Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 14, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12

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U, 1921
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Men Jump From Ship, Swim
Ashoro and Aro Caught
Aftor Fight
Five Chinese inllorn escaped from tlie
Japanese ftenm1ilp Chile Mnru, an
chored In the Delaware off Gloucester,
early this morning ami were cnplnreil
in the jnrd of the New York Ship
building Co. nftcr i fight with Jthp p
Ilea The five oallnrs pnltl thev were ills
Mtlnfied with the food period on the
hip and wanted to get nslmre to tnte
the cholec vlnndn of the cafes in I'hihf
dclphla'ti Chlnntonn.
Shortlv after -i o'clock this morning
they crawled from their berth1 to a
pnt on the deck where obllcln" shallow
hid them from the night watch. Thej
dropped Into the stream, one lit n time
The nun on watch heiul ll e plahes
end n few momenta Inter nv as muni
dark forms swimming smoothly through
the water. The men mnJe for the New
Jere Jiore.
An nlirm was sounded and two mem
bers of the crew ptit out in bo.itH after
the escaping sailors.
The men in the boat rraehed the
hone ali"a I 'f the Oiine'o and in
fnrmfd the pollru nt the hliiptnnl.
, "When within nU.tit twcniv nnN of
the shorn the Chinese hifted thMr
course. Three swam to the noith )ard
and two to the bouth junN of the'
shipbuilding plant.
Several police were sent along the
shore. As the sailors climbed ashore,
dripping wet, they were ordcutl to
The men showed fight for n few rain
Btcs, but on being convinortd that odds
trere against them, surrendered.
They were turned over to the immi
gration authorities nt (Jloueetcr. They
ere Yong Wing, Chang WuuRj I.ing
Fong, AVay Yu ond Ho Chin.
They will be sent back to the ship.
Camden Boys, Held for Theft, Set
Record for Nerve, Police Say
For consummntc nerve. Camden po
lice say, fourteen -year-old Hoy Itin
has broken the record .lnmM fVlmx
twelve years old, of Mount Vernon
Btreet, held for the .Tnenilet'ourt on -chnrge
of being implicated with Krtln
end Harry I'ritchett. said in a state
ment to City Detective Whnland that
they walked Into n store on Kouith
Btreet near Mount Vernon to rob the
eosh drawer.
In the nbsence of the proprietor 1
Btin wnitel on n customer for twenty
cents' worth of ice crenm. pocketed the
money and then, loimirel strntliiiR
back of the counter, took $'J0 from the
money drawer nnd walked out. The boj
la being sought by the police
Fifth Street Paint Supply Store Is
An explosion in the basement nf th
Saint supply store nnd dwelling of
harles Paritsky. 2S14 North Fifth
fitreet. Inst night nt (1 o'cloek caused n
fire which bndlj damaged the tn-Mor
brick structure. The loss js placed ot
The explosion, nccompaniul by a ter
rific report, broke window panes in
nearby houses and created something
like a panic in the vielnitv IlesidonN
rnn out of their homes enrrjing their
valuables. No one was injured. Tin
explosion was caused when llames came
in contact with gasoline stored in tm-basement.
-Porch Chairs, $4.75
Let Us Re-Seat
lour I'orrli. Cine nnd
llioh Chnlrn
810 N. lltti M. Ton. IISI
a.jriirr no ewi,h her
T' L
I" I
No Soap Better
For Your Skin
Than Cuticura
Bmo)MfM3on. Ofntmcnt Talcum) frMofCntl.
Vft LlrUU, yt. X. MaUa, Mui,
PAIRED Uric itock new
PAINTED willow furniture
DECORATED t raf,. rn.i
Kiilmatri. then. I'hnne Tlorn aiJtMV
llth and ICI.Inie Sun Art.
tl yarn with I II Vnn SHirr Co
The Great Advancement
in Pharmacy Offers
a Big Field for
Young Men and Women
Wo nre so well equipped to
fit you for wider public
service through our courses
in bacteriology, clinical
chemistry, technical analysis
and sanitation, that you
should call or write for full
Information and catalog.
