Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 14, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 6, Image 6

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Hm iTf1' uriiritiB''mH:-sCMMK,!." '.'ti'vwr.ivariiffjL t-'tnr9&xx&arr
EL , 'Tamifff ' r"
f w, '' 1 ' tJ aaaaBBBBBBBaH r
M - ti Tiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaffiiaaaawarli'TTBpTBiTB?
Runs twice as far on a gallon of fuel
as the average person supposes it will.
This means nothing to the owner in
money, but much in other ways. His
car of Cars is economical, not wasteful.
The standing of the Rolls-Royce is
entirely due to the perfection of such
details, to literally hundreds of practi
cal features of daily importance.
Jin Enclosed Drive Cabriolet, $16,500
Stveneigbty-fiu Fifth Avenue, Neiv York
Ttn-thirty-fivl Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Architect Questions Failure to
Call Conferences Between
Employer and Employos
Will -Look ATter Boy Taking Sum
mer Course In Adirondack
" H Btv Dr. bnoiuel Znna. "Batten,
toe3 of U"Boptlt Department of fco
Jafi 6rrice, will paw the next four
wrfeln tt fcnmp Orwewtchle, on Cran
tarfy Late, In the Adirondack Moun
tains. Dr. Batten Is dean of the faculty at
led bora' camp, which ia conducted
adcr the auspices of thtf Jlapriat Broth
erhood Federation of tho -Northern Bap
tist Conyentfon. One hundred boys,
ranging in ate from fourteen to twenty,
kcluding some from thlo city, are
tasW w summer coarso, which pro
tiOea the "fullest poeulble nWttr; to
whole Uie of the boy."
.lie Bf. Vr' 3. FoBtor Wilcox, of,
Kw lork, bat formerly of thta city,
B director of the temp. Tie baa con
etaetod boys' campe twenty years.
Boys Accused of Bungalow Thefts
Spring Mount Pa., July 14. A
-aeries fthcitrtts, bungalows along
the Pexklomcn has led to the arrest of
two Philadelphia boys. The police say
the boys confessed to thefts ranging
'from a talking machine to bedding.
The prisoners are Douglas Kane, thir
teen year old, and Paul Sheridan, thlr
ea years, both of 1002 South Forty -fifth
street, Philadelphia. They have
'been committed to the Houso of De
tention and will be arraigned in Mont
jgotnery County Court this week.
Two 14-Year-Old Youths Accused of
Robbing Shoe Dealer
Two fourteen -year-old boys arc ac
cused by the pollco of making an early
morning raid on a shoo dealer in the
rtor of 418 Market street and stealing
a suitcase full of new shoes.
The accused youths are Bftlvatore
Posano, Montrose street near Fifth, and
Thomas Chirioco, Eleventh street near
Morris. Detective Powers, of the Fourth
and Race streets station, was standing
at the corner of Fourth and Market
streets shortly attar 2 o'clock thia morn
ing when he saw two boys coming from
the rear of the stores fronting on
Market street. One of them carried a
Powers questioned them and they de
clared they were on their way home
from a trip. Powers ordered them to
open the enltcaso and found it contained
twelve pairs of new shoes. lie placed
the boys under arrest. He later con
ducted an investigation and found the
Specialty Shoe Co. had been broken
into and the stock ransacked. En
trance hod been effected by means of
a fire escape and forcing a second' story
In an open letter to Ernest T. Trigg,
chairman of the Industrial Relations
Committee of the Chnmbcr of Com
merce. D. Knlckcrbackcr Boyd, an ar
chitect of this city, calls tho former to
account by quwtionlnjr his failure to
call constructive conferences between
employes and employers in tho building
trades and put an end to the present
situation of strife and bickering.
"Tho public," says Mr. Boyd in his
letter, "would now like to be informed
why you, standing for tho Industrial
welfare of Philadelphia and its su
premacy as tho 'workshop of the
world," do not require and demand that
tho employers and worklngmcn shall
Immediately confer and shall not stop
conferring unti In doflnito understand
ing shall be reached which will insuro
to the public that all tho problems of
the building Industry will bo worked
out co-opcrutlvely now and in the fu
ture. "You did last February call a four
day conference of the construction in
duNtry In this citv, showing that you
rccognlso tuo Importance of that Indus
try and rcallzo tho possibilities your
position In the way cf leadership offers.
