Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 14, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 11, Image 11

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f Vo.viy Propotal
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!'j.n,lhfartnt icr feet,
feth" noc,,Stomed thoBh she
I.'1" . i...-t.t..u mnmk WHS nt fl
r mum-., " . l
. . . .i.iiir'M moods. va nt n
,'"... . .1.1- ...... Un f
j2 to undcwtnnd thl accession of
l'il... .w.. .lrnr." Hhc Mid iooth
Fi vir .MtUn r.Uznbcth'B brown head.
r' PWt crr-I know nit about it.
up rto don t crj """' ,,.,.
tt. Mkcd you to mnrry him, dldn t ho,
Diocu ya don,t
rCK ou did auite. right. aW.
ivir to cry about in tnat. rrcu
ittfaM t0,,' ..i boy, but if you
Kffi 1 m you did the rlgfat thing."
W,- n't tlmt." fobbed Eliznbeth.
w? v r& Pn,d-nd iic didn,t
'W what I iwi
'Vbatl" This was cuough to sur
j, any mother.
,.v,. You know the crowd went on
Ink to B nocta-nd It wo
p ,?2hiarul I just knew something
BW?i VM"-nnd Fred mado mo go
3?M the wk. with hlm-nnd Jimmy
"SKFA k" mothcr- "Tcl1 mo
Bliiaboth told. She and Fred
l,i Mndcred out on the rocks, where
v"2 nude a long path on the lake.
Krc "Cl "had tjild her that he
K, and wanted to marry her.
Sfi oh mother, dear Jimmy Davis
out there, tool Ho had strolled
St tlonc, and when ho naw us coming
v. tried to get away but he heard
) irfSySe, "and then he left. He
J. didn't know I aw him, but I did
"j all the time Fred wns talking I
Sttldn't help thinking of J inmy and
S?nhen 1 said 'NV I looked around
nd Jimmy was gonel'
'Well, I don't sec whnt's so tragic
"f'Ob. mother, Jimmy's going to Eu
ro,. tomorrow for six months. Ho
Mlla in the morning. And, mother, I
S?Sm! Dut if that horrid Fred
Sdn't been so so persistent I'm sure
JtamT would have spoken, nnd now it's
tonMiei rtnu ouraucui nuuuwu (,.
"There, there, daughter, don't cry.
Uwill all come right." And her mothcr
tied to console her. But Elizabeth
ni inconiolablc. So her mother wisely
kft ber to have her cry out nnd do
ended the stairs, thinking hard.
She had known of Elizabeth's nffec
Hon for Jimmy Davis for a long time,
ud had seen that Jimmy returned, tli"
f!lnr; but he was n quiet man, nnd
Mt an Impetuous wooer. He had waited
tm the last moment to speak of this
lie wu sure while Fred Stanhope hud
tside the most of hin chances. Fred
vu, as she had said, a 'nice boy, but
Elizabeth did not love him, and there
Vie no doubt that she did love Jimmy.
The light of determination came into
Jin, 8blrley's eyes and a smile wrin
kled the corners of her mouth. "I
don't suppose It's ever been done be
fore," fhe paid to herself. "But des
erate diseases need desperate reme
lei. And, after all, In this modern
Ice, I don't suppose it's so tremen
dously bad let's sec. what time it is?"
The party had returned enrly from
lie picnic. A glanec at the clock
o. wnatr ioi nt nil, uc nsKcu
a, nnd she refused and she's up
crying her cj'ei out now don t
I'm crazy. If a mothcr can't
showed that it wns onlr 11:30.
Shirley went "to the tcVphonc.
"Hello Park 2017, plcusc,
"Hello let mo speak to
"This jou, Jimmy? Mrs. Shirley
"Yes, It is a nlco night but that
Isn't What I wanted to say. Now listen
to me nnd don't interrupt. Do you love
my daughter?"
The nnswer thnt camo over the wire
waK cmphntlc enough to have sntls
fled the most pnrtlcmar of mothers.