Courses lead to recognized
145 N. 10th St., Philadelphia
Sloan's Keeps
Mosquitoes Away
Soak a piece of absorbent
cotton, cloth or sponge with
Sloan's Liniment, heng It In
your bedroom or tent. It will
keep the mosquitoes away
and let you have a good
night's rest.
Sloan's Liniment quickly
takes the sting out of mos
quito end other Insect bites.
Good for all sorts of ex
ternal pains, aches, strains
and sprains.
$tore Hours 9 to 5
Please keep in mind that Gimbcl Store is
Closed all of Saturday.
Gimbel Brothers
Stop Press Extra News
Three Thousand Dainty, Beautiful
Hand-Embroidered Waists Imported
got in wrong hands through an import deal, and vc secured this part of the large lot to sell in Philadelphia for the give-away price of
unce in a oaie equal waists oom at
$2.95. Regularly, then and now, $5
.m sw ! n2 ba. 7 j . . ww IA. t&ISV
Q3, value Si
83, Vlne $3 92, Vlne $3 $2, value 3,
Ten styles Vcstccs and Tuxedos and roll-collars.
All exquisitely hand-hemstitched.
' !1.
B2. Value S3
All sheer, line batiste.
Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor; Some on Grand Aisle, First floor
$2, value 93
Advance Fall Models in
C. B. a la Spirite Corsets
at $1-90 and $2-90
the lines, the boning, the fjrade of couttl, would be
exceptional in Corsets at $3.50 to $4,901
At $2.90 two models one for full, one for average
Sold in the Pink Shop, Second floor.
At $1.90. A practical model, that takes in average,
medium, slender, and slightly full figures.
All of strong, light "summer weight" coutil.
De Bevoise Brassieres and Bust Confiners
At 35c to 50c. Values SOc to $1. Styles that are
half lacel Firm print meshes and dainty novelty
brocades. Bargains for every figure type!
Gimbels, Grand Aisle, First floor.
Sports Hats
of White Baronet
S atin Tomorrow
at $2.95
to $5.95
Cute shapes smartly
small. Fringe-trimmed.
Or embroidered some
times the embroidery is
j done in gay-color wools.
Or there's a wee band
and bow of black velvet
Gimbels, Third floor
..A Ts
' V-V 7 f.'. f
.Women's Guaranteed
Bracelet Watches
" yfiWJV
iHliii- m Hi
At $17.50 Value $34
At $25 Value $40
The J17 B0 "Watch has 25-year gold
filled ense; 15-Jeweled lever move
ment, adjusted cut balance Tiny
slip 8t liune Pictured
The $25 AVutch has 14-karat solid
cold caso (creen or whlto), 15-Jeweled
eer moement; adjusted cut bal
ance Gimbels. Jewelry Shop, rirst floor
Ruffled Clear to Her Long Waist-line
Girls' Organdie
Dresses a Pick-up
Tomorrow $7 QC Intend
at 07O 0f$lp
All the dainty colorings. All-wmtc, too.
And some of the smartest navy blues and
browns you ever sawl
Just one of a dozen styles in 12, 14 and 16 year
Middies $1
Kilts $1
The middies are all-white and button snugly
on the hips.
The kilts are all white and either on band or
"body." Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor
Clean-Up of Misses'
Organdie Dresses
at $13.75
Just Half -Price
Including plenty of white, as well as
both the dainty and high colors.
'Course, they all have sashes and ruf
fles and short sleeves.
And Ginghams at $10 Also
Just Half-Price
Every fashionable size check.
Plenty of rcd-and-whitc and brown-and-white
and blue-and-white and pink-and-white
and grecn-and-whitc.
14 to 20 year sizes.
Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor I
Women's Very Fine Silk Stockings
The Elaborate Styles for Dressy Wear
Tomorrow at $2.35
Styles that hao been $3 50 and H 50 very recently,
nut some sizes and colors nre mlsslnfr.