I was honored by both you and labor
In tho position I held during tho con
ference and was also made one of the
members of tho cominlttco on resolu
tions. "As such I wn3 a party to tho coll,
adopted at the closed meeting, that de
tailed conference bo held in Philadel
phia between labor, employers, mate
rial Interests, financial Interests, uichl
tects and engineers at once with the
purposo of reaching nn understanding
among all concered which will cause the
Immediate rcleasp of contracts for build
ing construction.
"'May I Inqulro why no such confer
once has been called under your leader
ship? Tho present and the future suc
cess of the building industry can only
be assured through tho creation of some
permanent tribunal, congress or a cen
tral committee to work out and solve its
Mr. Trlsg expressed regret that tho
letter of Mr. Boyd had bcon given to
the newspapers without a copy hnlng
been sent to him. "It always makes
me angry when such matters as thU
arc referred to the public without my
receiving official notice of thcra myself.
When I receive a copy of the letter I
shall be glad to make answer to it.
"I snpposc you know," added Mr.
Trigg, "that Mr. Boyd Is a bpokosinan
of the union labor interests in this
5oothinq end He&linq
For Baby's Tender Skin,
Swedish Prlnco 8orlouely III
Stockholm. July 14. Prince William
of Sweden was suddenly taken ill with
malaria during his hunting expedition
in the Belgian Congo, and his condi
tion is serious, it is announced.
of thm Tool-Kit
trua companions In tlms ot
naaa. A varied naaortmant la
lnv.lua.bla on board from a
wrench or hammer to nulla,
acrewa, nttlnra. Oat our iui
F. Vanderherchen'j Sons
7 N. Water St., Philadelphia
"At tht Sign of thi Sail"
Come in and let us show you
the remarkable value there is
in the Packard Twin-Six at its
new price. Today , as it always
has been, the PackardTwin-Six
is the finest automobile anyone
can own. The reduction rang
ing from $1150 to $1700, with
quality unchanged, gives this
car an actual value higher than
ever before.
Twin-Six Touring
At Dwtroit
Packard Motor Car Co, of Philadelphia
819 North Broad Street
Atlantis City, RatUahao, Dri4atoa, Camdan, Harrlalmrff, Lancaster, Qaaltartown,
RMtVaa, Saafont, Trantoo. Vtaalaed, WUaalaftao. W.oJtary, York.
Q,sk the man who owns one
miji "" " " "
Presbyterian Paitor Is Invited to
Wilmington Charge
The Rev. Dr. A'qullla Webb, pastor
of the Central North Broad Street Pres
byterian Church, has received a call from
the First ahd Central Presbyterian
Church, of Wilmington, Del.
The congregation of tho Wilmington
fchurch unanimously decided to extend
the call at a meeting held last night.,
Dr. Webb has been pastor of the
North llrpad street church for four
years. Previous to that he was pastor
of tho Wnrreu Memorial Presbyterian
Church, of Louisville, Ky. lie Is a
graduate of Harvard Theological Sem
inary. Dr. Webb, today, at his home Jn tho
Lyhdhumt Apartment, Sixteenth ahd
Green (streets, snld he could not discuss
his plans until normal notification of
the call is received.
"Any man WOllld hlHnfo tn iloMInn
such n call," Dr. Webb said. "I would,
howovcr. regret neverlng my connections
here. Since I became pastor of the
Central North llroad Street Church, my
congregation has been very good to mo
In many ways. They provided mo re
cently with nn assistant pastor. The
call from Wilmington is fluttering in
Six Appointments at College An
nounced; Scholarships Awarded
Six ndditloni to the ndminlstrntivo
and teaching staffs of Girard Collcgo
were announced yesterday by tho Board
of City Trusts, following Its monthly
meeting In the Lafayette Building.
Dr. Henry It. Wharton was made
emeritus consulting surgeon ; Dr.
Charles Nassau nnd Dr. Edward J.
KIopp were nppolntcd consulting sur
geons; Frank D. Potter was named as
head gardener of tho college; John
Langlcy Jones wns nppolntcd a teacher
of French, nnd J. Earl Kauffmnn,
playground teacher.