"Well, then, romo up here nnd tell
her so. What? Not nt nil. He nsked
her to
Iiero cry
think I'm crnzv
do the nroDoslne for her dnuizlitcr. I
don't know who cult. No, Jimmy of
course not. I think I won't say I'm
wire that she loves you. I'lrnsc don't
go Into ecstasies over the phone.
wnnted to give my Betty her chnnce
nt hnpnlness, that's all listen 1 Listen 1
Come back here I Before you come up,
Jimmy Duvls, give me your solemn
word of honor that jou'll never let
Betty know not ever that I called
you up tonight. Oh, fix up any sort
of story if ft lover ran't explain why
he came back to tell a girl he loves
her he's n pretty poor lover yes, she'll
be up when you get here yes
Good-by Jimmy and God bless you!"
Mrs. Shirley hung up the receiver.
"Well!" she apostrophized the silent
telephone. , "I never thought I'd do it
but Jimmy must hnvc his chnnce,
nnd so must my Betty but n mothcr
dolii3 her own daughter's proposing
that is n step farther thnn I thought
even lenp-jcor privileges would go
and, good heavens 1 it is Isn't even leap
year I"
Outside there was the whirr and
grind of a tnxlcab coming to a hnlt.
Steps Hounded on tho wnlk. The bell
pealed nnd n sleepy innid went to
answer It.
"Show Mr. Davis Into the living
room, Mary," said Mrs. Shirley ns she
passed the timid. Then she ran lightly
up the stairs.
"Betty Betty dear?"
"Y-yes, mother?" from the other side
of tho door.
"Betty, dry your eyes nnd look your
prettiest. There's some one downstairs
who wants to see you.
"What? But it's so late."
Mrs. Shirley smiled In the darkness,
"It's never too late, dear. Now, run
alone and cood-nlcht. my daughter."
Hetty hurried down the stairs. The
door of tho living room opened nnd
ciosea ngam. .urs. snmcy, stiu smii
ing, went to her room.
"No," she soliloquized. "It's never
too late with n good proxy."
Next Comploto Novelette "For a Day"
Sandals & Play Oxfords
The Famous Geuting
Double -wear kind
The great outdoor play
ea8on finds Geuting's
with the only adequate
stock of ioal play shoos in
townat prices no lusher
than ordinary kinds. You
Pay nothing extra for the
scientifically correct, foot
teyeloplng: "Shoor-Trcd"
Sizes 4 to 8,
Sizes 62 to II, $0.65
Sizes 1 1 Yi to 2, $0.85
Growing Girls' Dress Pumps
and Sport Oxfords
Now $g.90
(phomouncid orriNo)
llh Stortt of rtxmom ShapTD
(Shoe, and Stocking' for All the Family)
1 U
Happy Vacation Dresses at $3.75 to
$37 50 in Wanamaker' s Down Stairs Store
Flesh-Pink Silk Dresses
$15 to $25
Pretty styles to wear in tho evenings of one's
vacation. Beaded pink Georgottcs are surprisingly
attractive at $15. Canton crepe in pink starts at
$25. Crepe do chine is $20 upward.
Black and Navy Silk Dresses
$25 to $37.50
Simple, well-mado frocks with the nice distinc
tion thnt creates the impression of good taste on
the part of the wearer. Among them are the
three fnvorite crepes, Georgette, Canton and crepo
dc cmne.
Probably right now there are a full
thousand different styles of hot-weather
dresses here at prices starting as low as
$3.75. It would take too long to count them
all, but one can see easily the astonishing
variety. White and colors, dark and light.
Silks and cottons and linens. Something
for everybody's vacation.
White Organdies $15 to $25
Charmingly simple frocks with narrow ruffles,
wide tucks and hems, short sleeves and low necks.
Deliciously cool and "girl-like" nnd mostly in
sizes 14 to 18.
White Voile Dresses, $11.50
Theso have good lines for the more mature
figure, and voile docs not wrinkle easily.
Pretty Cotton Frocks
$3.75 to $15
Voile, organdie and gingham frocks. Sizes for
everybody. Whatever colors one likes. Hundreds
of styles arranged on plainly price-ticketed racks
so they can be chosen with tho utmost freedom.