Elaborate lace or cmbroldored Insteps. Firsts and
Gimbels, First floor
9 ni
omen s onoes
That "Extra Pair" at $4.65
Thanks Be to Gimbels!
Styles and leathers you might easily pay double and treble
$4.65 for.
Dressy satins, patent colt, bK-ock kid, tan calf for "the trip."
Smart sports "combinations" for the beach and hotel veranda and
country club.
Cut strap pumps, tongue pumps and dainty "Colonials."
Gimbels. Second floor
These Very Convenient
Gordon Auto
Seat Covers
$7 to $17.50 a Set
Are washable and keep the auto interior
clean. ,
For Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet, Maxwell, Buick, Studeboker,
Oakland, Hudson, Essex, Overland, Hupmobile, Chandler.
Tlle covers are made to cover the entire car below the sills. They come for
TounnK, Roadster, Coupe and Sedans.
Can be attached by anyone in a short while.
This is an exceptional offer as they are priced 50 from list prices, at
$7 to $17.50 a Set
Gimbels, Fourth floor
j f
I ft r"i Tlfc-
LBedinfote Otyle
Olnffham 99
in 2. - 4i
Introducing the New
Portable Victrola
At Last!
itii1 4 K
Best makes of portable phonographs
for outdoor purposes not merely trans
portable from room to room, but that
can be packed up and "toted' ike a
Fine for camps and bungalows.
For canoeing.
For auto trips.
and, of course, for year 'round use at
your home.
Come and sec and hear them.
Victrola Portable at $45.
Sold on easy terms.
Record Albums
10-Inch, fiQc
AU Mftl T yiMW
Regularly $1.50
All hold telo records
rroo Initial with each album, as indnx
-Ohiibelo, Seventh floor and Subway Store.
$1.60 Candy Combinations at 78c
3 lbs. for f Comprising-
J Lib. Assorted Chocolate!.
78c 1-lb. Hard Candlei,
L 1-lb. Mint Plait.
Preceding lot went before late comers arrived!
$1.25 Crystallized Ginger at 80c lb. or 42c for -lb
QlnibeU, Chtntmit Str.t Annx, Brand Allo and Subway Dtor
Thursday, July 14, 1921
"How is it that Gimbcl business is larger than
ever?" Think 1 three million people in this shopping
district people with wants and needs. Wc best
meet conditions.
Here Are Men's and Young Men's
Finest $35 to $80 Suits ,XMl
At $25, $33, $37, $47 arid $57
From Best Makers Supplying
Gimbels and including
Our Entire Stock of
Kuppenheimer and
QI TITS Excepting
OJlliD Fuu pre88
Many arc quarter-lined with vsilk. Col
summer colors and darker effects.
These are Sensational Values
in "Kuppenheimer" and "Society
Brand" Suits, for men of all builds
Suits Made to Sell This
Season at $50 and $60,
now t
Suits Made to Sell This
Season at $40 and $45,
now -
Suits Made to Sell This
Season at $65 and $70,
now ........
JpTT i
Suits Made to Sell This
Season at $75 and $85,
now -
Specials from other Suppliers
1200 Men's Suits, Including Herringbone and
Tweed Golf Suits; Were $35 to $50, at
Extra Pair of Trousers with 200 Suits of Pure Worsted
Rlii f5rcr nnrl I C " E?
- e, ;, X rl i li
) w- compieie
Gimbels, Second floor, Ninth Street
Unfinished Worsted
Men's Sennit Straw Hats-$1.50
Hats that sold a short time ago for
more than half as much again. Smooth
and rough edges; good dimensions.
At $1.50.
