, nnd now the tiny fnlrles hnvp snved you." This surprised Peggy. Where were the fnlrlcs? And how had tho fnlrlcs saved them? Peggy wns to lenrn soon, nnd thereby was to get another surprise, as will be told tomorrow. Oven Baked Beans Individual Pott rfORrffcrtRRDRRT 1 BmCING (P. HVMMKIt nKSOKTE ATLANTIC t'lTV. N. J, Am. rian J3.B0 Up Unity) Npcclnl Wetkly M0NTICELL0 -THE HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY" KrntnoVj At , clei la DtirJi and Sled Plrj hoi and caM ranniog wtttr in rooms; prlfl hithi, lTter from tret Isvcl id qturafrom t'rolfttant and Catholic Cfaarchrtt iellent tattlf, 120,000 tpf nt on Inlerl r InproTtismta, dpratlnna andfarnUhlngi. Orchaatra, dancing. Bathing from holcl. For booklata ad other Inronnation writ or pbon 1018 FETTFR & nOLUNGFn.OwDtr A-MaoiRt PLANADE Wool Block on Ocean Front Coolest location tn Atlantic City. Ideal family hotel In Chaises Section. Capsolty Fir Hundred Owamhlp Dirstttsa BoHt W. r. SDATf edr ATUANTICCrTY.N.J. Dlrsctly on the Ocean Front An American-plan hotel ot distinction capacity eon. OARAOB Waller . Bus Oi Boardwalk at Montpeller . Suites with bals. Runnlns watsr all rooms. Elevator. Poec. .luly A Auir. rates. 1. M. RKHVES. DAMQFV Missouri nnd Pncllle Ats. IVHIIIOE.1 8 up rlallv. IIR 00 uo wltly. Amor. Planr SDinaDP.R A McMICMAKL CAPACITY J700 PACIFIC AND ARKANSAS AVE3 Blork rrom Million Do'ltr Plrr snl New Affioicment Fsrk. Orcbeetrs, dindna, rrit.t. Hiths, running" water In rooms Estrnilre porchrs. 1- Ifetrtc lUhts. Bsth houacs for tjurf llsthen on aTounds Amerl tsn Plan : 13 00 up dally, 117 (0 op werkly Kcroptea Plea l II M up dally, reproof O.r.u. II 00 nuns CM. WU. U. UASLKTr CRANDATLANTIC Virginia ae. A beach. Hot A cold runnlns water. Prlv. hnln. Rates II lsy up, special wkly. Cap. flOO. Booklet Orchestra. OMCAR D. PAINTER HAROLD LANDOV THotcl JCojnaizi& St. Charles Placs and Beach Frssh and sea water baths, running water, elevator.; c-een v'ew rms.: mod. rates foach nt trslns. A. K. WAONER Prop W n LAYTON iltr Virginia ae.. 3d hotel from Beach. Private taths: run watsr; elevator. American plan. AM BLL18. Owr.sr. N J. COI.I.tNH. MiT. THE AMIIAbHADIIR HOTEL ATI-NTIC CITY MOIir.lt Ti; RATES On the "Boardwalk" i view of the ocean from lour window. Surf bathlnir aolf. danc Ina- afternoon anfl eenlng Write for hktt. HlarlbOTonaMBlcnfteim PRINCESS liot4co.Jrunplrffwaterinall rOOmi Ilftthlnt? from rmii. A ourpn Hotrdw'k bathhounaa J?.0?. R?" raTator. Krrnch Chtf Orchcitra l)nHn py tw. UKi.malld. rAULC.mi5ELA.V5rOwn?r K"! N an jtk.yrr l'iritlitjlfroniesi-hsndoterloollr(tofn Ctntrslly lociUd; nreproof ; tlevttor priv batlia bthina: fmm bottl Coo at ninfnir ttnm !n city