Extra-Size Dresses, $5 to $25
Women who wear sizes 43',4 to 53f will find
pleasantly cool dresses in both dark and light,
colors. Mostly of foulard-printed voile, simple or
elaborato in style.
First Peep at Autumn Frocks
What are the dress authorities planning fojr
Autumn? Here is the first inkling. Tricotino,
crepo satin, Canton crepe, crepe do cnino, in navy
bluo and black. Prices start at $22.60.
A Few Hand-Made French
Dresses Marked Down to $10
Nearly half and less than half the early season
prices. All show marks of handling nnd the sizes
are broken. . Mostly 14 to 18.
White Silk Dresses, $15 to $25
Dainty white crepe do chine frocks with three
tier pleated skirts as sketched are $15. Georgette
dresses are $20 upward. Cool Canton crepe frocks
in white are ?zo.
Center Aisle
Fashionably Comfortable Shoes for Women
$4, $5.40, $6.40, $6.90
Some shoes are fashionable. Some shoes are comfortable. The Wanamaker Down
Stairs Store, however, is said by its customers to have shoes BOTH fashionable and com
fortable. The 3hoes sketched speak their own style and moderate price. But it is when
they are examined, tried on and actually worn that they are most eloquent.
Tan Oxfords and strap sports pumps at
Dark brown strap pumps or imitation
wing-tip Oxfords at $5.40.
White canvas strap pumps trimmed with
brown leather at $6.90.
White canvas Oxfords at $6.40.
White leather strap pumps with low heels
at $6.40.
White leather Oxfords with ball straps at
$6.90 $6.40 $6.40 $5.40 $5.40 $4
Women's California
Bathing Suits
Lowered to $1
Black knitted cotton trimmed with white! Low
ered in price because sizes are broken, but there is
good choosing.
Gingham- Trimmed
Suits Lowered to $5
Young girls, especially, like
those suits of black surf satin
trimmed with plaid gingham.
Surf Satin Bathing
Suits, $3.25 to $5.75
"Whnt wonderful variety! I
hnrdly know which to choose!" i
That has been heard more I
than once in the Surf Store, j
nnd no wonder. Ruffled suits,
straight-lino suits, suits with j
waistlines, suits with shoulder i
straps and suits with sleeves!
But, all such good-looking i
suits that it i3 easy to under- '
stand difficulty in selection, i
37.50 is tho new low price on
suits of navy and black poplin
(gleaming silk-and-cotton that
does not 'cling) trimmed with
white, green or blue.
$1.75 for all-wool knitted
bathing suit3 in black and
Extra-Size Suits at $5
This is a low price for extra
size suits of good blnck surf
satin, mado with particular
care in n style that largo
women prefer. Sizes 48 to 52.
All-wool tights in sizes 48
to 52 are $3.75.
Shoes, caps and tights are
available at low prices in the
Surf Store.
Coats and Wraps Have Lost Their
Earlier Prices
Now $5, $10, $16.50, $20
t.very vacationist needs a
coat of somo kind. If she can
get what she needs at $3 won't
she consider herself lucky?
These $5 coats are of wool
jersey in youthful sports
length and belted just a little
warmer nnd a trifle moro
"formal" than sweaters.
Conservative Coats
at $10
kinds that tho quiet sister
or mother will want. Either
blue or black wool jersey or
sergo in three-qunrter length.
A few capes among them.
Coats and Wraps
at $16.50
Practical sports coats of col
ored tweed that have been re
duced from our own stocks.
Mostly in rose, green, tan,
brown, gray and taupe.
Also at $10,50 a special pur
chaso of graceful wraps of taf
feta, satin nnd tricolette in
dark colors.
Mountain and Seashore
Coats, $20
Heavier, moro durnblo sorts
for wear "until lato Autumn.
Plaid tweeds, velour, serge and
Only ono of a kind.
t r ,
J-nrH t"VtJp"
Slimmer Sflk
We, 95e
Three standard silks woven in
Oriental countries for wear dur
ing just such weather as We are
having in Philadelphia.
Japanese Shantung, nntural
color, 33 inches wide, all-silk, 95c
Chinese pongee, naturnl color,
33 inches wide, nil-silk, 95c yard.