Men's Panamas,
Bangkoks and $1 Otl ..:-.-X.:
Leghorns, any at Uf09jfy':'.:''"
Boys' and Children's J9cl0wr
Wash Hats, at HcO
Men's Outing Hats, Alpine shapes, at $2.45
I.. ..a.-"' ';'. "'J
Gimbels, First floor
v?smMWi isslj
ee9s Silk Shirts
Regularly $8.50, $10 and $12
Won't do to judge them by the sale price
1 that's just your good luck! Judge by these
fine silk shirtings
heavy satin-stripe silk jersey
heavy satin-stripe crepe de chine
heavy white silk jersey
&.. i.Tuw ncn satin-stripe sun oroaacium
"""" heavy flat-stripe silk broadcloth
they tell the qualities that go into $8.50, $10 and $12 Silk Shirts. But the
Sale Price is $5.25.
Gimbels, First floor, Ninth Street
Boys' Junior
Wash Suits
About Half Last Season's Price! ;'
Smart little suits for boys 3 to 10 years Oliver Twist. Middy and
Junior, Norfolk models; in blue Palmer Linen (cotton); white galatea
trimmed in navy or cadet; Peggy cloth, Junior cloth, fine Beach cloth.
$1.85. .
Larger Boys' Palm Beach and Panama Suits,
at $7.50 and $8.75
About half last season's prices; box-pleated or plain models; ages
to IB years.
White Duck
Norfolk Suits " $
vaiue 3iu. ai i w
Box-pleated Ages 7 to 18
Knickers at 85c
Daytonia Dcach cloth, light and
dark colors. Ages 6 to 18 years.
v J)
I ( 'ft J"
Subway Store Half Price .
Dress Sale
Misses' sizes: 16 and 18.
Women's sizes : 36 to 44.
All rich silks.
Flowered Georgettes dark, rich, gorgeous color
ings Headed Georgettes street and sports styles.
Headed Crepes de Chine, in sports styles and gay
Navy blue taffetas and crepes de chine in street
The sweetest organdies.
kmhroidered, cyclettcd cotton oiles.
And splendid ginghams checkt, of course.
Gimbels, Sbvay Store
-J- T
-Gimbels, Third floor
Subway Store Tomorrow
Men's AU-WooKt-i CA
Blue Serge Suits 1 0'ow
Formerly $30
These cool heat-resisting suits arc worth their weight
in gold as the saying is at this season of the year.
Soft roll collar.
Well made and "snappy.-" At $16.50.
Also 375 All-wool-mixed Suits in single- and double
breasted models. Mostly half and quarter silk lined These
also at $16.50.
Gimbels, Subway Store
Women s White
Shoes at
Secured these from a big shoe house at about half price.
Oxfords Pumps Colonials Ribbon Ties
Buckle Pumps
Comfortable, light flexible leather soles, also welted soles.
All sizes, 2'3 to 7, at $1.95.
Hendod Cropa d Chino,
?JJ'VC Hair Price
Pay About Half of Frices a Year Ago for
Boys' Hot-Weather Clothes
Every article is extra well made and dyed in fast colors. All
Boys' Blouses, at 55c
Boys' Wash Knee Trousers, 55c
Boys' and Girls' Blue Denim Overalls, 50c
Boys' Warh Suit, all styles. 95c
Government Khaki Norfolk Suits, $3,75
Uimbcls, biioway Store
Boys' Canvas $ qh
Sports Shoes 1 . J73
Trimmed with brown -.trap-,
and ankle patch, rubber suction
soles. All sues At $1.95.
Children's White $
Shoes, at J
High white canvas lace shoe
and lace oxfords with rubber
soles. Also leather soled pumps.
Gimbels, Subway Store
1200 Men's
Blue Chambray Shirts j
. .
livcryoiic is first quality, cut full and nicely finished.
hAcellcnt for camping, fishing or working.
rr. ,'ifi5c wW,,cet t0 ck'ar 0llt "" lilltcl1 lot- as they ar
ccrt.ui.l luuirkablc jlui.
Gimbels, Subway Store
H" I r .-.'
tf'ft"! l lllV.
fVV 1 u
i atV'tr
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