on top(6thlflor with xOTifW U bOuptlly, pfciI U A ICeKKbH WELLSBORO Kentucky Ats , near lleseh, cor hoai; open iurroun'1 Ings; center of sttrsetlons snd piers Iturnlng water n reomi. prlrsts hath. Betting privileges from hot.l Shower baths Llevator to atre.t Tsbl. uneiclled M COup dally: 117 10 up wliiy Am Plan Musir, Dsnr b?.9.,.,.,Lp,.9nt.4' J. BosLlst Ownerihip Ulreotion RALPH iltt-KIXV C D lvl.C let Cs Ulnke Ton Prel nt llnmo lo the) "City of Rnhnat Ifralth" HOTEL MORTON Ocean End Vlrglnln Ae. CapatUy S0O El.'i".''' ML.'"' 'bs. etc. Always Open. EZRA C. nEIO. A PAlJl. M. COPE. Prspfc OfSTRO Tennessra live. S Reach. Rnnnlng water all rnis. l.riO A St np dly.. sped. wEIt. J. J.' Joyce! GODWIN 1Bo p-cirio. Europ plan. Elect, WKA IHLK CITY. N. J Surf Hoils.B Centrally located on beacs ouii aiuuoc front w K Htrln.r, pr,,,. flCKAN CITV. V J. TRAYMORE oth Wl. Ocean view 1 lvr inJL rofim, D p- fry, owner The Strand Weley a v. at Oth s rn wtr. inejirnna MltH jOHnbon honey REACH HAEN. N. 4. THE ENGLESIDE v Prlate baths lth sea and fresh water, five tennis courts, tooklet R. v. ENOI.v: Man sesr Al.n tho Covlns-ton WmI Phllafl.lphls The nrrnkpira1 siteelal Jul, rM- Clilldren's parrullse. llitlilng linnry Klsh , boatlne. TJ2MA.Ysy. j, Finest Bathing on Atlantic Coast Pre-War Hotel Rates Prevail. HOTEL LAFAYETTE CAPE MAY, N. J. Oo tlis Ocean Wool and Doudwalk Unmuelljr stUacllre. Caparjlr SOD, Ratea 1 10) up dillri ftpeclal veeklj (Amerlran l'.n ollh maaU). Orchestra a fealurs, tall lltoni -one of the Gnsat and larastl la I ans Mar. Honmi n(ls and an .tills, with pntats balk, fluoniog water ia rooraa, I leeator Is ttrect l.r.l. rnFi! RAiiiiNr;. lionstiiACK itiniNR, OOI V, I'lhHS, T1H.ATHF.S, MOMKS, Ml. Hoe.t auto roadi In South J.r.ej, Mrile for booklet and Auto Hoad slap. IT'S TRKK. A. RU1I Vi ABEL. Formerly of Atlantic City STAU-VILLA " '" v- ...... ... HO; run watsr. hstb. Uv.; ownerublB.manxt. C..-S, uiUUCai. -aps f. ilVK 2?Jl 't"K You'll never know how aj,1 i'B good Diked Beans can bo SJ.Vfi V'& unl" you ,rV our. 3m to. Mifc MH&. "ntrally locaUfl. Jfflffil w WtnnfKt ItKOKTg. witjnwnon, x. J. Tfic Wonderland of oay and Health is WlLDWOOD TA , Por further information rn1tnn lhl unurpil rort. North Wild wood and Wlldrood Creat, writs to W. COURTRIGHT SMITH Stcy. Board of Trade, Wildwood, N. J. Eugenia Apartment Hotel nirfrtly on nonrdwnlW, brtwran Poplar and Mairnollii Mr. opponlto Ocunn Tier. Wild wood, N. J. Community self-eervlce kitchen nnd ntnlmr room, KOOM nATKS Slnale. I3 Conple. fJO up. Newly built and furnlalied thin season. HOTEL DAYTON Mlldwood, N. J. Rooms with hot & cold r' w ri prlv Imths. sucrrss due tn rv, A t'lile Cnporltv