Simon Muhr collegiate scholarships
were awarded to the following; Mary
Hilda Howes. West Philadelphia High
School, to Holyoko College ; Margaret '
tttlsabeth McConnell, Kcnslngt6n High
ocnooi. to university 01 vennsyvama
Frederick Cascisto. Wet Phllndelnhla
High School, to University of Pennsyl
vania, and Nicholas Ft Tetli . Central
High School, to University of Pennsyl
Falls Into Manhole '
Charles Offelt, of 2828 North Opal
street, stepped oh tho cover 6f a mah
hole at Sixth ahd Spruce streets last
night, causing the cover to turh under
his 200-pound weight, and Offelt sllp
plcd into the holo to his whifct His head
came In 'contact with the edge of the
manhole cover and It required twelve
stitches to close a scalp laceration nt
the Pennsylvania Hospital. Offelt also
received treatment for alcoholism and
later wns locked up at tho Third Dls
trice police station.
27,000 Gallons of Alcohol Will Pay
Philadelphia Call Today
Provided there Is a good broeio from
eoaward, rcsldenla hlong tho coast from
Capo Cod to tho Delaware may nnltf
with n sigh a breath from the bast ub
ti.. t.lr I'lhnrfnti nnsKs down the coast
on her run from Boston to Philadelphia.
Tho vessel at, Boston ,Bhowcd 27,000
gallons of nlcohbl In her hbld. Phila
delphia la ft Pbrt of call and her voyago
will terminate oh tho Gold Coast,
where Monrovia, Freetown nnd Grand
Bohsen, Africa, will blithely unload hor
Her reason for coming "hero Is as yet
unexplained. Tho bark's homo port is
Panama nnd It sails under tho flag
of that republic.
During the temporary absenco of thfc
family of Alcxandor Llcbcrman. 1301
North Bread street, thieves invaded the
cellar of their home nnd bMi twelve
- . r - -
S33..7 wnJfaertn
imuvi-s urn uoncveu 10 Save liiari . '"'J
tortruck to removo the bootc" IM I
Summer Shoes Reduced
A tableful of beautiful qualities in
Women's White Pumps and Oxfords
sizes for every one, though not in
any one kind. Very low priced at
y -U 'Boot Shop
f Vi20 CMsinul St
Closed Saturdays during July nnc' August
,.l I TJl l
f r.
Specialize in
Accounting Books for Real Estate Men,
Physicians, and Dentists
For Accountants,
Manufacturers & Merchants
Our Columnar Books
in Looso and Bound Form
Should Interest You
Circular Illustrating Samo
Sent ort Request
Stationers Prihtet
12 N. 13th St.
719 Walnut
T1"! T7 T
x jvc jcver mcreasiii
Popular Demand ior
not yet serving Colonial
if your present serv
ice is not satisfactory
write or telephone us.
Philadelphia's Best"
necessitates increased service facilities hence
we have just purchased and converted into
service station the large plant of the
Scott-Powell Ice Cream Co.
48th Street Near Westminster Ave.
This service branch will be used exclusively as
an auxiliary to our mammoth plant at Fourth and
Poplar streets to serve COLONIAL Dealers in
West Philadelphia, the Main Line, Chester, West
Chester, Wilmington, Manayunk, Conshohocken,
and Norristown.
We will continue to make Colonial Philadelphia
Best Ice Cream exclusively in our original plant at
Fourth and Poplar Streets, the newest, most sanitary
and best equipped ice cream plant in the country.
Its superior quality, its smoothness and delicious
flavors, its creamy richness and nourishing texture,
have made Colonial Ice Cream the fastest-selling ice
cream in the country.
Thousands of Colonial Dealers are today enjoying a
wonderful business as a result of Colonial Quality
Philadelphia's Best.
CBW v - -'WES
To Enjoy a
Summer Delight
You Must Eat
IlCSImlR' Av r
Other Service Stations at -Trenton
and Monmouth Beach
In the capital city of New Jersey, Colonial has the newest
and best fitted ice cream service station in that Stat.
And to meet tho requirements of the Jersey coast resorts
another service branch has been opened at Monmouth
Ji 'J
Srt v ' -IW
j. . i.
. t. i . w rfi m. if
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