Japanese hnbutai, in cool
vhito, 35 inches wide, all-silk,
95c yard.
Real Irish Lace
Collars, Special
Exquisite collars, 21 to 26
inches Jong nnd 4 inches wide. It
is a good idea to get an extra
collar from which to make cuffs.
That gives one a real Irish set
for $5.80 that ordinarily would bn
very much more.
Collars of filet lace in pretty
patterns aie $1.50 to $2.75. Sets
are $2.25 to S3.50.
Many real lace collars nro
being worn with sweaters nnd
with dotted Swiss frocks.
Dainty Hand-Made
Blouses From
Porto Rico, $2.90
Another shipment just opened
brings them fresh and smiling!
These attractive models of silky
white batiste have roll and tuxedo
collars nnd vest fronts the styles
most wanted to wear with sports
coats and sweaters. Every stitch
is done by hand nnd they show
much hemstitching nnd drawn
work as well as hand-embroidered
Women's Pretty
Two-Piece Pajamas.
First time we've seen them nt
this low price. Of soft pink ba
tiste, the slip-on coat Is shirred
and stitched with blue, while the
trousers havo clastic at the waist
and deep ankle ruffles.
600 Summer
Nightgowns, 75c
Really nice ones soft and cool
of pink or white batiste finished
with neat blue stitching nnd shir
ring. Good Toilet Articles
at Little Prices
One-pound cans of fragrant
talcum powder, 18c can. Assorted
Other talcums in well-known
brands, 18c to 25c can.
Cold cream is 12c for a tube to
45c for a good-sized jar.
Pure bath soap in desirable
odors, 5c, 7c, 10c cake.
Bath Sprays, 75c
Five-foot sprays of excellent
white rubber with largo spray
Charming Summer
50c to $1.25
Crisp organdie, lace and net
and pretty eyelet material made
into vestees with collars are 50c
to $1.25.
Collar and cuff sets nnd sepa
rate collars are 50c to $1.25; de
lightful styles, plain or lace
White Organdie
Sashes, 50c and $1
50c sashes are 2 yards long
with nently hemstitched ends. $1
ones are of finer qunlity with
hemstitched or ruffled ends. Any
one of them would be the proper
finishing touch to a Summer
frock. t
Big Garden Hats
Yes, another lot of this popular
style of hat has just come in.
Shiny pineapple-finished straw,
this time in black, navy, Harding
blue, brown and pink.
Bandeaux and
Brassieres Lowered
to 50c
Many nre slightly mussed from
handling so prices have como
down. All kinds nnd sizes in the
lot. Pink and white, plain or lace
Play Dresses for
Little Girls, 65c, $1
65c styles are of sturdy cham
bray with gingham collars, cuffs
and pockets.
$1 dresses are becoming high
waist styles of chambray, checked
gingham, tan linene, or dainty
flowered lawn.
2 to 5 year sizes. All cost more
until today!
44-Inch Voile Less Than
Half Price at 30c Yard
When we say half price we mean that this airy fabric
is less than half our own 1921 price for similar quality. It
comes in violet, turquoise, cadet, pale blue, peach, gray,
maize, rose, and will make ideal frocks for almost no cost.
Bien Jolie Corsets
Half Price at $2.50
n- S iili? corS(5is rc ..a fne tyP0-, Only the best materials
are used in them and tho cutting is most skillfully done. Each Men
J olio corset has six hoao supporters and is properly lnccd, icady to
JJUli Oil
Five Models
Among them nie cornets suitable for all typos of figure, from
the slender to the stout. They are of pink or white couti s and
broches m light weights, nil fresh, dainty and new.
Bolivia among them.
Doris Petticoats, $1 to $5.50
What a boon to women and girls who woar light frocks! Those
petticoats have hems thnt aie 22 inches deep and no double panels nor
extra potticoats are needed. Tho hems are finished with hemstitching
and the petticoats have olastic at the waists.
ei KnPinlfumI vhite Anntist? ,nt ?l!, ,whit0 batisto of finer quality at
$1.50; white sateen at $3; pink or white tub silk at $3.75; pink or white
satin at $5.50.