g.o. irhit. r fa.Murrsy. Pr. CENTRAL INN Itolljbench nnd Tnrlor Aenats. Ifome rooklnn. uncelled tnble. Low rates. HOTEL ARLINGTON Pcb. front location. Cap. 200. Mod. rates, rlv. baths nun water. Uklt. C. If. Tophsro WILDWOOD MANOR Csp.0O Whole blotkocesn front. Amer.Plsn Itnsnlsi wsurlnllrom. rri.stebsthi FUrstor Orthwtrm Dandrj-. Tennis -ALEX MeMUnnAY A BON Props Ueacb nont. Cap. 10U. Hun. watsr. Prlv baths Uklt Ownsrshlp Mgt. W. 11. GerstsL SHELDON Wlldwood'a finest Hoist Now Open. Spec, early son rites Ownrshlp Mm. D J WOODS BREAKERS Children's Paradise. Tired . t. ... . .People's rest cure. Lath- Inir. Mshln. Booklet., Rates HOTEL DORSEY ONE-HALF HLOCK FKOII nEACTI nonms With Hath. Attractive Ratsa. EDGETON INN Op gflO Rates Mod. Cemmlly located Kur TlMarh Cyrus Raub. Prop. ALMA E"1""1 'v D"pek to Hoard. """" walk. Central bath ns prlvllsrss hub. . iileaklby. sio k. p0pii.r . BEACHWOOD y so c Ktm Justice 9f.'n ,W bsthlnt rrora houM. UMU" W A. Justice. 0vnershlp.mcmt. Hotel Rurick Ku pUn- e dar v- aah. tiuici txuiiin Amu . p.trelcher. Prop Hew Colonial All outsloe rooms, t'riv, Pub hths. T Rrron Prop. OETTTSIIURG 213 II. Toplftr At.. near linvh Am ein.i tn H M Nlnstfdt Pron. TRIESTE Vn Ieli. Italian and Amer. "v""tl Icin plan. P. Manolll. Prop. WILDWOOD CKF.ST. N. J. Bflmnr .1JJ' location, airy rooms, mcoi isuie, rains rrom note!, Mod. NOLI. TIMMEB. Props. MT. VERNON FjejItfnlTnble. V.. JOTrNRTO Ocean Crest '' block from Reach. Uklt (I. T. KINO. Trop. AVAI.ON. N. .1. The Princeton " -n j Hscsllent table: running water, mod, rates. "tom: it.Annoit. y. j. SIIKLTKK 1IAVKN HOTEL Kicrltrnt Tible. Miislr nnd Orlll. I. C. SF.MON Ot E.N r.ROVK y. J GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL Main A Beach aves.. Ocean Grove. N. J. Europ. hotel A cafeteria) under new own'bip mit.. cafeteria seat. SOOl o-nlltT, aerTlre, eourtesy. Tel 147H, M. J. WOODRINO. THE MAJESTIC DIRECTLY b.V THE BEACH lTtcr Brlc. Clemsnt A Clemeat. OCEAN AVE. HOTEL " Are. On Beach. All outside rooms. NVw management. X. (1. NKV1LLK HOTEL WHITTIELD Flrrrroof. Capacity 200. Oerlook!nu ooean. Phone Asbury 1011. Uklt. Chas M. Hi-rmsn. Chalfontc Directly on ocean helect family botel. Kh ere Ownur ft tront. B. W. Prop. Dardanelle f5rm,,rI'' Beumont, o ocu MMUUUVUO ri(tlj, t)iti AU(Jt,orum ,, and Beach. Tel. H2S-W. 3. W, LORD Surf Ave. Hoiue wjg. nir New managt. Bklt. A P. etackhouae. Tillnivnn.,! H Abbott B8. oisrlooklni iiisciiixu psn. Qmlltr ClmnllMii; lin.nni.iu .. ..i i. ii iha Ownsr-Msr. NATIONAL B0 Jfa,n "" v' ne Improvement. Cafeteria. W. H. JBTT. n .- u.... t, Main, Ocean Qrove, N. J 11DT.R Pamllv tr.i.l VkCUU uu.. T, Amer. plan, ran ISO. If. I Duncan 7rlley' "A (lOOD PLACE Tl ItOARD" ijiVannar Hou,ae, Oresn Oroes, N. J. Short blooU from ocean Ijw ratea Le Chevalier Cor- cntrai A Webb AT. COLONIAL "MAIN AV. America. yORTH NEW JERSEY COST A Warm Welcome Awaits Too North Jersey Shore Resorts MONMOI'TII COrNTY. N. rf. Wrlto th.i M ors for Tnform'lnn AS11I IM I'MIK, v. , HOTEL sssy BRU fSTirS1 ffaaawegaasibi Cornwh Arms r'0.rpn'i, ng.iey. di. recny on beach: overlook Inc ocean & Boardwalk. Hot L cold running wster. Cuisine nnecUert Bklt. 11. QITE9 Hotel Kentucky 304 First At. Asburv Parle M T M to IS dally, (24 to ISO weekly; single MO to 100 doub's FISH A ORAVEB. Owners. Stmnp4 Ave r-toirn Asbury Park. N.J aun-ex Ave. rioine .jno.,an eulln, Ref. Jewish rat , mod. Imp ; booklet anj rates on request J,1 L KRAUSS. WELUNGTONl'--Wrk. Runnlnc watr o er, room. e!ec. Ukltl C. W. HAltT OwrerVilp-Manacement. EDGEMERE "J.bj; Otosn Blocs. try Paru v. t Refined Jewish pa'-onsss run, water: prone, else aT.lo, mil. If MMerats rates Rlkt lKHKI oca; TIII'.III'ORD (lth Ae. oer.ookln oc.an; all rooms with running water. unites with bath Harry Dumeifl Oin A pr. HoteI Hercey w.vm &&,'$& 7TH AVE. Accommodate 125. INN Block lo Itomi i.ht. J. C. WILUAMSOV WINDSOR THIRD AVE. AMERICAN PfAN MODERATH RATE) HOTEL NEW YORK r inn r:spllsnt cul.ln dnrftns O XT Qattls Piesjsir "th ft Webb. Run hot A cola wtr. a o5ui. n, rm, nx, Kn.b.r cule. New mgt. M Welkowltr form Sharcn, Spgs..N.Y. Aberdeen 8a A, "cen niock, Amer., nuciuccn iPr.ncU A Italian cult rest! attached. Phone 1631. A BOONOIORNL Continental Hotel & Restaurant i2i2.ok-IS.naii.Am4J"u P n hi It, fr. ocn ... . 'SiMV11 pxnu iM'tiRMATiny Write MUNICIPAI Rl'RKM Roirdn k fn. hotsl or other Informntim fr. ruthent'c HK (IIRT. N J " Announcing completion and opening of The 7eaGirt-,iN.tJ. On the Ocean front A chnrmlntT tintol with lis own boardwalk, Its ovn nrhat beach and txithhounes, elKht Rcres of Brounds, clubhouse and grill. 8AMH MANAfiKMFVT AS T1IH WAIlKKy, HfRIM. LAKE LAKEVtOOD. N. .1. Pino Air Phyiicnl Training Fnrm, Lakewood, N. J. Idsal spot for vacation; golf, tennle, swim, ralng. handball, rid ng; large gymnaalums iiT3 mlvm' "i ' no pavnsi lauie eup aiau uwiii .uj.v-.iii laitnei gpeciai couples during July and Augus from adjacent faiTnst gpeclal rata for ?S durlns? JUIV anil SitirtiBI. Wll JAiDt" RfYtHAkawood. J. J. IlSla CIO! HH BPMMER REflORTH RPRiyO LAltK IIBAril. K. J. 7 Essex ? Sussex Spring Lake Bench-Ncwjcrsetf A Resort Hotel of refinement and (dlsllnctlve superiority -Now open CS Krom Mit THE ALLAIRE RPRiyn T.AKK RCACII. N. i. On ths bomb front. Capsrlty snn MAUD C. IIOLMBS. "lono ratANfii. y. .?. THE VICTORIA HOTEL 88 Second Arc., Long Branch Specializes