Special at $15and$20
Think of a good, nicely tailored all-wool suit
for $15!
More than that, see one! Wear onet Realize
that it is possible.
These have all been more in our own stocks and
are thoroughly up to the Wanamaker standard.
The suits in both groups are of all-wool cheviots in
gray, brown and green mixtures, half lined and
Also, a few blue serges, mostly in the larger sizes,
at 515.
All sizes from 34 to 42 in the lot, but not in
every pattern.
Silk Foulard Ties at 25c
That's a story in itself and the ties are worth
running for!
A wide choice of dots and figures. Plenty of
black, navy and'brown grounds and all popular shades,
including the white polka-dotted ties that so many men
are wearing.
No need to tell any man who likes to wear what
other men are wearing the usual prices of silk foulard
tieS ! (duller-, Market)
2400 Pair of Men's
Half Hose, Special
Black and cordovan fine-gauge
half hose of highly mercerized
cotton would be twico thU price if
they were "firsts." As it is, the
"seconds" mean slight imperfec
tions that are scarcely noticeable.
Tho feet are well re-enforced.
(OaUrrr, Market)
Men's Light-Weight
Special, 50c
It is tho exceptionally soft qual
ity and fine gauge of the cotton
that makes these shirts and
drawers remarkable. The shirts
havo short sleeves and tho
drawers are ankle length. Both
are carefully finished. Very
slight imperfections make them
"seconds" nnd thereby cut the
price in half.
(Gnllcry, .Market)
Men and Boys Will Want
These Shoes!
Men's sports shoes nt $6.40 are of white leather with full wing
tips and rubber soles and heels.
Men's oxfords at $5.76 are of black nnd tan calfskin or durable
cordovan. Both brogues and medium toe shapes in this very special
group. Not nil sizes, but nearly all.
Men's and boys' tennis oxfords and shoes at $2 to $3.75 include
all-white, nil-brown and white or brown leather trimmed with canvas.
Sizes from smnll to big 11.
Boys' shoes at $3.90 to $5.60 include dark tan leather In brogue
or medium-toe shapes and straight lace or Blucher stylo. Sizes 1
to 5.
(Market Street Gallery)
Great Big Suitcases
at $7.50
The kind that men like; that's the best recommendation
we know. Made of black dull fabrikoid that looks like leather.
Well re-onforced with leather corners and strong leather straps
all nround. The straps fasten with buckles and there are good
locks nnd side catches. Lined with tan linene and having shirt
folds and leather straps inside as well.
24 and 26 inchos long and 8 inches deep, which is an Inch
deeper than the average.
Black Enamel Suitcases
18 and 20 inch, $3.85 to $10
24 and 26 inch. $5 to $10
Well made, strong and good looking, they nre ideal vaca
tion suitcases.
Traveling bags of brown or black cowhide, 18
inches, are $8.50 to $18.
New Baronet Satin Hats
$3o85 and $5
Here they arc what so many women nnd girls have been wait
ing for gleaming hats of baronet! Lovely in the twilight, or nt
any time of day, especially at the seashore!
In white, pink and rose, various .shapes and trimmed in scores
of different ways, they look like spun candy and it is a temptation
to try to eat them!
White felt hats, stitched with wool, aie inexpensive at $3.85.
Vivid Felt Hats, $5
Most delightful vogue in quite a whilo! The colors are hunter's
green, king's blue, French blue, gray, lavender, hmoko blue, black,
white and so on. Dashing narrow feathers, striking wool embioidery
and something that looks like black patent leather are fitting finish
ing touches. (Slurket)
Milanese Silk Gloves
Re-priced $1.25 and $1.50
92 na.irs of 12-button-longth gloves nro now marked down
to $1.25, and 16-button-length gloves to $1.50.
Original prices wore a third more.
They are our own fine Wanamaker standard gloves of beautiful
Milanese silk and this is the first price reduction of the season.
White, black, beaver and pongee. Paris point stitched backs,
kacn one double finger-tipped. Each one cut to fit nnd mado to
wear with pleasant satisfaction.
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