In excellent food com btnei home atmosphere with cheerful HUrrountllriRR. Ono block from ocean, near R II. ttatlon Tennis court and auto accommodation1!. I.. M. X ILLAHKDT, Trop. POINT I'LKAXNT. N. .1. THE CARROLLTON Ideal Situation. Facing Ocea&i Bplendld Table All Sport Now Open. Carro'.llon Hotel Co. snMnn park, v. j. The GLADWYN T.wUt 0m a. a 110 uaa-av Ty A Ai ligw op,n.Mol.ratea. RKLMAR, y. J. Mclroie Inn Qxt Ocean Ate. Modem .. . J. . Hungarian Cuisine. Kosher Music. Dancing. Dots. free. Cap. 400. Iiuil Bpe. rates July 4. Wundsrman A Levins tAr.AMHRP AT HKACH Modern.bat " houses shoteers, sscsllsai sulslns. Rooklst. ANOELO ROONBTTL SKAIlltKIIT. N. J. PENINSULA HOUSE ""ffifev New York's Nrnrest Ocean Resort Hotol, Ilooklnc Oricei New Peninsula House Sea Iirleht, N. J. Telephone Seabrlitht 107. LARK HOPATCOMI. N. J. RRYAN'T MI.I.A nrantlfnl Luke Hopotconc. y, ,1, Good llshlnr, bnthln nnd boatlne II. O, Heckmnn. Prop. Lake View House S50 ai- " asassu aa. wuru rjalh, mUSlO. tCIUsia, anclnc. T. K. UOORB HOTEL CO, MOI'NT POCONO. r.. GLEN GARIFF ew mr. uirovnnoot. . . " . Prlv. park, amuse, car dn prryiticts nitlt. Psoras J. Armctrong, The OntWOOfJ ,0tn " " Aocora. . rt. Tr '0O. Mod Uler. loeafn, axcsi. tapie. UKlt. K. L. ft E. V. AHTMAH Pocono Mt House J",5;, lm0? four years. Ownership management. Booklet. nr.i..VAnr. watkb oap. pa. KITTATINNY tub moun taia "", PAKADIIE DKL.-VARE WATER OAP. PA. Leodlnr Hotel of This Famous Reilnn Cap. BOO Open to Dec. Every mod. ap pointment High altitude Mag-nlrlceM ecenery. Oolf. Tnn.s, Baddle Horses, Canoeing. Hath., Pish., dly concerts and dances. Exceptional cnlstne. Amer. ph. also n, ia carts arltl. Oar. Bklt. road mans A terms mailed John Purdy Cope. Forrest House J'"- wir up. 7t a uuwt. '""" Peieon. A. L. MARSH, NORTH DELAWARE WATER OAP. TA. Cataract House orln w,r "D- """" ' awiuc Home cooklnf. modem, all Indoor and outdoor sports, carats, rates reasonable. Dooklet. A E Wlneaord A Hon. I ANADr.NSIB The Mountainside inrl?,.0 Ut conven te. comfort able. Rates reasonabl. Bklt. Wm Lone. Mir, MfH'NTAIN IIOMF. PA. MONOMONOCK INN Comfort without extravagance, amid Bus I s-urroundlnsa. New and sntlrelv mod. house. Pree naras Bklt. H. E OE1S3INOER. W ERNERHVILLE P. Millsirlo HrtUtlfu Hceuerj I'ru. Hatha. I lauioiuc MnJ Ra(,, mo(- KHtn. Qerhart nEVON. PA. WYNBURNE INN Un Main Llns Especially de. alrable for business men with families Rooms with bath at reasonable ratee Dsnctnr Large grounds. IVUi veranda, ptions Rsrrrjn ISS W I.AS.NNA. PIKE CO. PA. REECHNCT COTTAGE, in the Pocono Mtts homo cooking, ratea IK per "K. up Geo R. Parsons. Alwriss cool and delightful VALLEY POIK.E. PA. WASI1IX1TO.N INN Chlclien and Wattle Dinner TiANIEI, J VOnRHKBS Proo. LAKnOKOROK. V. . Hotel Marion fcpeivor 1K KNTtMCicawa Ariscey&r refVM& cultured Juc.rt.J ' JQ3CPH H nARVtL nrori'.voT prk. v. t. Must Re Seen to Eo Appreciated The Terra Marine Hotel Huruonot Parlt ''taten Island N" T. City Wonderful Jrusle Dancing, Wonderful Meals, Dinner J2.00 Directly on the Sea Ocean Bathing Operated by men who know A understand NKW Eyr.LAND New England Tours WHEREVER lOCR INTEREST LIES. EITHER IN MAOMI'ICENr S-CLNElti. RKMILUTIONARY I ORE. OR JlMT A I.OOI1 VACATION Vi ITU MOTORINO aXYAl SPLENDID RO DS IN THE UK MOHTTCL CLIMATE. .VL'W EXOLASO WILL PLEAKK OV W1S1DE INNS. MODERN CITV HOTELS ND ORE..T RKSOKTR OrTEIt K PRY FORM OT COMrORT AND RECnEATION. Send for free Illustrated road map to rolnrs puh l.hed lw the N KW ENG LAND HOTEL ASSOCIATION, comprls Ins: 200 of the beet hotels. WILLIAM M. KLMRAI.L. Pecretary. Draper Hotel, Northampton Mass. iMR.nAR.iOB. are.. i The Malvern- BAR HARBOR. MAINE NOW OPEN ERNEST C. GROB, MnaCer TO I R. rid e sij. SummErVacatioiis irjw' juxy t JLuyjromiivw iorJZ 8 Days $9100 Inclcdlnz All Expenses Oolf Tennis arj Sailing Hsthing tng In snohantsd Ilivi and tnt.i. over emooth white coral -.' ..B.M. ..m... M.(4 No Passports Sailings every 5 Day Via Palatial TwIn-BrreeVr Steamsr FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT HAMILTON Send for FRER de FURNESS ts r .BtTHMTOt nKWORTrl HOUTH IIARt'WWICLL. Mat. MERRICONEAG HOUSE feolh Harpanrll, tlalne. Modern hotel eat en rooms. jrn view of Caero Hay atvi Islands nitll. K. I KBHKW A BON. Propel. JBK1T.UHON. y. II. New Waumbek HOTEL COTTAGES nnd SUNSET INN , JelTerion, N. H. IN THE IIEMIT OF TUB WHITE MOUNTAINS aoi.r TKNNifl KiquiKo I'rnnk I. Shuts. Mnnntsr WHTK MODNTtrMS N. n. BRETTON WOODS , WHITK MOUNTAINS.N.H. THt HOOHT PLEA8AHT,- Optus JuHt IB Ciosm3 Ocroatm 1. - c.J ounphv, Mas, THE MOUNT WASHINGTON.- 0pin$July7 closms MippLt pcrv -CJ.qooT. mid, For Inorm'n. ratr-s. etc. address Hotels POULTNKl. VT. The Colonial Inn in Oreen Ifta. no.acr arnlinA.. Ghade. sports, rood tnhle: near R. R. an4 trolley; ISO truastsi modsrn Improvsmsntsi 1)0 IO intl.UU. Ilsatltirtlllv I!lllaeatal ftooi klst. Rns K C. L. LPOVARO. Mar. NAnRAQAysmT pier, r i. GREEN INN Narraganselt Pier, R. 1. On The Ocean Front Golf, Tennis, Bathing Henry W. T. Dutton, Prop. Rooms Single or En Suite Open June 15 to October SK LONDON. CONN. THE IIRIrmilLD Km urn Point. New Lax ton. Conn Most refreshing sswshnrs rssort. ROSTON. MASS. QOHB- iOSTON VISIT NEW ENGLAND b Gf c o m e acquainted with its historical points of interest. Radiate from Boiton Make Hotel Venriomei your headquar ters Delightfully sltunted In the famoUB Back Bay district. Quickly nccesilble to everything. Commonwealth Avcnuo at Dart mouth Street. ON "IIIEAI. TOrR" American nnd European Plan during Summer Months Send for Illustrated Booklet. c ii. cnnnNLEAF company". Eorett II Rich. Mgr Director Tranklln K Pierce Associate Msr. Also Pro Hie House. White Ml. PL1 .MOUTH. .ItiV-JW. MAYFLOWER INN rLYJiotrta, MASH. cape (. tnesr uaxn Bathing. Oolf. Tennis. Dsnelng PEER PARK. MI. DEER PARK HOTEL And ( ottnges Deer Tark Jfanland Altitude 2800 feet. I Golf. Tennis ' Swimming Pools T. 1". Ml'LLINK. Mgr. I WHITK SI'I.PIH K frPRINC.1. . VA. (iRKllNnnir.lt, Wilt Hulnhur Springs. Since 1778. Society s Most J-'amous Resort CAN'ADA Oee asray te bsselaeee asaf ea rna n.... ftas sctots4,s ess firing aleof Kaakatia Lssea. Ttoit rw win una rots noesl. Iawww imn, boii, sis. ueery room a tried rata. 1.mm. ..ul.tl.. ..., . . -e-AWU lenl UmkM f JJUaVk. Kai dEX ryrKAMHOATS K PnRTS flfi efe Connections for ill New EnAland Points Fall River Line Cool. Cotnfarttble Srarorooms Orchesfrs on Etch Stcmmer t. Fulteei St. S. 4 H.R. O.JOP.aS. OsUy tacluSleig Sundsya . Naw Dadford Una Rjjr except Sunday, Leave Pier 40 N.R. Houston Street, 6 P.M. Naw London Llna ioa!yDejcpt Sunday Leave Pier I? N-?AU"lon Street S,-J0 P.M. Pier ,0 E.R 22nd Street 6 P M. Daylight Saving Time OtieU st Piars aas Cssa. Tkiel Offices Zfs TO BALTIMORE ERICSSON LINK e-s Ever evening at ft tiaturdavs, 3 o clock. Fare, ono nay 12 00 round trip, 3 00, DAY STEAMER From rhllsdeli'ila every Tuesday, Thurs day Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Pare Ii sa on- va IX PO round trip Mot.' beautiful water ride out of Phllarl.l. 5hla Send fpr pamphlet No Sun.lay steamsr Steimer leaa on dayl'ght-savlng tlms! OfPre Tier ". Sniitti D.lsar .v.nii. " fr SPECIAL SUNDAY EXCURSION M Hiv on the wat r 1 1 Beautiful Lorewood Grove on f fhesap i'(. A Dolawara -anji ,jrn eir .ame e-vnlng Ericsson I in. p 3 D aware A e So -'oclc e r Sunday "' r' '" Js h.BiinarJlmo r'a i nn. Ill I1XIIN RMI'R MOIIT I INK. NEW M)HK f ITV TO NEW lnilK iTT 'ini rs l- 9 Days $96.;: for Steamer, Hotel and Side Trips i rre- X ti"Lsri ri ttvi i .iiHrui. j i.f ., Payment Insures Ressrratlonsi Ralancs 10 day before ealljng Bermuda Is Cool in Summer (Aeerage Hammer Teenperatnre "0 Decrees) All Outdoor Sports Motor Rostlna-. an4 Tlah. Hiding, Driving or Cycling rodawayi or vlsltWig Uermuds', won OVIL U.ru) Iture Summer Tovrt booklet to BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall St., Naw York FTRNESH. WITH i CO., LTD, Rourse IIM: , Phil. 'a t i i ' ' . t a yi ja r4 v -ci 1 i M t ' i '& , t V V' v wy 'A, t'u? t . "?rS)f .' S, K lr... , '. jjNh 4 I "It) U it 1- J A Uf